HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220728Assurance Wireless Form 481.pdfPavisWightlremalne LLP ,i.:.:- ,, -; - ,-,, :1, i1: JI Suite 2400 1300 SW Fnh Avenue Poilland, OR 97201-5610 Heather f,oelter 50&.7/&3{06 tel Re: Heathermoelter@dwt. com . !:1,'irl July 28,2022 YU E-MAIL: seue taryt@puc. idaho. gov Jan Noriyuki Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Boulevard, Bldg. 8 Suite 201-A Boise,Idaho 83714 Docket GNR-t-22-01 - Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. - FCC Form 481 Certification Form Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Please find enclosed the FCC Form 481 of Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. ("Assurance") for filing in Docket GNR-I-22-01. This supplements Assurance's Annual Lifeline Report, which was timely filed on June 28, 2022. Please note that the Federal Communications Commission waived the July 1,2022 deadline for certification and submission of the FCC Form 481, and established a new deadline of July 29,2022.1 The form was available on July 11,2022, and was timely certified in the Universal Service Administrative Company's One Portal. Please contact me at your convenience if you have any questions Sincerely, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Heather Moelter HM/Kh I l(ireline Competition Bureau Announces Availability of FCC Forn 481 Certification and July 29, 2022 Submission Deadline, Public Notice,DA22-743, WC Docket No. l0-90, 2022WL 2734367 (WCB 2022). DWT.COM Anchorage I Bellevue I Los Angeles I New York Portland I San Francisco I Seattle I Washington, D.C Page 1 <010> StudyAreaCode 4790L5 <015> StudyArea Name Aa6urencc nirele6B USA L-P- <020> Procram Year 2023 <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data Tanl shvon.k <035> Contact Number Telephone Number: ot the person identitied in data line <030> ,1253835551 exts <039> contact Email Address:-rcblIe. conEmail of the pe6on FormType s4.422 Page 1 P.9.2 <010>4790t5 <0[> <,2(> ProgEmY..r <03O> Cont.d l{ame - Plls usAC rhould @nt.d ..8ardin8 this dila <03> contadT€lephoe Number - Number of paen idcntifi€d in data liae <o3o'253435s51'xt' <039> Cont.dEmailAddr.$-Em.ilAddrcsorDcrsnidcnlificdindablinc<030> tlri.6h$ckot_rcbirc-coh <210> Forthepriorcalendaryear,werether.anyreportablevoicesryiceoutaSes? <220><d> t{oRs Rcfuem N!Dbct Out t.srfr D.tc Out.t.shil Tlmc omSG End D.t. Outlg. End Tlm. Nuobc.ot cffi.E Affd.d Tot.l ilumbcj of 911 F.cllhl6 Alt ct d $rvl@ Out{e Dcscrtptbn (ch.d Dld Thl. om|t. Affd Muhlpl. Study An 3 saavlC OutaSc PilEtutlY. <b4><c1><a2> P.ge 2 P{t 3 <)1o> StudyArea Codc t79015 <01$ StudyArca l{ame <02(> ProgramYear <03(> Cont ct f{amc - Parson USAC should contact rctardint dtis dat <035>Cont.ct Telephone Numb.r - Number of p€6on identmed ln data llnc <o!t(> <039> :ontect EmailAddress- EmailAddresofperson idertificd in data llne t.d..M-dtl-d <400> <410> <420> s€lect from the dropdown list to indioate hoi, you would llke to rcpon voicG complalnts (rero or treater) for voice telephony servlce ln the prlor calendar year for each servica arca in which you are dcslgnatld an ETC for any facllltirs you own, operate, leasc, or otherwitc utilize. complaints per 1&)0 customers for flxed voice Complalnts p€r 1(n0 customers for mobile voice PT3 P.1.1 OID Sardr^dod. b.@ tM!a. E l.P. 45r ffi t LCEi.[nh..-l.l,tudm lffilld hdfr k@ 49 C.ffiCml lhCD d.@du..d 6t5> CidlymDt Erltiilllrbhhlnlnm srlod.rdr P{r I Pt5 <)1(}, <02i> Prmn Yd <xl6 Coitdilrm-Pmru5Acrhdtd@il.drtl:dlnatilsdft ru.lrd <r3$ cilt aTdoh6! ilmb{- r{umb.rdpcffi dfidird ln d.r. [m <rilb't'r"rEBr .'' <r3$ Cort.lt EDdl Add6 - Em.tl lddEof plm lffilfu ln drt fim <r3(D d-.@{dr..o <60o csdfymplhrerlt.rdllf.bmytotuncdq lnmcryncyCturdG <61(> t GdBhrc dMlrt to. turdondlty ln EmqtltEy Shutloot PT3 P.!e 6 dl6 Stu& AE 6de ar9o15 <[5> StudyAmlam d2!)> PmhmY6r <r:]D Contlct Nam - P.lM USAC rhqld cst ct @rdlmthis d.ta <035> contrctTcbphoneNumbsr-NumberofErcnHantlflodtndatrllne<03o, 4,53135551 dE. d39> Coht*l Emll Adde - EmllAddrcs of EMn ld.htllLd ln data llm d)3(b <81(D ilErum Orrier tr&EDe. lirclcia Ual, L.t d11> Holdlm Crmdnv T-st1G us rrc. 414>Omfilm Cnrnmhv 413> &fl.lB sAC haahar{ urnrlzr rroff ldnc.l Ar Ccnpfi y o, lrand 4nrdfi Paac 6 P8feT <01Or StudYArocod!479015 &.uac. Iilelcai B L.P. <12(> ProtnmYe 2023 ln dfi lhc dtot d:l$ CoMtmillddr6-tmll <90O, Do.s the flllng cntlty offGr trlbsl lrnd s.rvlc.s? (Y/il} <910> Tribal lrnd(s) on whlch ETC Srms <920> Trlbal Gdcmrcnt EngaSemant obllSatlon It your @mplny sryGi Trlb.l hnds, pl..r shci (Y!r,No, NA) for !*h th6! bd.r to @nflrm th. status d.