HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200605Direct Communications Rockland CAF ICC Data.pdfDTREGTN COMMUNICATIONS (A R[*T'VED tiliii iuid -S Al{ 9: 3 t ' .'.,'_: I :t,l:,l..iC' . ::' :ri C.li,il,,ii5StCH kl e- T-;),-.ot June 03, 2020 Ms. Grace Seaman ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 RE: Administration of Connect America Fund lntercarrier Compensation Replacement S54.304(dX1). Pursuant to 47 c.F.R. S54.304(dX1) of the Federal communications commission,s rules, enclosed pleasefind the projected eligibility for cAF lcc funding for July 7,zoLg through June 30, 2o2o for DirectCommunications Rockland, Study Area Code 472232. This projection includes any true-ups associatedwith earlier filing periods. This projection has also been fited with the Federal Communications Commission and the Universal Service Administrative Company, as the administrator of the Federal Universal Service Fund. Should you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact me via electronic mail atbrian(odirectcom.com or by telephone at 2og_549_2345. Sincerely, Brian Lee Accounting Enclosures 2O2O CAF ICC Data Collection NECA Home i{ECA Data Collections Contact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documents NECA IR - Paper C€rtlfi€ation Tracklng Logged in User: Bruce Steed Home Sel€ct Company Main Page Study Area Data Input Menu ) CAF & ARC Output ) Historic Reports ) E-Certificatlon ) Study Area: DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKI.AND, INC. (ID: 472232) Study Ar€a USAC Reports I View pranter-friendly report ] Logout W S.ttlGmGnt Typ.! C$t COilI{ICT AilER,ICA FUND [Data to be provided to USAC/FCC in June 2020 for CAF ICC Purposes] Test Period 7l1l2A-Gi3Ol21 Post True-up (Fillng) Vlew Rats-ot-Raturn rton)Card6r navrnuc LGoulrmcnt 2011 Interstate Swltched Access Revenue Requirement $ 1,851,232 z 3 FY 2011 Intrastate Swltched Access Revenues FY 2011 Net Reclprocal Compensatlon Revenues $14,8s7 $o 4 2011 ROR Carrier Ease Period Revenue (Line 1 + Line 2 + Line 3)$1,866,089 5 ROR Carier Basellne Adlustment Factor (0.95 ^ 9)0.630249 6 ROR Carrier Revenue Requirement (Line 4 x L:ne 5)s1,176,101 7 Pool Admlnistration Expenses $34,481 I Total ROR Carrler Revenue Requirement (Une 6 + Llne 7)11,210,5E2 R.t6 148,6859Interstate Switched Access Revenues 10 lnterstate Allocated Swltched Access Revenues#$273,44L 11 Transitional Intfttstate Access Serylce Revenues $ 13,816 L2 Net TEnsitional R*lortral ComDssatlon Revenues $0 13 Total ICC Revenue (Ljne 10 + Llne 11 + Une 12)12ar,256 r4 TRS lncrement $o 15 Regulatory Fees lncrement $0 16 NANPA Increment $o 17 Interstate Local Swltchinq SuDDort for Price CaD Affillates or Estlmated Duplicate LSS Costs ln CAF II $0 18 Adlustment for Double Recovery or Corections $0 19 Test Perlod 18/19 Trueup - Net lmpact on Total Ellglble Recovery f21,s02 20 Ellgible Recovery(Llneg - Llne 13) + (Line 14+ Une 15 + Line 16 + Llne 18+ Line 19) - (Llne 17)1944,828 Revanuc l?om Aea l@ysry Ch.rgu (ARC) 27 Resldential ARC Revenues $0 Z2 Slnole Llne Buslness ARC Revenues 11,152 23 Multl-Une Buslness ARC Revenues t2,484 24 Total ARC Revenues (Llne 21 + Llne 22 + Line 23)13,5s6 Connsct Amsrlca Fund (CAF) ICC SuDDo.t*. 25 Connect Amerlca Fund (CAF) ICC Support (Llne 20 - Llne 24)$947,192 Ravlscd CAF ICC Support wlth Imputad ARC l.vcnu6 ,or lrcldbsnd-Only Loopa 26 ARC Revenue Adlustment followlno "Second Order on Reconsideratlon & clarlflcation" Fcc 18-13 $0 27 Adrustod Tcrt P.rlod 2020-2021 CAFICC Support (Lln. 25 - Lln. 26) NCTES: #Per FCC Daslgnatlon Ord€r, c.lol.ted .s (Sum d Unc 9 ior all TS pool paddpilB) * (Una U Sum of Un. 1 for all TS pool paddpanB)r.NEG esimate pmvlded ior infomauon.l purpos o.ly -.