HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200629Viasat Carrier FCC Form 481 and Affidavit.pdfTHE COMMPLIANCE iqECEIV,I F6{ffiil GROUP ?ii?il Ju?,t 29 PH '.rl-,ltA, .rj'i\.-{ i-l f LrB i li;''i ii ;'i':l-! COH,FilSSlffl{ lune29,2O2O Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, ldaho 83720-OOl 4 .! .. i{} == =J))il rrlil 4ililIil IililIt.liliil ilt 5tl:t 'r'7 ri3:I]rf, f, I byt-T- ab'ot RE: Viasat Carrier Services,lnc. - 202O FCC Form 481- Annual Ellgible Telecommunications Carrier Certlfication - SAC 479026 Dear Commission Staff, Pursuant to FCC requirements under 47 C.F.R. 55 54.313 &54.422, enclosed please find for filing a copy of Viasat Carrier Services, Inc.'s FCC Form 481 - Annual Eligible Telecomm un ications Ca rrie r Certification for SAC 479026. As the filing indicates, Viasat has not yet commenced providing high costs or Lifeline service. lf you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact me at (7031 7t4-t324 or map@com mplia ncegrou p.com. Respectfully Submitted, lualilha-g Marsha A. Pokorny Managing Consultant on behalf of Viasat Carrier Services, lnc. 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 400 Mclean,Virginia 22102 P 703.714.1302 | 703.563.6222 w www.commpliancegroup.com t mail@commpliancegroup.com State of CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALIW AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. )ss County of ) AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841 requires that Eligible Telecommunicataons Caniers (ETC) certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annualcertification with the USAC and the FCC that allfederal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1. I am an officer of Viasat Canier Services. lnc. , an eligible telecommunications carrier br receiving federal universal service support under section 2'l'4(e) of the Telecommunications Act ol 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am famitiar with the Company's day-today operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29&41. 3. Viasat Canier Services. lnc. is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the FederalCommunications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certiry to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29&41 and in 47 C.F.R. S 54.201(a)(2). 5. I also certiff that allfederal universal service support funds received by Viasat Carrier Services. lnc. during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent withs@!g4-254(gLlhAUs, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the suppon is intended. The company will continue to comply forthe period of January 1,2019, through December 31, 2019, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certiff to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 2il(e) of the Telecommunicatbns Act. + ryf- Robert Blair/President & Secretary Name/Title f,or.c ?b, 264, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of Date -hnc ?O2O Notary Public for residing at My Commission expires €ec qllaOtei Noto'J California Jurat with Affiant Statement A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individualwho signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the tMhfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document, State of California County of San Diego Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this aG day of by RoU.rr+ Bl ai.proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who appeared before me. InmA tYIr{ DOYrt t{obry ?ublk. Crllfanb Srn Oqo County(ommhrlon I 22ll56t Comm. [rpircr ltar It. 2021 Signature of Notary Public 20b_, Page 1 <010> StudyAreaCode 479026 <01$ StudyArea Name vlaEat <020> Prorram Year 202L <030> Contact Name: Pe6on UsAcshould contact Peggy o'CoECIl-Plkcwith ouestion5 atout thls <035> ContactTelephone Number:72Oa93632O exL Number ot the pe6on ln data line <O:10> <039> Contact Email Address: Email of the oerson ldentified in data llne <O3O> Margdeg.Ocouell-Plkeevlaeat.cd FormType s4.313 ild s4.