HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220714Inland Cellular Form 481.pdfPage 1 <rlD StrdvA,ra Code {7900', <)15> Study Arus Name IIASXING'ON REA ID. 8 ',II,TTED PARI}IERSETP DBA II{I,IND CE',],OIAR <):l(> Prcqram Ye.r 2023 ():X> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact wlth quBdons about thb data Ullts BIy <)35> Crnt ctTrhphoneNumber: Number ot t re person ldentllled ln data llne <r:ilb 2O679AO2a5 a8t.7222 <)39> Crntact Emall Mdrecs: Emall of the Derson idenufled ln data llne <r:N>nLkrbtinlandcqll. c@ FormTyp€ 5a.313 rnd s{.422 I lr s- iir-o __-.-a, lll L-,, C-+) cJl t* --i,.) i"r* Pate 1 ou6d3rttiiE I$fE $.c-96; f;l rE;; ei;t;rE€:.E:,I EE o-EEO =gzE€ n.l<> a obE!oEErozz EEF !l t.EiT Eg2d IL) E"cggF o E5,IIE"o tn 60 c"E.F:o tn6oCEag Io or E,r =€ Ec2 G o ! R onHv:o e)I.E e) U*ov g3Ero-FE co EotEgov '6o ha!EbvEu o CLorIbv or c6 eoI oo!6 E,o E oo os 6oE E !-9 toPtocoa o o!! G Eu gEE oEra6coI oo .j o F oo oE 66!E!o eEosEo oo o o!E,2 o!EfzoCoso -goF 6 CoI o @ 0 E G 6!.9s{s! oEo E6 Co !,oE U D Eo 0G oE6za6 Eou oo N Go EGuo d 6 I d I aU oz 6o &zF& @ts = ciz & 2okoz E Z oE6z Go !: oo r g!oUoo E: oo o C'I EI a 8 B6 d2E Co(,E-o 6o s Eo d2o C Et-0 ?tio Ec E 8.oEoET=EE55gE E=,r6 6a EIuu4 oooo <)10> StudyArea Code {?900? <)15> StudyArea Name TISNTXCION Rs,I llo. 8 LIIiITED PTRIIIERBHIP DBf, IIIIjI}ID CEI,I,ULTR <020> ProgramYear 2029 <030> Contast Name - Percon USAC should contact regardlngthls data XiLc aly <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data llne <030>2o679002a5 dt.L222 <039>Contact Emall Address - Emall Address of person ldentifled in data llne <030> Dllr.bClnludc.U, cm <4(xr> Select from the drotrdown list to indicate how you would llke to report volce complalnts (zero or greater) for vole telephony service ln the prior calendar year for each seMce area ln whlch you are designated an ETC for any f'acllltles you own, opeEte, lease, or otherwlse utllize. <410> Complalnts per 1(D0 customers for ffxed voice <42D Complaints per 1fiD customers for moblle voice <rlD Sudv^rLcodc a?9007 <n5> StudyAE ilrmc rrstlller!tr r8A m. 0 Lu{rtED ptnIllEnStrrp DBt rNLlxD ctr,tlrllR <m fturrrmYcer 2021 dIlD Cofit ctllrms-PCrion cdrtrct d.ta @$ Cont.a Tdshmc ilunber - ilumbcr of oanon ldcldicd ln dt trn! <BD lllt <lE$ ContrctEm.tllddE$-EmrflAddEssofpcnonldcnUicdln&t llnc<E(> dlrbtirludilrl.cd €1$ Clrufycompllencaudfi appllobh mlnlmum scn lo3 n nd.rds <0l(> StudyArEcodc t79007 <r15D ShrdvArce ilame nqEilffi Ear s a l-ffih utffiaEtD El ffi-ts ffi-lnt! <02D PrcgnmYerr 2n21 <r:ilb Conbctltl.mc-Pc]lonusActhould6tEttll.rdllEthlsdffi xrk Bry <B5> conbct TelGphone Numbcr - Numbsr of pcron ldendltcd ln data llne <03(D 2oe1eeo2t5 est'!222 <r3$ Contact EmrllAddnss - Emall Addrccs of pcrson dqrtlfrcd ln deta llne{!3(b Dtr.bcr.nlodeu.c6 <flID Grdfy comdhnce rcgardl aUlfi to litnctlon ln cme[sncy sluadorc Yes <61D D6crlpdt e documcmbr functlonalfi ln Emert3l!rySlur8dons {79007_ID_610_ebt1lty to ReDaLn Functlonal lnEnergenclea_2i22.fif. tooEG4 It E m $ E €aCItEC!EI EaAEot5.a alCt E!Ia (, a EdIdd-cl(.Iru:1, cp tsa, oo !ta EH aog EoIJEEEooo ds coIo oqo4E! oB ci, oo !aa tH EGAEoIJUE!o- Ad? oII tsn, oo!ci cH .gEI!aEEIoe Adv oo oqEcn c O!o& a o ct oc=6 a!E EItr Eo!co oo o P!! =!Er e!! !EruGEotJ 6ilct .jxo oo F6o 6mIoc=ai!E E Eco€ to g E o! EIz 3Etzoco!o.coF uIEI 166I t 4 oI I !E! !tsE Eo EaGcogE 3t ufi:,co oC o E0zuIE E Ao? eN Co En EA clI oEoz!o !t6 rrlo Foo6F o Eno !!a ct ? rDots!A o!0t!6- H 8.i IpE T5anDE{ iIp A H,l,I alII;,I ao Ix .8 $EgEoo *s'izgE *-t =e4...!|?F E TE a $EE-'? qEEI*TEEEEr€Eii EfiEE>u8E HEfiB EEEil c.9EU=.oo EoEoot!ugu.l EoE Eo o(9 6lt Ao ? 