$rlbGd on th..ttrch.d PDF, on lln.92O, daM3tntc mrdin.tlon wlth tha Trlbal iq.rnmrnt pu6urrt to 5 54.313(.X5) includ6: <921>Noods a$assmont atd doploymerd plannlng wilh a iocus on TIlbsl cornrnunity andror lnsllhrtbm. Fraslblllty and sustalnablllty plannln& Markctlns $rulcc3 ln e culturally r.Bltlvr m.nnGt; Compllencc wlth Rlahts of w.y pt@ss Crmpll.ncr wlth trnd Us. pcrmtttlry ruquircm.nts complianc. wlth F.cllltl3s sltint rulcs Compllancc wlth Envlronmcntal Ravlcw pEcs*s compllance wlth cultural Prusarvrtlon rovlcw procassas Compllancc wlth Tribal Busin.sr 8nd Llc.nslnt r.quirrmrnts. N.m of Afird.d Doarmnt <922> <923> €24> <925> <925> <927> <928> <929> &loct Y6orNotr tlol ADplhable I Pegel Pagc 8 <010> Study Arca Codc ru gors <015> StudyArca Namc p.lr@e xlerc'. H !.p. <020> Prognm Y.ar 2023 <030> ConEct Nam! - Plrson USAC ahould contact rrgardlrE thb data r.d sM* <035> ContactTelcphmNumb.t-Numbcrof p.mnid.ntiflcdlnd.t llm<)3D {253835351 d. <039> Contaet Em.ll AddEss - Emall Addrc3s of pcmn ldsntmcd ln data llnc <03O> <1000>Vole srulccs rata comprnbility ertifietion <101(>Attach dctelLd dascrlptlon for volc! srrukcs ntc comp.rablllty compll.ncr <1020 Broadband smp.r.blllty ccntfiation <1030>Attach drtallcd dcscrlptlon for broadband compaEbility cmpllencr Name of Attachad Docun*nt ttlam of Attechcd Dfiumnt Pagc 8 Pagc 9 <O1O> StudvAr.e Cod. <015> StudyArca N.m.&tr.e6 lir.L.. tr64 L.D- Ycal Contlct N!m! - Prmn USAC contact <035> Contact Number -<03O> .25383s55r dr <039> Contact Email Addrass - Email Addr.s of oerson id.ntmcd in drt lln. <)3O> <1100> Ccrtify whrthrr t rrcstrial backhaul options .xlst (Y/N) <U3O> Pleao select ths approprlate capoltss (Yes, No, Not Appliceblo) to connm tho ropordng canlsr ofiers broadband sorvics of at leart I Mbps dowmtaam and 250 tbpg upotraam wtthin th6 supporbd ar€a puBrrant to S 54.313(g). <1140>Al8ka Pl.n rrt+of-rctum ertmetion (y!s, no, or not appllc.bbl of compllancc srith apprdr€d pcrtomanc! plan. Page 9 Pa8.10 <010> StudyAres Cod!a79015 <)15> studyAr., Nam! <020> Proiram Yrar <03D Cont ct Namc - PGmn USAC should contact rlr.rdim this d.ta <03S> Contact T.bphon! Numb€r - Numbrr of prrson idrntlfird in drta linr <030> .r5!0355s1 dt. <039> Contact Em|il Addla - Email Addr€ss of pcrson ldrntiflcd ln dat llne <030> <1210> Tlrms & Conditions of Voice Telcphony Lifclinc Plans <!220> 'Plo$ chck thm borc3 b.bw to 6nfrm th.t th. .tt ch.d dBumst(t), on lln. 1210, or th! rcbalb llct d, on lln. 1220, @nElN th6 Equlnd lnfomtbn puEqnt to 5 54.422(.X2) .nnul EportlnS for ETCS EeMnt lfl-ln@m. suppor! €nl.E must .nnqlly nport: <t221> lnformtion describirg thc tcms and conditlons of .ny volc. tclcphony $rvicc plans offerud to Liflline subscribcrs, <122b D.tails on thc numbcr of minutes puidcd as part of thc plen, <1223> Addition.l chartcs for toll calls, and Etcs for rach such plan, Nam [rocumant HTTP btlE://yw..sruuc.rtr.td!.en/Iq.1/r!ff-d-cdltid. E E E Pegr 10 P.tu a7oo15 f,ama zo23 <03s> Erl.rtmch-dll..ca Select the appropriate responses below (Yes, t{o, Not Applkablcl to note compllance as a rcclplcnt of frozen Hlgh Crst suppo6 Hlgh Coat support to offset acccss charge rcducdons, and Conncct America Ptasc ll support as set forth ln 47 CFR 54.313(c),(d),(el. The lniormaton reported on tlrls iorm and ln the documents attached bdry ls accurate. <2015> 2015 and future Frozen Support Cenification 47 CFR t 5a.313(cXa) Prlce Cap Carrler Connect Amerlca tCC Support {47 CfR S 54.313(dl} <2016> Certificatlon support used to build broadband Connect Amerlca Phase ll Reportlng {47 CrR 5 54.313(d} <20L7A> Connect America Fund Phase ll recipient? <2Ol7C> Total amount of Phase ll support, if any, the price cap carrier used for capital expenditures in 2021. <2018>Name of Attached Document Llstlng Required lnformation Connect Amerlca Phase ll - FCC Form 470 Postlnp <2019> For the Illing due July 1 following full implementation of this requirement answer yes, no, or not applicable to this ceftification request P.a. 11 Attach the number, names, and addresses of communlty anchor institutions to whlch the carier newv begian provldlnt access to broadband service ln the preceding calendar year - 54.313(eXllfiifiA) P.la U <)10> StudyAreacode 479015 <015> StudyArea Name Assurance Wireless USA L.P <)2D ProgramYear 2023 <030> Contact Name - PeBon USAC should contect regarding this date Tami Shwonek <)35> ContactTelephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030>4253835551 exU <039> contactEmailAddress-EmailAddressof personidentifiedlndataline<o3D taml . shwonek@t-mobi1e. Com (3oo7l Does this filing retain a Cost Consultant and/or Firm, or other Third Party to prepare flnanclal and op€rations data disclosures submitted to the Natlonal Exchange Carrier Association (NECAI, USAq or the Administrator? Name of Consultant tame of f.onsultant Flrmfihlrd Psrty P..! 1:I P.a.13 <010> Study Area Code 47qO1 q <015> StudyArca Naoe Aaarir.n.a wi ra'l aEa TICA T. D <020> ProtEmYlar 2023 <O3O> Cont ct Name - Pctsn USAC should @ntact .lgarding this data Tami Shwonek <035> Contact Telcphom Numb.r - Numbcr of peEon idcntifird lr d.t line <030> 4 2 5 3 8 3 5 5 51 ext <039> ContacrEma[Md,.ss-EmaflAddresrofpeMntdenttfiedIndrt ltre<o3D Eami'shwonek@t-mobi1e'com Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313(fXU. Privetely held carriers must ensure compliance with the financial reportint requirements set forth in 47 CFR 