HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220616Farmers Mutual CAF ICC Data-Redacted.pdfCynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (208)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com June 15,2022 . - , ..:,- 1., . _ i::, i" ::l Via United States Mail Daniel Klein, Telecom Analyst ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lO 83714 RE: IPUC File No WC Docket No. 10-90: Administration of Connect America Fund lntercarrier Compensation Replacement S54.304(d)(1 ). GNR-T-22-01 Dear Daniel As you know, I represent the ldaho Telecom Alliance ('lTA'). I have submitted the CAF ICC information filing to you pursuant lo 47 C.F.R. S54.304(d)(1) of the Federal Communications Commission's rules for the following ITA member companies: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., Direct Communications Rockland, lnc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, lnc., and Rural Telephone Company. Enclosed are the trade secret and confidential data for CAF ICC funding for July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 submitted in connection with that filing. Other companies may have filed this information separately from this filing. This information is considered trade secret and confidential pursuant to Section 74- 107(1) of the ldaho Code, and is submitted to you on yellow paper in sealed envelopes. lf you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, (',,"r+-n4ril/h Cynthia A. Melillo Enclosures TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER. C.rtlllcatlon of Ofllcar as to the Accuracy of tho CAF ICC Dals Rspodod I ortlry that I !m an omor ol t'l. nporiln, anl.r; my .dpordbllltLs lnclud. ensurlng th. lccuEcy ol lha ac-tutl drt! Eport d: and, to th. bltt ot my knowladgr, tha ltr'omdon oro.tad on lhlt fom l! scrEto. Name o, Roporting Ca;riar: FARMERS MUTUAL TEL CO LTD. - lD Ronatd Rembelski u€trely $gnd Dy R66E xommB( uN:6=HomE Rombolskl,6@lFrff .r@fdc.@.O=furmB huual bl @ hd.. ftr.l=Fruilland lO 836i0, D6t!:5i !7/2022 Signature of Authorlzed Offcsr Data: 5l'1712022 Printed name ofAuthorlzod Offcor:Ronald Rembelski Title or pGition of Authorized Offcer General Manager TolophonenumbarofAuthorizedOfticen 208452-2OOO Sludy Area Cods of Reporling Carrisr 472221 Filing Due Date for this form (mm/dd/yyyy)6116t2022 PEgnt wllllully mlklng rrlr..trt m.ntr oh lhlt fom can be punlEhld by fne or to.blture undo, th! Communlc.tlonr Act of 1034, it7 U.S.C, 05 502, 503(b), or flnr or lmprlronm.nl undcr Thh lE of th. Unltrd Stotlr Codr, tE U.S,C. 5 100,t. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER IFAN AGENT IS FILING DATA ON THE CARRIERS BEHALF: Cortlllcauon of Omer to Aulhorlze an Aganl to Flle DatE R6ported on Eshalt of Rsportlng Carrlsl National Exchange Carriers Association,FgfthorL.d to rubmlt thr lntom.llon ieporlrd on bthall ot th. npodnt erLr, | .bo 6dlry thri I .D .n om6r or lhe r.portlng erl.q my Bpsdbllllbt lnclud. .Nurlng the .