HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200616Custer Telephone CAF ICC Data.pdfCynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 837A4 (208)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com June 16,2020 RfiC EIVf B f$t$ JUit l6 Elt 9: 56 :fi I _; lri rsslsNl ;r'',i.-r I"UELi-iirr lol6rd Wa Email Ms. Diane Hanian, Commission Secretrary ldaho Public Utlllties Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 RE IPUC File No: WC Docket No. 10-90: Administration of Connect America Fund lntercanier Compensation Replacement $54.304(dX1 ). GNR-T.20{1 Elear Ms. Hanian As you may know, I rcpresent the ldaho Telecom Alliance ('lTA'). The ITA is assisting its member ompanies in making this filing pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S54.304(d[1) of the Federal Comrnunicaflons Commission's rules. Enclosed are the projected eligibility data for CAF ICC fundirg for July 1, 2O2O through June 30, 2021 tor the following companies: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., Direct Communications Rockland, !nc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, lnc., and Rural Telephone Company. other companies may have filed this information separately from thls filing. These projec'tions include any hue.ups associated with earlier filing periods. The projections have also been filed wih the Federal Cornmunications Commission and the Unlversal Service Administrative Company, as the administrator of the Federal Universal Service Fund. lt is filed with the ldaho Public utllitles Commlssion as an information filing only and no action is required or requested. In addition to the redac{ed elecfuonic filing, a hard copy of certain documentration whicfr is considered hade secret and confidential pursuant to Sec'tion 7+107(1) of the Idaho Code, will be sent by mall to the Daniel Klein, telecom analyst, on yellow paper in sealed envelopes. lf you have any questions regarding this filing, please feel free to contract me. Sincerely, d,n*l,q,lltt Enclosures Cynthia A. Melillo CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC. TO BE @IIPIEIED IY TIIE REPORilNC CARNIER. Cailf,ilfooolqtfE rrtolraAccgnc,oltlr CAFIGC Orfr R:porfrd aG.rifrtrtInr.rior,rtl[Dqdrtg6]trtm,n 'cmlulll.tlndud.msrloid.lHtltilotor*trtitroFltdimd, blr aad cl trr lncrl.dF,fio LtanrllNon rPfia{ s.ltltrm b rc.t t{ilt