HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220616Project Mutual Telephone CAF ICC Data-Redacted.pdfCynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (208)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com June 15,2022 .' -.'1 | :' f \. l; 1:, i=.-U - a'-.:.'1 , Via United States Mail Daniel Klein, Telecom Analyst ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 RE IPUC File No WC Docket No. 10-90: Administration of Connect America Fund lntercarrier Compensation Replacement S54.304(dX1 ). GNR-T-22-01 Dear Daniel: As you know, I represent the ldaho Telecom Alliance ('lTA"). I have submitted the CAF ICC information filing to you pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S54.304(d)(1) of the Federal Communications Commission's rules for the following ITA member companies: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., Direct Communications Rockland, lnc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, lnc., and Rural Telephone Company. Enclosed are the trade secret and confidential data for CAF ICC funding for July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 submitted in connection with that filing. Other companies may have filed this information separately from this filing. This information is considered trade secret and confidential pursuant to Section 74- 107(1) of the ldaho Code, and is submitted to you on yellow paper in sealed envelopes. lf you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact me Sincerely, (',,^r+-A4ilil" Cynthia A. Melillo Enclosures TO BE COMPLETED BYTTiE REPORTINO OARRIER C.rtHon of Ofn6r.r b thc ADcur.ay ot th. CAF ICC Dat R.potf.d I iltly thrt I m e olllil of tho oporonf anrl;; iry Etpondtllltl!! lmlud. msttlg tL .@nc, ot tht acttll rLh npord; md, to thr brn ol my toodrdlt, thr lnloma0or Egord d thlt fom li snta. Ner€ d Ropordng Canior: PROJECT MUTUAL TEL. COOP. ASSN Rlck Harder urgrEily srgM py 86 Had6r DN:6=K6 Halder,fl8{:rha|{sr(lpfi [@p.O'p@ct mutqt td. @op. en.,l- . Dtu'.'1U2O22 Signahrro of Auho.ts€d Ofi6r:Dato: 511812022 Prifibd mm6 of Autho.iz€d Ofrcd:Rick Harder Trtle or po6ltk n olArthorized Oficen CFo/Treasurer T*phon€numb€rofAdprEedofflcor 20843/,:7124 StudyArua Code of Reporting Carier 472231 Flling Due Date for fib fom (mnVdd/yyyy)d16no22 P.mil $llfully mrllrg t lx.ldml, ff lhL fom on b. punbh.d by nm d iolt ituB undtr OE Cmrnh.Sont Act of tBa, a7 U.S.C. I0 60:I,50qb), dnm - lmpdtomint unddTl0r tt olth. Unld Shbt cod., 18 U.a.c. t t0ol. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IFANAGENT IS FILING OATAON THE CARRIERS BEHALF: Clrtlflcatlon of Ofner to Authorlzo an Agent to Flla D.ta Raported on Behalf of Reporting Carrlel I s.try thrr [il.m. olor$ N"tion"l E'"h"ngu C F9,i,oroar"a to rut.h th. l.ttom!fion r.pod.d on beh.r ot tlr. npo,tlrg €.rbr. I olro artlfy lhrl I sm an ottler ot tha raportlng ctrrlsr; my rspdtlbllltl.r lncludo .n.urlng th9 rccuncy ot lho drlr provldqd to lh. Aulhorlrcd Ag.nt; .nd, to th. b.rt ol my lrwolldgo, lhc .ctu.l dat