HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200701Q Link Wireless Form 481 and Affidavit.pdfPage 1 <010> StudyAreacode 479018 <015> StudvArea Name 0 rJlnk rlrclcsr Iita <020> ProlramYear 202r <)3D ContactName: Person USACshouldcontactwiurquestionsauouttnrsaiti Heather tilrbv <035> Contact Telephone Number: Number ol the peBon identltied in data line <030> 7702327905 dt <039> Contact Email Address: Email of the pe6on ldentlfled ln data llne <030>etcatelecscowel. c@ FormType 54.t22 t\i, }\)(p fE frttc)rn EH ;@ ;to ffiI** +$iiilH#eH $}l W+sr trl(? giqo*. Pate 1 State of Florida County of Broward SS ) ) ) CERTIFICATION BY ELIG]BLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE WTH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841 requires that an Eligible Telecommunications Canier certrry that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only br the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: '1. I am an officer of Q Link \Mreless LLC, an eligible telecommunications canier for receMing bderal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's day{oday operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set furth in Commission Order No. 29841. 3. Q Link Wireless LLC is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the FederalCommunications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certiff to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No.29&41 and in 47 G.F.R. S 54.201(aX2). 5. I also certiff that all federal universal service support funds received by Q Link \Mreless LLC during the cunent calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e): that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of f;acilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1,2021, through December 31,2021, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certiff to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible caniers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the Telecommunications Act. lssa Asad, CEO 6.211-20 Date SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this L\ a"V ot lunt 2020. Notary 8otd.d Atlctkutr VAERGMARRY uYcorfirc$oilr@2785?0 E@RE&tlottuttbct?5-*2,My Commission Expires:NlcVr"r^"fac,r ?Sr 7DZ L do@Gd.EpEig8 i4 otsct.96-, f;E EEi; CE; EET eE; o-E! O =gzc* B-H<>6 obE!oEEfoza EEF !oar#b< EEzd,U EcuogE6E:o o 6o !C!oo6:o tG6ogE OF fo t6 o:PA)o rEi =# ECz 4 o ! o ! NI D oU@ oou.E 0) o.9o gllotoo. E cGooE oo) oo G!E -co .9oq,t oq G E .E!oEcop 6 EoI aoo o o G o @ ! Eu o!! 6 EU66aoU oo AA N N x r o o o.g o! .E !ovcop co oq o D E =zI ! E!2ocoz _9oF6 coU A o "l ho 6oE .9E o ! o U lco od o Ez o2 oU oo o oNo oIT o o! 3 c o E zolot<l !l5l :lol ol,l r oEoIoo E = oo o!tAI d- EEo(JoEooo86t dzEEttEEE*ovoEadHEi 6 oztaEEtocoEEEgeoE *E,t g N @@6o br ) <01(> StudyAreacodc <015> StudyAre. l{ame <02(> ProgrsmYr.r <!iX> Contact ]{amc - Pcrson USAC ahould coitact ruFrdlnt thls data h.rb urtry <03s>contact Tclcphone ilumber - Numbcr of pcrson idctttifrcd ln data llne d):t(}, <)39>Contact Em.ll Addr6s - Emall Addr6s of peron idrnthed ln d.ta lln€ <,3(> <4d)> <410> <42(> Sdccr ftom tr!. dropdown lht to lndlcatr how you n ould likr to report volcG GomdalnB (zso or Src.tcr) for volcc tehphotry servlcc ln thc priol crhnd.r y.ir for c.dt scolcc rrca ln whlch you arc dasltnst d sn ETC br any facillths Vou own, opcrata, hasr, or othctwisc udnze. compleint pcr 1(II) orstontcrs Gor f,rtcd volcc Comphint3 p.r 10(X) cmtomcr for mobllc rloic! ,i., P.3. a d6 483> Co.ET*dDil ffnl-- Irnb.rolmldGit Ld h d0 lh@ d$ CootGEm.