{22 Page 1 N{r EpE€ *g&a oH.t-95E gE o EE;; sge;;t E flT eE; o-'ii! o= Qa2,!8 aH<> 6 obc!oEEtoziE.loF Eorgb<lo EEzd lI ECEoEEcE,o EEteEOEolo tG s.ECF,o o G6 to oEoIo Ep6b e*EG2 E o ! N a o oUo foo.9z0) o.9o -9 otsoCLo c @o os o o] Go @:E,cgo .9oot or AA N N oI o ccoUI o! o = oo o G 6E .EEoEcop o o o oEE G EU o !E E coU oo x oo o Eoo! .= !o Ec@Eco oo o ooE,z oo E =zocoEo EF G o o a oU e) Eo -o ooE.9{.=!oEo 6 o I =o U lco or oEoz coU oo E co L odo 6 oEozoo E = o ott3t ct2 3cot,o =o GoI6Ia dzSE EEnHEi atiozocEeo,eoEEEEER,CI€>o EE !o o ! a o @Gd Pca <01D StudyAreacode <01$ StudyArea Name <02(> ProgramYear 2021 <030> Contact Name - Pe$on USAC should contact rctarding thls data &sy o,tuu-Dlk. <035>contact Telephone Numbrr - Number of person identifted ln data line <030> contact Email Address - Emall Address of person identifred ln data line <03(> B.sr.e!b1l-ttt -h..t,.6<039> <m0> <41(}, <420> s€lect from the droldown list to lndicete how you would like to report voice complaints (zcro or greater) for \,oice telephorry scfvice in the prlor calcndar year for cach srMce area ln whlch you are dcsignated an ETC for any facilities you own, operate, lcasc, or othrrwise utilizc. Complaints p€r 1(m customers for fixcd roice Complaints pcr 1fl)O customers for mobilc voice Ps3 ?Irs db $rdlr^med. <,15r !fildyAe. t{e d26 ?rmnYd Otgr Cilt dEm.f lddc-EGdlddEofDmldcofrdhdrt lrd3o h{6c <500r Ccnffy@o0f.no! c8.rfta.blhylofundoo hoarfrey dtu.ds Yar <5lO lrBiBi[dMfrtrorRndlo.Xtyh tmrliqslhlrdc 4?9026 rdaho (5101 MOrON&ln Ir amcrd srmuorg.p4l ,1.3 (610) Descriptive document for Functionality in Emergency Situations Viasat has in place contingency plans for credible emergency situations for each of the major network facilities that are geographically distributed across the United States. These plans contain activation, required staffing, escalation, and communication procedures to dealwith such emergencies. Additionally, allof the company's e ground-based facilities are equipped with independent power generators and sufficient fuel to operate for several days so as to mitigate power outages. The design of these facilities contains multiple levels of redundancy and autonomy that also mitigate the need for dedicated human interaction @o@6d U oo) a Lo3Eo c.9oc.!9 ooEc6 ao o oo EoI 0c'a:oBEoo o ooo 6 E o ! o o t(c EcL o .s n qcc N 6 a6oE U{.g!- o o ; !o ! ! U 6.i ,9 o ucEoooE € Eo9 I EFoa9 ! E o oc o6! ;o Ecop co oo o EE G EU o!! Eu oaoU o o o .E o =trop o @o o a EJz a3Elzoco-a@oF 6coU o o oE .9 {.g!o{o @ o 3loE U lcoeoo o E6z 6co oo 6 E !( o oNo oEoz6o I g! 6ctA166at d-o Cott6 =o rDoot66ro(t 6D .i2 o E:(J C'16NEEog g EoAEEEEE- a! ?ib6 ooE oc EoE(, H o!oUoo oo I Io@o NoqoEo- a;o o ao Eq Eooh E oE !o 8 E F I oq d OJxoltooE g ooo O^'eas E29,2 -:. E :'O.-. Oao E-ErIs5g93=6?5oll'=oyF--n qEq=co-l9zta-8'!€'ctrIH.9'a€Ein a36Egf;b;>68EEtseEc!!df.ifr;; =q=mgPE; =.:E6 c.9 o .99Eo Eo EonooaoEr co Ec 0) o(, 6lt F oNor oaornUFr .9E3co E'g GJ 6ll F od(rt z ou.E o !,c6 o-o o o Ecoto .s o c,o6 ooor co E3 oot,tuE @ oo Eoz o -9b€o.9sZ-oXLo8a:>z o ! o ao 2iffi o !du o4 o2 o A o a 4 oz o, Aq o2 op o qo o2 o, a oz o A u oo oz o !du aa oz E.o F opOCE aEgaq,ro :- . 3'IE g E EEf =trE8o.trs 5 g giHF ';ur 308E uEfilsa.6c=t qH H.HiE'n-P :>E.!=.EEE. . E = 3 E P. E 3EESEgB=EPg TEE3:g.EEtE ;:fi;-EEE;EsPE='9s.cEEEE E Hi E E E E E E Eff;r$ssssEsE.ES'E E E E E E EgEEgi.e=o.=o.=o.=.qEE6EEEEEElgoosOOOOooz. ()LL - () () () (J (J |J NANNAA ANm$urlDF@o)NNNNNNNNooro)orororoio)vvvvvvvv dNo) Eo 9 o oo o oUq 0h o! E oo o EodE .E!o EcoPco oeo otE =o EU cEE E 6coU Ao ov oo o,g oo! .s!o EoEco oe o oD E!z oo_E,zqcotdooFa6 oU ov o o aoIo hoo o Eoz tsG co oo Go EGEoe oNo 6od o Eozo E E! o F oEoU 6o >l!J :oov FoEo4 (920) Tribal Government Engagement Obligation Viasat did not provide supported services in 2019. As Viasat continues to develop its service offers for 2020 and subsequent years, it will comply with all Commission requirements for Tribal Engagement, including, as applicable, needs assessment and deployment planning with a focus on Tribal community anchor institutions; (ii) Feasibility and sustainability planning; (iii) Marketing services in a culturally sensitive manner; (iv) Rights of way processes, land use permitting facilities siting environmenta! and cultural preservation review processes; and (v) Compliance with Tribal business and licensing requirements. 