HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220713Newmax Form 481 and Affidavit.pdfPage 1 <010> StudyAreaCode 47902s Ncffi, LIJC dba Iale@ Net{orks<015> StudyArea Name <020> Procram Year 2023 <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data Cattlln IO1rg <035> Contact Telephone Number: Number ol the person identitied in data line <030> 208{151773 ext. <039> contact Email Address: Email of the person identified ln data llne <030>ck1 j.ngoLnter0axleaB. com FOrm Type s4.313 and 54.422 (.-,) ! li = lll (..':::1n-! t^* ]:- r/) (...i(,rl _1 ,,, : ."/r (- j i.i i Page 1 P.8c 2 <r1C, Study ArG. d.a7ro25 <015> studyAEil.m.xcffi, Ec u I[!.ffi xalrcrb db 2021 <030> Cont.dl{.m.-P.enUsAcshould@tactcrardinSthiidd. c.Mipntug <o35> conbdT.lGDhd.l{umber-ilumbsof mMnld.6tm.dindat.lln.ds 2041151773 cxt' <03$ contrct En.ll Md6 - Em.il Addr.s of p.en id.ntfi.d ln d.lr lin. <030> ckllDgoht.rutls , ca <21D For tha prior obndrr yerr, wrE thcrc lny Eportlble wke $pie outlgs? <2X>ilqsifruE tlmb.. (trqF $.rt Dil.Tln olrt as Erd D.lt olrt a. Ed llD. ilmtd ol lot l ilmt rot Cffi lrtl F..firh. AfuEd IYE / il61 Sarvlo Out ft D6dlP{o (ch.d .[ rh{.Ddrd Dldltb(,'rE Atf.cr ilddrh St dyAD6 lY;, tol S.rrle oroar R.$ldLn Pluililrc P.ge 2 P.ar, <)l(> StudyArea Code artoal <015> StudyArea N.me <02(> ProgramYear <03D Contact Namr - Pr6on USAC should contact retrrdlnt thls dat.{t1& EIE <)35>Contact Telephone l{umber - Numb€r of person ldentified ln data llnc <r!t{}, <039>Comact Email Addrcsi - Emall Address of pcrson ldmtified in data llnc <030> <400> <410> <420> Select from the dropdown list to indicate how you would lik€ to rrport voice complalnB (zero or gtrcater) for voice telephony service ln thc prlor calendar year ior each scrvlce area ln whlch you are des@ated an ETC fior any facilities you own, opcrate, lease, or othcrubc utilize. Complaints p€r 1(m customcts forfixcd voic! Complalnts pcr (n0 customers for moblb volcc Pltr I Pf.,l @ PdmYfr 202? @ offixm.P-dtE C*oddffir?&r$Lh drlb aus €5 CoMTdaDhomitnbG-i&nbrorm5ldfd hddh.@'oLl3rttt 4' 49t Coffi En l ld&E. En illddBolpmn ldfrtid h dolh4o dr{tuffio.m <515> C.rdtymdh@llth.pplLrbh nlnlmun rwle tud.rdr P{r4 Plar 5 <016 stdy^pcodc <0r5> sfrrdv^ail.m. <02> ProamYd <0:D Com.rita.m-Pserrsctho.ddduacardttdrbd.t 6lbErE @$ cott dTrlcthorc !t rto- ilunhof p..s ldGd0rd lr &t. [m o3oD rourrltr d' <03$ cfftad Emdl lddr6 - EmdladdB o, p.m ldqtiH ln d.t| lhc <rr{> 41tryt&.t'dd.6 <5c c.irify mpfre Gtardfl.t{l{yroftnctloi ln mtl|locy.lt ilG ya, <6l(> DrslpthE d@mrfi ior tunctloo.hly ln Emr!.rq5lur.tlon3 LIa. 610 - tultl@llEy {StC a79O25',pdl PI.5 P.3e 5 d10>17902' <015> StudvArca l{rm <020> ProlEmYBt zo2a dil>a.df Nrh. - P.lsh ll$a <hrH.dhd il.dl^, rhk i+, a^.t.d t-la*^'-Number-20ga15Ur3 rx! <r:Xl> Crffi Emil lddB - Emil AddB of mMn ld.illtu ln dfi llm dl6 dlOt <811> HoldiE commnv &t Mllc&I. <81> Op€ntiucomBny tnt.hu nctrork <813> Aff,htcr sac Ddry Budna$ Arcolnerryor Bnnd Dc*nldon Paee 6 Pa3!7 <010, StrdyAECodG a79073 <o15>&ru, rc & Irt.u &trcrk. <O2O> Prot.mYe,2023 qtllh nlry <90o> Docs th! fillnS rntlty offcr trlbal land scrvlccs? (Y/N) <91O> Trib.l Land(slon s'hich ETCScilcs <92D Trtb.l Gowmm.nt Engatcmrnt Obll3.tlon lf yow empeny rr* Trlb.l Ln&, pL.$ $hst (Y.s,No, NA) for mh th6. bd.s to @nfim th. strt$ d.srlb.d on thc .tt.ch.d PDF, on lln. 920, damnrtnt r @rdlnrtbn wlth tho Trlb.lfmmmnt puEunt to 5 54s8(.1(sl lmlud6: <921>N6ad3 assssrmont and doplofmnt plannlng wllh a fucus on Trlbal community endror lnstlhrtom. Fcaslblltty and sust lnablllty pl.nnlng; M.rtctlng saMc.s ln . cultur.lly scmitlvr mnncr; Compllanca wlth Rlthts of way proc.sscs Compliancc with Lrnd Us. prrmlttlng roqultcmcnts @mpllane wlth FlcilitlGs Slunt rul.s compllanc wlth Envlronmcntal Rcvlaw proc$rcs Compllenc. wlth CultuEl PEsarvadon rcvlcw pmssca Compliancc with Trlbal Businass end Liendn8 ruqultlmrnts. {o N.m of Attrdrad Documant <922> €23> <924> <925> <925> <927> <928> <929> 56lod Y6ai{oq t{otApplldbl! Pa8,el Patc 8 <o1o>Arca CodG <020> Program Yaar 479025 2022 rc <O3o> Contact Nama - Parsn UsAc should contact <035> Contact <1000>Voic. Erulccs ratc companblllty ertifletlon <1010>Attach drtall.d d€*ription for vole Erules Etc comp.r.bility comPllancr <1020> <10:il>Attach drt ll.d dcicrlptkcn for brcadband comparability complianC &ltlla <03o> 20441s17?3 qt <03O> &1t4oin!.ffi.