54,313(f)(2). I further certify that the information reported on this form and in the documents attached below is accurate. (300s) (3010A) (30108) (3012A) (3012B) (3013) (3014) (301s) (3015) (3017) (3018) (30ls) (3020) (3021) l3o22l (30231 l3024l (302s) (30261 Progress Report on 5 Year Plan canier certifirs to 54.313(0(1xiii) Crrtifietion of Public lnt rcst Obligations {47 CFR ! s4.313(fxlxi}l Plcae Pruidc Attachmrnt Rrtcof-Rltum Communlty Attdlor lnslltutlon3 lndicatc ifthc cerri.r newly deployed broadband pruicc to mmmunityrnchor institution(sl in th. puious elcndar ycar. Plea* Prwid€ Attachmnt Using link, dmnload templatr and list the numbcr, name and eddrc$ forcach community anchor institution. Attach th. dcumcnt which conttlns th. @mmunity anchor institution dctails as rcquiEd by 47 c.F.R. 0 s4.313(fl(1xiD ls your @mpany. Privatrly Held ROR Gnier {47 cFR 5 s4.313(0(2ll lf y.s, dcs yourcompany file thc RUS annual rcport Plea* chock thcsc boxes to 6nfim that tlE attachcd PDF, on llnc 3O1Z contains the Equir.d information pu6uant to I 54.313{0(2} @mplian6 requires: Elcctrcnic @py of tl€ir annual RUS rcports (opcEting R"port for Tll!@mmunications Eolwerl Document(s)with Balamc shet, ln@rc stat mant and Statcmcnt of Cesh Flffi lf the r"sponsc is yes on line 3014 attach Your @mpany's RUs annual rcport and all required d€umentation lfthc respons is no on |in.3014 ls your comp8ny auditcd? lf the rcspons it y6 on linr 3018, plc8$ chek thc boxcs bllow to confirm yoursubmission on linc :to26 pursuant to 5 54.313(0(21, contains: Eithlr a copy ofth.iraudited financial rtetcm?nt; or (2l a financial rcport in e format @mparabL to RUs OpcntinS Rcport for Teleommuniatlons Borow€rs Deumnt(s) for B.lane Shcct, lnomc Stat m.nt and stat.mlnt of cesh Flrys Manrgcmcnt lctt r and/or sudit opinion isucd by thc indep.ndcnt c.rtificd public ac@untant that performed the ompeny's financirl audit. lf thc respons. is no on linc 301& plca* chlck tha boxcs bclowto @nfirm yolr submision on linc 3026 pursuant to 5 54.313(0(2), ontains: copy ofthcir financlal statcment which has bccn subject to rcvicw by en independ€nt ertificd public acountant; or 2l a financial rcport in a fomat companble to RUs Opcnting Rcport for Telc@mmuni@tions Eorcwers Und.rlying information subjectcd to a rcvicw by an independrnt certified public accountant Underlying information subjecied to en offier crtifletion. Document(s) with Balsne Sh*t, lncom. Statemlnt and statament of cash Flos Attach thc workshcct listinE rcquir.d information N.m. of Attachcd Docum.nt Listing Rcquircd lnformation Namc of Attachrd DGumrnt Listing Rrquircd lnformation (Yes/No) (Ycs/Nol l{smc of Attachcd Documcnt Listing Requircd lnform.tlon (Ycs/No) O O oooo Name of Attachcd Document Usting Rcquired lnformstion P.al 13 PaGe 14 HiurdrlDasmf,v (3027) Rmnur (3028) OpcEting Exprns3 (3029) Nrt lncoru (30301 Telcphom Phnt ln ScrUGfrPE) (30311Tot lAsti (30321 Tot l Dcbt (30331 Tot l Equlty (3O:14! Dtuldcnds P.ge !t P.t 15 <01D StudyArea Code <015>Area Name <o30>Contact ltlame - Prrson USAC conttct deta !q95> Contact Telephonc Number - Number of pcrson identited in data line <030> <039>ContactEm.ilAddr6s-EmailAddrrssofparsonidentmedindataline<030> !.d..h'-&r-drr..cd i!005 Rursl Broldbend E e€rlment Authorized Rur.l Broadband Expcriment (RBEI recipi.nts must address the crrtiftcition fs public interest obligauons and provide a list of newly served community snchor institutions. Rrbllc lntercst Obllt3dms - FCC 1+98 (psraSraphs 2C29, 78) Please address Une 4001 reSarding compliance with the Commission's public inter€st obligatlons. All RBE partkipants must provide a respons! to Line 4001. 4001. Rdipient ccrtifiGs that it is ofrGring bmdbsnd me.ting the .cquisitr public interest obliSations consistcnt with the cat.8ory for which thcy wcrc s.lected, lncludiru broadb.nd rp.c4 latcncy, ege capacity, and ratls that are rrasonabv comparabb to ratcs for comparablc ofrerings in urban arca9. RBE Communlty Andror lnsttutlons <40o:la> lndicat. lf tho carrier newly deployed bro.dband s.flke to community .nchd institution(sl in the prcvious calcndar ycar <itd)3b> Plcase Providc Attachment: UsinS lint, downlmd t.mplatr .nd list the numbcr, mme and address for each community anchor institution. A$ach thr document wlrich contains th. community anchor institution d.tails ss rcquircd by tCC 14-98 (paragraph 79) Name ofAttachrd Documcnt Listit!8 Rcquircd lnformation ,I! l5 PI.16 <010>Study Area Codc <015>Study&ea Name <030> <)39> Contrct Name - Per$n USAC should ontact Contad Email Address - Email Address of pemn line <O3O> <030) .u,.mat-drr..6in 5OO5 Alask. Plan (5011) (s012) Please indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previous calendar year in areas previouslyserved excluslvely by performance-limitint satellite backhaul. lf the filing carrier identified in its approved perfomance plans that it relies exclusi\rely on satellite backhaul for e certain poriton ofthe population in its service