6oEottL'E E !Co 0 !trs 6-o ct dr z 0orJ Eo0ttc.E Elr !l o Eot!c=oE, to A8gr coE =toEoEu0B o a,Eo2 o! HH oo!o No2 EE e fiE E E E EEE e EEEgcgE# Ee;EitgEEg EEE;EflEEEEE€;EEEEEEEBFEA::::E: E EE S' H H H H H H9| F € -l -o. -o. -a -o -o. -o.gEEsE55555 AAA AAAANaliQlalDI\OOOrdNNa\la\l 6la\lN99?9?C?? AF{Nor _if,i!g ao aoh aoi ao ao ,o aT ao ao 6u !utIa o onox d nl EE5a o e o g ?oc=g E E E{7ottl! aEE pI iEEfaEI A6e &g DEpEo o2sz t6o oHE6dE2k&4e o E !H}l o o2 a c 2o6zHEq E g a2 TI 6I Foo F l Enot! o ? oE6E oo!0lE6- coE3uooto.c,oo oo Elgz co E =g 8!o,Ego ooE.EzoFIAt!t),,{ F{Aa4 !oz Ec6!!,lUell €cooE9 EE.EBI.'o6EOo>:uE= EE58GEt8 c "9I Eog Elr El!ILEog !EEIID.!o 6 o E oq EooouE o EooEq =o-EBr'!6!so> E=€t58OE ts8 t.9IGtoIo =-ogt!lL E 8o E og Eo EE I ctdt(,cloF{ Ac,o Eoj oooai c no a c,ricl oc=l!o!E!loE co!,toIoo o00g!!t =l! EUJ I !J tt!l =.U Eula.EcoIJ oraYlo N !xo oo Foo or}1ctv o,t E E!c;ortr cottgoeoo o o! E =zI !,! EtzocoEog o,F BG c,oIJ ut aY!o ia o - l!0!gE !aEE EEoto c,og !5oc6L' vl =troEoa.;El!zt6 E6(, Actlnc, o l!o, EgUo o- Allcl d.1 DT Eo az.1 zH eo !HEoddzkd4 AukHIHll o 9 I-d BHu2HEoaE o E.Ez .U E !t =ul lrtI Foo F o!toIJ .!o ! =ul o c, Eo!!Ea- g!o EOlUA oo! oa -oEI q. EL.o oc oorio'goaLEo !Ff,E(,EE€btlstcEAee{oP9gEE} EgEF -!l =o.0?*E $ gF!rr EE EF.eE ai.538 iEI8b E ;g E EEE F€ Es.9E * gE lE$ 6nl = z 0E!, c, -9 CLo 5oE,!IJ.!-oEE0g 0, oE a,E3aEoIJ Aclo F{r{v Itf F{ F{v Actrttc,voEl!EttE!to cop to0oo o66e!!t =oEul I06eE E l!Et! U.! c,o(, AorGNclv N !Io oo Foo AC'anovot a! .!!t ! ^9 toEco2oa o TE =zI 3E =zoEo o.go aG ot) Alna'lC'v ,t o I rE lUE E tscEgt! U a.EcoggIoE0(, afc Eoo. IoE.!zt.EEI 6al!ov o .I0, EgEo o- Actr\lC'v I bHI E o2suH eo HE6&EzdIA ouH IH o o2addtHoaHE d- C'E{!z .!oL 'cl =al Al'lr{c,v Foo F oEI8.!G, E:,vt Ac,ov otoEa!o. c) 0,E.!a- coEtt6 !o!o6 ooE6- oE o tq Hd a oudaI c T 6-Lt-I clE(LsC'Io =1'0o a0c, E !EIE 6=I o o ooE l!s .!tr-9 EE Aaarl(lr{v c.!(T oE ot.ICL0o!top Po.qa,5c E o L3 E cI cooE !,o Ada{N v ogo cytGEE€00E{E6ECo.=eE!t=CJ.!O EEgb .eE UECG..I CLL"uJro>?Ecoo>EIlEo =-cE'L €-g=v A .{NFlv 9'Si.g"E EEEEtI EEFrEO €EE f;EEoeo€ 8-ossCETEEqE!=s EEfl :n.E TEE9; F;;E-gEE,.P..^E EE*$ Fi}E o 0..t!l =(, -o =4o JcJ c,GI.\lGlv 0c,gAoEaJ c0.Co..go a,uE oqEo !co(J d0 E., Acl H Ea aUtca t att E ActinovoE E EEE Eo Eo:o cot o 6c!,!, =.UElrJI00gEtt =.EEuttt!Eou Aor0ac! '.:{xJ6 oo Foo Aclatt?oc=6 .!E EEo cop Eo6 g o o.lI Etz Lolt E3zocoEooo,F E6 c,ou AlnGD? t E I I l! .BttgE !tE E6tseaGcoo =to.Cra(, aif, Coeor Io Er!zaGcoU Aclaao l!a, Eo U P4 AoGItl d,{ DddEo ouIzH 6a AHTp E2E& A oEHHIH}: o d a6d 2 Eo*HEo! a,E.Ez.!E !t,gt Ala clv Fo F o!o(J l!E lctI vl Act ct c,dolo6c o E PTEo Eo: =EToL EEsEro6'_LL-8.EEEsc(J!9 9ELFFi gsd _EfCt =Ph Joa 5eo00,E E=b =8rt L=E €Ftt Htr >.o -Lo ool,f-rr! !, !zf P;I E9E #gFL6{ 8EtoEArcDEHv ho -E6 =EoEa(,Oco.9 EE-cEHb t_cbtoo,oEErrEoz, c. sF{oGlv o !o6 o L .Eu CL.!(, o(, CL o,E *ca!tst'B,:o. i\iaR =Eg; r!!, o-tsTEZ6 90!E.EEL68 Au F{oNv Eo CL'ii o, o6.!EA T'E =l! lE(, Lo E C'oEcou A F{oNv PA *H.E;grol =cEU9nagao =C EE=o64 Esr #E.!g o E EEREvo(, ! rrldan Qla rO!cl!(J hrlrotLo.t1AL'I l!t o E toEEoTJ L .gsr!(J o.GIJot,EA + lJm (l|+tt.ttl G, IJ $co .EIJ EoutoCLCL:,tncoNo rl.oL =a!cl! lOoN AtnF{oNv tF tt8f9E sp90-o.EEEs -'SlLTgEo.tr=o6b6EooC'T !!!ogsEri s (ll:EErio,lJlt EgLh .!{1r?l!EOEct 1, E.g EE8E EE Efrf=Eeg.s tE .r EEE 9E H,'Eeg.q Er ;.9 E BE f;EEETE rE Es gE EEEa:: $gEo tUI f T EEI E3e.E g b sPE argEoo,; HEE pU E =TE iii aEHii E EEE bE.o--EE 8'84E o!IP 5t1=Ei EeE }F = ego Es YL(!E lll! E #E o IIlc aI! EEoE o! 3 E2= 6oo a 3DI EU AzI2H eo &HE &EzHEaA ApHHI d o C;2 t4on 2oHgzHEa4I o Eo2Co ifq ? Foo F o Eoo B6 AI op oU6A EEA! =e Etr+,tiJ3ocoIJto Eo2 EG =l,|toIJ oo Er!- Edc<t! rrt ln- -ESClrlE=9cP-9g, a! 3H><flsE-tt,l!!L'toFULC0,l!EE69r ll'l!.rE6irfetE-Ccfll!o EE =tP0Cs;Eru=! 