HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200616Rural Telephone CAF ICC Data.pdfWa Email Ms. Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utllities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 RE: IPUC File No: WC Docket No. 10-90: Administration of Connect America Fund lntercanier Compensation Replacement $54.304(dX1 ). GNR.T-20{1 Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (208)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com June 16,2020 aic r tvE s i0l$ Jtlt{ l5 ff{ $ 56 , \l l-: tAi-. r.f-;,..i f'L:1..!Lltr' i::l !i i'i:i: I COt{l,tiS$lGl{ Dear Ms. Hanian: As you rnay know, I represent the ldaho Teleoom Alliance ('lTA'). The ITA is assisting its member oompanies in making this filing pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $54.304(d[1) of the Federal Communicatons C.ommission's rules. Endosed are the projected elpibility data br CAF ICC funding for July 1, 2O2O through June 30, 2A21 br the following companies: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., Direct Communicatircns Rockland, lnc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, lnc., and Rural Telephone Company. Other companies may have ftled this information separately ftom this filing. These projec'tions include any bu+'ups associated with earlier filing periods. The projections have also been filed with the Federa! Communications Commission and the Unlversal Service Adminhtrative Company, as the administrator of the Federal Universal Service Fund. lt is filed with the ldaho Public Utllitles Commlssion as an informatlon filing only and no action is required or requested. In addition to the redacted electronic filing, a hard copy of certain documentation whicft is considered tade secret and confidential pursuant to Section 7+107(1) of the Idaho Code, will be sent by mail to the Daniel Klein, telecom analyst, on yelbw paper in sealed envelopes. lf you have any questions regarding this filing, please fee! free to contact me. Sincerely, 0n*'1{4,fuL Enclosures Cynthia A. Melillo RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY TO BE CO*IPLETED BY TTIE iEFOETING SARRIER, Gar{flodbn of Ofrlcr rr to (ho Acanrrcy of the CAF IGG Data Rsporbd lortfyfil.tl.!r.n otfioor ofJrrDrlhgclnllc lrut$DoD&llllhr hdrd.oruilng th. rlo$rolotth.rofinl drlrrport4..t4ioft. bnl ornllorqfdlr. Oro hlbnrnUon [Potd ot tilttorrtb Eurfr. rrrm*nmarac.,uRurd Tdephonepompeny -lD - -, *anrndrr,sd*W lo*osrsaoeo ,hd ilm. orAn.old **utaffilffiar{a1 1[r c ador d A$odad otuVl6'Prcgldent rdr{r6r drr$rara{ror6 66il (20S) 36S'261&o llodrArt co&d Raoodm Grrlr lAruZag ffim[#Jffi;t.bhbEm lu'-' re zozo PeFofltdttulylmkkohh..hl.m.ntronfiarlhnc.nb.purbhedflhrcbr{lltreund.rh.CDrrfr!hr0oilAdotf90+ 47U.s,C.!!602.5{BO}orfrchrdamod undorfu. ltd0. Uaa, Srh! Codq lE U.S,C. ! 