olRaoorffllcafir:CUSTER TEt. COOPERATIVE INC, Dennb Thornocl Ihodt .r.,maf,rd.nit .trorEl(0oEbntorno'otlf, rl.l. @p.E{s hq,FCMl. lD 83U6, 0rt!:52lrl@ Slonslr. d tulho&rd Omc.t: D.b: 5n82.02O Prhbd nsna of Authorizod Orlic.r:Dcnnb Thomod( Th{B or so.ffpn dAJhorts d Olic.t:Chlcf Erecuuve Olticor T.bohoorrn nbrofluurortsrclqtlcer 208s79'2281 Strdy Art Cdb ol Repoiling Crrt*47?j218 Fllng Dir Dd. h.thlt tofln (mm&dryyry,8t16t2020 lEtC ttt+ 4, UrC. tl !01C0!lU,siro.htpttsonnrr rrd-Il,. ll CIl. UrId lrL Cod.,la U.tC.l loor' TO SECOPI.ETED BY T}C REPORTII{GCARRIER, lFAil AOENT IS |IUIIG DAIAOII TIIE C,ANiIERS BEIIAIF: crrdffiooololll3.tloAdtrorE m A!.f,tlo Fh D{t n Poi.d m a.ldfdl{.Pordttc.rlc Netonel Exchrnge Cariarr A$oclstbn,rbllft habrdql rDotrd il !.hrolor neortle rif. I il. Edlyffi t m o ctlcr ctfil rrldng Eil.ri n, mPorlDlh. ht$fi Erllti tr mfiroin (Inrutstd|!0rAdto.t dAr|rlrtrd.b6.bddnytima.i9.|rh.$rul.lrl.Poyl!.drorh.artlDilLdr ilItl! olA^trskEdAostt Nationel E (ohang€ Cartbr8 Aesodotbn, lrrc. Nmc of Repo.lho clnic CUSTER TEL. COOPERATIVE INE. olaar abffi !y mr runor m;ffi.tlenni. Thomock l.L coo0alh. k..lrcldf, O 11 f26, Od!:SAtAmOSbmk,!dturho.!.d OffEsl O.f.: SnAnA2O ftirtud iiln. dAut Erlad Otfr.r tlcnnl3 Thoniod( Tth or Dooum ol Adro,W Olfic.c Chief Ele(Irlru€ Ofiicrt TeleDhone rrrflbcr ofa.0lrLod ofi€n 208sI$.?281 Sndy Ane Cod3 ol Repo.dng CtrLr 47?21s m Flne 0l.rD.btbrthb bfin (mn*ldrylyy)6t16ti2020 Fucna dfury rdhe 'ih. rlrbmn m $E tom s D. F|nl$ira !y rhr ar lorfrfiIl lrl&r li. @ffiHoE &t ol ltta, 47 Ur.C. ll !0r. to{u. crfill c hgrbmtEt rml.r tltr tl d t unn d tnl.! cod.. lt ut c' I l0ol' IO E COIIPLETED BY A'I OfFTCER OF THE REFOtrflT{G GARRIER Cliillcltlon of Oficlf tor Rra..t{rtrn mr tdDltr toa CAArcl irclvary I [iiltrltut l a{n rn Ciarottta ntoatlq orhrd tta, t! dE h ot ry tmradga, tha rpmlng od{on illlrfrancfltll.rilrtn t|. oopla tur qeb R..cwrl6lrlrldl]|d lffi L6ilrCturg.lfitt4.l mda.BDbrc rc.hrtr GAF ICC rflcn ,qr*d ,urf,.i to $'ltl'[} ilrhr d Rrportirg Canior: CUSTER TEL. COOFERATIVE lNC. Dennb Thomock uilar0lG 0y mm Ihmk OiL@OGMb Tlunad(qnd. aadrirormlO.[t€d.|.