HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200701Assurance Wireless Form 481 and Affidavit.pdfPage 1 <010> StudyAreaCode 479015 <015> StudyArea Name Aaaurucc rlr6laBs IrsA t . P <020> Prorram Year 2021 <030> ContactName: PersonUSACshouldcontact wtth questions about thls data <035> Contact Telephone Number: Number ol the oeBon ldentitied ln data llne <030> 9137626107 qt <039> Contact Email Address: Emall ol the pe6on identlfied in data llne <030>mdy.n, Iecarteroaprlat. cm Form Type 54.422 r\t*,,\tr*,K;EFrnrf)rfl ** 6@ ;*t $t "tfi ;*uil 1"i'ifl;, cx qr. .d'*d,,- ffi{tl (d)'f!g ffi :H Page 1 No Gd Epo:!E Bgta oF.e.96EgE'Eg o fEi; si =strE;;E E 9rlE-8EEo o-.EE Oi=gz3#ri<> o obc!oEE50=tgo oF aoreb< EEzd fI EEuogEoE:o !ctgoog"o to s,EOF Io t6qO o:r6 fo EEEEZ E o E ooo oo.gao o.9o g IIGtoeo EGo os o o] oo o!c -go o'tro.o! or OA N Eoq E q 0 o ;ioF oo o ooE .E!oIEcoP o oo o o!! 6E@ o!! G E G coU o o )( r o Eoo! .s!o,,cop o oo o o! Ez 0E,z EoEooEF6 EoU o o q I ='!!E 6 oE ,9 U.s!o{o o o ! =oE U co oA Ez E6 EoU oo EGco oNo ! o o 3 UE aEoz o !f o oEo 6o Ef oo 6 Bat d-6 oLIo-o ooI3Io d =EiEaEEE9ovoE6ds=g ?.!lo ;EEIoEgE!lo =Eic gE EE =dEE do@6d ?s3 <01(> StudyArea Code <015> StudyArea N.mr l..Ee6 ltr.to. ss !.1, <020> ProgramYear <03(> Contact Namc - P.rson USAC should contect rctarding thls data &.r X. @.tG <)35>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person ldentifted in data line <03(> <039>Contact Email Addrcss - Emall Address of person identiff€d ln data line .dy.r.r&.^.r.nry!i!r.6 <030> <400> <410> <420> Select from the dropdown llst to lndlcate hor you would llke to rcport voic! complaints (zcro or grcater! for voice telephorry sarvlcc ln the prior calandar year for each servicc arra ln which you arc dcslgnatcd en ETc for any facllitics you own, opcrata, hasr, or otherwisr utilira. complaints pcr l(x)o customers for flxed volce Cornplalnts per 1000 customcr for moblle voice ?Tl P.t 4 @ stdrhco& "tolt @ d$ffiT.Lctilxmk . Xmbf, @ ffi Emll AddB - En.[ ldd.s ol re ldiffrLd ln dt lh. @G .'av.r. l.ncot.rybt'c6 €13> Cdttry GorDlhE with .pllobh hlnlmum eMc Sid.td. Psa @ouod c.9oc.!! oottco6 o E6CI EoU o,= aaoac'66 o G 6 o @ ,i c o: E d cooEo() dc 6 ooo No oU E ! o o E Uq .g!- o j d D !oE .9 GUq .Etoo@E o 6 Ec! C Ic €!o cC ! E oo o .E 6 o! .=!o ECop co oo = o GEU o E o EU coU o oo oc G! .g!oEcop o oo o o Elz o! E1zoco ooF c U o! .9€ q .E! o o o o EJoc U co o oEoz ocoU oo Go EG @0 4 oNo I D .d E!a oE6z Go Ef o @!o oo ! o o Ot 6ctAra66 d2 E Eo(., ao:o rooc!C' dorll dz5E EEsii aatq 5.5u=t .EcEAEEEEE- FT6-g ooEQeE8 @or6C oo.Co)z o =Eo U r\ a,h0oA -gb€o.9xZ-dXLo8aI>z XE;.Eo,gir! B aE3 o e Hgi.-I I h E g =EEE € E E fiBgzo?>;--.E 5 s, ; F I = Po-oCL.