HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200701Inland Cellular Form 481 and Affidavit.pdfPage 1 <010> StudyAreacode 479007 <015> StudyArea Name rA${T!IC,TOII RgA I[O. 3 I,il'TTED PARITIBRSHIP DBA II'I.A}ID CBI,LUI,AR <020> Pro8ram Year 202r <)30> ContactName: Pe6onUSACshouldcontact with questlons about thls data ulka Bl.y <035> Contact Telephone Number: Number ot the person ldentitied in data llne <030> 2O879AO245 dL -1"222 <03$ Contact Email Address: Email ofthe person ldentlfled in data llne <o3o> rlkeb'lnladcelr'con Form Typ€54 .313 ed 54 . a22 I$a:5,\rG!' l,4Jl-mtc) v?t =*@;C't\) '*ft*.!I tr-"* ..ttrfY Tfi#.,,F :$. r*-.:sic,.fi;Er ilfJu)soaa PaSe 1 No@6d EpE; HgiE oPer-95E EE Es Ft, - rE;; BEar;t E flEI'i-Jl EEa o-E! O = ql 2E E-E#aH<> 6 obcooEE:oz; EdF Eoie;El6Ed,Fz6 t, !cuogEOE,o EcteBO8o:o to oFE.=GF o t6 gE 6g,o 0 E E.I =#EdZ E ,c SE6' foo.9a0,?t.u3OV g ll6to-o ,i\Ef c @ooEE! 3 oo {qctio'6 o'=oeA ou 4a90 NN oI ! c @! oo o.s o ! .g !oIE =co o o oE! G Eg oEE G E 6o o oo .1 x oo o =o E .g!o.F c =co oo o ooE,z o E,z @coEoI@F Eo oU tr = o E .9E u.EE{ a6 o E oE U) o @c @E6z EG oU o oo E o4 oo jJ H adz A H e AHF E Y, 2oFoz B aEGz o E = o o oC}et dz E CoIo =o 6o6oAI d2dEEEEloovoEaNSIE Eo corE ooo o o !oB E BocoB6 oo Eo oo o!oU a !- o No@Gr Pf.3 <01G StudyArea Code <015> StudyArea Name &ffiuD. aEt@t@DilmGm <020> Program Ycar <030> Contact Namc - Person USAC should contact r.gardlnt thE data <)35>Contact Tel.phone Numbcr - l{umbcr of person ldenti{hd in data line <030> <039>Contact Emall Add.ess - Email Address of p€rson identmed in data line <)30> <4(X)> <410> <420> S€lect fto.n th€ drdown list to lndlcate how you would likc to rrport voicc complalnts (zero or greatcr) for volcc tclcphony scrvice in thc prior calcndar ycar for caci scMcr area in srfilch you are d8l$.ted an ETC for any facillties you own, opcratc, hase, or otherwlsc utilirc. Compl.ints pcr 1000 custom.rs for ffxed r,olce Complalnts pcr 1q)0 customcrs for mobile voice PTI Pt4 EImB-. adreP@DU@@ o$ CoGEndl AddtE. Endfdd6dmldn$.d lnd.b llm @ dt&ttldc'rl c' 6s cdufympLEwhh.tlkabL mhhnm r.tr srld.r6 Psa P.a. S <OlOt SUrdYADCodc O15> StdyAn ttlm EffiA-.affiDffitDmruil@ d'E CotrtTd.Dhoor tumb.r- ilunDf, .f Din ldrtticd h dd h. <I'o <0l$ cdrrd tn l AddB - EdrddEdrss ldrind h da tE@D d}-d&u..a <6G c.rdfy@nDf.m qa.dl|.ffytoftndoo h ml|6cl aaturdo.r.Icr <51o> Htfrcdamotfor Fmdon lltry h Bmrttrtcrs[tlilG a79007_ID_61 o:lbt I tryhrg@1.._2020.Ddt to icEln iactloml lh Pf.5 @ou6L oo !a.YLo =Eo IJ c .9ot .99 oa!Eo co o cGo EotJ oc'a,oUEoo No o G @ a! oU E E c C E L ctGqcc N @ q aoo qo a oF Ec c c(c Ec .s!cI 6 jI a o d d .s L tccod o 6 Eo9 EE I! e oo a 6 G! .E o., op co oo! o!E 6 E o!! o EU 6c U oo ; o oc 6! .= !.g=cap o oo o o! E =z o3 Ezo otoooF coU o 6 6! .2t q .a! oca G co Eaot U co od 0 E6z oc U oo oo E C oNo q Eoz6o T o o!o o oo Ogia t o-6 to(,6 =o too6CI3IDCI{lt oz o c,o(JeEo oq Go.EE8iB.:oi! t':b5 ooE8eE8 6{ @oooL Noa06n co E3 oo E'oEao ooEo2 6? I coEoo6o E p ts "l ol .l c kF 0qtso o2 o -9E€oQ*1d6b-oEsi>z oooo 60 o o oo o oo o (E6 FC6Ettcta,E fiE(!:.60)'=E E E EEf3 E E H--E E .