{AdO6 .td.l.d*.6-1.cil 615> Ctrdly@hptLMrlth.rpllobhftHnm E*.Ortr* P{r 4 PT5 dl$ !tudvAm il.re .ob <o:t6 d$ ffidTdelrmXmb.r-tumhcr <r3$ cmt (iEmdlAdd6-EmllAddEoa ffild&ilf.d ln d.t lhdb <600r dfy @mDlllne Ef..dlna.Uhy lo fundq lo m.{3 ltq dtudffi <616 0lrolgti6 d@mq*for tuodoollty ln Emcrtac?SltuatiG P0t U @ou d c.9 GE.!9o6Ecoo o coA EoU oc 5aoUcoo mo No oo @ FIo 7 2 o c@o EoU @c G ooo N € UT o o 0 ajI F a o cGo EoU @.s!o- @ JI I B z I o o'tr oUq .aEoooe o 6 Eo 9 E o o e o oo o 6 E .E!o acop co oo o o!! oEu o!! o EU 6 coU oo X oo o o6! .E!o F o Zo oo o o3 E =z o!Efzoco oooF o oU 6 o ! oT oE G o! .9-{ .c_! 6{o o o = U =cocq oEoz 6co(.) oo oo Eo Uo d do 0I 3 a'a c oE6zGo E gt 6CIAInt d-o Co(.,o =o roo6rCt6roCtit d25E Egnq 5.*(r=t g EaAEEEiE-c! 5T ooEgf @!o oo !f oo@oC ou(gA. co E =oooEo,sgo o 0,Eoz .9E€ol)*1drEe68:o>z ott F5sE5E fiE EEEEiEE EEF ;Eg E tggEiet?5,".E*EgEBEIot2.EiafiE.E.Egg*E€qEEIE EE*;-g;E:€EEhi;aiEJBU(rFEEa.9erEEEEn EP b'='t'='='='=nt:"89-ooooooEEaEEEEEEEOE=E(!oIOG(!tEg EE -9 =o.=o.=o.=o.=o.EgE$s555555 I 5llooE €ooo 8s.E29,2e'i a -qbt*H EHoET€Eoo-6POc=6TEE-'! 9ET?*EEEEE'r€Esi EHEE>u8EEPna' EEfiF =c=6i9E;;i =;!|.t co g =!o o Eoo0oEOcU co Ec o o(, olt F c,Nol 0,ao(, hsli='co E'C5 olt F oHo! z oI'E o 1'CG 63l o o.icoU.g o 0,o6 oodi /\AAAAAAAN.Yrtln(oF60iN^INN.\lNNNor ot ot ot o) ot or otvvvvvvvvor oo 0oq)oUEouo o oo!o c C aIn n =C ICs Cax E( a C a tIt tu c!! =oEEaoCoU oo na E( t sA c c Ut ano ok !tt o v c o F {a(( a i oEoc q, ou0o6- tro E =Ioo!,oEqG ooEoz !,ca.lI!,t!olt o coq,E9.3.8o=oq!5!9o> 6=ri5TE€8Gq&8 omod c.9 oI Eou E3o @CI EoI!,coot,oo co oNod coEfIoo!ttuEUG oo EGz o E o.9ea, o.9o o coo'E !l3.E OEE6Et uo>a=gt €8oct8 oo c.9 EI EoI Eltg6CL EoI G,, 6 oI Eo Q'.go o8H eo jo a Ueo o o oq o otY)o oc ooa,sE'o Fc6'p co oCL o ot,!t G EU hoE!t 6EUt6 eo,] 61d)lo xo r r o(no G' .E 6 Gt, .s!,lu .Fto = o 0,lt Eaz G'll E,z u6co(J ut(no !o 6o o 6E .9.c oocoIE3oE(, fgoe0,CL o€6zt(gcou o(oo Go Eo E'o 6- oo UAI o o! 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Noorn .lJxo tno @r-c{roNo t--F- orOo o .tr o G't ;oEc C)p co oCL o oo E:,z o-c|Efzo o.c.CL OJoF I@ coQ 6o .atl.-lv t{()ItJ6o r! o GE' .q -c. o0.s! 6ho0) o CoI =fo=rJ -C od q) Eoz Io oU o(no rl c\lo C\l oc, E6 ODo o- oNo U FlFl (n U)(u -lot{.rl B J1 H--l Fl ol o E6zoor Ef ndo @rloo\r-$ 0,!oUoo Eftn o o o!o(,araC)6 d2 o co(,aEo roo6IIctrn .t2 5EE E3I.E:Rer 5-lH6E EoEco g .go o Go Eo Egt, E3 oct 6co !! -c G c ogl oooc t(n N o@ 4 PI.1! <010> Study Area Code ,?on1 a <015> StudyA.ea Nam.O Link Wireless LLC <020> Program Yeat 2027 <O3O> Contact Namc - Pcr$n USACshould contact regardin! this data Heather Kirbv <035> ContadT.l€phon€Numb€.-Numberofpcr$nidlntifirdind.t line<030> 770232'7805 extg <039> Contact Email Add.e$ - Emall Addtess of persoh ldentlfled in data llne <030>etc@telecomcounsel . com Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 9.313(fl(1). Privately held carriers must ensure comPliance with the financial reporting requirements set forth in 47 CFR 54.313(0(2). I further certify that the information reported on this form and in the documents attached below is accurate. (3009) (3o1oA) (30108) (3012A) (30128) (3013) (3014) Progress Report on 5 Year Plan carrier cenifi es to 54.313(0(1Xiii) Namc of Attached Document ListinS Requirrd Namc of Attached Document Listing