@al to b. @ldl.tGd by U$C. rr:m0 NE{:Ar.mrol Ue, I Pnlsry Foliiy 194r,192 2O2O CAF ICC Data Collection I{ECA Home ilECA Data Collectlons Contact Ur CAF ICC - Instructions & Doduments NECA IR - Paper Cartltlc.tlon Tracklng Logged h User: Bruce Steed Home Sel€ct Comp.ny Main Page Study Ar€. Data Input ttlenu I CAF & ARC Output ) Hlstorlc Reports ) E-Certlficatlon ) Study Area! DIRECT COMITIUNICATIONS ROCKLAT{D, lNC. (ID: 472232) AccGr3 RGCovcry Chargej Recalculate ARC Rales & CAF Supporl revenues T6t Perlod 2020-21 Pre-Tru€-up View TGst Parlod 2020-21 Post-True-Up (Flling) View Test P€rlod 2020-2021 Port Truc-Up (Flllng) VlGw Logoutffi Exchange/Zone Name Arbon Parls Rockland Study Ar..Summrry Resldentlal Lines excludlng Llfelines 56 335 83 4atl I Resldential lResidential ARclI lnc I R"r"nr. II so.ool io.od| ,,,i ;jfl sla I sla I sle rnc I irls I ule I ula enc I totat lrclines I anc I Revenue I unes I lRc I Revenue I Revenue ,rl rr.ool rr,rrr.o{ r{ tr.o{ +r,nrn.ool $3,636.00 o 020t{t0A ":o Rrle Elemrnt Dorcrlptlon Termlnatlng End Office Access Servlce Terminatlng End Office, Premlum. per access mlnute Terminatlng End Office Access Service Termlnating End Office, Non- Premium, per access minute Entrance Facility, Per Termination Voice Grade Two Wire Entrance Facility, Per Termlnation Volce Grade Four Wire Entrance Facility, Per Termlnatlon High Capaciry DSI Entrance Facllity, Per Termlnatlon Hlgh Capacity DS3 Entrance Facillty, Per Termlnation Synchronous Optlcal Channel oc3 Entrance Faclllty, Per Termlnation Synchronous Optlcal Channel oc12 Entrdnce Faclllty. Per Termlnation ESALT 2 Mbps Entrance Faclllty, Per Termlnatlon ESALT 10 Mbps Entrance Facility, Per Termlnation ESALT 50 Mbps Dlrect Trunked Transport Faclllty/ Mile Volce Grade - TWo Wire & Four Wire Direct Trunked Trdnsport Facllity/ Mile Hlgh Capaclty DS1 Dlrect Trunked Transport Facillty/ *lt Unlt ot Dcmrd MOU MOU Terminatlon Termlnatlon Termlnatlon Terminatlon Termlnation Termlnatlon Clrcult Clrcult Circult I lMlle I I I I IlMile I I I I mrte I I I I "1t 7nt2a20 lnlc6tatc Rrla f0.00000000 $0.00000000 187.30 $139.71 i425,66 $3,886.66 $3,963.23 14,23r.47 $753.95 1812.62 11,0s2.78 i6.23 $29.1e $254,04 *lu Tcrt Yorr 20,t$,2020 Curranl lntrastat6 R!le $0.00070000 $0.00070000 $88.62 $141.82 $432, rC $3,945.45 $4,023.18 14,295.47 $765.3! $824.9' $1,068.7( $6.32 i29.62 $257.88 2O2O CAF ICC Data Collection *j* 7tlt2020 Propo3€d lntrralat Rrt, $0.00000000 f0.00000000 $87.30 $ 139.71 i425.66 $3,886.66 $3,963.23 14,23t.47 $753.95 $812.52 $1,052.78 f6.23 s29.18 $254.04 ilECA Home NECA Data Colle€tlons Contact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documents NECA IR - Paper Certlfication Tracking Logged ln User: Bruce Steed Home Select Company ltlain Page Study Ar€a Data Input Menu ) CAf & ARC Output ) Historlc R€ports ) E-Certlflcatlon ) Study Area: DIRECT COMMUNICATIOIIS ROCKI-AND, lNC. (lD! 472292) lntructlt. Rcvcnues (FCC TRP exhlblt) Download TRP Data in Excel Intrastate Revenu€s Test Year 2020-2O2t Expected Maxlmum Intrastate Revenue: 10,00 eol I FY 241'l lntnstrtc Unltr: Termln.tltrg ior Non. Dodlc.ted or Orl0ln.tlng .nd T.rmltrrtlng {or D.dlcnlod El6mont! 339,369,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Col J H', lntra3tata PrlcHut wlth 7t1t2020 propo3ed lntraitata ,ala and rYa011 Damrnd f0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 i0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 +0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Col X FY 2010Itrtn!trt3 Uolti: T.rnltr.tlng for llon- D.dlcatcd rnd lot l lor Osdlc.tcd ElemntB 131,385.O0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0c 0.0c 0.0c 0.0c 0,00o/o 0,00o/o T.3l Y.rr 2020-4021 FoEcarlcd lntrartrt lrnlt3 Col L 11E,246.00 0.o0 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0c 0,0€ 0.0c Col l{ I(LrKlA(rZrll-rl'r00 Itrtra3tat€ Utrllg Grcwth Rat! o/o -5.84o/t 0,000t 0.00o/r 0.000/ 0.00o/t 0.000/ 0.000/c 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00% Logoutffi Col N lt.L TV 202Gz1 Porcartod lntra6tatt nerenu! $0.00 $0.00 