HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200622Inland Telephone Form 481 and Affidavit.pdfINLAND TELEPTIONE CONPANY Corponte Offices 103 S. 2nd St. P.O. Box 171 Roslyn, WA 98941 INI,,AAID TELEPHONE Telephone: (509) 649-221 I Fax: (509) 649-33N June 22,2O2O Via electrcnic filitq to : dia nB. lwnian@ruc. id,at@. o ou Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretar5r Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83720 RE: 2OL9 Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) Annual Reporting Requirements with the IPUC/ 2A2O ETC Re-Certification Dear Ms. Hanian: Inland Telephone Company hereby provides notice to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") tl:at it has electronically completed and submitted the FCC Form 48L to the Universal Service Administrative Corporation ("USAC") and the Federal Communications Commission {"FCC"} for carriers designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier, in accordance with 47 C.F.R. SS 54.313 and54.422. I have also included the signed Aflidavit pursuant to Commission Order 2984L. Inland Telephone Company, Study Area Code 472423, is a rural incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) as designated by t]re FCC, and is eligible to receive federal universal service high-cost support pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations ("CFR"), Title 47, SS 54.301, 54.305, and Part 36, sub-part F. Please review the FCC Form 481 filing and include Inland Telephone Company in your Annual Use Certification letter to USAC and the F'CC. If you should have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me direcfly. Sincerely, K. Brooks 14") Fair (* 5 .arzt i-{'It\) {?t\J n't ar*{ =[nC,,@ Cr,t,s ,i],lt . .:iii:, './r r. i A+j19,Hi; dfic}{if} @At Enclosures Treasurer/Controller Strate of Washington Coun$ of Kittitas ss ) ) ) CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE WTH SERVICE QUALIW AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONIAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 2984.l requires that Eligible Telecommunications Caniers (ETC) certify $at it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. In addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all Ederal high-cost support prcvided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only br the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of Pacilities and services for which the support is Intended. Accordingly, the undersigned stiates and verifies under oath the following: 1. I am an officerof lnland Telephone Comoanv, an eligible telecommunications canier br receiving federal universal service support under section214(el of the Telecommunications Ac{ of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's day-today operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer proEction rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 3. lnland Teleohone Comoany is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the FederalCommunicatbns Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commi$ion Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. S 54.201(aX2). 5. I also certify that all federal universal service support funds received by lnland Telephone Comoanv during the cunent calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 2il(el; that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1 , 2021 , through December 31, 2021 , to be eligible br federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable he IPUC to certify to the FCC that bderal universal service support received by the eligible canierc in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section zil(el of Telemmmunications Act. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN tO bEfurE ME this )-r day of )ur^o :r,)rl ( ' ),n oo,^eat/- .*pt'} the state of Washington, residing at ,--j\PAMELA R NELSON NOTARY PUBTIC 'I3O{30STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 9,2023 My Commission expires ,<-**. Q, Jf r)3 Page 1 <010> StudyAreaCode 472123 <015> StudyArea Name ININND TEIJ-TD <020> Pro$am Year 202t <030> Contact Name: Pe6on USAC should contact wlth questlons about this data .Tamg X. Sroota <035> Contact Telephone Number: Number ol the De6on identllled in data line <030> 5095492211 qt <039> contactEmallMdress: Email of the person identlfled ln data line <)30>Jbr@kaollladBet. c@ FormType 5{.313 and sa.{22 Page 1 No@G Ep6t!! *gta t.9:EoE ouo:oo.E o "$Eo- i;;; IcE;goE;;EI9r.= e! & E;o o-Ii!o= !u2EE:e#Bd<> o obc!oEEtoza EEF !ote5il9EO)Fz-o,I !ErogE OE fo ooo !cuoso =o to oEo.=6Fto o 6o tG osoto pEr;€ EcZ E o@o Joo.9ao o.9o -g!otooo Eoo os 0, o; @0, orocoo o'=ooE or q5 N Eo 9 i q @ oop oo o 6oE:e Ec@p c oo o o !! o E o ! G EU co 6 o x oo o E E ,EEolEcop o @o o oaE z oo Eazoa EoooFtj coU o oo tr i E GE.!! .E! o o GIo I =E U f o oo U EGz6o troU oo Go EGqor No o jots a e!z oEz @ !, o cl ?C)t .i2 Eco !!:ooGg6ta d =CEID E E96voE,ailHEi a 6 ;cE3ocoEEEgeoE CEE8 =cE8 !oo o !t oo ooo P.ar, <010> Study Area Code a1za2a <015> StudyArea Name Il@A.D <020> ProBram Year <030> contact Name - Person USAC should contact .etardint this d.ta <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identiffed ln data line <030> <039>Contact Email Address - Emall Address of person identified in data line <030> <400> <410> <420> s€lect from thr drop-down list to lndicate how you would like to report volce complaints (zcro or greater) for voice telephony service in the p.ior calendar ycar for each servlce area in which you are desi$ated an ETC for any facilities you own, operatc, lease, or otherwise utilize. Complaints p€r 1000 customers for fixed voice Complaints per 1000 customers for mobile voice PI. S Ps4 4D SMyhffi d35t m Td.phom f,mb.r . Xumbd d re H.nttld ln dU lh <CD <dl} M gm.ll Addm- En.ll lddm!, re ldctlhd h de llD@ Jb!d..uo6.t.cd 615> C.dfy @mdlare *h .pplbbh mlnlmm ..tr fidr.dt P*4 Ps5 <01(D SlldvAEacod.a7zaa <o,s>ll.m db <03D Cd.d a{.m - P.lm Usf,C rhdld ffid .!irrdi4 thi! de ,.r. x. e@k. <o35r hd r.,!6lrd! xui6.r - f,umh.. of M lddlfiad ln de liE <r3(b !0e"t2211 'xr ' <039, Cnt.ct Em.I Add|6 - Em[ tdd6 d F|5 lddtfi.d tn dS ltm d:t(b, Jbt4knu.e.t.o6 <50O c!frifv cmpli.ne ..3rrdilt .blltty to fun dd ln d.ttcnq .ttuatlons Yer <6tD O.