HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210616Rural Telephone CAF ICC Data-Redacted.pdfCynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (208)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com June 16,2021 ,,;'', -;:i.i iiJ PH 2:38 ,.. .:, ,r-,r ; . -'-ir'.;,,ji:lCI; a Wa Emall Ms, Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secrotary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 RE: IPUC File No: Dear Ms. Noriyuki: WC Docket l,lo. 10-90: Administration of Connect America Fund lntercanier Compensation Replacement $54.304(dX1 ). GNR-T-21-01 As you may know, ! represent the ldaho Telecom Alllance ('lTA'). The ITA is asslsting its member oompanies in making this filing pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $5a.30a(d[1) of the Federal Communications Commisslon's rules. Enclosed are the proiected eligibility data for CAF ICC funding for July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 for the following companies: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Custer Telephone Gooperative, lnc., Dircct Communicalions Rockland, lnc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, lnc., and Ruml Telephone Company. Other companies may have filed this informatbn separately fiom this filing. These proiections include any true-ups associated wlth earller filing periods. The projections have also been flled with the Federal Communications Commission and the Unlversal Servioe Administrative Company, as the administrator of the Federal Universal Service Fund. lt is filed with the ldaho Publlc Utilities Commission as an information filing only and no action is required or requested. ln addition to the rcdac{ed electronic filing, a hard copy of certein documentation which is considered trade secret and confidential pursuant to Sec'tion 74-107(1) of the ldaho Code, wlll be sent by mail to Daniel Klein, telecom analyst, on yellow paper in sealed envelopes. lf you have any questions regading this filing, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, I Enclosures Cynthia A. RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY TO BE COHPLETEE BT ilE REPORTffiG GAfiNlER, GerEficetlon of Otur ee to the Aocurmy of the OAF lGO Datr Riportod lffiti.t Irnm cfk rgl ft{ nFcrt}t 0n hfi ilrrlr3r$iflhlllliltr lnelsdrenruhg lhr|Gc$rsy of lhclcud d.L rr.Dortrd; nld,toth. hdol try \!ffiarne6*r,cmreRural Tglephons oomEBny - lD ol^lltto&ld o&08n4/,2021 J. ono.,VicePresidEnt rd.!fi&r. .,ilh.r6rad$;r.d dmcar! 12081 36€-261fu Ehrde AE Cadc orE ffiilu D{rld lqtzzae PoOrAnrUnHmn launr rs a02r Fe,solGurilfu$malhe fuhedskm.rlEGntll8tuil..rt pudeh.dbtflr*orfurhlt$ouSrllECBnmmlcr[o[BAdof lS3{,47U,8.