&.c6 YCg ,JlRe 1010 - Vol.cc Scryice Rates (SlC {?9025}.pdf Nama of Attachad Documant y€s - PricinE la no llce than thc rcat recent appllcable benchmrk atrouced bythe Wireline Cmpelltlon Bureau Llnc 1030 - BrGdbsd seffice Rates (sAc 179025).pdf Nsme of Attach.d Dcumcnt P.9.8 d8ta in Page 9 <010> StudyArea Code a7to25 <015> StudyAraa Name x.ilu, rc e rnr.ffi x.!rcrr. <020> P(rgrrm Y!8t zoa! <030> Contact Nama - Pcrson USAC shutld <035> ContactTclcphon!ofpcron idlntmld ln data linc<030> 20E.15r77! dr. <039> Cont ct Email Addrlss - EmailAddrass of pcrson kientiti.d in data linr <03(> ckue.br.,@.e.cil <1100> Certifywhcthlrtlrr.stlhlbackhauloptionscxist(Y/N) <tl3D Pless solect lho applop.latB r€spons€ (Yos, No, Not Applbable) b cqlfitm tho t€porting cador ofie]s broadband sorvics d at loast I Mbps dowrBbBam and 256 kbps upst€am wilhin lhe supporbd ares puBuant b S t4.313{g). <1140>Alask Plan EtNf{etum ertmatk n (y.s, no, or not epplieblel of compllancc wtth apprmd pcrfomancc plan. faa Page 9 Pase 10 <()lO> StudvAr.. Cod.a79025 dlls> StuduAro: Nah. Name - Pcrson oontact <1210> Trrms & conditions of Voicc T.lephony Lifcline Plans <1220> "Phr$ chck th6. bqrr brbw to @nllm thlt th..tt chcd dsmet(3), on lin. 1210, or tha mb3lta listrd, on linG 1220, 6nt lns thr FqulEd lnformtlon Fr6urnt to 5 30.422(rX2) .nnul Eportlnt for EIcs mMnt liljn@ma support, arLB m$t annully Eport: <LZzl> lnformation describim thr trrms and conditions ofanyvoicc tclephony servic! phns offcrrd to Llfcllnc subrcribars, <1222> Drtails on thr numblr of minutcs pHi&d as part of th" plan, <1223> Additional cha6cs for toll cells, and Et$ for €ch such plan. <030> 208.15r??3 d- <)3o> HTTP utcrla*trcrrc.co ItrudCdltlor Page 10 P.3. !.1 codc 479025 zo2a <O:lot CoiEd tlrmc USAC Select $e appropriate rlsponses below (Yes, tlo, ilot Appllcable) to note compllanc. as a reclplent of frozen Hlgh Cost suppo( Hith Cost support to offset access charge rcductlons, and Connect Amerlca Phas€ ll support at set forth ln 47 CTR 54.313(c),(d),(e). The lnformatlon rcported on thls fiorm and ln the documents attached below ls accurate. <2015> 2016 and tuture Frozen support Certification 47 cFR $ 5a.313(c)(a) Prlce cap Grrler c,onnect Amerlca lcc Support (47 CFR 5 54.313(d)) <2015> Certification support used to build broadband Connect Amerlca Phase ll Reportlng {47 CFR ! 34.313(el} <2017A> ConnectAmerica Fund Phase ll recipient? <20t7C> Total amount of Phase ll support, if any, the price cap carrier used for capltal expenditures in 2021. <2018>Attach the number, names, and addresses of community anchor institutions to which the carrier newly began providing access to broadband service ln the precedlng calendar year - 54.313(eXlXiiXA) Gonnect Amcrlca Phase ll - FCC Form 470 Po6dnts <2019> For the filing due July 1 following full implementation of this requirement, answer yes, no, or not applicable to this certification request Name of Attached Doorment Listing Required lnformation P.t! 11 P.g. 12 <01D St{dyArea Code 479025 <115> StudyArea Name Newmax, LLC dba InEermax Networks <)20> ProgramYcar 2023 <0:X> Contact Name - P€rson USAC should contact rqarding this data Caitlin Klinq <)35> Contact Telephonc Numb€r - Number of person identified in data line <)30>2084L51773 ext <039> Contact EmailAddress - EmailAddress of person identified in data line <O3D Ckl ingOintefmaxteam . COm (3007)Does this flling retaln a Cost Consultant and/or Flrm, or other Third Party to prepare financial and operatlons data disclosures submitted to the National Exchante Grrier Associatlon (NECA), USAq or the Administrator? Name ofConsuhant Namc of Comultant Flrm/Thhd Party P.fc U PsE <010> Study Arca crd! <015> StudyAr€a Name Newmax, LLC dba Intermax Networks <02D Program Ylat 2023 <03D Contld N!rc - P.en USAC should @ntact Et rdint this dat Caitlin Klinc <035> Cont ctTlbphocNumbrr-Numbrrof pctenldentfEdindat lim<030> 20841517?3 ext. <039> Cont ct Em.tlAddre$ - Emafl AddE$ of plren tdenilfted tn dara line <o3D ckl ing@interm€rxteam ' com Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313(fl(1), Prlvately held carriers murt ensure compliance with the financial reporting requirements set forth in 47 CFR 54.313(0(2). I further certify that the information reported on this form and in the documents attached below is accurate. (3OOg) Progress Report on 5 Year Plan carri.r ertifi rs to 54.313(0(lxiiil (3O1OA) c.nifietion of Public lntcrost obliSations 147 cFR 5 s4.313(0(1xil) (30108) Plca* Providc Attachmnt (3012A) Ratr-of-Rctum Communlty Andbr lBtltutlons lndicat! ifthc carricr newly deploycd broadband sruicr to community anchor institution(s) in the provious calcndar ycar, Phasc Pflide Attachmcnt Usint link, dilnlo.d templatc and list thc numbcr, namr and addrcss for cach community anchor institution. Attach the documnt *,hidr oontrins the