6oEOGo- coEt.Jo6to.c,UG ooE6z coE,Uoa !,oEoIE oo El!2 >'l).d F{.,{.a(,g noeoU o +J6H (, U..1 l{tuu) d(dnrt(tot{o tEd oo4o or{oFIv t+{ doo,4.(tot,UHCdudN '-{oct(hEFO{U oFlnl!o..trlo.o.4 1)o2 !tcl!lt!ll!o -ct o cooE!l.3.E otrE6!so> E=*'i 5;o€8ECt8 C.9 loo Eo,o =a6 toCL EIllc.!tIttoo !o o g (,o Eo o.9o eEo0,v=.3Eo=or9E6!9-g>6=€t686Ct8 .9 toIEtI =lt EGCI Eooo6 0,o.E o .go omoooH 6r{o F{ 3 F{ BI!6o6 aoI A c!oUI o doka = xo F o(rto oE 6 61' E!,oE Co!to oo o 0, t,1' 6 EU o a,! =.!EU Ia! Eo(, ordlo o(no 0,.g 6 GT' ;q Fco = o o..t Et2 olr Eaz ts.oco(J utrno o occo9o boo oo!,.?E EOc =t6o6' 6Gcoo =5oc () fco oa. o E6266co(J oarlo N G0, E Et0o G oo !6 d oErEzr!o =,5 6 l,'}o do F {,.o oL)l!6' t, =6 odo 6ot0Gr (1010) Detailed Description for Voice Services & Broadband Rate Comparability Gompliance Viasat did not provide the supported services in 2019. fu Viasat continues to develop its service offers tor 2020 and subsequent years, it will comply with all Commission requirements, including that voice service rates are no more than two standard deviations above the applicable nationalaverage urban rate. oloq0t!o- o o,5o.coCLo oc o dLcvigcraEo-o.oETE.!r x =ELOEo-EFO =>ioEE.,.:- cLo6gEg3 EgEhEAoct8 osidd oCLllI .D9R!6cCEoE?CE8E96 o.€€O6^ = cLcncL = c1, J-(,,O-cZot6 ?*3ovZ-oo6-84E.EicoBo(,6fre g ESe66LFE tsEea$€ eo-#Do.= EFEEi,e9.EE si eEEp5 o(nFlH ooF z 'io c.9 o-o =o !IGllE o o, oc oE3 Eru(,) oodd Eoq 6 6 60 ocqoU9 o! oh E oft.|o oc (! (ot, .E!,o Fcop Eo oCL o o E'!, o Eu 0, E'E' G EU U(! coU o)(no X0 o(no o .E 6 6!, .E!,o ,trcop co oo o oll E3z ol! E =zocoEo _goF IGco(J !n(no o oEEo 9o 0o G G! .2 aa.EEt!aa0, EGcou =,o (J vl Jco o6- 0, Eo2 Io c,o() odto (!o Eo ato o- oNo 6 @ oEl!z Gc, E5 u!Ho o:ooL., Go !, =vt oFlo Ot(, h0oa- o oUl!4 6A;c oc o T donoo otr oo o o aco 6coU{ 6EtsoH oT oH F co E =oo !,o UG o iU Eoz E t -gCL3u = uoa, o a, g t,coI Go o o oEq uogo E1' an NH E ct! CLoE otoCL o!,oE ect o =.E E o oll Etco.c cog G a,o d o' SfiE"E7ieoco.EE9EEE ar'Fco-ocLEE3 -ioUB E€E8Oiltg6To!to50tEoPLcEEEPEOEEEetrE6 EEHe:baxEE;E;s99;ilI ".;.,!riilltrcoficEE6!!r..^rJ.i3NOIE6OliEN->Ee}E9b,a,E o. E! o i6l!o3 .9 .ct =eo Jc J oNNFa c.gA.oE 0, J coECLgoFo.co o coE! o(J € Eo o N oo5 cyroEb€09co.9€26Eoo.=etilrtsCJ.EO EEgb .PE a0c.E -elt cL E.go,>Ebt6o>oo===o.ooE3 .l Fl odto (, .E o 6:El .s!o Ecop co oo o g t,!l a! Eu, oll!t =oEg ItE Cou (n(Ylo xo oN o F o(no o .E 6o!, E!o EcoEco L(,o o oa E,z on E zoCoEo -g0,F Ia!coLI lAo l! 6:op =ot .EE6U E I6 troo3 9 () tA3co oa. tu E.!z gocoL' 6(Y!o r!c, Eg a!oc oo a o Et!z (Eo !, =ah lJ) c, F rutlo(J l!o oo t oFloB.!o. (1210) Terms & CondiUons of Voice Telephony Lifeline Plans This Viasat Lifeline Program only applies to customerc who arc qualified to, and are receiving, Viasat Internet or Voice Service through a federal or state Connect America Fund program, or other similar program as designated by Viasat, and through a state or federal Iifeline program flifeline Seruice). For Lifeline Seruice, all terms and conditions of the Customer Agreement apply, as well as these supplemental terms: 1. As part of your receiving Lifeline Seruice, Viasat will discount your monthly Seruice fee for your Internet or Voice Seruice the amount of the then current federal or state discount (as applicable). The Lifeline Seruice discount wil! appear on your bill as a separate line item labeled "Lifeline Discount." 2. You understand that Lifeline is a government assistance program, that the seruice is non- transferrable, that only eligible consumers may enroll in the program, and the program is limited to one discount per household. 3. You are only eligible for Lifeline Seruice if you (or your dependent or other person in your household) currently get benefits from the government program(s) listed on the Lifeline Program Application Form (FCC Form 5629) or your annual household income is 135o/o or less than the Federal Poverty Guidelines (the amount listed in the Federa! Povefi Guidelines table on the Lifeline Program Application Form (FCC Form 5629)). 