HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031014Application.pdfBEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN AND FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO In Re The Application of Granite Telecommunications, LLC For a Certificate of Public Convenience and )Necessity, Docket Number: C R N~. -rtJ ~-eJ) Applicant. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION COMES NOW the Applicant Granite Telecommunications, LLC , (" Applicant" to petition the Public Utilities Commission ("Commission) for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity pursuant to the laws of the State of Idaho and the rules and regulations of the Commission. PROPOSED SERVICES Applicant proposes to provide facilities-based and resold local exchange services primarily to business customers throughout the entire State of Idaho. Applicant will provide service mainly utilizing Unbundled Network Elements Platform (UNE-P) leased or purchased from Qwest Communications and Verizon. Applicant does not presently have plans to build any facilities of its own in the State of Idaho, but does not foreclose the possibility of constructing such facilities in the future. Applicant is not currently providing any services within the State ofldaho. FORM OF BUSINESS Applicant is a privately held Limited Liability Company formed under the laws of the State of Delaware on April 1 , 2002. The address of Applicant's headquarters is: Granite Telecommunications, LLC 234 Copeland Street Quincy, MA 02169Telephone: (617) 847-1500 (866) 847-1500 Toll Free (866) 847-5500 Toll Free Facsimile: (617) 847-0931 Web Address: www.granitenetcom Applicant, organized as a Limited Liability Company, has members rather than the traditional officers, directors, or shareholders found in corporations. Applicant's members are: Robert T. Hale, Sf., Member/Chairman obert T. Hale, Jr., Member/President/CEO 234 Copeland Street 34 Copeland Street Quincy, MA 02169 uincy, MA 02169 Telephone:(617) 847-1500 elephone:(617) 847-1500 (866) 847-1500 Toll Free (866) 847-1500 Toll Free (866) 847-5500 Toll Free (866) 847-5500 Toll Free Facsimile:(617) 847-0931 acsimile:(617) 847-0931 Rand Currier, MemberNice President Granitel, Inc., Member Operations 34 Copeland Street 234 Copeland Street uincy, MA 02169 Quincy, MA 02169 elephone:(617) 847-1500 Telephone:(617) 847-1500 (866) 847-1500 Toll Free (866) 847-1500 Toll Free (866) 847-5500 Toll Free (866) 847-5500 Toll Free acsimile:(617) 847-0931 Facsimile:(617) 847-0931 Though not required in the application package, attached hereto as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of Applicant's management team biography. Applicant does not maintain offices in the State of Idaho. Applicant is certified and is in good standing with the State of Idaho to conduct business within the State of Idaho as a foreign business entity. Attached hereto as Exhibit B is a true and correct copy of Applicant's certificate issued by the Secretary of State of the State ofldaho. Applicant's registered agent in the State ofldaho is: National Registered Agents, Inc. 1423 Tyrell Lane Boise, ID 83706 III TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES Applicant will be purchasing or leasing UNE-P from one or more Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, such as Verizon and Qwest Communications. Thus, Applicant does not intend or anticipate construction of facilities at this time. At the time of execution of this application, Applicant has made a request for interconnection with Qwest Communications, but has not entered into any interconnection agreement or other agreement to begin telecommunications services within the State ofldaho. Applicant will provide services primarily to business consumers.Applicant proposes to offer all forms of local exchange service, including but not limited to the following services: Local Exchange Services (1.Local Exchange Services for business and residence customers that will enable customers to originate and terminate local calls in the local calling area served by the ILECs; Switched local exchange services, including basic service, trunks carrier access, and any other switched local services that currently exist or will exist in the future; CENTREX and/or CENTREX-like services that currently exist or will exist in the future; Operator assistance and directory assistance (via its underlying carriers); and (2. (3. (4. (4.Digital subscriber line, ISDN, and other high capacity line servIces. SERVICE TERRITORY Applicant proposes initially to offer its services in the service areas currently served by Qwest Communications and Verizon. In the future, Applicant may compete with all incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) within the State ofldaho specifically, ATC Communications, Cambridge Telephone Company, CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc. Frontier Communications of Idaho, Direct Communications Rockland, Inc., Fremont Telcom, Inc., Inland Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Exchange, Inc., Oregon- Idaho Utilities, Inc., Pine Telephone System, Inc., Potlatch Telephone Company, Rural Telephone Company, Silver Star Communications and Teton Telecom. Applicant does not own any tangible property or premises in the State of Idaho. FINANCIAL INFORMAITON Attached hereto as Exhibit C is a true and correct copy of Applicant's financial information. The information in Exhibit C should be sufficient to