area, indlcate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previoius calendar year in areas that were previoiusly served exclusively by satellite backhaul. (Yes/No) (Yes/No) ,ldhs.od t€hd ropbdon (Yes/No) Name of Attached Document l"isting Rcquired lnformation <5013> D.r..lftbn o, 8.ct}.ul tGhFb0 Alaska Plan Mobll. CrnlcrC Reasonably Compa.auG Rate t emonsbetbn (5014a) Answer yes or no if moblle carriers receivlng support from the Alaska Plan can demonstrate compliance at the end ofthe five.year milestone {2022} by showingthat your required stand- alone voice plan, and one seMce plan that offers broadband data services, ifyou offer such plant are: o Substantially simllar to a service plan offered by at least one mobile wireless service provider in the cellular market area (CMA) for Anchorage, Alaska, and. offered for the same or a lower rate than the matchint plan in the CMA for Anchorage. Alaska Plan Moblle C.nlerC Reasonably Comparable Rat€ D€monstratlon Attachment (5014b) lf ^Yes' is selected for 5014a, attach a document demonstrating compliance with the s-year milestone. lf'No' is selected for 5014a, attach an explanation of non-compllance. Ps 15 P{r 17 <01(>StudvArea Cod! <r15>Arca Nsmc <0lxr>contact Nam! - Pelson USAC should contact <035>ContactTelcphonc Numbet - Numbcrof pcrson data <039>ContactEmailAddress-EmailAddrcssofpersonidentifirdlndataline<Xrc> td..h'.ft-dr1.."- <6010> Enter the total amount of Phase ll Auction SuppoG if any, the carrier used for capital expenditures. Phase ll Auctlon and New York Funds Cortmcatlon <6011>Certifu (either yes or no) .egading whether the recipient has awilable funds for all proJect corts that wlll exceed the amount ofsupport that will be received for the next calendar year. This certification must be provided starting the flrst July 1st after receiving support until the recipien(s penultimate year of support. Phase ll Auctlon Communlty Anchor lnstltutlons <6O12a> lndicate ifthr carrie. newly deployed broadband servlce to community anchor institution(s) in the previous calendar year, <6012b Please Provide Attachment Usint link, download template and list the number, name and address for each community andtor institution. Attach the document which contains the community anchor institution detalls as requlred by FCC 1+98 (paragraph 79|. (Yes/No) Name of Attrchrd Dcumcnt listing Requircd lnlomation Ph.se ll Arctlon FCC Form 470 PoctirEs <5013> For the filint due July 1 following full implementation of this requlrement answcr yes, no, or not applicable to this certlfication request. Phrse ll Auctlon Post+lnal Deploym€nt Mll6tone Pcrionn m! C.rtmcadon <6014> Slartint the ftrst July 1st after meeting the final service milestone, certifo (yes, nq or not applicablel that the Phase ll-funded network that the Phase lt auction recipient operated ln the prior year meets the.elevant performance requirements ln s 54.309. P.tc 17 P+1l <010>StodyArea Code <015>Area Name t.rc.. tl!.I..! E L.?- 202' <030>Contact Name - Person USAC should contact data <035>contact Telephonc Number - Number of pcrson idlntmed in data line <030> <)39>contact Email Addrcss - Email Address ot pcrson idrrtificd in data line <o30> <7010> Phase ll Auction recipient performance requirements certification (Yes/Nol Ptr rl PI.19 <OlO> qftrfu Ar.r arvl. .,.",. kru.E. Ilr.f.r. m L,r.<r15> StudyArea Name<020> ProgEmYear<030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact this data <030> Email Addrss - Email Address of perrcn identif,cd in data line <03D trd.rh@&t-dl1.."* <035> <039> Contact <8010>Unlendo a Puerto Rico State 2 Flxed - Capltal Ery€ndlturrs Entcr the total amount of Unicndo a Puerto Rico Stage 2 fhed support, it any, the orrier uscd for epital cxpenditurcs. <801r.>Unlendo a Puerto Rico Stage 2 Fhed - Avallable Funds Certmcation Ccrtify (cithlr yrs or no) regarding whcthcr th. r.cipient has available funds for all prcj.ct costs that will cxcccd thc amount of support that will be reeivrd for th. next calcndar year. This ccrtifietion must br provided starting thc firctJuly lst aftcr reciving support until the rrcipirnt's penultimatr yrar of support. <go12a> Uniando r Puerto Rlco State 2 Fircd - Communlty Anchor lnstltutions lndietc if thc orricr newly deploycd bredband sruicc to community enchor institution(s) in thr prcvious ebndaryear. <8012b> Plcase Providc Attachment Using link, download template and list the numbcr, name and addrcss for each community anchor institution. Attach the documcnt which contains the community anchor institution details as rcquircd by 47 C.F.R. 0 54.313(e)(2XA). Allowablc File Typcs. Unlendo a Puerto Rlco Statr 2 Flxed - FCC Form 470 Postln$ <E013> For the filin8 duc July 1 following full impl.mrntation ofthis rcquircmrnt answcr ycs, no, or not applieblc to this ertifietion request. <8014> <8020> <8030> <8040> <8050> Nam. of Attach.d Documcnt Listing Rcquircd lnformation Unlendo a Puerto Rlco State 2 Flxed - Post-Flnal D€ploymrnt Mllestona P€rlormance Certlflcatlon Starting