4. You understand that your household can only get one Lifeline Service benefit, and, to the best of your knowledge, your household is not getting more than one Lifeline Seruice benefit. A "household" is any individual or group of individuals who are living together at the same address as one economic unit. A household may include related and unrelated persons. An "economic unit" consists of all adult individuals contributing to and sharing in the income and expenses of a household. An adult is any person eighteen years or older. If an adult has no or minimal income, and lives with someone who provides financial support to him/her, both people shall be considered paft of the same household. Children under the age of eighteen living with their parents or guardians are considered to be part of the same household as their parents or guardians. 5. You agree that if you move you will give Viasat your new address within 30 days. You understand that you must notiff Viasat within 30 days if you do not qualify for Lifeline Service anymore, including if: a. You, or the person in your household that qualified, no longer qualiff for any reason (such as, no longer qualifying through a government program or based on household income level). b. Either you or someone in your household gets more than one Lifeline Service benefit (including, more than one lifeline broadband internet service, more than one lifeline telephone seruice, or both lifeline telephone and lifeline broadband internet services). 6. You agree that Viasat can give the Lifeline Service program administrator ('AdministratorJ al! of the information you provided on the Lifeline Program Application Form (FCC Form 5629). You understand that this information is meant to help run the Lifeline Seruice program and that if you do not let Viasat give it to the Administrator, you wil! not be able to receive Lifeline Service benefits. You can also apply for Lifeline Service directly with the Administrator through the National Verifier, available at https://www.lifelinesupport.org/nationaFverifier/ . 7. Security. You agree to take reasonable measures to protect the security of any devices you connect to the internet through the Seruice, including, without limitation, maintaining an up-to- date version of anti-virus and/or firewall software to protect your devices from malicious code, programs or other interna! components (such as a computer virus, computer worm, computer time bomb or similar component). You expressly agree that if your computer or an internet connected device becomes infected and causes any of the prohibited activities listed in the Acceptable Use Policy, Viasat may immediately suspend your Seruice unti! such time as your computer is sufficiently protected to prevent further prohibited activities. You will be fully liable for all monthly fees and other charges under this Agreement during any period of suspension. Although Viasat has no obligation to monitor the Seruices or its networ( Viasat and its authorized suppliers reserve the right to monitor bandwidth, usage, transmissions, and content from time to time in order to operate the Seruices, identiff violations of this Agreement, or protect the Viasat networ( the Seruices and other users of the Seruices. In all ctses, you are solely responsible for the security of any device you choose to connect to the Service, including, without limitation, the security of any data stored or shared on such device(s). Viasat customer seruice representatives are available to Lifeline customers who need assistance obtaining access to free anti-virus software. 8. All the answers and agreements that you provided on Lifeline Program Application Form (FCC Form 5629) are true and correct to the best of your knowledge. You understand that willingly giving false or fraudulent information to get Lifeline Service program benefits is punishable by law and can result in fines, jail time, de-enrollment, or being barred from the program. 