community anchor institution detalls as roquitld by 47 C.F.R. 5 s4.313(0(rxii) ls your c.mpany I Prtuatcly Hcld ROR Carrilr {47 cFR 5 s4.313(0(2)) lf y.s, d@s your @mpany file th. RUs .nnual rcpon Pl.asc ch6k thase box6 to @nfim that th. .ttachcd PDF, on linc 3O1Z $ntains thc Equircd information pursuant to 5 54.313(0(2) @mpliane Gquir$: Elcctronic opy oftheirannuel RUS rcports (Opcnting Rcport for Talecommunications Bonowarc) Documcnt(s) with Belance Shet lncom. Statrm.nt and statemcnt of cash Flows lf th. rcsponse is yes on linr 3014 .ttach your 6mpsny's RUs annual roport and ,ll roquircd deumentation lf th. respon* is no on linr 3014 is your@mpany auditcd? lf th. rcspon$ is yrs on linr 3018, pl.asr ch&k the boxes bclow to confim your submission on linc 3026 pursuant to I 54.313(fl(2,, contains: Eithcr a copy oftheir audit.d finencial statcment; or (2)a financial rcport in a format omp.nbb to RUS Op.nting Rrport for Telemmunietions Borowcrs Documcnt(sl for Balana Shcct, lncomc st tcmcnt and Statcment of Gsh Flows Manag.mcnt lrttrr and/oreudit opinion issued by thc indcpcndcnt ccrtificd public aeountant that pcrformed thc ompany's financial audit. lfthc rcspon* is no on lin. 3018, pl.a$ chcck thc box.s bclow to rcnfim your submission on line 3026 pursuant to 5 54.313(f)(2), contains: Copy ofthcir financial statcmant which has bc.n subject to rlview by an indepcndcnt clrtified public eccount.nt; or 2) a finencial rrport in a format companbl! to RUs op€ntin8 Rcport for Tehcommunlcations 8orrcrcE Undcrlying information subj.ctcd to a r.vicw by an indcpcndcnt certifi ed public arcuntent Undcrlyiry information subjcctcd to en officr ertification. Document(s) with Balance sh!.t, lncome stat?mcnt and Statamant of cash Flows Attach the worksheet listint roquircd infomation (30128) Name of Attachrd Documsnt Listing Rrquircd lnfomtion (3022) Nam. of Attached Documrnt Listing Requir.d lnformation (3013) (3014) (301s! (3016) (3017) (3018) (3019) (3020! (30211 (3023) (3024) (302s) (3026) Nam. of Attach"d Document [isting R.quircd lnfomation (Yes/lto) (Ycs/No) (Ys/Nol oo oooo Nam. of Attach.d Documrnt Listing R.quircd lnfom8tion P{c 13 P.gG 14 Flur.btDtsllmr (3027) Rcwnuc (3028) OpGEung ErpGre3 (:r29ln.tlmm (3030) Tclaphore Plant ln Scrvle[IPls] (3031) Totll Asts (30321 Tot l Dcbt (30331Tot lEquiv (3034) Dlvtd.nds XmdMdMK[n4Hlffi. P.t! 14 P.a. r.5 <)15> <t30> <o39> Arc.l{amc Contact Namc - Pcrson Contact contact person data *I1nfhtGffi.a,cd tlfirs Rursl Bro.db.od E:pcrlmctt Authorieed Rural Broadb.nd Expcriment (RBEI rccipicnts must addreis tlle certmcation for public interest obligatiom and proyide a lBt of newly scfttd community anchor institutiom. Pub[c lilGr.rt Otlhtatots- FOC !l-98 (Par€rephs 2&29 781 Plcrsc addrcss Une 4001 regarding compliance with thc Commission's public intercst obllgatlons. All RBE partkipants must provlde a rcsponsc to Llnr 4@1. lml, Rlcipicnt c.rtifirs that it is ofrrrini broadband mcctin8 thc rcquisitc public intcrlst obliS.tions coNlstrnt with thc G.tcgory for which thcy w.re sclEt d, includinS bro.dband spe.4 latcncy, usag? capacity, and rat6 that arc rcasonably omparablc to rates for conparablc officritfs in urbon areas. RBE Communlty Andro. lmdtutons <4OO3a> lndicatc ifthe carri.r ncwly deployed broadband s!rylcr to community.nchor imtitution(sl in the pravlo$ calandar year <4003b> Pllssc Proridc Att chmrnt UsitE lint, download tcmplate and list thr numblr, nam€ and addrcss for each community lnchor institution. Attach the documcnt whkh contains th. communlty.nchor insututlon dGtails as r.quired by FCC 1t[-98 (paragraph 79) ,{ame ofAttached Document ustirE Rcquired lnformauon P{E 15 Pt 15 <)1(>Study Ar.a Code {15>Study A.ea Name <)20>Program Yrar <030>Contact l{ame - Prrson USAC should contact this data <035>contactTelephone Number - Number of pe.son <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identmed in data line <030> drbriEr.ffi.s..d 5m5 Aaska Plan (s011) (s012) Please indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previous calendar year in are.s previously served exclusively by performance-limiting satellite backhaul. lfthe filing carrier identified in its approved perfomance plans that it relies exclusively on satellite backhaul for a cert.in poriton ofthe population in its service area, indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became cormercially available in the previoius calendar year in areas that were previoiusly served exclusively by satellite backhaul. (Yes/Nol (Yes/Nol ,adly Sdtid lo..doB o. eoPhdon (Yes/Nol llamc of Attached Documnt Listint