HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200616Farmers Mutual CAF ICC Data.pdf|::Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (208)-577-5747 cam(@camlawidaho.com June 16,2020 fr*CEIVEfJ I!?* JUFi l5 *t 9; 57 t'_,:tr,r'-r!at:A.,.' ,: : -.r i '--'{.LlLri i, , : ,.-i: i-l3i.ilr{f$SleH Wa Email Ms. Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utiltties Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 RE: IPUC File No: WC Docket No. 10-90: Administration of Connect America Furd lntercanier Compensation Replacement $54.304(dX1 ).GNR-T.20{1 Dear Ms. Hanian: As you may know, I represent the ldaho Telecom Alliance ClTtr). The ITA is assisting its member companies in making this filing pursuant to 47 c.F.R. $81.304(d[1) of the Federal Communicatons Commission's rules. Enclosed are the projected eligibility data for CAF fCC fundirB for July 1, 2O2O through June 30, 2A21 br the following companies: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., Direct Communications Rockland, lnc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Cooperctive Association, lnc., and Rural Telephone Company. other companies may have filed this information separately ftom this filing. These proiections include any trueups associated with earlier filing periods. The projections have also been filed wih the Federal Communications Commission and the Unlversal Service Administrative Company, as the administrator of the Federal Universal Service Fund. lt is filed with the ldaho Public Utllitles Commission as an information filing only and no action is required or requested. ln addition to the redacted electronic filing, a hard copy of certain documentiation whicfr is considered bade secret and confidential pursuant to Section 7+'107(1) of the ldaho Code, will be sent by mall to the Daniel Klein, telecom analyst, on yellow paper in sealed envelopes. lf you have any questions regarding this filing, please feel free to contract me. Sincerely, Enclosures Cynthia A. Melillo FARMERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY Gcrtllcrtlon of Oftcer er b lfl. Accurecy ol thc Detr R.port d hr Ore Rlto Floor Ddr t c.dtylhralrm m ornc.rorlh nporlhf effil.';mt tupcnd[L.lncld.rt.|dry lli.fiilncrotlh..ctud nt]llocrdrL noofid.nd,toth. L.tCfiy hrox,5gtrr0. moilldon qo.f.d or Gbratilt b accrlta' NanE ol Roporting Carie[:FARMERS MUTUAL TEL Signaturu of Autroftad O{flc.c DOr,',.t,.d A nd.0 c[lt Dttarffit Win*-l!fr,laao.f;atEit Drb: 0fJ|OE2.O?O Prlrtd nanEof Arthorlrd Omcc Drnid Grlg Trile or poCton of Aulhoftcd Officff Ganard lrrn gor TGlGPhonc ntmbor d Aufioli2.d Olfic.r 208'a524100 Study Arr. Codr of Rrpodng Carrt r ffi Fllng Du€ Datefo,rthli fonn (rm/ddwyy)17ZZt1 o?n1no20, I 6rdfy that our co(Tany rerlve! or B prcJcad b rlc.h,r Hlgh Cost toop Sl+port (or F Ecn Hlgh Co.t Supporl tr.t b b.!cd on HCLS or Hbh Cod Modol SWpoO durhO trc podod July 2020 thrcueh June 2021, but ha! m monthly lld(tent l rsb3 (pllt! darg.r ts&fin6d) Lrs then 116.00.x TO BE OOXPLETED AY IHE REP(XTNO CARRIER G.rtllb.Ooo doliBr.t to tlllccrnsy of tl. CA; tOC Difa Rapdarf I rdlydtat I u I Cll€r.tlht rp{(dti Erbn ny r[pcilDlma hclsd. arHlrli fi mEE, olnr 6d *]t ratorfd;.ltl, n Ira lit ot n, ffigD, ilD hiomrfhn [roltd m drl. toffi h *qnr. Nern. o, RaporUns Crrin: FARMERS MUTUAL TEL CO LTD. - lD Danhl Grelg Dfialrt algEd by Otlkl Ghry frtir;FmG|dgant[.drn0hqqO,llffi m!r!.1bt 6 td. - ir.}.rNf,.rd lO 13619. t).tr:6t2r4020 S lonetr€ of Arhor[ad Offi c.r D.rr: 5l27nO2O Prhbd nrma cfArlhfiLEd Officec OaniGlGrrig Tlh orpoofhn olAi8lortsd Olficoc General Manager Trbphonc rrrnber of Auliorhd Oftcn 20&452-3'100 Sludy Ars co.re d R.podhe c.iliaf 47222'.1 Fltrng Du. Oeta lorrhl! bIm (mmrddryyyy)al1sn02a Tscm*rll, ralrg flbtnrrilt mtlirtcm mn !.Iuotstad !yilr A.r c icta,., Ul.c O !01 10{nI ann or lnFrbomil rnd.r Ttl. tt C lh. Urfd $il. Oca.r lt l,[fa. l 1001. TO 8E @TIPLETED 6Y 'HE REPORflTTO CARRIER. IF AI{ AOET{I 18 FIUirci DATA OI{ TIIE CARroETS BEMLF: C-tilfcao.oo oI O[tc.rto Arrorqlzt an Alrnl to FL lrrh R.Po]H m B.haf of Raeodltg C.dat larwfirdr.Cl|UrlN Natonal Exchangc Cariarr Asochtlon,[ti*r-o r oo* r]. lniom$cn iporhr, on D.lrt c Ir rltcixle rd[. I aha rfi Al.t I lm s clherr of ant EPordnt ctrLn my apcmDtrfiha lnctuh muhe ft. GmGy ot rt. l|tr DdLtr rD fi Artortrd Aiaot ra, t dr hl ol ry lmro5r, ilr act[l aran PmEaa lc lt Adlredrr{ @r,-r-r*. N.m. of AIffiadAo€r*Nsiionrl Exchange C.nlers Astochtion, lnc. Nrm.otRsqlho Crjrlor:FARMERS MUTUAL TEL CO LTD.. ID Drnlel Gr.lg goili, rBu iry ptr urq, lrl{ r!.tlr4 td "l*Nlbrd lD $6te. 0d.:M7A@ Skntu. of Arthor!0d O,lllorr: D.b: il27f2!20 Prhed rslle of Adhortsod Oihan Danbl Grc[ Tith q poqlln of Arthskad olllcar:Goneral Manager TaLphom runlat ddlho.W officrr:mH52{100 Sttdy Ato. Codo ol REpodtp Cule 172221 FilnoDlrD.t h.fir fom (mmrddryyly)Blta12020 Pafroo.rtftll,mlhehh.tnb.mit m$htmsnLpmHrdDtiilorlor|Lhnudrro.ComrhldoDActclttl+a,u.ac.$1018atlb}orttrortlrrtrcffiilund.rTiIllolit uoradtrrntco.a,lattc.tlot- rO EE COIIPLEIEP EY AI{ OFFICEi OF THE REPORTIIIC CAiRIER Crt&don otot lcrfor i.!.