HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200604Filer Mutual Telephone CAF ICC Data-Redacted.pdf,t:ili:l\/[D .-r.,, , -+ AI1 9: 3+ \iiii.....- Tetephone company Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W Washington Boise,ID 83702 RE: GNR-T-20-0L- 2020 ETC - LIFELINE - CAF ICC REPORTS - ACCESS RATES Filer Mutual Telephone Company hereby files with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in accordance with 47 C.F.R $54.304(dxl). This filing includes projected eligibility for CAF ICC funding for July l,2O2O through June 30. 2021for Filer Mutual Telephone Company, Study Area Code 472220. This projection includes any true-ups associated with earlier filings periods. This projection has also been filed as confidential information with the Universal Service Administrative Company, as the administrator of the Federal Universal Service Fund. It is filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as an information filing only and no action is required or requested. Enclosed is the original printed on yellow-colored paper stamped "Confidential" which has been place_d in a sealed envelope, along with one redacted copy. The filed is sent to the Commission as confidential information that is exempt from discloser under Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rules of Procedure, Rule 67. Should you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact me directly Robert Kraut General Manager /COO (208)326-4330 bkraut@truleap.net Enclosures 4u lPrint this pagelilfrP Study Area: FILER MUTUAL TEL. COMPANY-ID dba TRULEAP TECH (ID: 47 2220) CONNECT AITIERICA FUND IData to be provided to USAC/FCCin ]une 2020 for CAF ICC Purposesl Settlement Type3 Cost Test Period 7nl2A-Ol3O/21 Post True-up (Filing) View Rate-of-Return (ROR) Carrler Revenue Requlrem€nt t zOlL Interstate Switched Access Revenue Requirement 2 FY2011 IntrastateTerminatingSwitchedAccessRevenues 3 FY2011 NetReciprocalCompensationRevenues 4 20lL ROR Carrier Base Period Revenue (Line 1 + Line 2 + Line 3) 5 ROR Carrier Baseline AdjustmentFactor (0.95 ^ 9) 6 ROR Carrier Revenue Requirement (Line 4 x Line 5) 7 Pool Administration Expenses 8 Total ROR CarrierRevenue Requirement(Line 6 + Line 7) Reyenucs from Reformcd Intercarrler Compensatlon (lCC) Rate3 9 InterstateSwitchedAccessRevenues 10 Interstate Allocated Switched Access Revenues# 11 TransitionallntrastateAccessService Revenues 12 Net Transitional Reciprocal Revenues 13 Total ICC Revenue (Line 10 + Line 11 + Line 12) Ellglble Recovery 14 TRS Increment 15 RegulatoryFeeslncrement 16 NANPAIncrement t7 Interstate Support for Price Cap Affiliates or Estimated Duplicate LSS Costs in CAF II 18 Adjustmentfor Double Recovery or Corrections 19 Test Period 18/19 Trueup - Net Impacton Total Eligible Recovery 20 Eligible Recovery (Line 8 - Line 13) + (Line 14 + Line 15 + Line 16 + Line 18 + Line 19) - (Line 17) Revenuei fiom Acceca Recovery (ARC) 2l ResidentialARCRevenues 22 Single Line Business ARCRevenues 23 Multi-LineBusinessARCRevenues 24 Total ARC Revenues 21 + Line 22 + Line 23) Connect Amerlca Fund (CAF) IGC Suppo6** 25 connectAmerica Fund (cAF) ICC Support (Line 20 - Line 24) R E D A C T E D Revlsed CAF