i0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo Mlle Hlgh Capacity D53 Dlrect Trunked Trdnsport Facillty/ Mlle Synchronous Optical Channel oc3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile Synchronous Optlcal Channel oc12 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mlle ESALT 2 Mbps DTF.El Dlrect Trunked Trdnsport Faclllty/ Mile ESALT 2 Mbps DTF.E2 Oirect Trunked Trdnsport Facllity/ Mile ESALT 2 Mbps DTF-E3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 2 Mbps DTF-84 Direct Trunked Transport Facltlty/ Mile ESALT 10 Mbps OTF.E 1 Olrect Trunked Trdnsport Facillty/ Mlle ESALT 10 Mbps DTF.E2 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mlle ESALT 10 Mbps DTF.E3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 10 Mbps DTF-E4 Direct Trunked Transport Facllity/ Mile ESALT 50 Mbps DTF-E1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 50 Mbps DTF.E2 Direct Trunked Transport Faclllty/ Mile ESALT 50 Mbps DTF-E3 Dlrect Trunked TEnsport Facllity/ Mile ESALT 50 Mbps DTF.E4 Direct Trunked Transport Facllity/Termlnation Volce Grade - Two Wlre & Four Wire Direct Trunked Transport Facllity/Termination Hlgh capaclw DS1 Dlrect Trunked Transport Facllity/Termhation Hlgh Capacity DS3 Dlrect Tlunked Transport Facility/Terminatlon Synchronous Optical Channel oc3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/Termination Synchronous Optical Channel oc12 Direct Trunked Trdnsport Facility/Termination ESALT 2 Mbps Direct Trunked Transport Mile Mile Circuit Miles Circult Miles Clrcuit Miles Circuit Mlles Clrcult Mlles Circuit Mlles Clrcuit Miles Clrcuit Miles Circuit Miles Circuit Mlles Clrcult Mlles Carcuit Mlles Termination Termination Terminatlon Terminatlon Terminatlor Clrcult terms $85.90 $271.94 $341.33 $57.28 $79.58 $133.24 $217.80 $130.70 $200.30 $410.8,4 $609.88 $406,61 $654.1{ $1,165.8: $62.5( $151.31 $971.64 $1,01 1.70 $2,2O2.71 $200.4, $245.01 $276.05 $346.49 $87.20 $58.15 $80.78 $ 135.26 $221.09 $ 132,68 $203.33 $417.05 $619.10 $412.76 $664.07 $1,183,48 $63.45 $ 153.6( $986.3t $1,027.0( $2,236.0r $203.4; $248.7, i271.94 $341.33 $85.90 $57.28 $79,s8 $133.24 $217.80 $ 130.70 $200.30 $410.84 $609.88 $406.61 $6s4.18 $ 1,165.8t $62.s( $ 151.31 $971.64 $ 1,0 1 1.70 12,2O2.76 $200.4. Circult terms $245.03 0.01 0.00o/o 0.00o/o $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0c 0.0c 0.00 0.0r 0.00 0,0( 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0c 0.0c 0.0c 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.0( 0,0r 0.01 0,00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00% 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00% 0.000/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o o.oo% 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00% 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00% $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Faclllty/Termlnation ESALT 10 Mbps Olrect Trunked Transport Faclllty/Termlnation ESALT 50 Mbps Multlplexlng, Per Arrdngement D53 to DS1 Multiplexing, Per Arrangement DSI to Voice Customer Node Per Node OC3 155.52 Mbps Customer Node Per Node OC12 622.08 Mbps Customer Premlses Port, Per Port OC3 155.52 Mbps Customer Premises Port, Per Port STS-1 51.84 Mbps Customer Premises Port, Per Port DS3 44.736 Mbps Customer Premises Port, Per Port DS1 1.544 Mbps Add/Drop Multiplexing Central Omce Port, Per Port DSl 1,544 Mbps Add/Drop Multlplexlng Central Omce Port, Per Port OC3 155.52 Mbps Add/Drop Multlplexing Central Omce Port, Per Port DS3 44,736 Mbps Network Blocking, Per Blocked Call Network Blocking, Per Blocked Call, Applies to FGD only ESALT Real Time CoS/QoS, Per DTF-E1 Facllity ESALT 2 Mbps ESALT Real Tlme CoS/QoS, Per DTF-E1 Facility ESALT 10 Mbps ESALT Real TIme CoS/QoS, Per OTF-E1 Faclllty ESALT 50 Mbps ESALT Entmnce FaclliW Protectlon, Per ESALT Entrance Faclllty ESALT 2 Mbps ESALT Entrance Facility Protection, Per ESALT Entrance Faclllty