@m,O - adar bL mp..rd6 iE,FCtrE lO 6328, O.i.:ti!8/:10:10SEmlrrc ctAutDrlad Offcar oa mplor.c:Dt: 5128112020 Ptirbd trm. dAdIsE d oIfc* u cnpbyre:Drnnl8 Thofiloc* TAa or por[irn oa Auhorbed O{tcer or emplope:Chiet Execudvu Olilcer T.bphsle rmber ol Arthortad Ofier q employ..: 20&879-21281 SttdyAn Co& of R?o.lhgCeis 472218m Fllng t u. Orte br tHs tum (mm,Udlyyyy)a18/2020 ffi Pir ol!ffd,rrtlnihh.rr8rfitaofiULatomc.6bpunblrdbyfi.crt rthrtoodtrttl.Ccmlrunlcattottrt3tcrlf,tar a7 U.tC. l| aer mqD..r rtr r hfhouil lnt r il. ta r t !. Uffd a.rE Coa.. tt Ut,C. l loo,t, TO EE COUPLEIED BY A{ OFFICER OF TH! iIPOFTi'G CANilIR eilf,c.doo Co,llcrtor Rrtc{ni&rlr Crflhr ]lot &aldlt Dupllsr0I. itca.r, I rlllyth.t I m u Clb!.t lt. rDolllnf EuLf md !rt, L {r !.f ca rry EE*d9r, th. DFd4 rElrr h trll Etllrl &pllo.llt ffiy h tu tnn rubdlcllci tlr lny !lf5L tt colr.O eril.c t dr rrm.y nta.lrnbil o t r lfir4rldllvll. Nrm6 of Fagortlp Csrhr:CUSTER TEL. COOPERATIVE INC. Donnb Thornock f hdmd(.dEl {iibthcm&OmbltaLffi O"clatar tal co.t alh. lG.ltEft D A,I2G, Ol.:&,:18i2O20sbnem. d Auoro(tsd O{ffcar or amobnr:Dd!: 6fi28nn20 Pthbd rrna dAuthorL.d Offccr ocnDloyo!:Dennis Thomoct TI|. or porllbr ol AnDairad Otnccr or amploylr:Chief Ercculive Ofriccr T*pfione ]rllr$af ot AIiE irrd glfic.r or snpbys:20{}47e-?2g1 Srdy erc. 9o6. o, ". ornt CfiLt qaAS Filno Ol' DlE forails tofii (mmftldyyyy)6/1612020 Falr6! rftil, mldof th.t.rtnrlnt ortlirtoafit Cln L ,t|nlh.d t, tlm crtortlr[ urd.rh OormntIiloB Act C itt+ a7 UlC. t0 tal!, l0qbL orlt!. trhrDdsmt undrTm ll.C6. UiL.l3ti". Cod.,lt Ut C.l r0or. 6n2no20 Col D l,lmlnrdrl3 EndOfta Alccar SetYlcc llrmlnttlng End OlIlca, Pltrrlum, Fi:e3t mhuE lnd Olllr!laG! ftrmlmdng End Ofilcc' flor-P|unhrm, DCr aCBe$ mhutc Ehtnnil P' Gnde ruro Wbr Elarancc P6 FourWh Pcr C.Fdty DSl Ent rnca Felty, Pcr ltrmlndon lfgh C.pldty DS3 Entrurcc Frlty, Pcr Trrmlnilm Syndrturous OptlcrlCtrln loq, Eotrrncc Feflty, Pcr Ilmimtldl synd[urous Optfi,al ChmnclOCl2 Enfrrncc FElty, PGr Tbrmiadar ESALT 2 l,Spr ulEatuhLdTrlnrFtt F*lllty/ liEbHgh,'TrdU 6r IXrc(t'llunLed'Elnr9ort Frlllty/ ldL l.ogh Clplcity DSI dcct 1tunbdlrnrpott F.ctlty/ iilb Syndrromur @Ucd ChannelOC3 Dhlcl lllt,lhd Tcst ltlr 202G2021 ErDCtcd Mrrmum Inttlst tc Col E ir(ru HOU Terr*ratbn Tsmhatbo Tsmlnatbn Tarmll'tloil Tcrnrin!tbn T€rmin!tbn Clrarat Arorlt clrotlt ligc Mle itlc illL MIc Col F t0.00000000 10.0000fi!00 f8l..l7 lrr0.:r, a39,.r7 i3,626.41) f3,697,93 13,9.t8.19 lror.4? 