HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200629TracFone Wireless Form 481.pdfTRACF@NE'Legal Department Stephen Athanson, Senior Attorney - Regulatory 9700 NW I l2th Avenue I Miami, FL 33178 E-Mail : sathanson@tracfbne.com ftECTIVEB wireless, inc. iil2* -lul{ 29 P}t 2: l5 June26,2020 VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL h"lrn--;- At,-ot Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,ID 83720 Re: TracFone Wireless, Inc. - FCC Form 481 Report Dear Ms. Jewell: In accordance with the Federal Communication Commission's Lifeline Reform Order and47 CFR 54.422(b) please find enclosed a copy of the FCC Form 481 of TracFone Wireless Inc. ("TracFone"). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (305) 715-3613, or sathanson@tracfone. com. Sincerely, Za Stephen Athanson Regulatory Counsel Enc. l;-- ;:l ',r*lllLiC1coi,tili$sl#Fl o5c <010> Studv Area Code 41 9021 <015> Studv Area Name TracFone Wireless, Inc <020> Procram Year 2A2l <030> Contact Name: Person USACshould contact with questions about this data Janet Morejon <035> Contact Te Number of lephone Number: the person identified in data line <030> 3057156522 ext <039> Contact Email Address: Email of the person identitied in data line <030>jmorejonGtracf one. com Form Type N @@G4.!a of:!bgaeia c.9 =o oc ouo,oo.9eo " 3, ^ i;;; JsE; -::i I o6EB!lEi!.= qsl'r- -;3"o o-,E! O = o)2 oo--slE i;d<> o oEcooEEJOzagooF !o be5E!9 toaFza tI EEuogEGi= Io ooo Ecrou6to oqqoFu.=6F o t6si6q fo o Eog =€ s4,2 ! o ! N sg6' oo.9a0, Ov qJ!otro^ae cGoo3E! =oo Er.!:EvEI .9ooAfv oI danNN E I o o oE o oc 6! .=!o Eco =co oo o o!E E o !! Eu oc U o oo o.g 6! .g!o Fco =co oo o!EJz o! Ezoqo IoF tro(J o o o o c 6 !.9c uc€{o 6 co =f t f c or oEGz o oU o o E o( o oNo o o oco F o Ezoo I o r c! BCtoodt d2 Eco 6 =oo6oI(,@6 dzdtr.i E.E9ovoE6d HEi a.go ;cEoo.oc,SEE85g .gE>o388sx.r oEoU o oo I No{! itml nrtl"r of complaints per l,(XX! custorners loata cotteaion rorm FCC Fomr {8: OMB control,,: July2OtS <010> Study Area Code 419027 <015> Study Area Name TracFone 9{ireIess. Inc <020> Program Year 2421 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Janet Morejon <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030>345'7756522 ext <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> j mo!ej ono tracfone ' com <400> Select from the drop-down list to indicate how you would like to report voice complaints (zero or greater) for voice telephony service in the prior calendar year for each service area in which you are designated an ETC for any facilities you own, operate, lease, or otherwise utilize. <410> Complaints per 1000 customers for fixed voice <42O> Complaints per 1000 customers for mobile voice <01(b StudvAreaCode 479427 <015> StudvArEa l{ame TraeFone lllreless, Inc. <02(> ProEramYe.r 2A2L <t3(>contact d3ta .lanet MoreJo! <035> ContactTdeohofle Number- Number ofpercon identified in data linc <036 ext {39> Contact Ernail Address - Email Address of person ldentmed in data linc <)3(> jmorejonBtrqcfone. com <515> Grtify compliance wlth applkable minimum s€Mce standards <010> StudvArea Code 41902L <015> StudyArea Name r.aFF^na Wi?alaia- Tn^ <02O, ProgramYear ,d)1 <030> Contact Name - Person USACshould contact this <035> Contaet Teleohone Number - Number of person identified in data line <03O>ext <039> Contast Email Address - Email Address of person idenUfied in data line <030> Jmrejonetracronc.com <60D Certify compliance regarding abllity to function in emergency situations <610> Descriptive document for Functionality in Emergency Situations 6oUod oo-calz o =13q) I Eo oc.E {,oEco ao o EGo EoI o .E 6u.soo No oo 6 B c6o EoUuc.:6 a o N @ oa o2 g6oEoUu Eo = € 3 o ts .q o(.){c E oo oa E d oE o.g oo! .= !@.F co;o @o o a!! 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E oEE EU coU o o o o o o.= o! .= !o.,co =co oo o o Elz o! Efz ocoE oEF oU o ! t 6ao !loT a lco o oEz coU o E{o d oNo o o o Ez o !l o ot 6c6E d2 E co(, ao =o @da666om daoort!E.63ov(,EEN HEA !0.E trU c o c .9 G Cet E3o66 oto t,tl o 6()e6(, Eo o a- : eo I o!oU o !J oo @ d oU64 oz 0o toc!.=s E trt! E,ncoL' oo Eo2 Flo -E q.Prn(!Nr!sO338EEi.o0,,=**6:? g 6(!