=.io.=Zc-'=oftr'=9-'oe = ,Nl s 3gI-o.ig 6 EgEE E rAgE+i€iqE; E,".E;EgExEsEE *'EE=iiTgEs.,a'l.P ;.€E;;5'gEs-*iE ;€gi=PEEE5E€E3 E€;;f f f-f-EE ; : i g HEE e I I E I E E; u E .E g E -5 -9 =o. =o E- =o =o =o.s:t* 9E$s555555ts!i;o: c:6 n n n n n A n n n:o:iHNmtLn0N60tYOtr}NNNNNNNNN€e€il ? ?399???? co E =ooEoE o o @Eoz co o .!ono co Eoo0GEOcU co Ec o oo 6-o'cF oNo ruao6UFut.9s3co =.c6J ol)'tF o o) z oI To E'co 6l) o o: co b0.s os ooo ooOl EoI @! c l 6 o o o = 6! .=!o.,co = oo 6 o !! 6 E @ !! 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L,' '-9r\9 9ioo, tP-ciE t =o,Lde,iE=to.eat.9EE E E.E ELCOCco&lJ (O(,A3E S(\C!V8 RV T' lY) an+ljl tot G,t!(J ll oCL CL =ttl IL' (!(, o E tJoctroI o G(J CLl!(J o(J Lr sf U (r1 Flrn$ln ro1 E,I(Jr\sfc .9 (!(JiE Eo(J oo_o_ =coNouo l =Ecr!(o FloN LneloN otePCLtrfo1sEfl(J0 -cLlsp e IC -'.9otECLtro.t=o6.Eo0,uf-c' .9P -:.-g OT' oiLU s lY)orl -dltrrf.9 r,r CLG'Eu o<. r! .= a, -tr .EeE6tl,ou)(,(! 0JlJEA;i -oo8E=o.t oo.E o;o9gzc=,; H .,,'E'egEe teE_aE:q(!us o'tEFH6.=P 6g(! frE EtLossE.EEE3:;*85t!Utror oI Eat c+.J4 o ooE Bs.E Eo; @ c i !a oo o E E .aE@E o! o oE- E ooE E oU o o o a oa oE o oo Ez ooE z E o !o :!o o 5 op .2g t =oE l o d o Ez E c Go E o d o o j D B o Ezo E ov o!o G o 6 6Q6I d-6 EoUo =o GE3at da3t E5EE6dHEi i o\B() E o co E1lEt) Eo 6 Eo E o6 oEoE !! g E co llI c o@o @ d oz o .!rt':s E r tr(!! coI oo Eoz Eo Y rJd-.1tl Pru @trotJ(n rd U }{6 -l Eidc(d omo 0,C=ooEc Eo Fco =c,o oo o 0., E'! =o EU oEE o EU I6 co(J dO q20--o fl.o:\pl,(o(\I (!s+O,ooh66 ooEQi(uf**6PP,g 66;lr-oiEE06(uoos Pll-OqooRPPYqqrJq66a, 0,, ooL66qJ=-cE3B: 66- 6b! l(o.(ovEE E S --o - G.6< E Poz 0., c o{- o PE-Ln E- d0,, N o, o-EE E o nAE .s -ol Ou O !, oll o, .t a t.s H2= 2P # (Eo (g!,co, (oU o'tro (U -c .g c.9 iE !,o=o .:: ro!olo>o,oo-ao(uuo'tf c>'=3odJ= Ee LPore_ooE<fO -O-o0J- ;P.b3!ElEoJAPo.9 (!Oovlo-o (! o) (! c o)(EU o'-o-oE, o0c f!E0,, oo.q,! o) o)3 c .9 (!oo 3o 0)E o,E; o, (! .9E .sq, (!o,o- DO EoCLoe. Jd) 4 U go =36tot, o(, E(!2 E(Jc<(! r/) 6-PA6L)CUv1g;(oOo.'.=9.s;e><h0a-tE(E.!(JForFboLCoroE .C.6ig IIJo--(oEErb6z\(l,-o -c GO CE!! or!P qC6€(.)d 33(J=:8^. 604 brE(! -o9uoI.9.=E-!: - Et'F.9<Et, o oEO o-gooo dN 6co60xoo605665?.(nmmmJ,, Noooo CNrno JJ Xo t--o r-l \oN\o t-- an r-l Or omo o, .E oo!, .=Eo,, C OJ =co OJCL o q,l) Efz ol} E5zoCo o)oF Io Eo(J rnmo tl(J JJ(n rU U E6Fl = B(u ,'{dg ooI' ,9= OD.c!, oooo) I6 ooEJos U l co 0)6- (, Eoz o co(J o(oo rlNo C\l 6{U EE ooo o- oNo o{ Fl (, D (n rn() -l0)t{-rl B q) U E(d t{j (nu o Eoz oo E'l rn o LNr{o Or F-$ 0,.E,o(.,) o0, oo gl 6CI666dt dz o Eo(Jo =otoootog rDC'6 d =$E E E3:9aiiiooru 5.8rJ=5 EI Eco 5Ioo Eco !! oEoC'Es8.91=6.Eot;sEE egH8 N @ P.9.13 <010> StudyArea Codc <015> Study Area Namc Assrrrrn.F Wi re l FFs IISA T, P <020> Program Year 2027. <o3o> contact Namc - Pcrsn USAC ahould @ntact ESardln3thit data Andrew M. Lancaster <035> contact Telcphone Numbcr - Numbcr of pcr$n ldentlflrd in drtr lln. <030> 913? 