1750.20 1982.t0 f5.79 l,27,22 1237.04 1253.7a t318,49 C!.dy A'lr.! aNrgTtn TCL GOOpCRAIIYt tllc. (IDt 172rlrt IntrrilG nrY.nu.. (FOC lIP.tdlblt) Dmnlord TRP D.trln Eod 2O2O ICC CAF DeteColocdon REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION ZO2O CAF ICC Date Collection IIEGAHomc rECADrtrCrllcctlonr Cor*rctUs CAFIcC-InBtructions&Documents |IECAfR P.pcrCertlficetion',,,i'.,, Loggrd ln lbcr: $mrnthr SlmaE llomc Sctscl Gompany trlrln Pega Study Arca D!t! tnlut I'lcnu ) CAF t ARC OGput ) Hlrtorlc Reportr ) E<Grtlficatbn )'J Tarl rArr 20tt.2020 C urraillntilrtrL| ... t0.00070000 l0.(xro7oofl, 182.?O lrlz.34 $r03,18 t3,581.34 l!,753.86 $,fi7.91 $714.11 j?69,6t 1997.r6 t5.88 127.61 32a0.63 f257.58 t323.31 ht$s:/l*r*. rrcalnb.orgrlCC-CAF/souroonntosbtlTRFO utsut 6sPx nrtt FY 201 Ililraatrtt Un!!r: I3rmklrting tor Ndr. Ordcrtid ,nd ! r 1. t81..1 alto.3 1397.! 13.626.4 irror.e f3p4r.1 1703.4 *75e.2 $9r2.t 5.' .27.2 1237,0 ]25t,'' 1118.4 dpm20 tsnsport Faclllty/ Mlle Syndrronous Optcrl Chrnnel OCIZ Dlre€t rtunlcd nancport Faclllty/ Mlle EALT 2 ',IbPg DTFE1 Dlrect Trunked rilnGport Focillty/ Mlle ESALT 2 Mbps DIF-E2 olrfit Trunked Trlnsporl Fadllty/ Mlle ESALT 2 Mbps DTF+3 DlEct lhrnked ltsnrpoit Fadllty/ Mlle ESALT 2 lttbpc DTF-84 I I Dlred ltunked I Eansport Frdllty/ H lle i ESALT 10 Hbps DTE- ,El Dlrect Ttunk€d Itansport Faclllty/ tllle BALT 10 Mbps DrF- E2 Dlr€ct Ttunked IIansport Fadllty/ Mile iESALT 10 i'lbF DrF- tE3 lort<t rrunraa lmmport FodlrtY/ Mlle ESALT 10 Mbps DTF- E4 Dlred llunkcd Ttansport FDdllty/ Mlle ESALT 50 Hbps DTF- 0 REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTIONll ,E3 lorcct rrunreo E[][[ fr.PJ#re crrEuh Mile6 EO Dll€ct ltunked Tt!nSportFadllty/fe.rnlnatlon T€nnlnatlon \6lce Grrde - fvro Wre & Four WlrE Dired Trunlcd Ttansport hdlty/ferninruon i HEh Cspsdty DSl Dlruct Ihrnlcd ltensport FBcl I ltylferrfl I natlon Hhh CEpsclty DS3 Olr€ct lhrr{(ed Itansport Faclltyrrermlnauon I Syndrmnous Optic.l Chrnnrl OC3 Dir€ct Trunked tansport tcility/fcrmin.tion Synchrrnous Opucal Channel OC12 Dlr€ct Tiunkcd Transport Fadltyn'ermlnatlon ESALT 2 l,lbps Dlr€ct tunked Tlansport iFacitrty/fermimdmESALT r0 Mbpg OirEct ltunked Transpon Fadlftynermhatlon ESALT 50 Mbps Flultlpl.xlng, Per Arrangement DS3 to 1r.165.8s 11,183.48 11,16s.8 $s8.32 $se.2o $s8.3 TEfmlnluon $141.18 1143.32 ll41.r rurmlnaion $906.6r $920.32 1906,6 T€r,nlnadon *943.96 $958.24 $943.9 Terminrtlon *2,055.29 i2,085.38 i2,0s5.2 OrEUlttems $187.02 $189.85 1187.0 $80,15, 181,36 $80.1 $53.44 134.2s $53.4 179.58 $80.78 