demonstrate that the financial strength of the Applicant is adequate to enable Applicant to provide and maintain service in the State of Idaho.Applicant's financial statements contain proprietary information and are filed under seal accordingly. TARIFF FILINGS Attached hereto as Exhibit D is a true and correct copy of Applicant's proposed tariff. The tariff contemplates local and interexchange service offerings as Applicant also has filed a notice of intent to provide resold interexchange service. VII CUSTOMER CONTACTS Applicant's designated responsible contact director for customer service issues is: Mr. Paul Stutzman Customer Service Manager Granite Telecommunications, LLC 234 Copeland Street Quincy, Massachusetts 02169Telephone: (617) 847-1500 (866) 847-1500 (Toll Free) (866) 847-5500 (Toll Free) (617) 847-0931 pstutzman(Q?grani tenet. com www.granitenetcom Facsimile: Email: Website: Applicant's designated state regulatory contact director is: Mf. Geoff Cookman Regulatory Affairs and Carrier Relations Granite Telecommunications, LLC 234 Copeland Street Quincy, Massachusetts 02169Telephone: (617) 847-1500 (866) 847-1500 (Toll Free) (866) 847-5500 (Toll Free) (617) 847-0931 gcoo kman(Q?grani tenet com www.granitenetcom Facsimile: Emai1: Website: Correspondence regarding this Application should be addressed to Applicant' consultant: Stacey A. Klinzman Miller Isar, Inc. 7901 Skansie Avenue, Suite 240 Gig Harbor, W A 98335 Telephone: (253) 851-6700 Facsimile: (253) 851-6474 Email: siohnson(Q?millerisaf.com Website: www.millerisar.com VIII INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS As of the date of execution of this application, Applicant has made a request for interconnection with Qwest Communications Corporation, but has not yet completed negotiations. COMPLIANCE WITH COMMISSION RULES Applicant, and its designated personnel, have reviewed the rules and regulations of the Commission and affirm their commitment to abide by all terms and conditions thereof. ESCROW ACCOUNT OR SECURITY BOND Applicant will not collect deposits or advance payments from its customers. Therefore, no escrow account or bonded escrow agent is necessary. Applicant seeks Commission approval of certification without bond or deposit, based upon financial ability disclosed in Exhibit C. (SIGNATURE NEXT PAGE) CONCLUSION WHEREFORE based upon the foregoing,Applicant Granite Telecommunications, LLC, respectfully requests that the Public Utilities Commission in and for the State of Idaho approve and grant it a certification to provide resold and facilities based local exchange service in the State of Idaho. DATED THIS -3- day of ~1"M ~C:A/2003. GRANITE TELECOMMUNICATIONS, LLC ALE, JR., President 234 Copeland Street Quincy, Massachusetts 02169Telephone: (617) 847-1500 (866) 847-1500 (Toll Free) (866) 847-5500 (Toll Free) (617) 847-0931Facsimile: AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT T. HALE JR. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ) ss. COUNTY OF NORFOLK ROBERT T. HALE JR.duly sworn upon oath, deposes and declares: (1.I am a member of Applicant Granite Telecommunications, LLC, and the authorized individual with Applicant to execute this application, am over the age of eighteen (18) years, have personal knowledge of the matters contained herein, and am competent to testify and affirm thereto; (2.I have reviewed the information contained in this application, and affirm that the same is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief; (3.I certify that Applicant Granite Telecommunications, LLC, will abide by all rules and regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. ER . ALE JR.President ranite Telecommunications, LLC 234 Copeland Street Quincy, Massachusetts 02169 Telephone: (617) 847-1500 (866) 847-1500 (Toll Free) (866) 847-5500 (Toll Free) (617) 847-0931Facsimile: SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME TH~S -L ~y 2003. BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN AND FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO In Re The Application of Granite Telecommunications, LLC For a Certificate of Public Convenience and )Necessity, Applicant. ) Docket Number EXHIBITS Exhibit Item MANAGEMENT TEAM BIOGRAPHIES SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATION FINANCIAL INFORMATION ILLUSTRATIVE TARIFF EXHIBIT A MANAGEMENT TEAM BIOGRAPHIES GRANITE TELECOMMUNICATIONS, LLC SENIOR MANAGEMENT BIOGRAPHIES Robert Hale Jr., President/Chief Executive Officer Robert Hale, Jr. is the co-founder, president, and chief executive officer of Granite Telecommunications, LLC. Mf. Hale gained previous experience in telecommunications sales through his positions at MCI, US Telecenters (a reseller ofNYNEX) and Network Plus, Inc. before he co-founded Granite Telecommunications. Rob has been recognized by industry publications for his leadership in new technologies and was named to the Top 30 of the Most Influential People in Telecom by Phone + Magazine in November 1999. Rob is also very actively involved with the Big Brother Foundation and Make-A- Wish Foundation of Greater Boston. Robert Hale, Sf., Chairman of the Board Robert Hale has over thirty-five years of experience in telecommunications, domestics and importing industries. Prior to co-founding Granite Telecommunications, LLC, Mf. Hale co-founded Network Plus, Inc. and served as its Chairman of the Board of Directors from 1990 to 2002. He is a founding member of the Telecommunications