€.SS0I,5B($,0rfil6of |mpdErmu{oidtrTlfl. t00dfro lrnilDil8lrr.r codr. 18 u8.a I l@1. CfiicrCrn IO SE cOitPLETED BYTHE REPmntlo CARRIER, tF At{ /AOEtlT ls FILINC DAfAoH IllE CARRIEES lEl{ALF: Csilltlc.Uon of Olfacsr to Arthodre an AEsfit to Flb Dele ReportBd on Behal( ol Rrpordng @nler I .artry tlllll oa.ril ., b r*strrt b rutfl lh lfiform0ra trPtrt d on t.h.lt d lht rsrtlr5 crlrr, I rhc rffi fu I rn rn cllcr C to n9oalhf certr; nU nr9orffilrr hilfi muhi thr rcomqr uf thr dr pcoldd b lh Althorhlgori rr4 lo ri. 16r a, it lll.nt aJ0, ur. .atrd dlal Fsdtad ri s$ lroarh.d foail |1r Fcu.{.. itr'r. or^r,rutE ,wn Natlorul ExduqeCanbrAsrochfon, hc. (NECA) -tD 1 iafta d o;n,Mlchael td.ot.orb Enb., dar|s b., oEE ., (208) 36q-2614.* Sff/d{ ar.r cdd. 6t hMh6 oafllr lfinsa lrne a. or. b lih hflnIInrudrffi,JuDc 16 zoir ]UrO{r. $Et& llr.the lr$ fl{ailirtr 0.r ttilt l0Ir e$n br n'ltn , bt &r! 0. roileEr ln(hr he Gorw*leluortl Air 0{ ll3l, 47 U,g.Q, {l EOl, 503{b! 0. llr orrrplllrrnEt mdc rla tg 0, [l! untrd aaFr cqh, t! u,sn I 100r. TO BE CQUPLETED FY AH OPFICER OF THE REFORIIHG CARRIER Goltlhafion of oflloer lor Retedl{&rrn crnler Etrg&lllty for CAFIBC Rocovery I c.nlfyrh.! t rnr rn olllcu d ttr rcpor$q lrrrhr rd tlutr to thc brtt of E, knadc*r, the nponhg orhr u lftb ftm crtllk that lt h$ urnllrd wltt Efrlbh Brcolriy IIlrlr(O rnd arcffi Brflry qurr lsr.9l7lcl r|d L dLlbh to rlshc rhc CAi Ec &rlPon rc$r..r*, Frlulnl to t31.91ru. T 05n4n021 Mlfiael Vioe-Prssldent ,uosl$ torl72233Dl[Ddcf9rhLfont! by tlm or ftdrfiun undrr rho Comnuilortlont Aa of l0ll. aI U.8,C. tl 60e, 13 orlhr Ur$.d Alrl,al Ccd.. ll U3.C. | 1001. Parons *ltrfully mrl0nl frra ahhtrxnh o$ tlrlr fmn G.n br pudon d ol Crnicr TO BE COI*FLETEO BY AiI OFFICER OF THE REPORTITIG CARRIER Grrtiflca0on of Oftlcorlst Rrhd.R.frffi Crrlrr Not gclklng Dupllorthre Rocovery | ..dlfy lhlt I m an cl0crr ol thr rrf ,tl|] arrlrr rnd lt.t !o thr b.3t o, rDy hooddta fih mnold{tt tfftlcr h aor trrlh[ dup$etlue rutowry !n thc firu{nltdl(d.n ,or rny Eqtt. fi.Eu.ry iuttscl to thc '3couq rm:lnnlm .' pcr Ef,$rldxdl. D 0512412021OrlB Vice-President lGfoDt*,rc numior o, outha,ord onrcor (2W 366-,?fi 1 4 }Mr Att. Cod. o,Rcoorlirxr Gafilir l*tzzes lmoeO,,OecfonUrt Orrt lrnlrUlolwr Jcn6 16 202r Pirroofta rllfull, nddn3 rrl...l&rtmlr on lhk fonn orn bo pfOca Il0!{bL or{lm orlmlrbmmal undrlffr 18 0n orlorirltm undrr{p Ganmmlerlbm Ad ef lnt {t UA.C.l! f0r, ct 0lo l,ifttd fl.hr csl9, 13 u,g.o.I t00t. Stud, Arlr: nUgAL IEICPHOTII COilPAI{Y . lD (ll} 472233) Holdlnt Complny: f,UR L TElIPtlOl{[ CO. (tr] 2O{P00255, TBP rcpon Trst Ycar 2021-2022 Erprtrcd lldtuDum lnrcrrtcf (ot O fcrnhaf df O,hrc frrtfrnlrorf at d;o pilrrh t0,lscmT.l&d(dG.f6l..