9. Viasat or the National Verifier may have to check whether you still qualify at any time. If you need to recertify (renew) your Lifeline Seruice benefit, you understand that you have to respond by the applicable deadline communicated to you or you wil! be removed from the Lifeline Seruice program and your Lifeline Service benefit will stop. 10. You may transfer your Lifeline benefit to another Lifeline service provider at no charge for the transfer of benefits to another provider. 11. You were truthful about whether or not you are a resident of Tribal lands, as defined in section 2 of the Lifeline Program Application Form (FCC Form 5629). 12. De-enrollment. If you become ineligible for the Lifeline Program, you have an obligation to contact Viasat directly and de-enrol! from the Lifeline-supported service. There are several other situations that might result in your being de-enrolled from Lifeline Discounts: a. If Viasat has a reasonable basis to believe that you are no longer eligible, Viasat will send you a notice of impending termination of the Lifeline benefit. You wil! have 30 days from the date of the impending termination letter to demonstrate continued eligibility by re-certiffing your continued eligibility. Viasat must terminate your Lifeline benefit if you fail to demonstrate continued eligibility within the 30-day time period. b. If USAC, the administrator of universa! service, provides notification to Viasat that you have more than one discounted account or that more than one member of your household is receiving service, Viasat must de-enroll you from the Lifeline program within five business days.c. You have an obligation to re-certiff annually that only one member of your household receives program-supported seruice and that you continue to be eligible. If you fail to respond to Viasafs or the National Verifier's request for certification, Viasat or the National Verifier will provide you with notification that you have 60 days from the date of the notification to provide the requested ceftification. If you fail to provide the requested ceftification within the 60-day notification period, Viasat will de-enroll you from the Lifeline program within five business days from the end of the 60-day notification period. 13. Viasat Voice. Viasat Voice provides unlimited local and long distance calling to destinations in all 50 states, plus Canada. Fees apply for calls outside of these locations. You may contact Viasat at [number to be provided] to block calls that could result in additionalfees. Call blocking, also known as toll limitation, is offered at no charge to Lifeline customers. Further, you may purchase a battery backup; we offer 8- and Z4-hour options for a one-time fee of $_ and $_ respectively. 14. EasyCare Plan is optional for Lifeline subscribers. Viasat wil! provide EasyCare to Lifeline subscribers who elect the seruice free for the first 90 days. For more detail, see the EasyCare Plan Addendum.4 15. If you are unable to resolve a dispute with Viaat, you may conbct the [Agenq NameJb Bureau of Consumer *ruices (BCS). BCS will address Lifeline-related issues that include (1) eligibility disputes; (2) prcgran offering issues; and (3) limitd quipment-relatd issues. Contact the [Agenq name and contact informationJ or submit a complaint form. Mail: [Agenq Name and Contact InformationJ. 1! uoc,F =co) Ef()OCo.9 EE-cEoL60 PC $Eoo) 0., .= tror(ooJzG. o Eo f 0.).C (!u o.oU q)o'tr o- OJs ;tro =+j oo- odO-d:tooN oJ '- GOE: b!L2a-- o- 9 0,,LEEt'a63F Ut\r-loN ==o)EntTE9rf;u1 r:! ta *c =e0Jil!o;: EtrH;; --=6t,-Eo:o-EF E-6 G' 'i5= gHH E.9xtr &E EbEE,q ro9A3E SNC-{VE RV T'(n frt+rJ,l 1Ot G, (J rt oTL CL Jai L)l.) t!(, o E IJotrco(, o L (!(, CLo(J o L4 0(n FlrO+rJ1 tO1 Gu(-) N =lc .9 (o0 Eo)(J P oo_o_5thcoNoLLoLf =!tr(o (OdoN lJ'')rioN o.taYCLtr,o1oEfl90-cLEEIC -'.9otECLtro.i=o--'looL) .CEF .9P -r.-g o?, o.i oFl -d!trtOrn'6. q.EU o( l!.=o-tr .EeE6,oo69|!olJEiei =egE =5qr CLa<.q o;o9E1==-d (J:iH.,'P'eg.E E>vEiE:3 :.i8EH6.