$riptlv. d@m.t* iot tundlmlitY in Eh.r8.lt Y situd,on.472423 \D mOIONE IN gERGHq CERTIFIqTION U 5r0.pdf Pss @ @U c o o @ c.9ocu ootco aa o coct EoU oE'a aoEc'66 oo!o.YLo =Eo I c oU Eo c F ! c6o Eo uc 6oo N @ t ! oq o E E F B c @o EoUq .g =o- @ c aEo oqo F d q .g oQqcE ooE oo Eot E!E E e cc oo oC G ! ;o,F C0 =co oo o EE! 6 EU o !! 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EU Io co(J Oli.to +.,xo rtr{c!No\ sttro orotn o(no oE o 6!, .s!,o.F E(u =co OJCL o o.o E z o-oE =z o,cosCLgoF Uoco(.) rrl(no ut }4ootl m M UIo E(dFl G G! .9E qo .s!l (ll h0o It!coII =oE (J lco oo- 0, Eoz I(o coI o(no rlNoN Go EG ooo G c)No oH I FlF] Fr oz FlzH 0, El!2oo !, =ttl utdo cnN$Nr- <l o!o(, 6c, ! = odo N oo64 PT l! <010> Shldv Arc. Crdc 412421 <015> StudyArc. N.mG TNT.AND TE:T,-TN <020> ProSnmY.ar 2021 <030> Crntrct Nrma - Pcmn USAC shouH @ntact ES.rdhU thb d.t .fameB K. Brooks <035> crnt ctTchphomNumbcr-Numberof pe@nUcntlfhdlnd.t lirc<030> 5O95492211 ext <039> cont ct Em.ilAddrG$ - Em.tlMdc$ of pc@n tdGntmrd h d.tr lim <o3o> j brooks@inlandnet ' com Select from the diop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313(0(11. Privately held ca,riers mu3t ensure compliance with the financial rcporting requiremcnts set forth in 47 CFR 54,313(0(2). I further certify that the information reported on this form and in the documents attached below is accurate. Progress Rcport on 5 Ycar Plan oni.r c.rtifiB to 54.313(0(1xiii)(3ooe) (3010A) (30108) (3012A) (30128) (30131 (30141 (301s1 (30161 (30171 (30181 (30191 (3020) (3021) (3022) (3023) (3024)Undcrlying informtion subjactcd to en offier @nifiet'Dn. (3025)oocumnt(s) with B.l.ncr Shaat, lncomc statcmcnt and statemnt of c.sh Flows Nam ofAtt chcd Documcnt Listint Rcquircd ''&:T,"J:T o o (YrYNo) O O Nam of Attachcd Docum.nt Listing R.quired lnfom.tion (Yes/No) O O N.m of Attached Doom.nt Listing Rrquircd lnformation crrtificstion of Public lntcEst Obli8.tions (47 CFR I s4.313(0(1x01 Plcr$ Prcvidr Attachmcnt Community Anchor lnstitutions {47 cfR I s4.3r3(fxrxiiD Plaa$ Prcvide Attachmnt ls your omprny e PriEtlly Hdd RoR c.rricr {47 cFR 5 s4.313(fX2)) lfycs, docs your company filc thc RUS annual rcport Plca$ chrck thcsa boxrs to confim that thc attachld PDF, on lin. 3017, contains thc rcquircd inform.tlon pursuant to 5 54.313(0(2) comdi.ncr rcquircs: Elcctrcnic copy of th.ir.nnu.l RUS Epons (opcEtint Rcport for Td@mmunietions BorrcmB) Dcument(s) with Balane Shet, ln@me St.trmrnt aod Statercnt ol c.sh Floff lfthc rcspons. is ycs on llnc 301d attach your ompany's RUs annual rrport and all rcquir.d dmmntation lfthc r.sponsa is no on linr 3014 is your company audit.d? lf thc rcspons. is yc3 on linc 3018, pl.as ch.cl thc boxcs bclow to confim your submission on linc 3026 puRuant to 0 54.313(0(2), @ntainr: Eithcr a @py of thcir auditad fl nanci.l 3tat mcnt; or (21 . fin.nci.l r.port in . form.t complEblc to RUs Opcntin3 R"port for Tclecommunications Borrowcrs Documcnt(s) for Bahncr Shc.t, lnomr Stetcmcnt .nd st.tlmnt of c.sh Flows Menag.mcnt llttar and/or sudit opinion isiurd by the indepcnd.nt clrtificd public.c@unt nt that pcrformcd the ompany's finencirl rudit. lf thc rcsponsc is no on linr :1018, pl..3c chcck thc boxrs bclow to confirm your submission on lina 3026 pursurnt to g 54.313(0(2), cont.lns: Copy of thcir finamialnatcmcnt which hrs ben subjcct to ralicw by an indep.ndent @rtificd public a@unt nt; or 2) a finencial rcport in r fomat 6mpanble to RUS opcnting Rlport for Tdmmmunlcstions BorroweE Underlyiry information subject d to a raviaw by an indcpcndcnt artiflcd public a@untant Ye6 - Attach CelElficati@ N.m. of Att chcd Documcnt Listiq Rrquir.d lnformrtion No - No Nee Cmulty hchors 172'23 ID ffiTIFIqTION OF P@LIC IMEREST )811611013 u 3010B.pdl (3026) Att.ch thc rcrbhcrt llstint roquirrd informtion Pr. t! <t ou6a t oU6a E Ec!,I "tt3 It T?Et T ot2o(ooolo(o (Y)6t o$o)ol4)oc) @olr) (oo o o)$tc)orl)o,t(v) ooro@$llo (o t@o)$tro o)otooo)o(o a6-F!,.geo6lioco-CPoco-G5 6- EE fi:E 6 EEEiEEiEE -h69lctdN6tENNa66mm(l)cool?crooc)oEtstgglsM!g!g!gE Pata S <010>study Arca cod. <015>studyArca t{.mc<nrn> D.drm Y.rr 2o2r <030> Contact famc - Pc <039> Cont ct Em.il Addr.ss - Email Addrc$ of pcnon ldcntmcd h dat linc <oil@ ,b!@r-!rr.et..6 /mS nural Bro&..rd Etecrlmcnt Authorizcd Rural Eroadband E ecrim.nt (RBE) rGcipi.nts must addr.ss th. ccrtlftc.tion for publk intcrost obl'gatims end prcvldc a list of nrwly s.n.d communlty.nchor institutions. hrblc trEfi!3t Ob[t tlonr - FoC !148 (prnanphs 26-29, 78] Plc.sa .ddrrss LinG 4OO1 rcgarding complianc. with tha Commission's publk intcrBt ouf.tions. All RBE p.rticipants must providr a taspons to Unc 4001. /0001. RBipirnt c.rtifi.s that it is offGrirE bredband mcedng the rrquiritc publk interest obllgations consistent with the catcaory for s'hich tiey ware s€lcctcd, including broadband speed, latency, usala capacity, and nts thet arc raarcnably mparable to ntcs for cmpanble offerings in urban areas. CommunltyArdror llEtltdom-Foc r+lrlB (p.rTrrph 791 /m03.. RBE partkipanb must provide thc numblr, namls, and rddrcsrcs of coormunity anchor institutions to whkh they navly dcployed brcadband scrvke in thc precediry c.l.ndrr ye.r. on this linc, phasc rcspond (y.6 - att ch ncw community.nchors, no - no ncw.nchorsl to indkate whathar this list will bc provid.d. f y.6 to tUr3A, plc.rc proulda . ,6pott!c ,or tl{X}38' /{XXl5. Provid. the numb.t, names and addrrssrs of community .nchof instiurgoff to whkh thG recipi.nt nilly bq3n providing acccss to bro.db.nd sCrukc in the pracding c.l.nd.ryc.r. Namr of Attachrd Docum.nt ListinS Rcquircd lnfom.don Ps 15 Ptr 15 <010>Arae Codc <02(>ProSnm Y!.r ru&-o 2021<03(D Cont ct l{ama - Pcrson USAC should contact thls d.te <039>Cont ct Em.ll AddrGss - Em.il Addtcss of p.rson idcntificd in dat linc <O:lD Jb'oobtrd.dr.cc sdrsALsk Plan (s0111 Please indicate whether any tenestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially arailable in the previous calendar year in areas prevlously served exclu3i\rcly by performance{imiting satellite backhaul. lf the filint canier identiffed in its approved perfomance plans that it relies exclusively on satellfte backhaul for a certain poriton of the population in its service area, indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became cqnmercially arailable in the previ<lius calendar year in areas that were prevloiusly served erdusively by satellile backhaul. (Yes/Nol (Yes/ilol Idlr*rd L.d6 d iofoltbr (s012) <g)13> P* 15 F o5a oz o co Go Eo Ea,Eo!tCTo, gc.EE oEoEL c.gCLIo Cott a, .EEo- FIolo ho EE=c,EI6Ese: .d=c >ao o,F4A.EES .E6.E -'ij qsg g9<,it=EsoE!E S =ooP.E EE a'aEa8Ef E odoro eoq !cB 5 I aoI 8H! ooo oEooE .sEo Eo =cocL o eEtt =GEU o !t =6 EU6Gco(J o)oo xo N o oo oC=6 G!t .E!oIEco =,:o 8. o o4! E3z o.CtE:2ocosCIooF66 ao(, 6mo ox 8hE V ooe oGTtpE EeEoEgtocop3oc (J :)coeoA oEo266go(J omo oo EGEec o ? A j EF e,{ E oEozGo !,! la o F otoIJoo t) o ? F a T o oEc o =o o 6(J c .9 lE.9t =EEo(,oEFo-llo;eEr9OE.