HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210616Midvale Telephone CAF ICC Data-Redacted.pdfCynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (208)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com June 16,2021 , i ,-. r.;i: i't *ii rr;'i, -i::'j i i Pfi 2t SS .,-::-lL..1,,1ar1.41 !'jll.airL:wlVl: Wa Enatl Ms, Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretrary ldaho Publlc Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 2O1-A Boise, lD 83714 RE: IPUC File No: WC Doc*et No. 10-90: Administration of ConnectAmerica Fund lntercanier Compensation Replacement $54.304(dX1 ). GNR-T-21-01 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: As you may know, I represent the ldaho Telecom Alliance ('lTA'). The ITA is assisting its member companies in making this filing pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S54.304(dXl) of the Federa! Communications Commission's rules. Enclosed are the projected eligibility data for CAF ICC funding for July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 tor the following companies: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., Direct Gommunications Rockland, Inc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Coopena$ve Association, lnc., and Rural Telephone Company. Other companies may have filed this information separately from this filing. These prc{ections include any true-ups associated wlth earlier flling periods. The projections have also been flled with the Federal Communications Commission and the Unlversal Service Administrative Company, as the administnator of the Federal Universal Service Fund. lt is filed with the ldaho Publlc Utilities Commission as an information filing only and no ac'tion is required or requested. ln addition to the redacGd electronic filing, a hard copy of certain documentation which is considered tmde secret and confidential pursuant to Section 74-107(11 of the ldaho Code, will be sent by mail to Daniel Klein, telecom analyst, on yellow paper in sealed envelopes. lf you have any questions regarding this filing, please feel free to contract me. Sincerely, I Enclosures Cynthia A. IVI IDVALE TELEPHONE COI\/IPANY TO BEOOI{PLETED BYTIIE REPORflT{G CARR'E& cortlfcetion of ofncer .s io ole Accuncy of the GAF loc l).tr R.poil.d I c.ffiy rh.r l am rn o[tlc., or lfte llporltu G.ntlri nry mpondb[ila! lncM. amufiC ft l.crmory o, $r rctr! drrr nporfC; rnd. to rh. b.rt o, n, fnorlrdgr, $. hfrrrrtdon rtgorlrd m tlt3tomr b rGsi.ta. [ameotRooilllnoCsn|r AAI-.j.: a -J-E" artrJL.-ra 6*-Lr E SA e thmff.orArlhorE dtrtcrr -w?