HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191011Decision Memo.pdfDBCISION MEMORANDUM TO COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM: DANIEL KLEIN DATE: OCTOBER I l, 2019 IIE:IDAHO TELECOMMUNICATIONS RELAY SERVICE (TRS) CONTRACT EXTENSION WITH HAMILTON TELECOMMUNICATIONS; CASE NO. GNR-T-19-07. BACKGROUND The TRS Administrator, pursuant to the TRS Act, contracts with a provider of relay services as approved by the Commission. See Idaho Code $ 6l-1303. The Administrator entered into an Agreement with Hamilton Telephone Company dba Hamilton Telecommunications (Hamilton) and the Agreement was approved by consent on June 20,2016. The Agreement rvas for an initial term of three years beginning December 1.2016 and ending November 30.2019. The Agreement also automatically renewed for three additional one-year terms unless either party has given vnritten notice of its desire to tenrinate the Agreement at least six months prior to the termination of either the initial three-year ternt or any renewal term thereafter. Renerval of the Agreement could be at different prices. terns and conditions than the initial three-year term. On June 25,2019, Staff received a report and recommendation from the TRS Administrator. Mr. Dunbar, regarding the Agreement with Hamilton. On August 29,2019, Hamilton submitted a letter of intent to Mr. Dunbar, notifying him of Hamilton's wish to extend the Agreement entered into on July 22,2016. In this letter, Hamilton asks that the Administrator exercise the renewal option for the time period of December 1,2A19 through November 30,2022 as allowed in the current Agreement. DECISION MEMORANDUM I ocToBER 11,2019 The current rates for relay service provided by Hamilton are $2.75 per conversation minute (actual conversation time) for traditional service and$.2.22 per conversation minute for CapTel. Through negotiations, Mr. Dunbar and Hamilton arrived at what the Administrator considers acceptable rate increases. The letter of intent specifies that, for the three one-year renewal periods, Hamilton will provide traditional relay service at the rate of $2.00 per session minute (conversation time plus set up and wrap up time) and CapTel service at the rate of $2.00 per session minute. The one major change to the contract is to break out outreach services to a flat monthly rate of $5,000 a month. With declining minutes oluse, this is a common trend. About half of Hamilton's States have the outreach piece as a separate charge now. All other terms and conditions would remain the same as set forth in the Agreement. ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION Mr. Dunbar reports that the TRS Agreement with Hamilton is currently in the last year of the three-year contract. If the Commission approves, Hamilton requests that the TRS Agreement be extended for the next three years with the service rates mentioned above. Mr. Dunbar asserts that Hamilton maintains a high standard of service to the Idaho TRS users. and the new rates are also in line with the current competitive rates seen in recent bidding results ol'other western states. Mr. Dunbar, therefbre. believes the ncgotiated rates are fair and reasonable and recommends that the Comrnission approve thc proposed extension of the contract frorrr December l. 2019 through November 30, 2022. STAFF RECOMMENDATION During the rate negotiation process. Mr. Dunbar kept Staff apprised of the situation. Staff believes that through compromise, the Administrator and Hamilton reached a fair and reasonable outcome. Staff agrees with Mr. Dunbar in his assessment of the quality of service that has been provided by Hamilton to the Idaho TRS users. Mr. Dunbar reported that existing cash reserves will be more than adequate to accommodate Hamilton's proposed rate increases. Consequently, no changes to the current user assessments will be necessary. See Order No. 34285. The current assessment rates are $0.02 per line and $0.0002 per intrastate long distance (MTS/WATS) minute. DECISION MEMORANDUM -2-ocToBER ll,20l9 Alternatives to the Administrator's recommendation would necessitate the initiation of a Request for Proposal (RFP). The RFP option can be pursued, but may not produce a quality result for Idaho with the limited time available before the contract expiration date of November 30,2019. Considering the quality of service provided by Hamilton and the Company's good faith effort during the negotiation process with the Administrator, Staff believes the best option for the Idaho TRS users is to maintain Hamilton as the service provider. Staff, therefore, recommends Commission acceptance of Mr. Dunbar's recommendation. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission accept the TRS Administrator's recommendation to extend the Agreement with Hamilton for three one-year terms at the revised rates of $2.00 per session minute for traditional relay service, $2.00 per session mirrute for CapTel service and $5,000 a month for outreach services? Daniel Klein I Idrnenrosl(.iNR-T- l 9-07 ]lanrilton contract exle nsion de c nremo -3-DECISION MEMORANDUM ocToBER 11,2019