>E?o'EoOPcLctoOEUE o=.EE !rfEA .E3to6C(.)llcLo60?sg6 6-G 6oN Eoq o € E( aa 8It oo o.E oo! .gEo coEqo & o a !! =o Eu et! oEU66coIJ O! o o Go EGTo4 INo AH IEF e 3z oEGzoo ! = 6o F oEo(J Go !I oo o a-a PaBC 19 <ol0> StudyArca @de 412123 <015> StudyArcs NamG INI,.A}ID TBTJ'ID <020> ProlramYcar 202r <03(> Cont ct N.m. - Person USAC should contact rc8ardlB this d.t..7anes a. B!@ka <O3S> @nt ctTel.phon.Numb.r-Numbqrfpq!qrq!!h44!!L'!tQt lln <03D s096492211 cxt. <039> Cont ct EmailAddross - Em.ilAddl6 of p.mn idcntificd in d.t linr <030>Jbr@kaoinludnct. e@ TO BE COIUIPLEIED BY THE REPORflllG C RRIER, lF THE REPORflT{G CARRTER lS FlUltlG AltilUAL REFORrIT{G Oil m; OWN BEHA]"F: Ccrtlficrtlon of fficcr il to the Accurac, of thc Drt RGportcd for the Annual Reportlng for CAF or U Reclphnts .rrtfy thn I am m ofRcar of fhc rupodn3 canLc my ralponrlullths hduh algrrhf thc rcorry of ttc annual rtpordll| ruquhcmcnts lor unlvcrrl r.rvlcc $pport rddcntr; rn4 to th. hrt of my lnod.{O thr lnforn.tlon ,Gport d olr thb 6onn.td h ny.tt drmanB b acqrrata. {.m.of R.Dortinrcr'r;"r' I!{tnt{D TEI'-ID knrturc of Authorircd Officcr:Datc ,ritrtcd mme of Authorizcd officr: Jem'E Br@ka frtb or msition of Authorizad offier: Treaauer Icleohono numbcr of Authorizcd ofllcar: 5096'92211 cxt ttudv Arca coda of Rlmrtim c.rl.r: 412423 Filim oE Dat! for this form: 07 / ot/ zozo Plenr willtully mkint frls rlrt mntr on thk iorm an b. punlsh.d by ffn. q ffiltun und.r th. Communlotlonr Act of 1934 47 U.S.C. 0! 5O2, 503(b), or fin. tr lmpdmmnt und.r TltL 18 ofth. Untt d SEta3 Cod!, 18 U.S.C. 0 1001. Petc 19 Page 20 FCC fom 'ttlom coot ol 1{o. 3oqr{s/oirlcontloa tlo 30c0{!1!,Go[cafioll Fo'ln Crntrr 412423<010> Studv Area Code <015> Studv Area Name rW TEL-ID <020> Prorram Year 2021 <030> Contact Name - Person USACshouldcontect reEardinr this data James K. Brooks <035> Contact Teleohone Number - Number of identifled in <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <O3O> i blooks@inlandnet ' com TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FITING ANNUAI. REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: TO BE COMPTETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reportin8 Carrier certify that (Name of ls authorlzed to 3ubmltthe lnttrmaUon reported on bahalfofthe reportlng carrier. I ,gent; and, to the best of my knowlodge, lhe reports and data provlded to ths authorlzed agont 13 accurate. !ame of Authorized Arent: \ame of Rcoortins Carrier: Sisnature of Authorized Officer:Date: Printed name of Authorized Officer: litle or position of Authorized Officer: lelephone number of Authorized Otficer: Studv Area Code of Remrtine Carrier:Filins Due Date tor this form under Title 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier carrier, certify that I am authorired to submlt the annual reports for unlyeBal seruic€ support reciplents on behalf ofth€ reponlnt carrier; I have provided :h€ data reported hereln based on data provided by the reportinS carrier; and, to the b€st of my knowledge, th€ lnfomatlon rePorted hercln ls accurate. , as atent fo. the reponing {am. of Rpoortinc Carrier: \lame ofAuthorized Asent Firm iisnature of Authorized Afent or Emolovee of Agent: vame of Authorired Aeent Emolovee: fitle or oosition of Authorized Aeent or EmDlovee of Asent [eleohone number of Authorized Aqent or Emplovee of Agent: Filing Due Date for this form:itudv Area Code of ReFrting Carrier: l8 ofthe United States Code. 18 U.S.c. 5 1001 PaBe 20 Attachments IJ 0) H o tr.]3rJ 0)z H tro c .9 oE.9 ooEEo ,o o troeEo og f6uCoo () rto Er d (drl H o 0 o 6 tr 2oU o o q F !E cfic EcL .E q c N 6 o !o !o E E 3 (c EcL c =Cl @ EoU Eo F6q ii .9 @U 0c Cc0d o EoI @ oo!! oo oc 66! .g!o 'uco;o oo o ! G EU E! E Eu o oU o o oo oc oo! .E!o =op co oo o! Ez o! Efzq C!cq qF coU o oo! i E cocoI @ Eoze 6 EoU o Go! .9t .g! @ G co !)o U f oo E o( o oN o E6z 6a I o o!oUoa I oo o! G.:I * .i2EtCoI .D-o rao66 soarl da5E e 5=E:Rr-ri.EC'=' gcoaEEEEE. $t5EQeE8 INTAND TELEPHONE COMPANY - ID STUDY AREA CODE 472423 ATTACHMENTS TO THE FCC FORM IT81 LINE 610 - FUNCTIONALITY IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS 1472423!D FUNCTIONAL lN EMERGENCIES CERTIFICATION LN 610.pdf! Ability to Remain Functional in Emergencies Certification 554.313(axl ) EICs musf denpnstnte tfiat it has a reasonable amount of back-up potrrerto env.tra functionality without an extemal power sr,urue, is aile to re-route tra,fftc around damaged faciliths, and is apable of managing tiaflic qpilres rcsufting from emeryency sltuations. $e4.202(a)(2) Demondnte its ability to ramain functanal in emeryency situatbns, including a demonstrcfion that it has a reasonable amount of backup power to ensure funfionality without an extemal Wfir sot.iloe, is able to reroute traffrc arcund damaged faciliths, ancl is capable of managing tralTc sprkes reailting from emergency sltuations. l, James K. Brooks, being of lawful age, state that t am Treasurer/Controller of lnland Telephone Company ("Company'XSAC 472423), that I am authorized to execute this certification on behalf of the Company, and that the fac{s set forth in this certffication are true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. On this basis, the Company certifies that it maintained the ability to function in emergency situations under the standard found in fldaho Public Utilities] Commission Order No. 298/-1 and in 47 C.F.R. $5a.202(aX2), as such standards relate to functionality