ICC Support wlth Imputed ARC Revenucs for Broadband-Only Loops ARC Revenue Adjustmentfollowlng'Second Order on Reconslderatlon & Clariflcauon" FCC 18-13 27 AdrurhdT..t Uno 26) NOTES:*R!r FCC D€te mddl Ords, @lcullt d d (Sum of Urc 9 tur .ll TS p@l prrtlcts nE) * (LBr. V Sum oa Lff, I 60r ![ TS pel p.rtl@nts) UNECA GtlnrE Furtd.d tur [rJbmtloElpurpG€ only - xtu.l to bc elcuht d by Us C. 26 NECA Home N ECA Oata Colledaons Contad Us CAF ICC - Instrudions & Docum€nB NECA IR - Paper Cehification Tracking Logout Logged in User: BobKraut Homc SeledComp.ny tainP.gc Study Ar.aO.ta tnputHrnu ) CAF&ARCOutput ) HistoricRcFns ) E-Ce*iracation ) Study fuG.: FILER NUTUAL TEL. COXPAilY.ID db. TRULilP TECH (IDI 472220, tnk.rt.tc Rcv.nucs (FCC TRP cxhibit) tntraiatc Rcvanuas Test Year 2O2O-2021 Exp€dedMaxrmum Intragtate Revenue:- ":o cdG 2020 CAF ICC Data Collection cdH Col I ,EJ cdt CdJ fl.1 Col X cdt cdN (Lfi)^ {J2n1l-11.too x.t EntranceFadlity, Per Termina!on ESALT MOU MOU Crrcuil Ctcut Ctrcut Mne Mile MilE Mile MilE 7tltutu N1S-N20 7 tlt2020 FY201t tnroz0 rY&ir rYrciO n20-x21 TY 2020-2r TerminatlngEnd Office Acc€ssService Terminatlng End Offrce, Preml!m, per Termtnatlng End Office Access SeNiceTerminalng Endoffice, Non-Premlum, EntranceFadlity, Per EntranceFaOlty, Per Entranc€Fadlity, PerTermination HighGp.ctyDSl EntranceFaolity, Per Termin6tion High C6p.cty DS3 Entranc€Faolty, Per SynchronousOptiGl Cha^nel OC3 EntranceFaolty, Per Synchrono!sOpticalChannel OC12 Entcnce Facilty, ftr Mbps EntranceFadlity, Per Termrnation ESALT 10 ilbps 50 Mbps Dfect Trunked Ofed Trunked Mile Hi9hCapa€ltyosr Ored Trunked Mile Hi9hCapacity os3 Mrle SynchronousOpti6lChaf,nelE3 Dned Trunked OptiBl ChannelOCl2 REDACTED Ored Trunked Mile ESALT 2MbpsDTF.El Dired Trunked Mile ESALT 2Mbps OTF.E2 Drred Trunked Mile ESALT 2Mbps DTF.E3 Mile ESALT 2 Mbps DTF.E4 Drred Trunked Mrle ESALT 10Mbps OTF,E1 Mrle ESALT l0Hbps OTF.E2 Orred Trunked Mlle ESALT 10Mbps DTF.E3 Mile ESALT 10Mbps DTF.E4 Dlrect Trunked Mile ESALT 50Mbps DTF.EI Mile ESALT 50Mbps DTF.E2 Direct Trunked Mile ESALT 50Mbps DTF,E3 Drred Trunk€d Mile ESALT SOMbps DTF-E4 Dired Trunked Facility/termrnaton Or€d Trunked High Capacity OS1 Hrgh Capacty DS3 F.crltyfrermrnalron SynchronousOptiGl Ch.nnelmS Facilitynerminatron SynchronousOptical Channel OC12 Dired Trunked ESALT 2 Mbps Dlred Trunked ESALT lOMbps ESALT 50Mbps Arrangement DS3to DS1 Arran9ement DSl to CfcutMiles CrrcultMiles Cr.cuitMiles CrrcutMiles crrcultMiles circutMiles CircutMiles Circu*Miles CircutMIes Crroit Circut Circuit REDACTED Node OC3 155.52 Mbps Node OC12 622.08 Mbps Pod, rer Pod B 155.52 Mbps Pod, ftrPodSTS.r 51.84 Mbps Pon, ftr Pod oS3 44.736 Mbps Pon, PerPodOSl 1.544 Mbps AddlDtop Mutlplex ing Cen ra I DSI 1.544 Mbps Mull pleringCentral OC3 155.52 Mbps Mult plexinqCenral OS3 44.736 Mbps N€twork B ocking, Per Blocked CallNetwork alocklng, Per Alocked Call, Applies toFGD ESALT Rea] Time Cos/QoS, Per ESALr OTF.E1 FacilityESALT 2 Mbps ESALT R€61 Time COS/QoS, PeT ESALT DTF.E1 FaciIiIyESALT10 Mbps cos/qos, Per ESALT DTF-E1 Facility ESALT 50 Mbps ESALT Entrance Per ESALT Enlrance Facility ESALT 2 Mbps ESALT ENtT'NC€ Per ESALTEntrance Facility ESALT 10 Mbps ESALT Enkance