= .P 69.! rE Es sE.EEE 3: T*Ef(!Utro oI EiuCU#:ooE3e.E eo 9 @ €troUI E o .E 6 E .gEa5Z p t q o o EE E !! E 6 coI o -? -.s.E 6 9l Y]EJooir.l F HE=E;iE gIE : i o, =€ H[isu?(g t;-c o oJ > (!.9oPo.cqac o!-cP-o:f o.,IJ 3 9o EO E : fl*_g: r =+ f gP E E AEPl)y.o-oP=m(u(J>E,^Eqd3"EE;E9i il ; E H HEH'I P q -, c =t L: [+ E s; ; Eo 3;.1 sEgtsoE : E i es ; *: s;YEe!g -E Etr Etr PT P # H rli i g; 9,1 Ur'EHt>3i ; E il i gE H eEEEEgu{ *o .:-- coJO,3 3;;€ r"E = EslE !Tc>L!Oo3 Ag CL-6(og! mEH 36I >-6t EE'E LEc or9?''Foui E:(JorE or96 -c+ L -'-6J .Y oi-o<utr 3'=i eHo 9-o P.9oE :-oI :'l Z,(o,=6 OrF.lON corloN qc09o b GE .:-^E o o a E .=Eo =c@p co oo ! Etz o! Ez g-oIoF E oI o 6 ca Ifot lao d E 2I c oo o Ez o El oooAt d2 o Eo o-6tI E d2aott! E.E=e;RHEi o q- o'tI Eo c -9Uo=ICoa co o CoEI 6o GCo !! 3E6 eo o A 6t oEoIoo , oo o@o N EG oz c, t.!a.!,.= E l! co231^toI 0 o) E.!z r-{ ob3d-o -EqPlJ)(!Nl! bO33h OJOJEoof**REE g 66=.olr:iE' E'6d0Joo-cLLPll-OoooAPPYq0u066 HHU 33*22aiooe .u..!eU6U.roo- o do--ct - 6t< t Paz. o, cB'ea Eoul cL o,orN o, otct tP , ^,o)6 0, : og o g LJorll 0, .€n *U IE !. E.C l!2=28# (Eo .oE'c -g(o() Lo CLoE .g 6c.9i! Yr9a :o !,oo,>o,oo-ao0, b,0E.E->i39o= be OslloE-c-o=o-o,at) _EE,b=PZIEoJOJPo.E 6O9,3CL r! G(U (ET'c -9(!(, o'tr CLo o0c'trfE !o o CLo1'o o3 c.9P(!() .9 3oC o.E o 3(l, (o .9E .E (U (!g CL o0cEoo.o ac, 9d!4 U cl!g =]Atro(J oo Ea!z rcic<(!vt 6- H3.sg E;(gOo,Eg.E6U;e><fgE.oCLLLt,(!.L (J 5oFuoLEO(gEE6HLUJo--t! E.oui!3z\-(Utr.c(!o C-EE qC 64L' ,iEr(J=:8^. t!696'o EL rtEpE._e .=iL+!2E.= EE?EEt 8.:ooo dNtt OO6@666e8oo60mmG.rm!1 oo(n Eo Y +)(0 UI (d .Fl @o J1.Fl o{ I -l-lodHoUq rJo!dot{d = oano o.= G G!, .g!o Fco =co oCL o lt, !,! o EU oLE''o =6 EU u6 tro(J Ol(no ]Jx() oN c.)ro coo\ stlaNr- o(no otr oot, .s!,o Fco =co ocl o qJlt E =z Lq)! E =z (ucocoo OJF uGcoIJ rn(no () .54.rlA I r{r{o HdoU o oooA (! 6!, .9E h0 E l!EOo U(U coU3,o-c Q co (u CL ru E6z Ioco(J o(no rl c{oc! oo E(! boe CL oNo +Jd u)d-r{ o Eoz (oo !, r}o \oc!oolr-$ 0,E'o(J(!o ! =ttl o F{o N ou64 P4 13 <010> Study Area Code t"t 9l)) 6 <)15> StudyArea N.me lri , cit- <020> Program Year 2027 <030> Contact Nemc ' Prr$n USACshould @ntad regardinS this data P6ddv Ol(1dnnF 11-Pike <035> Contact T.l€phone Number - Number of peren identifi€d in data line <030> 7204936320 ext Marqaret. . oconnell -Pike@viasat . com<039> contact Email Address - Email Addre$ of person ldentmed ih data llne <030> Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313(fX1). Privately held carriers must ensure compliance with the financial reporting requirements set forth in 47 CFR S.313(fl(2). I further certify that the information reported on this form and in the documents attached below is accurate. (300e) (3010A1 (30108) (3012A) (30128) (3013) (3014) Progress Report on 5 Year Plan carrier certifies to 54.313(fNlxiii) Pleasc chcck thcsc boxes to confim that th. attachcd PDF, on line 30lZ contains the rcquircd information pursuant to 5 54.313(fX2l compliane rcquircs: Electronic copy oftheir annual RUS Eports (Op.ratinS Report for Telecommunications Borrcwcrs) Documcnt(s) with Balance Sheet, lncomc Statement and St.tcmcnt of cash Flows lfthc rcspons is y.s on linc 3014, attach your company's RUs annual rcport and all requircd documcntation lf the rcspon* is no on line 3014 is your company audit d? lf thc rcspons is yes on linc 3018, plcas chcck the Ccrtifietion of Public lnt€rcst Obligations {47 CFR S s4.313(fl(1Xi)l Please Provide Attachment community Anchor lnstitutions {47 cFR 5 s4.313(fXlNii)) Plcase Provide Attachment ls your @mpany a Priwtcly Hcld ROR carier (47 cFR s s4.313(f)(2)) lf ycs, dcs your company filc the Rl,Js annual rcport 3026 pursuant to 5 9.313(fX2), contains: Either a copy of thcir audited financial statcm.nt; or (2) a financial rcport in a format comp.rable to RUS opcBting Rcpon for Tclccommunications Borrowcrs Dcumcnt(s) for Balanc Shcct, ln@m. Statcmcnt and statement of cash Flows Managemcnt lcttcr and/or audit opinion isucd by thc indepcndcnt ccrtiticd public accountant that pcrformed the company's financial audit. lf thc rcspon$ is no on linc 3018, plcasc chcck thc boxcs bclow to @nfirm your submision on line 3025 pursuant