HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200616Cambridge Telephone CAF ICC Data.pdfWa Email Ms. Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utlllties Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 RE IPUC File No: WC Docket No. 10-90: Administration of Connect America Furd lntercanier Compensation Replacement $54.304(dX 1 ). GNR-T-20-01 Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, !daho 83704 (2OB)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com June 16,2020 fi[CEIVEB tliil JUi{ l5 ${ 9: 56 *,.1r.r tir:i t--.ii --; l''UaLlv r it ll i'i i: j. tCl,ih{fSSlSN Dear Ms. Hanian: As you may know, I represent the ldaho Telecom Alliance ('lTtr). The ITA is assisting ils member companies in making this filing pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S5a.30(dXl) of the Federal Communicatons Commission's rules. Enclosed are the projected eligibility data for CAF ICC funding for July 1, 2O2O through June 30, 2021 for the following companies: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., Dircct Communicalions Rockland, lnc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, lnc., and Rural Telephone Company. other companies may have filed this information separately ftom this fi!ing. These projec'tions include any bueups associated with earlier filing periods. The projections have also been filed wih the Federa! Communications Commission and the Unlversal Service Adminlstrative Company, as the administrator of the Federal Universal Service Fund. tt is filed with the ldaho Public Utllitles Commlsslon as an lnformatlon flling only and no action is required or requested. ln addition to the rcdacted electonic fling, a hard copy of certrain documentation whicft is considered hade secret and confidential pursuant to Sec{ion 7+'lO7(1) of the ldaho Code, will be sent by mail to the Danlel Klein, telecom analyst, on yellow paper in sealed envelopes. lf you have any questions regarding this filing, please feelfree to contac't me. Sincerely, A,*<trq,il,L Enclosures Cynthia A. Melillo CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY TO BE COIiIPLETED BY THE REPORNNG OARRIER, Certlflcation of Offlcer ae to ths Accunacy of the GAF ICG Data Rcported 6rdfy lnolurL xrrurlng tta todrrloy of lh..atuC ddr ltpoil.d;rlrdr to th.bl.to,ny Telephone Co., <=8,m2o d Id.ff. nrrE ol Afffi O{thcl:257:3314..n. sf,rdvAilcd. dRmlho Crt.r 472215 lu;lrtzoo l pi|m. rilfiily nSE mr ddonldr il tdi fom oan bc Fmlrhrd by lhc or lortcfrn qd!, lt C9ltltlgtbdtcE Ad o, lBlL, a7 U.S.C. $5 6Oa. 808(b), a llrr r lr?rborllllt undqTtlo lf of ilp tiilcd S.t r Cod., 18 U6.C. 3 lml. HrrCGn TO BE COMPLETED BY AN OFFICER OF THE REPORTIIIC CARRIER Ger{fication of Ofrlcarfor Rate.of.Return Grdoi Not Seoklng Dupllcatlve Recovery lc.rtfyt|;11lrrn;nofrlarofthrrfortlrUGrrrtrtnddirt,tottFbsttottrlylarod.CF, thbrNportll;adotbnotr.d.lq&ptratlucrgcorryln th*a.tsrbdlidoh,r rny :lESh f,ccoUlry rubt .tto th. nc.u.rrmdnr{rmrl paSlg1?ldIull,. *rm dRoao&n crrt* Cambridge Telephone Cp., lnc. dfd 5t1U2020 Rldtard t Prusldent