HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220803TracFone Wireless Form 481.pdfTRACF@NE"Legal Department Stephen Athanson, Senior Attomey - Regulatory 9700 NW I l2th Avenue I Miarni, FL 33 178 E-Mail : sathanson(rDtracfbne.com ilIi] I ir.r* *wireless, inc. ,t;;; giii *3 Fi'! 2: lt+ August 1,2022 (Qrnh! VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise, lD 83720 Re: TracFone Wireless, lnc. - FCC Form 481 Report Dear Ms. Jewell: In accordance with the Federal Communication Commission's Lifeline Reform Order and 47 CFR 54.422(b) please find enclosed a copy of the FCC Form 481 of TracFone Wireless Inc. ("TracFone"). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (305) 715-3613, or sathanson@trac fone. com. Sincerely, &* Stephen Athanson Regulatory Counsel Enc. Page 1 <01O> Study Area Code 4f 9021 <015> StudyArea Name iracFon€ lilreless, Inc <020> Program Year 20:23 <0:n> Contact Name: Person USACshould contact with ouestions about this data ,Jaaet Uorejoq <035> Contact Telephone Number: Numb6r of the pe6on identifled in data line <030> 305?156522 eat <039> Contact Email Address: Email of the person identmed in data line <030>imoreJon0tracfone. com FormType 84.422 Page 1 N @ Ep6fE" flEta o dcr.96EeT'E& o *E;; Jg.E =.::985YoAt6 E €IEi-3EEa o-EE O=02'68\e€8.d<>o bbe!0EE,oza EEoF !orgb<D9 EEza 5u q Ei: EcqoEo =o o Go !cuoEoto o EF to oeoto o o6 t6 oE62o x EE =*EGz t o d tAu;6' oo.U ac)1r9* OV 33Etso^ ori Eoo @E o l-! ; oo oE o'co I NN e d o E oa o ; E Cop o o o o ! E o ! E tro oo o o o.g 6 E .Eoo =co =co oo o n E5z o! E3z co!o _9oF coU o : 0r !.9t{.g!o@o ca =ot U lco d Ez coI oo @ Eoq d o o E F o Ezoo E ooIo66 d2 EtoUo =o @66?o@o dzo $EH E 5ioet4oE HBE o oz!0cEooo4oF!!trgeot .gE>oE8Ao EE o! Go ! oo o@ d P.ar 3 <010> StudyArea Code <015> Study Area Name 1:a.fcne trl.::i!., ..:. <020> Program Year <030> contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data --j. . y.,:,.r. tr <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> iia:! lo:aL!..f c,e.coh<039> <400> Select from the droldown list to indicate how you would like to report voice complaints (zero or greater) for voice telephony service in the prior calendar year for each service area in which you are designated an ETC for any facilities you own, operate, lease, or otherwise utilize. Complaints per 1000 customers for fixed voice Complaints per 1000 customers for mobile voice <410> <420> Peg€ 3 rfiErl. 1!&0q rtatdiftui@ , rrdli , ..@ Mhm rt.s& hhlq!' lns. 'tgl& &trv.qrnhnryrehd$etNodltlrnqm!6siBlhil*tdi imq Fr*5 !6tre er$sl0-noFo6s*4er tdli6ryitili$r{&iy:*ltlldlbB.' iBltb [raaslir{e{o4ailtft f&arifulr|ryB!:Erttar5.nqsiaEd6nt -.Ga oou o 06= € (J Ediddnddrl .9 6 .!9 oo!go 6 o Eo.I EoI o.E Jlo!!t'6o F coo EoUdc o ooo N€ I c oEoUdcEo- 6 { t t, F .9 dc Eooot oo EJ:: ! d I l D; o oc oE ;o Eca =c Uo o oE! o EU o !! o EU cou o o 0 oo o.= oE .E!o Ecq =c o q q! 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't: :i: il, illill:iitl- li, iiilj ,t l :iij I l i I .t i 1l c,'ooL)6o, !, = odo 6oEOGd ot (.)b!Go- o o .Cto.9oELo oc o dLEulgoo3o-o.oE 6c.9: =dE8. -EFO =>EOEE-s!- oOGgEe=c0,o9EE!=o6EGIAE oo-.o:a(o eR-EcCt(oEE8Eo6 o3E€c, o^ = o.Eo=6*;5Zoth;Ecarz-Epo*7-oo6-8asE=EOBoo(B*o I96.s€E66LECeosqacdo. oJ -.(Ets9 Ov- =o.=oL=olq,Bie-.(:6 H E€d93 z 'i (u c.9 CLo (! Jot!.ct G'tr o 0) 0,! 0, 3 EoU oodr{ o<f F{ omdd E d o odto o .g oo! .c!to Etrop co oo o o !,E' o EU q) EE o Eu uG co(J O)(no o(oo o .= G (g !, .E!(u ,F trop troeoo o 0,ll Ez o-oE =z o,co.co -goF oocoU rl(no oE ac 6oE .3 oo .E-,(! ODo E(! cou =foE (J ah co (,o o Eoz IocoU (f(no o0, Er!uo CI oNo @ o B o o o (U Eoz l!o 1' = an F{o r t'gl Ett6loo GA dz o goL' ro =o rosgt?c,lOo(vl .d2 c0f ,€s,lLtJ E : ot,o(J(,o E'5 or{o Ot c,o0od tuboGd goEf o o E@z cGE tIf -c oqJ o CJ o E'co +oI o 0',E6 I @c.oEE'! rnNNd co CLo3 o tsoCL oT'op o o. o f E o o.c) Efc 0)! co#o oo NNN ou'6 6b tl)f.i EO.s€ Po,5.EeaE=CJoO EEgb o*<o @c.cooo- H.Io>Eb cq.9>ooEEioO0J?a NN d Nd;O=.=otr C!Loqo-6'E -=Lg!35 et'FtrO =oo66: XotrEaogE.E!o6!2o:o<g-!ou!Ltrqo; e=OEEEE6oEt(J3Ehou-!a'o -6!s39E d.=: sE 2o;cs=G'. !;NO96=o:660: gN;EC]5lge6sSb-E o o- t-I (,2o0, =.u =fo-o IE) oNN cj C €Jc o: o! 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CLEo<.96io9Pz== -d (J:iH,'P'eEE E =vEiE:3 xEEEH6.=+t69(o frE fEL0,s sE.shq *EloYooP8f,l!Eco (EI Eit trr#:ootr 3s"E p_co Eo.:f(, @ .afico)pf+Uo c.) C-€EOPPot/'guUO qJE.E EEPC'oJ2 ae9-6.L .==O =Pl\fOt+P - boojb =sr! f?=(JOX(,*a lId-r >O -L -Lo q;ot^=^sl!E!IE bo'O-co'I =9s Y 6lo i> i 3E (JocnC(,I83(\t b!cE.9J o E oOco.9 -cEHbPE s!oo O'= LOi(o0Jzn =o .: --: CCJOJ(o !.,1 xE ll,e = cstE !?tr)s --O6u ag -6(!9! bo!H 3EI >t E PHE -!corq(!'=3 3 3eE qr96 -c+: r-- *'-Cr.Yon-c9tr 3'tE BHo.r 9 -o P.!16s =so tE(o.