625107 exL <039> Contact EmaitAddress - Em.itAddr€ss of percn identmed in data ltre <o3o> andy ' m ' l anca6 ter@sprint ' com Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313(fX1). Privately held carriers murt ensure compliance with the financial reporting requirements set forth in 47 CFR 54.313{0(2). I further certify that the information reported on this form and in the documents attached below is accurate. (300e) (3010A) (30108) (3012A) {30128} (3013) (3014) Progress Report on 5 Year Plan carri.r ccnifics to 54.313(0(1xiii) crrtifiotion of Public lntcrcst ObliSations (47 CFR 5 s4.313(fx1xi)) Plcasc Prcvide Attachmcnt Name of Attachcd Documrnt Listing R.quired lnformation Community Anchor lnstitutions {47 cFR 5 s4.313(fXlxii)l Plcasc Prcvide Attachm€nt Name of Auached Documrnt [isting Rrquired '^ti:Tr"J:T O O (Ycs/Not O O ls your @mpany a Privat.ly H.ld ROR Carrier (47 cFR 5 5,4.313ffX2)l lf ycs, dcs your company filc thc RUs annual rrport (301s) (3015) (3017) (30181 Plcase chcck thcsc boxcs to confim that thc attached P0F, on linc 3017, contains thc requircd information pursuant to 6 54.313(fX2l complianc. rcquircs: Ele€tronic copy of their annual RUS rcports (Oprrating Report for Tel*ommuni€tions Borrcwers) Dsument(s) with Balance shet, ln@me statcmcnt and statcmcnt of cash Flows lf thr rcspons is ycs on linc 3014, attach your 6mpany's RUS annual r€port and ell required documentation It thc respon$ is no on line 3014, is your company audit d? lf thc rcspon$ is y"s on linc 3018, pleare check thc boxcs below to confirm your submision on line 3026 pursuant to 5 94.313(f)(2), contains: Eithcr a copy of thcir audited financial statcmcnt; or (2) a financial rcport in a format compaEble to RUS opcratint Report for Tclc@mmunietions Borowers Docum.nt(s) for Balane Sheet, ln@mc Stat.mcnt and statcmnt of Cesh Flows Managemcnt lctt.r and/or audit opinion i$ucd by thc indrpcnd.nt ccrtified public accountant that pcrformcd thr company's financial audit. lfthc rospons is no on linc 3018, plcase check thc boxes below to confirm your submision on line 3026 pursuant to 5 54.313(f}(2), contains: Copy of th.ir financial statcmcnt which hes bccn subj.ct to rwirw by an indcpcndent ertificd public acountant; or 2) a financial rcport in a format 6mparablc to RUS Opcrating Rcport for Telecommuni6tions BorrowrE Undcrlying information subjcctcd to a raicw by an independ"nt certificd public acountant Name of Attached Documcnt Listing