=lr lt ;; alaE(uoo-c!LP-O-El6ooPP?Eqra(J881HHb =-cE'='t9eetooeuu^(E.!v(16 (, 6rOO. O 606E> E EBee Eosl cL oJoN oJ otrc !>E > i =E= :,o)ttt ol : -q Oe O 9 LJLAo,g or -.€q 9d IE l+ Et (!2;28 # (!q, (!:E' L -9l!(, o CLo! .= taco2; _E.gl, !,oo,at--o.6o,o0EC.>'=3o95i: (U*tloE-c-C' =ti-0,(u- =f.g! PtlEOO,lTol .9 l!O@vio-6 t!o L(!'oc -g(!(J o Lo.o-cv @ 'tr !, !o -9CLoEo o =ct o (!IJ -9 =o Los o o=.go o l'icL .=otECe'6ao ut.- tE UCL co! vlto(, o (u Eoz rcic<a! (,E?EA.E (Jcl! Y- 9c(o0 E.Eo-9^og6PVt><'PgE.str.!.= lJSorFUOLCo.!3359g lll 3-=8.9lli!Ez\-()E.ccP(!o Cra6 =EtnC64uui Epu=r 8^. 6696r6-a!ePf;.9 o ET' =.9<eEo E E5O o--ooo .HNi? ooo66E E EE H(n(n(Y}(r.l ooGl Ho(-) oco(+{ odt{ lJ CJq o'r-1() t{o E-n o(no o .E(! |! =,;o EEo =co LoCL o o, E'E (o Elrl oL!io (! EUI o(, EoI Or(no +Jx() NNrf)\olr) rlr- lf)oco o(no oC r! t!T' .ET'o 'Ec,op co oo. o o!E z o.o E,zoEo.E CL0, o, I(! CoU lrl(no co'r-ot{oE p oc(d F) t! ot, ,2s oocE .un0(u Utg co(,s:o (J fgo oa- I 6'E(oz Uoco(, o(no rlNoN (Uo E.! ooIa- o ? ocH aa() -l(u t{.r{ B ocofqodtrH 0,El!z(Eo I'avt rnr{o r{No Ort-slt oooU(!(uL !,:,vt o F{o N oB64 {3(x)5) Rate of Return Carrier Additional Documentation Data Collection Form ,' FCC Form ttsl OMB Control Julv 2018 <010> Study Area Code a1 qa) 1 <015> Study Area Name TracFone Wirefess, In <020> Program Year 2021 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Janet Moreion <035> Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> 3 0 5 7 75 6522 exL <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> jmorej onGtracfone . com Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313(f)(1). Privately held carrier financial reporting requirements set forth in 47 CFR 54.313(fX2). I further certify that the information reported on thi: attached below is accurate. Progress Report on 5 Year Plan ca rrier certifies to 54.313(fxl)(iii)(3ooe) (3010A) (3010B) (3012A) (30128) (3013) (3014) (301s) (3016) (3017) (3018) (301s) Certification of Public lnterest Obligations {47 CFR 5 s4.313(f)(1xi)) Please Provide Attachment Community Anchor lnstitutions {47 CFR 5 s4.313(fxlxii)i Please Provide Attach ment ls your company a Privately Held ROR Carrier i47 CFR 5 s4.313(f)(2)) lf yes, does your company file the RUS annual report Please check these boxes to confirm that the attached PDF, on line 3017, contains the required information pursuant to 5 54.313(f)(2) compliance req u i res: Electronic copy of their annual RUS reports (Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers) Document(s) with Balance Sheet, lncome Statement and Statement of Cash Flows lf the response is yes on line 3014, attach your company's RUS annual report and all required documentation lf the response is no on line 3014, is your company audited? lf the response is yes on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submission on line 3026 pursuant to 5 54.313(f)(2), contains: Either a copy of their audited financial statemenU or (2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUS Operating Report for Telecom munications Borrowers Document(s) for Balance Sheet, lncome Statement and Statement of Cash Flows Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation (Yes/No) (Yes/No) Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation CCCC I (3020) (Yes/No)CO rt 0,a0oC c.9 E s!EE6 c .sI E56o!o E 2 aGEo0.E o6vlocq-CPq'ccL6 ;EEgB*+gEE E 5 2^ P E E E EEF6"s)6aR6.G.'aNNq!m({l(n(o(nEoo!Jooooo8e!ssr!9!MsMtr !' o!0oL E t ou I (400s1 Data Additiona I Documentation t[8 OMB Contro 2018 <010>Study Area Code 41 9A2r <015>Study Area Name TracEone WireIess, Inc <020>Program Year 2421 <030>Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Jdne! Morejon Contact Telephon e Number - Number of person identified in data line <030>J05 /t5b52Z ext<035> <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> jmorejon"rracrcne.com 4005 Rural Broadband Experiment Authorized Rural Broadband Experiment (RBE) recipients must address the certification for public interest obligations and provi list of newly served community anchor institutions. Public lnterest Obligations - FCC 14-98 (paragraphs 26-29, 78) Please address Line 4001 regarding compliance with the Commission's public interest obligations. All RBE participants must pr response to Line 4001. 