= XAH'=o=EL .:-6 a>e E HEIETE=tt , E; 3 E PEEcEETgfE^Eg EHEEiiEEE*;;En:EEE;EEE6d;fEEEEEg =P d = ; ; = ] =,i ;!Secsssgo=-lccccccc(E E::E c o o o o og E E -9 =o. =o. =o. =o. =o. =o sEss555585 oxo-o0 o! t ooo O^'e;x E29,2 =nEEo ... lU =6 Etia:XEoE€E0G- 6=33eF.if oEqicO--aair-8'l€';cr3.9'-*6;EI€€gHb;>u8EEeaaE;FG'u.:6m =q=miPEs =.ts!o c .9o .9.o3o cIt E0,EOooocU co Ec o o(9 Glt F oNoi oeo (JFU .gs3co !c6J oll F oHoi z (,I Ec, 1'cg Ett o o Ec0,uc c, ooo oool AAAAANAANm<thr.DNocnNNNNNNNNo) or o) or or o) dr o)vvvvvvvv dNOr oq o E 6 o o a oo o,so G! .9!o Eco =go oo o d !! G Er o!! =G E tGcoU oo .1 xo r ooo 0 =oo!E!o uEoEto oo o o!E:z o! EfzocoEoooFtocoU q o @ q = o 6E.!E{cEo{o oao ==oE U =co o4 oEoz 6 trou oo oo Eo 6 4 oNo &{ TIEU B d oo HE H E oq ts =p c;z 4 2oFo2 E d3 o Eozoo ! = 6o r r c c tsoEoA ooooooo- coEfIoo !,otIG oo Etoz !,c6o!,Go -o o cooE9.3.bo= OE:o6 E9o>:96=P'=€t€8.Gqt8 o01oH c .9 6u E0,I =56 Go. EoI =,co.ctEoo ao oNod cIU E3uo6!tq,tI6 o6' EGz q, I ruI.E 0, 0,.co o coo'E !l 3.Eo= AE!6!9{r>=-a=gt €8OEi8 ood 0)r1A6U.dHa0.4 ]Joz c .9oI Eo,I Eo6 (E CL Eoooo q, .9aru o.9o oId EoI oU6E I e!o E o(no o, .g o 6ll .gEo !co! Eo e)o o o:oT' o Eg tu 1'tl 6EU uoco(J or(no .jxo r orY)o q,c o 6!, .=!,ru,,c0,p co 0,o o 0,-oE3z lult Efzotro.c,oo,oF IocoL) t,)6)o E = oot,.9=a0.s!, 6a0o o6 cou =:os (., :)tro (u6- oEoz Ioco(J or)o Go EG bto 4 oa\o DjTEU e2J2 @o @ e nHF E, d2 czoHt2 B (, E6z 6 E tf r,)do F (u!oIJ 6 E Ef rtl oHo @ c,o6A. oro!ooA. o 0, .Eto.9 CLCLo ocLo dLcvi!0ro.)o-o.oEHE.ox =EEr-T'ts!uioEE.,.L o.oogEg3 cOogEkE;.oCc!AE ortHd aDCLov(o CR!EECEoGFCE8E96o.E-969aJ6^:o- *9CL= (*)JJ;9aEaE-z-;s ov7-ooE-84E'E =co*8?S E€f;.qqhBE TEeaSP coo!!d).= Eh.E9l i,e E.EEE 8EdE= o(Y'HH z '= llJ c.9 CLo 3GEJIGo E o o o3 o 3 Eo(J oodd eoI ooo c e!o e oo 0, .E l! G!, .Et,0, EEo =go oCL o Et,E' o EU o!,It o EU uoco{J oi(no 1 xo F N orlo o.s ooE' .trIt @ Fcop corc,CL o 1.f1(Yto E o. (, orE .9E o0.g!, l!qo G, U({l coI ==o (J tl =tro o)G o Eoz oocot) o(no 60, E oNo c tIEU ozJ2 6 a E ec oEts E H ci2 zoFoz @ B c,El!zoo lndo r ot,o(Joo oHo o1ou0GG odoEro4 eq, E =Ioo!,o Io E E co CLo3 o tsr!CL o!Eo!, o o. a, =.5 E o o.lt E,co3 cog Goo (td cg CLEI, 3Il!q, o 0,I!,elE =l!I o o oUt!E,I oEo E!t (vt Nd 0,q6 c9.Dbb€oueq.a€E6!, o,o:(JE!rtsCJ(!O EEgb -sE ooccoIt o. E.so>!bc69>oo9EiCLootst H ddSGg"E7Ze6CO10E9EE5 ataFco5-e*EE; -Ee,€EEOrCTE?c!-o:o€ S--eLCq o'SP=oEt!8!:LgrE 8:b3NE #EEo-+xEvoo:E.6gEZort;t5=ciji.gAbE$5til:$*qi+tlg!bc.aEoE ru Eo2\ ot o 6 uid a oo6 E E:oA E ALl-- o.ts tto =.9lt 4oxcJ o F{ c!ao.go =coECLc, 0,F 0,.9o o co Eco(J d EoF od ta IIta E tt E o(no oc 6 lDt .EIto cosCo a,Cl o Et,!, l!Eu o!,!t =o EU u.Ecou C'I(no N1 xo d F (f tYlo (,tr 6 l!t, ,=!,o EoPco oo o oAE5z oIt E5zoco.GoooF uIE tro(, tt('lo ut t G ot, r2E a!cE GUo Ia! c,oIJ =,oE L' =co o6. o Eo2 ot! co(J otrto 6o E6u6 A oNo 4E UU E{ E I4E AHIq ! ac ! a!FFIF: 9 q! c EzFT I o Et!zo{, t tl 1,t o F 6F o1lo(, oE t5 UI o o oHou.!c d o !o f, o)'tr (oI o-(oo OJU.C o- q) ! jc(g =.j oo- odOd =ooN o'-oo 6-i:E"cEqr!+9ahE(oo-63F uNeloN :6E;;TE9<t =u1 ^.;ta.E =r(lJ_d !t .9.e; E!g;0, 6-.