Resellers Association, now known as the Association of Communications Enterprises, served as chairman of its Carrier Committee, since 1993, and served as chairman of its board from 1995 to 1997. Mr. Hale was president of Hampshire Imports, the original importer of Laura Ashley Women s Wear to the US and a manufacturer of exclusive women apparel, from 1968 to 1992. Rand Currier, Chief Operating Officer Rand Currier has over fifteen years experience in telecommunications. Mf. Currier previously worked at Network Plus, Inc. from 1998 to 2002, ending his tenure as Senior Vice President of Operations and Wholesale. Rand was with Sprint International/Global One from 1988 to 1998 directing project management teams on Asia/Pacific ventures and large USA projects. Mr. Currier holds an M.A degree in finance and international business from The American University and a B.S. degree from HLC, both with Honors. Geoff Cookman, Director, Regulatory Affairs and Carrier Relations Geoff Cookman has 10 years of experience in the competitive communications industry. Mr. Cookman most recently served as the Director of Cost of Access for Network Plus Inc. Mr. Cookman s areas of experience include, Access Cost Management, Contract Negotiation and Carrier Relations, Network Planning and Engineering, Network Maintenance and Repair, State and Federal Regulatory Affairs, Pricing and Product Management, Sales and Customer Support, DMS Switch Engineering and Translations Communications Taxes and Credit/Collections Management. Mf. Cookman holds a B. degree from Norwich University. Paul Stutzman, Vice President of Operations Paul Stutzman has over 15 years of experience in the telecommunications industry. Paul Stuztman has worked with MCI from 1988-1990 and Network Plus from 1990 to 2002 recently serving as Director of Network Services. Mr. Stutzman has extensive experience in the areas of network planning and provisioning, including network capacity management, DMS engineering, long distance backbone development, LSR/ ASR/ ASOG service, telcordia standards and product management. Mf. Stutzman holds a B.S. degree from Plymouth State College, NH. EXHIBIT B SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATION 253 . APPLICA TION FOR REGISTRA TION OF FOREIGN LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (Instructions on back of application) 'lED r~'::CTIV r::3 AUG -.s Pr;j 2: 28 SEC;(tTt\f?r' 1)1-- STATE STATE b~- !DAHO 1. The name of the limited liability company is: Granite Telecommunications, LLC 2. If the name of the limited liability company is not permissible or is not available in Idaho the name the foreign limited liability company will use in Idaho is: 3. The jurisdiction under whose laws the limited liability company is organized is: and the date of its formation was: 4/1/2002 Delaware 4. The name and address of the registered agent in Idaho is: National Registered Agents, Inc., 1423 Tyrell Lane, Boise, Idaho 83706 5. The address of the limited liability company s office in the jurisdiction under whose laws it is organized is: c/o Corporate Systems, Inc., 101 North Fairfield Drive, Dover, DE 19901-5720 6. The address of the limited liability company s principal office, if other than the address in #5 above, is: 234 Copeland Street, Quincy, MA 02169 7. The address to which correspondence should be addressed is: 234 Copeland Street, Quincy, MA 02169 8. Signature of a manager, if any, or a member if there are no managers. Signature Robert . Jr" - Member l ~E gj.!2 ~0 . --' "--' '" ~ '",.j)r.",~, Secretary of State use only Typed Name Manager 0 Member 0 IDAHO SECRETARY OF STATE/05/2003 05. 1 C~:l~791 CT: 135345 00: I: CICI.88 = 188.88 REGFORGLLCl' 28.88 = 28.88 EXPEDITE C : ~ W;L6b~5 EXHIBIT C FIN AN CIAL INFO RMA TI 0 N PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Applicant considers its financial information to be proprietary and confidential. The data contained in these documents reveal the size nature, and scope of Applicant's business and financial operations to competitors and potential competitors. Therefore, the Applicant requests that the Commission treat Applicant's Balance Sheets and Income Statements as proprietary, to maintain the confidentiality of the data contained therein. Applicant's financial information is submitted under protective seal, accordingly. EXHIBIT D PROPOSED TARIFF Granite Telecommunicatiohu, LLC J.uaho PUC Price List No. I Original Title Sheet GRANITE TELECOMMUNICATIONS, LLC Schedule of GENERAL REGULATIONS FOR EXCHANGE SERVICES Applying to the Local Exchange and Interexchange Services and Facilities of this Company in the State ofldaho This tariff contains the descriptions, regulations, and rates applicable to the furnishing of telecommunications services provided by Granite Telecommunications, Inc. ("Granite ") within the State of Idaho. This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Commission ). Copies may be inspected during normal business hours at the Company principal place of business: 234 Copeland Street, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169. Issued: October 8 , 2003 Issued By: Effective Date: Robert T. Hale, Jr. Granite Telecommunications, Inc. 234 Copeland Street Quincy, Massachusetts 02169 (617) 847-1500 Granite Telecommunication~, LLC CHECK SHEET .L\.1aho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet Number The Title Sheet and Sheets 1 through 94 inclusive of this tariff are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective Sheet(s). Original and revised sheets as named below comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this page. Sheet No.Sheet Version Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Sheet No.Sheet Version Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Issued: October 8, 2003 Issued By:Robert T. Hale, Jr. Granite Telecommunications, Inc. 234 Copeland Street Quincy, Massachusetts 02169 (617) 847-1500 Effective Date: Granite Telecommunication;', LLC Sheet No. CHECK SHEET Continued Sheet Version Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Sheet No. ll.laho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet Number Sheet Version Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Issued: October 8, 2003 Issued By:Robert T. Hale, Jr. Granite Telecommunications, Inc. 234 Copeland Street Quincy, Massachusetts 02169 (617) 847-1500 Effective Date: Granite Telecommunications, LLC lllaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet Number T ABLE OF CONTENTS Subject Matter Sheet Number Title Page .......................................................................................................................... Title Check Sheet .........................................................,............................................................... Table of Contents................................................................................................................. Application of Price list ....................................................................................................... Symbols..................................................""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"....................... Contact Information............................................................................................................. SECTION 1.0 - DEFINITIONS SECTION 2.0 - REGULATIONS 1. Undertaking of the Company................................................................................... . 2. Shortage of Equipment or Facilities ......................................................................... 3. Selection of Transmission............................................... .......................................... 2.4. Notification of Service-Affecting Activities............................................... ...... ...... .. 5. Provision of Equipment and Facilities................. .................................. ................ ...17 6. Terms and Conditions ..............................................................,................................ 7. Non-Routine Installation and Special Construction ................................................. 8. Ownership of Facilities. ........................................................................................... . 9. Rights-of-Way........................................................................................................... 10. Liability Of The Company...................................................................................... .. 11. Liability Of The Customer..................................................................................... ... 12. Conflicts Between Price List and Commission Rules .............................................. 13. Allowances for Interruptions in Service ................................................................... 14. Obligations of the Customer ..................................................................................... 15. Prohibited Uses........................................................................................................ . 16. Payments ".......................................,......................................................................... 17. Taxes , Charges and Fees......................................................................................... .. 18. Deposits..................................................................................................................... 19. Refusal or Termination of Services.............. ............................................................44 20. Restoration of Service....................................................... ........................................ 21. Assignment """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""................................................. 22. Promotions............................................................................................................... . 23. E-911......................................................................................................................... 24. Public Notice............................................................................................................. Issued: October 8 , 2003 Issued By: Effective Date: Robert T. Hale, Jr. Granite Telecommunications, Inc. 234 Copeland Street Quincy, Massachusetts 02169 (617) 847-1500 Granite Telecommunications, LLC lllaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet Number T ABLE OF CONTENTS Continued Subject Matter Sheet Number SECTION 3.0 - LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES AND RATES 3.1 General..................................................................................................................... . 2. Local Exchange Service Rates............ ............"...................................................... .. 