4001. Recipient certifies that it is offering broadband meeting the requisite public interest obligations consistent with the catel which they were selected, including broadband speed, latency, usage capacity, and rates that are reasonably comparable to ra comparable offerings in urban areas. Community Anchor Institutions - FCC 14-98 (paragraph 79) 4003a. RBE participants must provide the number, names, and addresses of community anchor institutions to which they newly deployed broadband service in the preceding calendar year. On this line, please respond (yes - attach new community anchors, no - no new anchors) to indicate whether this list will be provided. lf yes to 4003A, please provide a response for 40038. 4OO3b. Provide the number, names and addresses Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation of community anchor institutions to which the recipient newly began providing access to broadband service in the preceding calendar year. (50051 Alaslo'Plan Participants Data Collection Form FCC Form tl8l No. 3& <010>Study Area Code 41 9A21 <015>Study Area Name TracFone WireLess, Inc <020>Program Year 2A2r <030>Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Janet Morejon <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> jmorejoncrracrone.com 5005 Alaska Plan (s011) Please indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previous calendar year in areas previously served exclusively by performance-limiting satellite backhaul. lf the filing carrier identified in its approved perfomance plans that it relies exclusively on satellite backhaulfor a certain poriton of the population in its service area, indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previoius calendar year in areas that were previoiusly served exclusively by satellite backhaul (Yes/N (Yes/N< Newly Served Lor (s012) <5013><a> Description Of Backhaul Technology Date Backhaul Available N c .9 6UE oI co Eo.:3ETo oU o E o oo. .9oI(l, o U o 6 o- ddo(, o(u g€ fc!_q-Oo!-'i Ioe IO-o ?or.9 =c>a0J(ux_g o.= o.rtE= 6!c -'E 6ooo6:r_L9< dt=€s0Eo6(uEE 9 =ooroo=cr iiE a'a->(o(gcq :6L.v* O oFlo(o oz oeoIo o co o oe o o og ooE .E!o FEop ao oo o o!! o EU o!! oEu 6 Eo(J omo 0 r oo o.E ooE ,gEo {=co =opoo o oo Ez o! Efzocoso -g@F oco(J o o do o o oa o GE .9E o .EEouo oco =foE (J coeo4 o EGz oco(J omo oo E@ @o 4 oNo oc a o .iE oio ts o EGzoo E, n o r oEoUoo E o o a d oz o .g (!() co,F l!.uc, E Eoa -coFotr€.sboe =6u.9o:=.>t&C,'Eu(Ueo.cc6JoE(J 0, oZ.iE EP re cL.9ito6L(J3o.o(!Oed)o6.99o- a- oF{oF EoIoco o do o o omo oc 6 6'o .c !o .E o =tropoo o oE! o EU E!E @EU @ =oU oo oo E6uo 4 oNo o o o B o o o ts o E6z @o ! o r oEo(.,oo E oo Page 19 <010> StudyArea code 419021 <015> StudyArea Name TracEone 9Jireless, Inc <020> Proqram Year 2027 <O3O> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Janet Moreion <035> ContactTeleohone Number - Number of mrson identified in data line <030> 305?156522 ext. <039> Contact Ema il Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> i no re i on G t r a c fone . com TO BE COMPLETED 8Y THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FIUNG ANNUAL REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Certification of fficer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reportint for CAF or Ll Reclpients certify that I am an officer of th€ reporting canleri my rGponsibilities include ensurlnt the accuracy of the annual repottinS ,equirements fot universal servicc support Eclpl€nts; and, to the b€st of my knowledte, the lnformation .cported on thls lorm and ln any attachments is accurate. [ameofReportinrcarrier: tlacEone wire]'ess, rnc iipnature of Authorized officer: CERTTETED 0NLTNE Date 06 /24 /2020 printed name ofAuthorized officer: Javie! Rosado ntleorpositionofAuthorizedofficer: sr. officer, Altelnative Business channers relephone number ofAuthorized officer' 30571'56575 ext studv Area code of Reoortinq carrier: 41902L Filinl Due Date for this form: 0'7 /or/2020 percns willfully makinS fal* statements on this form can be punished by fine or forfuiture