R.quirad lnfomation <5013> Delrabn Ot a.cld$l LdiDky Alaska Phn Moblle CarlerC Reasombly Companble Rate t emonstratlon (5014a) Answer yes or no if moblle carriers receiving support from the Alaska Plan can demonstrate compliance at the end ofthe fiveyear milestone (2022) by showingthat your required stand- alone voice plan, and one service plan that offers b.oadband data services, ifyou orffer such plans, are: o Substantially similar to a service plan offered by at least one mobile wireless service provider in the cellular market area (CMA) for Anchorate, Alaska, and . Offered for the same or a lower r.te than the matching plan in the CMA for Anchorage. Alaska Plan Moblle Canled Reasonabv Comparable Rate lremorctratlon Attaclrmeot (5014b) ]f "Yes' is selected for 50!ta, attach a document demonst.atint oompliance with the S-year milestone. lf'No' is selected for 5014a, attach an explanation of non-compliance. hb Lcthad AnLbL P{.15 P* t7 <o10> <o15> <)20> Area Coda Program Ycar 16rie, M & bt.rE XGtE k. <030> Contact Name - Plrson USAC should contact <)35>Contact <)39>Contact - Email of person dete <03(}, <6010> Enter the total amount of Phase ll Auction Support, if any, th€ carrier used for capital expenditures. Phasc ll Auctlon and New York Funds C.rtific.tion <6011>Certifu (either yes or no) retarding whether the recipient has available funds for all project costs that will exceed the amount of support that will be received for the next calendar year. This certification must be prorlded startintthe first July lst after recelving support untll the recipient's penultimate year of support, Phese l! Aucdon Communlty Anchor lrftltuuons <6O12a> lndicate if the carrier newly deployed broadband seMce to community anchor institution(s) in the previous calendar year. q60126y Please Provide Attachment UsinB link, download template and list the number, name and address for each community anchor institutlon. Attach the document which contains the community enchor institution detalls as required by FCc 1+98 (paragraph 79!. Phase ll Aucdon FCIC Fonn 470 PoEtlqE <6013> For the filint due July l following full lmplementation of this requirement answer yes, no, or not applicable to this certification request. <5014> Phase tl Auctlon Post-Flnal Dedoyment Mllesbne Performence Certlficatlon Starting the first July lst after meeting the final seMce milertone, certify (yes, no, or not applicable) that the Phase ll-funded network that the Phase ll auction recipient operated in the prlor year meets the relevant performance requirements in 0 54.309. (Yes/No) Namr of Attachld Dcument Linint Rcquircd lnfolmtion 939642.12 Ye6 tro - tro Ner &ffiLly hchora Not Appllcable ilot AppllcabLe Pt lT PI.lt <010>Studv Area code art02! <015>Arra Name &'g,M&bl.t.gtrEb <030>Contact Name - Person USAC should contact Contact <o:10> Contact Email Address - Email Addr6s of p.rson idrntificd in line d141a!ffi!e..il<039> <7010> Phase ll Auction recipient performance requirements certification (Yes/No) P!.lt P.Cc 19 <010> <020> Area Code Area Name Program Year f,.vlB, M&I!!er!BL!6rk. <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should @ntact regardingthis data io35>contactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentmedindataline<030i- <039>Contact Email Addrss - EmailAddreis of persn identmad in data line <030> .k11,e1n!.ffi.s.cor <8010>Unlendo a Puerto Rico Stage 2 Flxed - capital Hpenditures Enter the total amount of Unlendo a Puerto Rico stage 2 fix.d support, if any, the carrlcr uscd for capital cxpcnditur€s. <8011>Uniendo a Puerto Rlco Stage 2 Fixed - Available Funds Certlficatlon ccrtify (cithcr yes or no) rogarding whether the recipicnt has available funds for all prcjrct costs that will exceed the amount of support that will be reelved forthe next calendar year. This ccrtification must be provided startinS thc first July 1st aft.r receiving support until the recipient's penultimate year of suppon. <8012a>Uniendo a Puerto Rico Stage 2 Flxed - Community Anchor lnstitutions lndiBte if th. carrier newly deploycd broadband seruice to community anchor institution(s) in the prcvious calendar year. <8012b> Plcase Providc Attachment Using link, download template and list the number, name and address for each communlty anchor institution. Attach the documcnt which contains thc community anchor institution details as required by 47 c.F.R. I 54.313(e)(2XA). Allowable File Types. Uniendo a Puerto Rico stage 2 Flxed - FCC Form 470 Postings <8013> For the filing duc July I following full implemcntation of this rcquir.ment answcr ycs, no, or