100{. o3rlcr C.rt TO BE COilPLEIED BYTHE REPOR3II{G CARRIER,IF AI{ AOE}IT 13 TILINO DAIA ON THE CARR}ERI} BEHALF: Crrtlf,crtlon ot Oftlc.r b Aulhorla rn Agcnt to Flh D& Rcporild on Bohrlt of Rcporlng Crrlor rrd (ttil c l1rrr{ Ndofld Edrftoc Cllrlor AsBodatlon. Inc, 0$CAl t. rrtorlr.d b lllot ft. 1rl!flnddr ryurld o, D.ffi of tt. aDC I'ottr b.rt cf my lmyl.&o tt tolutt d.b .tporll| drfii ltl, rqodulE r HI(a alerh9 0r .oourroy cI Sr drtr Flt,Ird b 0r Adhorh.dptovftbd bftr &dldrd AC.ri.lr.coinn l,lallonel CanlerAscocHion, lnc. t,r'. d nrsc.1s s.n6,Rural Telephogq{orfi pany - lD- Effi.rarAtrrn d tri %t:sn020 r. .r. rurt 'd h@d "n*, e99l-T-e*-Aj. ".----- SlndvA,lr Ocdr dRrodhq Crrb 472233 ffiffiffi,"tu*.m irDm 15 2020 PLt{'t3 r5ay ,t ll g hBe $b!.rrr ar t5mr dr D. erfrhad !y [r q hd*rr ultr ir coililih.0on Lt af tct+ 17 U6'c, ll &, mor, a h o.trp.tmjt 6drf lll lt orlll. tht d sLh codr, It u.s.c. I r@t. TO BE COIiPLETED BYAII OFTEER OFTHE REPORTIiiIG CARRIER Gertmcadon of oillccrlbr Rrbof-Rcturn ctfrlor EllglH[ry for GAF/IGC Rccowry I orrtlythlut atrdiaof th rrrord|u,a]rLr.id flrtrtoth. !.n olmy hlo]'tadla th lrIonluttll.f on tHtlbtm.rttltl.t lirt t h8 [,i;frirat t6irlo nc.-.w fgr]eqOt rnd fror nrannrv Or.l5 lrtlrlrl.l .rd b rl1lUr to rcdrn rh Cll IGC npport rrqucdcd Durtu$ to tSu!7l'l. Eff r,, Rcil,rnd ca'bRural TgIePDo:nq -lD o511s12020 Vics-President 4 ptntz EffiffirrrrorrDfrfrrtlrbrmffiffitlrnffilvvrvtSilmrAm Cd orh.d{m Gfilor JtnG 16 2020 Fet|dtr ulUulf ,mlhlt ts tllrt.lttr on Od.tom ctnt plltlh.d !f fo8(br, orln ortrPil..iltt ltl uilftrlr ll nm or forlblt|||t rndrr tho Gommmlsdoor Aot of .l $,1 a, U'8.C. tl l0r" ClIr. thllrd tu.s Gcd.i lt Ut'c- ! 10Ot. TO BECO}TflETED BYAI OFFICER OFTIIE REPORNNC CARRIER Gaillllcallon of Officor br Rrh.ot R.tum Canl.r t{ot Srklng Dup[cdr6 Rcoovrry lc.r{lylh.ll.mrtsrltroftlrlraotfln8Grnl.l.drll&loO:tretofnrrloouh*o tttrrio.tltrc.dsbrotrt.ldr|du$..ilu.ft3orr.ryhdlrrtrn}fidc0onrilryALb!. n cou.;yl&halodp nqnryrrchrnlmrrpristgUtalm - x-. * n-.q,nc.,,kRural Telephone Company - JD o5l1gl2t20 dhd:4 3trry Altr ooe d &pctnq olrt*l+tzztt ffimrmrorrtrrbor Jm. 15 2020 F.,.om rfllfufyrElhe lrhrrtrbuoatr on lhL rortr o]lD.Ellblrd30!Sl c3rr crlmprbormrrt ri&Iltr ty lho or lfiftltun l'ldc? Or Coo.n|nlEtlom ^!t ol ta0a. a? U.S.A lE $a.tt Cft. lhhd Etrbr Cod., tt U.!.C. ! 