=o 5! F* i !' I ll i!s s $ 1,i iflirti Jr a ti'J I 1i !ik ]-,t t:tl)s el ,l {ltI , I :, ll t',r: + & ;II*i ti *i't : ! tE o o.E .aEo ! co oo o !o E !! E co oo @rlc)N o o ! .5!oF cop o oo o!Ez o! Efzoc EogoF co o o E o G ! co ! oE U lc o q Ez cou oo oo E6 @o oNo ( F Ez o !l o l iitr ',[i o'tra.c i coEEcoEI9o6 EEo !.E o oC'co(J {,g C 666 Eo4c.9t.Eo o Ga 6 o e oU od6o6I d2 EEaIJo =o I6 $6€o dz o EoUto5o 6it E6 o9I o !f o d oo6d tsoc! = E lt trl! tnEoU oo Eo2 cIE EulEot, oo Et!z :o Ltc<(!(^ (E- HS.sg9a9c|!OGL .E 9.E 3HP6><.lJg6-oa-tE'(!.L (J+o,FULCOaE,E E,6Hu lll1e E.eirf e?!r.cE9tuo Ciai[ 6=64uriEr(J5g 8*.= E'!(!0!,686L rsEPE.3.=nL G6Fo E€Ell<Ptio E 5€O ELgooo oo(n dFio U og oqr odt{p EJco'r-otlo H't-] oano oc. (EPlo!t .gt.g Fc0,p Eo oCL o (, ro!, o Elll E!!, .! EUJ g(!goU OlaY)o j X() (\ e{ rr)\0lr)rltt- t.r)o(Y) o(Ylo o.= G lE! .goo cop o oo. o onEaz @rOE:,zoEo-c.CLo?F Ul! co(J tn(no do'ro l.{oE +)oc(dFl 6 lEE E. hocE 6bo E o(! coII =o o(, tlf ooo6- (u E(!2 IE c,o(J oano cf)NoN (!6, EIE!oo o- oo o liH aa() -{0)tr.r{ E odo E{odt{H 0,Et!z(!o !35 rrt?lo r-{e{oOlr-stl fls : !icI,: O ,ti " N oE64 PaSe t3 (3(xr5) xat! OliGrm l}rrlqLddon l Dqlmt So.t D.E coll.dloi iun FCC Fm €1 oMi cootnd ilo. 3050.{p85/oi0 csrrcl No. 3o6o{Bx, Dt6i|ta.20b <010> Study A.ea Code <015> Study Area Name <020> Program Year 2023 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Janet More onl <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 3057156522 ext i-^-^+ ^^o - -^ ^fone. com<039> Contact Email Address " Email Address of person identified in data line <o3o> J tLtv ! e J Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313{f)(1). Privately held carriers must ensure compliance with the financial reportingrequirementssetforthin4TCFR54.3l3(f)(2). lfurthercertifythattheinformataonreportedonthisformandinthedocuments attached below is accurate. (3009) Progress Report on 5 Year Plan carrier certifies to 54.313(f)( 1)(iii) (3010A) Certification of Public lnterest ObliSations {47 CFR $ s4.313(fX1Xi)) (30108) Please Provide Attachment Rate-of-Return Community Anchor lnstitutions {3012A) lndicate if the carrier newly deployed broadband seruice to community anchor institution(s) in the previous calendar year. (30128) Please Provide Attachment Using link, download template and list the number, name and address for each community anchor institution. Attach the document which contains the community anchor institution details as required by 47 c.F.R. 5 s4.313(f)(1)(ii) Name of Attached Document Listing Required ls your company a Privately Held ROR Carrier (47 cFR 5 s4.313(f)(2)l lf yes, does your company file the RUS annual report' Please check these boxes to confirm that the attached PDF, on line 3017, contains the required information pursuant to 5 54.313(f)(2) compliance requires: Electronic copy of their annual RUs reports (Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers) Document(s) with Balance 5heet, lncome Statement and Statement of Cash Flows lf the response is yes on line 3014, attach your company's RUS annual report and all required documentation lf the response is no on line 3014, is your company audited? lf the response is yes on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submission on line 3026 pursuant to $ 54.313(fX2), contains: Either a copy of their audited financial statement; or (2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUS Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers Document(s) for Balance Sheet. lncome Statement and statement of cash Flows Management letter and/or audit opinion issued by the independent certified public accountant that performed the company's financial audit. lf the response is no on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submission on line 3026 pursuant to 5 54,313(f)(2), contains: Copy of their financial statement which has been subject to review by an independent certified public accountanu or 2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUS Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers Underlying information subjected to a review by an independent certified public accountant Underlying information subjected to an officer certification. Document(s) with Ealance Sheet, lncome Statement and statement of cash Flows Attach the worksheet listing required information Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation (3022) (30131 {3014} (301s) (3016) (3017) (3018) (301e) (3020) (302 1) (3023) (3024) (302s) (3026) lnformation Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) O O Name of Attached Oocument Listing Required lnformation oooo Page 13 ou6 = 3 o Ez @eFoo'= o6qoc6- occLoi'ioEyt>SoEqi)*EE:E gi{ESE?gu;-TEEE! oN@Y:OdNm+ENNImommoEEEEEEEEEE ta( 0 a c 0ic oo .s !; Ez 3 o o E E E ! zo co o o Ez i ou6d E o ? 