HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210616Cambridge Telephone CAF ICC Data-Redacted.pdfCynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (208)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com June 16,2021 l'- . ,'+, a l':j r,,'i "ii.lii !5 Pti ?=3B .. 1,J:!c.rn,r: . .- urlii",'riLl\rll/lt Vla tunall Ms. Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary ldaho Publlc Utilities Cornmission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 2O1-A Boise, lD 8[]714 RE: IPUC File No: WC Docket M. 10-90: Administration of ConnectAmerica Fund lntercanier Compensation Replacement $54.304(dX1 ). GNR-T-21-01 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: As you may know, I represent the ldaho Telecom Alllance ('lTA'). The ITA is assisting its member oompanies in making this filing pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $54.304(d[1) of the Federal Communications Commisslon's rules. Enclosed are the proiected eligibility data for CAF ICC funding br July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 for the following companies: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., Direct Gommunications Rockland, lnc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Coopenative Association, lnc., and Rural Telephone Company. Other companies may have filed this information separately ftom thie filing. These prc{ections include any true-ups associated with earlier filing periods. The projections have also been filed with the Federal Communications Commisslon and the Unlversal Service Administrative Company, as the administrator of the Federa! Universal Service Fund. lt is filed with the ldaho Publlc Utilities Commission as an information filing only ard no action is required or requested. ln addition to the redacted electronic filing, a hard copy of certain documentration which is considered trade secret and confidential pursuant to Section 74-1O7(U of the ldaho Code, wlll be sent by mail to Daniel Klein, telecom analyst, on yellow paper in sealed envelopes. lf you have any questions regarding this filing, please feelfree to contact me. Sincerely, I Enclosures Cynthia A. CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY TO BE CO]TIPLETED BY TfIE REPORTINC CARRIE& Cerdflcetlon of O'mcer rc to thr Accuraoy of the GAF ICC Ortr Rcportrd lcrtfyfittlamilCllc'otlhrrrpoltogani.ti[lyrl]pordbllldahchrdraruttlIth..c.ur$yatrh.rcilalderrDon dirn4brhal.tildtrulor#.,lha hrfDmr(cr.rDoit.d or lhlr hm h lcanr.lo. [sma of Rsrqtno Crnl.r Carrbrldge Telephone Company F 202L Rlchard Presldent rcsphdnrurrseo,Afiofbd0Nth.r: (- , - -dt f2O8) 257-33Ll,L Btrdv Am Codc af Raotim C..riH 4722Ls IFEngDlreDdrbr[ithrm lJue 16 20.,1 PdromwllltflymddngfrhrrleEm.flbonfisrormc.nb6punlcr.dbyen orforfrllwr.nder]h.cmlml'llcruoniAotof19tsa, 17u.s.c.l!6@,50qb),oflh.or nprirmvpnaurulerTid. l0 dh. UnlbdgbhsCod., lt U.S.C.l lO1. C..riEr Cert TO BE COMPLETEO BY THE REPORTING CARBEB lF Ail AGEIIT IB ftlf,tl0 DATA Oil THECARRIEFB BENALF; Cortlltorfion ol Oftlcor to Authorlzo an Agfil !o Fh Doh nrportrC on B.hdf d R.pordng Cilflal I o.nllt fi.. liar. C r.or{-l@.4th!E-ttE. a rrllaH lc .{!.rl li. Irrm.tbi ,F r.d m Ddr.i o, fm rtcrtht o&lrr. I Io c.rilfy llrf I an fiillcr d lhr rparhg Grari .t!f ,tlpol.