Per ESALTEnlranceFacfity ESALT 50 Mbps Srgnalin9Ne&ork Conn€dion SignaIn9 Milea9€ Facility, PerMile SiOnallngNetwork Connedion Srgnatrng Mi leage Termin6t ion, Common ChannelSlgnalhgNetwork Connection Sl9nallng Entrance Facillty,Per Signaling Network Connedion STP Pofr, Termlnat ngTandem TerminatingTandem Swrtched Transpod Te rmrnat in9 Ta ndem Switched T16nsport Te rminatin g Ta ndem SwtchedTemrnation TerfrinatingTandem REDACTED Facility qrcuI CircuI Cir€uit TerminatingTandem Swltchrng Nonrecurringcharges Voice GradeTwoWire NonrecuringCharges Nonrecuringcharges High GpactY DSl NonrecurnngCharges aigh GpactyDS3 NonrecudngChargesSynchronousOptical Channel OC3 NonrecuringCharges Synchronous Optical Channel OC12 NonrecuringCharges Intenm NXX Tra nslation, Pe r Order NonrecurringChar9es FGc and FGo Address Si9nalngto SSTSign.lingorSST Si9nalin9to Addre ss Srgnaln q, Per 24 trunksconvetedorfradion NonrecurrinOCharges Trunk Adivatlon, Per or fradlon thereofon NonrecuringCharees Order 6*f$Bll.ageno Nonrecuring charees ESALT 2Mbps Nonrecu ring Ch a rges ESALT 10Mbps Order [ndtrrce raory Iac,rty [acirty O.der FacrIty I Nonrecurrin0Charges ESALT 50Mbps Nonrecuninq Charqes ESALT Dred Trunked ESALT Dted Irunked Temination insta led NonrecurinqCharges ESALT Entrance Per ESALTEntrance REDACTED 2O2O CAf ICC Data Collectlon xECA Hc@ NECA Dab CotladionrConbct ua CAF ICC - tn&uc'tloE I DocuilanB NECA lR - Papar Ccrofieton Tractln9 LoCout Loggd h U*r: &bKraut HonG S.l.d Comr.ny N.ln P.g. Stody An. O.t. tnp{t tcn! ) OIF I AiC Outpd ) Hi&ric R.Ftu ) E-Ctil}tlodcr } Sbdy &o! rtlEt XUIUAI TEL. COlrlPAxY-ID db. TiULEAP ?ECH (lOt 4r222O, A@aa RGovary Charr.. i ReoiculdeARC Ratest cAF Suppd ldenu66 ffi T.it P.dod 202q21 Pil-Tru.-upvl.w T.5t P.riod 2020-21 PoilTru.-up(flll4) vl.t T.n P..lcd 2020-2021 hnTr[.-Up (Flllne)Vl.w Exch.ngn/zotrcilama Eler hlX$er SdyAoEcnilry Raaldctrd.l anc SLB SLB li{Ll XLAARC TfrIAiCRarnrcSLBAiC.!cludlngLlt llno REDACTED TO BE COMPTETEO BYTHE REPORTING CARRIER. C.rtitlcltio d Otlier rs to the A@my d the CAF ICC Ih RGporrod IcanfythatIamanotrcarotthaEponhgcrnLfmyrcrpondblllllotlncludesnsudngth..ccuncyotlhaactuldaunpon di .nd,to tio bo.tot myknowLdga,th. lnlomatlon npo]trdon thltfom la lccunt.. Nam of Rsdtino Cffis:FILER MUTUAL TEL. COMPANY-lDdba TRULEAP TECH Bob Kratlt Dlolailyargnad by tsoD Krau DN cn=BoD Kreut,.mrllEblrad@irulesp nel,O=frler mutualtel company-id dbE tul.ap lech,l=Filer lO 83328-0089 odto 5D\D020Signature of Auhqized Offis:Datel 512112020 Printgd lme cf Authorized Officer:Bob Kraut Title tr mitim of Authdized Ofricor:General Manager/COO TdeolmerumbsofAuthorizedOfficer: 208-326-4330 Study Area Code d R€porting Cai€r 472220 FilirE Due Dae ftr this ftrm (mm/ddiyyyy)6t'16t2020 Pcronrwll|fu[ym.Ilngtrlstut mcnlronthlstomcrnbePunlthsdbytlnsortortGltununderthcCommunhl0ont&ot1934, a?u.s.c.5!502,603(bl,orrln€orlmprl.onmonlunderTlllelSolthrunlbdslrtocodc,ttu.s.c's l00l' TO BE COMPLETEO BYTHE REPORTING CARRIER, F AN AGENT IS FIUNG DATA ON THECARRIER'SBEHAI..F: Conific.tiff of Oli6r to Authoriza rn Agent to File Dlta R.pori.d ff B.hdt d RcPoning Carls National Exchange CarriersAssociation, I nc.lcc.1l'ylh.t(illmgo'Ae.nr}.luthorl4dto3ubmltti3ln'om{lonEPortCdon