tha first July 1st aftar m.rting thc final scruice mileston!, crrtify (ycs or no) that the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Stage 2-funded network that the Stagc 2 rcclpi.nt opcnted in the prior year mets thr rclcvant performancc rcquiramcnts in I 54.309. Uniendo a Puerto Rico State 2 Flxed - Support Relmburscment Certlflcatlon 54.313(n): R.cipients of Uniendo a Puerto Rlco Fund StaSe 2 fired support shall ccrtify that such support wa3 not usd for costs that arr (or will bc) rcimbued by other sources of suppoG includinS of fcdenl or lmlgocmmcnt aid or insuEncc rcimbuBemcnts; and that support was not used for othar purposcs, such as thc rctir€mcnt of company dcbt unrclated to lligible expcnditurcs, or othar axpens.s not diroctly relatrd to network rcstoration, hardening, and expansion consistant with the framawork ofthr Unlando a Pulrto Rirc Fund. Uniendo a Rrerto Rlco Stage 2 Fixed - Disaster Prcparcdncss and Response oodmentatlon 54.313(n): Reclplcnts of fixrd support from StaSc 2 ofthr Unicndo a Pucrto Rico Fund shall certity that thly have conduct.d En annual review of the documcntation rcquircd by section 54.1515(a)-(c) to dltcrmine thc nced forand to lmplcmetrt changes or revisions to disstlr preparation and racovery documentation. Uniendo a Puerto Rico Statc 2 Mobile - Support Reimbu6ement 9.313(nl: R.cipicnts of Uni.ndo a Pucrto Ri@ Fund Stagc 2 mobilc support shall crtify that such support was not u*d for 6sts that are (or will be) reimburccd by other surus of support, including of fedcnl or lml govrrnmcnt aid or in3unncc rcimburcmcnts; and that support was not used for othrr purposes, such as thc retirement of company dcbt unrclatcd to cligiblc rxpcnditures, or othrr cxpcnscs not dircctly relatcd to nctwork rcstoration, hardenin& and cxpansion @nsistrnt with thc framcwork of thc Unicndo a Puerto Rlco Fund. Unlendo a Puerto Rico State 2 Mobile - Dlsaster Preparednesc and RespoNe Documentatlon 54.313(n): Recipi.nts of mobile suppon frcm Stagr 2 ofthe Unirndo a Pucrto Ri6 Fund shall ccrtify that they have conductcd an annual rcview of the documcntation requircd by section 54.1515(a)-(cl to determine thc necd for and to implement changes or revisions to disastrr prcpaGtion and rccov!ry dtrumantation Unlendo a Puorto Rico St.te 2 Moblle - Moblle Disbursements Certlficatlon 54.313(o): Recipients of Unicndo a Puerto Rico Fund Stage 2 mobila support shall certity that they are in compliencc with all rcquircmcnts for reccipt of such support to continuc receiving Stag. 2 mobil! disbuEem.nts <8060> P.ge 19 PI! 20 .nln: (t'rlv Aim l^d. <015> StudyArca Name b.*.oc rir.r... B !.D. Year <030>Contect Nam€ - Pemn USAC colttact <035>ContactTclephone NumbGr - Number of person in data line <030><039> contact Email Address - Email Address of person ldentllied In d.ta line <030> rd.thd.h-d11..c6 <9010> <9011> <9012a> <9012b> <9013> Connect USvl Statc 2 Flxed - Gpital Expendhur€s Ent rth.totalamountofConncctUsVlFundstag.2fixedsupport,ifany,thcerricruscd for 6pital Gxpcnditurcs. Conn€ct USvl State 2 Flxcd -Avallabh Furds Certiflcatlon certify (cithrr ycs or no) r.8.rding whcthcrthc recipicnt has availablc funds for ell pmject costs that will rxeed thc amount of support that will be rcccived for the nrxt cal.nderyear. This artifietion must b! providcd starting the fiBtJuly lst aftcr racciving support until the rccipicnt's pcnultimata ycar of support. Connect USVI Strge 2 Flxed - Communlty Anchor lnstltutlons lndiete if th. carrier ncwly deployed broadband scruic. to community anchor institution(s) in thc pravious alcndar yaar. Plea$ Provid. Attachment Using link, download tcmplat. .nd list thc numb.r, nama and addr.ss for cach community anchor institution. Attach thc document whlch @ntains th. community anchor lnstltution dctails as rcquircd by a7 c.F.R. 5 54.313(eN2Xi)(A). Connect USVI St t€ 2 Fked - FCC Form 470 Postlrys For the filing due July l followint full impl.mlntation of this requircmrnt anmr ycs, no, or not applieblc to this certification raquast. Connect Uslrl State 2 Flrcd - Post-Flnal Deployment Mll.slone Performance Certiftcetlon starting thr lirst July lst aftrr mccting the final srryice milcstonc, ertify (yes or no) that the Connect USVI Fund StaSr 2-fund!d network that th. state 2 r.ciplcnt opcratcd ln thc prior ycar mlrts the relcvant pcrformance rcquiremcnts in I 54.309. Conn€ct USVI Stetc 2 Flxed - Support RelmbuEement Certmation 54.313(n): R.cipicnts of Connrct USVI Fund StaSc 2 fixed support shall certify that such support was not usd for costs that arr (or will be) rcimbuBrd by other surEs of support, including of fcderal or lml govcmmcnt aid or insurancc rcimbummrnts; and that support was not us.d for othcr purposs, such as the retirrmrnt of @mpany dabt unrclated to cligible expenditurct orothcr cxpcnsls not dircstly clatcd to nltwork rastor.tion, hardcnin& and axpansion conslstent with thc fmmework of the Connccl Usvl Fund. Conn€ct USvl StaSe 2 Fixed - Diraster Prrpartdnese and R6ponse