Rcquircd (Y.s/No) lnformation lnformation (Yes/No) (3022) (3023) (3024)Undrrlying information subjected to an offier crtification. (302s)Dcument(s) with Balance Sheet, lncome Statement and Statemcnt of Gsh Flos Certifietion of Public lnterest obligations {47 CFR 5 s4.313(fX1X0) Plcase Prcvide Attachm"nt Community Anchor lnstitutions {47 CFR I 54.313(fXlXii)) Plcasc Providc Attachmcnt ls your @mpany a Priwtely Held ROR Carri.r {47 CFR 5 s4.313(fX2)) lf yes, docs your company filc the RUS annual report Plcasc check thc* box.s to confim that the attachcd PDF, on line 3012 contains th. requirrd information pursuant to $ 54.313(f)(2) compliance rcquircs: Elcctronic @py of their annual RUS rcports (operatinS Rcport for Telcommuni€tions Borrowers) Dcument(s) with Ba18ne Sheet, lncome Statemant and statcmnt of c.sh Flows lfthe r.spon* is ycs on linc 3014, attach your company's RUS annual rcport and all requircd d@umcntation lf the rcspone is no on line 3014 is your company auditcd? lfthe respons is Vcs on line 3018, plcasc ch*k the boxes bclow to confirm your submission on line 3025 pursuant to 5 54.313(f)(2), contains: Eithera copy of thcir audit dfinancial statcmcnt; or (2) a financial r.port in a format comparablc to RUS opcEting Rcpon for Telecommuni6tions Borrowcrs Dcumcnt(s) for Balanc Shcct, lncomc Statcment and Statement of cesh Flows Managcm.nt lett.r and/or audit opinion issued by thc indcpendent certified public accountant that performcd the ompany's financial audit. lf thc respons. is no on line 3018, plcasc ch*k the boxes below to onfirm your submission on line 3026 pursuant to 5 54.313(fX2), contains: Copy of thcirfinancial statcmcnt which has becn subjcct to rwirw by an independcnt artified public acountant; or 2) a finencial rcport in a format 6mpaEbl. to RUS OpcratinS Rcport for Tele@mmu nications BorrcweE UndcrlyinS information subjccted to a rcview by an independcnt ccrtifi ed public acountant Name of Auachcd Documcnt Listing Rcquired lnformation (Ycs/No) O O Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation o o oo (301s) (3016) (3017) (3018) (301e) (3020) (3021) (3026) Attach the workshcct listing required information P.r 13 t ou64 @aEo.9t0)6tAOE6- tucCLGI .i eE E -tEmEqE^E o c o: e E EEiEE;6;EEEE g 8 2^ P E E E EEF6'aAeAA'eENN!!m(nm6tmcoolloooooE tM ::.1 !M !g sl t9tr EcI o E EIEcIo o!CI o o o E E r o ! E ! E Io B d tr E; I ! 8rl o 3EitE2 o F I U tt ooor r .q !, Pfr f5 <o1(> <020> <035> Codc Ycar Cont ct l{amc - Person USAC should contact this data Cdt ct Addrcss - Email Addrcss of pcrson in dat 202! .td.l.o*o\a.I-os t{XE irrral Sroadbmd Erecrlment Authoriz.d Rural Bro.dband Expcrimmt (RBEI r.cipi.nts must.ddr6s thc ccrtification for Public int.rcst obliSations and Provid! a list of newly scrwd community anchor institutions. tub[c lntrr6t Obllatuons - FCC !l-98lp.r.fnpht zcz,,.,lgl Plc.s! addr.ss Unc 4OO1 rcSardin8 compli.nce with th! Commisslon's public interEt obligatbns. All RBE partkipants must provide a rBponsr to Linc i1001. 