to 6 54.313(0(2), @ntains: Copy of their financial statement which has bcn subject to rrvi.w by an independcnt certified public accountant; or 2) a financial rcport in a format ompaEblc to RUS Operatin8 Rcport for Telecommunications Borrowcrs Undcrlying information subjcctcd to a rdicw by an indep.ndent c.rtifi ed public arcuntant Name of Attached Docum.nt Listing Rlquired lnformation Name of Attachcd Document Listing Rcquircd'"',im"T o o (Yes/No) O O Namc of Attached Documcnt Listing Rcquircd lnformation (Yes/Nol O O (301s) (30151 (3017) (3018) (3019) (3020) (3021) (3022) (3023) (30241 UnderlyinS information subiectcd to an officcr certifi€tion. (302s)Oocumcnt(s) with Balancc Shet, lncome Statement and Statem€nt of Cash Flows Name of Attached Docum.nt Listing Rrquircd lnformation (3026) Attach the worksheet listing required information Prlc 13 tdo!06L o E ;,s Eu t =8 En oI- aAt-ou.E o6llc'c6-Cu EeaEgEiEE -tso9IOHrt(r}ttSNC{E,ndldlrndtaoo!iooooolet!s!M!M!gE t oEoA P* 13 <o10>Ar.a Codc <015> <020>Program Yrar 2027<o:ID Contacl Nam. - P.rson UsAcahould contact this dsta <035> parson identlfiQd in data llnc <0:rc> Bb!.c*-t1-Drbt...r.c6 {Xl5 Rrlrrl 8ro.db.od EtQcrlmgtt Authoriz.d Rural Broadband E ecrimcnt (RBEI rsipi.nts must addrcss th. clrtificatbn for public intcrcst oblEations and provida a list of nuly scnrcd community .nchor institntk ns. PuUk m.rdobllt Oonr-Fccltr-98(p.ng.pl62e29, 78) Ph.se address Unc /t001 rcg.rding compli.nc. with th! commission's publk intGr.st oblig.tirns. All RBE p.rtkipants must providr . r.sPons. to Lina 4001. 4ml. R.clpicnt certiftes that it B ofierint broadband mccti,E thG rcquisitc publk intcrest obli8ations consBtcnt with thc category for which they wcrc selected. including broadb.nd 3pccd, latlncy, u3.8r capacity, .nd rat s thtt lrc resombly comparable to latc! for comparablc offcrings in urban are.3. C.ommunry Andror lrl30tu0om - FCC !l4t (D..{r.ph 791 lrcO3a. RBE p.rticipanB must provid. thc numbcr, namet and .ddr.$€s of conrmunity lnchor instihrtlons to whkh thcy ncwly dlployld broadband scrvhc in th. precedirg calcndar year. On this lin!, plcasc rcspond (y.s - attrch ne community anchoB, no - no nc{v .nchoBl to indbatr wlEthGr this list will b. providcd. It v6 to /(Xl3A phrr. proyldc . rarponr. for 0038. q!03b. Providrth! numb.r, nam$.nd addrcssrs of community anchor Institutions to whkh th. r*ipicnt nctvly bcgan providing lcccss to bro.dband srvicc in th. prrcldin8 c.lcnd.r ycar. Namr ofAttach.d Documcnt LBting Rcquir.d lnformation ,.tr 15 ?S t5 <o1()>studv Are! Code <015>Study Arc. N.mc <02(> Ptognm Ycrr 2021<O:t{> Contaa Nrmc - l <039> cont ctEm.llAddrcss-EmilAddrcssofpcrsonld.ntifiGdindat lln.<)30> h4u.!.e.*u-D*.,r...r... 5(Xl5 Alaslr Plan (sou) (s012) Please indicate whether any tcrrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul bscame commercially available ln the prevlous cal.ndar year in areas pr.viously served cxcluslvely by pcrformance-limitint satellite backhaul. f thc filint canier identified in iB approrcd perfomancc plans that it relies cxclusivcly on satelllte backhaul for a certaln porlton of the population ln lts srMce area, lndlcate whedrrr any terrBtrial backhaul or other satellhe backhaul became commcrcially atrailable in the prcvloius calmdar year in arcas that wrre previoiusly scnrcd Gxclusively by satellit backhaul. DaaarFon of ...$nl LdrEbfy (Yes/No) (Yes/Nol ,adtyS.md L.doB * kphilon <5013> Ptr 15 F o a oo oz (l, Eo GrJIEoU co Eo.E =cro oIcl! Eo?oCL g .cCLoo co I, o .gEo- r{rloro Fo EE5CL -!u*r.g I6h eB: E3C>6o,(uF.4 A EEE!5.s -'l; 6oU o,l 5 =g< dt=E+o,e EE g =eoP.E EE --'aaf8Ef E oFl(fro 6 9!nan ao A o tso 8 .;0H6o!n: 6 o oc=o G!,EEo, 2oItco g o ottt =6EU gIt! =GEU6G coU oroo oo EEUoc oo 6an oEozoc E, ho F ol,o()og Bt oo ts 3 a o oE d oz o .9 lBL) co IEu.E EEoIJgo ttt -ltoF€ulid,:E.