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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210630New Cingular Wireles Form 481 Affidavit.pdfAT&T Services, Inc. 5250 S. Virginia Steet Room 201 Reno, NV 89502 T:775.333.399t Janice.Ono@att.comAT&T Via Email r1i!".: t,ai1r., r:i J ELj 1,1, -i*'ri 30 *H S: 53 r !:-i1 i.' ';i+:='ii5sl'ri+ , li. I* ri l', ;i- RE June29,202l Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd, Bldg 8, Suite 201-A Boise,ID 83714 secretary@.puc.idaho. gov Annual ETC Report of New CingularWireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T Mobility") lGr\R-T-21-0U Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Pursuant to the Commission's filing insfiuctions, New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T Mobility") is informing the Idaho Commission that its FCC Form 481 was filed on June 28, 2021. Further, to complete AT&T Mobility's Annual Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Recertification Report ("Annual ETC Report"), enclosed is copy of AT&T Mobility's Corporate Officer Affrdavit (signed by Lane Mansell, Vice President - General Manager, Rocky Mountain Region). If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me Sincerely,_ Janice Ono Enclosure cc: Daniel Klein, Idaho PUC (email: EEI, State of TIONdC T OATTETU6ERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER ) ss - OF COMPLIAI{CE WITH SERVICE QUALIfYAiID CUSTOMER countyof jmea+roe r'ca,rrert4norecrtoN, ABILITYTo REMAIN FUNcTIoNAt lN EMERGENCIES, Al.lD USE OF FEDER L HIGH4OST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINEES ORCORFORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public U0lites Commbslon Oder No. 29&[1 requlres that EllgiUe Tdecqnmunlcdons Caniere (ETC) ertff Otat lt b complhnt wltr appllcable eeMoe quallty stendards and ongumar protecffon rulec; and ETCs must demonshate the ablllty to remaln funcfronal ln ernelgendes. ln addl0on, lhe Commleelon mrd file an annua! certillcaUon urltr th€ USAC and the FCC that d lbderal hlgh-coat suppott ptwlded b ETCa withkt the State of ldaho wfll be used only br the provblon, malntonance, and upgradlng of lbdll0es and seruloec for whlcfi the $tppod ls lntendod. Acmdhgly, the underelgnod Btetos and wrlfiee under oath the followlng: 1. I am an officer of AT&T Mobllltv Seruioes LLC . an eliglble tclecommunlcetom carlerfor nceMng fsderal unfuersal seMce support under recdm 214(el dthe Teleornmunlcatlom Aril of 1996 ln the stab of ldaho. 2. I am hmllarwlth the Companfs day-to{ay operaUons in the dats d ldeho and rri0r fi€ Statol servlce quallty standards and consumer protecdon rubs as set torfi h Cornmlsslon fficr No. 29[i41. 3. AT&T Mobllltv SeMces LLC b omplylng wlth applcaUe scwlca quall$ s0andards and onsumer pUecton rules of the Federal Communlcatlone Commlsslon and thc ldaho PuUlc t ffl0€s Commbsion. 4. I cerlily to the Commlsslon lhat the Conpany ls abb to pmaln funcfronal ln emeqendc as ed bltr ln Commbslon Oder No. 29&tl and ln 47 C.F.R S t{.201(aX2). 5. I also cert[, that a[ bderal universal senrice aupport funds ]Boalrred by AT&T Mobllltv Ssrdceg LLC during the flrent calerdar year wlll be uscd ln a mannor omsbtsnt wlth sccdon 2A(eI that b, fur the prwislon, malntenance, and upgrading of fadll0ea and eeMces brwhlch thc arpffi Is lntsndcd. Tho company wlll contnue to comply for tle pedod of January 1,2OU2, thmugh December 31, 2oil2, b be diglbb brfedoral uniyursal s6Moe fuld support. 6. Thb wrlfrcdm and effidavit b Fwldod to be th€ ldaho Rrbllc t tllt€c Commhelon b enablo th€ IPUCb certry to the FCC that fod€ral unlversal sen lco support recslved by tho e[glUo canlert ln thc statc witl be uscd in a manner consbtent ndth Sccffon 254(c) of the Teleornmunlca0om Date SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to betuB methle day of 72 BsctntA@vtlLAt{t EvAconu.*zp5lixt I{OTAEY PUBLE.CAI,IffiT RtvERStDE OOt l{Ty G' T .'I(tr!Er. l|y Cmn, G.Jrlr.. ,h|r4ry