8- 6q96EFL rtEpE4 =!=GoFur htl=€<s[+ooo 8(vl Eoo rlr{oo1,cdr{c'-le,,aov.rl E Aolrtcl 0,E .E l!!tEt,-g cosco G'CL o66oE!t .E Eult 6., !tt .! EultIEcoIJ (,l(YtC'v (\I c-{Nr{ +,xo rOsl(\Io@cnr-@c)N cldtctv 0,E r! .UE EEo top Eo 2,GIIL ot E =z t olt E =zoEo.Eo-co E.E EoIJ Arn(nov -lm o}4.rl E .! .U!,pEP!oEELE!oo uEco(,3 =oE0(, u,:,Eo oA IoE.Ez uGcoIJ A(t Grtc, (n No(\t t!0, EIELU Pa. (,Nclv dsDAjrrl(J o2 s2H dEa AH qt&&l2kd '(tu oI'tHH HH @ <i2 dqfr 2oHozH!(@dB oEl!z.0oE !t =1A AlnFlctv r-ooorf-sfl oEoIJl!o !t =a o c,v sB <010> StudyArea Code a7 qon'7 <)15> Study Area Name WASHINGTON BSA NO. 8 ',IUITED PARTNERSHIP DEE <)2D ProgramYear 2023 <)3D c.ontact Name - Percon USAC should contact regardin8 this data Mike Bly <)35> Contact Telephone Number - Number of penon identified ln data llne <)3D 20 8'l 9802 45 extL . L222 <039> Contact Emall Address - Emall Address of person ldentified ln data line <03(D mi kebG inlandcel- I . com Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313(f)(1). Privately held carriers n financial reporting requirements set forth in 47 CFR 54.313(0(2). I further certify that the information reported on this fo attached below is accurate. Progress Report on 5 Year Plan carrler certifles to 54.313(fXlxiii) (3oGr) (3010A) (30108) (3012A) (30128) Certification of Public lnterest Obllgatlons {47 CFR 5 s4.313(0(1Xi)l Please Provide Attachment Rate-of-Retum Communlty Anchor lnsdtutlons lndlcate if the carrler newly deployed broadband servlce to communfi anchor lnstltutlon(s) ln the previous calendar year. Please Provide Attachment Using llnll, download template and list the number, name and address for each communlty anchor instltution. Attach the document whlch contains the community anchor instltutlon detalls as requlred by 47 c.F.R. S s4.313(0(1xir) !s your company a Privately Held ROR C-arrier 147 cFR g s4.313(0(2)) lf yes, does your company flle the RUS annual report Please check these boxes to confirm that the attached PDF, on llne 3017, contalns the required informatlon pursuant to I 54.313(0(2) compliance requires: Electronic copy of thelr annual RUS reports (Operating Report for Telecommunlcations Borrowers) Document(s) wlth Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Statement of Cash Flows lfthe response ls yes on Iine 301d attach your company's RUS annual report and all requlred documentation lf the response is no on line 3014 ls your company audited? lf the response is yes on llne 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submlssion on llne 2flit ar rrr ran+ +a I Erl 21 2rflr'rl aanfainc. Name of Attached Document Listing Requlred lnformatlon Name of Attached Document Listing Requlred lnformation (Yes/No) (Yes/No) Name of Attached Document Llstlng Requlred lnformatlon oooo(3013) (30141 (301s) (3016) (3017) (3018)(Yes/No) O O t oEE TE € !ce ! E T T I o r2 GEUoI Eo6ularc6-EEo-E EesEEEEEEEFR'$g'E'S'BScctcl!iclclclclcrllg19srgrgrgrggE !t oEI <010> <015> Area Code Study Area Name 419007 TISHIIIG:IOIi RSA NO. 8 LIilITED PIRTIIER,SXIP DBA INI,AI. <020>Program Year 2023 <030>Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data lrlk€ Bry <035>Crntact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> aiheberDrudceu.q6 tl{!05 Rural Brcadband Expedment Authorized Runl Broadband Experiment (RBE) recipients must address the certiffcation for public interest obligations and provide a llst of newly served community anchor institutions. Publlc lnterest Ob![atlons - FGC 1t[-98 (paragraphs 2e29, 781 Please address Line 4fi)1 regarding compliance wlth the Commission's public interest obligations. All RBE participants must provide a response to Line 