Documentetion 54.313(n): Rccipicnts offixcd support from Stag! 2 ofthe Connect USVI Fund shall crrtify thet th.y have conductcd an annual raviaw of the deumrnt.tion requircd by sectlon 54.1515(8)-{cl to dltcrmina th! ned for and to lmplcmcnt chanias or ravisions to disaster praparatlon and rccovcry docum€ntation. Connect Uslrl Fund stage 2 Moblle - Support RelmbuGcment Cenmc.tlon 54.313(n): Rccipicnts of conncct UsVl Fund Stagc 2 mobile support shall c.rtlfy that such support was not used for costs that arc (or will be) rcimburscd by othcr sourcs of support, including of fcdenl or lml gwcrnment eid or insunne rcimbursements; and that support was not usd for othcr purposcs, such as thc rctircmcnt of company dcbt unrrlatrd to eligiblc rxpcnditurcs, or othrr exp.n*s not dirrlctly relatcd to nrtwork rcstoretion, hardcning, and expansion consistcnt with tha fnmcwork of the Conncct USVI Fund. Recipiants of mobilc suppon f.om Staga 2 of the Connect USVI Fund shall certify that they have conductcd en annual rcvicw of the documcntetion r.quircd by scction 54.1515(a)-{c} to dctcrminc the nr.d for .nd to implcm.nt chan8ls or r.visiom to di$st.r prcpaEtion and r@very dcum.ntation. Conn.ct USVI Fund Stage 2 Mobllc - Dlsaster Preparedn€ss.nd Responsc Documentatlon 54.313(n): Reipients of mobilc supportfrom Statc 2 of the Connect USVI Fund shall certify that thcy havc onductld an annual rsiew of thc documentation roquircd by *ction 54.1515(a)-(c) to dctermine tha ned for and to implement chantes or revisions to di$ster prcparation and respons€ dcum!ntation. Connect USVI Fund State 2 Moblh - Mobllo Dlsbursemcnts C.rtmcailon 54.313(0): R.cipients of Connlct USVI Fund Strg. 2 mobil. support shall ertify th.tthey arr in complianc with all requiraments for rcccipt of such support to continue rccaivlnS steg. 2 mobilc disbuHm!nts. Namc of Attachcd Document Usting Rcquircd lnformation <9014> <9020> <9030> <9040> <9050> <9060> Page 20 P...21 <nln: qtr,{v Ar.: a.rl. <015> Study Arra Nsme EE.*. rr!.r... 6 !.!. <)20> <030> <035> Yaar Contect Name - Contact Contact 00ntact <030> Email Address of person id.ntified in data line <03O> r.d.t&@*.r-drr.."* <10010> <1fi)11> <10O12a> <10012b> <10013> <10014> nDo;Ctplt l Expendltu.es Starting thc flrst July 1st aft.r rccciving support until th. July ltt after thc rccipient's support tem has cnd.d, rccipirnts of RuEl Digital Opportunity Fund support must submit thr total amount of support, if any, thc recipi.nt uscd for epital .xpcnditures in the prcvious cabndar y.ar. This is rcquircd by 47 C.F.R. 5 54.313(cl(2XiXB). RDOF AYallablc Funds CGftmcation Pleasc provldc a rcsponse (cith.r ycs or nol to this ccrtificstion rcquast for any rccipicnt of Rural Digital Opportunity Fund support that thc rocipicnt has aki18blc funds for all prci.ct @sts that will cxc.Gd thr rmount of support that will bc rrceivld forth. next @ludar ycar. This ccrtific.tion must b. providcd startint the firstJuly lst aftcr rceiving support until thr rccipicnt's pcnultimat. ycar of support, as r.quir.d by rrquir.d by47 CF.R. 5 s4.313(.X2Xii). f,DOF Communlty Anchor lNtltutlons Rccipicnts of Rural DiSital Opportunity Fund support must attsch a list containinS the numb.r, nam.s, .nd addresscs ofcommunity anchor institutions to which thc eligibh telccommunications carrirr newly brgan providing acrss to bro.dband scruice in thc prcccding ehndsr ycar. This filin8 is rcquircd by 47 C.F.R. 5 5a.313(.X2XiXA). Pleasa Prcvidr Attachment Using link, downlmd tcmplatc and list thc numbcr, namc rnd addrcss for each communlty anchor institution. Attech th. dcumsnt which contains th! community anchor institution dctails as rcquired byaT c.F.R. 5 5a.313{GX2XiXA}. N.mc of Attached Documant Usting Rcquircd lnfomation RDOF FCC Form 470 PoctlnF For thc filing du! July lst followint full implemcntation of this rcquircmcnt, plea* providc a rcsponsc (cithcr ycs, nq or not applieblc) to this Gnifletion raqu.st. Recipicnts of Runl Oigital Opportunity Fund must rlspond affirmativcly th.t thcy bid on etcgory one tclccommuniEtlons and lntcrnct accc$ srryices in rasponsc to all FCC Form 470 postings secking broadband scrvicc that meets thr connlctivity tariats for th! schmls and llbrarics univeml s.rvlca support protnm for eligibl! schools .nd libnrics (as dcscribed in 5 54.501) locatcd within eny ar€a in a census block whcre thc csni.r is rccciving Rural Di8ital Opportunity Fund, and that such bids w.rc at rat.s rcasonablc comparable to ates chaEld to cligiblc *hmls and libraries in urban aroas for lnstructions for Complcting Fcc Form .l81 OMB @ntrol No. 3060{986 (High{on)oMB contrcl No. 306GO819 (Low-lncomc} Novembcr 2020 Page 44 compamble offcrings. This filing is rcquir.d by 47 C.F.R. I 5a.313(a)(210(c). This clrtifietion will not bc rcquirod until thc July kt following the E- Ratc prcgnm ycarthat this obligation has bccn fully implcm.nted. Modrmizing thr E-Ratc Prog6m for Schmls and UbErics.t al., Wc Dockrt. Nos. 13-184, 10-90, 29 rcc Rcd 15538, 15555-67, p8ra. 72 (2014). RDOF PoEt-Flnrl DlDloymant Mll6ton. Prrformrnc. Ccrtmc.tlon Starting th. flrst July lst after a Rural DiSital opportunity Fund rccipient meets its final scryicc mil$tonc untll thc July 1st aft.r thc suppon racipirnt's support tcrm has cndcd, plea* providc a rcsponsc (either ycs, no, or not applieblcl thet thc Ruml Digital Opportunity Fund-funded network that thc support rsipicnt opcBt.d in the prior ycar mcets tha rclcvant pcrformane rcquiremcnts ln 47 CF.R. I 94.3(D. This filing is rcquired by a7 c.F.R. I sa.313(cx2r(iii). Page 21 Pagc22 <01O> StudyArra Cod.