41tr1. Rlciplcnt ccrtifiB that it is off.ri]B broadbend mccunS the requislte publk intlrcst obliSstions consistcnt with th. catrSory for which th.y w.re sGl.ct.d, including broadb.nd spled, Irtency, usagr capacity, and rat s that arc re.rcnably comparable to ratGs for comparablG offlrings in urban arcas. ConrmunttyAndror lnrtltudoni- FiCC 1+98 (p.r.f.ph 791 ruxl3a. RBE partlcipants must provide th. numbcr, nam6, and addrcsscs of community anchor institutlons to wfrkh thcy ncwly deployed broadband scruicc in the prcceding calendrr ycar. On thB line, phase rapond (v.3 -.ttach nrw community rnchors, no - no no anchors) to indkEt wheth.r Urls list will b! providcd. lf yGs to IUBA plar. proylda . rGtgons. for t(Xr3B. flxIlb. Prorrid. th. numb.r, namGs .nd addrcsscs ot community .nchor instihrtions to which th. recipilnt newly b€8.n providinS acc.ss to broadband scrukc in tha prccrdirf calcndar ycar. Nam. of Attached Documlnt Lbting Rrquired lnfom.tlon Prta 15 Ptr 16 <010>Study ArG. codc <015>Arc.l{am! <03(> <039> Cont ct NamG - Pcrson USAC should ontact thb d.ta Contrct Emall Addr.$ - Email of pCrson idcntm.d h d.t lin.<[X> .r*.r.€'*"*.1.cd 5005Alask Phn (s0111 (s012) Please indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul bccame commerclally arnilabl! in the previous calendar ycar in areas prcvlously scnrcd excluslvely by pcrformance'limitint satellite backhaul. lf the fflint carrilr identified in its approrcd perfomance plans that lt reli6 exclusivcly on satelllte backhaul for a ccrtain porlton of the population in lts service area, lndicate whether any ter.estrial backhaul or other satelllte backhaul becamc conmercially awilable in the previolus calendar year in areas that wcrc pradoiusly senrcd exclusivcly by satellite backhaul. (Yes/No) (Yes/Nol ,ldlvhd L..tbn o? tcF,htbn <5013> PT 16 F a ac oz o Co (!.9toU co Eo:5C'o oItoEoEoCL toEoa, tro Et o .! o- ?tFIoro Fo EE =E-_c-'€ I6h eCL(, <CL g .!i3e>6c,luE'a a Eu*EE;oUq,9==q< dt=€sGrE!E S =ooP.g EEAE -r6rlao E€ "E odo(o 6q oa Eouto0 o aI o 6 o o .E o Gt;o Fco =coeoo o ot! =oEU g tE GEgtG o(, ot o N oo E6Eoc oo UII o o 0I 7 r,la H o (, Eo26g e: 6do F o{loL)og afq o e F oE o oUa oz o, o I c .9 .EoE E Eo(, -gc,Fttt -ttoEEu.t .9olE.:E.EE .,eaLccoOEeE ttt =EEE'fFg .E9 hc(J= F8:*(,G A.A (tdoF 6I aec1ooIoo o cI!o A6o (tEobtt E8 o,!toet o o!E =d Eu ott dEUt6 Eot) otoo !xo o F oFF Ao oc=oI!t .gEo co! coeL o o!E5z o! Et2ocoo.!toF U6 eo(J rnoo !! x IotodoE Go!!!E 5E EoEo 6IeoIpa "8(.)e coeoc oEo2tGcoU 6mo oN Go ECEo4 oN? oII aao ok IvE do g ozoo nf rado F ot,oUoo !,f odc) o aIa4 Patc 19 <010> StudvArea Code <015> StudvArca Name O Link wlrele€s LLC <O2O> Pr@Bm Ycar 2021 <030> Contact Namc - Pcmn USAC should contact rcgarding this data Heather Kirbw <035> ContactTclcohoneNumbcr-NumbcrofD.rsonid.ntificdindatalinc<030> 110232180s ext <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of oerson idcntified in dat. lin. <030> etcetelecomcousel. com TO BE COMPTEIED 8Y THE REPORTING CARRIER, tF I}IE REPORNNG CARRIER IS FITIITG ANNUAT REPORTING ON ITS OWN EEHALF3 Certmcation of Offlcer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reportlnt for CAF or Ll Reclphnts ccrdfy that I am an officer of thc rcportlnt cerlGr my r.sponslbllltlcs lnduda cmualnt tha ,cauracy of the annual repordng rcqulrlmGnts iot unly?rsal saille suppdt |?dplcntsi .nd, to thc bcsf of my knowlad$, thr lniomatlon rcportad on thli torm and In .ny rttadrments ls accuratr. l,lamc of RaDortins Carrier: sirnature of Authorizcd fficer:Datr Printed name of Authorized fficer: Iitle or @sition of Authorizcd Otficer: Ielcohone numbcr of Authorized Officcr: itudv Area Code of Remrtinr Carrier:Filin( Duc Date for this form: PcmnrwilltullymkingfalestatcmentsonthirformenbepunirhcdbyfincoriorfuitucundlrtheCommunietionsActof 1934,47U.S.C.55502,503(b),orflncorlmprlsnment undcrTitl. 