100t. 6t4t20i20 lbrmlnldn3 End cfietc€t Scrv&. Tlmlnttlng End ffic, Prtmhm, Dar!co!!mlruta BldOfio ScrvlcrEldOfile, l5n-tan{um, pcr a@ai3 mlnt Ertrarca ?J Cr.deW]! Entltlrcc Pct Grtde Four Wtrr E rtrancc ?a Ertl.nce Frlty, Perftrfilndm HlgftQ.dtyDSt Entrlocc fircltL Pcrllnnln#ct Syrdrrorous Opttd Ch.nncl ocl Entrdlcc Facllty, Par ILdrlndm $ndrrurwOpttrl Chrnnsl OGr2 Eatrlnce Flclt , Fct l,tbps EntEnce FEity, P.tnrtnlnrtldl ESALT 10 Hbpt Entrulco F*llty, Pcr Lrmtnsum 6ALT 50 llbps DirGd th,lled Trrntport Ecllty/ Mlh Vobc e!d. - Trvo IUr€ I Farr Wh Dirrct Trunkad Trlrl6port Frc0ty/ Mlh ttgh C.pldty DSI Dlrct ltunbd Tran6pathcriv/ illb lrigh C@ldty DS3 Dlt(t lhrnk6d 1tln8port tclnty/ l,{ I h Symnrorou3 OFtlcrl ChI|mt O(3 DlG.t llunbd ltlllspqtEcllty/ Mlh $ndrrcnousOpttrl Ctilncl OC12 ol'rcr}unh.trlatEpdt Ec$tyl xth SSALT 2 DSr Tctt V!!t 2020-ZOZ1 Clg*hd librdmum Intr$t ta J ,. i',.. ,,tou tr{OU Irn{natloo Tcrrnhltbo Tcrmh!tbn Tcrntrttbn Tcrnhrtbn Tem*Ltbn Orlrlt Orqrlt Clltult MIC M{e iuls tllle ille Orarlt lrllca ilge:/frrv'w. mcalnb.oq/lCC-CAF/6.rrrcollrtrasbtoTRpOutsul aspx IIECA HOmc rBCADlta(OllC<tlOnr (.!,r!',.(r til (/,, l(-i If,riru(i,r.:r Log6d ln tlcr: Sanrnth! grn ts Homc SrtGGt Gompllry illln Pegn Saudy Arer D.tt lnput l'lenu ) ' ' il: R rlc f0,000000m 10.(xro00000 18l.a7 1r30.37 lr97.t7 13,626.49 13,697.93 33,948.19 170t,17 1758.20 1982.t0 t5.79 J27,22 f2r7.(x ]231.71 131E.49 t0o.1s SUrdy Ar. r nUnAL TEIIPIIOilE COIPAIIY - ID (IDt aTriErrl lnt rtrt R.utnrE (FOCrnP edilb!) Downtord TIP D.tr ln Eroot :: t+ .il .,1 t x,r'{:Ill, ltrlr i,.;lt *0.00010000 10Jt0070000 t02.70 lr3l.14 f40t.18 t3,581.34 t3,7$.86 i.|,007.9! f7l..r1 a?69.67 1907.16 ts.8E ;27.63 f2tt0.6l 1257.58 1323.31 18r.36 2@O lCC CAF DAt'CdIdbN REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION 2o2o CAF ICc Data Collection Col H t, lr,.(,r.)r. !, l.tl, li -t,lt,<.rlrl.rirri,r ir;,rir',! i(,rr.U d CAF I Anc odput ) Hl3todc Re porta ) E{6rtl6cetbn ) Col J Col x Col L Coa U Col tl 71rte021 ";l c frrn*ra{ng tor lim. D"rIcltDd lnlaal'.la Unla Grswlh Rrf, %'lr ,,r.i t0.0000m0 t0,0000000 l8r.a 11!0.t f397.r 03.625.4 $3re7.e t38.8.1 1il3.{ t758.2 1982.3 5.7 a27.2 12:r7.0 f253.7 1318.. 180.1 6t1tiu20 Mbps OTF-Er Dlrcct Thrnked I|ansport Frdllty/ illle ESALT 2 t4bps DTF-E Dlred Trunked Transport F.cllity/ Hlls ESALT 2 Mbps DTF.E3 Dirgct'Itunl@d Thnsport Fadltty/ lrlll. ESALT 2 Mbps OTF-E{ Drcd Thunlcd Thnrport rad[tyl i,llle ESALT 10 Mbp6 DTF-EI Dlrtct Tunled Tansport FBdltty/ I.{lh ESALT 10 Mbps DTFE2 Dlrcct lhrrked Transport Frclllty/ lt{lle ESALT 10Itpe DTFE3 . Dlr€ct Ihrnld Transport lraorrty/ mrte ESALT 10 'i4bps DTF-64 i otred Trunked .tra nsport FEdllty/ M[e ESALT 50 ,,lbPs DTFEI Dlrect Tlunl(ed Trr nsport Fadl[ry/ MIe ESALT 50 tlbp6 DTFEa Olrect Tll.rlked :llaosport hcility/ irlle ESALT 50 Mbps OTF-E3 I Dlrcst Trunked liansport Fsdltty/ ,rllle ESALT 50 HbP6 DTF.FI DirEct Trunked Tiansport F!cllltynbrmhrEon volce Grade - Tlw wlrc & Fourlwre I DlrEct rltunEd :fia ngport Fadllty/ferfi lnltlon Hlgh Cspadty OS1 Dlrrct Trunlcd Tra nsport hdllty/rernlnstlon Hlgh C.padty DS3 Dlrect Ttunked Transport Fadllvfiermlnadon Syndrronous OpUc!l Olannel OC3 Dhect Trunked Transport Fadllty/termlnaEon Syndrronous Optical Ct8nnel OC12 Dfect'ttunked llansport Faclllty/femlntuon ESALT 2 HbPs Di]ed Trunl€d Transport FEcllltylbrmlnstlon EALT 10 Mbp6 , OlrEct Tlunl(.d llancport i Flclllty/fermhatlon I eseur so uupe Multlplcxlng, Pcr ArEngem€nt DS3 to DS1 MulUplcxhg, Pcr Arrangement OSl to \blce Customer r{ode Per Node OC3 155.52 Mbps Custorner ,tode Per Node OC12 522,08 ilbps Customcr Prcmises Port,Er Port OC3 155.52 : Mbps qJstomer Pr€mlses Port, Per Port ST91 51.84 14bps Customer Premlses Port, Per Port DS3.14.736 Mbps Custorner Premises Port, Per Port DSI 1.544 Mbps Orcult Mlles orcult t'lllG6 clrqrlt Mll.3 Clrqrlt itl,es Cirorit Miles OrEult Mlles grcult illlcs grEult Mlles clrEult Mlles Clra,tt Mllcs Ortult Mllcs Tennlnatlon Termlnetson Termhauon TermirEtion Termlnatlon Orcutt terms $200.30 *410,84 $569,0{ $379,30 $654.18 $r. r65.85 $s8.32 $141.1E $905,61 1943.96 i2,0s5.29 $r87.02 *228.il 1279.14 J827,r7 s319.37 $8s8.67 $2,480.63 s28r.75 1338.28 *338.28 1E6,72 1203.33 $417.05 $577,6s 1385,12 $564.07 $r,183..18 ts9.20 0r43,32 $920.32 $95E.24 t2,086.38 1189,8s $232.r0 1283.67 $839.68 $324.20 $E71.56 $2,s18.rs $286.01 $343.40 $343.40 $88.03 0n $s3.4 $79.s 1133.2 $203.2 s121.9 $200.3 s410.8 $s69,0 1379.3 t6s4.r i1,16s.8 ts8.3 $141.1 $906.6 $943.9 $2,055.2 $187.0 i228.6 +279.1 $827.1 1319.3 $Es8.5 $2.480.6 $2Er.7 $338.2 i338.2 185.7 REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION $s3.rH 15{,25 $79.s8 380.78 $133.24 1135.26 $203.23 $206.30 1121.96 $123.80 Ora/lt terms Clrcult terms TermlnaUon T€rmlnrtlon Port Port Fort Fort ha Fort hfl ps://w*rr. necal nb.otg/l CC_GAF/sou tro/l ntrastatBTRPOuFuLagpx 6,4/1n20 lAdd/DmpMuluplexlng Fort lcentml omce Port, Per Fbrt OSr 1,5+4 Ubp6 Add/Drop tlultipler(ing Central Ofnce Port, Per Port Fort OC3 155.52 irbps ,G,d/otop Muluplexlng Cenkal ofncc Port, Per Port Port DS3 44,735 Mbps Network Blockhg, Per Blod@d ell Network BlocHng, Per Blodcd urr Call, Appllss to FGD only EALT REal Tlms CoS/QoS, F.r ESALT DTF- Frclllty E1 Faclllty eilLT Z ilbps ESALT RCAI TI'NC covQos, Fer ESALT rrrF- Eclllty E1 Facllity SALT 10 MbpE ESALT RC.I N'tE cos/Qos, Per ESALI oTF- FEdllty El Feclltty ESALT 50 Mbps ESALT Ent ance Faclllty Protectbn, Per ESALT Entrance Faclllty ESALT 2 itbps ESALT Entronce Faclltty Protectlon, ftr ESALT Entrance Facllity ESALT 10 Mbp6 ESALT Entrance Fadlity Protectlon, Per 6ALT Entsrnc€ Facility ESALT 50 tlbps Common Channel I Slgnaling