4fi)1. {001. Recipient certifies that it is offering broadband meeting the requisite public interest obligations consistent with the category for which they were selected, including broadband speed, latency, usage capaclty, and rates that are reasonably comparable to rates for comparable offerings in urban areas. RBE Communfi Anchor lnstltutlons <4(D3a> lndicate if the carrier newly deployed broadband service to community anchor institution(s) in the previous calendar year <4003b> Please Provide Attachment: Using link, download template and list the number, name and address for each community anchor institutlon. Attach the document which contains the community anchor institution details as required by FCC 1tl-98 (paragraph 79) Name of Attached Document ListinB Required lnformation <010>Study Area Code {79007 <015>Study Area Name f,ASSI}IGTON NSA }TO. 8 LIXITED PTR$IERSS <020>Program Year 2023 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data ulk Bry <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <03D nllebelDrudcolr.c* 5fi)5 Alaska Plan (s011) (so12l Please indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially amilable in the previous calendar year in areas previously served exclusively by performance{imlting satellite backhaul. If the filing canier identified in its approved perfomance plans that it relies exclusively on satellite backhaulfor a certain poriton of the population in its service area, indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previolus calendar year in areas that were prevlolusly served exclusively by satelllte backhaul. (Yes/Nol (Yes/No) llculrsqrr.d locdo <5013> <010>Study Area Code {7900? <,15>Area Name MSEINGIOIf RSA }D, 8 I,IUTTBD PIRIIII <)20> <030> Year Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regardlng thls data 2023 tdtc Bly <)35>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identifted in data line <030> <)39>Contact Emall Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> Dlrsb€inrandqrlr.q@ <6010>Enter the total amount of Phase ll Auction Suppofi lf any, the carrier used for capital expenditures. Phase ll Auction and NewYort Funds Certlllcatlon <5011>Certify (either yes or no) regarding whether the recipient has available funds for all prdect costs that will exceed the amount of support that will be received for the next calendar year. Thls certification must be provided starting the first July 1st after receiving support untll the recipienfs penuhimate year of support. Phase ll Auctlon CommunfiAnchor lnstltutlons <G012a> lndicate if the carrler newly deployed broadband service to community anchor institution(s) in the previous calendar year. <6012b> Please Provide Attachment Using llnk, download template and list the number, name and address for each community anchor institution. Attach the document whlch contalns the communlty anchor institution details as required by FCC 14-98 (paragraph 79). Phase ll Auctlon FCC Form 470 Postlus <6013> For the fillng due July 1 following full implementatlon of this requirement answer yes, no, or not appllcable to thls certmcatlon request. Phase ll Auctlon Post-Flnal Deployment Mllestone Petformance Certlficatlon Starting the first July 1st after meeting the final service mllestone, certifo (yes, no, or not applicable) that the Phase ll-funded network that the Phase ll auction recipient operated in the prior year meets the relevant performance requirements in $ 54.309. (Yes/Nol Name ofAttached Document Usting Required lnformatlon <6014> <010>StudyArea Code 479007 <015>StudyArea Name I{IggINgroN REI NO. 8 LII,IITED PAR' <020>Program Year 2023 <030> <035> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact thls data Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identtfied in data line <0!O> uifs Bly <039>Contact EmailAddress - Email Address of perrcn identified ln data line <030>D1kabllnledcell. con <7010> Phase ll Auction recipient performance requirements certification (Yes/No) <010>Study Area Code 419007 <015>StudyArea Name TNIHINGTON BSA NO. 8 TruITED PIRANERSITI <020>Program Year 2023 <030>Contact Name - Person USAC should oontact this data <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> r,ilk3 B:.y <039>Contact EmailAddress - Email Address of person identified in data line <030>nlksbtiDlandcslf. cm <8010> <8011> <8012a> <8012b> <8013> Unlendo a Puerto Rlco Stage 2 Fhed - Capltal Expendltures Enter the total amount of Unlendo a Puerto Rico Stage 2 fixed support, if ann the canier used for capital expenditures. Uniendo a Puerto Rlco Stage 2 Flxed -Avallable Funds Certlflcation Certfy (elther yes or no) regarding whether the reciplent has avallable funds for all project costs that wlll exceed the amount of support that will be received for the next calendar year. This certification must be provided starting the first July 1st after recelving support until the reciplent's penultimate year of support. Unlendo a Puerto Rico Stage 2 Flxed - Communlty Anchor lnstitutlons lndicate if the carrier newly deployed broadband service to community anchor lnstitution(s) in the previous calendar year. Please Provide Attachment Using link, download template and list the number, name and address for each community anchor institution. Attach the document which contains the community anchor institution details as required by 47 C.F.R. I 5a.313(e)(2)(A). Allowable File Types. Unlendo a Puerto Rlco Stage 2 Flxed - FCC Form 470 Postlngs For the filing due July 1 following full lmplementation of this requirement answer yes, no, or not applicable to this certlfication request. Name of Attached Document Ustlng Reqr !nformation <8014>Unlendo a Puerto Rlco Stage 2 Flxed - Post-Flna! Deployment Mllestone Performance C,ertlf,catlon Startang the first July 1st after meetin8 the final service milestone, certify (yes or no) that the Unlendo a Puerto Rico Stage 2-funded network that the Stage 2 recipient operated in the prior year meets the relevant performance requirements in S 54.309. <8020>Unlendo a Puerto Rlco Stlge 2 Flxed - Support Relmburcement Certlf,catlon 54.313(n): Recipients of Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund Stage 2 fixed suppon shall certify that such support was not used for costs that are (or will be) reimbursed by other sources of suppo6 including of federal or local government aid or insurance reimbursements; and that support was not used for other purposes, such as the retirement of company debt unrelated to eligible expenditures, or other expenses not directly related to network restoration, hardening; and expansion consistent with the framework of the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund. <803D Unlendo a Puerto Rlco Stage 2 Flxed - Disaster Preparedness and Response Documentatlon <010>Study Area Code 4?900? <015>Study Area Name flTSHINGTON RSA NO. 8 I,IMIAED PARTNERSHI <)20>Program Year 2023 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data rdre Bry <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> nrkebernrandcerr.cm <9010> <9011> <9012a> <9012b> <9013> Connect USVI Stage 2 Flxed - Capltal Expendltures Enter the total amount of Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 fixed suppo$ if any, the carrier used for capital expenditures. Connect USVI Stage 2 Flxed -Avallable Funds Certlflcatlon Certify (either yes or no) regarding whether the