under the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 55 502, 503(b), or tine or imprisnment under Title 18 ofthe Ljnited States code, 18 u.s.c. 5 1001. PaSe 19 Page 20 No. 3o50{98q/OMB Comrol t{o. :n60.0819 4 1 942r<010> Studv Area Code <015> Studv Area Name Traci.cne Viireless, Inc 242 "<020> Program Year <030> Contact Name - Person USAc should contact regarding thrs data Janei N4orejon <035> ContactTelephone Number-Numberof personidentifiedindataline<030> 3051i55522 ext <039> contactEmailAddress EmailAddressofpersonidentifiedindataline<O3O> lrnorejcnLGtractone com TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FITING ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER.S BEHALF: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier certify that (Name of is authorized to submit the information reported on behall of the reporting carrier. I ,gont; and, to the best ot my knowledge, the repons and data provided to the authorizod agent is accurate. \ame of Authorized Aeent: \ame of Reporting Carrier: ;isnature of Authorized Officer:Date: Printed name of Authorized Officer: fitle or oosition of Authorized Officer: Ieleohone number of Authorized Officer: Studv Area Code of Rebortins Carrier:Filing Due Date for this form: under Title 18 of the United States code. 18 U.S.c. q 1001. Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier l, as agent for the reporting carrier, certify that I am authorized to submit the annual reports for universal seruice support recipients on behalf of the reporting carrier; I have provided the data reported herein based on data provided by the reporting carrier; and, to the best of my knowledSe, the information reported herein is accurate. !ame of ReDortins Carrier: !ame of Authorized Asent Firm: ;isnature of Authorized Agent or Employee of Agent:Date: \,lame of Authorized Asent Employee title or oosition of Authorized Asent or Employee of Agent Ielephone number of Authorized Asent or Emplovee of Agent: ;tudv Area Code of Reoortins Carrier:Filing Due Date for this form: 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. Page 20 Affachments L' aa C) -.] C,)lr_.1 B c-.t Ff(uql r0 U) g .9 oc .go ooEc€ ao o cECI Eo(J o.s =aouc'6a m@ otrH aa c) -.](.)lr--lE (.)cot!o(0 l-tF No ooo oo 3 ts EoU d.F 6aoo N @ c6o ! qq z U.g =oI 6 3 o F o'= .q u .Etooo& @ E I c E O O o.g E .gEo 'Fco =co oo o o !E EU o !! EU 6ao o o oo o,g oE .a!osco =co oo o o! E5z o E =zacosoooF @ oU o o 2 G E .9E u.g! uo E ! =og U fco aL o E6z ocoU o 6o Eouoc No 3 o F oEozoo !l o ert E o ()l,lt o Et!IL Eo(J u0C (! otro c oLco Io oI o!oUGa !f oo (010) (01s) (020) (o3o) (o3s) (o3e) (420) TRACFONE WIRELESS INC 2020 FCC FORM 481 SPIN:143030103 RESPONSE TO (4001 COMPTAINTS PER 1000 CUSTOMERS StudyAreaCode: 479021 Study Area Name: ldaho ProgramYear: 2021 Contact name: Janet Moreion Contact Telephone N umber: 305-715-6522 Contact Email Address: jmoreion@tracfone.com Number of Comolaints (per l,(XXl customersl Mobile Voice Telephonv Service for the oeriod oL I o1. I 2A,s - L2 I 3L I 20L9 0 TRACFONE WIRETESS INC 2020 FCC FORM 481 SPIN:143030103 (o10) (o1s) (o2o) (o3o) (03s) (03e) RESPONSE TO (610) FUNCTTONAUW lN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS: StudyArea Code: 47902L Study Area Name: ldaho Program Year: 2021 Contact name: Janet Morejon Contact Telephone N u m ber: 3O5-l t5-6522 Contact Email Address: jmorejon@tracfone.com Certification that the ETC is able to functaon in emersencv situations (610) TracFone will be able to function in emergency situations to the extent that its underlying network providers are able to do so. TracFone provides service using the networks from several of the leading wireless companies in the nation, including Verizon Wireless, AT&T Mobility, and T-Mobile. TracFone relies on those networks'reliability in allsituations, including emergency situations. Each of those companies complies with applicable requirements for emergency service, including available power supplies. Those network operators have implemented state-of-the-art network reliability standards, which TracFone and its customers benefit from their high standards.