=6r?co=o-+* E'qG,i E=(!.eo.9EE P S.E ELCOcE,q ro9nsE SNtri"E RV T' (Yl tYlarntA c,lr(, r' toCL CLttn(JI(!(, o E IJogcoI o o(J TLo(J o(, o- t+ o rr1 F{(n+tJ)q1 dl!(.) N\lc.9 (!(J Eo(., oo_ofr/1co,Noro =!c(! (or{oN lr)FloN o.cAPcLg=o9uEfl9C,-cL.-gp IIE -'.9ooCLtro.=,o yc oorJ -crF.9 -.-g ot, oj :EtraOu,t'Eq'Eu oc l!.=o-c .EeE6 Ol,(,(Eorx6 =aL-o-o= o-rt(u8E o. (L4o<.9a;o9gzEa -d (,i6H.'8'e E.E E>r.rE21'ltlf tr-qous 6138FH6 .= {,1 =ur!frf EtrLOs sESEEF:;*Ef.!Etro oI EaDtrrJ2 o ooE Ee,E ooc.F '.= co EfIOco.9 UP-cEo!69 PC $too,(u'=troi(!oJzc. gE fi;!rooio.i fi HE=u;i E HT x B t E(u i;-c o o > (! = 8_!:=*44I o€ 3 9! 3O E : g*_g: r =+ I 9T i E AE-l)y.o-oP-=(n(u(J>s,^t@!-{3*EEtEgi il : E H gEPA ;*;EE;** = '6; >q -9]o tr (: -, CJi O-O: E;!Ee!S .E ;f, Etr PT P # il ;Ei i H:P Ur'-Pt>3; ; E T i gE H eEEEEuu{ *o ;- C oio)(o l{;;.E sE = cslE E?tr)r6 9Po o-i -6oq! hoEH 3EI >G E PHE qEtr orgl..FB/i A:(UoBE or@F f,t- 3-!o).YdJ-o-cutr 3t5 obCP6or 9=t 9;-c. = -o(,) i?E(!.=6 O'lFlON oo F{oN EoI d @! E oo oE ;o€ ap co @o o o E E o!! E co o o oo o E .gEo a op o o o o! E-z o E z EoI F ao 6 E ,:!c 6 co =f0t U oo o EGz 6o EG @or N D EU e z A tr F oEts: I c; a oFU 3 E6zo ! o ti6C'3t d2 E Go .!-otoodInt .izoo EEn HEg Eo co o=E to E EoEIgoo oCI !! g 6 A6 otc @EoU E oo o@6 ouod i, l: r I : ll- oz OJ .!rt.= E r c.!!foco oo Et!z Eo Y -lr-l 0)Ud E6 -lH.-l @.q()j1-.{ E FIObe--o -E q.pL/1rgN(lJesCJooh 66 o,,(l)!oJor=*aEEE g G6;€€66r!(uoo-c P-o-oqooRPPYqq9qqoo)(l,HHb ==9eet55:o l(U.(gvta E $--O - r!E< E Paz, o c o{l o IJE-',) E- 6oJN oJ o-!C E 9P 5 ^,92 9 t:or.: 'tb- b I LJo.o d, .tate fi =: r bO (Jz> zi E (go (! !co(oo Lo'tr o.o .5 co 9oJ EEooJ>o,oo_Eoo, uoEC.}'=;oor= E3 (U+_ooE-c =9-6-6)(u_ivs)@-PEIcoJC,P or '9(!O -9. Ao-(! (go L(!Ec -g(!(J o o. o) oo 'T =EEo oo.oEo o)3 c.9 (oIo 3oc L OJ o) 3o (!.uE .= o) (o -9CL o0c EoCLoE. Jaor o tr{!!f coI oo E(!z E(Jc<(!(, 6-Pa6(J.sg E;(oOo'.=oitr ;B>< EOO-L EO.=u5orFooLCor(!E _c.6PL llJo- -tlJE.sub6z\q,EE co gE oC54(J; k3d::3^. 6096!6 -6Pb!=-o:+9E6 !E'F.9<EH, o oJEO O-gooo omo AJc ooE .sE(, Fcop co luCL o c, T'E o EU a) E1' o EU uo o(-) Ol(no dN 666@X88888ff)(nmmli F\oom NNc\ r-l Ux 0) LN $No @or t-- @oN o6o OJC=G GT' ;o.F c OJp co (, CL o o.cl E =z olt E =zocos.o.o,oF Uoco(J 6 o -lm () .51.rl E 6o .!= h0 .=-o 6b!(, 6coI =3o=U l co oo- OJ EGz ocoU orno rlNo c{ oq) E6 aoo L oNo &4 l]DI l]aU oz l] H doo A @&o E. A ots] tsr >, il ci qc oFI H!da4 = (, Eozoo .E,f o F.Oo Orr- sfl o!oU Gq, T' oo ot 6?C'roCIa da C) Eot-t6 =o tD6oi(tdrOonl d2 SEQfE E9-L t, aiEaarE=€ Co ocoEttc!?to !! o 6IJEc 6.9c:E.EoE;gcE 8EEI N o@Gd P4.13 <010> Study Arr. Code /110r\fl'7 <015> StudyArea Nam.rNBIre&X SA XO, 8 LIXI@ PSNERSEIP DBA INN GDllN <020> Program Yaar 202t <030> Contact Name - P.r$n USAC should @ntact retarding this data Mike Blv <035> ContedTelcphon€Numbrr-Numb.rofpcrenidlntificdindataline<030> 2087980245 exE.1222 <039> contact Email Mdre$ - Em.itAddresr of parson idontified in data ltne <o3o> mikeb@inl andce 11 ' com Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313(fX1l. Privately held carriers must ensure compliance with the financial reporting requirements set forth in 47 