Required lnformation (Ycs/No) O O (301s) (30201 (3021) l3o22l (3023) (3024)Underlying information subjected to an offier ertification. (302s)Deument(s) with Balancc Shet, lncome statcmcnt and Statement of cash Flos Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation (3025) Attach thc worksheet listing requircd information P.a.13 <f oEGd I E EEE s: E,t6 T Z Ez 6Etsa,I.E o66OEo-CyocE f;Et€*s6E:* ge{EsEXIE;soEFEEE g o' 2 E E E E EiF.'q6eA6.eONNq!d|(n.nmmcooYoooooPt1t1slt1t1t1t1t9tr o! B o E E 2 E B o tt oEor P.a. 15 <010>Study Arla C.dc 47r015 <o15>Study Arc. Namr <ll20> PrErrm Y..r 2o2r<030> Contaa ttamc - P <039>Cont ctEmailAddresr-EmallAddr6sof pcrsonldmtiltcdind.t linc<l3(> .dy.n.16c..r.ilp!rnr..6 a(xl5 Rur.l lro.dbnd E,OGdmcnt Authoriz.d Rur.l Broadband Exp.rimGnt (RBE) rccipirnts must addrcss tlrc ccr$fication for public intcrBt obli8atlons and providc a list of ncwly servcd community rnchor institutlons. tubfic [ricrGst ob[truoll3 - Fcc il48 (p.qr.phs 2&29, 78) Plc.sc .ddrss Unr 4o0l rc8.rding compli.nc. with th. commision's publk intGr.st obl'Ertirns. All RBE prrtkipsnts must provid. a r"spons. to Linc 4001. lml. Rccipicnt ccrtifirs that it is ofrldrf, broadband me.tinS the requisitc publk intcrcst obligrtions consistcnt with thc cltc8ory for which thcy wrrc aclGctcd, includinS broadband spccd, latancy, usagc clp8city,.nd ratrs that ar! rr.sonably cornp.r.bh to rstrs for cmparabla o,ffrrinls in urban arcas. Co.tlnunltyAndro? ltlstlt to.E-FCCL.gt lp.r.gt ph 791 /m8r. RBE p.rt'xipants must provide thc number, namet rnd rddrcsses of community .nchor imtihrtiom to whkh thcy n*ly dapbyed broadbend servkc in the prrcedh[ cal.nd.ryc.r. On thls lln!, pbas? rGpond (y.3 - .ttach n.w community amhoB, rc - no ncw rnchorsl to indic.t. whcthcr tii3 list will b. prcvidcd. It yc. to tlqBA, ph.3. prouldc. ]C pots. ror tldl3E. 4qBb. Provid.the numbcr, names and.ddrcss.s of community anchor institutions to whkh th. r.cipient n.wly b.8rn prorklin8.cce3s to broadband scruk in the pr.ccding c.hndar ycar. Namr of Att ch.d Documrnt UitinS Rcquirrd lnformation Ps 15 P* 16 <010>Study Area Code <015> <020> Area Name Year &ryuc. ri!.1... usa !. P. <030>Contact Name - Pc6on USAC should contact this data <035>Contact of id€ntified data line <039>ContactEmailAddress-EmailAddressofpersonidentm€dindataline<030> .dy.h.1.nc..r.!,+r1.t co Sooi Alaska Plan (s011) (s012) Please indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previous calendar year in areas previously seNed exclusively by performancejimiting satellite backhaul. lf the filint carrier identified in its approved perfomance plans that it relies exclusively on satellite backhaul for a certain poriton of the population in its service area, indicate whethet any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previoius calendar year in areas that were previoiusly served exclusively by satellite backhaul. O.slBlon Ot L.kh.ul Tchmlo0 (Yes/No) (Yes/No) i.rly S.ffid l€doB o, goFhtbn <5013> P.l.16 N o a c.9 GortrtI coEo.