-ol{fim Crrthr CllglDllltylor cAFrlGc Rocdrry I rrlyorttuu oltErtClx rpollilri E illrn,(la,l.t..Daal ot rylootOf..dt !t?cdn0 crrfitot U*a,orfi l.rfirr rm r l[ corpld {l$ Eglut mov.ly Flrltldl ra fGG.r i.co{.ty Ct rr. tal,gtl.r od b .Itlf ao mfttr fi.Cf tOG i|rctt nqidd ps.mt b ltl,ll rO, il.rfla ol Rooonho C.fliac FARMERS MUTUAL TEL CO LTD, - IO D.nael Gr.lg ry{n@q.JrlrlryG.ru.illdnoffi,d[effir6 nuhd tC 6ld. d.FFdrtnd D &r.le, Od!:6r27202t SiqrahJrl ol A,lfprts d Offioar or amolovc.:Ddc: 6n7ni20 Prtit€d rsn€ ca tuthfihd of?lcer or sploryea:Denhl Grelg Tltb or mstim d Auhulzrd Ofica. o. amDlor! :Gencrel Manao6r Tchohoil nuflrbar ol ArEpatsad Otnc.r or am*ttaa:208-{52-31fi) Stdy ArE Code oa RapoaliE Crtrhf 172?21 Flhg 9tn 0.Lbf filr brm (m.tr,m,yyyy,611AnO20 PrDntrld, uth0 '.b. trbol.r.3ff &lttrornCln !arunl.lr.d tylh orftrllthn ufuttrCorrtr.Hil laa ct ltl+ a, Ur.c. B &2, t6O1, rltr or hr.t mal rna.t llll la C lr lhhd aai Coa., l! UrC. l 1001, TO 3E COilPLETEO 8Y At{ OFFlcEn OF THE REPORTltr,g G RdER CrifflOo.r onoilG.f llc irlr+t{rArn C}rLr Xoa g..ld.R DryIcjlw iacoy.ty I o.rrlryam|Iril dn-rCtt n9.llrre ErLrrrt.Od,rDir lraoarf tnc#e.,tt nponltr{ enl.rL noa nt,ligdloldtnrcorrrltlt fLln aElootbrtnyEeDrRmrynu.c.to0rrconrymchnbn.rFrlal,f,trlallrtl, Nimol Ropatlp Crnrt: FARMERS MUTUAL TEL CO LTD. - lD Danlel Greig OIn ? iloq.t u, tEn.icr0{ Dti saDrai fGrt,.i*.&no{ilqffiO'bffi ridult l o lU. - lC lcFN{.d lO ,301e, 0dG5rA2@Ogi0nru^r! otArhorL.d Ofiinr a qmpbyse:D.b: $nnOzi Prlrffi ilni of A.fio.L€d OlFer c cmploysc:Denlcl Tilh or Alfrorized Ofreror Gcncral TehpturnnbarofAJlholts dOillcss.mploy.r: 20&452-3100 Stdy A.s! Coded Reportho Cirlrr 47?,n1 Fllng Du. 9!b lb. t{! fo(rlt (mmludyyryl 6113trtrzo thmo.nflrmmgrrLthmilrmtLrilnncrl!lpurht alrlhaorfilbtr!udr$.o.nlrma*llaAcrdt$4 at Ut c. $ In C0q!). cfln tr lml.Lormt cri.r ttr ta ot i!. U.i.d !Irr.. Cqt . tt ULC. l tOOt. et4iatr?o EE Ofr[atlcltkcTcmin.th3 OftlcC Prti{um, prr -oe$ n*rlfre Tannlndag Enll Officee.c..r s!ilk! Ilrmlntlrlg End Orfica, Nor-P.lmaum, par rccas mlnutc Entr.nc. Flcllty, F3 Tarfllnltlm \rbkr ede llro Wrr Entrance fircfly, Pc,nlilnrum Yblcc Qde Four Wltt EDtiance P6ctp.dty DSr I Ent]lncc F!c0lty, Pcr |&rmln*lon Heh C.prdty 1Ds3 I Entr.nc. Frclty, Per !fermtntor Syndrrolour iOpdc.l Ch.nnrl O,ct Ertl- s F-lty, P6t TC'rrdndm Syndudlouc Opdcd ChJlarl OCr2 Entrinca Facaty, P€tEr'ltndq| ESALT2IIbF Ent'tlcc F.cnky, Pcttrfiln Oql ESALT r0 Xbps Entrancc Frility, P6r Ermlnddl ETALT 50 Mbpt Dlrct Th,rt Bd fl! r6F.thci[ty/ Hale \6lc€ GldG -ho W.r e F.rr UVIla Olect Trunbd II.nEFrt Ecxtty/ riilb Hlgh crFctytrst Dttct lhrnbd T.rEport Bcfity/ rilb lrlgh CrFGrty o83 Dhct l}unhd Tlnsporttctlty/ il116 ryndrrdous Optlcal Chmnol OGI Dhd l}unhd ?asport Billty/ ttlh Syndrrcrus Opttal Giunnel OCl2 DlG.t Itunhd Ilrrrport Eclty/ Mlle ESAE 2 itpsEIFEI Ohr.t'ltunLed tmrport EcEtY/ rrilh rs LT 2 llbP3 lltt Ye.r 2020.2021 E p.cEd itimum lntr.sttts ilq., Tarrrlirudon Tcrmination Terfiin|tion Tl'lnloauon frfiln uon n]mlndon C}.orit Ctorlt