6 sIt d2E E6 EIo I $lnE:8EEiogEEaE86t 3 3 EeoI Co a3E oA 6co !! Uq aoc o E o E Ba=8 E8e 15 It ,i:ii <010>StudyArea Code a?9421 <o15>StudyArea Name tiafFli. rjs:.ss, tr.. <020> Progra?rYear :i" <Gto> conrctttann-Pe <O39> eonbctEmailAddress-Email,lddressofpersonldentifiedindatallne<030> j*e.rrar!!.4!!!r..cs 4{XE nur.l Brorfr.nd Erqcrlm.r?t Authorized nural Broadband Experiment (RBE) r€cipients must address Ure certlfieatlon fior publh interest obligptions and provide a list of nerw serv€d cgmmunity anchor lnsututions. Publlc lnt tlt oblltr8om- FOC 1+9E (p.rairaphs 2e29,78) Pleas€ addrers Lln€ 4001 r€gading compliane€ with the Commlsslon's publk interast obligations, All RBE partlclpants rnust Fovlde a r$ponse to une 400x. 4001. Recipieflt certifles thit it ls offering broadband meetlnS the requistte publlc lnt€rest obligatlons €onsistent with the catagpry fur whbh they were select€d, lncludlng broadbsnd speed, latency, ussge caFcity, and r6tes that are reasonabv comparable to rates for comparablc offeringr in utban areat. nB€ Communlty Alrdlor lhrutsdol!3 <4OO3a> lndieate if the cerrier newly deployed broadband seMce to community anchor institutionls) in the previous calendar year <4003b Plear€ Provide Attichment Using linlq downlqad template and list the number, name ahd address for each communlty tnchor institution. Attach the document which contains the €onmunity anehor instltutlon deteils es required by FCC 1+98 (parag:faph 79) Name of Attachcd Docum€nt listlng R€quired lnformatlon i P.tE 15 PaBe 16 <010>Study Area Code <015>Study Area Name <020>Program Year <030>Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data <035 >Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> <039>contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> 5005 Alaska Plan (s011) (s012) Please indi€ate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previous calendar year in areas previously serued exclusively by performance-limiting satellite backhaul. lf the filing carrier identified in its approved perfomance plans that it relies exclusively on satellite backhaul for a certain poriton of the population in its service area, indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previoius calendar year in areas that were previoiusly served exclusively by satellite backhaul. (Yes/No) (Yes/No) Newly Serued LoetloB or Population (Yes/No) Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation <5013> Descilpllon Of Eackhaul T€.hnolo8y Alaska Plan Mobile Carriers' Reasonably Comparable Rate Demons$atlon (5014a)Answer yes or no if mobile carriers receiving support from the Alaska Plan can demonstrate compliance at the end of the five-year milestone (2022) by showing that your required stand- alone voice plan, and one service plan that offers broadband data services, if you offer such plans, are: . Substantially similar to a service plan offered by at least one mobile wireless service provider in the cellular market area (CMA) for Anchorage, Alaska, and . Offered for the same or a lower rate than the matching plan in the cMA for Anchorage. Alaska Plan Mobile Carriers' Reasonably Comparable Rate Demonstration Attachment (5014b) lf'Yes' is selected for 5014a, attach a document demonstrating compliance with the s-year milestone. lf'No' is selected for 5014a, attach an explanation of non-compliance. D.tc Backhaul Avellable Page 15 Pat6 17 ( r902:<010> StudyArea code .o 2n2\ Name - PeEon <o39>Contact pe6dt :nr'.jcrl!r.sren..M <6010>Enter the total amount of Phase ll Auction Support, if arry, the carrier used for eepital expenditurB. Phase ll Atr.tloll rnd New Yort Funds Cerdftatlon <6011>Certify (elther yes or no) regarding whcther thc recipient has avaiJable funds for all project costs that will exeeed the amount of support that will be received for the next calendar Vear. This c€rtificataon must be ptovided startin8 the flrst July lst after rcceiving support until the reclpienfs penultimate year of suppor.t. Ph.sG ll Audlon Communlty Ancftor lnsthri0ons <6O12a> lndicate if the carrier newly deployed broadband seMce to communlty- anchor institution(s) in the previous calendar year. .6titZb> Please Provide Attachment Using linlg download template and list the' ' number, name and address for each eomnrunity anchor institution. Attach the document which contains the community anchor institution details as required by FCC 1+98 (parasraph 79). (Yes/No) Name ofAtta€hed Document Listing Bcquir€d lnformatton Phase tl Auctlon FOC Form 470 Pocdrtrs <6013> For the filing due July 1 following full imirlementation of thh requlrement answer y€s, no, or not applicable to thls certification request Ph$6 ll AuGdon Post-Flml DGploym€nt Mihcone Pcrionnenc. cartmcauon <6014> Starting the firstJuly 1st aft€r meetingthefinal s€rvice milestonq certiry (yes, no, or not applicable) that the Phase ll-funded nefiork that the Phase ll austion r€clpiEnt operated in the Brior year meets the relerant performance r€gulremeflts in 5 54.309. P*a 17 f$la Arca Ar€a lEoar zn3, }@i!i ndtr.tton6.,aqbpllsn i Ii : I <7010> Pha$E llAuction rcelFicntBqilormancerequlrcm€nB€erdfication (Yes/No) i ll lil :l PaEe 18 Page 19 Deta Control lto,ilo.OMB Coitrcl rd irwh FlsdsClrt'ffc.