HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220616Rural Telephone CAF ICC Data-Redacted.pdfGynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (208)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com June 15,2022 i:l i" :ii Via United States Mail Daniel Klein, Telecom Analyst ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 RE !PUC File No: WC Docket No. 10-90: Administration of Connect America Fund lntercarrier Compensation Replacement S54.304(dX1 ). GNR-T-22-01 Dear Daniel As you know, I represent the ldaho Telecom Alliance ('lTA"). I have submitted the CAF ICC information filing to you pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S54.304(d)(1) of the Federal Communications Commission's rules for the following ITA member companies: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., Direct Communications Rockland, lnc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, lnc., and Rural Telephone Company. Enclosed are the trade secret and confidential data for CAF ICC funding for July 1,2022 through June 30, 2023 submitted in connection with that filing. Other companies may have filed this information separately from this filing. This information is considered trade secret and confidential pursuant to Section 74- 107(1) of the ldaho Code, and is submitted to you on yellow paper in sealed envelopes. lf you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact me Sincerely, (,,^rn-lr{,il/L Cynthia A. Melillo Enclosures TO BE COMPLETED BYTHE REPORTING CARRIER, Certlllcatlon of Olllcer ae to the Accuracy of the CAF lCC Data Reported I c.r{ry lhtt I am rn omcarol tho ,.porllng oorrlsr; my teiponalbllltles lncludo .n.urlng the .ccuraoy of th. ioturl drta rapoflodi rnd, to lho borl of my krprvlodg., tho lnroim.tlon ropodad on thl. fom l. aocurlto. {am. or Reoodrnn 6u,a..Rural T eleplpnel$rgpqly I D - $mtum otAulhalzdOlf,cst lr*ostzstzozz ,,t,tod namo ot A.*rror,r.u om."rMfiJif,e I ffiaffell nflo or oosr[on of Arrhortea omcorVlcg-Prgsldgnt re1"ohoo. number or Adrronad orfce., (208) 368-261d,c. Sludu Area Co& af Remrllno Cffder lqlzzgs llr,lii'titlijllfliffiiloforrhr"orm lJunc r6,20?2 lit''iir:iri',.rir.r:,,..,,:i:,rj,,l::',,i Por3olr3 wlllfully maklng falso BtatEmontg on thls lorm can be punlrhod by 6no or forf.lturo und6r tho Communlcallom Aot of 1031, 47 U,S.C. S0 502, 603(b), or fine or lmpdsmmant und6r TIUg t8 of lhE Unltsd Slaloi Codo, 18 U.S,O. S l00l, Cardercert TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTIilG CARRIER, IF AN AGEiIT IS FILING DATA ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALF! Certlfloatlon of Offlcer to Authorlzs an Agent lo Flle Deta Reported on Behalf of Reportlng Carrler c.rttly lhrl (t{rmc of Ae.n0 lt lulhorhod lo .uimlt lhc lnrsmrtloo r.godrd on b.hllt ct lhr Ulrq .nd, lo tlr b.rl o, my knowladgp, lhc oturl drta F ot ld.d to th. Authodr.d &pnl tto aoourrlo. r{eme ot adhorkad roanr Natlonal Exchange Canler Assoclallon, lnc, (NECA} Neme or Rcmrho s,,hRural Telepfong,;]ampany lD -l- 0d'.0513112022 366-26 llul,v Aree code ot RoDortlm Cfirlet 472233 r;,:i;,;l;.i1;*n, Dua oat. for rhb fom :: t l::, :l: ; :':lriiltmratailwl .run. I5.2022 r:.rj::i:j':::.:::::..'l.t,i:ii.,::lllit::i:ri.iii:i:,:i::;:tr'::r:i. : j j:i.i 1.1':'r:ii: i.r :ll_j :i:.,:.:, ::r:.:r: :.: iil,, ."...' .. : ":.:,1..,1,":1.1. .."'1.-', P.rsom rllfu? matfile adro llatom.il! .n lhb fsm c.n bo purl.hd by nm a fodontfo undor lho Cqnmunlcatlom Act ot 1934, ,17 U.S.O. !S 002, 600(b), or fne or lmpdroMent tnd€. Tl|e lE of lhe t iltcd srer6. cod6, lE u.s.o. 5 1001. TO BE COMPLETED BY AN OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER Cerllflcatlon of Offlcor for Rate.off,eturn Carrler Ellglblllty for cAFrlCc Recovery I cGfllfy that I .m an olllcor of the rspor-tlnt c.rrlor rnd that, to the he3t o, my knowled3g tha roportlng crnlsr on thls lorm cortlllor th.l lt h.s compllsd wlth EllSlblo iccorery 151.9171d) and Accoss Retovery Charge 0$1,9u(ol aild k cllglbl. to r€colve ths cAF lccrupport requs3tcd pursusnt to 551.91710. Ne,n6 6r Reooirno 6",6. Ru ral Tele p bgnq$om pa ny lD of 0512512022 rt1" or oosrlon or eurhodz.d off co,' Vi cg'P resld gnt roreohorg nrmber or suthortad omco" GOF) 366'?s.1 4 lfudv &ea Code of Rooodlno Carler lnzzee liiffifl,*,m;b,"r,Nsrom ,fune 16,2022 iri..:iffiiii ri. Perronr wlllfully msklng frlte st.trmenb on thlt lom orn be punbhod 503(br, o, llno or lmprl.on$ront underTltb by t0 flno or rof.lturo undor thB Communlc.llons Aot ot 10t1, 47 U.S,C. !0 502,otlh. UnlLd Slalcr Code, 18 U.g.C. g'100't. rO BE COMPLETEO BY AN OFFICER OF THE REPORT]NG CARRIER Certlllaatlon of Offlcer for Rate-of{eturn Carrler Not Seeklng Dupllcatlve Recovery I ccrtlfy th.t I .m ao ofllcar of lhc rcportlnt cer.lor.nd thrt, to the b€rt o, llry knowledgg thls r.portln, c.r.lcr b nol reeklng dupllcatlve recovery ln th6 st.terurlsdlctlon loreny Ellglbla Recov€ry iubr.ct to th6 r.covory m..hlntsm ar pGr 51,gu{dxvll}. ral Tele ID Da16 0512512022 Vice-Presldent 14 lttzzssStdv Area Code of Rooorllno Ctrbr l,lir,,Liiii ilrrtns oue oat€ ,or thls 6rm ,1. I ju : j;;:: ;j:l(rmJddfwwl ,ruoe 16,2022 l.r.ii.1j1i.1,...- :r.i,.,'...oni:,. Porrons wlllfully rltklng f.l!o sl.tomentc on thlr form oan be punlthed 00t(b), or frno or lmpdtonmonl under Tltl. by flne or torrollura undor lhe communlcallonr Aol of 10t4, {7 U.S.C. $l E02, {8 ot the Unlted Slalo! cod6, 10 U.s,c. 0 {001.