=5cto q,Ic.! Eo!o.L c.g.E Eg .9E, 0,l!.E6- FIFIoro E EE =E --E teb 3CLo lJ=r >60q,F.E A EEg6F= -E 6oU q,6==9<.if=EboE;E S =coP.g EE-.Eia8 EE "E oFlo(o o2 o 6I( !AIo&o Iao 5 1 !na o eoc; Et .E E!to!toe 8. o o E =GEU ott! =oEu66 Eo(J amct Ao g Go! EG EI;ot o .t E3z ol! E:2oco!o-goF Uo Eo(J uro ho!onUA6I j tots! e G6E 3 EE EoEo uoEou!:6t U fco od o Eo2 BGco(, oo o Go EoEI4 A c, j ( D aoo o 'ou( k)o 4 oEozGg !,5 hH? F oEIoo !,5 oo F ar o oUa oz o o t!L., co 6.9c =E EoogoFlD-l,ctgEr9OE2tPOE.,(I,P(LCc0, OEuE 8rptHg .E3t6oEe3cLo(!Cl:*.9E6.4 (,Fl(,F aol: I kAooko o6oc E. bq ooo oE=6o!E!,o coE coeoo. o ot,! =G EU o =,E Eo EU EoE6(J (n(, o ?oc=aoE E!oG Eott;o oa o o.o E =z 3 Ef2ococCI-coF u6 c6|J h6o c0!odq E ! j tohE e G G! 3 Ec EGEg 6Gcoog,I L) f Co or oEGz uoEo() oo? o 6o EGEPd o ? j da ooo okt ooE6k) I oE62oo 'lt56 DI F oatouoo t5 o o o a T Page 19 <010> StudyArea Code 419015 <015> StudyArea Name Aaaurance lli,leless usA L.P <020> ProgEm Y.ar 2027 <olo>contact Namr - Pcrsn UsAc should .ontad r.rrrdint this data Andrew M. Lucaster <035> ContactT.laphoncNumbcr-Numb.rofpcrsonidcntificdindatalinc<030> 913?6261.0? ext. <039> ContactEmailAddr.ss-EmailAddressofperpnidentifiedindatalinr<030> ady.m.lecasrcresDrlnE.c@ TO 8E COMPLEIED 8Y IHE REPORNNG CARRIE& IF TI{E REPORTING CARRIER IS FITING ANNUAT REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHAIF: Certmcatlon of Offlcer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reportint for CAF or tl Reclplents I GGrdfy thrt I am an offic?r of tha rGportln! carrlcr my rasponslbllldB lndud. Gnsurln! th. acaracy of thc annual rGpordn3 aaqulrcmcnts ior unlycrsal sarylcc support radplGnts; an4 to thc bcst of my knmlad3c, th! lnfomatlon rcponcd on thb iom rnd ln any rttadrmlnts ls acuratc. Nameof ReDortinrcarricr. Aaaurance wlre1e65 usA L'P sisnaturc of Authorized officcr: CERTTFTED oNLrM Oatc 06/29/2o2o Printed name of Authorized officer: Lary tlelana ntle or position of Authorized officcr: vice Presldent Ielephone number of Authorized officer: 91379{1452 ext Studv Araa Crde of Rercrtins Carier: 479015 Filim Dua Date for this formi M / 0a/ 2020 PGrsonswillfullymakingfdlcrtatrmentsonthlsfomonb.punishadbyffnGoriorfclturtunderthGCommunic.tionsAqtof 1934 47U.5.C.55502,503(b),orfinGorimprisnmcnt undcrfitb 18 ofthc Unit.d St.t.s Codc, 18 U.s.c. ! 