HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200630Mud Lake Telephone Affidavit .pdfState of ldaho Coung of Clark ftr0Elvs& ) CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIERi.. oF coMPLIANcE wrH sERvlcE QUALITY AND cusroMryfr:[ JU]{ 30 PH 2: 5 ) PROTECTTON, ABILIW TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, At{D usE oF FEDERAL HlcHcosr suPPoRr ' ' " "t ':: - -if*khffigl' AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilites Cornmissbn Oder No. 2sd/rl requiles that Ellgible Telecommunicafions Caniers (EfC) certlfy trat it is compliantwlth applbaUe eervice quality standards and consumer protedion rules; and ETCs must derpnsfab the abiltty to rernaln functonal in emergencbs. ln additlon, tre Commisslon mustfrb an annual csrtification wlth the USAC and the FCC that all lbderal high-cost support prc\rlded to ETCs wihln the State of ldaho will be ueed only for the prwlsion, maintenance, and upgnading of facilitiee and seMes furwhlch the support ls lnbnded. Accordingly, the undenrigned states and vertfies under oeh the bllordng: 1. I am an officer of Mud lake Tdeohone fuemtive. Aswiatiut, an digiUe Elecommunlcations canier br receiving tsderal univereal seruice support under sedion214(el of the Telecommunlcations Act of 1996 ln the state of ldaho. 2. I am famlllarwt0r the Companfs day.today opera0ons in the state of ldaho ard wlth the Stiate's service quali$ standards and consunrer protec'tion rules as set forth in Commlsslot Order No. 298/.1. 3. Mtfi lake Teleohorc Cappp;nttve. Aswfiltkn ls complying with apflicable service quality standads and coneumer protection rules of the Federal Communba0ons Comrdssion and the ldaho PuUic utilites Commi$lon. 4. I certfi b the Commlssbn that the Company is aHe to remaln func*ional ln emergendes as set forfi ln Commission Order No. 29&41 and in 47 C.F.R. S t4.2CE(aX2). 5. I also certify that all hderal uniwrsal eervir- support funds rcceived Mud lake TeleohoneMnttw. Asrnifrol during the curent calendar year will be used in a manner consistent wtth secffon 234(e); that is, brthe provtsion, maintenance, and upgradirq of fadlites and services br Wrich he eupport ie InEnded. The company will ontinue to cornfly ftr the perbd of January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2921, to be eliglble for Ederal universal servilr fund support 6. This verificatlon and affidavit is provlded b b the ldaho Publlc Utilates Commlsslon to enaHe he IPUC to cedify to the FCC that bdenal universal seMce support recehrcd by he eligible caniers ln he state wlll be ueed in a manner consbtent with Section 2il(el of the TelecommunicdionsAct Executrre Officer 018mNo. My AND at of