Nctwork @rnecton Slgnalhg l'fllesge Fadlfry, Fer Mllc Crmmon Chrnnel'slgnalhg l$twork Connectbn SlgnEllng i'llleage Termlnstlon, Per'IErmlnrUon Common channel Signaling Network Crnnectbn Slgnallng Entrance Facllity, Per FEdnty Common c,rlnnel Signallng Nstwork Conn€ctlon STP Fort, Per Fort Tcnrlnrung T!ndem Swltchcd Traniport i TermlnEtlng IUndem Swltched Transport Frclllty TermlnrEng lbndem Swltdred TrarBport Tbrmlnaung Tbndem Swltded Termlnstlon Termlnatlng Tandem Swit$ed Transport Termhadng Tlndem Switdtlng Nonrecurrlng Chlrges Volce Grade'l\,vo Wr€ Nonrec!nln0 Charges Volce Grede Four wlr€ J{onrecurtlng Chrrges Hlgh Capadty DSl Nonreor]Ilng Charges Hlgh Crprdt), DS3 NonraoJrrlng Ch819e6 Syncfironous Optical Chsnnel OC3 l{onrccurrlng Charges Syndrromus Optlcal $69.37 170.42 $281.75 I f286.01 $281,7 *773.46 S176.08 $173.4 10.01640000 $0.01660000 $0.016{000 0z) 169.3 Mlle 115.30 $1s.53 S1s,3 $76.53 177.69 $76.5 $238.16 lz4t.75 1238.1 Clrcult *284.10 $288.40 $284,r Clrt:rlt $2&4.10 t288.40 *284.1 Clrorlt f284.10 $288.40 1284.r $7.82 $7.94 7.8 Termln.tlon $78.50 $79.69 S78.5 Fadllty $150,37 $152.64 t1s0.3 hrt 1774,82 $786.s4 1774.8 Fllnut€s / Mll€$0.00003000 $0.00043700 10.0004300 Mlnutes $0,00223300$0.00226700$0'm22330 t'llnutes Padllty FEclllty FaEility FacilltY Faclllty FEdllty $0.00s63300 $0.00571800 $0.0056330 Channel OC12 Nonrscuring Orrr!€s Interlm N)o( Tfanslatlon, Order $235'11 $238.67 Fer Order Nonrecrl]rirE (}l!rges Ordcr t/172'35 t479,49 ht$s://nruw.neca lnfo.org/lCC_CAF/source/l ntssetateTRPOu Fut. Espx $480.90 $+80.90 $352.68 1475.56 s38/.72 138,-.72 1488.17 f/t88.17 f3s8.01 *442.7s $390.s4 $390,s4 1480.9 $480.9 $3s2.6 1475,s 33&{.7 jZ84.7 $235.1 i172.3 ii' )l'j AAT&N I FGc rnd FGD OonverConlr rutffircrnrry Addrts lstgrattng o Ssz ISEnllrlg or 55, l$gnrllng b lUultltlqu.ncy Addnr l slgnrlhg, P.r 24 trunL3 lqrvl,tcd orftacAonIthsrpf on r par odar w f490,51r $497.93 t490.5 $o.llooflXloo : lO.o0Olr0O00 t0.0000000 REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION bBls ibnrmrrdne Chlrges Ifunl Aadt !ton, per 24 trunk! rdYttod or lLcton trrEf on r per ord3r brrts ilonrErllne Ch.rgEs H.Ilble Autorn tb NumDer td$tillcrum (Flcfl AtlI), per End(}ficc" perCIc Nonitorl"lng CharlE6 ESAIT2 tiDPE ,rlorracrrlng C[ar!6 6ALT 10 itp6 Irlonr€cur"hg Chargoa ES LT 50 l,lbp6 Nonrrllrth! Chlrgli eSALT Dlmct llunkrd Ttlmlnruo|r, pcr ESALT DlEct thnl(Gd Ord6r lnd Ofrlc. Fadllty F.dllty Fadlfy $s78.57 i574,57 l57A.5t 13E1.18 $58,t.82 1s69.95 rs5e,e5 | fs6e.e5 i s375.50 $576.11 i t559.' $s59.9 1s59.9 $375.s 1s75.1 c&.T.fu.ath.lPrr6rtulq rOrdor llon]tsurnng ChlreEs ESALT Entrlnc. F.clllty PrcEdon, pcf ES LT Ent alrce Ecmty Edllty htlpt://umru.necalnb.oq/loc_CAF/sourcGJl nbrsHtTRPoutsulasp,(4t4 6i417626 2@0 lcc cAF me cdldlon REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION 2o2o CAf lcc Deta Collection rECA Homa ,IECA Datt OltGEtloff corrti!