HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200306Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO COMMISSIONEIT KJIILLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSI ON SEC'RE,'TARY LECAL WORKING FILE FROM: DANIEI- KLEIN DATE: MARCH 5,202A RII:THE 20r6 BROADIIAND FIQUITTMENT TAX CREDTT APPLICATTON FOR RANDOM INVESTMENTS, LLC; CASE NO. GNR:I--20-01 BACKGITOUNI) In 2001. House Bill 377 rvas enacted authorizing income tax credit for the installation of qualily'ing broadband inliastructure in Idaho. Itluho Code $ 63-30298(3XaXii). In particular, Section fi41291allou,s a taxpayer to receive an investmcnt 1ax credit Ibr etigible broadband equipment installed during a calendar year. Qualitied broadbarrd equiprnent is defined as "those netrvork lacilities capable of transnritting signals at a rate of at least 200.000 bits pcr seconds (bps) to a subscriber and at least 125.000 bps liom a subscriber." ldcrho Code $ 63-3291(3Xb). If the equipment is installed b,v a tclecommuriications carrier, it lnust also be "necessary to the provision ol'broadband sen,ices and an integral part r:f a broadband nctwork." ldctho Cbrle g 63-30291(3)(bxi). To be eligible Ibr the tax credit, the taxpayer must obtain fiorrr the Commission an Order confirming that the installcd equipment meets the statutory delinition of qualified broadband equipment. Proccdural Order No. 28784 and ldaho Code $ 63-30291(4). Once the Comrnission as deterrnined the installed equiprnent is eligible fbr the broadband cquipment tax credit. an order along with the original Application is forwardcd to the ldaho Tax Comrnission. -1,DECISION MEMORANDUM MARCI{ 5,202A THE APPLICATION On January 28,2020, the Commission received an Application tlonr Random Investments, LLC (collectively o'Random" or "Comp&try"), seeking approval of the equipment for the broadband tax credit installed during calendar ycar 2016. In the Application, Random states that it "is a real estate holding company. It has vertical assets (towers) that it leases to related parties, Tekfinity, LLC and Tek-Hut. Inc., rvhich provide fixed and wireless broadband internet to customers in Southem ldaho." The Company asserts that its related parlies service approximately 2500 customers in ldaho. Random invested approximately $23,171 in 2016 in qualiSing broadband equipment that it confirms is integral to the broadband network. STATF REVItrW AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has reviewed and audited the list olproposed broadband equipment and believes the identified equipment qualifies for the investment tax credit pursuant to Procedural Order No. 28784 and lduho Code $ 63-30291(3)(b). Staff, therefore, recommends that the Commission issue an Order confirming the equipment is qualified broadband equipment and lorrvard the approving Order along with a copy of the original Application to the Idaho Tax Commission. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue an Order confirming the equipment identified in Case No. GNR-T-20-02 is qualitied broadband equipment as detinedin ltlaho Code $ 63-30291(3Xb) and forward it to the idaho'tax Comrnission? .:1' Daniel Klein UdmemoVG N R -'I' -20 -02 20 I 6 Random Broad band "l"ar Crcd it DECISION MEMORANDUM 1 MARCH 5,2020