of wireline carriers in emergency situations. The Company further certifies that it maintains back-up power to ensure functionality without an external power souroe in the forms of auxiliary generators and batteries in its central offioes as well as adequate battery back-up in its subscriber carrier cabinets. The Company's switching capability is more than adequate to manage the trafiic of its subscribers. For calls within the exchange of Leon, depending upon where a cut is made, there exists redundant toll routing however, the Lenore exchange has no redundant toll routing. ln both exchanges, customers can continue to make calls within the exchange should the interexchange interconnected facilities get disconnected. The Company does not have'ring" technology at this time however; the Company is always looking for redundant routing alternatives. ! certity under penalty of periury under the lavvs of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and conect. Dated no dry of June, 2020 in Roslyn, Washington. By: K. Brooks ! nland Telephone Company LINE 610 LINE 92O - TRIBAT GOVERNMENT ENGAGEMENT OBLIGATION 1472423!D TRIBAL ENGAGEMENT STATEMENT tN 920.pdfl 1472423 !D EAGLE RIVER-TRIBAI EXAMPIE tN 920.pdf) TRIBAL EITGAGEUEITT STATEUEf,T Although the Lenore, Idaho exchange service area of Inland Telephone Company, Study Area Code 472423, is within the historical boundaries of the Nez Perce Tribe reservation, the exchange primarily consists of private propert5r (non-tribally owned). The Company did not perform a needs assessment, deplo5rment planning, feasibilit5r, or sustainability planning with a focus on Tribal communit5r anchor institutions since the Company's exchange boundary does not encompass the areas in which the Nez Perce have their tribal headquarters, administration, enterprises, culttrral center, hatchery, or a.ny anchor institutions. As for subscribers, the Comparry would not know if a subscriber uras a tribal member unless they were claiming Tribal Lifeline. Inland Telephone Company is an equal opportunity provider and does not ask or keep track of race, sex, age, religion, national origin, gender identit5r, sexual orientation, or any other basis that is prohibited by federal, state, or local laws when providing sen'ice; to keep track of this information may be considered profiling which the Company does not engage in. The Company fully cooperates with the Nez Perce Tribe in matters involving easements, rights of way and any build that may require the possible disturbance of tribal ground; potential archeological study whether the ground is tribally owned or not. Attached is a copy of correspondence from a contractor, Eagle River Development LLC, contracted by the Company to perform a study compliant to the National Environmental Policy Act for a proposed tower site. The study demonstrates that although the proposed tower site is not on tribal owned propert5r, the Company sought Section 106 concurrence from the Nez Perce Tribe as it is located within the historical boundaries of the Nez Perce Reservation. I certiff under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated 2oa day of 2O2O in Roslyn, Washington. By: Treasurer/Controller Inland Telephone Company LINE 920 lnland Telerhone Companv New lES' Lsttice Antenna Tower: I-€nore. lD Mr. Bob Hillweg Inland Telephone Company P.O. Box 1Z Roslyo WA 98%1 l'.O.lhrr 117.1, Sprkn(', lt'A }r22ll N. llll l-rle Rrl. SF'lorr. !UL.y, IIA 'rtl!l': ilFL5.li..llrl l: 5lIL5.!5-.lllil IYSCLT EAGLEIID990DS Proposed New-Build 185'Lattice Antenna Tower Site Lenore, ID NEPA Checklist Summary Report Site Location: NW U4 Section 32, Township 37 North, Range Ol West 8.M., Nez Perce County, ID. Eagle River Development, LLC Proiech 15118 Dear Mr. Hillweg: Eagle River Development, LLC at Inland Telephone Company request prefared a NEPA Checklist and Summary Report, Archaeological/Cultural Resource Field Survey, THPO/SHIO Archive Research, THPO Concurrence Letter and Tribal Notifications including FCC Form 620 submission package for the proposed 185' lattice antenna tower and property owned by Inland Telephone Company located approximately 4 miles southeast of Lenore, Idaho within the Nez Perce lndian Reservation in the NW % of Section 32,Township 37 North, Range 01 West, B.M. Nez Perce County, Idaho. The National Envirorunental Policy Act (NEPA) Checklist and Reviews (report attached) did not reveal Section 105 adverse effects for the project pertaining to direct and visual effects for the undertaking. Even though no direct or visual effuce on cultural resources for the subject site and proPerty the Nez Perce THPO (Keith Baird) has delayed Section 105 concurrence due to some perceived misunderstandings between the ownership of this site and ongoing difficulties regarding some of Inland Cellular LLC holdings in the area. All other items for the attached NEPA report did not reveal significant effects or impacb to the environment under the FCC regulations, 47 CFR 7.1307-1.7379. Preliminary FCC TOWAIR Analysis determination results obtained from the FCC website indicated that the tower may not require regisuation, although overlying Section 105 considerations may make regishation of the tower a prudent action. It is your firm's obligation to attain an FAA Determination Letter for the tower even though it appears to be more than 5 miles from an airporL An Archaeological and Cultural Resource Field Survey and Report as well as archival research did not reveal any new culturat sites on the tower site or within a 0.5-1.0 inile radius. A THPO letter with results of our findings with FCC Form 520 and the Archaeological Report was emailed the THPO on4/71/76. Other Tribal notifications and comments have either been covered or eliminated from comments through the National Programmatic Agreement Regulations. It is the opinion of Eagle River Development, LLC that this property should receive concurrence to allow for construction pending any detays being promulgated by the Nez PerceTFIPO. We caution Inland Telephone Company from initiating any construction activities on the site until concurrence from the Nez Perce THPO is received and all other County /Local permits that may