CFR 54.313(fX2). I further certify that the information reported on this form and in the documents attached below is accurate. (3ooe) (301oAl (30108) (3012A) (301281 (3013) (3014) Progress Report on 5 Year Plan csrri.r certifi cs to 54.313(0(1Xiii) cenifietion of Public lntercst obligations {47 cFR 5 s4.313(fxlxil) Please Provide Attachment Name of Attached Document Listing Requircd lnformation Community Anchor lnstitutions {47 CFR E 54.313(fxlxii)l Please Providr Attachment Name of Attachrd Documcnt Listing Rcquir.d ls your @mpany a Privately Hcld ROR carricr {47 CFR 5 s4.313(fx2D lf ycs, dcs your company fil. th. RUS annual rcport lnformation 0es/No) (Y.s/No) ooOO (301s! (3015) (3017) (3018) Plcase chcck thcsc boxas to confirm that the attached PDF, on line 3017, contains the required information puBuant to 6 54.313(fX2) compliance rcquircs: El.ctronic copy oftheir annual RUs rcports (operatinB R!port for Telmmmunications Borrowcrs) Document(s) with Balance Shet, lncomc Stat ment and Statcm.nt of cash Flows lfth. rcspons is ycs on linc 3014, attach your company's RUS annual report and all rcquired documcntation lfthc rcspons is no on linc 3014 is your company audit d? lfthr respons is ycs on line 3018, plcase check the boxes bclow to confirm your submission on lire 3025 pursuant to I 54.313(f)(2), contains: Eithcr a copy of their auditcd financial statcmcnt; or (21 a financial rcport in a format comparablc to RUs Opcrating Rcport for Tclecommuni6tions Borowcrs Documcnt(s) for Ealane Shcet, Income Statem.nt and statement of cash Flows Manatcmcnt lcttcr and/or audit opinion issucd by the indcpcndrnt ccrtificd public ac@untant that performcd thc ompany's financial audit. lf thc rcspon* is no on linc 3018, pleas ch*k the boxes bclow to @nfirm your submission on linc 3026 pursuant to 5 54.313(fxz), contains: Copy of thcir financial statcmcnt which has b€n subject to rwi.w by an independ.nt ertificd public accountant; or 2) a financial rcport in a format comparablc to RUs Opcrating Report for Tabcommunietions Borrorcre Undcrlying informtion subj.ct d to a rryicw by an indcprndent crrtifi ed public accountant Namr of Attach.d oocumcnt Listing Rcquircd lnformation (Yes/No) O O {301e) (3020) (302U (3022) (30231 (3024)UndcrlyinS information subjccted to an offier ccrtifietion. (302s)Document(s) with Ealancr shet, lncome statement and Statement of cash Flils Name of Attached Documrnt [isting Requircd lnformation I {3026} Attach the worksh4t listing required information P.a.13 <f ou6o g E s o .E = ,r t E i z a6-tsoU o66OE6-CPolcOGFd-EEfi:.gqs:E gi{8.s8 ;9 E;-s*EE?iPE g 5 i P E E E E or\69lodN(n{tNN!!(n(nrlmdtcoovoooooEt1t1slt1t1t1t1t1tr + oUoG r oo ! E! ! o o t! E 3 o o E IEz o ?