{6IrrirdlrhE taG m,ifrdnFEfibO furrEtulvktdtrdd%a..croltoytr Tri*Elotr I6hd.n tlh l;or g!!r .aXaa lr ITl] Et.h nrHE (Fcc IxP dhDat) REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION Dorrnlord TRP Oau tn &Lal (du J *oF.d ,lnu-&hulf,Eqrcti. il.fiidia!tu.l.6{Hd.d siin TAmA !.of*d fl:!A EEetaki Ituti:tr tld{rtrrd -dfdiurit ldrrpltItdrrrdI D.rlc.adAcffi aFt E k geitth frqth(SqillIEr;iib IlqtE t&i* lilat tlEt B T6h*l Edv Irt gdrl4ttarftIk ffil{b(roftIb ltm o.m &m pm tgt.{, $r.lP!i{r, tir-gl!gr.r, tlr.r7s.iit 9tlf43l',g llgr3*1r.8-l' ar-tsttrE,., SraLrrirro irsr.atn !B-$ t6.?, tl,,tz g2 'a,tg. qtLolltr. ra?a n$l€ t rL.o !&$ ttil3rFra GE f.tr95a t lsttfi,all $graar63 @z3tzt.J 3la.s&Blin t4{l4q. $srrGtrra tg),04&mtE &T,,3taEara tcSatl$rGors fliir.G a5ar2 t9& il4t-tt lta-r8tsjl t!Ga! dl&s lta.$ t 05319 r2G3rl atE7lll trt &tz,eaa @gu9! gEl 8.17 ''g1.17I'ls.' t t3'llSa67 $Eaf't!{0,41 t!.UEatr.E t,at.Et!r,l rrxrs arl.?2 116.rlwn N3,l,fiJr abr.Elt7)-* tt73./5 $fiam ofi3m $rn '15,a76!t oallt2r&E a2r.l5 at (lO aAi(lo all(10 ur^10 Tmhdi?6hd.r 'la,rii-br lrailooat lerallt Ettqdffi E Ell,EOttFtlF{.fu thrbrllnrqrt hryIdrriii ftirGrt.lh$ln 3,h,.ltlE 'DiGfn tsdlllEfaldrytdin&i]flrq.dvDtl*i|t*rrCatrqutEd$4rF.dli lTrC+.oV Da 'r,iETEEdTIAGEff6aEioedrreBhl.OEtldl .Of.cfn ur.,iaridrrrrnidGFl'EurofblortrdOClllI;crnrlr nryt Eff ,rGiraln 6A$2 rabFfitatirtfid,tmpatkffrrrrfta..r E,|{T lorElErdrhrhdltcpct'.qr.,irt|lqr E.lrSraF'rf4r!lgt;r-4r;;Etlrl soslfadil!fr L.rnqffiEl olhlo4rr.urni&Drlrdr 9G!F.A r.pG*rE {t Ff t6. lrl2 CIZC llDFeoiqrlE Lh.a E Fd0(!G&61iiF(lcGlnb ,E rkrtl9! slraraFO&f,chlrbFrt LhlEaarBkO&r*Ebh hrhtEltl,Ifapi,de!rl+tfifi crllEl(nkihn rr]bl,El ls&0 llFrdrD+ r{IddtroErono hn L hoB 1552 lllFranml xilEtcriatoto kr 0.. rarollaaTl lIDI{.!EIE til trl!&dc.0tlffitE .fiil hrEo(Horrdh.btCD r]t 'EAr rdlb6o6 kc$$ DrFEr htr ElLt 2 l|$F:irlrrrrracehc LErLrttFfi r.dtE$LrrolGFGa('irlltr6|lE rrllrlTllliH h&El[rSribF.grrrer.Dre*aor eilsrram raryesrrrzIE GcrEoolrEal|[Lt ilfft Coodot ltr-rl,E f.ft.I, h.* fm.(,rirdtn fErfffitc!fr.adrt*n-lfafft:16lr&.1 9rT.fili6.rf,idn orEl $ilit| lllhrtcilla.da ltnif thE,fi.q tr.f,.eAE roirnitirtl ilmt c.il.dr 9?A!n k br OlE|rrb(rr!tlrLEi*i.F frirttrbn Tmi[b.rToirfn ,Gntrbn Tr?r*Iin &ilffioC.Fc(IElDmTrfih&r lsriiadm P.ft Foat Fo.t eoathrhd9!n Pot Dod Crt 'hdtq Bdg, t LTBrEldryiEEtro 116 lTkEftQIStLTlo Oc&lcF AaLf h-u FdkalEho 9rErLIEffi E ffyElLI !0 G*{f T.dhftLdriffi trryr?in*lthltdrtffi ll,.-f m.TEryt6rrytroltife*nir*rrf fiFtfrnfdf Lftr*ail Er- t2t{t0 9e. frl30 tl5.', $te ,0mail ttrlizil arl(t0 op t7L50 Elao.g, mt1. t&6a:B ae@til TgmlEtu Wldr.d tuh(hln! 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Oa.t6 E$tT loxbpsMr@rht (,l.rtE t$1", !O ltbFttroEedig ch..t6 t$LT OXd Irur*rd Tmlmdd ps Eilf o{Ed T.runkd TmlBdm lnlidLd tlo.rcd,rlnt Clr.rt6 Et LI Ee&r€ t dlty Prddld p( E![rEJII.n9J.dlty F.qlfy Fidly F.dlty t*!