be required are received. We are submitting this report and invoice prior to such concurrence at the request of Mr. Bob Hillweg. Resoecffullv.4*fu'/ John F. Wark, RPG Principal Environmental Geologist Attachmenb: lnvoice, Email of Report, 2 hard copies of nepa checktist summary report & disc w/nepa report. RE 'Ci Errglr Riair',De'ye. l9ymcut, t-r"C LINE 1010. VOICE SERVICE RATE COMPARABILITY COMPTIANCE 1472423!D VOICE SERVICES COMPARABIIITY CERTIFICATION LN 1010.pdfl Voice Services Rate Com parability Certification 554.313(aX2) Any recipient of high-cost support shall provide the Hlowing: A ertifrcation that the prbing of the ooflrpany's vobe servies is not rnore than two standard deviations abve the applicable natbnal atlal'age urban rate for vokn seruice, which will be specifred annually in a publb notie rssued by he FCCS Wireline Competition Burcau. PUBLIC NOTICE DA 19-1237 - Voicn Rates. Eased on the survey resulfg the 2020 utban avenge nnnthly 'm,te (the nte f,oor) is $34.81. Thercfore, the reasnable mmpanbilfi benchmad< for wice serubes, two standard deviations aborrc tha ufuan avetage, ,.r $54.76. Under the Commission's ruIeg each ETC, induding ampetltiw ETCs providing ftxed vorbe services, must atuTy in the FCC Form 481 frled no later than July 1, 2020 that tlre picing of ifs Dasic rcsidential yorce serubes is no morc than $54.76. l, James K. Brooks, being of lawful age, stiate that I am Treasurer/Controller of lnland Telephone Company ('Companyr), Study Area Code 472423, that I am authorized to execute this certification on behalf of the Company, and that the fiacts set forth in this certification are true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. On this basis, the Company certifies, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313(a)(10), that the Company's pricing of its voioe services is no more than $5.4.76. The Company further submits, as support, the following residential service lines and rates; excluding the Federal Subscriber Line Charge of $6.50 and below $34.81: I certify under penafi of periury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and conect. Dated day of June,2020 in Roslyn, Washington. Treasurer/Controller I nland Telephone Company Exchange Rate Type Gount Base Res. Rrts Stete sLc State USF Fee tand. EAS Gharqe Total Per Rel. LENORE (836)Residential 155 25.76 0 .25 0 26.01 LENORE (830)Res-Measured 8 1E.00 0 .25 0 18.25 LEON (224)Resadential 22 25.76 0 .25 0 26.01 LEON (224)Reg-Measured 2 1E.00 0 .25 0 18.25 LINE IOIO LINE 1O3O - BROADBAND COMPARABILITY COMPLIANCE 1472423!D BROADBAND RATE COMPARABTLIW CERTIFICATION tN 1030.pdf) Broadba nd Se ruices Rate Gom pa rabi I ity Gertifi catio n 554.313(aX3) Any recipient of hightost supprt shall provicle the following: A ceftilication thatthe pricing of one of their broadband servbeq whbh rrcet public rnteresf oblBatbns, is no morc than the applicable bnchmark announcod annually in a publb notia rcsued by the FCC's Wireline Competilion Burcau u is no morc than the non-promotional price charged for a ampanble fixed wircline senlce in uban areas in the sfates orU.S. Tenitoriaswhera the eligible teleammunicationscanier receirres support PUBLIC NOTICE DA 19-1237 - Broadband Rates. Recrpients of high-ast anilor @nnect America Fund supprt tfiat are subioct to brwdband performane obligations are rcquired to offer btoadbad seruico at rafes fhat are at or below the rclevant rcasonable ampanbillty bnchmail<. Caniers subject to the Naska Plan are required to meet Alask*specifrc benc;hmarts and to cr.rtify that they arc meeting the relevant reasnable ampanbility benchmark for fi,eir broadband sarvicu otrering in the FCC Form 481 filed no laterthan July 1, 2020. l, James K. Brooks, being of lawful age, state that I am Treasurer/Controller of lnland Telephone Company ("Company''), Study Area Code 472423, that I am authorized to execute this certification on behalf of the Company, and that the fac$ set forth in this certification are true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. The Company offers at least one broadband service plan thil meets the relevant metrics in both of its ldaho exchanges; pricing benchmark for the minimum speed standard of 10 Mbps downstream, 1 Mbps upstream, and Unlimited Capacity Allowance. The Company's rate for a 10 Mbps downstream and 1 Mbps upstream servioe is $65.00; the benchmark is $83.13. ln its Lenore exchange, the Gompany offers and advertises a fixed wireless broadband altemative; maximum offered is 25 Mbps downstream, 25 Mbps upstream, and unlimited capacity for $75.00. On this basis, the Company certifies that the pricing of a service that meets the Commission's broadband public interest obligations is no more than the applicable benchmark announced in Public Notice DA 19-1237; compliant pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S 5a.313(aX3). I certify under penalty of pefiury under the Iaws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this 22nd day of June in Roslyn, Washington. By Treasurer/Controller lnland Telephone Company LINE IO3O LINE LZIO. TERMS & CONDITIONS OF VOICE TELEPHONY LIFETINE PLANS 1472423|D tlFEtlNE ASSISTANCE LN 1210.pdf! Lifeline Support - Lifeline Plans Terms and Gonditions S54.422(aX2) ETCs must ptovide informatim de*ibing the terms and conditions of any wioe telephony *ruie plans offercd to Lifeline subscnbers. l, James K. Brooks, being of laufu! age, state that I am Treasurer/Controller of lnland Telephone Company ("Compan/), Study Area Code 472423, that I am authorized to provide the following statement on behalf of the Company, and that the facts set forth in this statement are true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. On this basis, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $ il.422(aX2), the Company states that it provides service in a nondiscriminatory manner and does not unlavrfirlly discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientiation, marital status, veteran status or any other basis prohibited by federal, state or local law. With that said, the Company offers its voice telephony services similarly to all that subscribe; there are no specific'Lifeline Plans" and no special terms