HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040601Qwest Motion for Extension of Time.pdfWilliam J. Batt James B. Alderman Batt & Fisher, LLP US Bank Plaza, 5th Floor 101 South Capital Blvd. Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 331-1000 Adam Sherr Qwest Communications, Inc. 1600 7th Avenue - Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 (206) 398-2507 Attorneys for Respondent Qwest Corporation HECEIVEO mFILED 2nn~tilY 2 8 PM 3: 3m iO ;10 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMr1JSSlON BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF PAGEDATA' PETITION FOR ARBITRATION OF INTERCONNECTION RATES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND RELATED ARRAN G EMENTS WITH Q WEST CORPORATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 252(B) OF THE FEDERAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT. IN THE MATTER OF WAVESENT' PETITION FOR ARBITRATION OF INTERCONNECTION RATES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND RELATED ARRANGEMENTS WITH QWEST CORPORATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 252(B) OF THE FEDERAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT. Case No. GNR-O4- STIPULATED MOTION TO EXTEND TIME FOR QWEST CORPORATION' RESPONSE Case No. GNR-O4- COME NOW the Petitioners, Wave Sent and PageData (the "Pagers) and the Respondent Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") and move the Commission for an Order extending the time for Qwest to file its response to the Petition for Arbitration filed by PageData on March 23, 2004 and the Petition for Arbitration filed by WaveSent on ORIGINAL STIPULATED MOTION TO EXTEND TIME FOR QWEST CORPORATION'S RESPONSE, P. 1 March 25, 2004 ("Petitions for Arbitration ), and the Amendment to Petitions filed by the Pagers on April 12, 2004 ("Amendment"). The Pagers and Qwest (collectively referred to herein as the "Parties ) represent the following to the Commission: Qwest has prepared a Response to the Petitions and Amendment. Qwest has, however, not yet filed these pleadings with the Commission. On May 13 2004, the Parties met in person at the Commission offices for negotiations. Wayne Hart of the Commission s Staff, and Don Howell, Counsel for the Commission, attended the negotiations. The Parties made significant progress and reached an agreement in principle on many of the terms of new interconnection agreements between the two Pagers and Qwest. The Parties are optimistic that negotiations will be successful, in which case these arbitration cases can be dismissed. The Parties would like to avoid unnecessary effort and expense to themselves and the Commission, and wish to provide a period of time in which the Parties direct their entire efforts to negotiations rather than litigation. The Parties respectfully move the Commission for an order extending the time for Qwest to file its response to the Petitions until the earlier of (i) June 11 , 2004 or (ii) business day after the Pagers provide written notice Qwest's counsel that they have elected to proceed with the arbitrations. STIPULATED MOTION TO EXTEND TIME FOR QWEST CORPORATION'S RESPONSE, P. 2 Respectfully submitted on behalf of all Parties this 27th of May, 2004. Adam Sherr Qwest Communications, Inc. 1600 7th Avenue - Room 3206 Seattle, WA 98191 and eM 'l-- William J. Batt Batt & Fisher, LLP U S Bank Plaza, 5th Floor 101 South Capital Blvd. Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 331-1000 STIPULA TED MOTION TO EXTEND TIME FOR QWEST CORPORATION'S RESPONSE, P. 3 CERTIFICA TE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 2ih day of May, 2004, I served the foregoing upon all parties of record in this proceeding as indicated below. Jean Jewell J Certified Mail Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street First Class Mail Boise, ID 83702-5983 J Hand Delivery (208) 334-0300 J Facsimile Joseph McNeal, d/b/a PageData J Certified Mail O. Box 15509 Boise, ID 83715 p(l First Class Mail (208) 375-9844 J Hand Delivery J Facsimile ll'v William J. Batt STIPULATED MOTION TO EXTEND TIME FOR QWEST CORPORATION'S RESPONSE, P. 4