recipient has avallable funds for all projea costs that will exceed the amount of support that will be received for the next calendar year. This certification must be provided starting the first July lst after receiving support until the recipient's penultimate year of support. Connect USVI Stage 2 Flxed - Communfi Anchor lnstltutlons lndicate if the carrier newly deployed broadband service to community anchor institution(s) in the previous calendar year. Please Provide Attachment Using link, download template and list the number, name and address for each community anchor institution. Attach the document which contains the community anchor institution details as required by47 C.F.R. I5a313(eX2XiXA). Connect USV! Stage 2 Flxed - FCC Form 470 Postings For the ftllng due July 1 following full implementation of this requirement answer yes, no, or not applicable to this certification request. Connect USVI Stage 2 Flxed - Post-Flnal Deployment Mllestone Performance Certlflcation Starting the ftrst July lst after meeting the final service milestone, certify (yes or no) that the Connect USVI Fund Stage 2-funded networkthatthe Stage 2 recipient operated in the prloryear meets the relevant performance requirements in $ 54.309. C.onnect USVI Stage 2 Flxed -Support Reimburcement Certlfication 54.313(n): Recipients of Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 fixed support shall certiff that such support was not used for costs that are (or will be) reimbursed by other sources of support, including of federal or local government aid or insurance reimbursements; and that support was not used for other purposes, such as the retirement of company debt unrelated to eligible expenditures, or other expenses not directly related to netrirork restoration, hardenlng; and expansion consistent with the framework of the Connect USVI Fund. Connect USVI Stage 2 Fixed - Dlsaster Preparedness and Response Documentatlon 54.313(n): Recipients offixed support from Stage 2 ofthe Connect USV! Fund shall certify that they Name ofAttached Document Llstlng Re( lnformatlon <9014> <9020> ,On2n\ <010>Study Area Code t7900? <015>StudyArea Name WASBINCTON RgA NO. 8 LfiITID PARTNERSEI <020>Pro8ram Year 2023 <030> <035> <039> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact this data t.l k6 Contact Number - Number of identified in data line <030> Contact EmailAddress - EmailAddress of person ldentified in data line <030>nllebgtnlandcsll. con <10010> <10011> <1il)12a> <10012b> <10013> RDOF Capltal Expenditures Starting the first July 1st after receiving support until the July 1st after the recipient's support term has ended, recipients of Rural Digital Opportunity Fund support must submit the total amount of suppoft, if any, the recipient used for capital expenditures in the previous calendar year. This is required by 47 C.F.R. S 5a313(eX2XiXB). RDOF Amllable Funds Certlftcatlon Please provide a response (either yes or no) to this certification request for any reclpient of Rural Digital Opportunity Fund support that the reclplent has available funds for all project costs that will exceed the amount of support that will be recelved for the next calendar year. This certification must be provided starting the first July lst after receiving support untll the reclpient's penultimate year of support, as required by required by 47 C.F.R. I sa313(eX2Xii). RDOF Communlty Anchor lnstltutlons Reciplents of Rural Digital Opportunity Fund support must attach a list containing the number, names, and addresses of community anchor institutions to which the eligible telecommunications carrier newly began providing access to broadband service in the preceding