rd.ohd' ndi d&0EEat drd: (20p) e57€91d inrdv Am Coda d Ra66.lho Cllrhr 472215 Du.Od.tE$bbrfr 06l,'sl2oro Fmar ul!ftW mdd,U fiL..irhmrtb on lhl. tom can !. purlQrd by !ot(bl. orlh. or lnpbonmmt undrlllr l0 Ilna or lbrtlnrt urtd.r lha Conmdcrrblr Act ot lgt{, a7 U'l.c. ll 002' otth. unli.d 8t.l!.cod.,lt u.a.q ! tq)l. TO BE COmPIETEO By THE REPORT|NG CARRIER, tF All AGEi{T lS FILING DATA Ot{ THE CARR]ER'8 BEHALF: Cer{ltcatlon of Ottlce, to Authorlzo an Agent to Fltc Drta Reported on Behalt ol Feportlng Carrler i$ioll O.d ofrl.f.a.oI Gd tttnfiolrrdaarlthtmnrionlll.nportrg c.ttUoulrt ortaddrrnqlUglgldctrg-LLPoruy(llrtr th.lo b.!fth.dtlh.lh.ol AOriliAuthorft.d m4 my loonlrdgo,daa.r5urho sout[!|plvlll dhthdrof O.f,nlxi nrponrlbllltlltfot{ftg myrtd dd. Fo{llrrn b G. Ataholt d ASIlt r. .oourrb. lIP oIa.tr otrcr ledrnlrnr$cdAtffi ffIl:n d tZfl 32lA lffilmmh.!.kn*zzzrq 06/16l2o2O lit:.B'*E#S*fitffiE5ffiiEffiItdrrlE C.d. dRdOE Cirtaf Fa.'{:rynrf1gta31tmd.q1ttttomo;1blpl11ffiWfrrrqffirrcu*h.CcilrrrffirlCdtB'|,47U.&C'S!@.500(b},(frahpfiolmail ud.' Tiie t0 d h thL{ sl.t.r Cqlq, lt U.s.C. a 1@1. TO BE COMPLETEO BY AN OFFICER OF T}IE REPOtrNNG CARRIER Cer{ffcatbn of Officer for Rate.of.Retlrn Garler EllglbEty tor CAFTICC Recovory | clr{fi tlrt I ltr I| ofih.r oI tha i.toidry crrlr rrtd thrt, b th. b..t d my houlcd!., tlp nportfi tanlrr cn thlr lorm crrtnlr thrl lt ht cqnphdrtrfr Ellth nroonry Cgr.gl,(d).ndAEG.rr Rtroelrycbrp !tl.rt?(rf rd b rlduoto;rcCwtfia€AF l0csuDeort ilqrr..tod pur$rnt to tst.rflr[ rrr.dRr,dtu c',r. Camb{glgl Telephone Co^ lnc. il18n020 Rlchard President rdrat* dut.r ddhiltrd tun e0q) 257$q& lnzus lffi,ffim.mo'**Itde llra Code of RcDofiro Crrl8r oalTal20ao P.atoo.til|ftuoyne|efrbcltri.mril.onlhblollnc.nbrrunlahadblrln.orfodbltunwrlrl{l.oommtilldon AototlsL, azUS.C.$t0r, ro!lb!, or rh. or hlprttonm.nt und.r u0. ,l I ot rm unltlo Etr!.t cott . l! u.E G. t 100{. ItBdto f6 ruluc tMrE(m IddbaE.blm ldr.IE itaIN lcrftr n*amarl.IddE LfN.rmDsUtfrfrhOlHLUtaacdaarh EI'.o,r.ata,U{r^rcrb rffiri*aaLtbXrfr wanEEril6aaUrmd Wn',Etd}.FaamF5g,th. tddf IfrEk,FLb(,'l fil,lfrbttl WD,-at d.,aoaiBAh Ert-rr'hrreD riEwrt!B ,o!fit nrruOtlni.thiifl IllHT wD{haL &tm iMO6Ur(rX9Em wIE wu}p!6ac[EcD*bttro.l* tI,f,af-aEriE}E 'Mh.-aEh HhtE r{danlrliat,I0rllBl *hhrs-lCl4lLi.rmri*{,Ilr5frrltFlrr f;firhdh r.l.* tkrDql tddiafr.-Oldlllia xru4l,rilar{6t i#Elmafira! Ca.x, &-t r.rDkil,}g TT' btBhrtt {i.lrwanu, OLtaalkdh{t.mHrlxrIlllil ,r{ra r-q[.]:h rIDru ur[r|,.htu,lmUit tlcLGrhrt{G.ao.hk [EEtaaelrn- l!rlrl., harfr-arrufli(rl lQeacl[ lf,trr 4ll- WMttlrtabtrr^ralh- wa*!tlil.l6.aStll.5h.. rt&EllFaUl.fr.*1lr. E-rot-auaaA.lL Oaila rdr&a h-l'*too.ib OE*lhilt DN hLL*, aftut EdIiili*r-alal..krarw ftfr lhHr* ffidll.k{rlrrlrrD{l| rtErn WMtu:lrtLkrr.,lrrLrhh.lfffffifh..[rtfEl| Iu.ilh.CdllhrrUtm$l ffiSiilr(IErth{i, Imna+O.FrlL-o',lahrndil !ablEC-GIEl|ft.re+fr tiSNasiaArai|:ldlLlulltEtll(3&, Td,ar.axdfiDri.}'nta3a, BOEDfdUUCIEtrM At -ahi NErF-atr Fallchar,nFad.rbts!,tltil.L NB l.dCElF.rkxt{it.d.rh- lirl-aL WB 'i d.aaltLa*lb nmi'*IIrrr|bErb wm all ld,rrsFlj -drrErr[Fl