Clrqrlt MK mib Cirorlt tller Clrorlt mles itle Hlle htga://wru. rcalnfo.ory'lCC_CAF/sorrcallntrasbtaTRPO u$uLespt ilECABoma tlECADrtiCollcftlonr (-r.r,l..it rl: CA, t(L lf,1'.r(/rlr()r., :" i-:r:,.',',..,,' Irl(-J :i, i,,r,i., (r,:,r,: t ggpd ln Utrf: S.rnrnth. grnrts Homo SGLct conrprny lllln P.gc strry ar.. D.t Input l,Lnu ) cAF t ARC output ) Hlstorlc Rcportr I grrrf Arla FARHERS HUII,ILTEL O0 LrD. . lD (lDs arz:ril) lats rtrt l.u.nu! (FoGTfPcrhlblt) Dof,nlord TRP Drta ln Erol ,:. ,,' L t|tt2t20liDratal" 10.00000000 t0.00000000 *41,89 16rI,2 1204,21 11,86a.63 11,901.36 I .,',t ,: f0.0007mo0 t0.0oo70oo0 142.52 151.03 tzrr7.r0 31,892.83 +1830.12 f2,060.76 1367.18 139s.76 tsr2.7Z t3r3 sl{20 t123.73 lrl2..4 *156.22 +{r.82 127.89 12,030.05 436r.71 138936 lSosJs 12.90 1r3.99 lrilrx9 *r!0.a7 tr63.7.1 Ira1.?0i J27JDl I 2@0 lCc cAF llata Cdbdlon REDACTED FOR PUBL]C INSPECTION 2O2O CAF ICC Data Collection 1,... TEcking C{ertlllcrtbn ) htr$trlr Unll Orof,th R.tc % ., '..1,1.;l i..,.,..1 1{ fr,.l 1o,0000000 $.qrooom $r.r 367.O 12(x.2 $164.6 11por.3 t2pBo.0 1361.7 1339.8 ls0s.0 2.9 1r3.9 l12r.0 1130.4 1163.7 ilr.2 *27J L, ll rJ 8t4t2020 OTF.EZ I or".t rn nk"d t,,"n"port lncnny/ xtte ESALT 2 Mbps lmF-E3 . Dtred Trunlcd TEnsportBdllty/ Mlh ESALT 2 MbPs DTF-E{ Dir€ct ltunked TtnsPort Frdllty/ r{[a ESALT 10 tt'lbAs OTF-EI Dircct]lunkrl Ti.n3port FadltrY/ tillle ESALT 10 Mbp6 DTF-Ez D lrect'Iru nked Trd nsport Faclry Mlle ESALT 10 Mbps OF-E3 Dlrect'Itunl(ed Tra trsportraotity/ utte ESALT ro I Mbps oTF-E4 Ored ltunkeal Transport Fadllty/ Hlle ESALT 50 ttbps OTF-EI Dlred Itunkrd TEnspod Fldlltry/ Hlle ESALT 50 MbPS DTF.E, Dlrr€t Tlunked l?Dn3port Eacrltty/ Mlle ESALT 50 ,Ybp6 oTFE3 qnecr lhrnled Transpoft Frcility/ Mllc ESALT 50 Mbp3 DTF-E4 Olrect llunked Ttansport Fadlltyn'ermlnadon volce Grad€ - n{o wlr€ & Four Wlre DlrEGt Tlunked ltanspo.t Fadlity/fermlnatlon High Crpadty Dsl Dlred Trunk8d Trrnsport Bdlffry/Termhauon Hlgh Capaclty DS3 olrect Thrnlcr, Tra nsport Faclllty/ferm|nsfion Syndrronous Optic€l Orlnnel OC3 Dir€ct Itun ked lfarrport Faclllty/femlnatlon slrnchronous opucal Channel OC12 Dlrect Tlunlq, 1t?snspott , hdllw/formlnltion ESALT 2 Mbfs I Dlr€ct Ttunked llansport I radfty/rernrtnauon EsALr I r0 mbp6 Dlrect Trunked Transpott Fadl ty/rerfl t hauon ESALT 50 irbps UultlplaxlnC, Per Arrangement DS3 to DSI tiuluplaxlng, Por Arrrngcmant OSl to Volcc , Cu3tomer Node Per Node I OC3 155.52 ilbps'CBtomer ltlode P6r Node OC12 622.08 Mbpg Curtomer Premls6 tbrt. Fer Po.t OC3 155.52 Mbps Customer Premlses Port, Per Port STS-I 51,84 I'lbps Gtstomer PrEmis6 Port, F.r Pfit DS3 44,736 Mbps Customcr Pr€mEes Port, Fer Port DS1 1.5{4 l.lbpr 020 tc Mlles s79.s8 180,78 179.s