{ 79015 <01S> studyArca Nam.Aasrance nLrelesa tSA L.P <O20> Prc$amYrar 2021 <03(> Contact Nam. - PGrson USAC should ontact rerardinr this data Ta01 Sbuonck <035> ContactTalaphoncNumbar-NumberofpcMnidantificdindrtallnc<030> 42s383sss1 exs <039> Contact Email Addrcas - Emeil Addrr$ of per$n identifi.d in data line <030> taml . shwonek@E-nob1le. com TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORNI{G CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FTLII{G ANNUAL REPORTII{G ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Ce'tmcatlon of Offloer ai to the Accuracy of the Dat Reported for the Annual Reportlng for CAF or Ll Reclphnts .sUfI th.t I am .n ofnc.r of tt rcportln! carlcr; my ruspondHlltlcs lndudc arrurlng tha acanrrcy ol the ennuel rcporont rcqulr.mcntr ior unhrcGal 3.rylc. suppott Gdpllnts; .n4 to thc bcst ol mf tnodct:, thr lnfofmrtlon Gportrd on thb iorm and ln .ny rtt drmcnB b &runtr. lame of Rcmrtinr Carirr. ABerance Wlrelesa IrSA I,. P. iisnaturcofAuthorizadofficcr: CERTTPTED omrM Datr o7 /L5/2022 ,rlnt.d name of Authorizcd offlccr: Larry welana nth or msition of Authorized officcr: vlce PreaLalent Ialeohone number of Autho.iz.d Officer: 9137 94 lil 52 ett. ;tudvA@ code of Remrtim c:riGr: '!?9015 Filin. Du. Drt. forthle l6n 0a / 07 / 2022 Pemnr willfully mklnt fal$ st t mnts on this fom en bc punishad by lin. orbit!]tun underth. communicatlonr AEt ot 1934 47 U,S.C !5 502, 508(b], orina d lmprignmnt undcr frd. lE of thr Unit d St!t$ Codc, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. Page 22 P.ge 23 <01O> StudvArer C6d.4790t5 <015>Ar.a Naru Assurance sl.releaa USA t.P <O2O> P.dhm Yrar 2023 <O3l)> contrct N.m. - PcMn USAC lhould contect rdrrdim thls drtt sbuonek <035>a6fidT.l.hh^n.Numbcr NImh.? 6f D?rdn identm.dindrt llnc<o3o> 42s383ss51 ext <039> Cnht d F6.il Addn3s _ Em.ll AddEs of mr3on identifi.d in d.b ltm <O!lO> Caml . Bhuonelt@C-rcblle . con TO BE COMPTETED BY IHE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AI{ AGE]IIT IS FITIIIG AilNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: TO BE COMPI."ETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certlflc.tlon of Otfker to AuthorLc an At nt to Flh Annu.l Rcpolts for CAF or Ll Rcclplcnts on 8lhalf of Reportlnt CatTlcr b tutho.d to 3uhr{t tha ldornrton npord m b.hdt ot lh. npodng erds. I rbo rrtly lhlt I sm m c,filor ot tha lrfodng errl.c my Bpo.r.luli0c lnciudr .mdng tl. rcaurrcy of lh. .nnul alrtr nDodng Equhmanta proyld.d io tha aulhahdlo nq !nd, b tr b.at o, nry knowladgf, lh. npofl3 8nd drt provldad to lha .utlstr.d agant b .eunt . {rm. of Authori:cd Aa.nt: {ama of Rcrcrtim cafflcr: iimrtur. of Authorizcd Omccr:Drte: ,rlnt d rm of Authorlzcd Offlc.r: ftL or positim of Authorlzcd Off,er: Ichohom numbcr of Authorlzcd Offtcar: itudv AH Codc of R.mrtlm C!ni!r:tiliil Drc Dltc forthis fom: Pelur wiltfulh mkint f.l! *atrmnts on thb fom @n b. punlshld bV finc or torf.nuc undri the Communic.tion! AGt ot 19:t l, 47 U.S.C 5q 50e 56(b), or fin. or lmprbonrcnt undlr Tlth 13 of thc Unttrd St trs Codc, 1t U.s.c I 1001. Certflcatlon of Agent Authorized to Flle Annull Reports for CAF or U RGclplrnts on B.half of Reportlng C.rrhr hcd.t nDortodhq*rb.rcdoddat ptorddcdbytficr.Dottftc.nhqerd,tott b.rtdmyfnoutledg.,tlxhmrtlonnportcdh.rlhb*dr.t. Namc o, Rcrcrtim Carlcr: N!ru of Authorir.d As.nt Firm: lEmturc of Authorlz.d Aacnt or Employ!! of A8.nt:Dat!: Iftl. or Dosluon of AuthorlzGd Asnt or Emdowc of Aaent f.bphorc numb.r of Authorizad AErnt or Employ.. of Arent: Study Arra Code of Reportlm Carrler:FlllrE Duc D8t for this fom: Pag.23 Pra.24 <01D StudyAEacods <015> SttdyArca N.m€ <020> Program Year <03D contsct Nam! - Person USAC should contad reg.rdin! thls data <035> Contact Tcbphonc Number - t{umber of pepn ldcntflcd ln d.ta llrc <030> <r39> Contact €m.ll AddrGsr - Emell Address of peron ldentfhd ln d.ta llrc <030>ud.d@dE-dtt..co I clrtify undcr pcnslty of pcrjury that no univcHl srvic! support hrs bcan or will bc u*d to purchasg obtain, maintain, improvc, modify, or othcruisc support any cquipmcnt or saryiccs produccd or providld by any ompany dcsitnatcd by thc Fcdlral Communicatlons Commission as posing a national slcurlty thGat to the intcgrity of communicetions nctrcrks or the communications supply chain sine thc effective date of the dlsignations. Nam. of Attechcd Documcnt Listing RcquiEd Yeg Plca* Prwidc Waiv.r Documrnt Allomblc File Typc (pdf onlyl