ESALT 10 Mbps ESALT Entrance Faclllty Protectlon, Per ESALT Entrance Facillty ESALT 50 Mbps Common Channel Signaling Network Connection Slgnallng Mileage Facillty, Per Mlle Common Channel Signallng Network Connectlon Slgnalhg Mileage Temination, Per Termination Common Channel Signaling Network Connection Signaling Entrance Facility, Per Facillty Terminatlon Termination Faclliw Faclllry Clrcult Clrcuit Circuit Facillty Clrcult terms Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port call Faclllty Mile Port $299.48 $886.51 $342.26 $920.25 $2,658.60 $301.96 $352.57 $362.57 $92.93 $74.37 $301.96 $185,9 1 $0.01640000 $r6,41 $82,00 s255.13 i284.10 $284.10 $284.10 f8.37 $84.15 $161.13 $304.01 $899.92 l.347.44 $934.18 $2,698.8 1 $306.53 $368.05 $368.05 $94.34 t75.49 $306.53 $ 188.72 $0.01650000 $16.66 $83.24 $2s8.99 $288.40 $288.40 $288.40 i8.s0 $85.42 $163,57 i299.48 $886.51 tr342.26 $920.26 $2.558.60 $301.96 $362.57 $362.57 $92.93 174.37 $301.96 $185.91 $0,0 1640000 $ 16.41 $82.00 $255.13 $284.10 $284.10 $284.10 $8.37 $84.15 $151,13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 s0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0,00 f0.00 $830.41 1842.97 $830,41 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00o/o 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.000/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.000/o 0.00o/o 0,000/o 0.00o/o 0,00o/o 0,00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00% 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Common Channel Slgnaling Network Connection STP Port, Per Port Termlnatlng Tandem Swltched Transport Termlnatlng Tandem Switched Transport Faclllty Teminating Tandem Switched Transport Terminatlng Tandem Swltched Termination Terminating Tandem Swltched Transport Teminating Tandem Switchlng N on recu rri n g Charges Voice Grade Two Wlre N on recu rrl n g Charges Volce Grade Four Wlre Nonrecurdng Charges High Capaclty DSl Nonrecurrlng Charges High Capacity DS3 N on recu rri n g Charges Synchronous Optlcal Channel oc3 Nonrecurrlng Charges Synchronous Optlcal Channel oc12 Nonrecurring Charges Interim NXX Translation, Per Order N on recu rrl n g Charges FGC and FGD ConveEion of Multifrequency Address Signallng to SS7 Signaling or SS7 Signaling to Multifrequency Address Signallng, per 24 trunks converted or fraction thereof on a per order basis Non recu rri n g Charges Trunk Activatlon, per 24 trunks activated or fraction thereof on a per order basis N on recu rrl n g Charges Flqlble Automatlc Number Identlflcation (Flex ANI), per End Office, per CIC N on recu rri n ICharges ESALT 2 Mbps N on recu rrl n g Charges ESALT 10 Mbps N on recu rri n g Charges ESALT 50 Mbps N on recu rri n g Charges ESALT Direct Trunked Teminauon, per ESALT Dlrect Trunked Temination lnstalled N on recu rri ng Charges ESALT Entrance Faclllty Protectlon, per ESALT EntEnce Facility Minutes / Mile Minutes Minutes Faclllty Facillty Facllity Faclllty Facllity Facillty order order Order End Office Facllity Facility Facility order $0.00043000 $0.00223300 $0,00563300 $480,90 $480.90 $3s2,68 $/r75.56 $384,72 $384.72 $235.11 $472.3s $490.5 1 $0.00000000 $569.95 $569.95 $s69,9s $375.50 $0.00043700 $0.00226700 $0.00571800 $488.17 $488,17 $358.0 I $482.75 $390,54 $390.54 $238.67 $479.49 $497.93 $0.00000000 $578.57 $578.57 $s78,57 $381.18 $0.00043000 10.00223300 $0,00563300 $480.90 $480.90 $352.68 $475.56 $384.72 $384.72 $235.1 1 $472.35 $490.51 $0.c0000000 $569.95 is69.9s $559.95 $375.50 87,986,63 1.00 813,768.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Facillty $576.11 $584.82 $576.11 0.00 139,651.3s 0.0c 0.00 0.00o/o 30.00 $37,834.25 $1,817.14 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 i0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,0c 0.0c 0,0c 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 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I F(!a.v P{rFr