>EPOEOOPCLCcoOE:EfgptE8 -E3LqGE(r' CLOo6:sg6 ao- oo eo.l aa6 tI ogoUo .;0Idogg o6IoEG Gt .Ett-c oEco2oo. o o!!! =oEu o!t! GEu Uo ou o e oo o .E; 6!s!ot Eo!;oe & o on E3z 2 E, =I6e.coF EocoIJ h6o oI odc69o bbo oot.93 tsc:E GEg 66 Eou =! .e (JsfgopoG oEo2toco(J ooo ( oo EGEoE 6 ? !6on go2Ge B: 6 ct F o!to(Joo 13 =q oo e a-aA Pagc X9 <010> studvArea Codc 419026 <015> studyArea Namc vlasat <020> Prolram Ycar 202t <030> Contact Namc - Pcrsn USAC should contact regarding this data Pegqy o'coeell-Pike <035> Contact Tcl"phonc Number - Numbcr of p€rson idantified in data linc <030> 7204936320 exx <039> ContactEmailAddress-EmailAddressofpcrrcnidentifiedindataline<030> Marsalet.ocoue1l-plkeoviasat.com TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IT THE REPORTING CARRIER !S FITING ANNUAT REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Certmcatlon of Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reportlng for CAF or Ll Reclplents crrtlfy thet I am an offl@r of thc rrportlnt 6nlcr; my rusponslbllltlcs lndudc rBurlnt thr accuracy of thc annual reportlnt rcq[l]cmanB ior unlyG]sal $wka suppon 'rdplent$ and, to thc bcst of my knillcdtr, th! lniormatlon ,eportad on thls form rnd ln rny rttrdrments ls accurate. {amcof Rcoortimcirrier- viaaal ;irnatureofAuthorizcdofficer: CERTTPTED oMrm Datc 06/25/2020 ,rinted name of Authorized officer: Eric Baulesh nth or rcsition of Authorized Officer: Assiatut General Couael leleohone number of Authorized Officer' ?2 04 936 1 10 ext itudv Arca Codr of ReDortinr carrier: 419026 Filinr Due Date for this lorm' 07 / 0t / 2o2o Pctrons willfully m.kin3 fals statementr on thi5 form can be puni5hed by fine or forfetu.e under th. @mmuniBtions Act of 1934, 47 U.s.c, 55 502, 503(b), or finc or impri$nment und..Title 18 ofthr United States Cod., 18 U.S,C. 5 1001. Page 19 Page 20 Colhcdon Fortn Crrht fCC fo,nl /ttl cdrrol lro. 306o{sloirlccDol r{o. t(tro{Elg <010> StudyArea Code 41 9026 <015> Study Area Name viasat <020> Protram Yea.2027 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Peggy o'Comell-Pike <035> contactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<o3o> 1204936120 exr <039> ContactEmailAddress-EmailAddressofpersonidentifiedindataline<O3O> Margaret ocomell-Pikeeviasat com TO 8E COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIE& IF AN AGENT IS FITING ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carriel cedfythat(NameofA9ent}l3authorlzodtorubmltthelnftrmtlonrepo(odonbehalfofthereportlngcarrler'l atsocerurytiatt"."n;ffi""p-tlng*@eaccurryoflh6annualdat8roportlngroqulremenBprovldedtotheauthorized agenq 8nd, to the best of my knowledge, tho roporb and data provided to the authqlzed agent ls accurate. Name of Authorized Asent: Name of Reoodinp Cerrier: !iEnature of Authorized offi cer:Date: Printed name of Authorized Officer: ritb or oosition of ALfhorirrd Offi.er: feleDhone humber of Authori2ed officer: ltudv Area Code of Rercrtins Carrier:Filim Due Date for this form: Persons willfully making fal€ statements on this form can be punashed by fine or torfeiture under the Communications Ad of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 65 502, 503(b), or fine or imprisonment under Tatle 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. TO 8E COMPLETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier th€ data report€d hereln based on data provided by the reportint carrier; and, to the best of my knowledte, the infomation reported hereln is accurate. r,lame of Reportinq Carrier: \lame of Authorir..l Arent Firm: Sirnature of Authorized Arent or Emolovee of Agent:Date: Name of Authorized Arent Emolovee: fitb or position of Authorized Aqent or Employee of Agent leleohone number of Authorized Acent or EmDlovee of Acentl ltudv Area Code of Reertinc Carrier:Filinr Due Date for this form: 18 of the United States Code. 18 U.S-C. 5 1001. Page 20 Affachments U Eo 6E .99 oo !E6 .a o coCI EoI oc 56ucoo ]J(d CA(s o H 6 o o=G 6 JJ6ta ru..1 ,; ! !o !! cGo E U d .E6ooo N @ ! oq EoUdc E- 6 E ; ! ! !! a o 6UUcEoo@E o 6 E 9 @o oqcooI : o oc G o! .=!oE op c oq o o!! 6 Eu @pE 6E 6 c (J o o xo oo oc o6E .a!oEco.; o o ot E)z o-E1zo -o.9.oF o o(J o i oo o ou 6 6! .9 .E! 6uo 6 co =o U f o od o Eoz oc 6o E6{o d oNo o Eozo E !f o o gt 6eI66 a;2 6 Colrto-o iooI6(oC'ni d2$E EEsrEaNu =.Iu=r "gCGnEEEEE..=oi! +lbd ooEEsE8 aEoUoo !l oo