bchrlt ot tha Eponh06rbi I rllo erlltyth|l I .m rn otticerot thc Epoillngcarlcr; my c.pontlbllllhtlnsludeanrudngthq .ccqncyotthed.t pmvldodtotisathodredAeont;rnd,tothoblrtotmyInwledgc,th.rcturldrtrpDvld.dtolhoAJthorl4d Nm c, Authorized Asn National Exchanoe Carriers Association, I nc. Nem rf Rsdino Cffitr'FILER MUTUAL TEL, COMPANY-IDdba TRULEAP TECH Bob Kraut urorely Brgneo ry EoD Kr5ur uN cn:Boo Krallemoil=bkrau@rulsap nel.O:ilor mduallel comFnyid db rul6apleh.l:Frlor |D83328.0089 oate 5D1no2oSionawe d Auttrtrized OffiH:Date: 512'112020 Prihted ffie dArrtttrirad a}ffid'Bob Kraut Titl€il citim c,Authdized Offis:General Manaoer/COO Tdmhma tMbd .feuthdized offiff 208-326-4330 Study ArE Code cf R€poding Carier 472220 FilirE Dus Date for this fnm (mrn/dd/yyyy)6t16t2020 p.[ontwilltully maklngtrl$ rtrtemsntron thl3 tom crn bo punlshsd by fln. or lorf.huc underth€ CommunlddillAcl of 1934, 47U.S.C.!5502,503(b),ortlnrorlmpd$nmntundorTltleltotthcUnlbd$rtcCod!,l8U.S'C.S 1001. TO BE COMPLETEDBY AN OFFICEROF THE REPORTING CARRIER Cartlticltid d Ofier fa Rabof-Rstum Crk Eliglbllity fa CAFICC RrcoEiy I cenify thrt I rm rn om6r ot the cpo.tlng orler and th.t, to thG balt of my knowlodgp, lhc repotllng crnler on thb tom cannGsthlt I h.3 complLd gtrh Ellglblc Recoveryssl,9l7(d].nd Affi8 RecoveryChrtrr0sl.9l?(e)8nd l! cllglble lo Eelvetho cAF lcc rupportEqustsd puBurntto S51.9t10. Nare crRoalino Cfii*:FILER MUTUAL TEL, COMPANY.IDdba TRULEAP TECH Bob Kraut Krrulomarl=blrad(Dlruleap nel,Hrl.r muluallel companyrd dhlul.epl6ch.l=Fler D63328.0089 oate 5a1ao2oSionatue ca Auhodzed Ofticers snDlove€:Dato: 5l21l2O2O Printed lme cf Authdzed Offierd mDlova6:Bob Kraut Tit6 r citim cf Authtriz€d Oftidc mdovee:General Manaoer/COO Tdehme lmbs c, Authorizsd Otficer r slDlovso:208-326-4330 Study Are Cod€ d R+ortng Csri€r 472220 Filing Oue Dds for this ftrm (mm/dd/yyyy)6t16t2020 Pa6omwlltuly mklngfile stltlmsntton lhlt fom can bs punlrlrrd by llns or lorr.huc oodrrth€ CommunhrdonrAal ot 1034, ia7u.s.c.0!502,503(b),orfln.orlmprimnmenrundorTliloltofrh!unlrldsrrr6cod!,tEU.s.c.5 100t. TO BE COMPLETEDBY AN OFFICEROF THE REPORTING CARRIER Certiticltion ol Ot€r ta Rateoffstum Csis Not Seking Duplic.tive R.mry I crnfy thrt I tm rn om@r ot fhe ogortlng qrrlor rnd thrt, to tho be6l ot my knowlrdgB,thr opoilng erl.r la nol mklog dupllceilv€Gov.ryln tha 3td.lurlsdlction tor rny Ellglble Rlcovrry sublello tha ncovarym.chrnLmra p3r S5l,9l7(d)(vll). Nam .f Rsdind Cafiitr'FILER MUTUAL TEL, COMPANY-IDdba TRULEAP TECH Bob Kraut urgraly argneo ry EoD Kra Kraulemail=bkrad@lruleap netOJ{er mulualtel companyrd db tuieapt€ch l=Filer D83328'0089 oale 5D1n020Sioneture cf Arihqized Offierd mdovee:oatei 512112020 Printa.l llm. .f Arrhtrir..l a)ffimrd molovoe:Bob Kraut Tilled lmiliM .f AIthtriT*, Offiddmdov€g:General Manaoer/COO Tdmhone rumhr .f AlfthriTed a)fficg r mdov*:208-326-4330 Study Ar€ Cod€ c, Reportrng Caier 472220 I FilirE Due Date for this form (mrn/ddrtyyy)6t16t2020 Ps[on! wlllfulty maklngtallo ttrtrm.ntson thla fom €n b! punl3htd by flnc or forLituc undortho CommunlcationsAal of 193,1, 47U.S.C.S6502,5031b),ortln.orlmprisonrentundlrTttlrlSoftheUnlt dSLtcECod.,tEU.S.C.S 1001.