calendar year. This filing is required by 47 C.F.R. I 54313(eX2XlXA). Please Provide Attachment Uslng linlg download template and llst the number, name and address for each community anchor institution. Attach the document which contalns the communlty anchor institution details as required by 47 C.F.R. I 54313(eX2XiXA). Name of Attached Document Usting Required lnformation RDOF FCC Form 470 Postings For the filing due July 1st following full implementation of this requirement please provide a response (either yes, no, or not applicable) to thls certafication request. Reciplents of Rural Dlgital Opportuni$ Fund must respond affirmatlvely that they bid on category one telecommunications and lnternet access services in response to all FCC Form 470 postings seeking broadband service that meets the connectlvity targets for the schools and libraries universal service support program for eligible schools and libraries (as described in 0 54.501) located within any area in a census block where the carrier is receiving Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, and that such bids were at rates reasonable comparable to rates charged to eligible schools and libraries in urban areas for lnstructions for CompletlnS FCC Form tl81 OMB Control No.305G{1986 (Hieh-Cost)OMB Control No. 305G0819 (Low-lncome} November 2020 Page 44 comparable offerings. Thls flling is required by 47 C.F.R. S 54.313(eX2XiXC). This certification will not be required untilthe July lst following the E- Rate program year that this obligation has been fully lmplemented. Modernlzlng the E-Rate Program for Schools and Libraries et al., WC tlocket. Nos. 13-1&4, 1G90, 29 FCC Rcd 15538, 1556&67, para. 72 (2014). W2 <r1(> StldyA't Cod€4?900? O15> StudyAE. N.ms I'TSHINGTON RSA }IO. 8 LIHTTED PIN:INERSHTP DBI INI,ITID CET.LUINR <12(> ProSr.mYasr 2023 <IX> Crntrct N.me - Pcnon USAC should com.ct rr..rdlnr thb datr ULke Bly dl5> Contrc,t T.bnham t{uilh.r Number ofEM ldentlfied ln dete llE <t3D 208?9802as dt..1222 <xl9> @16661-llAddrcrs-EmellAddit rof personldcntlficdlnd.t lhe<Xt(D trlheb8lDrudceu..c@ TO BE OOMPI.EIED BY THE REPORililG CAnilER" r flE REPOf,ITftG CARRER tS FIUilG AI{ilUAt REPORT|I{6 Ot tTS fll{ BE}tAtF: Gordf,ceuon of Off,csr !i to tllG AGGur.cy of thG Drt RGport d ior tho Annud Rcpordng fior C F or U R.dpLrt3 rdpLrtrr.n4bt{xlotdnf k nlrt+rhrhbattruonnportdortilfumrndhryrtrrdnrfibrcante. leme9f1aD6rgtgg1nlc1 llASEiliIGION RSA llO. I LIIIITED PIRTNERSEIP DBA INLIND CELLITIAR ihn*uruofArthorlndoficcr: cERrrFrED oNLTNE Drt o1/r412o22 ,dmed name of Authorlzcd fficer: l'lke Blv ntleor !o6!tbn of Ajtho&cd Oficer: gvP Bu!In.!! Op€Eatlons l'elelhonc numbcr of Arthorhd Ofioer: 2 08? 980245 a*. 1222 tudvArla CodG of Raoortru C.nlen 179007 FlllnrDuaDaterorthylo . 0112912022 PGm rlllfully m5lrt f.L. iEt ffits fi thb bm on bG prnbhcd by finr o. forrllerE und6 tfic cammnk tlffi Act of 19X, a7 Us.C g 5m, 56lb], or 0m or lDprkdmit md.rlltlc lSof th. Unhld 5t t ! Co.h, lt U.Sc. I f@1. P{r 22 Pax! 2:l <rlD StudyAHcodc t7900? 41$ StudyArurN.m.iASITINGTON RSA NO. 8 LIUITED PARTNERSNIP DBA I}ILIND CEIJLOI'AR <Irc> Prorr.mY.lt 2023 4l0> Cont 6ilam!