provldsd to the Authodzqd Agrnt l. accuratc. Namo ofAuthodzed Agent National Exchanqo Carriers Association, lnc. Name of Reporting Canier:PROJECT MUTUAL TEL. COOP. ASSN. utgtBly sgn€o uy Rrcx Horog uNicn:K6 Rlck Harder Herdsr,amail:ft ard.r@pmt.c@p.O:pbjet mutual tel. c@p. a$n .l= . Oate 5/18/2022 Signature of Aulhorized Ofiicer:oato: 511812022 Prinled nams of Authorized Officen Rick Harder TlUo or position ofAuthorizod Of,lcer:CFO/Treasurer Telephone number of aulhorized ofilcsr:208-434-7124 StudyArea Code of Reporling Carrier 472231 ffi Flllng Due Date for this fom (mm/dd/yyyy)6n6no22 P.Eon! wlllfully mrklng hlE ltltm.otr on lhl. lom csn bc purlah.d by finc q iortlltur. und.r th. Commud60on. Act ol 1934, a7 U.S.C. !5 5112, 503(b), or fln! or lmprlronm0t und.r Tld! l8 ot tho UnlH St t r Cod., lt U,S.C, g 100t. TO SE COMPLETED BY AN OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER C.rtlf,c.dn ot OffiG.r lor R.tlot Rltum C.nl.r Elblblllt, tor CAFICC R@rry I ctruty thal I m an ofi* ot tll npordng drlj md $at, to th. b.rt ot my kwHgr, lh. Egortlm 6.rL, 6 thL iom ctrdfl[ thrt I h$mptlrdlltt ElldbbR.ffiyl5t.tl4d,rtrdA6!* R6w,Clf,rfrl5l.tl?(.l.nd b.llglbhtonely.lrr CAFICC tupportilSr.t d pllrunt b l6t.tf 7(0. Nam€ of Roportlng Carisr:PROJECT MUTUALTEL. COOP. ASSN. Rlck Harder uq@[y agnw oy rer Ha6or w:@!ffi Herddlmfl=trEd€r@pfr L@p,O:pr!id mutual t6l. @p. M.,l- ,OturglMl()22 Slgnature ofAulhorted Offcer or ernployra:o8t9: 5118120?2. Printed nam€ of Authodzsd Officsr or omploy€s:Rick Harder TiU6 or position of Arthorlzod offoor or employee:CFO/Treasurer TBbphon€ number ofAutho&ed Offcsr or omploy€€:20843/,7124 Studye;6 god", Rspordng Canler 472231 Flling Due Date for this form (mm/dd/yyyy)6t16/?.022 P6oE wlllfully m*hg Lh. tt$.mmtt s lfila 6om on b. punbhtd by flm q iorfillun und.r th. Cmunle0om Act ot 193a, a7 U.S.C. !15011,503(bl, uflm slEpiltoMml urd*I0r t6 otfi. Unli.d Strllt Codt,1l U.s.C.l1001, TO 8E COMPLETED BYAT{ OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER Crrdf,atlon of Ofic.r tor R.t {tfi.tlm Cerld l{ot Setlng Dupllcsuw R.6y.ry I odf, th.t I m u oftil d $r rapoadng €rdr rnd thal, lo Ora baf ot my fmrbdflr' tha nportng qrh[ It not stlrlt dupllqtlsnd.ry Ir lh tnit ,udrd.dil ior .ny Ellrlu. R.mry ubr.ct io lhr wrry mchmbn r p.t l3l .$7(dxvll). Name ol ReDo.tim Canier:PROJECT MUTUALTEL. COOP. ASSN u8mly $gne oy il$ n8@ uN:m=lc Rlck Harder Haddpmdl1h@Fnl@D,O=prcFct mlu.l tel. c@p. as..l- . Dd!:al8/2022 Slgnature of Authortsed Oficor or emplo)tso:oate: 5/182022 PdnH nsmo of Auhorizod Olllc€r or amploy€€:Rick Harder Tltle or positbn ofAulhorized Offcer or employee:CFO/Treasurer Telephona number ofArthodzed Oficer or omployee:208434-7124 StJdyAlE CoO", Repo(tng Canlor 472231 Flllng Due Date lor lhls form (mrn/dd/yyyy)6t16t2022 Pmm ull!fully mlrlng t le drt mnts ff thlr fom qr b! punllhld by tlm or ,orr.llun qnd.r lhr Cmmunletlgna Acl ol tg:L, 47 U.S.C, tl 502, 60qt), c flrc s lmprlrolwnt und.r Tltl. tE ol thr Un[d Stlt r Codt, lE U.s.C, I 1001,