HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220823Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSIONER CHATBURN COMMISSIONER HAMMOND COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:JOHAN E.KALALA-KASANDA RILEY NEWTON DATE:AUGUST 23,2022 RE:2022 IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND ANNUAL REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS;CASE NO.GNR-T-22-04 BACKGROUND The Idaho Universal Service Fund (USF)rules were adopted under the general legal authorityof the Telecommunications Act of 1988,Chapter 6,Title 62,Idaho Code,and the specific authorityof §62-610,Idaho Code.The Commission established a universal service fund for the purpose of maintaining the universal availabilityof local exchange service at reasonable rates and to promote the availability of Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) at reasonably comparable rates throughout the state of Idaho.Idaho Code §62-610(1).The USF is funded through a statewide end-user surcharge on local exchange services and intrastate MTS and Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS)type services.The USF Administrator submits an AnnualReport to the Commission detailing the program activities of the previous year and recommending surcharge rates to meet the next year's funding requirements.The Commission issues an Order in response to the Administrator's report,establishing statewide end-user surcharges to be in effect for the next twelvemonths beginning October 1. THE 2022 ANNUAL REPORT On July 15,2022,the Administrator of the Idaho USF,Alyson Anderson,filed the AnnualReport for the USF fiscal year from July 1,2021,through June 30,2022.Included with DECISIONMEMORANDUM -1 -AUGUST23,2022 the report is the Administrator's proposed budget for the next fiscal year-July 1,2022,through June 30,2023. The current USF monthlysurcharge rates are $.25 per residential line,$.44 per business line,and $.007 per intrastate MTS/WTS billed minute.See Order No.34427.Surcharge revenues for the year totaled $1,650,870.Local exchange services contributed $972,387 (59%), and $678,483 (41%)was contributed by MTS/WATS services.Surcharge revenue from local exchange services decreased by approximately $277,321 and MTS/WATSsurcharge revenue decreased by approximately $72,633.The Administrative expenses for the year were $19,833. This amount includes the Administrator's salary,expenses,bank charges. Currently,eight qualifying incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs)receive annual payments from the fund,and those payments remain unchanged at $1,698,610.If no changes occur,the annual disbursements to the ILECs are expected to remain the same for the next fiscal year (July 1,2022,through June 30,2023).The end-of-year cash balance for fiscal year 2022, after applying bank charges and administrative expenses,was $1,187,050. 2022-2023 Administrative Budget Ms.Anderson proposes an annual administrative budget of $27,850.This amount includes the Administrator's salary and other expenses such as postage/copies,telephone, banklinvestment charges,letterhead,and the anticipated costs for an audit/legal fees. Local Residential and Business Service The USF surcharge is attached to residential and business lines,and long-distance billed minutes,of wirelinecompanies.Thus,the Administrator annuallyobtains reports from these companies.As of May 1,2022,companies reported an average monthlyinventoryof 72,811 residential lines and 78,030 business lines,for a total of 150,841 lines.This represents a decrease from the prior year in both residential lines (25%)and business lines (23%). DECISION MEMORANDUM -2 -AUGUST 23,2022 The adjusted statewide weighted average rates for one-party single line residential and business service and the correspondingthreshold average rates are: 2021 Statewide 2022 Statewide 125%Statewide 125%Statewide Weighted Weighted Weighted Average Weighted Average AverageRate Average Rate Rate -2021 Rate -2022 Residential Services $24.68 $25.84 $30.85 $32.30 Business Services $39.22 $42.27 $49.02 $52.84 Switched Access Service Long distance service providers reported intrastate MTS/WATS billed minutes of 89,781,375compared to the 2021 reported minutes of 90,893,786,a 1%decrease.The statewide average switched access rate is $0.056 per minutes,a change from last year's rate of $0.036. Funding AdjustmentsReview--Rule 106 The Administrator also reviews the residential,business,and switched access rates of the recipient ILEC companies to determine eligibilityto receive USF funding.A company's average one-party,single-line rate must equal or exceed the 125%statewide weighted average line rate and the average rates per minute for MTS/WATS access rate must exceed 100%of the statewide weighted average access rate.IDAPA the difference in the company's current average rate and the statewide average threshold rate is greater than three percent (3%),and the difference in the annual revenue associated with the company's current rate and the revenue associated with the statewide average threshold rates is over $6,000,the company may need to revise rates to meet or exceed the statewide threshold rates.The Commission may also calculate the weighted statewide average rates by using the residence and business basic local exchange rates in effect on July 1,2005,to determine the eligibilityof ETCs for distributions from the USF.See Rule 106.04,and Idaho Code §62-605(«). ADMINISTRATOR'S OPTIONS The Administrator reports that during the past year,there was a significant decrease in local residential lines of 25%and in local business lines of 23%.MTS/WATS billed minutes also decreased by a minimal 1%.The local access lines and toll minutes will continue to decline DECISION MEMORANDUM -3 -AUGUST 23,2022 due to the continued migration toward broadband,wireless,cellular and VOIP services,as well