-Pcr$nusAcshouEcontclrqrrdllxthbd.ta ulko Bry dos> cmt ctrccphorrilurbcr-NumbcrotDcrmHaiillGdlndfi.llna@D 2on9ao245 at'1222 <B9r Cont ct Ernax AddrBs - Em.l Addrss of ocrson ldcnoftcd h du [lr <HD dkobelnlandceu" cm TO BE GOiTptEIED tV rHE REFOiIUT6 C nnE& F Ail AGEIUT IS HU[6 AflrUAt REPOTIS OIl THE GARnETS BEllAlf: ?O BE OOil|PIIIED WIflE ATM{ORIZED AGEIIT: Cortlf,etlon of Oficcr b Autlpdr rn ASurt to Flh turnu.l R.port! ior OAF or Ll R.clpLtrti on Bdlelf of R:podrg Crnlu c..trft.f Gr.n oiAg rls brrlhortr.dbddtlh.lnhm!0ornporbdonD.lt ltoflh.ltpor0l{cJlLr. I rbo c.rltt, ota r rrr - anr-r c mffirr -nr*, rny -p-turr- rdu.t rrlldry lh. Er-J ot llo .mud .trt nporurf !.qutilnrra. proytd.d b lh. f,itrort dld* rd. loOr. !.dotmr lllorLt, fh. rrpo.b rd 15 proyLLd b ll. frlffi {rot b accnr-. tlemdAutlwhed lm: trm dRcoal|il C.rrllc itsn t nofArltro.t d Of,lcen D.tC; tmcd n mc of Anhod:ad oficer: ftL d Eftld 6l Atih6rh.d ofiar ItdrrAH Cod! of nrmdm Cffrlln Fl[r DlI Dete forthb brm: PGMIullltrlbmllntt b.tlrtlmnlsmtibfunonbcpundtcdbyniltrbrfttunudrthGCoilrunk lbB^.tor1l'3a, arU's.c.tl5O2,503(bl,qffn.orlnprbonmnt undultth lt dth. urh.d 5t t6 codc, ll u.sc I lol. C.rtlf,crdon of Atmt Adrorhrd to Flh Annu.l R.ports ior CAF or tl Rrdphntr on Brhrlf of R.portlry C.rd.r l..Irrtlbrtlr. r.Doru{G.nk,crdtrtt t ! f,rrrrhort dba&mtl|t..lIsrrlLeartflthrdrt neocrd hrrh lrrdordro prouldrdbf dxnporrl|c.Itl.r;rndEtl|.bdoltnyhrolrLtl,ri.ffiriltbn rTorr.d h.rdnbrcard. iLru d R.Dotin c.i{ft iLm. of allholLad AEnt Flm: l&n tun d^rlhdlr.d ldnt d E6dm of lent:M.: ndc tr ffitdon of Altrbrh.d Amit I EmobvGC of Arant I:kohonc nrmbcr of Autho&.d Arant or EmDlov:c of frant: BfudirlE Cnd. d n.6fdM CrrrLn FlhDcD.n frrthbb.m: FGEN ullltully mtltt Lk! rt lrmtr ff dtb lbm an ba pllnblrrd t, ftrc c ffibG rndq li! Cmnletlffi lct ot 1$tf, a7 Us.c. ll 5112, sG(bl, or inc q hIIbqrmt undq Thl. lt of tha Unld SEtc. Codc, l! U.s.c. t l(x,r- P.gc 23 479007<)1D StudyAreaCode TIASHINGTON RSA NO. 8 I,II'iITED PART}IERSNT<)15> Study Area Name <)2D ProgramYear 2023 ul,l Bly*r,t -nOO n.r" - t"*n ,*a tnort. -noo *"r.,nt,n* O.O ,rrrrrrrr, ,r,rUU,<)3$ Contact Telephone Number - Number of per:on ldentlfled ln data llne <030> <)39> Contact Email Address - Emall Address of person identified ln data line <03(D d.kobttnludcell . c@ t certifu under penalty of perjury that no universal service support has been or will be used to purchasg obtain, maintain, improve, modiff, or othenrise support any equlpment or seMces produced or provided by any company deslgnated by the Federal Communications Commission as posing a national security threat to the integrity of communications netutrorks or the communications supply chaln since the effectirre date of the designations. Yes Yes Please Provlde Waiver D,ocument Allowable File Type (pdf only) Please Provide Waiver Document Allowable FileType (pdf only) I certify that no Federal subsidy made available throuSh a program administered by the Commission that provides funds to be used for the capital expenditures necessary for the provision of advanced communications services has been or wlll be used to purchase, rent, lease, or othenrise obtain, any covered communications equipment or service, or maintain any covered communications equipment or service prevlously purchased, rented, leased, or otherwise obtained, as required by 47 C.F.R. 5 54.10. Name of Attached l),ocument tisting Required lnformatlon Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation m Hdr{aFI F{o() dA tUr-{cH oq.(ooH oeE] t{dFIa-t?4oo d (6 FItrH Iacllot Tao o EtC B(, aI o E T a aoxoc kdB 6o! E }l o oz ta& cootsla Ao6E A!oHoq,tltdA Eo+, E }l d6&IaI6 cTopadEI 6 l+{ ()ll '{r{d,A oIJ dEd EH na E oA '.1cn a oo6dd cH 6 $ bo F{oc ooH obt{oc E] r{6FI,-tFIo C) dadFIcH C'fi oo N oo o Fo r ofd td a oo tEa cH cIoEotJuE Eto ? >rE6oEoo oEoAqo oH Htr, oU dca cH coo EoIJUC!.g s Uf!a a oo !Ea E .e ouuEEooo& o 6 I.l oo!ca I oao E 6 ct Jc I G! "EnGEIEoIcoctt c!! =i Eq o !! =oErtE EI 6me N .jxo o Fo o6cl oc=I!! EG Eo =Eo g o oaEt2 3E5zocoEoooF EG EI 6o? E o I G G!I=!tEEoUe U6coog3o IJ 6:,co oa oEozuE Eo(J ctoo o oo EG! PE o ? t4 5i EU AzIz de E Iqc,Bu A a HFI o o2 c 2oEU,FI4 I oEI2oo 'lt! 6 ut 6 FoooF o 3Io !:o oI