1001. PaSe 19 Page 20 fCC Fdlr atl oi,l, control I{o. a[i0{s6loi/18 cortrol rG $6o{!il,6lhcfb(l Forrn frrt <o10> Studv Area Code 479015 <015> Studv Area Name Assurance Wireless usA L.P <O2O> Prosram Year 2027 <030> Co^tactName-PersonUSACshouldcontactregardingthisdata hdlew M. LancasLer <oqs> contectTeleohoneNumber-Numberofoersonidentifiedindataline<o3o> 913?62510? ext <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> andy. m. lacasterosplint . com TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIE& IF AN AGENT 15 FILING ANNUAT REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALF: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier cer0fv that (Name of Aqent) 13 authorlzed to submlt the Informatlon reponed on behalf of the reportlng carrier atsocerurytiattam"n-om""eaccuracyoflheannualdatareportingrequlrementspIovidedtothgauthorlzed agsnt; and, to lho bost of my knowledge, the reporb and data provlded to the authorlzed agent ls accur8te. Namp of Authorized Acent: Name of Reoortinr Carrier: sisnature of Authorized officer:Date: Print..l nam. of Auth6ri2ed Offi.er: fitle or bosition of Authorized Offlcer: feleDhone number of Authorized Offlcer: Studv Area Code of Rercrtinc Carrier:Filinc Due Date for this form: under Tille 18 of the United States Code, 18 Lj.S.C. 5 1001. TO BE COMPtfiED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier :he data r€ported hereln based on data proylded by the reportint carrier; and, to the b€st of my lnowledge, the lnfomation reported herein ls accurat€, \,lame of Reportinc Carrier: {am. of Authorized Acent Firm: ;irnature of Authorized Acent or Emolovee of Aqent:Date: !ame of Authorized Aaent EmDlovee: fflc 6r b6sition 6f Authori?pd Ar.nt or Eh6lovee of Asent [eleohone number of Authorired Arent or Emolovee of Asent: itudv Area Code of Re@rtinr Carrier;Filinr Due Date for this form: 18 of the United States Code. 18 U.S.C. 6 1001. Page 20 Attachments B o U 6! au (., o!(a o r.,1 (n t) o)rlot{-.-lB oU (d tr aa or-{.-t .aoE IH ot{.lJ 0)EE OJ -1.-t .a E IH oir.lJ 0,E o-{.-l .aoE IH ot{!oE o .-l or{ .11 .aoE I Er otr 4J 0)E -l.-l 0)-l--l o Co oc .!9 ooEcoo o EGe EoI o .E oucoa o U) 0.)-loH-.1B oo (dlr oa Or FI 4 D c.)-l--t .q E ..-l (/loo-totr..1 B 0)o 6tr aa on c/) 0.)-l--i !oE .rt (u r+.-l .qoE Itr ot{!oE a oo] UOl trIJ 0)E o-l.-l .aoE I Ei otr]J 0)E ooo u)UAol.l! 0)E I Er o-l--t "aoE I Er 4 cqo rl F] F] .lJ moB 0)r-t-rt .qoE I Er rt; F] lJ ODoB OJr+-rt .aoE IH 0) --l-_t .aoE IF Eq ! o-i--l .aoE IF( mo (u --l'.1.aoE I Er ca H o-l--l .anE I Er mo (l)-l-_t .aoE I Er Equ I Fr cq H I Er 4o F]n o6 E o ts] c/) 0)-.].-i -aoE U F]n a6x(u Er a Aolr! 0.)E U F] F] (d.-l 6 r-1 UdH 3()z Aotr U; F] (dd(d oz (/) Aog ]J 0)E rt F] F] d.-l U F]; -t(d tr .t-.) a)U 0).