{on <010>Study Area Code <015>Study Area Name <020>Program Year <030>Contact Name - Person USAC should contact this data <035>contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> <039>contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> <8010> <801 1> <8012a> <8012b> <8013> <8014> <8020> <8030> <8040> <8050> Uniendo a Puerto Rico Stage Z Fixed - Capital Expenditures Enter the total amount of Uniendo a Puerto Rico Stage 2 fixed support, if any, the carrier used for capital expenditures. Uniendo a Puerto Rlco Stage 2 Fixed - Available Funds Certification Certify (either yes or no) regarding whether the recipient has available funds for all project costs that will exceed the amount of support that will be received for the next calendar year. This certification must be provided starting the first July 1st after receiving support until the recipient's penultimate year of support. Uniendo a Puerto Rico Stage 2 Fixed - Community Anchor lnstitutions lndlcate if the carrier newly deployed broadband service to community anchor institution(s) in the previous calendar year. Please Provide Attachment Using link, download template and list the number, name and address for each community anchor institution. Attach the document which contains the community anchor institution details as required by 47 C.F.R. 5 54.313(e)(2XA). Allowable File Types. Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation Uniendo a Puerto Rico Stage 2 Fixed - FCC Form 470 Postings For the filing due .luly 1 following full implementation of this requirement answer yes, no, or not applicable to this certification request. Uniendo a Puerto Rico Stage 2 Fixed - Post-Final Deployment Milestone Performance Certification Starting the first July 1st after meeting the final service milestone, certify (yes or no) that the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Stage 2-funded network that the Stage 2 recipient operated in the prior year meets the relevant performance requirements in $ 54.309. Uniendo a Puerto Rico Stage 2 Fixed - Support Reimbursement Certification 54.313(n): Recipients of Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund Stage 2 fixed suppon shall certify that such support was not used for costs that are (or will be) reimbursed by other sources of support, including of federal or local government aid or insurance reimbursements; and that support was not used for other purposes. such as the retirement of company debt unrelated to eligible expendatures, or other expenses not directly related to network restoration, hardening, and expansion consistent with the framework of the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund. Uniendo a Puerto Rico Stage 2 Fixed - Disaster Preparedness and Response Documentation 54.313(n): Recipients of fixed support from Stage 2 of the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund shall certify that they have conducted an annual review of the documentation required by section 54.1515(a)-(c) to determine the need for and to implement changes or revisions to disaster preparation and recovery documentation. Uniendo a Puerto Rlco Stage 2 Mobile - Support Reimbursement 54.313{n}: Recipients of Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund stage 2 mobile support shall certify that such support was not used for costs that are (or will be) reimbursed by other sources of support, including of federal or local government aid or insurance reimbursements; and that support was not used for other purposes, such as the retirement of company debt unrelated to eligible expenditures, or other expenses not directly related to network restoration, hardening, and expansion consistent with the framework of the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund. Uniendo a Puerto Rico stage 2 Mobile - Disaster Preparedness and Response Documentation 54.313(n): Recipients of mobile support from Stage 2 of the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund shall certify that they have conducted an annual review of