HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220616Midvale Telephone CAF ICC Data-Redacted.pdfCynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (208)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com June 15,2022 Via United States Mail Daniel Klein, Telecom Analyst ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 RE IPUC File No WC Docket No. 10-90: Administration of Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement S54.304(d)(1 ). GNR-T-22-01 Dear Daniel As you know, I represent the ldaho Telecom Alliance ('lTA'). I have submitted the CAF ICC information filing to you pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S54.304(d)(1) of the Federal Communications Commission's rules for the following ITA member companies: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., Direct Communications Rockland, lnc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, lnc., and Rural Telephone Company. Enclosed are the trade secret and confidential data for CAF ICC funding for July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 submitted in connection with that filing. Other companies may have filed this information separately from this filing. This information is considered trade secret and confidential pursuant to Section 74- 107(1) of the ldaho Code, and is submitted to you on yellow paper in sealed envelopes. lf you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, (';*Lilr{,ilil" Cynthia A. Melillo Enclosures TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER Certlflcallon of Offlcsr ss to the Accuracy of th€ GAF ICC Data Raported I ertlfy th.t I rm .n ofrlcd otlho roportln, Brlori my r.ipondblllll.r lncluds Bnsurlnt lhe r@uEcy ot th. actu.l datt Eported; End, to the bo8t ot my knowlsdla, th. lntmallon Fportcd on llllt fom l8 aeuEtr. Name of Reporting Canier MIDVALE TEL EXCH INC John Stuart ur0rkly sEmd Dy &nn sudrt DN:cn=John Sfu 64sEllardm.stuart@de@m.@m.O=nldvab lebphone exchange, inc.€rieffa,l=Mdval6 lD 83E15, oawis/ml2022Slgnature of Authorized Off cer:Date: 5l2Ol2O22 Printod nams ofAulhorlzed Ofrcer:John Stuart Title or position ofAuthorized Oftcer:cEo TelephonenumberofAuthorizodOfficer: 208-355-2211 StudyArsa Code of Reporting Canier 472226 Filing Due Date for thls form (mm/dd/yyyy)6t16t2022 pEoE wllltully mEklng trho dstemtrtr on thlr tom crn be punlrhed by fim or to.illhro undcr th! Communl6tlont Act of 1934, ,t7 U.S,C, SS 502, 503(b), or fire or lmprbonm.nt undcr Tftlc lE ot th. t nlLd Srd.r Cod., l8 U.S.C. S i00t. TO BE COMPLETEO SY THE REPORTING CARRIER IFAN AGENT IS FILING DATAON THE CARRIERS BEHALF: Corlltlcatlon of Omcor to Authorlze an Aoent to Flle Data Rsporled on B€half ol Reportlng Carrbl I ordfy th.t (il.m Nalional Exchange Carriers Associalion,to submlt tha lntoma0on reportrd on bchalf ol thr nportng qnLr. I abo ettlry that I .m .n otrl€r ol lh. nportlng c..rlu; my ropon.lblll0.t lncludG on.u.lng th. cuEcy of tho data pFvldrd to th. Authorkld Agdi and, to th. b.rt ot my knwobdg., th. rctu.l dat p.ovld.d to tho Autho.lad Ag.nt ls aeuEl.. Nams of Aulhorized Agent National Exchange Carriers Association, lnc. Name o, Reporting Carier:MIDVALE TEL EXCH INC John Stuart u8ilany auneo Dy Jonn stuafl uN:cn:Jonn Slu6il,cmall=john.stu6d@ml&n.om,O=midvale tolcphon€ orch!n96, irc.€rizona,l.Midvab lD 83645, Oale:52012022 Slgnaturs of Authorizad Offcen Dats: 5l2ol2o22 Printed nam€ of Authorlzsd Officar:John Stuart Tilh or position ofAuthorized O6cer cEo Telephone numbor of authorlzed officsr:208-355-2211 Sludy 4166 9o6" ot Reporting Canier 472226 Filing Due Date for this form (mm/ddlyyyy)6116t2022 PoEonr wllltully mrklog tals strtgmrlt on thb tom can b! punbhed by f,.e ortorfBlluE undor lho Communlcatlonr Act ol1934,47 U.S,C. 55 502, 503(b), or flnG d lmprltonmrnt under Thl! l E of th. UnllGd Srat r Cod., l E U.S.C. 5 l 00l, TO BE COMPLETEO BYAI{ OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER C!ilmc.don ot Omclrfor RsL{f{ls&rm Cardrr Ellglbality lor CAFTICC Rscowry I erdfy tht I m m ofi* ot ttc npodrXf €nld ud tht, to lh. tdt of ,ry lnorLdgt, thi rpordr|g qrrlq on tfilt tom arttfio tht lt hr Gomplhd wllt EllglbL R.€v.ry l6l.lt7(d) .nd AEttt R@vcry Chrg. l6t.9l7(c) rnd h.tlglbh to mlyr thr CAF ICC lupportnqrdd puE[ntto l5lrf 7(0. Name of Reporlins Caniac MIDVALE TEL EXCH INC John Stuart Slgnaturs ofAulhorized Ofrcor ot omploye€: trLphsr uchongc, inc.{rizffi,tsMiJyrb lD 83e$, oatD,,5n0n022 oete: 512012022 Prlnted name ol Aulhorhed Oncer or cmployoo:John Stuart 'litle or position of Authorizgd Oficer or gmployso:cEo Telophone number ofAuthoilzsd Officer or employee:208-355-2211 Study e6u g*, Roporling Catder 472226 Fiflng Due Date for hie form (mm/dd/yyyy)6i16n022 Ptmrt rllltulltl ndd[g t l$ tbt mntr il lhb io.n €o b. punbhad by frm a ior|llts urdq tho Cmunledos Act o, 193+ a7 U.8.C. tl502,503(br. dRm q lmDtlEnmnl lndJTlth lE otth. Uottld gtd.t Cod.,l! U.S.C. t lo0l. TO BE COMPLETEO BYAN OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER Cartlllcatlon of Offlce. for Rat6€t Retuin Carlir Not Sseklng Dupllcatlvo Recovery I cirtlfy thrt I .m .tr olncor ot ths Epor0ng o.rld .nd th.l, to th. b.tt ot my tmwhdgq tho [po.tlng 6113r l5 not Hklo! duplletlv! ltw.ry ln tho rtd. ,urlldlc,om io. .ny Ellglbh R.@Y.ry tubioc-t lo lhe E@v.ry lreh.nhm .. P.r lst ,17(dxvll), Name of Rsporting Canier:MIDVALE TEL EXCH INC John Stuart ur€rhIy sqnd 0y Jono stuan uN:m=&hn SMt,emall=Fhn.sluan@fl €qh.@m,O=mrdvaletohphw axohangr, irc.€riz6a,l=Madval€ lD 83645, Oe:5n0n022Slgnature ofAulhorlzBd Ofilcer or employes:Date: 512012022 Printcd name ofAuthorlzed Otricar or employea:John Stuart Tttle or position of Arttrorizsd Offcer or employee:cEo Tslephono number ofAuthorizod Ofiicer or smployee:208-355-2211 StudyArps god. rt Reporting Carrier 472226 Filing Due Date for this fom (mm/dd/yyyy)6t1612022 Pwonr wllltully mshlng trbe stltlm.nts il thlt form con bo punlshod by f,ns orfortllturo und.rlh" Communlcstlonr Ast ot 1934,47 U,S,C. 55 502, 51 3{b), d [N q lmprl!ffilnl undd Tltlr 18 ot thc unltld Stdc. Cod., lE U.S.C. 5 1001.