-l-rt .qoE IF Fl F] .tJdoa o) .-1-.1.qoE I Er d 6 U H o-a -lo.lJ l-r()3oO{ F]Ff r-l(d tr-lJ (.) 0)-l.-i .qoE I tsr 6 d a; H o.t ri 0)!tl 0)3oA nn .lJd o ()-t-.t .qoE I Er U F1n JJ(rld(u ,IJl]oz o -.]-.t .aoE IF .-l E (/lUao i"{ JJ 0) = Or lr qJ-.t -{6U (/)Uorolr r-J 0)E U F] F] ]J m 0)B OJr-t-rt .qoE I Er € j a D 4o: coo E Uu .E6aoo N @ q oU E ! o Gq Eo{.gE I 6 'i d !oE a6! .g 6(){ E ooE o @ Eo 9 !q g! o a € oo oc o G! ;o .Ecop oeoo o o!! o EU @ E! 6 EU o c U oo x oo o .E G! .g !oEcoEc oo q Efz o! Efzoa-o -9oF a U ho ! d j ! t oo! .9E q .g!oqo oco =foE U aogo4 o Eoz o aoU o o oo E uo oNo 0! 3 o a o Eoz6o !f o o!oU6o !f oo or octA16o6 d- 6 Eo(, aa =o tooCIo6toCIit d2 SE EEsrEocau=!H5: "gEGqEEEEo- Egl,-E6EQsE8 (J AFf ol o-t.-1 .aoE Utr co oc .99 o6Eco ao o Eoc Eo o.5 foocoo mG m U)o-l(u! (n m 0,rl 0)tr.-t B oU dtl (rla (n t/) 0)r{ot{--lB oo 6tr oo o]n aD 0)rl.A .a E .-t Al-l U)D 0)-{.-l .a E -.1 A F] (D o-l-_t!oE .-i A F] cr) () -l-rt .aoE ..t An cn orJ-A .aoE -.1 A}f U)D o--l--l -aoE .-t An (/) a)r-l--t -a E .-l a rao-l 0)i{--lB oo (6 tr ao rrl(u -lol.l--lB o Ucfdh n .-l B 0)o rdlr aa (nao--l(u! u)ao-l(uh.-t A,l '(U) o --l--t .aoE o-t--l -a E --l!o = .11 oaor-l 0)t{.-l B 0o (0 tr a oo 0)-{(u tr..1 B a) dtraoo ao 0) 0)t{.A B ooE(dlr a m4 U)ao-l --tB o)U 6t{)aaoa orn d(/) D 0) -l.-l .aot A Ff a 0 -l--l!o = mor-t OJtr-rl B (U trrdtrIo(n o t0 0)-l o)tr--l B oo 6tr oa o U)o-l()!--t B o 6t{)oo oa(u -l(u t{.-l B 0) (s t{ oo oa 0)-t OJtr-rl B (u U rdtl oo a m o)-lo!--t B q)o 6! rrla oa(u r1ol.r (u U (si{)oa o rl .-1 B o dtr a U)o Orn oo q j (qD !o = b! o FI orFf (/) 0) An a 0)-{.11 .qoE --t 01Fl (a ._t oFl U) 0)-l-_t .aoE ..-l An a 0)-l.-l .a E -Fl A,l y) 0)-l--l! E -.1 o ts] 4(/) o)-l.A .aoE .-i AFl U) (ur1 .-1 @ N @ .rt-rl'rl.rl q!o ! o 6o Eo(J U.s!o- € .j < D !oE i ! o'tr oU@ Eooo @ eo,.1 !q @ o d E !c o o oc oE .E!o EcoEcorloldl*tol ol!lEI1l GIEI :l ol EI!l<t_t EIUI 6l EI6l :l EI?l x oo oa G ! Eo Ecot Co ol *ol 3lal EIrl 1lqtUI!l EIrizl @icloltldlololFIrl EIol :lhl ol"l o i I j 3 &E ! U fco o4 o E6z 6 coU oo 6@ oNo j D o 3 d! @EGz6o !f 4o a C'G' or 6It6i d2 P EoC'6-o to6I6rootl d2 SE:E EErio HE gciAEEEEE. EIo'E o! _a 6o ! = oo I m m() r-{ 0)tr--tB ()o rd aa o)-lo l.{--i B (1)o 6 m -{ 0)tl--iB () dtr o U) ooo-l OJtr--lB 0) (6 tr ao o F] (/) (.,-l.-t .qUE --t o] F] a 0)-l--l .ao = --t -l (rlo --1B .tJ oa q-l o ao An (n D oA--1 .aoE d.-l olrf U) 0)-l--l -ooE ._l 0iFl (/) or-t-.1 .aoE(._t o 0,rl 0)tl.-lB o a a mo-lotr..1B 0) 6tr oa aa 0)-{a)!.-1 B oo dt{i oa ao 0., -lc)tr--iB o H6l{ oa4 mu(u r-{otr'-lB (u o m(u r-lolr.-lB (uo f6trt u) U) oo (u r1 c)tr E,9og .!9 ooEao .o o coCtEoU oc aoUco6 (l) rdtr a U) or F] (/)fA () -l--l .aoE .