18 ofthr Uhitcd StaGs Codc, 18 U.S.C. 0 1001. Pag.19 Pate 20 otEcont olxo 30co{96/oit!cmt ol1{o. aEo{filt FcCFcmlltf Fomr ,,.I' <010> Study Area Code 479018 <015> Study Area Name 0 Link Wireless LLC <020> Proiram Year 2021 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Heather Kirby <035> contactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<o3o> f102121a05 ext <039> contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> etc@telecomcounsel com TO BE COMPTETED BYTHE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FITING ANNUAI. REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF Certification of Officer to Authorire an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carriel lcert|fythat(NameofAgont}ls8ulhodzedto3ubmltthelnformationreportedonbehalfofthereportingcarrl8r.| agent; and, to tho bo3t ot my knowledge, the reports and data provlded to the authorlzod agent ls accurato. NameofAuthorizedAcent: Expelt Telecom Compliance NameofReDortinrCirrier: O Link Wireless LLC SirnatureofAuthorizedOfficer: CERTTFTED OMrNE Date: 06 / 26 / 2o2o Printed name of Authorized Officer: Issa Asad Iitle or oositloh ofAuthorized Officer: cEo Ieleohone number of Authoriued Officcr: 8005101540 exE Studv Area Code of Rercrtins Carrier: 479018 Filing Due Date for th;ts lotni o7 / Oa / 2o2o Persons willfully making tal* statements on this forh can b€ punished by fine or forfeiture under the Communications Ad of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 95 502, 503(b), or fine or imprisonment under Title 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. TO BE COMPTETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Atent Authotized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier the data reported herein based on data proyided by the reportint carrier; and, to the bcit of my knowledg€, the Infomatlon reported hcrein ls accu.ate. 0 Li.nk wireless LLcName of Reportinf Crrrier: Name of Authorized Asent Firmi Exper! Telecom Compliance iiqnatureofAuthorizedArentorEmDloveeof ACent: CERTIFIED ONLINE Date: oG / 25 / 2o2a vi.cEoria MartinName of Authorized Acent Emplovee: fitleorDositionofAuthori2edArentorEmoloveeofAsent Requlatorv sDecialist lelephone number of Authorized Aqent or Emplovee of Agent: 67 a61 22 831 ext itudv Area Code of Remrtinr Carrier:4?9018 Filing Due Date for this form: a1 / a1 /2.2a 18 oflhe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. PaSe 20 Attachments Form 481 section l2l0 Q LINK WIRELESS LIFELINE OFFERING Effective l2lll20l9 LITELINE NON.TRIBAL: 1.000 Minutes & 3 GB Data (O LINK ALWAYS Oltl 1,000 anytime minutes per month Unlimited text and picture messaging 3 GB data per month Minutes & data do not rollover Net cost to Lifeline customer: $0 LIFELINE TRIBAL: Unlimited Talk & Text & 3 GB Data (O LIItlK ALWAYS ON TRIBAL) Unlimited anytime voice minutes per month Unlimited text and picture messaging 3 GB data per month (no rollover) Net cost to Tribal Lifeline customer: $0 All packages include o Free data-capable deviceo Free calls to Q LINK Customer Serviceo Free calls to 9l I emergency services o Free access to Voicemail, Caller-lD, and Call Waiting features o Voice minutes may be used for Domestic Long Distance at no extra charge o Data is at 3G speeds or higher Additional Airtime available for purchase, rates posted on Q LINK's website: https ://ql inkwireless.com/members/carVq uickpurchase.aspx