or conditions for those utilizing Lifeline assistance. The Company's service application as well as its website point out ilre Lifeline telephone assistance program for those subscribers that may be economically challenged. The Company utilizes the NationalVerifier as well as FCC Forms 5629, 5630, and 5631 for Lifeline Applications, Household Worksheet and Re-Certification. I certify under penatty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and conect. Dated this no dry of June, 2O2O in Roslyn, Washington. Treasurer/Controller lnland Telephone Company By: LINE I2IO LINE 30108 - CERTTFTCATE OF PUBLTC INTEREST t47 CFR S s4.313(fXlXil) 1472423!D CERTIFICATE OF PUBLTC INTEREST OBIIGATIONS tN 3010B.pdf) Public lnterest Obligations - Broadband Gertification s54.3r3(0({ Xi) Rate-of-Retum EICs are requircd to pavkle ertain ertifcations and other details rclated to their broadband dligations. !, James K. Brooks, being of lawful age, state that I am Treasurer/Controller of Inland Telephone Company ("Company"), Study Area Code 472423, that I am authorized to execute this certification on behalf of the Company, and that the facts set forth in this certification are true to the best of my knowledge, information and betief. The Company currently offers and advertises a maximum speed of 20 Mbps downstream/1 Mbps upstream in its Leon exchange with planned upgrades as the Company expands its fiber footprint. The Company currenUy offers and advertises a maximum speed of 25 Mbps downstream/25 Mbps upstream in ib Lenore exchange and has consciously limited its o,ffering based on bandwidth to the lnternet from this exchange location. The Company is working toward full exchange availability. The Company cunently conditions both of these offerings as they are not available throughout these exchanges. On this basis, the Company certifies, pursuantto 47 C.F.R. S 54.313(f)(1)(i), that it has taken reasonable steps to provide upon reasonable request, broadband service at actual speeds of 10 Mbps downstream/1 Mbps upstream, with latency suitable for real- time applications, including Voice over lntemet Protoco!, and usage capacity that is reasonably comparable to comparable offerings in urban areas, and that requests for such service are met within a reasonable amount of time. I certiff under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and conect. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2020 in Roslyn, Washington. K. Treasurer/Controller lnland Telephone Company LINE 3OIOB LINE 3OL7 . RUS ANNUAL REPORT AND AtL REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION 1472423!D RUS ANNUAT REPORT tN 3017.pdf) A@rding to the PapeNork Rcduction Act of 1995, a OMB @ntsol trubq for lhis infmation @ll6tion is ed agacy may not @nducl or spoNd, ed a peMo is trot.cquired to rGpood to, a @ll61ion of infmation unl6s it displays a valid OMB @nhl ambq. Thc valid 0572-0031. Thctimcrcquiredto@plct€drisinfomatioo@lldionisGlioalcdtoavqage4housp€r6!ore,includingthctimefqrwiflinginmdios, lhe dab ne€dcd, md ild thc ollaion of infm*ion. USDA.RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMU NICATIONS BORROWERS nit dab will be Bed b, RllS b tdid v@rfin@cial sitution. Yoar rqpoBe is re4uirel by 7 U,S.C, 901 et seq. id, tubiet b fedqal labt @d reg/latio8 regordiig confiddrial infomdiil, will be tr@ted I confdilriol. NAME Inland Telephone company (Prepared wiE.h Audited Data) INSTRUCTIONS-Snbnil repon to RUS within j0 days after close dthe wnod. tor detailed i6tnrctio6, see RUS Bulletin 1744-2. Report in whole dollars only. ENDING DESIGNATION Deceniber 2019 wAo534 CERTIFICATION We hereby certifl thar the entries in this report are in amrdfunce with the accounts and olher records ofthe system and reJlect the statu ofthe system to the beil ofow browledge and belief. ALL INSURANCE REQUIRED BY 7 CFR PART l7tt, CHAPTER XVII, RUS, WAS IN FORCE DURING THE REP'ORTING PERIOD AND RENEWALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FOR ALL POLICIES. DURING'I'HI] PERIOD COVERED BY 'I'HIS RDPOR'I'PURSUAN'I''I'O PARI' ITEE OT'7CT'R CHAPI'U,R XVIT (ClBck ore of tlB foilowitg) l3.l All of the obligations under the RUS loan documents - have ben futfilled in all material respecls. Gregory Maras n There has ben a default in th€ tumllm€nt of the obligations - under the RUS loan dcuments. Said dafaul(s) is/are speciielly desqibed in the Telom OpeBting Repon 3/2s/2020 DATE PART A. BALANCE SHEET ASSETS BALANCE PRIOR YEAR BALANCE END OF PERIOD LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EOUITY BALANCE PRIORYEAR BALANCE END OF PERIOD CURRENT ASSETS 1. CashandEouivalenls 809, 534 606,755 CURRENT LIABILITIES 25. Accounts Payable t:t [t2,L99 L54,3'78 2. CashRUS Construction Fund 809, ss5 324 ,233 26 Note-s Pavable 0 0 3. Affiliates:27. Advane Billinos and Pavments 0 0 a- Tde6m- Amunts Rmivable 0 0 28. Customer Deoosits 2 ,504 2,r98 b. Other Accounts Receivable 0 0 29. Cunent Mat. UT Debt I , LO4 ,'t 2t L,L23,525 c. Notes Receivable 0 30. Curent Mat. UT Debt-Rur. Dev.0 o 4. NolAfnliats:]1. Curent Mat.-CaDilal Leases 0 0 a. Telecom. Accounts Receivable 553,898 '760 ,642 12. llEmeTax6Amrued 0 b- Other Amnts Rmeivable 0 0 33. OtherTaxesAccrued 80, 191 66 ,468 c. Not€s Receivable s6,449 45 ,434 34. Other Cunenl Liabilities 599,L54 604,815 5. lnterest and Dividends Receivable 0 0 35. Total Current Liabillties (25 thru 34)t , 958 ,'t 59 1-951-384 6. Material-Rmulated 265 ,9r2 282,2L2 IONG.TERM DEBT 16. Funded DebtRUS Notes 9,769 07. Matorial-Nonreoulated n 0 8. PreDayments 128,855 r2t ,451 37. Funded Debt-RTB Notes 0 0 9. OthercurentAssets 40 40 38. Funded Debt-FFB Notes L2,2\7 ,654 11., 1.03 , 868 10. Total CursntA$ets (1 Thru 9)2 , 635 ,344 2,r40,773 39. Fundad Debt-Other (4, 103){t4,3t2) NONCURRENT ASSETS 1 1. lnveslment in Affiliated Comoanies 40. Funded Debt-Rural Develoo. Loan 0 0 41. Premium (Discount) on UT Debt 0 0 a. Rural Development 2 , 020 ,864 2 ,r93 ,097 42. Readuired Debt 0 0 b. Nonrural Develooment 0 43. OblioatiorB Under Caoital Lease 0 U 12. Oth6r lnvestmentrs 44. Adv. From Affliated Companies 0 0 a. Rural Develooment U 0 45. Olher Lom-Tem Debt n 0 b. Nonrural Development 269 ,802 288 ,448 {5. Total Lonq-Term Debt (36 thru 45)L2,223,320 11, 099, 556 1, 593, 895 L ,77 5 ,83L OTHER LIAB. I DEF. CREDITS 47. Other Lom-Tem Liabilitbs U14. Other Noncunent Assets 250 250 15. Defured Charoes o o 48. Other Deferred Credits 1,970,370 L , 988 ,342 16. Jurisdictional Differences 0 o 49. Other Jurisdiclional Differences 0 0 17. Total Noncurrent Assets (11 thru 16)3 ,984 ,812 4 ,257 , 626 50. Total Other Llabllities and Defered Credits (47 thru 49)t,970,370 L,988 ,342 ,LANT, PROPERTY, ANO EQUIPIIENT 18. Telmm. Plant-iftService 34.816.!71 34,950,!29 EOUITY 51. Cap. Stock Outstand. & Subscribed 93,150 93,150 19. Prooertv Held for Future Use 590 ,472 590 ,472 52. Additioml Paid-ircaDital 7,L75 7,775 20. Plant ljnds Construc'tion 162 ,31-3 726,286 53. Treasury Stock 0 0 21. Plant Adi.. NonoD. Plant I Goodwill 0 0 )4. Membershio and Cap. Certificates 0 o 22. Less Accumulated Depreciation L7 . 