as the shift from stand-alone residential service to bundled packages.This affects the statewide average rate calculations,as well as the application of Rule 106 to the companies funded by the IUSF.In light of FCC orders and continuing industry changes,the administrator recognizes that it is becoming more difficult to accurately calculate the funding requirements necessary to maintain adequate fund balances throughout the fiscal year.With this in mind,the Administrator presents the followingfunding options: OPTION 1:STATUS QUO If current surcharge rates ($.25 per residential line,$.44 per business line,and $.007 per intrastate MTS/WATS billed minute)are maintained and no additional Idaho USF funding is authorized,the fund will decrease by approximately $260,565 (page 51).The 2022-2023 Idaho USF authorized disbursements will be $1,698,610.MTS/WATS services would contribute approximately 50%of the surcharge revenue and local exchange services would contribute 50% of the surcharge revenue.-The fund would have a balance of approximately $719,490 on June 30,2023. OPTION 2:ADJUST SURCHARGE RATES &MAINTAIN FUNDING If surcharge rates are reduced to $.20 per residential line,$.33 per business line,and $.005 per intrastate MTS/WATS billed minute and current funding levels are maintained,the fund will decrease by approximately $793,808 (page 51).MTS/WATS services would contribute approximately 48%of the surcharge revenue and local exchange services would contribute 52%of the surcharge revenue.The fund would have a balance of approximately $393,241 on June 30,2023. OPTION 3:ADJUST SURCHARGE RATES &ADJUST FUNDING TO MEET STATEWIDE AVERAGES Idaho Universal Service Fund Rule 106.02 indicates that to continue receiving Idaho USF funding after the first year of eligibility,the company may need to revise rates to meet or exceed the statewide threshold rates.If the rate is below the statewide threshold rate,and the difference between the rate is greater than 3%and $6,000,the company must revise rates equal or exceed DECISION MEMORANDUM -4 -AUGUST 23,2022 100%of the statewide average for MTS/WATS access service,and 125%of the statewide average for local exchange service.The followingapplies Rule 106 to each company currently drawing from the Idaho USF. ATC Communications should increase local residential and business rates.Toll switched access rates do not need to be adjusted.ATC Communications annual Idaho USF draw would be reduced by $155,312. Cambridge Telephone Company should increase toll switched access,local residential,and business rates.Cambridge TelephoneCompany annual Idaho USF draw would be reduced by $191,934. Columbine Telephone/Silver Star Telecom should increase toll switched access, local residential and business rates.Silver Star Telecom annual Idaho USF draw would be reduced by $248,254 and thus eliminate the Silver Star Telecom's annual IUSF draw of $155,677. Direct Communications Rockland did not file the Idaho Universal Service Fund 2022 Annual Report Request.Direct Communications Rockland annual IUSF draw would be eliminated and reduce total disbursements by $202,401. Fremont Telecom should increase toll switched access rates,local residential and business rates.Fremont Telecom annual IUSF draw would be decreased by $128,718 and thus eliminate Fremont Telecom's annual IUSF draw of $57,258. Inland Telephone Company should increase local residential rates.Inland TelephoneCompany annual Idaho USF draw would be reduced by $13,535. Midvale Telephone Company should increase local residential and business rates. Midvale Telephone Company annual Idaho USF draw would be reduced by $65,372. Rural TelephoneCompany should increase local residential and business rates. Rural Telephone Company annual Idaho USF draw would be reduced by $64,173. The 2022-2023 Idaho USF authorized disbursements,including the adjustments to company funding per Rule 106,will be $875,104.If surcharge rates are suspended,the fund will decrease by approximately $875,104 (page 52).The fund would have a balance of approximately $311,946 on June 30,2023. DECISION MEMORANDUM -S -AUGUST 23,2022 OPTION 4:ADJUST INVENTORIES.ADJUST SURCHARGE RATES &MAINTAIN FUNDING LEVELS In order to calculate future fund balances more accurately,the inventories have been adjusted according to the most recent five-year trend.Thus,the residential lines have been reduced 13%,the business lines reduced 7%and the MTS/WATS billed minutes have been reduced 6%.If the surcharge rates are reduced to $.22 per residential line,$.37 per business line, and $.006 per intrastate MTS/WATSbilled minute and IUSF disbursements are maintained at current levels,the fund will decrease by approximately $733,066 (page 52).MTS/WATS services would contribute approximately 51%of the surcharge revenue and local exchange services would contribute 49%of the surcharge revenue.The fund would have a balance of approximately $453,983 on June 30,2023. ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION The Administrator recommends that the Commission adopt Option 3,suspending the surcharge rates and applying Rule 106.02 to adjust fundingto the companies.As the surcharge rates are suspended in this option,there is no need to adjust the inventories for the five-year average decline.Under Option 3,the fund balance would be adequate to meet the fund obligations.The fund balance on June 30,2023,would approximate $312,480. If the Commission is inclined to maintain company fundinglevels until changes are made to the underlyingrules and statutes,then the administrator recommends the adoption of Option 2. This option reduces the surcharge rates to $.20 per residential line,$.33 per business line,and $.005 per intrastate MTS/WATS billed minute.Under Option 2,the fund balance would be adequate to meet the fund obligations,and approximate $393,241 on June 