179.s $133.24 i13s.26 $133.2 $203.23 $206.30 $203.2 1379.38 138s.12 $379.3 $654.18 +66{.07 $6s.r $228.64 S232.10 1228.6 CfEult mllct qrcuit Mllet Orcult Mlles Clrcutt Mllcs Or€ult Mle6 1.96 $123.80 t121,9 OrEUlt Mll€ 1200.30 $203.33 $200,3 Orcult Mll6E S410,84 14U,05 lrl10.8 orurtt iltle3 1569,04 is77.6s $569.0 Orcult Mlles ClrcLrlt terms orcult terms $12 :El Dlr€ct Tnfiked iEtr+S r#Y#r' o-'t '.'oE2 Dir€ct Ttunked H.fSiT$#rr" c'-,'n"'ro 5279.44 $927.17 1283.67 1839.68 $279.4 $827.1TermlnaUon ht$s://umm. neca I nb.oqnC C_CAF/8ou rce/l nb6tabTRPoutput.aspx 6t12m20 osl lilultlplexlng, Per Arrangement DSl tolrble C$tomer Node hr t{ode Oc:t 155.52 FlbP6 Crctomer Node Per Node OCr2 622.08 Mbp6 OJstomer PrEmlses Port, Er turt OC3 155.52 Mbos ]Cusmmer Pretnl3eshrt, Per Port STS-1 51.84 Hbps icustomer Pleilrlges ihrt, Ftr Port Ds3r.14,736 Mbps :G$tonr€r PretrlSea , Fort, Per Port DS1 $319.37 1324.20 $319.3 $8s8.67 i871,66 $8s8.6 i2,.r80,63 s2,5r8.15 12,i180.6 $281.75 1286.01 f'287.7 $3r)8,28 $343,40 S338.2 $338.28 *6,72 $69.37 $281.75 $173.45 l $343.r10 t338.2 188.03 186.7 *70,42 $69.3 $286,01 i2AL7 t176.08 lt7?.4 t1s.3o $15.53 f1s.3 176.53 177,69 $76.5 1238.15 *24r.76 1238.1 $2er.10 t288.4O lzE4.1 l2a{,10 $288.40 +284.1 1284,10 f288./O f284.r $7,82 $7.94 7.8 $78.50 179.69 *78.5 $150.37 $rs2.64 11s0.3 1774.A2 $786.s4 1774,8 REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION Temlnluon Port hrt hrt Port Port Portr.*{ MbP6 rdd/DrDp Multploxing Central o,tlce Fort, .,er Port tort DSI l.sll.t Mbps ld,d/Orop Muluplerhg Crnt-al Omce Fort, lter fbrt Port O(iI 1SS.52 Mbps Mullplaxlng Certrrl Ofnce hrt, Per Fort Fort DS3 44.736 xbps Network Abckhg, Fer Blod(€d C5il Network Elockhg, Per Blocked Call, Applies to FGO only ESALT Rral nme CoS/QoS, Fer ESALT DIF-EI Fadllty ESALT 2 ilbp3 j esalr neat lnre lCoVQoS, Fer ESALT DTr-Er EcIrty ESALT ,10 Mbp6 je5alr neat lme CoS/QoS, Fer ESALT OTF-EI Faclltty ESALT 50 Mbps ESALT Entrance FEdllty FEclllty Facility Slgn€llng Networ* Connection Slgrl!llng EntEnc. Fsclllv Per Ecrlrv F!cilify Common Channel Slgnalhg ,{etrYork Oonnecdon ST? Port, Fer Po.t Terrflintting Tandem Swltdr€d Transport Tonnlneung Tandem Swltahed Transport ftdllty Aipffi#^'rer crrcurt Edltty ESALT 2 Mbps ESALT Entrance f$lflJ#fl"",rcr Grorn Faclllty ESALT 10 Mbp6 i ESALT EnEance ,f5|pJffi,k'omn iFaclllty ES LT50 Mbpa l@mmon Grcnnel'Slgnallng