3 .1. Qwest Service Area..................................................................................... .. Northern Idaho LATA 676 ............................................................ A. Individual Line Flat Rate Service ............................................ B. Individual Line Measured Rate Service................................... C. Individual Line Budget Rate Service....................................... D. PBX Trunk Flat Rate Service .................................................. E. Direct Inward Dialing (DID) ................................................... F. Measured Local Usage............................................................. G. Regulatory Charges.................................................................. H. Directory Assistance ...........................................,.................... I. Order Charges .......................................................................... J. Premises Visit Charge.............................................................. K. All Services.............................................................................. L. MTS Rates ............................................................................... M. Surcharges................................................................................ N. Toll Restrictions ..................... .............. .................. ................. . O. Directory Services.................................................................... Issued: October 8, 2003 Issued By: Effective Date: Robert T. Hale, Jf. Granite Telecommunications, Inc. 234 Copeland Street Quincy, Massachusetts 02169 (617) 847-1500 Granite Telecommunicatiol1.., LLC luaho PUC Price List No. Original Sheet Number T ABLE OF CONTENTS Continued Subject Matter Sheet Number SECTION 3.0 - LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES AND RATES Continued 2. Local Exchange Service Rates..... ....................."......................................... Continued 3 .1. Qwest Service Area..... ..................................................................... Continued Southern Idaho LATA 652 ............................................................ A. Individual Line Flat Rate Service ............................................ B. Individual Line Measured Rate Service................................... C. PBX Trunk Flat Rate Service .................................................. D. PBX Trunk Measured Rate Service......................................... E. Direct Inward Dialing (DID) ................................................... F. Measured Local Usage............................................................. G. Regulatory Charges.................................................................. H. Directory Assistance............................................................... . I. Order Charges .......................................................................... J. Premises Visit Charge.............................................................. K. All Services.............................................................................. L. Custom Ringing ....................................................................... M. Package Plans (Three Features) ............................................... N. Package Plans (Four Features)................................................. O. CUSTOM CHOICE.......................................... ........................ P. SMARTSET............................................................................. Q. SMARTSET PLUS...... ........... ................................................ . R. V ALUECHOICE ..................................................................... S. PrivacyPak ..........................................................,.................... T. Per-Use Features ..............................,....................................... U. MTS Rates ............................................................................... V. Toll Restrictions....................................................................... W. Surcharges................................................................................ 2. Verizon Service Area.................................................................................... 70 1. Basic Service....... ........................................................................... 70 2. Community Service ....................................................................... Direct Inward Dialing (DID) ......................................................... 4. Com. Plus Service.......................................................................... 5. Premium Service............................................................................ 6. Community Plus............................................................................. 3 .7. Other Charges................................................................................ 7 8 8. Features .......................................................................................... Vertical Features (VF) ............................................................... .... 2.2.9. Message Toll Service Rates......................................................... .. 10. Directory Listing............................................................................ 83 Issued: October 8 , 2003 Effective Date:Issued By: Robert T. Hale, Jf. Granite Telecommunications, Inc. 234 Copeland Street Quincy, Massachusetts 02169 (617) 847-1500