not applicable to this @rtification r.quest. <8014> <8020> <8030> Name of Attached Dcument Listint Required lnformation Unlendo a Puerto Rlco Stage 2 Fixed - Post-Final Deployment Milestone Performance Certlflcatlon Starting th. first July 1st aft.r m!!ting the final scruicc milcstone, ccrtifo (yes or no) that thr Uniendo a Puerto Rio State 2-funded network that th€ Stage 2 r.cipicnt opeEted in the prior year mcrts tha rclevant performancc rcquircmcnB in 5 54.309. Unlendo a Puerto Rlco State 2 Fixed - Support Reimbursement Certmcatlon 54.313(n): Rrcipilnts of Uni.ndo a Puerto Rico Fund Stage 2 fixrd support shall ertifythat such support was not used for costs that erc (or will be) r€imbur*d by other sourccs of support, includint of federal or lcal government aid or insurance rcimbureemcnts; and that support was not usrd for other purpos.s, such as the retirement of company debt unrelated to rligible cxpenditures, or other expenses not directly related to network restoration, hardening, and expansion consistent with the framework of thc Unicndo a Puerto Rico Fund. Uniendo a Pucrto Rico Stage 2 Flxed - Disaster Preparedness and Response Documentation 54.313(n): Rrcipients of fixed support from Stage 2 of thc Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund shall clrtify that they have conducted an annual rcview ofthe documentation ruquirrd by section 54.1515{a}-(c} to determine the nlcd for and to impllment changes or revisions to disaster preparation and rccovrry dGumentstion. <8o4o> Uniendo a Puerto Rico State 2 Mobile - Support ReimbuBemem 54.313(n): Recipients of Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund Stage 2 mobile support shall crrtify that such support was not used for costs that are {or will be) reimbursed by other sources of suppon, including of fcdcml or lcal govcrnm.nt aid or insunncc reimburcm.nts; and that support was not usd for other purposet such as the retirement of company debt unrelated to cligibh cxpenditurct or oth!r .xp.nscs not directly relat d to nctwork rcstoration, hardening, and cxpansion consistent with the fmmework of the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund, <8050>Unlendo a Puerto nico ttage 2 Moblle - Disaster Preparedn$s and Response Oocumentation 54.313(n): Recipients of mobile support from stage 2 ofth€ Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund shall certify that they have conductrd an annual review of thc documrntation r.quired by s.ction 54.1515(a)-(cl to determine the need for and to implement changes or revisions to di$ster preparation and recovcry documcntation Uniendo a Puerto Rlco State 2 Mobile - Mobile DisbuBements C.ertlfication 54.313(o): Recipients of Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund Stage 2 mobile support shall certify that they are in compliancc with all rrquirements for receipt of such support to continue rcceivinS Stagr 2 mobilc disbuRements <8050> Page 19 PXC m <010>Study Area Cod. <015>Study fuea N.me ler'r u& bt.!!u&rE& <020>Prcgram Ycar 2021<030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this dati o1!rb dlry <039>Contact Email Address - Email Addr€ss of person identified in data llne <03D d114rrr.ffi.&."- <9010> <9011> <9012a> <9012b> <9013> Connect U$rl St't 2 Fir.d - Capital Elp€ndituirs Ent.rtha total amount of Connrct USVI Fund Sta8c 2 tixed support, if any, th. ericr usd for epital crpcnditurcs. Connect USvl State 2 Flxed - Avallable Funds Certlflcation certify (eithcr ycs or no) rrtarding whcthcr the rrcipicnt has availabla funds for all project @sts that will excccd thc amount of support that will br rcceivrd forthr nrxt elendar year. This clrtifietion must b! puidld startinS th! firstJuly lst aftcr r.ceivang support untilthe rccipicnt's pcnultimstc year of support. Connect USvl State 2 Flrcd - Communtty Anchor lnstltutions lndiete if the errier ncwly deployed broadband scruicr to community anchor institution(s) in the prcvious calcndar y.ar. Phas Prwid! Attachment Using link, download tcmplat and llst thc numbcr, nama and addres for cach @mmunity ancfior institution. Attach the dcument which contains the @mmunity anchor institution dctails as rcquircd by a7 C.F.R. 5 54.313(!X2XIXA). Connect USvl State 2 fked - Fcc Form 470 PostlEs For the filiry due July I followint full implcmentation of this rcquircment enswcr ycs, no, or not applieblc to thls cartification rcqucst. Connect UWI Stage 2 flxed - Post-Flnal D.plovmcnt Milestons Pcrformencc Gertifkstbn Starting the first ruly 1st after meetint the final srrvie mileston!, ertify (yca or nol that the @nncct Usvl Fund