&[Bi hctrd. ilirho f. ery oa !u .lrb ,rvl6a b ltr Aulrorhrl Agrrt .d, io !. f-t ot lr, lgtltr,5il. D..Gtd d.tr F}tut!.a b {r Altiltorbd tr* a.l aoflrirb. uk. -, tu,**-d *., MosB.Aihmt LLP lhlm oan.oallr Crrlr Canbrldge Telephoae Company S 618l2o2L Preeldent r*dmr rrrrs, oaAlnLrd OIS* ?Ol l, t7-??13. ftdvfrCd.dR.cllr Crrls 4722L5 lrtr o,- m turt-hmItm,nlag*l 06/'16/ 102r P$Iorlt rfif m*ho tl,' Sr.nt oi tS form cm bc nddrd bt ft. o loftlnt utq tlr GorDmuhtlo'lt fd d t99{, {7 U-Sr. !! m. 60s(b} or fl[ ahrpbnt f uds TI. tE o. 0rr |,ffi Eltrr &dr, l0 U.S.C. 0 loo't. TO BE GOHPLETED BY A'{ OFFICER OF T}IE REFORTIilO CARRIER Ceitlfrceton of Offcsr for Rale-of.Rc&rn Grnlrr Ellglbllity fur CAFTICC Rrcouery Ir.r{frthrtlrmrrodtlGlrofrh.rtpo@crd!?rllddrG,loft b.troltnykrrylr{r,thcnpoltll3drtsrolrttttonrGsnmlrth.tthat complhdrlthE[tlbloRcorrryl*1.91 (d]rdArclsnccoysyCh.tt.lsl.glrl.lrodhcll'lil.tor*dv.ttrCAFICCf,lnpo.tnqurtcdpu*urt ro $Lflr('l. {amd6eDodhocsrier Carn}fdJglB Telcpho;ne CoEpany d tliL 202t PresLdent rcholEt ilrntdd.uffi.d emcar: ?08f 257-31&/r St dYAr€a Codoof Rdolho Brder 4722L5 lnme uroa.r-rrr" tmt ltrmrdtilvvwl JqorlG 20ll P.rron3 dnfi{, nl}tr3 L.. rurmilr on lilr iotfi olrt be porhhrd btl nne or brfr[rlrs ud.r tht Corrffilcrtlons Art s, leil. a? U.33. ll n2,160[ or fln. or lurto(trnt {.rr il. rl of oE uilLd Sd. Goda, lC u*G. | 1001. TO SE COMPLETED AY Ai{ OFFIG-ER Of THE REPORTilO CARRIER Crrtituatbn ol OfForr br Retrofiotum Giller l&t Seghing &rplladr Rooovrry ! crr{tytlrrt I rn a cikr d rh. rlFt!'| crrh rd thl, !o dr br* ol tw hurht:, rhL 'tpcdnl cnh I not r*lt dr+&dn ncowy ln tr.rtrllll'tdlrthdiormVrtilrnrrourfrdtladto$.ilcortyrn dll!tsl.rrprsrrqafiulll. Jamorh.orrhailatr Gambfldse ?elepho,ne Gompany D a 61812021D.r. RLchard Presldeat fdohom rumbrtdsdfiottsrd dhr I I .dt (208) 2s7-3314 Stdv &m codr otR..o.&tq eril$472215 lalns ax odr lortil. ftrm llmnHdrvvwr Juf 16 2021 P.ilclr xlfful, ttlrldlT ftLa ,bl.mmb olt itl. lctnt !,l t pulrhrl by finr or trrtrtura ud.] th. ContrullL.lbtu AC .a l$tf, a7 Us,C. $ Oa O0O[ or th. ot lmprLorl.rt urd.r T[. lt ot irD lrr hd hr Co.L, l a U.8.C, I lml. *m:Droi Fsuc rfllPEoo! i€0a6ED tot Pugltc lNgEotoN T -ffiF-tuatd -ftEfihtu-dq REDAOEOTOE PU!IICINsPEOION a Imr rl-tErUEBdhrtrffiHrebt5h*na h-b*hh rrwr til!@nl@1Hrr*&.*o* E'la ,LIN tffi & rat&!re ,tqu - I RloadtD Foi PUaf( tMPtoroN I i rt..& 16&d6E br u-Eb *rffF{ir@onld@hFd.r4ffi dffi il Endty! flmbur Crmbidi. Tehphft ,l litffi Irtlfi s.ado lrfifltt T.rll s.dm USOC htrtt.t. od hantai. Toll 3m u{Fa.ecd (Itlnltltl End olir Affiml&Eltn.ilr Unlt ol D.n.d (..t!, IOID a,'uartolnt dd. Io[lD R.b rriolto2olnld.b ?o0 tDirl 7l1l8lt.t{aNhrd&.fClFm OlCrafEUrLr Prl*oldtlllr arlr2mo foI Fmi.0r. ad?ntfrtt-filnu0t rll! Prh.anllilraEorilo ton t0.i&.ed1fiffi|t- arut@oItilt ;llo.€d Oiltrm. flta0cl PrOaadhldtrbToeFmRa. lpur anFi hpli hDUt(x& D iptf hDTT Inplt Itryrl}lc.a ?.H o.t{tlJ)lnr-(llob a &hiirdil Cr* E6aon tlm IO f.1 fdr ori.iaommm llne nou o-ol I o.o, orhh.trlmtMdh 2.2 L722 tr bllrtldrhr-TdFrr.MOU or201!o.grC.,| ih I r lri€r oB rrl. dilmnl pd llm undar lh! rolo[il crtaqory. l[rl N .E rury. ida 2: lnFn htEstd! toll ft6 orlglndltr! unlts h 6lumn H lbr adr rtc clcnmt ll ttc erLr fralmalnad iplrta ngdr for lntatrt loll fE orlglnrtlng lDd ofn . shdGd .@!. dm.nd lo. th! 12ntth plriod afht Jun. 30, 2020. Oth.rrlr, hput thc lolll of lmritat. toll f6 and nf-toll fE 61ilna!l! unltt lor ddr f. dm.nt lor tirt d@ pcdod. ln thit o$, chtn3! {E @lunn krdirt in ell H8 ro ud ?V2019 - 6/30rP20 htr.rartc To{ FE .nd t{d-Ioll FE. Orfhfiln! Udtt.' l{ot.3: lDdo@htr.fiGbllfrco.ltln.dni6doflkrratcrptlnthavrc.qu.llolilrEtatctollfrxorisinanq.ndorflor.16if@ll1(30hgra.tlrttun0.