HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120416_3674.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF FROM: DON HOWELL, DAG DAVID HATTA WAY DATE: APRIL 13,2012 SUBJECT: CALCULATING THE 2012 REGULATORY FEE ASSESSMENTS FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND RAILROADS, CASE NOS. F-2012-1 AND F- 2012-2 In April 2012, the Legislature passed and the Governor signed House Bill No. 674 appropriating $5,255,900 to the Commission for Fiscal Year 2013 operations.' The total appropriation consists of $4,789,800 from fees assessed on public utilities; $127,000 from fees assessed on railroad corporations; $220,400 expenditures for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act reimbursed by the federal government; and $118,700 expenditures for the pipeline safety activities also reimbursed by the federal government. Attachment 1 shows the calculations to arrive at the amounts to be collected. Attachment 2 shows the calculations to arrive at the assessment for utilities and railroads, respectively. 1. Utility Assessment. The utilities have an adjusted carry-over balance of $69,382 from Fiscal Year 2011 Expenditures. Thus, Staff calculates that the 2012 assessment for public utilities to fund Fiscal Year 2013 is $4,720,418. For calendar year 2011, Title 61 and Title 62 utilities reported gross intrastate operating revenues from utility operations in Idaho totaling $2,017,430,934. This is a reported revenue decrease of $7,655,156 from the prior year, or a -0.38 percent decrease. Accordingly, Staff determined the proportionate share of each utility's fee should be assessed at .2340% (.002340) of each utility's gross intrastate operating revenue. Pursuant to Idaho Code §§ 61- 1004(3) and 62-611 the minimum regulatory fee assessed per utility is $50.00. This amount includes the 2% salary increase for employees and Commissioners. DECISION MEMORANDUM 1 2. Railroad Assessment. The railroads have an adjusted carry-over balance of $10,629 from Fiscal Year 2011 Expenditures. Thus, Staff calculates the 2012 assessment for railroads to fund Fiscal Year 2013 as $116,371. The gross intrastate operating revenues from railroad operations in Idaho were $13,920,986 for calendar year 2011. This is an increase of $2,264,365, up 19.43% from the prior year. Accordingly, the proportionate share of each railroad's fee is to be assessed at .8359% (.008359) of each railroad's gross intrastate operating revenues. No railroad shall be assessed less than $50, pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-1004(3). COMMISSION DECISION 1.Does the Commission agree with Staff's calculation of the regulatory assessment for the utilities of $4,720,418 and for railroads of $116,371? 2.Does the Commission agree with Staff's calculation of the regulatory assessment rate for the utilities of .2340% (.002340)? 3.Does the Commission agree with Staff's calculation of the regulatory assessment rate for the railroads .8359% (.008359)? JIAØI44 J. David Hattaway M:2012 Assessment dhjdh DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 20I2ASS.xlsx:Calculation 1 Allocation of Appropriation for FY 2013 Attachment I IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CALCULATION OF 2012 ASSESSMENT For Fiscal Year 2013 (amounts are in dollars) Federal Share of Pipeline Safety ARRA Grant 118,700.00 220,400.00 Total Railroad Utilities Appropriation 12700000 478980000 5,1256,900m Adjustment for (Under)/Over-expended Cash: Total Cash Collected from Companies: Amount collected in Calendar Year 2010 (Jan 1, 2010 to Dec 31, 2010) 2 to fund Fiscal Year 2011 (Jul 1, 2010 to Jun 30, 2011) 3 Total Cash Expended in FY 2011 4 Subtotal: Adjust for Total (under) -over expended Cash for FY20 I I 5 One-time adjustment to reduce prudent reserve 6 TOTAL: Amount Required to Fund Utilities for Fiscal Year 2013 (133,266.00) (4,307,939.00) 122,636.75 4,238,557.33 (10,629.25) (69,381.67) line 2+3 116,370.75 4,720,418.33 line I + 4 + 5 2012ASS4xIoc fcIor Attachment 2 Apportionment Factor (%) Calculation of 2012 Assessment for FY 2013 Federal Share of Pipeline Safety ARRA Grant Railroad Utilities Totals Assessment Due I I ArnountIl 2 Last Year 2011 assessment 101 90000 20400 00 1i6 50000 4 51 71iUOO 5090500 00 3 over(under) last years collection 16,800.00 - (129.25) 68,718.33 85,389.08 85,389.08 Change in Gross Intrastate Revenues(GIR) 4 Reported Gross Intrastate Revenues for CY201 1 n/a 13,920,986.23 2,017,430,933.97 2,031,351,920.20 5 Last Year CY2010GIR n/a 1165862153 202508809018 203674271171 6 over(under) last year 2,264,364.70 (7,655,156.21) (5,390,791.51) 7 percent increase/(decrease) from last year 19.43% -0.38% Apportionment Factor Calculation 8 iiii .i- •iaists 9 LastYear 0009994 ) 000229? 10 over(under) last year (0.001635) 0.000043 11 percent increase/(decrease -) over last years factor -16.36% 1.87% 12 Maximum Percentage Allowed by Law 1.0% 0.3% Maximum Percent Express as a decimal 0.010000 0.003000