@ur.cy of thc d.t pEvldcd to th. Authorlt d A0lni; .nd, to th. brtt of my knroLdgE, th. .c,tir.l dlt prcvldld to th! Aulhorlpd A!.nt l! .6uEt!, Nam6ofAuthorizedAgsnt: NationalExchangeCarriersAssociation,lnc. Name ol ReDortno Canier:FARMERS MUTUAL TEL CO LTD. . ID Ronald Rembelski uuila[y 5on6 Dy Fonau Fgm@EKl uNih=xonaE RenDolskl,emall=ron.r@fmlc.Mr,O=fsmeE muluol t€l co Itd. - id.EFruiend to 83619, DaE:5117n022 Slgneture of Authorlzed Ofr cer oate: 511712022 Prlnted name ofAuthorlzed Ofilcer:Ronald Rembelski 'litle or position of Arthorized Offcor General Manaqer TBlsphone numb€r of authorized ofiicer:208452-2000 Sludy Area Code of Roporting Cari€r 472221 Filing Due Date lor this form (mm/dd/yyyy)6t16t2022 PlEont wlllftrlly nallng l!l.o ttltrrenta on thls lom can bt punlthod by f nc or forfultur. und.. lhr CgmmuolBtlgnt Ast of 1931, it7 U.S.C. Sl Al2, 5lr3(b), or flnc or lmprl.onm.nl und.r Tltlc l 8 of th. Unlt d Strt$ Cod., l E U.S.C. 0 1001. TO BE COMPLETED BYAN OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER Ceilmcatlon of Otflcs. for Rated{etum Canler Ellglbltity lor CAFTICC Rsclvery I ardfy th.t I m u o{ild of tlr npordrg orlcr md th.l. to th. M ot my lnowLdg., th. Epordrg enl.r on lhl! tom @rttlla that lt hr! @Eplltd wlth EllglbL R.@vny 551.917(d) .nd AHrt R@v.ry Chsrgo !51.917(r) and h cllglblo lo t@lv! th! CAF ICC luppon roqu.rt d puEurnl to $f .9f r(0. Name of Reporting Cani6r:FARMERS MUTUALTELCO LTD. - ID Ronald Rembelski uQrEnySone oy Bmam HffDdskt uN:cn:xonab Rembclskl,email=ron.rcfmtc.@m,Ocf6meB muuol tol co Itd. . id,l,Fruinand lD 83619, oaE 5t17 12v22 Signature ofAuthorized Offcar or employoe:Dste: 511712022 Prlnted name otAuthorlzed Offc€r or employee:Ronald Rembelski Iitls or po3ition of Authorized Oftcsr or smployee:Goneral Manager Telephone number ofAuthorized Officer or omployee:208452-2000 Study Area Code of Reporting Canier 472221 Fling Due Dale for this form (mm/dd/yyyy)6116t2022 Poront ullltully mrtlng irls stat mntt on thlt to.m qn bs punhhod by ino o io,lslturo undor ths Communl@$ont Act ol l9g,47 U.S,C. 9S 502, 5O3(b), or fim q lmprl3onmlnt urdlr Thh lt of rh. t nlLd St trr Co&, tE U.S.C, S 100t. TO BE COMPLETED BYAN OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER Cortlflcetlon ot Ofrlcor for Rote-off,eturn Cardor Not Ssklng Dupllcatlve Recovery I certlfy lhlt I m rn omc.r ot tht r.portlng €rld End thr!, to tho beit ot my knowhdg., the mportln! carrler l. not sG.ldng dupllc.tlve ltcwdy h thi rt t lurl.dlctlo tq lny Ellglbl! R.covcry rubrtc'l lo lh. r.@Y..y mEh.nllm .r p.r !51.917(dxvll). Name of Roporting Canier FARMERS MUTUAL TEL CO LTD, . ID Ronald Rembelski uqEny rcn6 Dy Ronab RenMski uN:cn=RonaE Renrb€lskl,smil{n.r@lrntc.om,O{amc muUd lel @ Itd. - id.l=Frunand lD 83619,De:5t11n022 Signalurs of Authorlzod Offcer or smplolreo:Date: 511712022 Printsd namo ofAulhorlzed Offcer or employee:Ronald Rembelski Trte or position of Authorized fficer or employee:General Manager Telephone numbor otAuhorizad Ofiicer or employee:208452-2000 StudyArea Code of Reporting Carrier 472221 ffi Fillng Due Date for this fom (mm/dd/yyyy)6t16t2022 Prmnr ulllfully m.llng frls stlttmlnb d lhl. lom can bt puolth€d by fim q iorr.ltun under lht CommunlolloG Act ot lgll, 47 U.S.C. S!flr2,503(b),o.llmclmprlrffi.nlundsThhlgolth.UnlLdSt LtCod.,llU.S.C.!l00l.