N€twork ConnectlonSlgnlllng i{lle'illleage Fadllty, Fer M[e Common C:hannel SignrInE N6,rork @nncc0on ggnallng Termlnauon Mllerge Termlnluon, Fer Termlnatlrn Common Clr.nnel Call Port l,llnute6 / Mlle 10.01640000' $0,01660000 $0.016{000 so.00o43oo0 $o.000a3700 $0,00043000 ht$s:/ ^ ftv.necalnfo.org/trC-CAF/eourcenntrastabTRPouSut.aspx G/nno20 lEndnlung lLndgrStchdTturyot llrmlnluDg T!nden $vHTermhctlon LrfilrrtUn9 Doddngrtdr.d Tl.nrportt.I'{n ting tndrrn 9rtcttitC lSnrrorrtl, Chrlc!tue Gr.dG lllo UUr! iSorlo.rrl.firg Charic!\/uc 6rrdc rurt wh! Non'tarnhg ChrgGr l{gh C?rdty 061 Irbn,rcrrnhg cheiar Hgh C!9.dty Ei3 ilormqrnhg ChrfGsWrrdlor,iBlcdChulnclOGl ilonrrorr.hg Chlrias SyndrEnou6 Op0crl Ch.nnelOCl2 tSnrrorr'Sg Chryc3 InErln ilxl FE7 Ordet ilon'tqrnho ChlfgesFBC.'ld FGD to Sleml,E or SS7 to h0, trunk3 o?therotcr a ordcr baCt Chilierlhnl96 2a trunks rctlvltld or f,rcton thcrof o.l ! DCr od.r b.d3 iSnl€orrrhg Ch!,!43 Flerlble Autrndc ltumbcr ldcnufic.thn(ncx Ar{t), P.r End Ofko, parCIC Noorlortrlog ChrEcs ESALT 2 ,,lbpr ilonrcornhg ClrarfeE eSALT 10 rlbps lloarlolrrlng Ch.EEg ESALT 50 ltDg3 tlonrlorning Oragrs ESALT DlcctThrnldTl'liladm, p.r ESALT D'EtTrunhdtil{ndar h3tdlcd t{on,tqr.rhg ctatcr ESAIT Entrlne Ec0ty Frotodm, pel ESAIT Entrrnc ECtrty o, l,llnut c Itlhutaa Fdnn Fld[tr FEllty FGiflt, F!clIty FrdIty Ordsr c(b. Otrbt E xl Ctte Fscilty Frcl[ty F.cltty Ordar F.dlty 10.002i13t00 f0.00561300 t E0.00 t 80.90 t352.68 1475.!t6 f :i84.72 *!Ea.72 3235.11 1472.35 1490.51 10.00000000 ls69.9S ls69.9s 1569-9s l37s.s0 1576.1r 10.00226700 10,00171300 ia88.17 1.18t.17 1358.01 1462.?5 4r90.5,1 t390,5. 12:1857 t479,49 $497.93 10.00000000 118.57 l578.s7 ts?8.s7 1381.r8 1s8..82 htts3:rrwuw.rEcol nborgr/lCC_GAF/3fi ,roanntr$bteTRPO uS utaepr 4A 0 REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION 00.00223300 *0.00563t0 t480.9 r80.9 J3s2.6 ir75.5 i3&1,7 l3er.7 1235.1 f.72,1 i490.5 10"00m000 1s69.9 ls6o.9 1569.9 137s.5 1576.1 3tddt,r lFtiw*, Gl12t20,o 2020lCC CAFD.b Colccfon REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION 2020 CAF ICC D.t Collection llECANOmr rECADltf OOllgCtSorc ((,rrrl{(tll\ (il t(( lrr.:l,.r.rr!)r,'Allr!iri.r}rr,l.i hL(.4. ll{-l4urr ({,rrrt,(.iir(,,, lr.-rirIr, LOoOut togg.d h lBr! Samen0re SlrnaE it ,loml! slLct ComPrny ,rl.lr PllrG Study ArG! Drb f rput thnu ) GAF i ARC Ostput ) Hlrtorlc nrportr ) E.C.rtlllcltbn ) Stdy Aru qrSTtn TB- GmPEnATtYE IIf. (lDt ar,jl,,q 1 Vhr pdnt.'