Mlles $133.24 113526 $133.2 qlEun Mll.! ir04.50 $106'08 $1(x.5 Orcult Mlles t62,7O $63.65 162.7 Circult lt{iles $200.:to $203.33 $200.3 Clrcutt Ulles $410.84 *417.05 *410.8 Crrcun r.illes $292.s6 $295.99 1292.5 Orcutt tllles 1195,07 $198.02 1195'0 cr.curt Maes $6r.18 f664.07 $6S.1 qrcult l.llles $1.165.85 11,183.48 $r,165.8 REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION iClrurlt I l l.roun l Termlnatlon fErmination Termheuon ]tsmlnadon I Tamlmtlon f3o,oo 130.45 $30,0 $72.59 t73.69 172.5 1466.14 l47t.t9 $456.1 s485.:t5 *92,70 148s.3 Orcult t€rms Termlnauon Temlnruon hn Pon Fort Port Port Fort Clrrult tcrfiE Clrcult tenns 196.17 1117.s6 *143,69 $42s.33 fr64.20 $44r.50 fL,27s,47 $1ll/t,87 Jt71,9' $173.9! $44.s9 13s.67 su4a7 $89.19 s95,1 $117,s $143,6 $425.3 1r64.2 $441.s $1,27s.4 $r44.8 $r73.9 i173,9 144.5 i3s.6 $144.8 $89.1 $1,056.79 $1,072.77 197.62 l ir19.34 s14S.86 $431.76 $r65.6E $446.18 st,2v.76 s147.06 $u6.s5 1176.s6 $45.26 $36.21 $147.06 $90.54 $1,0s6.7 Add/Drop Multlplexlng Cantral Omce PoO Per Port hrt DSI 1,5/t4 Mbps Add/Drop Muluplexlng Ccntral Crmcc tbit, Pcr Port . Fort OC3 15s.52 Mbps Add/Drop Mulupl€xing Port htFs//www.necaInb.org/lCC_CAF/sou rc6nntrest lbTRPOuputaspx 614t2920 Central Office Port, Per Port DS3 .f.735 Mbps Network Blockhg, Fer Blod(ed call N€tr.vor* Blocldng, Per Elod(ed Call, Applles to FGD only ESALT Re.l Tlme CoVQoSr Per ESALT DTF-Er Fadllty ESALT 2 Mbps ESALT R€al TImc CoVQoS, Pe, BALT DIF-EI EcIIIty ES Ur 10 Mbpc ESALT Rrsl nrE CoVQoS, Fer ESALT DTF-EI Facfity BALT 50 MDPS ESALT Eritrance E ctlfty Protecdon, Pcr ESALT Entr.noe Faclty ESALT 2 l.lbps ESALT Ent6nce Fadllty PrGectlon, Per ES LT E{rtrance Fsclllty ESALT 10 I nupo TESAIT Entrane Fadllty Prctecflon, kr ESALT Entmnce Fasllity ESALT 50 Mbps Common Chlnnel Slgnallng t,etwork Coonectlon slgnallng illleege FSdllty, Fer Mlh 'Commoo Chrnnel Slgnallng'NstuYort Connectbn Slgrullng Mlle.ge-rbrmlnaton. P€r Termlnaton common channel slgnalng ,{etwork Connection Slgnelhg EnttErice Fedllty, P€r Foclllty Crmmon Cft annel Slgn€llng Netvork C.onnef,Uon STPFort, hr Port Termlnaung Tbndem Switdred Transport IErmlnEUng Tbndem rSwitched TraGport F ciliBiTe-lnating Tandem Swlkhed Ttansport Tormineting Ihndem SrYltdred T€rmhatlon Termlnsting Ttndam Swltcficd TtaBport fErmlnrtlng Tbndem Swhdrlng ' Nonreurrrlng Ciarges volce'Grade fvvo Wr€ Nonrecunlng c'trrges Vole Gr,de Four Wr€ Nonrs,rrrlng Charges Hlgh GpEdty DSr ,{onreanring Cfi arges HiCh caPadty Ds3 ilonrecurlng Charges Synfironous Opflcrl Channel Oc3 Nonrecurring Charges Synchronous Opucal Chsnnd OCl2 Nonrecurring Chlrgeslnterh NXX ltandaEon, Fer Odar 020 rc $0.016t0000 10.01660000 FECIlty $7.88 $8.00 7,4 Faclllty