853 ,7 6'7 'r g. 014 .614 ;5. OttEr Caoital 0 0 23- Net Plant It8 thru 21 le3s 221 77 ,715,389 L'7,252,469 i6. Patronaoe Caoital Credits 0 0 24. TOTAL ASSETS (10+17+23) )4 .2Aq . q4q 21.6q0 _ A6A i7. Retained Eaminqs or Margins 7 -9e2 -16'l e _q11.261 t8. Total Eouitv (51 thru 57)8.OA1.086 8. 511.585 59. TOTAL LIABIUnES AND EOUITY (3tI45+50+58) 24 ,235 ,545 23 , 550 ,865 Total Equity = 35. 41t % of Total Assets Page 'l of 6 USDA-RUS DESIGNATION wAo534 OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS ENDING December 2019See RUS Bulletin 1744-2 PART B. STATEMENTS OF INCOME AND RETAINED EARNINGS OR MARGINS ITEM PRIOR YEAR THIS YEAR '1. Local Network Services Revenues 703,462 660, r.95 2. Network Access Services Revenues 5,094,?53 s ,364 ,072 3. Lonq Distance Network Services Revenues 3 8 4. Carrier Billing and Collection Revenues 37,7L1 26 ,978 5. Miscellaneous Revenues 79,273 74,0L3 6. Uncollectible Revenues 6 ,347 34,577 7. Net Operatinq Revenues (1 thru 5 less 6)5, 908, 851 6, 090, 589 8. Plant Specific Operations Expense L,77 9 ,445 1,783,367 9. Plant Nonspecific ODerations Expense (Excluding Depreciation & Amortization)490 , L24 5r2,504 10. Depreciation Expense L457,637 1,455 ,922 11. Amortization Expense r72 135 12. Customer Operations Expense 6L2 ,43r 652 ,288 13. Corporate Ooerations ExDense 949, 303 883,195 14. Total OperaUns Expenses (8 thru '13)5 ,289 , tL3 5,298,4r3 15. Operating lncome or Margins (7 less 14)6t9,748 't 92 , 116 16. Other Operating lncome and Expenses 0 0 17. State and Local Taxes 263 ,68s 27L,416 18. Federal lncome Taxes L7 0 ,169 L73 ,022 19. OtherTaxes 0 0 20, Total OoeraUno Tarcs (17+18+191 433,854 444 ,438 2'l . Net Operatinq lncome or Margins (15+16-20)185, 894 347 ,734 22. lnterest on Funded Debt 300,454 27 I ,2?2 23. Interest Expense - Capital Leases 0 0 24. Other lnterest ExDense 39 944 25. Allowance for Funds Used Durinq Construction L0 ,892 6, 901 26. Total Flxed Charqes 122+23+2+251 289 ,60].'272 ,315 27. Nonoperating Net lncome 175,340 (28 , e32) 28. Extraordinary ltems 0 0 29. Jurisdictional Differences 0 0 30. Nonregulated Net lnc,ome 520 ,1L2 481.909 31. Total Net lncome or Marslns 121+27+29+29+30-261 qq2 74<q2R - qoo 32. Total Taxes Based on lncome 0 n 33. Retained Earninqs or Marqins Beqinning-of-Year 7.387.781 1 9A) 161 34. Miscellaneous Credits Year-to-Date 2 ,23s 0 35. Dividends Declared (Common)o o 36. Dividends Declared (Preferred)0 0 37. Other Debits Year-to-Date o o 38. Transfers to Patronage Capital 0 0 39. Retalned Earnlnqs or Marslns End-of-Period [(3'l+33+3,f] - (3t]36+37+38)l 7,982,76L a - 51t .261 40. Patronage Capital Beginning-of-Year 0 4'1. Transfers to Patronage Capital 0 0 42. Patronaoe CaDital Credits Retired 0 €. Patronaqe Caoltal End-of-Year 110+41121 0 0 44. Annual Debt Service Payments 1,400 ,52L | , 38! ,232 45. Cash Ratio t(14+20-10-11\ I 71 0.72L8 0.7020 46. Operating Accrual Ratio l(4+20+26) l4 L. 0176 0.9875 47. TIERt(31+26)/261 3.0458 2 .9408 48. DSCR IB1+26+10+111 | 441 1.6709 1.5395 Page 2 of 6 USDA.RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS //VSTRUCITOTVS - See RUS Bulletin 17412 BORROWER OESIGNATION wA0534 PERIOD ENDED D€cember 2019 Prrt C- SIIRSC-RIBRR (AC(-.ESS LINII)- ROITTE Mn.E- & IIIGH SPf,,ED DATA INI'ORMATION I. RATES 2. SUBSCRIBERS {ACCESS LINESI 3 ROI|TE IflLES EXCHANGE &1 ,.1 R-1 ah'l BUSINESS RESIDENTIAL rht TOTAL l.'l TOTAL (including fib€r)lal FIBER 1b'l ROSLYN 2a.m 18.OO 1Sl 1.030 1.221 224.19 100.57 IINIONTOWN )B 'YI 1Am 7,|)306 300 2t 8/25 LENORE 40_68 25.76 6 172 188 178.v 12.00 ROUTE MILES OUTSIDE EXCHANGE AEIFA 7.87 7.67 LEON 40.68 25.76 1 23 24 20.37 la 1i DFWATTO )7 00 ), oo t3 271 2M 157.60 53.12 PRESCOTT 26.50 't8.00 36 8l 117 2()a oE 53 t5 MohileWihlBs o Routa Mileago Outside ExchangeArm 0.00 0.00 T.rtd ?ra 1 A1t ) 1A)11.)4t7 x,l!2n No- ExclEnos 7 USDA.RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS , /SmUCITO /S - See RUS Bulletin 174+2 BORROWER DESIGNATION wA0534 PERIOD ENDED D€csmb€r 2019 Pf,Tt C. SUBSCRIBER (ACCf,SS LINE). ROUTE MILE. & HIGH SPEED DATA INf,.ORMATION '1. BROADBAND SERVICE Detellr on Leeat Exmnllve Bffidhand Serulce EXCHANGE No. Access Lines with BBavailebl€/al No Of Broadband Subscribers (b) Number Of Subscribers lc'l Advertis€d Download Rate(Kbps)Idl MvertisedUpload Rat€ (Kbp6)(e) Price Per Month (fl Standalone/Pckg (f| Type Or T€chnology (o'l ROSLYN 't.221 1.442 32 6.mo I _500 /tg 95 Peckrm DSt UNIONTOWN 306 224 142 6 000 1.500 49.95 Pack oe DSL LENORE 188 A6 a)768 512 3S.95 Packeoe DSL ROUTE MILES OUTSIDE EXCHANGE AREA LEON 21 21 14 6.000 1.5m 4S C5 Packaoe DSt DEWATTO ?as 2no )5 76a 512 39.96 Packgm DSL PRESCOTT 117 56 b 768 512 39 C5 Paakae DSt Total )lt)2 06C USD/q-RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELEGOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS BORROWER DESIGNATION wAo534 PERIOD ENDING December 2019 l /SIRUCTTOTVS- See RUS Builetin 174+2 PARTD. SYSTEMDATA l. No. Plet EDploy6 t'No. Oth6 Employc l-8 ))L SqlreMil6 Swod 453 4, A6s Lin6 pcr Sql@ Mile 4 .63 5. subsibqs pq Routc Milc L.94 PARTE. TOLLDATA 1. StudyArea lD Code(s) Ea. b. c. d. e. f 9. h. t. j. lnterstate:Average Schedule Average Schedule Cost Basis lntrastate:Cost Basis PART F. FUNDS INVESTED IN PLANT DURING YEAR 1 . RUS. RTB. & FFB Loan Funds ExDended 2. Other Lono-Term Loan Funds Exp€nded 3. Funds Expended Under