the documentation required by section 54.1515(a)-(c) to determine the need for and to implement chan8es or revisions to disaster preparation and recovery documentation Uniendo a Puerto Rico stage 2 Mobile - Mobile Disbursements certification 54.313(o): Recipients of Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund Stage 2 mobile support shall certiiy that they are in compliance with all requirements for receipt of such support to continue receiving Stage 2 mobile disbursements <8060> Page 19 PaBe 20 '' OMBcontrclDBta <010>Study Area Code <015>Study Area Name <020>Program Year <030>Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> <9010> <9011> <9O1)a> <9012b> <9013> Connect USvl State 2 Fixed - Capital Expenditures Enter the total amount of Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 fixed suppon, if any, the carrier used for capital expenditures, Connect USVI Stage 2 Fixed - Available Funds Certification Certify (either yes or no) regarding whether the recipient has available funds for all project costs that will exceed the amount of support that will be received for the next calendar year This certification must be provided starting the first.July 1st after receiving support until the recipient's penultimate year of support. Connect USVI Stage 2 Fixed - Community Anchor lnstitutions lndicate if the carrier newly deployed broadband seruice to community anchor institution(s) in the previous calendar year. Please Provide Attachment Using link, download template and list the number, name and address for each community anchor institution. Attach the document which contains the community anchor institution details as required by 47 C.F.R. 5 54.313(eX2)(i)(A). Connect USVI Stage 2 Fixed - FCC Form 470 Postings For the filing due July 1 following full implementation of this requirement answer yes, no, or not applicable to this certification request. Connect USVI Stage 2 Fixed - Post-Final Deployment Milestone Performance Certification Starting the first luly 1st after meeting the final seruice milestone, certify (yes or no) that the Connect USVI Fund Stage 2-funded network that the Stage 2 recipient operated in the prior year meets the relevant performance requirements in 6 54,309. Connect USVI Stage 2 Fixed - Support Reimbursement Certification 54.313(n): Recipients of Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 fixed support shall certify that such support was not used for costs that are (or will be) reimbursed by other sources of support, including of federal or local government aid or insurance reimbursements; and that support was not used for other purposes, such as the retirement of company debt unrelated to eligible expenditures, or other expenses not directly related to network restoration, hardening, and expansion consistent with the framework of the Connect Usvl Fund. Connect USvl Sta8e 2 Fixed - Disaster Preparedness and Response Documentation 54.3 13(n): Recipients of fixed support from Stage 2 of the Connect USVI Fund shall certify that they have conducted an annual review of the documentation required by section 54.1515(a)-(c) to determine the need for and to implement changes or revisions to disaster preparation and recovery documentation. connect UsVl Fund Stage 2 Mobile - support Reimbursement Certification 54.313(n): Recipients of Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 mobile support shall certify that such support was not used for costs that are (or will be) reimbursed by other sources of support, including of federal or local government aid or insurance reimbursements; and that support was not used for other purposes, such as the retirement of company debt unrelated to eligible expenditures, or other expenses not directly related to network restoration, hardening, and expansion consistent with the framework of the Connect USVI Fund. Recipients of mobile support from Stage 2 of the Connect USVI Fund shall certify that they have conducted an annual review of the documentation required by section 54.1515(a)-(c) to determine the need for and to implement changes or revisions to disaster preparation and recovery documentation. Connect USVI Fund stage 2 Mobile - Disaster Preparedness and Response Documentation 54,313(n): Recipients of mobile support from Stage 2 of the Connect USVI Fund shall certify that they have conducted an annual review of the documentation required by section 54.1515(a)-(c) to determine the need for and to implement changes or revisions to disaster preparation and response documentation. Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 Mobile - Mobile Disbursements certilication 54.313(o): Recipients of Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 mobile support shall certify that they are in compliance with all requirements for receipt of such support to continue receiving Stage 2 mobile disbursements. Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation <9014> <9020> <9030> <9040> <9050> <9060> Page 20 PaSe 21 <010>Study Area Code <015>Study Area Name <020> <030> <039> Contacl Name - P€rson Contacl contact data Number -<030> - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> <10010> <10011> <10012i> <10012b> <10013> <10014> RDOF Capltal Expenditures Startint the fi6t July 1st after receivint support until the July lst after the reciPient's support term has ended, recipients of Rural DiSital Opportunity Fund support must submit the total amount of support, if any, the recipient used for capital expenditures in the previous calendar year. This is required by 47 C.F.R. 5 54,313(el(2)(iXB). RDoF Available Funds certlfication Please provide a response (either yes or no) to this certificatlon request for any recipient of Rural Oigital opportunity Fund support that the recipient has available funds for all project costs that will exceed the amount of support that will be received for the next calendar year, This certification must be provided staning the first July 1st after receivint support until the recipient's penultimate year of support, as required by required by 47 C.F.R. 5 sa.313(e)(2)(ii). RDOF community Anchor lnstitutions Recipients of Rural Digital Opportunity Fund support must attach a list containing the number, names, and addresses of community anchor instltutions to which the ellSlble telecommunications carrier n€wly beSan providing accss to broadband seruice in the preceding calendar year. This filing is required by 47 C.F.R. S 5a.313(eX2Xil(A). Please Provide Attachment Uslng linlg download template and llst the number, name and address for each community anchor institution. Attach the document which contains the community anchor institution detalls as required by 47 c.F.R. 5 54.313(e)(2XiXA). Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation RDOF FCC Forn 47O PostingE For the filing due July 1st following full implementation of this requirement, please provide a response (either yet, no, or not applicable) to this certification request. Recipients of Rural DiSital Opportunity tund must respond affirmatively that they bid on €ategory one telecommunications and lnternet access seruices in response to all FCC Form 470 postings seeking broadband service that meets the connectivity targets for the schools and libEries univeEal seruice support program for ellglble schools and libraries (as described in 5 54.50U located within any area in a c€nsus block where the carrier is receiving Rural DlSital Opportunity Fund, and that such bids were at rates reasonable comperable to rates charged to eligible schools and libraries in urban areas for lnstructions for Completing FCC Form 481 OMB Control No. 306G0986 (High-Cost) OMB Control No. 306G0819 (Low-lncome) November 2o2o Page 44 comparable offerings. This filing is required by 47 C.F.R. 5 5a.313(eX2XiXC). This certification will not be required until theJuly 1st followinB the E- Rate program year that this obligation has been fully implemented. ModernizinS the E-Rate ProgEm for Schools and Libraries et al., WC Oocket. Nos. 13-184, 10-90, 29 FCC Rcd 15538, 75565-6'l , paru.72 .20L4l. ROoF Post-final Deployment Mllestone P€dotmance Cenlflcatlon Starting the fi.stJuly lst after a Rural Digital Opportunity Fund recipient meets its final service milestone until the July 1st after the support recipient's support term has ended, please provide a response (either yes, no, or not applicable) that the Rural DiSital Opportunity Fund-funded network that the support recipient operated in the prior year meets the relevant performance requirements in 47 C.F.R. 5 54.309. This filing is required by a7 c.F.R. 5 9.313(eX2Xiii). Iiill Page 21 Page 22 Data Collectlon FgCFoitrt tBl ouEGmtrclI{or <010> Study Area Code 41 9o2t <015> Study Area Name lracFone Wireless, Inc <020> Program Year <030> ContactName-PersonUSACshouldcontactregardingthisdata ianer I'iorejon <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 3051156522 e]:t-' <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030>'i mo rF i onG tra. f one - com TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FITING ANNUAT REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: certification of officer as to the Accuracy of the Data R€ported for the Annual Reporting for cAF or Ll Recipients certify that I am an officer of the reportlng carrier; my responsibilities include ensuring the accuracy