|fr.y r.gity rr$ily oda Add,6 SEn.lht b 59 Stn.llig { 57 sEn.ln! ro klttrrryr(yAddr6 SEh.lhS Ds ,4 rmk @n6d n hds thrrcol m r ps "'""fid.r brca un3s 977is 'Fl4ny ilgreF*i!E ordcr Ed Om@ ordar F.dB ,ls.sr l0.mmm rs6i.ls \6,2stm.95 tt75.90 t576.1 t, O 2O2I NECA Tams otUsG lPriE<y Po[cy 5t15t2021 2021 cAF loC Data Collec{ion REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION + Hm:Mc n Pqr Strdy Aa: SURAL IIII9HOIIE COIIPA!,IY . lO 0lL {Z2rl) ShrdylDf,sfjC nerfs I yjgorlntcr-lrhndBraEotr I CONI{ECTAMERICA R.,NO [Data m br prwidad ro USACTFCC lhJunc An21 for CAF KC Purposcs] Scrlcm:ntType: Cm 8atmf4:am (R0f,l Crrrh; Rcrcnrc iCqulrqnart 'l 2011 lnaer3tltr SwitEtlld Acer Rarcnua f,cquironcnr 2 FY20fllnrrrouTcrmhdintgiikh.dArmsrnewnue 3 FY20l'lN.tRrclprocdComp.nrstionnw.l|uB 4 Z0ll ROR Clrrilr 8|!e Pciod RffinuG (Linr I + Une 2 + Unc 3] 5 ROB Carticr E.rcllm Adjusrn!trt FG.or (0.95 ^ l0) 5 ROB Carricr Rcvcnue Rcquirrmnt llinc 4 x Line 5f 7 Pod$minEtr.taon Erpm8ts 8 Total ROR Crrilr Rcv"rur nlquiremcnrllin! 5 + Lin€ A Rernuc* froar f,crorncd lDt:E rtilrGomprrxtiotr (lCCl n ts I lntGctltc Switchad Acegr RmnE t0 lnrcrrt.t Allc.tadSwtqhedAcca$Revenuli$ I t Tnniilonll Intrr$.tc Acsr &Nic! RmnuE 1Z NGtTranriaion.lRcciprocllCompcE.tbnRewnu"s t3 Totll ICC R.v.nue (Unr l0 + Linc t1 r Lin: 12) El[iLlaBwry 14 TRS lncrommt 15 RagulatoryF:*lncrcment t5 17 lncrltots LBI SwlEhing Supptrt for Pde Cap Affilirtes or Estimatcd lfupliotc 155 CocB in CAF ll tB AdpshrmtforDoubbnecmryor(pretioru 19 Test Psriod 19120 Trueup - Net knplct m Total Eligiblc RG@wry Zt Eigibh B€cdcry(Urc 8- Unc l3l+(Linc 14+ LlnE 15 + Linc 16+Unc t8+ UnE 191-(Lin. l7) Rcms fronr Ae:rs Bcmry Char[cr (AnC) 21 Residsntial ARC Rcvcnuc, U Singlc Linc Buslnxr ARC Rercnues zt MultFline Burln6r ARC Rwmues 21 Totll ABC RcEnus (Unc 2l + Llnc 22 + Une 231 CmrotAnreria fund ((AF) lC( Supportx 25 ConncctAmcricaFund[CAfllCCSuppoa[Une20-Llm24l R:vb:d CAF ICC Suppon rlth lmputcd ABC f,auur tor Bmrdtrrd,Only [oop: 25 ARC Rmnuc AdJustmst follorhg 's.ffid O(der on R€consider.ilon & ClErlfiodon' FCC 18-13 27 Adjrstcd Tlgt Pcrlod Z121-2022 CArICC Support {Lln. 25. Llnc ?6) t{OTES:arEc-6. adrffi .llGrurriraltc.iuiFa).0h.ulFrdlr lt|IRtsdidordtryAftsffiEE.E'ETUtsE o 202t Nf,c lfr6tlrr.lDtuyHi.), (A' Oe hths://ulurur. necainfo.org/cafi cdSource/USACData.aspx 1tl il$m21 Hom StudyArca: RUf,At TELEPHOilE COMPAI{Y - lD (lO: ,172233) 202't cAF lcc Data collection REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION d ..ffi nElyGr? Cfrrgc6 I ftstP.thd 2oll-22 ere-frue+p Vianr I TGrt P6iod ,O2l-2Or2 Po4 ftrtlUp (fahtrC) Yitr A0anL BoGe R|l,er Priinie Sllotr9 TIYB qsok rh3fiI( stu.lyArc.lrmm!ry TGst Period 2021'22 Post Trurr Up lmrrlrt lPrirg'Doli!!' irl E 1 lnei https rlvrunv. necai nfo.orE/caft ccJsoure/ARcchanges. aspr 1t1