stagc 2-fundcd nctwork that thc stagc 2 recipicnt opcratcd in thc prior ycar mets thc rcl.Ent prrformancc requircmrnts in 5 54.309. Connect USVI Sta$ 2 Fixed - Support Relmbu6enent Certiflc.tlon 54.313(n): Rccipicnts of Crnncct USVI Fund Strtc 2 fixcd support shall ertify that such support was not usd for @sts th.t.r" (or will be) r.imbursGd by other sources of suppoG including offcdcral or lGl gowrnment aid or insuEne rrimbuRcmcnts; and that tupport w.s not uscd for othcr purpoes, such as th. rctircmrnt of @mpany dcbt unrrlatcd to .ligibl. expcnditures, or othcr expcn*s not dircctly rclatcd to network rostoration, hardcnin& and cxpansion @nsistcnt whh th! fremework ofthe conncct Usvl Fund. Connect USVI Statr 2 Fhed - Disastar Prcparadness and R6ponsa Docrrmentatlon 54.313(n): Rccipi.nts offircd support from Stage 2 of thc connect Usvl Fund shall ertify that th.y have @nductsd .n annual r"virw of th! dcum.ntation rcquired by s"ction 54.1515(a)F.(cl to dctcminc thc nccd for and to implemrnt chang$ or rcvisions to disstcr prcpantion and rc@vcry documentation. Connect USVI Fund Stat€ 2 Moblle - Support neimbucement Cortlflc.tlon S.313(nl: Rlcipicnts of Conncct USVI Fund Stage 2 mobile support shtll crrtifythat such support ms not used foa costs that arc (or will bc) rcimburcd by othersourcas of support, including of fcdenl or lml govemmrnt aid or insuEnc. rcimburs.mrnG; and that support was not usd for other purpost such as th. rctircmcnt of company dcbt unrelatrd to cligibl. Gxpcndhures, or other llpenss not dircctly rclatld to nrtwork rcstontion, hardenin& and *pansion consistent with tha famework of thc Conn.ct USVI Fund. Rlcipicnts of mobilc support trom Statc 2 of thc Conncct USvl Fund shall certify that they have conducted an annual review ofthc documentation rrquired by scction 54.1515(a)-(c) to dctcrminG th€ nced for and to implement changls or rcvisions to disastcr preparation and rs@vary documcntation. Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 Moblle - Dlsast.r Prcparcdness and R€sponsc Doorment tlon 54.313(n): Recipients of mobile support from Stagr 2 ofthe Connect USVI Fund shall certify that thay harc conductcd an annual review ofth. deumrntation rcquirod by scction 54.1515(a)-(c) to determine th. ned for 8nd to implement changes or revisions to disastar praparation and response documcntation. Connect USvl Fund Stste 2 Moblle - Mobllc Dlsbu6ements Certlflc.tlon 54.313(0): Recipi.nG of Connrct USVI Fund Statc 2 mobile support sh.ll ccrtify that they are in compliane with all rcquircmcnts for rceipt of such support to continua rccclving Stag. 2 mobilc disbuRments. Namc of Attached Documant Listing Rcquired lnformation <9014> <9020> <9030> <9040> <9050> <9060> Pag. 20 <010> <020> Area Code NamG &Ea, rc & &!.!nu t tsrk. Ptc 2l Program z02t <030> conbct Name - Pcrson UsAc should contact re&rditE thls data oitlb or€ <039> Contact Email Addr6s - Email Addr6s of p.mn id.ntilted in data line <030> *rilnrltffi"-.cd <lq)10> RDOF Capltal Expendltures Starting thc first ruh 1st after rseivinS support until thc ruly 1st aft.r the racipicnt's support term has !nd"d, racipients of Runl Digital opportunity Fund support must submit tha total amount of suppoG if any, the r.cipicnt used for epital cxp.nditur.s in thc prcvious calcndar ycar. This is rcquirod by 47 c.F.R. S 54.313(e)(2xi)(a). <10011> nDOF Av.alabh Funds Certiftcatlon Plcac providc a rospons. (cithcr yas or nol to this ccrtifietion rcquest for any rcipicnt of Rurul Digital opportunity Fund support that thr reipient has .vailable funds for.ll projsc't costs that will exclcd thc amount of support th8t will be roc.ivad for the next cal.nder ycar. This ccrtification must b. providcd startinB the first July tut aftcr rlcciving support until th. rccipilnt's pcnultimate yGar of support, as requicd by requircd by 47 C.F.R, $ sa.3r3(G)(2Xiil. <10012a> RoOF Conmunlv Anchor lnstltutlons R.cipilnts of Rural Digital Opportunity Fund support must attach a list @ntaining thc number, namcs, and addrcsscs of ommunity anchor institutioE to which the cligiblc td@mmunietions carricr newly b.gan prcviding acc.ss to brordband *Mce in thepredint calcndaryear. This filing is rcquind by 47 CF.R. S 5a.313(cx2xiXA). <10012b> <10013> <10014> Phas! Provide Attachmant Using link, download trmplatc and list thc numbcr, namc and addrcss for cach 6mmunity enchor institution, Attach thc dtrumlnt which cortains thc community anchor institution d.tails as rcquircd by47 C.F.R. 5 54.313{cX2XiXA}. NamG ofAttachld Documlnt Listing Rcquircd lnformation RDOF FCC Form 470 Postlrus For