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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220616Cambridge Telephone CAF ICC Data-Redacted.pdfCynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (208)-577-5747 June 15,2022 Via United States Mail Daniel Klein, Telecom Analyst ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 RE: IPUC File No: WC Docket No. 10-90: Administration of Connect America Fund lntercarrier Compensation Replacement S54.304(dX1 ). GNR-T-22-01 Dear Daniel As you know, I represent the ldaho Telecom Alliance ('lTA'). I have submitted the CAF ICC information filing to you pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S54.304(d)(1) of the Federal Communications Commission's rules for the following ITA member companies: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., Direct Communications Rockland, lnc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, lnc., and Rural Telephone Company. Enclosed are the trade secret and confidential data for CAF ICC funding for July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 submitted in connection with that filing. Other companies may have filed this information separately from this filing. This information is considered trade secret and confidential pursuant to Section 74- 107(1) of the ldaho Code, and is submitted to you on yellow paper in sealed envelopes. lf you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, 0^+-nr{,ilhL Cynthia A. Melillo Enclosures TO BE COMPLETEO BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FILING DATA ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALF; Certlflcatlon ol Ofllcer to Authorlze an Agont to Flle Data Reported on Behal, of Reporllng Garrier o.,tl'ylhlt(t{smco,,dgen0-lu@ls[dhorlzcdto.l6mllth.ln'o,mr!lot!6po'lgdonhhr[o,lhrnponh9c!rrlor.lthoG?rUlylh.l]amrn ,mor o0 lh. argo'.hg oarlc; ny r.lpmslbllltL! loolud. qr.urltrg lhc accuracy of tho dalr proyldrd lo OB Authorlr.d AgGnti rn4 lo tho bcat ot my knorrLdgq rail d ^,Md ""a Moss Adams LLP {am.orRwrrrq o*.Cambrldgq Telophone Co., lnc June3,2O22 tEm6 tun,rrad 6,16* Kristie Kanady rr. oreorrbn d Ar, qmc", Bllllng Manager/ Secrelary rd€otnm n nb6, dAtlrrhsd otn"d' (208) 257:8234.d. Itrdv Afu C6d. dl Rea{ft crdrr 472215 lffi$,!]t*n * Dat€ for rtts tom 06h6lzoa? turso(l3 \lllrrly mddrE tsEs olat€mods oo til3 form cgl be pulttEd ry frE or torl€ftro und€r tho Commhlcatbo. A.{ ol le!{, ,17 U.S,C. SS 6@, 503(b). or lho o, Lnpttofiflad, Tlft i8 0, thr Unn8d ststsr Codq 18 U,S.C, S 1001. TO BE COMPLETED BYTHE REPORTING CARRIER, Certlflcatlon of Offlcer as to the Accuracy of the CAF ICC Data Reported I acldry thrl I rm an, lhc rrporllng carlcci myrecponslblllllB lncludo anaurlne th. Eccurlcy ollh. rctual r.portedi and, to th! ofrny knoulcdga,lhe lnformrtlon rlport.d on thls lorm 13 locuiato' gmorRedlmcsr-Cambridge |elephone Co., lnc, I D,b61312022 Kanady n[. oro6.tron orArr,dzed o"."r Billing Manager/ Secretary rarmrrne numbc dArx,ailz6d oficsr: r(20&) 257--8234 oro Studu Ana Code o, Rmrlho Ctfllor 47221s lffiilm"rfr*tcft,rrhrlrom lor,'rt"o," Pelromwlllftilymatdosfahorlatrmentsonlhl.lbrmcanbopudsh€dbynneorforlulu.underlhoComm,llca{msAdol193{,47U.S.C,$$602,6m0),sfineor lrErlsotmmt undcrTl0c 18 dhe thlted S5t6s Codo, 18 U,S,C. 6 l(x)l. Cinl€ICeIt TO BE COMPLETEO BY A1{ OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER Ceillficatlon of Offlcer for Rate.offi.eturn Canter Ellglblllty for CAFIIGC Recovery la.rtlfythattamrnofrlcerolthcrcportlngCtrrlGrardthrqtotheb6rlotrnylnodcd8e, theroportlntcarrlcronthlstormcenlfiBthatlthls rorqp[ad wlth Ellglblo Recov.ry t51.9171d) end Accesr Rcowry ChrrgG 551,91{e) rnd lr eilglbh to recelue thG cAF ICC aoppot rcqu6stcd putsr.nt ro 051.91{0. Nsm.orR.odflm csr"rCambridge Telephone Co., lnc. June3,2O22 Krlstie nr. or mrl6n or n rhorrad off6 Bi lling Mana gBr/ Secretary r.tmrm. n,mrr.rf rrtrrorbdt otrc e0$ 257'821* StrrdvAM Codeof R6oodlno Cafllgr 472215 lffimH?ff,.h'oil"o'm 06lt6lzOzZ Par3on wllfuBym.klno iiba itdcmonlrr on tth fotm can bc punhh.d by 60t(b), or frnr or hrprbonmcnt undrrTloc l8 ,b. or forf.llur6 undrr lhe Cornmunlortlo[r Act of l9t {, 17 U.8.C. ll 802, o, th. Unlt d 8t!le. Code, l0 U,s.C, ! 1001. TO BE COMPLETED BY AN OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER Csrtlftcatlon of Offfcerfor Rate-of-Retum Carrler Not Seeklng Dupllcatlve Recovery I canlfy thrt I rm rn otflGe, of ths rGportlnt caril€r ard that, to lhe bcst of my knowledts, thls reporthg crnler ls not srcklng duplhrtlve recwery ln ths it t6 turhdkuon [or loy Elltltls R.torr.ry subrett to th. recoaary mechenlsm as per 51,9uldl(vll). N,* orReor,m ca"6Cambri{gg Telephone Co., lnq eilmdzcd June3,2A22 fkh d mslllm ol rlllhorlzrd offcar Billing Manager/ Secrotary r&orm rumbtraf drthdtmd ofltdr PAil 257 {.1M Sludv Ar6e Code of R6oorllno Cafilor 47221s lffiX,f":mf"torrhrsrom,06lL6l20Z2 P.Eonr wllt ully mallng lal3e 3lat mcnt3 on thl. ,orm can br punbh.d by rln. or fof.ltur. under ifi. Communlcrtlons Act of 103+ a7 U.S.C. !6 602, 5ot(b),orfineorlmprlronmontundrrT1llrlEoftt.Unlt dStilesCode, ltU.s.C.S1001.