-24-2t flila or Dfiilon o{ Afiqf!.d Ofia.,{€o lCcohcr nmhcr d Adrdl2Ed dfaer 2aAB<S *r r r.{ $rdvAtrr Codc d Romdho Canlsr A-rffi,b lFrEel.D.0rlbr$blofEi lou:tr,tzoztIinn&d/rwr I Pormne wlllfully m*lng rbls. rlalatarE on tHr fom cm bc fl&lrtlcd by llnc o lblfltnrc undsr ulo Cfininba0om AEd of tst, a7 U.S.C. !E 502, 508(b), or llna or [rT,hotur.nt tn !r TIb I I ol th. ur{tad 8tdr. cod.. 18 u.s.c. s 1 001 . Canier Ccrt TO BE COiIPLETEO BY THE REPOTNilG CARRIER. IF AT{ AGET{T IS FILING DATA O}I THE CARRIER'S BEHALF: Cenlticatlon of Offrcer to Authorlzo an Agant to Flh Data Rcported on Bchdf of Repodlng Carder I oerufy or.t lNm. ct AgGil) Netional Exchenoe Cellhr A b 1|,thodto{t to .{r!mlt rti ldormr{on rwort d on !.h.tf ot ttrc nporliog crniG I dto G.rtily thrt I In llr olllcGr ot ihc ,.potlhg carrlari my rttpon:lbllldc lnctde .lrurhg tlD rrurry ot lht drt! povldrd lo lhr Aulbulad Agsr{: ar4 lo th. Ld o, m, latourllde., th. lclrld drl! pflrvldld ro $. Anhdr.d Agatl ]l scsnt . [mc.ra,uEli,d r-a Nsllonsl Exchenge CrilcrAEEociation, lnc. (NECA) Nsms ol Rcao.{tlo cenh, 4..11 . N a a -Tai c..tX.rrvrr€ E-arg6.;56p- Ottoet ot sr{r{ /e, rcbptDrE aunbcr orArsard ofr{,,t: @eaftr-2,lt.cn- Slrrdv Are, Codr d RGrrrho Crnic,+7222b lfrrg o,. oae w l}t. nrll ItmnYeowwl 06tLal202t Pertdls rultrully m*ino fIre tbtmrntr ql thir lffin Gi b! FnbhBd by rlrE c fs{citue uda, Ule Conrrnonlralloi. Acr 6l ts34. 47 U.S.C. !$ 5o2, 5o3(b), or frr or rrpflo.rn.rx ondc. TiE 18 ., lt€ unled Stalo! co(E. lE u.s.c. 5 1001. TO BE COMPLETED BYAN OFFICEF OF THE REPORTING CARRIER cortificataon of Offlcor for Rat {f-Return Garrier Eliglbillty for GAFTIGG Rocovery I co.tfy th.t I !m an off,cor of tha .rpo.tlru clrlGr .nd thrt to tho brlt of my *nowhdlr, thc rcrortln3 c.rrhr on thh frorm conffi.t tht lt h.a tompE d wlth gltlll. n coE T ts1.9l7{d} erd Acc.fr ll..ourry Chl,tE t5f.911.} rnd l. dLIU. ro n .lrr. th. CAt ICC ruporl ttqmrt d fl|r urit ro t51J1-7(0. Nrm at ReitirE Cearlat f\A,rra,e -Gepr-ur^sA, G*r*ar.sn E all <^?-7- d r.l.drm. num[., o, e*]r,,ttrd U\srffiWZ\t l. ca Studv Arm Code ol ,l€mdlno Crnirr 4-7nzb lf*ng ArO.te tsuttr to'm Irnnud,vwvt o6tt6l202l 50il(!1. or fna or Unp]lronmml u6thr Tfia 0V'lt nnl or totLltro und.r tfir cmtmunhroonr Act o, 10t4, a7 u.s.c. l0 30a, otltu Unh.d Sr.brcodo, 16 US.C. | 100't. TO BE COMPLEIEO BY AN OFFICER OF IHE REPORTING CARRIER Certlflcatlon of Ofilcer for RstB.of.Rotum C.rlor Not Seoklng Duplimtive Rcoovery I c.rtfy th.t I am rn ofilcar ol the npor0nt .rr,{e, rnd thrt, to tha !.3t of my lmwlad3c, thl3 