RUS lnterim Approval 4- Othtr Short-T€m LGn Funds ExDended 5. Genaral Funds ExD€nded (Otherthan lnt€rim)1,307,331 6. Salvao€d Materials 7. Contribution in Akl to Construction B. Gross Additions to Telecom. Plant (1 thru 7)1, 307,331 PART G. INVESTMENTS IN AFFILIATED COMPANIES INVESTI'ENTS la) CURRENT YEAR DATA CUTULATIVE DATA lnvostment This Year h) lnme/Loss This Year k) Cumulative lnvestment To Date (d) Cumulallve lncom6/Loss To Oate (e) Cunent Balanca /o 1. lnvestmont in Amliated Comoanies - Rural De\reloomenl T72,233 2 ,793 , 097 2,L93,097 2. lnvestment in Affiliated Companies - Nonrural Oewlopmont Page 5 of 6 USDA-RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS DESIGNATION vrA0534 ENDING 20L9 PART H. CURRENT DEPRECIATION RATES Are corporation's depreciation rates approved by the regulatory authority with jurisdiction over the provision of telephone services? (Check one)YES trI NO EOUIPMENT CATEGORY DEPRECIATION RATE 1. Land and support assets - Motor Vehicles 15.00t 2. Land and suDDort assets - Aircraft 3. Land and support assets - Special purpose vehicles 4. Land and support assets - Garage and otherwork equipment 16.00t 5. Land and support assets - Buildings 4.00? 6. Land and support assets - Furniture and Office equipment 15.00t 7. Land and support assets - General purpose computers 25.00* B. Central Ofrice Switchinq - Diqital 9. 00t 9. Central Office Switching - Analog & Electro-mechanical 10. Central Office Switching - Operator Systems 11. Central Office Transmission - Radio Systems 13.00t 12. Central ffice Transmission - Circuit equipment 11.19t 1 3. lnformation orioination/termination - Station apparatus 14. lnformation origination/termination - Customer premises wiring 15. lnformation origination/termination - Large private branch exchanges 16. lnformation origination/termination - Public telephone terminal equipment 17. lnformation origination/termination - Other terminal equipment 18. Cable and wire facilities - Poles 7.59t '19. Cable and wire facilities - Aerial cable - Metal 42.06* 20. Cable and wire facilities - Aerial cable - Fiber s.00* 21 . Cable and wire facilities - Underqround cable - Metal 5.00t 22. Cable and wire facilities - Underground cable - Fiber s.00t 23. Cable and wire facilities - Buried cable - Metal 24. Cable and wire facilities - Buried cable - Fiber 25. Cable and wire facilities - Conduit systems 26. Cable and wire facilities - Other Page 6 of 6 USDA.RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMM UNICATIONS BORROWERS BORROWER DESIGNATION w40534 PERIOD ENDED Deceriber 2019 INSTRUCTIONS - See help in the online application. PART I. STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 1. Besinnins Cash (Cash and Equivalents plus RUS Construction Fund)1,619,190 CASH FLOWS FRO]II OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2, Net lncome 528, 500 Adiustments to Reconcile Net lncome to Nef Cash Provided by Owrating Actiities 3. Add: Depreciation L ,466 , 922 4. Add: Amortization 136 5. Other (Explain) See Note section 275 ,667 Changes in Operating Assets and Liabilities 6. Decrease/(lncrease)inAccounts Receivable (]-96,7441 7. Decrease/(lncrease) in Materials and lnventory (1s,300) 8. Decrease(lncrease) in Prepayments and Defened Charges 7 ,398 9. Oecrease/(lncrease) in Other Cunent Assets 0 10. lncrease/(Decrease) in Accounts Payable (17 ,82L) 11. lncrease/(Decrease) in Advancc Billinqs & Payments 0 12. lncrease/(Decrease) in Other Cunent Liabilities (8,062) '13. Net Cash Provided(Used) by Operations 2 , 040 ,696 CASH FLOWS FROiI FINANCING ACTIVITIES 14. Decrease/(lncrease) in Notes Receivable 11, 015 15. lncrease/(Decrease) in Notes Pavable 0 16. lncreaser/(Decrease) in CustomerDeoosits (306) 17. Net lncrease/(Decrease) in Long Term Debt (lncluding Cunent Maturities)(1,104,950) 18. lncrease/(Decrease) in Other Liabilities & Deferred Credits L7,972 19. lncrease/(Decrease) in Capital Stock, Paid-in Capital, Membership and Capital Certificates & Other Capital 0 20. Less: Payment of Dividends 0 21. Less: Patronaoe Caoital Credits Retired 0 22. Other (Explain)see Note section (28,581) 23. Net Cash Providedl(Used) by Financing Activities (1,104,950) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 24. Net Capital Expenditures (Property, Plant & Equipment)(697,93L) 25. Other Long-Term lnvestnents (372,8141. 26. Other Noncunent Assets & Jurisdictional Differences 0 27. Other (Explain) see Note Section (ss3,193) 28. Net Cash Provided/(Used) by lnvesting Activities (t,623 ,938) 29. Net lncrease/(Decrease) in Cash (688 ,2021 30. Ending Cash 930, 988 Revision Date 2010 USDA.RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELf,,COMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS BORROWER DESIGNATION wA0534 INSTRUCTIONS - See RUS Bulletin 1744-2 PEPJOD ENDED December 2019 NOTES TO THE OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMTJNICATIONS BORROWERS Part E. 1. Study Area lD Codes Table no available a. 472423b.522423Part 1 - Statement of Cash Flows 5. Depreciation & amortization on nonregulated investments $139,723 Change in deposits ($3001 Cash surender value of life insurance ($8,216)Less plant in AP difference $3,209Notes Receivable $11,01SDeferred FIT $173,022Gain on disposal ($32,350)Unrealized gain on investment ($4,22+1tton-cash stock dividend ($6,206)Total Amount of Adjustment- Operations $275,66722.Notes Receivable ($1t,OtS)Non-cash transfer of deferred FIT $155,050Change in deposits $306Operating Deferred FIT ($173,022lTotalAmount of Adjustment - Financing ($28,681)2T.Retirements/Transfers in Net Plant ($306,207)Proceeds from sale of equipment $32,350Cash surrender value of life insurance $8,21GNon-cash stock dividend $6,206Unrealized gain on investment$4,224Plant in AP (3,209)Non- cash transfer of deferred FIT ($155,050)Operating Depreciation on Iong term investments ($ 1 39,723)Total Amount of Adjustment-l nvesting ($553, 1 93) USDA-RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMI,JNICATIONS BORROWERS BORROWER DESIGNATION wA0534 INSTRUCTIONS - See RUS Bulletin 1744-2 PERJOD ENDED December 2019 CERTIFICATION LOAN DEFAT]LT NOTES TO TIIE OPERATING REPORT FORTELECOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS