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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200622Inland Telephone CAF ICC Data.pdfIN LAN D TELEPHON E CO NPANY hrpnteOlllces 103 s.2N st. P.O. bx 171 R@IW,WA 98941 INI-AAID TELEPHONE Telephone: (5Og) il9-21 I Fax: (s09) 649-3il0 June 79,2O2O Via elcdronic filinq to : dia ne.honian@ruc. idalw. a ou Diane Hanian Commission Secreta4r Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street Boise, ldaho 8372O-OO7 4 , l'' hJ e* Emrt: (?r\) friDE - []ll qp@ .': ).--, I .r ii:!;i i-e1l'JF* ffiri(f) W;H Crr,n, n- -T- ),o-o t Re: CAI'/ICC flllng to ths Federal Conmunlcatlons Conmlsslon Dear Ms. Hanian: hrrsuant to Part 54.3O4(dXl) of the Federal Communications Commission rules, Inland Telephone Company (Study Area Code 4724231 is electronically submitting Connect America Fund fCAF") and Intercarrier Compensation fICC") data that was filed with the FCC and the Universal Service Administrative Company by the National Exchange Carrier Association on the Company's behalf. If you should have any questions or need further information, please call me at (5O9) 649-2578. Sincerely ames K. Brooks Treasurer/Controller Enclosure NEEP Data Plovided to USAC/FCC For CAF ICC Purpoces - Provlded Goncunent wlth NECA 2020 Annual Tariff Flllng 9tudy Ale : .17223 lNl-AND TEL{D Sottbment Type: Coct Tect Period 2020.'2021 Post Tnrup (FillnE) Vlew Rateoffietum (ROR) Carler Revenue RequlEment ,|2O11 lntersHe Switch€d Access Revenue Requirement $194,406 2.FY 2011 lnbastate Terminding S,vitched Access Ra/enues $12,999 3.FY 2011 Net Reciprocal Compensdion Revenues $0 4.2011 ROR Carier Base Period Rsvenue (Line 'l + Line 2 + Line 3)$207,405 5.ROR Canier Baseline Adjustnent Factor (0.95 ^ 9)0.6s0249 6.ROR Canier Revenue Requircmail (Line 4 - Line 5)$130,717 7 Pool Adminisbalion E4enses $3,974 8.Total ROR Canier Rwenue Requlrcment (Line 6 + Llne 7)$134,691 Rorenues frcm Refomed lntercarler Compematon (CC) Rdec 9.lnterstste Si,ibhed Access Revenues $6,886 10.lnterstaE Alloc#d Sridred Access Revenues#$28,715 '11.Transitiond lnbastate Access Sen ice Re\renues $708 12.Net Transitiond Redyocal Compensation Rerrenues $0 13.Total ICC Rwenue (Llne l0 + Llne 11 + Llne 12)$29,423 Ellgible Recorery 14.TRS lnqement $0 15.Regulabry Fees lncrernent $0 16.NANPA lncrernent $0 17 lnterstab Locd Svibhing Suppod ftr Price Cap Afiliates or Estimated Duplicate LSS Costs in CAF ll $0 18.Adjustnentfrr DouHe Recovery o Conec{ions $0 19.Test Period 1U19 Tru€up- N€t lmpacton T@l Eligible Recovery $2,752 n.Ellglble Recovery (Llne 8 - Llne 13) + (LIne'l'0 + Line 15 + Llne 16 + Llns l8 + Llne {9) - (LIne 17) $108,020 Renenuec Frcm Accocs Recorery ChargpE (ARC) 21 Residential ARC Revenues $0 22 Sirple Line Business ARC Revenues $2s2 23.Multi-Line Business ARC Rarenues $396 24.TotalARC Rercnuec (Llno 2'l + Line 22 + Llne 23)$et8 25.Connect America Fund (CAF) lCC Support- (Llne 2() - Line 24)$107,372 6/18t2o20 fiECPDrtt Prcvlded to USACTFCC For CAF ICC Purpoce - Prcvlded Concunrnt wlth NECA a)20 Annud Tarlfi Fl[ng Study Ana: 4724et NLAND TEL.ID Setthment Typer Cct Test Period 202G,ff)21 Poct Tnrup (Flllng) Vlew Revbed CAF ICC Supportrrrffi fnputed ARC Rwenueo for Concumer Brcadbandonly Loopo xt.lmpubd ARC Revenr fiorn CBOL Lines per 51.917(0(4), After 51.91(0(5) Umit $6s 27 AdJulbd Connect Amcrlca Fund (CAF) EG Suppo# (Llne 25 - Une 26)$107,307 NobE: #P{FCCDrsiJnafio.r frcr, c&dabd a(Sumof Lhc9flralTSpoolpar0cipa.rts)'(Lhc 1/Sunof tiL lhdTSpoolpflfcip$tt) * NEcA.sttnde pwid.d br l{brmdonal F.rpos.s only - acfiIal b be calculccd by USAC 2 6118lz,,o