HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220720New Cingular Wireless Affidavit.pdfAT&T r,:: .iiii- ;i irii lfi: ,+ t AT&T Services, Inc. 5250 S. Virgida Street, Room 201 Reno, NV 89502 T:775.333.3991 Janice.Ono@att.com ., -'i'aJ1\Via Email July 20,2022 Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. ChindenBlvd, Bldg 8, Suite 201-A Boise, D 83714 secretary@Duc. idaho. sov RE: Annual ETC Report of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T Mobility") IGNR-T-22-011 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Pursuant to the Commission's filing instructions, New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (*AT&T Mobility") is informing the Idaho Commission that its FCC Form 481 was filed on July 15, 2022.1 Further, to complete AT&T Mobility's Annual Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Recertification Report ("Annual ETC Report"), enclosed is copy of AT&T Mobility's Corporate Officer Affidavit (signed by Scott Wottle, Vice President - General Manager, Rocky Mountain Region). If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely,. Janice Ono Enclosure cc: Johan E. Kalala-Kasand4 ID PUC Utility Analyst (Johan.kalala-kasanda@puc.idaho.sov) I Please note that FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau announced on July 11,2022 lnDA22-743 (WC Docket No. 10-90) that eligible telecommunications carriers who are required to file the FCC Form 481 annual reports must complete and cotify the FCC Form 481 by July 29,2022, using the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC)'s One Portal. The ldaho Public Utilities Commiesion Order No. 29841 rcquirce that Ellglble Telecommunications Carierc (ETC) oettiff that it is compliant with applicable seruice quality standards and consumsr pmtecfion rules; and ETCs must demonsfiate the ability to rcmain functional ln emergencles. !n additon, Ure Commiselon muet file an annual cartificaton wih the USAG and the FCC trat all ftdenal hlgh-cost support provided to ETCo wihin the Stab of ldaho will be used only br the prwlslon, malntsnance, and upgrading of fadliUes and servloes br wttich the suppolt ls inbnded. Accontingly, the undersigned states and verifies underoaft $e bllowing: 1. I am an ofrcer of AT&T Mobilltv Seruices LLC . an ellgible Elecommunications canier br receiving fudelal unfuersal service support under secfion 214(e) of he Teleoommunications Aci of 1996 ln he sbte of ldaho 2. I am famlllar with the Company's day-b..day operations in the sbte of ldaho and with the S:tab's service quality standads and coneumer pmbcffon rulee as eet forh in Commisskm Order No. 25l!/1. 3. J\T&T Mobilitv Services LLC is comptying with applicable seilica quali$ standads and @nsumer prcbction rules of the FedenalCommunlcatons Gommission and the ldaho Publlc Ufillties Commlsslon. 4. I certfy to he Commission that the Company ls able to emaln funcfonal ln emegendes as set brth in Commission Oder No. 29&41 and in 47 C.F.R. S 54.201(aX2). 5. I also certifl that all hderal univercal service support funds recelved by AT&T Mobllltv Seruices LLC during the cunant calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with secfion 25,4(e); that is, fur the prwision, mainEnance, and upgrading of facilltes and servlces br whlcfr the support is lnbnded. The company will ontnue b comply br the period of January 1 , 2023, thrcugh Elecembcr 31 , 2023, b be eligible fur hderal univensal servica fu nd suppoil 6. Thls verification and affdarit is provided to be the ldaho Publlc Utllitee Commission b enable the IPUC to ceiliry b he FCC thatbderal universalseruioe support rcceived by the eligible caniens in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Sec0on 254(e) of he Teleoommunicatons Aci. State of Cobrado I )ss County of Amoahoe ) SUBSCRIBED AND ST'I'ORN b me this Publictur My Commisslon CERTI FICATION BY ELIGI BLE TELECOMMUNICAIIONS CARRI ER OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITYAND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITYTO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AT{D USE OF FEDERAT HIGHCOSTSUPPORT. AFFIDAVTT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER oJgilkffiff", Name/Tltle b-b-o(,aa DaE dayof fi r.t g at I{OTAFY PUSLIC S'TATE OF COLOBADO KAY NgTAFT