+ 15 <o1(}> <020> cod. Arca Nama Yrsr ffilmuF.aut@D&ffilDhffictrm 2o2r Contrct Contrct contact of pcrson Authorlz.d Rur.l Ero.dband E acrimcnt (RBE) rcclpi.nts must addrGs tfiG crrtmcatlon for publlc intq.st obligatiom and provid. a list of n.vyly s.rv€d conrmunity anchd institfibns. tub[c mcrG.r Oilltrbli3- FCC r/r-gt (p.rXr.eht264t,78l Phas..ddrcsi Unc t1001 rc8.rdin8 complhnc. wlth tha Commission's pubfic intlfc3t obltratbns. All RBE partkipants must provid! . rcspom. to unc rO01. lml. Racipi.nt cr.tmcs thlt it b ofilrirE broedbrnd mcctiB th! rrquisit! public intcrcst oblig.tlons consirt.nt with th. crtcgory lol which thr.,y wlrc sclccted, includirts bro.db.nd sp..d, htGncy, us.8. t.prcity, .nd r.t6 that src r.rson.bly comp.nblG to rst6 fot companblc offcri4s in urban arcas. CommunltyAndor lnrtloruoils- FCC rr.gt (p.qr.ei rg) /l{xl:L. RBE p.rtlcip.nb must prdidc thc numbct, nrm8, .nd .ddra$6 of cornmunity snchor institutims to whkh tfiey naly dcployed broedbend scwicc ln the prccrdin3 cal.nd.r ya!r. on this lin., phas. rEpond (ycs - atach ns community anchoB, no - no ncw rnchors) to indk ta whcthcr thb list will bc providcd. f ya. !o {003A, plClrG proyld..,caponsa fo. tlql3B. {pBb, Provid! th! numbcr, namcs rnd .ddr6srs of community anchor lnstiEtbns to whkh the .ccipilnt nedy be3ln prqidinS accrss to brordband servkc in thr pr.ccding c.lcnd.r y!ar. l{.m! ofAttachcd Documcnt Ustint Rlqui.ed lnformation P{t 15 P*.15 <010>Study Area Code <o15> <030> <039> Arca Name Contact Name - Person USAC @ntact Contact - Numberof identned in data lin€ <030> persn a Lrxtm P&mglE Ds tw @I,m line <0:lO> dt.b.rnredc.rr.cor 5005 Alaska Plan (s011) (s012) Please indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previous calendar year in areas previously served exclusively by performance-limitint satellite backhaul. lf the filing carrier identified in its approved perfomance plans that it relies exclusively on satellite backhaul for a certain poriton ofthe population in its service area, indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previoius calendar year in areas that were previoiusly served exclusively by satellite backhaul. tklDtlon (, 8..1h.(l ,GhEbtv (Yes/No) (Yes/No) f,illy hmd ldbB o. tuFlhtbh <5013> D.E t .&rul Anlhbh P{c 16 F o-a oz o c.9 (!o to(, coE .g5ETg ouc,rE E €oo. Eo(L.E 0, c -9t2 =oq o. FIc)to hI 3Elq ".-E tab iCLy.93e>60,0,c'a efiE cYSElgtsg=.E isgg9< gt=€so-tr;E g =oo9e EE-_'aiiESEfl "E I c,u, 6t: oo6 H n a!nx 6 oo o EGot,sEo to!coe 8. o o E!t =6 EU p lcttt =6eUtG oIJ (no? ;xo 6 fl od Aoo oc G6Ec !a, co! co 8. o o3 E:2 3E =zoco=o -eoFaG eoU l^h lct >. o ovI oo1l E TE Eoog 6ocou t2tot (J lco oc oEoz UG Go(J ooc, oo E6UeA oo & BId ts oz,{ EH(EA A! EEE oEh I I deaEzo EHE aI Eoz6o a = 6o Fo F 0lt,oC'oE E = oo 5 $ o Ea4 oz d, o E(, Co .EoE5E Eo(j0,Et-o-ltogE lr.r .90:ts.2EEgOscLCEOOE:g6t!EE9tF& .E9t66C(,, =o.o66:*(,G a- a- ctd<)l\ 6I ou6cn cIo e Io oE oEtEEoiEcoEcoeI o e?tt =6 Er o !! =o Eu u6co(J oo oo EooIc oNo dIjEU o z*(0a A Eq u EE4A o EHIHT ci2 oil 2ogozHIE dB oEozEE !: 6do F F o!I Go 1'3 oo o at 4 Fa8.19 <010> StudvArca Codc 479007 <015> StudyAraaNamc I{ASHINqION RSA NO. 8 LIMITED PA.RTDIERSHIP DBA INIiND CEtIITIAR <020> ProlEm Year 2027 <030> Contact Namc - Pcrsn USAC should contact regarding this data Mike Bly <035> ContactTch9honaNumbcr-Numberofpcrsnidcntificdindataline<03D 208798024s ext.1222 <039> Contact Email Addrrs - Email Addrcss of perrcn identifi.d in data linc <030> mlkebotnledcell . com TO BE COMPTEIED BY THE REPORNNG CARRIER, IF THE REPORNNG CARRIER IS FITING ANNUAL REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHATF: Certlfratlon of Offker as to the Accuracy ot the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or tl Reclpients I cerdfy thrt I am rn oficar ol thc ruportln! carlc,; my ,aspomlbllltlas lncludc Gns[rlnt thc acdr]acy ol thc rnnual rupo]dnt rcquhcmcnts ,or unlyaBrl scMca support rcdplcnt$ tnd, to thc bcst of my knowlcdS!, thr lnfom.tlo rcportd oo thlr iorm rnd ln .ny .tt drmanB b rccurrtc. NamcofRcmrtinr6arylgr TASHINGTON RSA NO, I LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DBA IW GLLm Sirnaturc of Authori2.d officcr:Datc Printcd namr of Authorizcd Officcr: Iitle or oosition of Authorizcd Officer: fcleohone number of Authorized Officer: studv Arla code of Reoortins carriar: 479001 Filin( Due Datc forthis lorm. o't / oll 2020 Pcent willfully mking f.ls statemGnts on this iorm en bc punithrd by fine or iorfcitura und.r thc Communietions AEt of 1934, 47 U.S,C. 95 502, 503(b), or finr or imprisnmrnt undrrTitlc lSofthr Unitcd St.t.s Codc, 18 U.S.C. I 1001. PaEc 19 Page 20 FCC Forfi tttt Olt/Econtrol tao. 306O{XS/Oir! Coilrol llG ifilr$!,crlhcton Fomr - A;cnt 41 9007<010> Studv Area Code <015> Study Area Name WASHINGTON RSA NO. 8 LIMTTED PNTMRSH]P DBA IW CELLUNR <020> Prosram Year 2021 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact reeardine this data Mike Bl.y 2087984245 ext -1222<035> Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identifled in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of oerson identified in data line <o3o> mikeboinlandcell com TO BE COMPLETED BYTHE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FITING ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier the data rcported hcreln based on data provlded by the reportlng carrier; and, to the b€st of my knowl€dg€, the infomatlon reported hereln is accurate. \ame of Reoortinq Carrier: Namr of Arfhorired Arent Firm: iisnature of Authori2ed Arent or Emolovee of Asent:Date: Name of Authorized Acent Emolovee: fitb or oosition of Authorized Agent or Employee of Agent felebhone number of Authorized Asent or Emolovee of Arent: Studv Area Code of Re@rtinr Carrier:Filinr Due Date lor this form: 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 0 1001. Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAf or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reportin8 Carrier lcertjfythat(NameofAgont)l3authorizedtosubmlttholnfqm8tlonreporteddbehalfoftheroportin9carrlor al3occrtlIythatl8m"noffl"",ofth"ffi3lncludoen3urln9theaccuracyoflheannualdatar€poningrequlromentsprovldedtotheauthorlzgd agenu and, to lhc bost of my knowledge, the reporB and data provld€d to the authorlzod agont ls accurate. Name of Authoriu ed Arent: {ame of ReDofrins Cirrier: ;irnature of Authorized Otficer:Date: ,rinted name of Authorized Officer: fitb or oosition of Authorized Offlcer: feleohone number of Authorized Officer: ;tudv Area Code of Rercrtinc Carrier:Filins Due Date for this form Persons willlully making false iatements on this form can be punished by fine or forfeiture under the Communicataon! Ad of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 55 502, 503(b), or fine or imprasonment under Title 18 ofthe Unfred States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. Page 20 Attachments I rno.A ao--t (u H o 0)--t Uo t--t 0.) o frl tr(6 r-{5rlr{ q.) d (d r-t H o UoF 0.) tr(d .