HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021101Comments.pdfSTOEL s\E; R[oflYE0 tsrurn n ?$$? F:*'d - I FH tr', 36 i:'l .:l .-. .-'-i'. dT lli t'l[5 cut',ii{lssloil - )t,11 l0l S. Capltol Boulward, Suite lr00 Boise. ldaho E3702 main 20E.369.9000 fa 208.389.9040 M.stoel.com MARY S. HoBsoN Dired Aoq 387-4277 mshobson@stoel-com Oregon Washington C a lif o r n ia tltah ldaho November 1,2002 VIA HAI\D DELIVERY Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Sfreet Boise, rD 83720-Yfuf Re: case Noypd-T-oryLf th Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for {iling are an original and eight (8) copies of the Comments of Qwest Corporation. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. Very truly yours, . .l /- L . ,r /r'i'\ llt: i'l' z Mary S. #uro, :blg Enclosures cc: Service List Boise-l 48288. 1 00291 64-00012 Ir[cEtvto m MaryS. Hobson (ISB#2142) flL[D n Stoel Rives LLP 101 South capitol Boulevard - Suite 1900 ZfiB? t{Std - | PH l+: 35 Boise,ID 83702-5958 i:,. . , .: , ,i Telephone: (208) 387-4277 UIILIl'itS CJtitilf5lgg FAX: (208) 389-9040 mshobson@stoel.com Adam L. Shen (WSBA #25291) Qwest 1600 7th Avenue - Room 3206 Seattle, WA 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2507 FAX: (206) 343-4040 asherr@qwest.com Attomeys for Qwest Corporation BEFORE THE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPA}I"Y; CENTURYTEL OF IDAIIO; CENTURYTEL OF THE GEM STATE; AND THE IDAHO TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION FOR A DECLARATORY ORDER PROHIBITING THE USE OF * VIRTUAL" NXX CALLING GNR-T-02-16 COMMENTS OF QWEST CORPORATION Qwest Corporation (Qwest), pursuant to Commission Order No. 29125, provides the following comments on the Petition for Declaratory Order Regarding the Use of Virtual NPAAIXX Calling Patterns (Petition) filed August27,2002. COMMENTS Qwest generally supports the Petition. Companies should not be entitled to "free" transport between exchanges for non-local calls. Decisions of the Federal Communications COMMENTS OF QWEST CORPORATION - Page I Boise-1 49033. I 0029 I 64-00086 Commission (the "FCC") and this Commission, and the interconnection agreements approved in Idaho make that clear. 1. The Nature of Yirtual NXX Calls In a recent decision, the Public Service Commission of South Carolina succinctly articulated the virtual NXX concept, or scheme, as follows: Virtual NXX allows a customer to obtain a telephone number in a local calling area in which the customer is not physically located. As far as the person calling the number is concemed, the call is a local call, but the party answering the call is actually located somewhere else within the LATA. This tlpe of arangements is referred to as "virtual NXX" because the customer assigned to the telephone number has a "virtual" presence in the associated local calling area. This presence, however, "is just a virtual presence, not a physical one". "Virtual NXX is similar to foreign exchange ("FX") service provided by an ILEC. However, unlike FX service, "virhral NXX" does not use lines dedicated to particular customers for transporting the call between rate centers. "Virtual NXX" also closely parallels 800 service.l Virtual NXX (VNXX) enables carriers to assign a telephone number in a local calling area in which they do not maintain a physical presence. The use of VNXX affects the rating of the call because the rate charged to the originating party is based on an examination of the originating and terminating NXX codes. One use of the \,rNXX concept arises when CLEC customers are providing access to the intemet. Using \INXX, a CLEC can assign telephone numbers to internet service providers (ISPs) so that regardless of the location of the caller (end user), the numbers are perceived and billed as local calls. With \rNXX the CLEC need not establish a physical presence in the geographic area within which it seeks to establish a local presence. ' In re: Petition of Adelphia Business Solutions of South Carolina, Inc. for Arbitration of an Interconnection Agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. Pursuant to Section 252(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Docket No. 2000-516 Order on Arbitration No. 2001- 045 (So. Car. P.S.C., Jan. 16, 2001), pp. 4-5 (Attachment A). COMMENTS OF QWEST CORPORATION - Page 2 Boise-l 49033. I 00291 64-00086 2. Issues Raised by VNXX The Petition raises several direct and indirect issues of telecommunication policy including questions of numbering allocation and resources, traffic routing, and inter-carrier compensation. Nationally these issues have been addressed by numerous state commissions in the context of the \/NXX discussion. a. lntercarrier Compensation Qwest is concerned that, with the prospect of VNXX on the horizon, incumbent local exchange carriers, including Qwest, will be responsible for hauling non-local traffic (whether ISP-bound or otherwise) between a distant rate center and CLECs' respective points of interconnection without compensation. Qwest questions how CLECs intend to use local interconnection facilities and how interstate traffrc, specifically interstate Internet traffic, figures into these questions of local facilities.2 Implementation of VNXX raises at least two major inter-carrier compensation issues. First, how will the transporting carrier be compensated for the use of its network? Second, how will the ISP-bound traffic be treated? Traditionally, calls terminating in a non-local exchange have been subject to switched access charges, while Qwest's interconnection agreements properly limit the traffic exchanged under their terms to local traffic between Qwest and CLECs. In both scenarios, the carriers whose facilities are being used to complete the call receive compensation. ' lnthe Order on Remand and Report and Order, In the Matter of Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Intercarrier Compensationfor ISP-Bound Traffic, CC Dkt. Nos. 96-98 & 99-68, FCC 0l-131,2001 FCC LEXIS 2340,1fr52,57,65, (rel. Apr.27,2001), remanded, lVorldCom, Inc. v FCC,288 F.3d 429 (D.C. Cir. 2002) ("ISP Remand Ordef') the FCC ruled that Internet haffic is interstate, not local. Accordingly, Intemet traffic is outside the scope of the FCC's reciprocal compensation rules. COMMENTS OF QWEST CORPORATION - Page 3 Boise-149033. I 00291 64-00086 By placing a VNXX in a particular exchange and demanding that Qwest deliver the call to another exchange outside the local calling area, CLECs would be attempting to change established local calling boundaries for Qwest's customers. Only the Commission has the right to set the local calling boundaries for Qwest's local customers. This Commission has always treated calls between two local calling areas as interexchange, or toll traffic, which is subject to switched access charges. However, under a VNXX arrangement, the additional costs of carrying the calls from a distant exchange to the CLEC's point of presence are borne by the local exchange providers, not the new entrants providing the VNXX. And, while \n\XX calls are interexchange calls, or toll calls, CLECs deploying \fNXX arrangements avoid paylng access charges and end users avoid paylng toll charges. Under the interconnection agreements, each party will bear a portion of the cost of the entrance facilities and direct trunk transport facilities based strictly upon the party's relative use of the facilities for the transmission of local traffic. In this way, the party that causes the cost pays for the portion of the facilities that it uses in the conduct of its business as a local service provider. However, with a'trNXX arrangement, the interexchange transport would not be compensated for if deemed local traffic. If the Commission allows for VNXX traffic to be included in the definition of local traffic, every other local exchange provider in Idaho, would bear virtually all of the costs of the interconnection facilities. CLECs utilizing \fNXX would be able to improperly shift the costs of interconnection trunks entirely onto Qwest and other local exchange providers in Idaho. It is also important to note that because interconnection agreements are limited to the delivery of local traffic, they do not apply to traffic bound for Internet service providers, COMMENTS OF QWEST CORPORATION - Page 4 Boise-149033. I 00291 64-00086 which has been defined by the FCC as interstate in nature.3 Use of the \INXX concept should not be permitted to undermine this FCC determination and re-open debate about reciprocal compensation for such traffic. b. Numbering Allocation Issues. \INXX a:rangements potentially entail excessive demand for telephone numbers. CLECs may only require a few telephone numbers in any particular exchange in order to provide \,rNXX service to their customers. However, the assignment of an NXX to a CLEC with only minimal "virtual" needs uses a large amount of numbering resources. Where pooling is available, CLECs would receive 1,000 telephone numbers, and where pooling is not deployed, an entire NXX code (consisting of 10,000 numbers) would be used, although the vast majority of the telephone numbers will go unused and unusable by other carriers. Although Qwest does not object to CLECs obtaining NXXs, they must comply with the requirements of the independent numbering association and applicable FCC rules. The FCC requires that numbers are provided only to local exchange carriers and not to other types of telecommunications caxriers, such as interexchange carriers. This underscores that careful analysis of the \fNXX concept is required before it is allowed to go into effect. Scarce numbering resources, for example, should not be misused by companies attempting to avoid legitimate charges for what is truly interexchange traffic. c. Impact on the Idaho Universal Service and Telecommunications Relay Services Funds Petitioners point out a legitimate concern about the impact of VNXX implementation on Idaho's Universal Service (USF) and Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) funds. Most obviously, improper conversion of interexchange calls to "local" status ' Id. COMMENTS OF QWEST CORPORATION - Page 5 Boise-149033. I 00291 64-00086 adversely impacts the revenues of USF recipients, thereby potentially increasing the demand on this funding source. Increased USF draws are funded by telecommunications consumers in Idaho, many of whom will experience no benefit from the deployment of VNXX. In addition, the mechanisms for these funds depend, in part, on the number of toll minutes generated in the state. To the extent that VNXX subverts the rating of interexchange calls, it eliminates toll minutes from the assessment and increases the surcharges that must be levied on other services to maintain funding levels. Again Idaho consumers are left paying the bill. d. Number portability Petitioners raise the concern of a single NPAAIXX being assigned to multiple rate centers. Qwest agrees that this is an important issue that should be addressed in this proceeding. Local Number Portability (LI.IP) is limited to the ILEC rate center. Assigning a single NXX to multiple rate centers would impact LNP and could be in violation of FCC rules designed to ensure that carriers will be able to port numbers and receive ported numbersa CONCLUSION The Commission should prohibit the use of VNXX as a means to avoid access charges on interexchange and interstate calling. ln addition, the Commission should ensure that all numbering resources are utilized in a manner consistent with established rules and guidelines. o Sr. e.g.,471CFR $ 52.26. COMMENTS OF QWEST CORPORATION - Page 6 Boise-l 49033. I 00291 64-00086 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED This 1't day of November,Z}}2. ,14,,,,1 {hlro-'/ Stoel Rives LLP Adam L. Sherr Qwest Attomeys for Qwest Corporation COMMENTS OF QWEST CORPORATION - Page 7 Boise-l 49033. 1 00291 64-00086 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the I't day of November, 2OO2,I caused a true and correct copy of the foregoing COMMENTS OF QWEST CORPORATION to be served by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Jean D. Jewell, Secretary t X I Hand Delivery Idaho Public Utilities Commission t_l U. S. Mail 472West Washington Street tJ Ovemight Delivery P.O. Box 83720 tJ Facsimile Boise,ID 83702-5983 tJ Email Telephone: (208) 334-0338 ij ewell@puc. state. id.us DougCooley t X I HandDelivery Telecommunications Analyst t_-] U. S. Mail Idaho Public Utilities Commission t_l Overnight Delivery 472West Washington Street tl Facsimile P.O. Box 83720 tJ Email Boise, D 83702-5983 dcooley@puc. state.id.us Donaldl.Howell,fl t X ] HandDelivery Deputy Attorney General tJ U. S. Mail Idaho Public Utilities Commission t-] Overnight Delivery T2WestWashington tl Facsimile P.O. Box 83720 t_l Email Boise, D 83720-0074 dhowell@puc. state.id.us Weldon Stutzman, DeputyAttomey General t X ] Hand Delivery Idaho Public Utilities Commission t I U. S. Mail 472West Washington Street t_l Overnight Delivery P.O. Box 83720 t_l Facsimile Boise,ID 83702-5983 t_l Email Telephone: (208) 334-0318 Facsimile: (208) 334-37 62 wstutzm@puc. state.id. us Peter Blisard tJ Hand Delivery Level3 Communications, LLC t X I U. S. Mail 1025 Eldorado Boulevard tJ Overnight Delivery Broomfield, CO 8002t I I Facsimile Peter.Blisard@Level3.com t_l Email COMMENTS OF QWEST CORPORATION - Page I Boise-149033. I 0029164-00086 Cathy L. Brightwell t I Hand Delivery AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, L.. I X ] U. S. Mail 2120 Caton Way - Suite B tJ Overnight Delivery Olympia, WA 98502-1106 tl Facsimilebrightwell@att.com t_l Email Gene DeJordy t_l Hand Delivery Vice President Regulatory Affairs t X I U. S. Mail Western Wireless Corporation tl Overnight Delivery 3650 131't Avenue SE - Suite 400 t_l Facsimile Bellevue, WA 98006 t_l Email gene. dej ordy@wwireless.com Ted Hankins, Directo. I I Hand Delivery State Government Relations t X I U. S. Mail P.O. Box 4065 t I Overnight Delivery Monroe, LA 712ll-4065 t I Facsimile ted.hankins@centurytel.com t I Email Terry Haynes t-] Hand Delivery Seniro Staff Consultant - Regulatory t X I U. S. Mail Verizon Northwest, Inc. t_] Overnight Delivery P.O.l; Box 152092 t I Facsimile Irving, TX 75015 t I Email terr.v. hayne s @veri z on. c om Eric S. Heath, Attorney t I Hand Delivery Sprint Legal & External Affairs t X I U. S. Mail 100 Spear Street - Suite 930 t_l Ovemight Delivery San Francisco, CA 94105 tl Facsimile eric.s.heath@mail.sprint.com tl Email Kenneth C. Howell t X I Hand Delivery Hawley Troxell Ennis & Hawley t I U. S. Mail 877 West Main Street - Suite 1000 t_l Overnight Delivery P.O. Box 1617 t I Facsimile Boise,ID 83701-1617 t_l Email kch@hteh.com Gail Long, Manager t-] Hand Delivery External Relations t X I U. S. Mail P.O. Box 1566 tl Overnight Delivery Oregon City, OR 97045-1566 [ t Facsimilegail.long@tdstelecom.com t_l Email COMMENTS OF QWEST CORPORATION - Page 2 Boise-l 49033. I 0029 I 64-00086 Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP P.O. Box 2564 Boise,ID 83701 i oe@mcdevitt-miller. com Dean Randall Specialist - Regulatory Affairs Verizon Northwest, lnc. P.O. Box 1100 Beaverton, OR 97075-1 100 Dean. randall@verizon. com Morgan W. Richards Moffatt Thomas Ba:rett Rock & Fields 101 South Capitol Boulevard - l0th Floor P.O. Box 829 Boise,ID 83701 Telephone: (208) 385-545 I mwr@moffatt.com Clay Sturgis, Senior Manager Moss Adams LLP 601 Riverside - Suite 1800 Spokane, WA 99201-0663 clays@mossadams.com Brian Thomas Time Warner Telecom 223 Taylor Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109 Brian. Thomas@twtelecom.com Susan Travis WorldCom,Inc. 707 lTth Street - 36th Floor Denver, CO 80202 Susan. a.Travis@wcom.com COMMENTS OF QWEST CORPORATION - Page 3 Boise-1 49033. I 00291 64-00086 tl Hand Deliverytx I U.S.Mail I I Ovemight Delivery t_l Facsimile t_l Email t I Hand Deliverytx I U.S.Mail tl Ovemight Delivery t_-] Facsimile I_l Email txl t_-J t__J t__J t__J Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Ovemight Delivery Facsimile Email l l Hand Deliverytx I U.S.Mail I I Overnight Delivery t I Facsimile t I Email t I Hand Delivery tx I U.S.Mail t I Ovemight Delivery t I Facsimile t I Email t-] Hand Delivery t X I U.S.Mail t I Ovemight Delivery t I Facsimile ll Email Mary B. Tribby Rebecca B. DeCook AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. 1875 Lawrence Street - Suite 1401 Denver, CO 80202 decook@att.com Conley Ward Givens Pursley, LLP 277 North 6th Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise,ID 83701 cew@ givenspursley. com COMMENTS OF QWEST CORPORATION - Page 4 Boise- I 49033. I 00291 64-00086 Legal Secretary to Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP tJtxltltJtl txl t__Jl. ll. ltl Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Brandi L. Gearhart, PLS