'tporttf Clirler b not tarldn! drtplkrttuc .rrrfiE]y h tia rtrt Inlrdlctlon lo eny E[![blo iccot,3ry rubfect to thr ncouoy ,rxchlr$rn m p.r slJuldlltill. Naite ol RaDrtho Cardcr fV1 ror-ra. e-TEr Eorrarrc H?Lro-c,?a DetB €-2,7 ,-6+ TGhshona nunbr. of euthorlted dlc6r:%tsSG:Z: rfan. stldv ArtaCodcd Rmottro C''Iicl 4ztlla lFlrhg OlJ. D.iG ,or thil rorm lllnrnEd/vvcvl 0att5t?02t P.rloll3 ffrtully llt.ldng rtb. ful.naolt on ll13 toflll c.n b. ponbh.d Sllbl, or th. or hPlbornnmt udcr Ttur b!It lltr or lortutorr und.r $a Comnunlc.tbol A.t o, l9!a, 47 U.s.C. Il tol.ot(t€ Udtld Strtrs Codc, 18 U.S,C.I1001. at4nozt Hom Stud, AEr: ,illOYALf rtL EXCll.lNC. flDz47lJl2fl fcct Yu 2021-2022 Expcctcd Maximum lntrastrtc Rrycr,"I (ol O fol t 2021 CAFICC DataCollection REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION (on:6( U. lnb..t tG Bcrdn G3 (foc ffP odrtat) Download fRP LlE ln ErGl ,Y AaO Id Y€. ,0]t , ., I I idrtufrgrG lfiFtrreuflBlo.;Odbtd,.ttdkO.t tdAffi ?6hdf H OiL. f.G gBh Lrf rdttu 6b PililFl,rrldnrIrrtldtHft.f6t..!&.Lmfn dlra Oftr i*hmF.rrillr,:Erq ft of U F fmhar vc&. Cnt Ih Utre[D f, .ry er ltitde.rtraacrl f*t{[EE.E itq' kll-nhrh l$ CT.* BrgqrqtQ El, rh-rtthoe!ryG',qqrg B Llhihfri WEr qFhaO5ra (xB BEEh8l erlltih.fo|ffiru fa(hml Ct2rEmF+T kldorhGlArr2r|tF,grre hQ' L?Ghrai ltlu lO LF'&reft& k?inffi.ts,lr0ltFiOfGDt tdtt ?rtwfrrlrlt G..i-IFtfnIiotXftl .lrGtirH rilrytF.daf, *l. Wr@ OFca OrrraGlr{irrDrrlrtnrarrtulrE Elfrf 2 fafr Ot$aleGTaddttnrpqttfirtlr lt,lltllaDt Olial DtGTndla rlutffi !.13 E rrzitt OIT€DtErrurhrletq..tEfilrfti. EiLTUatrolt{atufrsHt nfcrfirrylrl ErLf rortfr DIF€,|*Elntdtrlaqtq, ll .E,(l roraFoidlrutahtrldry 13 Er(rl0taprOtEln tdlnr{rth&C 16 F{.IloLft,lbdtEi.rlItEt F{hrni tlrf EOkt tomi O&d I|mllt I'Lrt omdd Sln&S fitf r*ry r..IbedE r(lrd{DarE lkt (.,!.dG lti.tatE I!?.du.ah.f.fimcr(@ OrirJ {[I,! IGt Criet 3lnJttArEr..Iv hrida!CdUr (lrl *d,f lht Cldr ll? h.t k ErT.dana}|LdmlHtrrrytlltlhrt!:t r*t3rE.-'D+!rrF.Q Trntlhtlrnf,trg.rldrdt ftTrrit itLdGSTchdli ffi, Ifrihd.rI-rirdrrTffiTiarfrfrr.riihtr Tmhr!n Cfaa(lnrr(lBlt n rbnlft 'E &nltl.-fterfIhCeft$-C}qaI-alalrlbtlDJftIh(lriYb &qlrlrh(iEITILoi'*n lrBofira ,9a2n Sirt vr2.llrrra az5ria !rtJ.g t5.15 as!r.J,,ltql3,A uG:a '*u (lq&EE $m0 tom ru@ firnrril,$n.s r0.@ t8t.,,tt$, tt r.li 13ai3a otr-Et t tf€)tm€. otral OIT.E l0l.8rtwn lt,' &12 t:9r.0auEl,. t3r!d ll[15lslI.ti9ltnllrr t €riil2l.$ rrm,sgloaa aselr4,gt'' lGgalttl IEBIC lEt= tiar.ttl*51 rt.trs EGZI lrlrpofre tl,a,0a,,n.'