the filing due July lst following full lmpllmcntation ofthis rcquircment, pl.asc provide a rcsponsc (cithrr ycs, nq or not applicabla) to this crtifietion rcqucst. Raclpiants of Rural oigital opportunity Fund must respord affirmetivcly that thcy bid on etetory on. telacommunietions and lntcrnet .ccass sarviccs in rcsponsa to all Fcc Form 47o postin$ secking broadband srvlca that mets thc @nncctMty t rycts for thc $hmls snd libnries univ.ml sruie support progam for cllgiblc rhols and libnrics (as dcrcribcd in $ 54.501) located within any 8rca in a ensus blek wherc the orier is rrcriving Rur.l DiSital Opportunity Fund, and that such bids wcrr et Etls rrasonablc comparablc to ntcs charg.d to rliSiblc shools and libnries in urban .rras for lnstructions for Completint FCC Form 481 oMB Contrcl No. 3060-0985 (High{ost} OMB Control No. 3O6GO8I9 (tow{ncomcl Novlmbcr 2020 Pagc 44 comparablc offcrin8s. This filin8 is rcquircd by47 c.F.R. $ 54.313(.1(21(iXC). This ccrtifietion will not br rcquircd until th! July lst following th. E- Rate proirdm ycsrthat this obligetion hrs bccn fully implemcnt.d. Modcrnizint the E-Rat! Progrrm for Schools and Libnrics .t al., WC Dockct. Nos. f-f84, 10-90, 29 Fcc Rcd 15538, 1555&57, para. 72 (20141. nDOF Postf, ml Daploymcnt Mllcatona Patfiormtllcc CGrtlf, c.don St.rtinS the fiEt July 13t .fter a RuEl DiSittl Opportunity Fund rccipient mc.ts lts final s.rulcc milcston. untll tha July lst aftcr thc support rccipient's support tcm has cndcd, plcasc provida a rcspons (rithsr y.s, no, or not epplicablc, that thc Runl Digitel Opportunity Fund-fundcd n.twork that the suppoft recipi!nt opcratad in thc ptior ycar mets the Elevant pcrfomsne rrquircmrnts in 47 c.F.R. 5 54.309. This filin8 is r.quirod by a7 c.F.R. E ta.313(cl(2xiii). Pagr 21 Paee22 <010> StudyArca Codr 479025 <O1q> studv Arc8 Namc Newx, IrLC dba Inlemx NetworkB <)20> PrdEm Y.ar 2023 <030> Contacl Namc - Person UsAcshould ontact rcgarding this data Caltlln Xl,lnq <035> ContactTclephonrNumbcr-Numberofp.rsonidcntifirdindatalim<0:}0> 208{151773 ext. <039> Contact Email Address - Emall Addrass of pcrson ldentifild in data llnr <030> ckllnsolnterextsean. com TO 8E COMP1EIED BY IHE REPORNNG CARRIER, IF THE REPORNNG CARRIER !S FILII{G A'{NUAI REPORI]TG ON ITS OWil BEHATf,: Ccrtificatlon of Officer as to the Accuracy of thc Data Reponed for the Annual Reponlnt for CAF or Ll Reclplents cGr6fy that I am ao olnccr ol ttc r:pordrq crnlGc my ruspontNHlrlcs hdudc Gnsurln! thc arqracy of drc annual rcportn3 rqulrmcnB for untcrsal scrvlcc support 'Gddcnts; an4 to the bc* ol my lnowledle, thc lniomr0o rcported on thb iorm rnd tn sny.tt drmcnts b ircotr.te. IamcofRaDortingcarri?r: Ne@, LLC dba Interu Networkg iEnaturc of Authorized fficcr: cERrrFrED oNLTNE Datr 07 /12/2022 ,rintcd mm of Authorizcd officer: calcllB K'r1qg ntb or oosition of Authorizrd offier: General cowel Talcohon! numbcrof Authorizcd O'fficrr: 2087528065 exE. 121 ;tudvArea Codc of Rcoortlm &rri!r: 479o2s FilinE Dre D8t forthistorm. 07 /29/2022 PcmN willfully mkint tBl$ strt mnts on thit iom €n b. punirhed by fin. or forflhurc und.r th. Communk tbnr A.t of 1934 47 U.s.C. 95 502, 50Et(b), or fin! or imprlsnrcnt undcrTirth 18otth. UniH St t r Co&, 18 U.S.C 5 1m1. ?agc 22 P!g.23 <010> Studv Area Codr 479025 <015> StudyArea Name NegtlB, LLC dba InEe@ Netrorks <020>Yaar 2023 <030> Cont6ct Name - Prrson USAC should contrct r.$rdlna this drt!calrltn Kllnc <035> contactTalcphoruNumber-Numberofp!r$nidrntifiedlnd.t llrc<o3o> 20841517?3 ext <039> ContactEmailAddrc$-EmilAddrc$ofpcrenidrntificdindlt lim<03(> cklLngoLnterrexteam.con TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS F]LING ANNUAT REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALF: TO BE COMPI.ETED BY THE AUTHORTZED AGENT: Certmcatlon of Offlccr to Authorlze an Atcnt to Flle Annual Rcports for CAF or lJ Reclphnts on 8lhalf of Reportint Canler erufy thrt (Nemo of l! lulhodr.d to tubrnlt lhe ln om.llon mpoiad on bah.lf ot tha [portng crrlar. I ll3o ordfy thrt I anr rn oficer ot th. ltDotdng c.rlai my ilponalull0aa lnduda af.udng th. .grey ot thi rnnu.l data npor0ng nqulEm.nb pEvld lo thc aulhorlz.d U.nq !nd, b lh. bcat ot my knowl.df, tha rrporta ard (h! prcyuad to lhc rutlDaL.d lgmt L Eunt . {ama of Authoriz.d Ar.nt: {amc of RamrtiM c.rrl.r: iirmtur. of Authorizcd officcr:DrtG: ,rint d h.m. df Adharlr.d Offldr: frtb or miltion of Authorlr.d Offlccr: fcbDhorc number of Authorhrd Offfer: Studv Aro! Cod! of Rc@nlm C.rrirr:Filinr Dl,c D!t! forthls fom: Percns wilttulv makln8 fals st.trmnts on thl5 fom c.n bc punlshrd W tlnc or torfcltuc under the Communlotionr Ast of 1934, 47 U.s.c tS 502, 503(b), o. flne or imprltonGnt underTttb 18 ofth. UrlGd Strtes Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. Ccrtifkatlon of Atent Authorked to Fllc Annusl ReporB for C,AF or tl Reclphnts on B.half of Reportlng canl.r [r€ d.t! Eport€d hclth bG.d m date provldcd !y tha ruporthg canlar; !nd, tolhc b6tof my lalodedfc, thc lniomddl ltportad hcruln Ir mnta. N8ma of RlErtiE Orriar: Nrme ofAuthorh.d Ar.