Plcas P0id. Waivrr Deumrnt Allowable Filc Typc (pdf only) I ertifythat no F.dcral subsidy madc av.ilablc thmuth a program edministrrcd by the commission that provides funds to bc u*d for th! epital rxpenditurcs neccssary forthc provision of advanccd communications scruiccs has bcen or will bc u*d to purchasc, rcntr laasc, or othcrwis obtain, any covcred ommunietlons cqulpm.nt or sNlc€, or maintain €ny covered ommunl@tionsequlpmrnt or seruice prwiously purdrasd, rcntcd, lasd, or otheili* obtain.d, rs rcquirrd by 47 C.F.R. I 54.10. lnformation N.rc of AttaclEd Dodment Listing Rcquircd lnfomation Yeg PaE 24 <01D StudyArc.Code <015> StudYAE il.m k.nr h.. xt..1.t, ter L-P- <)2O, ProiEm Y6r 2023 <,3{> Cont ct Nam - Pemn UsAclhould cmt ct mrdimttls d.t! <O35> Contact TClCphonc ilumbar. Numberof FMn Hentifled ln drta llne <036 a2s3.!5551 ut <)3!r> Cont*t Emll AddB - Emll Mdrr$ of pcmn ld€ntlfEd ln d.tr llN <)3(> 41(> fi€mrtlm c.nhr &!u.Dcc ilFls. @, !.P. 411> Holdlm cohEnv l-611. gEA ltrc. <El2> Op.Etlnrcampany M.uruca r1r.1... ssA, Ll. <813> rrmhcr T usA DoltI Budnars &Coi[fiyor tmd Dcdtnlbnsc 17901{DBA T- n4obi: 1e lilortheaat LLC 19t016 219013 l/MemDhia, Inc. ild T-Mobi"Ie CentraL LLC 2eao2a'!.{emDhis. Inc. and T-Mobile South LLC 389029 369ota 5U t0t3 63t003 Metro bv T-Mob Metro bv f-Mob'1vmia. LLC Metro bv T-Mob Metro bv T-Mobl 259072 AsEurance W 409025 ABgurance wire {59018rbile usA LP 549015 Aasurmce $ir, bile UsA LP {6901a AdEurance W ]biIE I'SA LP 1!900t AEetrranca Wira AaEurance <}10t Study AEa Code a79015 <ll5> StudyAE tlam rluac. tir.I... u& !.P- <)2O> PuEmYear 2023 <)3(> Cont*t il.re - PG'w USAC rhaH @ot ct r€r.rdlEthB dat <)35> Cont .t TcbDhooe ilumbc. - ilumb.r of Dqu ld.itirled h datr llE d:lo> .25!!35551 dt <)3$ Cont ct Emll Addrs - EmllAdd6 of Em ltGntiH ln dat Irc <)3(> €l0> ReDortimCarder &.unnc. xlrclca. gga, L.P. <811> HoHIEClmoanv T"rcb1l. UaA Iac <81D Oprratlnr Cmpanv E.urMc! ilr.1car !S, I.P 413> tfilLtc3 uobile USA LP sc n Mobile USA LP 579003 55900i ABdurance W 21tO12 AEaurance W 229015 359126 .n ti{obi1e USA LP t49033 n Mobile USA LP !29011 419024 259021 A88urance !I 219011 119001 10t010 31902f AErurance tI 369014 12902B -tli]a USA LP 129005 AEaurance !f vlabi Ie IISA f,D 15900t ,bile USA LP n Mobile USA LP ^hilA IrCl T,D Doftl ArdnclEAs ConUmVor lnnd Dc{nrdon Bg A6gurance <r10> StudyArcacodr ar90tr5 <)20> P@ah Ydr <):rD Contact Nare - Pels USAC stwH @rt ct mrdlmtib data C.ild T.b6h. trlhbr - Xrhbr d EM il.df,d L 14. lih. dtd arB!a!5551 *ts <r39> C.nt d Emil AddlB - Emll AddEs of Een ldrdiLd in dd llm <}:il> r.d.&mGbt-bbui.c6 dlOt Eedcc lllclG.a B, !.P. g^Hlma^heN <8I> ODeEtimcrmDony E.ree tir.I... EA, !.P. <813> ffmh6 Doh! admrt Ar Goltielty or ann l D.*mdoi Assurance l{lrelesgUSA I,P USA IIP USA LP sac rOlN MO-bAIE IISA LP 309005 Aadurance roin Moblle IISA l,P 17941' 2a00tl ?99018 aa9051 509005 AaEurmce W 199013 5290ra 1e USA LP !!9032 1e USA LP 200o15 209015 53900? AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OB CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho PuHic Ulilities Commissim Order No. 29841 requires lhat Eli$He Telecommunications Caniers (ETC) cBnily that it is cornpliant with applicable seruice quality slandards and consumer prolection rules; and ETGs mustdemonetate the abllity lo remain lunctimalin emergencies. ln addilion, the Corrrnlsslon must flle an annualceiliflcatbn u,ith tho USAC and the FCC that all federal hph-cost support provided to ETGs within the Strate ol ldaho wil! be used only for the prwision, maintenancs, and upgrading ol facilities and seMces forwhich the eupporl is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and vedlies undcroath the following: 1, lamanoflicerof Assunanoe Winless USA. LP-an elplble telecommunlcations canier lor recetving lederal universal service support urder seclion 214(e) ol the Telecommunicaliom Act of 1996 ln the state of ldaho. 2. l.UA 3.Assuranm Wirabss US,A^ L-P-ls complying with applicable serviee qualtty standads and consumer prctecton rulcs o[ lhe Federal Gommunlcations Gommbsion and the ldaho Publlc Utilill€s Commisdoil 4. I ccilifr to th€ Cdnmission that the Company ls able to remain furrclional h emergendes as set forth in Cornmbsbn Oder No.29841 and ln 47 C.F.R. S 54.202(aX2). 5. N/A 6. THs verifbatlm and aflidavlt ls provlded to be the ldaho Public Utilities @mn$ssbn to enable lhe IPUC to certifi to the FGC that lederal unlveral service suppon recelved by the eligible caniers in lhe state will be used in a manner consistent wtth Section 254(e) of the Tslecommunicalione Act. Lrrr Wclanr. VIcr Prcrldent StatE ol Kansas ) )ss County ol Johnson I SUBSCRIBEDAND SWOBN tothis 23vd dayof belore mefitn-2 )O2 Z Notary at My Gommission GEHTIFICATION BY ELIG IBLE TELECOIIIMUN ICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE OUAL]TY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITYTO REMAIN FUNCTIO]\IAL IN EMEBGENCIES, AI{D USE OF FEDERAL HIGH€OST SUPPORT. rtl'l u loIAir PUBTIGexpircso6-Z I znt resldlng