ofthe annual reporting requirements for universal seruice support 'ecipients; and, to the best of my krowledte, the information reported on thls form and ln any attachments ls accurate. iisnatureof Authorizedofficer: CERTrfrED ONLTNE Date ot /i2 -r :; \ame of ReoortinE carrier. TracFone rr'iireless, rnc trinted name ofAuthorized officer: Alex Pis-Dudot Officer. Ac.rountirg Fnecutirre Di rect!ror number ofAuthorized officeri 3056402063 ext Area Code of a-qa)lLarfler:Due Date forthis fotn ag / a1 /2422 under Title 18 ot the united States code, 18 u.s.c. 5 1001. ?age 22 Page 23 Certifi cation - ASpnt / C.rrl., Data Collection Fomr FOCFomtl8l O{raCont ol ]{o. D@mb.r2Ot0 ::m5axl985/oMB Conrrol Irlo. 306G089, <010> Study Area Code <015> Studv Area Name Tra:aora b;irel":.s, Irl <020> Program Year <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data iire: 11r:,!r r I <035> contactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> :ir!l:'-'5:: ',ir' <039> contactEmailAddress-EmailAddressofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> lm:reloni''r'rrcrin' ('nl TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FILING ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALF: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier cgnifythat(Nam9o'AEent)isauthorizedtosubmittheinformationreportodonbghalfofthereportin9carrier.lrtsocertitytiattam"nlrn"",ottn","heaccuracyoftheannualdatareportingrequirementsprovidedtotheauthorized igenti and, to the bost of my knowlodg€, tho roports and data provided to tho aulhorizod agont is accurate, . \ame of Authorized AEent: \ame of Reoortins Carrier: ;iRnature of Authorized Officer:Datel Printed name of Authorized Officer: title or oosition of Authoriu ed Officer: Ielephone number of Authorrzed Officer: ttudy Area Code of Reporting Carrierl Filing Due Date for this form: under Title 18 of the United Stares Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. TO BE COMPTETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or U Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier the data reported herein based on data provided by the reporting carrier; and, to the best ol my knowledSe, the information reported herein is accurate. Name of Reoortinp Carrier: Name of Authorized Agent Firm: Sipnature of Authorized Apent or Emolovee of Aqent:Date: Name of Authorized Asent Emolovee: fitle or position of Authorized Aeent or Employee of Agent Teleohone number of Authorized Asent or Emolovee of Asent: Studv Area Code of ReDortine Carrier:Filins Due Date for this form: 18 ofthe United States Code,18 U.S.C. 5 1001 Pdse 23 i P{4 24 <O1(}> StldyArdcade Tra!f.r@ rlr.l.E!, lii.<Ol$ StudyAEaName <O2O, ProgramYer 2ara <03D contaet Nare - Ptron usAcshould contsd regrrdingthl5d.ta <035> eont.ct T€lephffie flumber - Numli€t of p€mn identifi.d in dat llne dr30> <o39> Contact Em.il Addrs - Emall AddEss of penon idrntirhd ln drta llne <O3O> su.ejq.e!rarrJn..'!n I cenify undcr panalty of perjury that no unlversal servlce support has b6en or will be used to purdrrs€, obtain, maintsin, improve, modlfy, or otherwlse suppott any equipm€nt or selices produced or provided by any company designated by the Federal Communicauons Commission as poEing a national security threat to ihe integrity of commuiications netwolts ol the @mmunic.tions supply chain since th€ effectlve date of the desi8nttions. Name of Attached Documem listing Rcquired Yes !f.l: Hr1i Pl6ase Provide Waiver Document Allowable File Type (pdf onlyl lnfomatlon I certify that no F€deral subsidy made available thrclgh a prggram adminislered by the commassion ttat provides funds to be used for th. capltal expendituret necessary for the ptovision ot advanced communicatlons $Mc€s has baen or will be used to purchase, rent, lease, or otterwlse obtain, any covered communlcatloRs equipm€nt or seryice, or maintain any covered communicatioB equipment dr servlce previously purchased, rented, leascd, or othetwis€ obtaln6d, as required by 47 CF.R. I 54.10. Allowable File Type (Bdf only) Name ofAttachEd Dodment Ustint Required lnformatlm Yes l, I ! Page 24 (J o Ui CJ-l 0.)lr..1 B il j o q-.1 6a aao --l()lr..1B r:-t, FI C) 'ti6(n a a) 0)r-l 0)lr-i J4c--1 FIoq-r r0a aao-,0) t-r-.1 B f/c FIotr-.i rda aao oll..t 6 tr._l F] C)ql rdq L') L')o.-l o)g -.1 J4 ._t Ffoqr rda U) U) 0) -.] c.)lr-.1 E c._t FI (.)qr rs U) aao -.]olr-a B J1c-r, FI CJl{t rUa aaa 0).1og -_t B j4c-_t,foqr rda or/) C) --l c-)lr ._1E j4 C._l F]ot]; rda aa0-l(.)l]-_t f1 --t F]oqi rd(n aa 0)-totr B FI a)lr-.1 rd LN E.9oc.!9 oo!co .o o coCl Eo|J ot fao u0Eo6 -l (/) ro 0l-l0)ir.t, Jlc._l F] 0)q-.1 rda t,a 0)-t 0.) t.,1..1B c._1 ts:oq-.1 da aa 0)-l0)tr--tB c-.1 F]oq-.1 16a ocH L')a 0)-tolr -_t E 0)co trr Ord!l Fr aa() -lolr-rl B ._i Floql (0a o H aa() .