HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090914Petition to Extend Time.pdf-Jc:z-(J-~o .. Conley Ward (Idaho State Bar # 1683) Cyntha A. Melilo (Idaho State Bar # 5819) GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 Banock Street, Suite 200 P.O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 RECE 0 2009 SEP '4 PH 4: f 4 Attorneys for Idaho Telecom Allance BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ANNAL REVISION OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND SURCHARGES TO BECOME EFFECTIV OCTOBER 1,2009 Case No. GNR- T -09-05 Order No. 30894 PETITION T6 EXTEND TIME TO FILE WREN COMMENTS On September 2, 2009, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commssion") issued Order No. 30894'in connection with Case No GNRT-09-05 (the "Ordef'), requirig cerain telecmmuncations companies currently receiving Univeral. Serce Fund support to raise their local residential mtes and/or their switched access rates. The Idaho TelecomAllance ("ITA"), by and thugh.its.attomeys of recrd, Givens Purley LLP, on behalfofits membe, which include the telecmmunications companes required to rase thei local residential mtes and/or their switched access mtes, desires to fie wrtten coents to the Orer withn twenty one days of the date of the Orer. Upon rept. of the Orer, ITA attempted to obta frm the Commssion information regaing how the Administrtor of the Idao Univer Serce Fund cacuated the statewide weighted averge rate upon which the prpose change in mtes is bas. Commssion stff did PETIION TO EX TIME TO FIE WRTT COMMENS - i 65934_l.DO not have this information available. IT A is unable at ths time to prepare wrtten comments within twenty one days of the date of the Order, without the opportty to first review and analyze that information. Thus, ITA, on behalf of its membe, which include the telecommunications companes require to rase their local residential mtes and/or their switched access rates in order to remain eligible to receive Univeral Serce Fund support, herby respectfully requests and extension of time to file wrtten comments to the Order in the amount of thirty (30) days to allow ITA to obtain, review and analyze the information regarding how the Adminstrtor of the Idaho Univeral Serce Fund calculated the statewide weighted average rate upon which the proposed change in rates is based. DATED ths 14th day of September 2009. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP ~a.'J Cyn a A. Melillo Attorneys for Idaho Telecom Alliance PETmONTO EXND TI TO FILE WREN COMMENS - 2 6S9349_l.DO CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby cerfy that on the 14th day of Septembe 2009, a tre and correct copy of the foregoing was sered upon the following individual(s) by the means indicated: Origial and Seven Copies Filed: Jea D. Jewell, Secreta Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 D. U.S. Mail, postage preaid D Express Mail i: Hand Deliver D Facsimile D Electrnic Mail ~tk l1 ~JJ C ila A. Melilo PETmONTO EX TIM TO FILE WRTT COMMS - 3 65934_l.DO