?alll,lls6, tat ato.Er talJ5tI[:AE!!E l86.u @5rull.?t al7l/5 tollaaa[D lls.n 17658 r:ii'ra azLlo i'agr.satL8.ll rl0s llg].' Cl€frr5 tEl, l9A-3 rrlstrm' tEClraalrttaIrcTrstrrrh aot E*f E Ell.Y x, LFE*fhrhdrmrqria.EllT50lQrmf*l CtEiftOtatuHlEi+rtfrryllrElll$lltploliEa ftEIrULtu-fhrkafErrytHryI@in-cov&e-..IEwEt TEri +nilh Ot aTrutittam;.dhrliltr&.r!?Cf.qEtl lrl'llbrftlcTi.tdlhqdf.drytrnft*otEC.rdBoEE TdfirtoOirclrul*llnr*qtwtrnfido$rrtmofdd .fnttxbrOInIO.l&cTrutd Trri-'eorrdOtll,iEf hru tiA..r Hryrrdilbr EA.f f $Flird lltrH ldi+dt ffitdii&r E,[T t0 illF 'oitet uH t rEqr BT-rihrho EllT F fl* riEr}irrrr krn!ilreoOSiaadqldlt LrilrEiOSr E\tb(er-LdhH.OCtrS!!lfrFOEr tlclFr t5. O(lld22.8 [aFCteffituil LharcltSSraraFClWffih 9rktsl9t5rtaEp6ffi ffi Prr L ft.tirfiaaT* rGF(ffimeEfi FIErU$ r.taalinFfiJDrEXlltrdEffil(ti.rln lrCllDil lJar[&EiEfiirBrrrrhld:ffiffi.F3.r h.tlr(rct'l!6Jlr&{e!, ff*brtoldfr 0!r Artutollaa?r tiF,tn[tldlt hrHO]l{drioml hr *(bl lrrrF!(Bbf@nt antl ldlhGrQd h.E LImfl Fr{! Igll r ltFtl L?EIb.6/O6 h.E rrDt[+l FdryEsllf lolbFsrlrtjrh6ad k6Ar.mfl ffi Ellrlolorr,EtLThE..fr'FUEI!. 9,EILIEIDt.dryE[TzLfrErrTirEch&ftEd6 P, EA.rkmhdlu6llllo Otlil&.eqfiEEi..;4lFcEi rrErLtBaE E ftyElrfr !o tutLe. EallII ICSIE l$tE oat.r!ts.Gt ttaSJ OEitD6 OqltEft 76hdoi Trifid!.r l2ET9 n9D. r?245.t lqtu llzr.l, i5i9.9t a!5l.f ta,at8,6tr^-rs kt ,dth,!at D atFhfrhnfrn oa i.rywhdh Orrt &72 'f,rsT l:IX' l:84,l, a:lfl.75 al}?ir ornSaqE ar5l0luslaiflla a:aal0 lf T.,r$& /.q nln EiEr* '*tE .l!.$ @110 l2Lto ttSato t p 47.b. otL aruo att03, !r&t7 JfrtD a7u,2, aamoD torBo tofllM t!@n https:/Amwv.necai rfo.org/cafi cdSourceflnlrastateTRPOuSutaspx 6t1fi2421 2021 CAF tGC t0.c6lo0 toffim to.G633!o, g.g orilsgw;;*ftv Frdlty r{qry t dlv t4l0.s t4t0.90 rry.*43uf,2 qres ry3,t9$rrrt lr.7s#t?'!i!2 3lil.a.r: t235.r r ,ddc 5Ln.[4 b 5', ltD.lnt or SS7 tltn.lnt to Mdtfr.quffyldd6 s&Dlhl Fr I Mb @m@d d tr.dlon h.6t on a Da, -'-- 'crds b$b ...rmrcqiir,ctirrairri,nrrraqiron p.r2am;k .tu dor .it q91tr,!9l1i pg..*.' b.+ .i{olrer&l6 Ch..t6 flrltt Ano@dc tlemb.r ldmtliodd lfl4 ,rN0 pJr E ldg!ft!.Jxro('t{m(61( OE tE ES tI2 [abp.llma*rhr (h-Es lslLT to tlt0tNoreofit Ctirt€ ESALJ 50 ift?tilolww ODrls CSAIT DlETrunl.dT@h.dm F.r EtALt co&tdon of .Dlm T.untad Tsr{Edon ld.fr.d rwwiring cli.rsJEirLr tdin(e F.dlf!, Prffilor pd E$tIEflrm. Fadlty ordrr Fdllly f375.50 ts75,t1 Mr Od.r *,irrr.qu"n.y Otdd EilOna ,56r.95 ,!69.t5 ts.9E hq[.y :t dlhy F.dfty ,F..gl9 tldlry 99oo2 ta90.5l t0.00@0&o tau12 t235.' I $n.g;a172.rs t{90.5r ,0.