(l lr.- (Al lL( tnrlruttrr'Dr i Oo(urrrrr:' Lggrd ln t,scr: Srr5rtt.grrrrE ht( a In PaperCertillcation I rar1, rr,q to!rn Hornc SeLct @mpany Hrln prtG tstudy Aru. D.tx tnput llrnu ) GAF l AtC Output ) Hlrtortc n:portr) C{rrtlfrcatbn ) tAdy Att ! IUTAL TlLCPllOilt Cdl?AIlY. tD (lD! arzl:lt) St|dV Ar.r UCrG r.F?t, t ULe pdnHrl.ridl, Ero.t I GDiliE tiltllcrruto IDrtr to be pDvld.d n USIC/ICC h tunc 2020 for c^F tCC Purpoesl t tkr.,tttt tOtt Test Period 7I'tI20.G/3lU2t Post Vhw CadrfEu. mll InErrtltr SrlErcd Aacrc3s ;t*nue Swldrcd AccE3 navcnuas 3 filzoll xctRGchlocd Comrslsludl ilrcturs 4 2011 ROf, C.rncr Bac Edod n v.t|lt! (uD. 1 + llno 2 + um 3) 5 ROR ClrrLr llelllc Adrultm.ot Fa&r (0.95 ^ 9) 5 ROt ClraL, ttsrtnu. Ra4ul,trn nt (Un axLlnr5) hdAddntsmldr 0 lttd ROn C.rdcrecYsrlrc 6+Lh. irfr ItinrdlrtrrLr&i-a[E a!6cl l- 9 lnttnt tr Su,*chGd lccprg nctrnuet 10 t,talttr AlocaLd ssclnd Lcctr nattnuctt 11 Tlnstloo.l lntrlst tc Laar Sa.Ylcc RaYtouct 12 !|et T6Bltlond t€cFtlc.l co.npe,l3rtlol nrrtnurr Totil tCC nlltolx (l,Jn l0 + un 11 + Una 12) lhlll fou.,y 14 TRS ltrcrerilot Fcc! Illcrt ncnt NA'{PA L7 Inta6trtr locrl ir Prkc ,fflbtB o? Ertlmrt d LSSCGE h C^F tr l8 Adjufrnanth Douua Rrcdrcty ot Cornc{onD t9 Tel Eftd 1el19 ltue(rP - ilet ImpD(t ort &bl Ellglu. Racoltry 8-Un 1a + llrc 15 + t.llc 16 + Un€ 18 + lha 19) - 23 itlfrlunaatshcs 21 &ild^Rcnailrnuc3 2l + l.Irc 2e + Oarn-l 25 Cooncd Ansta fund 20-Un antloc rlur ItCltm-F 25 ARC RarcnuoAdlsutgtt 'Smld H€r on RconCdt'atbn I Cbr{natbn' FCC f8-13 27 Adund "rr "3lod 2D20-102t CallGCSurErl (Um 2l - Uno 26) T,IE$,9. rcC dolEl(iriCh t, 86 ot h t br al lE E xrtBDrttrl C 'EOECAlrdur.lFra5 iCc, AI httse:/lfirtv.rpcal nborg/lcC_CAFlscrtcerLrsAcDab .6spr(1t1 6/.4no20 2(EO IOCCAFD6*AcdIdION REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION 2020 CAF ICC Data Collection ]{ECAHom€ I{ECADetaGollectlonr (i,',,, r:. r/,1,r I,,., !r{,',,, I i,-r\i ',,'t. XECAIR r',r1 + {,.t,',{.,,'..r lr,:,,,r toSout t ggld ln urB: Srrn nthr Slnrlb ,$ HomG SGlcGt Compeny l{aln PagG Study Aros Dat tnput t €ru ) CAF I ARC Output } Hl.torlc Bcpo*c ) E{ertlltcrtbn ) Strd, ArG.! Lun L ?ELEPIIOilE GOIIPAxY - lD (lD: ar1233) Aeaaa l*cr,.rychrrt6 Ic.t Erlod 20?G?f Prt-tr,.-up tLr tqrt hrlod 202S21 Fo6t-fhrc-t p (Flll'rg) Vlcw Tct F.Ilod 2O20-2O21 ?atTruc{rp (Fllhe) Ylcw Ex.hange/zonc Itlame Adstt BoEa Rlvet krbh Shoup Thre CGd( TlpanukStrdrA'r. &rmtrary htbs:/rh^rru. rEcs I nborg/lCC_CAF/sanrce/ARCChangos.aspx o 2!! rEcAB6 d ura I Pilg Hc, 1tl