+ -l-.](.) U (dr+ H o o(l) Er 0) otrl tr(drla-t-lc)U .rJ dr-t H c.9oc.!9 ooEcoo o coe Eo o.s 3ouc'6a o NG o o ! !o e i 6 q o o 3 6 Ui ! a oU d c dou a&paq ko 6r 6 3 UjJ Hd a oU 6 d oo @ U U E6 26oEo d -E Goo N€ E q o Eo o F ! a 6E c(c EcL .E =c = q UI! ! a dE .g 6(J cEoooG a eo 9 @!o e oo oc o G! .g!o.F c @p co oo = o !! oEU o! oEU coU oo !x o o oa 6 ! ,E!o ec@p o oo o o! Ez o! E za oEoooF a U o o E o E.9E q E u@ 6 co ! o U lco @d o Eoz coU oo oo E o d No 5DJjEU o zJ a E HzF o ts E j CJ zoF0z 43 o E6z6o ! 6o oi6ct6Ia G'- o Eo(,o =o ro6I6rootll d25E EErEoNr.r5icr=t ococEEEEB. =oil+ab6 ooE8eE8 o!oQ @o !f oo U{IANDCE,TI'IAR June 18,2020 lnland Cellular's Tribal Engagement lnland Cellular (lC) serves the Nez Perce Tribe (NPT) Reservation and surrounding rural communities in north-central ldaho, and we have a long-standing relationship to enhance voice and data services to these areas. lnland regularly coordinates with the NPT Department of Technology Services to assess buildout needs and challenges, including opportunities to apply for funding to enhance services, such as Mobility Funds. lnland and the NPT successfully implemented its stated partnership with the NPT BiP/BTOP applications (see attached Memorandum of Understanding dated on or about December 17, 2012, between lC and NPT) and we continue to share co-location facilities at discounted rates, advertise services in local communities, provide traffic backhaul to each other and continue to identify future sites and business opportunities to bring new and enhanced services to the Nez Perce Tribe. lnland implements its delegated federal trust responsibility from the FCC and uses the FCC's TCNS portal. When requested by a tribe, lnland will consult directly with the interested tribe. When the Nez Perce Tribe requests consultation, lnland works directly with representatives of the Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee, the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and the Nez Perce Cultural Resources Program, along with the State Historic Preservation Officer as applicable, to ensure compliance with the environmental and cultural preservation review process. lnland contracts with the Nez Perce Tribe to conduct archaeological surveys and traditional cultural property studies on the Nez Perce Tribe Reservation and other lands of importance to the Nez Perce Tribe. As technologies and data speeds advance, rural communities without access to broadband and other fixed and mobile wireless solutions will be further disadvantaged, and our partnership with the Nez Perce Tribe multiplies the return on our efforts to close that gap. As an example, lC has entered into talks with NPT to explore a