30,2023. STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has reviewed the calculations,supporting documentation,and recommendations contained in the Administrator's Annual Report.Staff also notes the impact to Rule 106 by the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC)USF/ICC Transformation Order,FCC 11-161, released on November 18,2011,and the subsequent FCC 14-54,Seventh Order on Reconsideration,released on June 10,2014.The first FCC Order established a schedule to reduce intrastate terminating access rates,including transport and reciprocal compensation,to DECISION MEMORANDUM -6 -AUGUST 23,2022 bill-and-keep by July 1,2019.The second FCC Order established a four-year transition of voice services to a rate floor of $20.46 for carriers that receive federal high-cost support.In April 2017,the FCC froze the rates at $18.00 and issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order seeking comments on the rate for basic voice services.Stakeholders argued that higher prices for basic voice service in rural high-cost areas created a significant and legitimate rate shock for rural customers.Therefore,the FCC has provided a freeze on the rate floor at $18 pending further review and comments. Given these Orders and uncertainty at the FCC,it makes it impractical for the Commission to apply Rule 106 to determine eligibilityfor the nine companies that receive state USF disbursements.All eight USF-funded companies have residential rates of $25.76.'If Rule 106 is strictly applied,all nine companies would be required to increase the residential local exchange rate from the current $25.76 to $30.85 and the business local exchange rate to $49.02. Staff is very concerned with increasing local residential exchange service rates by 20%.Staff believes it is important to complete a more in-depth analysis of potential changes in the federal high-cost support in relationship to the Idaho USF before increasing local rates by this magnitude. Staff acknowledges that the funding elements are impermanent and difficult to predict. Staff,however,does not agree with Ms.Anderson's recommendation to the Commission to adopt Option 3 to adjust surcharge rates and adjust funding to meet statewide averages.Staff believes this option has the potential to lower the funding level too greatly for the 2022-2023 USF fiscal year and require the surcharges to be raised again within a year or two as line counts continue to decline.Additionally,Staff does not agree with Ms.Anderson's recommendation of Option 2 to adjust surcharge rates and maintain funding.This is because,this option will also results in significant decrease in funding level within a year or two due to decline in line counts. Staff recommends adopting Option l to maintain the current surcharge rates of $.25 per residential line,$.44 per business line,$.007 per intrastate MTS/WATS billed minute,and keeping the companies draws the same.With this option,the fund will only decrease by approximately $260,565.The 2022-2023 Idaho USF authorized disbursements will be i On September 2,2009,Commission Order No.30894 was issued notifying the USF recipient companies that residential rates must be increased to the statewide threshold rate of $25.76 to continue to receive funding.All nine companies complied by increasing the residential rates. DECISION MEMORANDUM -7 -AUGUST 23,2022 $1,698,610.MTS/WATS services would contribute approximately 50%of the surcharge revenue and local exchange services would contribute 50%of the surcharge revenue.The fund would have a balance of approximately $719,490 on June 30,2023. A very important concern of Staff is that the Administrator has been trying to fund the Idaho USF in a declining industry where land lines are being replaced with new technologies such as VolP and cell phones.Per Commission Order No.33851 the Staff and the Administrator initiated a generic docket before the Commission in order to allow a public forum for stakeholders to participate in a discussion of the Idaho USF as it relates to the current legal and regulatory framework,its place in the evolvingtelecommunications landscape,and universal telecommunications services in Idaho generally.Staff convened a workshop on January 17, 2018,Stakeholders filed position papers by January 31,2018,Staff filed a summary report on April 4,2018,Stakeholders filed reply comments on April 25.Staff filing a second summary and report on September 7,2018,as well as Stakeholders Memorandum invitingparties to bring proposed legislative language to a workshop in October.Three parties responded on October 4, 2018,and the parties agreed to work on legislative language separately from Commission Staff and then bring back what they work out as a group.Thus far,the parties have failed to come to agreement and are still working towards that end.Staff is still waiting on the parties to come together on legislative changes. Staff does not want to see the fund return to the dire fundinglevels it was facing in 2017 and 2018.Finally,Staff recommends that the Administrator continues to provide quarterly cash flow analysis to the Staff.The quarterly cash flow review will allow Staff to monitor any anomalies that may arise and to proactively respond to any unforeseen cash flow impacts due to further declines in line counts or minutes. DECISION MEMORANDUM -8 -AUGUST 23,2022 COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve the Administrator's USF 2022-2023 budget? Does the Commission wish to adopt Staff's recommended funding Option or one of the Administrator's recommended funding Options? Does the Commission wish to accept Staff's final recommendationfor quarterly cash flow reports to monitor revenue impacts from unforeseen changes in line counts or access minutes? han E.Kalala-Kasan a Udmcmos/GNR-T-22-04 IUSF Annual Report Decmon Memo DECISIONMEMORANDUM -9 -AUGUST 23,2022