-fddrdl, Erott I 6trdy Aru UelC kport oo]lltTrxtucrtuio [Ir!t! to t3 pn vld.d 6 USAC/FCC h lrD.2020 lbr CAF ICC Pu]po*r, Test Period 7l1D0..G/3AfiX Poal l/lew rrbd{.ru'rl (ril, c.nr trtlr ttdr.r-ni 2011 lr*.rttrE AcDaas ttmDua Ff 2Ol1 toti.rt ts IttrrlE 3 FY 2011 ,t&t RcOtDCd ComD.mdm R!ccnu.3 ir 20ll nol Crrdar Bta hrlod Rarnua 1+thaz+una 5 toRce.llrrtrIlnGl4u*tErltF!@r 5 ROR Crrlcr Bavaoua Radulrtrnf,lt arLtll.5) 7 FdAdiltlltffiqt Etg.nrt I lbt l ROf, Crdcr ed('tuc Rdulcrlctt (Unr 6 + l,rc 7) Lvlllr to.! Llund Llr.rth 6mrrd.n tlocl l& 9 tni.ntltc Sruftctd ^.at' R.rurucr 10 Int ]ltlta Aloclbd sslthad lcca.l lbf,nu6, 11 Trdlsu,lrl lntnrtato A.caar SarYlGC Bctttlucs Ul ltltTt.lr3l0oml RccDrDGrl CfitPc,[dm Ercoue. l3 Tbt l lct r.E.xr. (Llna l0 + un u + un 12) AdlLrqiry la TRS lasaant lS liguhtry Fc.t ln tart nt 16 t{AilPA ltrclsnant 17 Intcrrt ta Loa.l ta Prfc tss CGt3 h CAF tr ,E Oouue oiOnEtbnt t9 Tc* Frrbd r8lr9 on Totel 20 ue,bh f-owy ojm 8'l'loc 1l) + (un la + lrm 15 + IIE l5 + Llnc tO + th.19) - (Um 17 lldtl-un Eutha3r ARC llvEDuc! 21 TOt l ARC R.Ytnu.i 21 +tftc22+Um fmta.lrma 25 C'lncd AmGrlcr Fund IGC Suprort (Une 20 - Une 2.1) -d..acAt AlCtHr0-at 26 ARC Rd.nu.'S@rd (Hcr on ReorCdGr.tbn e Chrlftttbn' FCC lt-l 27 l{ral I-t Frbd 2orDro2r Grtle $tDPoil (Lll. 2t - Ua. ,t! ilOIE&,c' Ec or{musontr. qlqffi r (t riduff,tr Il rs Dol r.,t DriEr Gh v36ol lhl I ttalrs D.orr.tuprcl..tlEa diltt,orSad for trtrrnfiral ,rr,rDa.t ort, . cd b I alolt:d 6t rB C. carccamdut lhargHs, htbs:rrw\rn. rlc.lnborg/lcc-CAFrscrrrcsru SACDab.e.p(1t,l 8i12no20 2020 lcc cAF D6b co[odion REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION .,i,,'(' it r 1t, ;.1; ((,;{'ri r i NECAHom€ llECADrtSGollcctlons i,. ). i"r ,', I i" i"" .';] 'l r ;' Certirlcstlon ,' r' loggEd in lrrcr: Stmrnth! gmttos Homa Sctoct Company t{aln Paga Study Arcr t !t! Iryut ilenu } CAF I ARC Ornput ) Hlstorlc n pott. } €-Certlficltbn ) Su'dy lrrc CITSTER TEL OOOPEiATTVI ll.G. (ID! a72lr!) Aca.| IlEcncrychlrtca ,J:..' ', Tcst hrlod 2O:l&21 PE-lhE up VL|tr ?ctt tdod 202G2r Fo6t-Ihr.-UP (Flllm) tn u ?ct Porlod lO2O-2OIr Pat ttoc-Up (Hlhe) vlcu Exchange/Zone llEme Chrlts CLtton Elk E nd ,tlat Dt dvAmr turnmary \a ht$s://ryrrw. rrcel nborg/ lC C_CAF/scurcerARC0reng€s€spr o 20D rl€c^tddt..lAiB Frac, 1n