-lotr._t E ocotr Or0lrF E )l tr-_i F: ..1 B Jl tr._l i F-l (.) tr_..] oa .,1 E :<c._t Fl c.)t! rda \+-t ocH ._l B o ilr trF (-)cH U) U)o-totr--l B o t&or0 l.,] Fr otrH U) u)(.) --l C)tr -_1 E (.) of!o(!llF OCH L''(f) o --loir.11 C)co t&(-) rdll Fr OcH a(n (.)-t0)ir-.1s (.) ot!(-) cdtr Fr tr-.1tll oo=OtrH a(, CJ4(, tl._l 5 C)tro irr U.dirH OcH aa() --1oir..1 0.) CoL O cd!rF OcH ao(])4 0)ll-- 0.)q o t&ooirF OcH a C) C) -.] 0.)tr.-1 B o o frr O rU!F H t! otrH O)a(.) --totl..i o o O(0 l.,]F UcH a U)o-lotr -_t c--t Fl 0)q-r rUa otrH a U)o.-1 C)lr--1 B 0.)qofqo.dirF OcH O) U) C-) o!r.A B o ot! O cd l.,]F UCH aa(.) --lo 1r ._1 E 0) o tq OistlF UtrH a')a()-t C,)lr._t E (] tro [!ordtrF ocH U)a 0) .-.,] (.)tr B 0.)coEorsirF tl.-t E c t.rF Or0lr € I i F c6o EoU @c o aoo N€ E coo EoL)ucEox @ L 3 4 o'c GUu.Etsoaox o @ =:: al t o E o .= Go! .g !@ EC@p co oo o o !! G Eu o !! o EU co o o oo o.s ! .=!o.F o; oo o a!Eaz ! E:zocoqqoF N cou o @o!.9E u.=! 6uo o o E = lco 0d oEoz E cou oo oa Eoqo d oNo I C ( oEoz o !l o ol o?olooin dz o coL,,a o !o€grooroe C',a*;S6iN]E;E (,rr!(Jc,!ab9=EHoo o EGILEE8IB-.=oFT6-9 ooEFogE o!oUoo !f oo IJ aa 0).l c)tr-_l --l tsfoqr r0(n aao-t 0.) t.,]-_lB J4 Lt) at/)o --lolr-_lB -_t F-l c)q-r (d U) (/) 0t c.)-l0)lr._lE }4tr._t Ffc) '+-.1rd U) aao.-l 0) t.1 ...,1B ]4c._i F]otr-.] rda =.9 oE.9 oo ! G 6 o oa EoI oc 3ao!!c'6a o H aa 0)-lotr._l E 0.) ot!U cdlrF coN._l t-.1 0.) a U)o-l C)tr J<c,.1 Ff() q-.1 dQ a L') o) -fotr..1 )1c--l.f(.)ql (I <f) oao --1 c.) l.r . ",]B c..1 Fl a.)q! r0a atf) 0.) .-.,1o t.r.A B fZc.rl F: 0lq{ rda oCH U)a 0)r{ 0)lr E (.)col! U rdlrF a L,)o.1 0)lr--1B c-_t Ff o)l+{ rd0 aao.-1 C)tr.-l r1c--l F:ott-r rda -_1B c--l Fl c.) '+lrd Q aa 0)4o i.{-_t B c--1 l: q! oao-.]o t-r ...,] E ,v,e._t Floqi rda aao-toll._l B tr._t Fl 0)l+r rd(,,) a U)o () t.1-_i tr-_l a C)o -lott ...1 f4 tr._l FI C)qi (.da ..1B 11c.-i Floq-l rsa aa(.)-tolr..1 B J1c..1 Ffoq-{ rUa a U) c) '-.,](.)tr.-1B C._l Fl() q-.1 .da ocH U) a) C) --l C)ll..1 E C) ot!odlrF ao C).-l c)tr--IB --lrfoq-1 r0a o .gG ocH aa c-).l c.)ir -.1 0lcotrU6lrF o H U] r0(l)..{olr,.1 (] otr U rU!rF o H aa 0.) r-1 t1)lr E otro 14 OolrF a(n 0).t OJ otrH aa CJ (Jlr-.t E () trot!ol!llF O H aao "-lC,)lr.ri 5 G)cotl O rdlrF (.) H U](4 0)4 ."1 =ocotlo rdgF otrH a)ao-t(.)ir-.1 E q)cohro(dlrF O H a (.) --lolr--l B 0-)cot'lo(d ! Er otrH ao-lc)lr-_t B G) ot!U(dlrF (-) H aa 0)-l0)tr-.1 E o) otqo rdtr Er ocH aao-l(.)! B ! .,1 Fl c.)l+r (da otrH a U)o-l(.) |1-_t B () CotqU cdlrH --l ocH coa trofq O(! tr Fr o H aa 0).-1 OJlr-_t B 0)cot!U(! t"l Fr o H aa() .-1olr..1 E (.) trot!ordtlF ocH a 0)-t a)lr B 0)trot!ordlr Ei rr..1 € tq B o ! c6o Eo @c ooao No o tr6 Eo(J @ Eo- @ a - o Uuc ooo& oo ! e a oo oc o! ;.9=trop o oo o o ! EU o !! E EU coU o o oo o.g G @! .g Eo.F co =co oo o o! Ez oo Efzoco oooF coU n o E @o! ,9s @.g! o@o o co =fot l o od o E6z G co(J o oo Eo @o No o Eoz o 3l o (h o('6 1.oo d2 E to(,, 6 =o tD6(h?o166(n dzRd=ct6 =Nttt=rE E3};Etr=EHoo 3 rcEIEE8EE-go FIi, -9ooEFo EE o!o(J 6a EI oo I E .9ot.soo !cEo o Eoq EoI oc fouc'6o mo do o 6o 6 aL'o--l a)ti ...1? coN..1tl() a0o-.] 0)q ..1 oN..1ll() a L,) C) -.,1oli . r.,lE coN lr 0) U) o .-.1otr..1 E coN._i tr 0.) a u) C)-l 0)ir.,t B oN._l U) a) C,)-t 0)lr-.1 B coN-_l tr(.) U) C) c)-l 0)ll-,1 E coN-_lll 0) a U) 0) o!..i E(oN-_ttlo coN-.1lro ctroN..1 rr c.) coN-.ttr 0) troN..1tr() coN--tl{ 0) oN.-llro coN.-ttl() oN-_ltro oN-_ilr a) troN._ltr q) N-.4tl _.t .c C)tl C) Ctftr r0 Or i a &.(._i aco O L,) ._t atr 0) C!lr r0 tu tr(l-t .-1 .-1 c)U N a c4 lro 3oz LO r0 .lJo}Z rdo -c]Jlro -calroc+Jlr or XJotf -,1 Fi lr 0)T!._l M .d UJ! 0lcDtlrd tu ! 0)D.i E.i Fl r0 ]Jo f0o ]J!oz o tr r0;a4-t 0)O a cld4 .d c0 .dao) 0; d& n0 -d .4J 6 o(o !oz o ! 6i i40o o o da a03 !!oz o.-/ C @ a)c!! (U tu E o) .d .i *f .dDo 6o E !o qo N a& (J !pc C)() .c!tro -_t ollo ]J t-1 r0 O{ 1f, c)!-.1e -_t Ff cd o oE I @ (0 BoH -_t alioc!tl(d o C).lJ._i J I-r a& O H )) oa coN "_ltr() ocH U c; co.lJ O,fFf rd."{ ocH H (J,l F-l !( rd ! rd o N..1 lr 0) (, rdE Co N-_liro UFl FI 0)tl rd Brd --l0)o co N-_ilr 0) OFlFi 6._lc._t lr._l co N...,] lro OFf Ff .lJt]oz oN-.1lro (-) Fl F: .tJtroz coN..1 llo U F] F: ]JlroZ coN._t tr C) 0)a)tl 0)- ts 0) o N.-1 tl C) o CH lro 3o tro N ._1 tr (.) c U)c oA co N-atr N._l lr 3 ! 'i c6o EoUqc G @oo N 6 E Eo EoUdc @ L F @ Uuc EooaE o 6 :rl a I t E oo o.g E .Epo Ecop o oo o!! E a !! o EU coU o o oo o.E ! .E!a.F ca =co oo o o!Ef2 o! Efzoco! ooF coU o oE o !.9E Uc€ Uo oco =oE I l Eo gd aE6z 6 c u oo 6o Eo{o d oNo o 3 *( q E6zoa !f o o!oU Go !l oo oo?oroo6 dz E EoL.l6 =o ro6ql?olo(flrt d20 d:o6 ENlt:LE E3beE4EO '.{EUtsoo .9EGqEEEE!o-:o$! ooEEeE8