@0m0 rs.i5 rs69,9+ lTr.96 ,37450 t5?6.r r 6 2O2I NECA T.ms otUse lPriv.cy Poliry httpe :/Ammr. necalnio. org/cafi cclSourco/l nlrastateTR POutp ut.aspx 2E 5t1921021 HdE Stndy Arta: IIIOYALE ltt. EXCfl . lltlc. llot 1722261 tltq.sdsli(*lEqgbtt3eec I & A8C Oruut COt'[rlGCT AMERICA R llD lData to bc prwtdcd .o USAC/FCC h runc 2021 tor CAF l€C PutpoEl 2021 cAF lcc Data colbction REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION {O $rrd, f... UEIC n.3afr Sanlcmcntlyrpo: Cm btc.of4corm (8ORl (errlcr Rmm ncqdmmt I 2011 lna.r:t tt S{itchad Accrs Rcwnu Rtqultrmnt 2 FY 20t t lntartlt T.rmln.un! SwtEhcd Acc.s Rcwnus 3 FY20llN.tRaciprxalComp.nsltlonRcvenuc3 4 2011ROf, Carricr 8uc Pariod Rcmuc lLinc 1 + Una 2 + UnG 3) 5 ion Clrrilr B.Elinc i{diustmcnt Fa(Er (0.95 ^ 10) 5 ROR Ctrl"r Racru R"aulrorent (Unc il r ljne 5l 7 Pool Adminbr.tion Expcruc I Totll 8OR Caricr Recnuc Rcqu,ttm.nt (Llna 6 + Lln! 7l nlvcrucsfronr nahmd lnErtrr;lsColrprot dm (lCCl n!t6 9 lntcrotltc Swltchcd Aioirs Rcrrcnues l0 lmlEtatc AllocatGd Swirtcd Acesr Rwcnues* tI Trunridonrllnc.etr€AGSfliccRa*nuE 12 Nrr Trcnsitioncl Rcciprool ComPeruc$on R.wnucs 13 Totll ICC icv.nue (Unc l0 . Line t t + Linc l2l El$bleBxmry 14 TRS lncrGmcnt 15 flcgubtory fcas lncremenr 16 l{ANPAlnccmtnr 17 lntsrstatc Local Swlt(hlng Suppon for Pric cEp Affliates or E tlmtGd Dupliac 155 Cost! ln (AF ll tE Adis(In"ntforOoubhneroEryorCorrecdms t9 Tcst Period 19/20 Trueup - Nct lmpact on Total Ellglble R*ffiry 2A EEiblcR.covcry(Une8-Unet3l+(Llne14+Llnel5+lln. 16+Lin€18+Lin. 19)-(UnG'17) f,wor$ frm Aror BomtGtr Ch.rfor (Anq 21 Rcsldendol ARC Rwenur U Slnd.LlncBusinessARCRewnuas 13 Multi.Une Buslnss ARC Rcvcnues U Tot lARC Re.nues (Unc 21 r UnC 22 + tln.23) (onnxtfunerlo fund (CAFf ICC SupportH E cilnm AmGrk! Fund (Cr{Q ICC Suppon lLtne 20 - Llnr 2{) iwlsr{ (Af ICC Support wltft lmputcd ABC f,*vanrG. ;ot Breldb.nd{nly Locpr 26 ARC Rmnuc Adlustment tollowlnE'Sftond Ord:r on Rconsld:rruon & Cbrifioton'FCC l8-13 n Adjusted Te* Period 202t-202i1 CATKC Support {Llnc 25 - LIne 26) NOTES:EE0.*.66r oEs(hdEakariFdt.i+-r. tlr.vl-rrr t h.ltFltEld).mffiFExruxE.+.d5t&!ll*. o 2cll NECI htlps ://www.rpcainlo.org/calicc/Source/USACData.aspx 111 $$nm1 StudyAru: IIDYAII IEL EXCtl. lllC. (lDt nn:251 t - --."--. -"t^'tri:1y!rrJ I r.aemazoar-z er*fr*,ro n* | 2021 CAF ICC DaIa @IIectbn REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION < Rr'pe,11 4 lECarr fmrayclE fEr IcrtPclod mrl-toz2 portTrudJc (nrnq) Ukr ortr t T6t icd2021. ARC REYorsrG . AT{C TLE ARC ITLE ARC Revenue tAIGvIEW I'llIryAtE STAIILY WARI'I-AI(E tflARREH YEI"LOYIT PEIE te.lrArtt.nmary a2mr rlEca ?6 Clrr. l9rif,ryrolrct hltps J/www. necahfo.org/calicc/So.rrcelARCChanges.aspx 1t1