f3e.3e 139.99 $3e.3 Faclllty $L22,42 ]124,27 $122.4 f284.10 t288.i0 $284,1 Clrcult f284,10 1288.40 t284,1 $288.40 128{,r l.tlle 14.09 4.0 14{1.98 140.3 Facilty i77.31 i78.48 177.3 Port $398.39 $404.42 1398.3 't'linutes /l,lIe $0.00020000 $0.00020300 MlnutEs s0.0o1(x600 $0.00106200 i0.001r60 r,finutes f0.002539oo 10.00267900 $0.0026390 REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION call 90.01ea000 Clrcuit 1284.r0 +4.03 Clrcult $40.37tTermlnltlon *0.00020oo F.clllty F€clltty faclllty Faclltty FedlEy Faclllty Order $480.90 *.t80.90 13s2.68 $475.56, $38,.72 1488.u *488.17 $358.01 $482.75 $390.54 f390,s4 $238.67 +.480.9 i48O.9 $3s2.6 t475.s l3&{,7 $38,+.7 $23s.1 ilu.72 t235,11 Nonreoirrlng cllarges FGC and FGD Converrlon d MulUfrEquency Addr€ss Slgnollng to SS7 Slonrlhg or SS7 Slgnallno to Mulufrequency Address Slgnallng, per 24 trunks converted or fractlon th€r€of on a per otder baCs Nonrecurring Charges Trunk Order Actlvstlon, par 24 trunks 1490.51 1497.93 $490.5 Order 1472.35 3479.49 i472.1 htha:/lmru-neca I nb. org/l CC_CAF/ource/l nhastateTRPortsutaspx Gt120,20 020 tc REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION lcuvttcd or fltcdon t rcrrof or a P3r ader bad5 l{onrto,]Ihg chr4ga Hcrdblc Agtom.tt llumbcrld.nffidoo (FlqAnD, per End ofica, p€rclc t{ooruurflno ch!t!a3Eflr 2 ilbp6 l{otr]tcllrlng chlrlE ESfljr 10 XbpE IrbnrBl'rlng cNrlriE ESAIJ 50 l,tbD. t{drrtoJillm ChrlEs EiALT Dlrtctlhrnlcd llnnh.don, ParES LT Dllct Tlunlcd Tsrnlnatlon h3trllGd tSnmqrrtlng Chlllco ES?Uf Ent !nc! Fldllty Rltactlon, Pcr ESALTlEntrlrr;rltty Olllce :$0.0(m0000 t0.0(xr0000 i0.lxxro(xro F.cllW 1569.9s ,s89,95 $169.9!t 1375.50 1576.11 $578.s7 ts78.57 *578.s7 *s69.9 $55O.r l5s).9EdllEy (hdcr I lrBl.rr *37s.5 Fadllty *5&{.82 ls76.r o2dD reaLE ortb lFtrtE Fob hSs://nrtuneoainb.orgfl CC-CAFrsottrcefl ntrasbhTRPOdputasp(al1 d112020 20?0 C11 t'l({. *;ta (.ollectron ,IECA HOmc ilBCADats orlactlont {:u,rii}.r ur CAt ltL ln(lru.!,.r,1 lr [;o(\,nr.frtn lrIEEd ln Uir: Srltilnthr grna6 2@0 lcc cAF llata Gdlodbn REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION l{f("4 lh r'a,}r{:r (erlil'rr.l'rr l,.r(i,,,i- l!,i..rrr HomG sclcctcomplny HrlnDagn stLdIAIG!DatrlrputHcnu) C rlARCOrnput) Hl.todcrrpoilr) E-c.rdltcrtbn) Sray Al.t FAnllEIS HUTUAL TIL @ LrD. . !D (IDt art22l] Ars USAGIaF b lu.x Drlat FItlf,ldly npoat ontcl xtlllcl ,ullo [D.ta to be p]lvidd s USAC/?e h l,n 2020 lbt CAF ICC Purpolasl ItUG.ilrVr.!Gcrt Tasl Psrlod 7An0-Ol3Ol21 Post True.up (Flling) Visw lrm r 20U tntarrtata SIltAod Aa6r R.cnue nacuhuflGnt w 2011 lnElr.E s$Eh.d naf,nua3 3 FY 20tt t{ct ncFrlcd RaEnu€ a zot l RoR c.rnrr Bsa hrlod n f,Dlt! 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