HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200109Gold Star Communications Form 555.pdfAnnual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form All carriers must complete all or portions of all sections Form must be submitted to USAC and filed with the Federal Communications Commission IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Deadline: January ila (Annually) o-b/ Does the reporting company have alf iated ETCs? Yes E[ No lt[ Provide o list ofall ETCs thqt are alliliated with the reponilg ETC, using page 4 and additional sheets ifnecessary, Afrlistion shall be determined in accordtnce vith Sectioh 3(2) ofthe Communications AcL That Sectiotl defines "a/frliate" as "a perron that (directly or indirectl!) otens or conlrols, is owned or contolled by, or is under common ownership or contolvlarh, anothet petson-" 47 U.S.C. S 153(2). See also 17 c.F.R. "s 76.t 200. Affiliated ETC's SAC Affiliated ETC's Name o-z (_ I\o D r ilm C)m ma 479011 143032440 State ETC Name Horizon Communications, lnc. Recertification Year N/A DBd Marketing, or Other Branding Name (lf rane as ETC nane, list "N/A" Do not leave blank) Holding Company Name (IJsahe as ETC hone, list "N/A" Do not leave blan*) 1 Study Area Code (SAC) Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) (An Eligible Telecon,nuhications Carier (ETC) must provide o ce irtcatioh fonn lor eoch SAC through which it proides Lifeline senice). 2019 lD Gold Star Communications LLc ETCs Subject to the Non-Usage Requirements All ETCs must complete the appropiate check+ot. ETCs that do not assess and collea a monthlyfee fron their Lileline subsciben are subject to the non-usaEe rcquirements. ETCs subjea b the non-usage requireme s must indicate the number ofsubscibers de-enrolled by month in Section 4. ETC| that only assess a lee but do not collect such fees are subject to the non-usage requircments and must also indicate the nrmbel of xbscribers de-enrolled by month. ls the ETC subject to the non-usage requiremetrts? Yes E[ wo Eil Ifyes, record the number ofsubscribers de-enrolled.for non-usage by nonth in Blocl Q below. P o Month Subscribers De-Enrolled for Non-Usage January 0 February 0 March 0 April May 0 June July 0 August September 0 October November 0 December 0 Total Subscribers For purposes ofthis filing, an offrcer is an occupant ofa position listed in the article of incorporation, articles of formation, or other similar legal document. An officer is a person who occupies a position specified in the corporate byJaws (or partnership agreement), and would typically be president, vice president for operations, vice president for finance, comptroller, treasurer, or a comparable position. Ifthe filer is a sole proprietorship, the owner must sig! the certification. lnitial Certifica,tiolt tt crcs must complete this se.tion I certiry that the company listed above has certification procedures in place to: A) Review income and program-based eligibility documentation prior to enrolling a consumer in the Lifeline program, and that, to the best of my knowledge, the company was presented with documentation of each consumer's household income and/or program-based eligibility prior to his or her errollment in Lifeline; and/or B) Confirm consumer eligibility by relying upon access to a state database and/or notice ofeligibility from the state Lifeline administrator prior to enrolling a consumer in the Lifeline program. I am an officer ofthe company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area Code listed above. MMInitial 2 0 0 0 0 0 Minimum Service Level I certify that the company listed above is in compliance with the minimum service levels set forth in the 47 CFR Section 54.408'. I am an officer ofthe company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the SACs listed above. Initiat MM Annual Recertification Do not leave empty blocks. lf an ETC has nothiag to report in a blocl, enler o zero Recertilication Methods Statc of f€deral databaseD. Suhscribgrs recenified through ETC access to state or l'ederal databasc by anniversary month lhe numbo'of blc subscribcrs veri6ed access to a shtc or l€deral datahase E. Name ofthe data sourcc(s) used to veriry consumer eligibilily the numbcr of Lifeline subscribers the EfC contacted lo oblain recerli fioation of bil C. Subscribcts who failed to recertiry through ETC dirclt ouFcach attempt the numh!'r of Lifblinc subscribos de-errolled due to hil to the ETC s outreach Jsn I,'cb l\l ar Ap.May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Dec Year Totsl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .l8n Feb Mar Apr Nl ay Jun Jul Aug sep Oct l)ec Year Total t)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jan lel,tv ar Apr M.]'Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct \ov Dec Year Totrl F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 .{pr Mav Jun Jul Aug scp Oct Year Total Jan Feb Mer G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 Rc?ort thc number of Lifeline subscribers due for recertification by month (January-December)A. Subscribers eligiblc for recertification by anoivgrsary monthB. SLrbscribcrs de-enrolled prior to recertification attemptsC. Total numher ofsubscribers ETC is responsible for recertifying (A-B) 0 I 0 0 0 0 ETC Direct ContrctF. Subscribers contact€d by ETC directly to recenify (You may also use this section to re?on subscriber initiated rec€rtifications). 0 Dec 0 3 H. Subsc'ribers who recertifigd through ETC diied outreach attcrnpt the number ofLifeline subscribers that successfull rcc.nificd ETC's outreach Third Psrty I. Subscribers whose eligibility wa-s rcviewed by smte administrator, third party administrator, or USAC the number of Lifeline subsaribers contacted by a flate administralor, third administmtor or USAC for the ofrecenilicalion J. Name ofthird party adminisbator used to verifu subscribct eligibility K. Subsc'ribers de-enrolled as a result oia third party rece(ification attempt thc number of subscribers as a result of to outreach jiom a slatc administrator. thid party administrator. or USAC L. Subscribcrs who recertificd through a state administrdtor, third parq' administrator or [iSAC's rccenification effort the number of sukcriben that rcocrii lied from a state administrator, drird administrator, or USAC Certification: Recertilication Method i Datobase I certifo that the company listed above has procedures in place to recertifu consumer eligibility by relying on a database. I am an officer ofthe company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the SAC(s) listed above. Initial 4 Jan Feb !lrr Jun Jul Aug sep Oct Dec Year Totrl H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .ran Feb lll ar Jun Jul Aug Year Total Apr M.y sep Oct Dec 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jtrn Feb Mar Apr May Aug sep Dec Year Total K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr Mry Jun Jul Aug sep Oct Dec Y€ar Total L,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Apr Mry 0 0 0 0 Jun Jul Oct 0 Recertifi cation Method : ETC I certiry that the company listed above has procedures in place to recertifo the continued eligibility of all of its Lifeline subscribers, and that, to the best ofmy knowledge, the company obtained signed certifications from all subscribers attesting to their continuing eligibility for Lifeline. I am an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the SAC(s) listed above. Initial MM Recertilication Method: Third Party I certit/ that the company listed above has procedures in place to recertify consumer eligibility by relying on an administrator. I am an officer ofthe company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the SAC(S) listed above. Initial No Subscribers I certifu that my company did not claim federal low income support for any Lifeline subscribers for the current Form 555 data year. I am an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the SAC listed above. Initial MM M = (G+K)N = (D+F+l)o = M/t{*|00 Total rlumber ofsubscrlbers de-enrolled &s s result of recertlficrtion Totil number of subscribers ETC is resportsible for recertifying Percent of subscribers due for recertiticatlon $ho tdere de-enrolled 0 0 0.0% Signature Block By signing below, I certifu that the company listed above is in compliance with all federal Lifeline certification procedures. I am an officer ofthe company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area Code (SAC) listed above. Signed, Michelle Motzkus, Corporate Secretar Michelle Motzkus, Corporate Se( Signature of Oflicer mamotzkus@silverstar. net Email Address ofOlficer Bonnie Jackson Person Completing This Certification Form Printed Name and Title ofOfficer Jan 07 , 2O2O Date 307-883-9411 Contact Phone Numbcr 5 Affiliated ETCs SAC Name 472295 Columbine Telephone Co. lnc 519001 Silver Star Telephone Co. lnc 519005 Gold Star Communications LLC 512295 Silver Star Telephone Co. lnc 6