^t Flrm: Siffituru of Authorlz.d A..nt or EmdNG of Arcnt:Oatc: N8m of Authorhed Arcnt EmdG: ffth or 6dtl6n 6f Atrharlr.d Aftnt 6r EmDlM. ol Ar.nt [el€bhona humber of Adhorlrrd Arent or EmoloEe of Atrnt: Itudv Araa Cod. of R.6rtlm Carrlrr:Fillm D[ D.tc forthbform: PcHnswill,fllymkingf.best tlmnt5onthkformenbepunEhrdbyfneorforfltuEund.rthcCommnkationsActotl93,l,4TU.S.C.9$soe503(b),orllneorimpisnmntundrrTltb 1t ofthe Unh.d St tcs Cod., 18 U.S.C. 5 1qr1. Pagc 23 P4.24 <010> StudyArea Codr &l!a, ec & &!.t!E Lt6!b<,15> StudyAre. Name <02(D ProgramYaar <030> Contsct Name - Person USAC should contact rcgarding this data c.ttrb d1q 20Aa1s1?r3 ut.<)35> cont ct Tllcphonc Number - Numb€r of p€rcn identfEd ln data llrc <030> <039> Contact Emall Addrcss - Em.ll AddE$ ofp€r$n ldentltled In data llm <030>*1ln-Ut.ffi6e.cd I certify undcr penalty of perjury that no univer$l *ruic. support has brln or will bc used to purchae, obtain, maintain, improvc, modify, or othrruisc support any rquipment or sruics produccd or pwided by any company dcsEnated by the Fcdaml communications commission as posin! a national scurity threat to thc intcgrity of @mmunications nrtwo*s or the ommuniations supply chain sine thc efflctive date of the desitnations. Pleas Provide Waiver Document Allowable File Typc (pdf only) Namc of Attached Llocumant Listing Requircd lnformation I ertifythet no F.darel subsidy madc aveilablc thrcugh a program.dministlrcd by thc Commission that providrs funds to bc usd for the €pitel expendituras neessary forthe prwision of advanced @mmunietions $ruices has bccn orwill bc ured to purchasc, rant, leasa, or oth.misc obtain, any covered ommuniations cqulpmant or scruice, or maintain any covercd ommunietions equipment or sruie proviou3ly purcha$d, rcnted, l.ascd, or othcruis obtaincd, as rcquircd by 47 CF.R. 5 54.10. Yer Pleas Pmide Waiv.r Deum.nt Allowable File Typc (pdf only) Narc of Attachcd D,odmcnt [istin3 Rcquired lnfomation Pate 24 State of CERTIFICATION BY ELIGI BLE TELECOMMUN ICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE WTH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABIL]TY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH.COST SUPPORT. County of AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841 requires that Eligible Telecommunications Caniers (ETC) certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, he Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that allfederal hlgh+ost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, malntenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the bllowing: Newmax, LLC&b/a lam an officer ol lntenmax Netr+or*s , an eligible telecommunicalions canier br receiving Ederal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunicatlons Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. I am hmiliarwith the Company's day-today opelrations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service qualiU standards and consumer protecton rules as setforh in Commission Order No.29&41. Newmax, UC&Wa lntenmax Netunrks is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Commun'rcations Commission and the ldaho Public Uillities Commission rju..,. i... ... j.i I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set brth in Commission Order No. 2984'l and in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.201(aX2). Newmax, LLC dlAa 5. ! also certify hat all federal universal service support funds received by tnlanmar Natr+orlcs Judng the cunent calendar year will be used in a manner consistent wih sec'tion 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1,2023 , through December 31, 2023 to be eligible br federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that hderal universalservice support received by the eligible carriers in the strate will be used in a manner consistent with Section 25a(e) of the Telecommunications Act. ) )ss 1 2. 3. 4. lntese rrar lnc. #'blrrAlOf,tl.2O5 id.6llrAttHlrllfr '7 - tz- ?tP Mikc Kenncdy PrcsidenI/CEOAuthorlzed Re presenhtive Name/Title suBScRTBED AND S\'\IORN to before me this Fr^ day of Date CffittdonlHtl ,t|";..tj .t