-l G)-t-.1 .q E ooo U] UI m Aj F] o oo € UFf F] A m o]n (/) 0)-J--l .o: .-! o{ F] a o-l--lr+-.1 .aoE -rt o F] v) o-l.-l .qoE .-l 01 F1 a 0)-l.A .aoE -rl p{ F] (/) (u -l--l oE -r{ 'rl A F]( Q orl-.1 .qoE "F{ o{ F] (/) (l).-l'rl .aoE .4 -rl.A --l j 4 dpo: q o cGc EcL t ccc q o!o ! o Go EoU .sEo- 6 j {' D !oE o UdcEoooe o @ EoI q o!o ;;d oo o 6 G! .=!oEc@p co oo o o Eu o!! o EU oc U o xo oo ac o! .E!o FcgEco oo q Efz o! Elzoc ooF coU o o I j '!! E o6E .9 q E6qo co ! fo=U fcoeoo oEGz 6coU oo 6o EGq e oNo I E { c L n o EGz Go !l o ol 6C' sctan dz 6!Co(,o-o rDoao6too(n dz6E:EEOEeraor.,=E6 5cE0AEEEiE..=oFT6-c ooE ooa{ o!oUGo !) State of lbnras CERTIFEANON BY EUGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE IAIfi SERVICE QUAL]TYAND CUSTOMER PROTECTION. ABILITYTO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL !N EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH.COST SUPPORT. County of Johnron AFFIOAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29&41 requirea thd Elagibl€ Telecommunications Canierr (ETC) cediff thd it b complhnt with applicable service quall$ stardards and consumer protoc{ion rulcs; and ETCs must demonsbate the ability to ramain functional in emergencieg. ln addition, the Gommissaon must rile an annual ccrtification with the USAC and the FCC that all bderal high+ost support prcvided to ETCs within the SHe of ldaho wil! be used only for the provislon. maintenanco, and upgradhg of frilitiea and services for which the support is intended. nccordingly, the undem[ned states and vedfres under oath the following: 1. ! am an offcer d Acsnancp 4frpless U$4. [.P. . an el{ghle telccommunications canbrior rcceMng fedenal uniroreal seMce support under section 214(e) of the Teboonrnunbationg Act of lg96 in the state of Haho. 2. N'A 3. Assuranrr ltfioless USA, L,P.is comprylng with +plicable seryice quality etrandards and consum€r protec{ion rules of thc Fcdeol Cormunbalions Commission and thc ldaho Publrc utilties Conrmiseion. 4. I cedifr to the Commieoion that the Company ie able to ramain functional in enrergnndes ar rct forth in Cornmissbn Oder !tlo. 29&41 and in 47 C.F.R. S 54.202(aX2). 5. N'A 6. This vcdftcation and affidavit is pradded to be the ldaho Public tltilities Conmission to enable the IPUC to certiff to the FCC that 6dera! univercal sericc Bupport receivod by thg digible caniers ln the state wll be used h a mannor consistsnt with Section 251(e) of the Telecommunications Act. slbAA-**-' VP NamdTitlc ob-oo-aoap Date J.rn<aoao for residing at My Gommbaion expires 6t -. ''oA t ) ) I 8S SUBSCRIBED AND Stt/ORN to bcfore rne this . adh Oay ol EVEtYll ltl. VERtOll ilolrry Publlc - Strl! ot l(lma. lly Aooo'nlment Frprrcs at'!!" rorl