HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220627i-wireless Affidavit.pdfState of Kentucky Coung of Campbell ss ) ) ) CERTI FICATION BY ELIGI BLE TELEGOMMUNICATIONS CARRI ER OF COMPLIANCE WTH SERVICE QUALIWAND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITYTO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFIGER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29li/.l requires that an Eligible Telecommunk-tbns Canier (ETC) certfy that it is compliant with appllcable seMce quality standards and consumer protec{ion rules: and ETCs must demonshaE the ability b rcmain func{ional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual erfificatlon wlh the USAC and the FCC that all Ederal hlghost support provided to ETCs within the SHe of ldaho will be used only for the provision, mainEnance, and upgrading of facilities and servicas for which the support is lntended. Accordingly, the undensigned states and verifies under oath the bllowing: 1. I am an offcer of i-wireless LLC an eligible Elecommunications canier br receiving Ederal universal servlce suppott under secfron 214(e) of the Telecommunicaffons Act of 1996 an the state of ldaho. 2. ! am familiar wih the Company's day-today openations in the stab of ldaho and witr the State's service quality strandards and consumer protection rules as sat brth in Commission Order No. 298/-1. 3.LLC is complying wlth applicable seruice quality standards and consumer protec{on rules of the FedenalCommunications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify b the Commission that the Company is able to remain func-tional in emergencies as set brth in Commission Order No. 2984.1and in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.201(aX2). 5. I also ceiliff that all Ederal universal service supportfunds received by i-wireless. LLC dufing the cunent calendar yearwill be used ln a manner conslsEnt wlth aection 254(e); that is, brthe plovision, mainbnance, and upgradlng of facilities and seMces brwhic*r the support ls inhnded. The company will continue to comply br the pefiod of January 1,2U23, through December 31, 2023, to be eligible brGderal universalservice fund support. 6. This verification and affdavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commlsslon b enable the IPUC to cartiry b the FCC that hdena! universal servie support received by the eligible caniers in the state will be used in a manner consistent wi$r Seciion 2t4(e) of the Act. 40 Name/TiUe Date SUBSCRIBED AND SI/IIORN to bebre rne thls day of 0 Lr, t Notary Public My Commission Expires: v Ce/ 2oda VICTORIA LANE WILLIAMS tary Public-Stato at Large KENTUCKY. Notary lD f KyNp23O8O Commission Expires 02-04-2025ah (ao>{