partnership in the upcoming 2.5GHz RuralTribal Window. The goal is to leverage each other's strengths to close mobile broadband gaps on NPT Reservation lands. ln addition, lC has executed as of July 2,2OL8, a Special Services Contract for partnering with NPT to build two new towers to be used for mobile and broadband services on NPT Reservation lands - this project is still ongoing. Ability to Remain Functional in Emergencies Certification 554.313(aXo) EICs musf demonstrate that it has a reasonable amount of back-up power to ensure functionality without an erternal power source, is able to re-route trafftc around damaged facilities, and is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. Re: lnland Cellular LLC (f/Aa Washington RSA No. 8 Limited Partnership) (SAC 479007) ("Company") The Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. $5a.201(a)(2), as such standards relate to functionality of wireless carriers in emergency situations. The Company maintains back-up power to ensure functionality without an external power source in the forms of auxiliary generators and batteries in its central office and auxiliary generators and/or bafteries at its cellular tower locations. The Company also constantly monitors traffic on its tower locations and its switching capability is more than adequate to manage the traffic of its subscribers. The Company is able to re-route traffic around damaged facilities. Al! lnland Cellular subscribers are defaulted to roam on competitors should an lnland Cellular signal not be obtained. State of ldaho County of Nez Perce SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this Notary Public for My Commission expires I(^IHYEGIA}O NOTARY PI'BIIC. gTAIE OF IDAIIO COMMESIOI}IMER3QE7 rfY coMulssloil gPnB t-2-aal SS CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE WTH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH.COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841 requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers (ETC) certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high-cost supporl provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1 I am an officer of lnland Cellular LLC, an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universalservice support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's day-to-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 3 lnland Cellular LLC is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer prolection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4 I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. S 54.202(aX2) 5 I also certify that all federal universal service support funds received by lnland Cellular LLC during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(el, that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1 , 2021, through December 31 , 2021, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support 6 This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(el of the Telecommunications Act. TlherJp*t Nathan R. Weis, President July 1, 2020 Date *or A )^-0*" >ClO <_/ at I U