HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190705Application.pdfCABLE (ONERECEIVED ZfiIg JUL -5 PH 3: 09 ,,, JBidH'iou*t'h18 t' o * WR- -t- tg.o{ June 25, 2019 Application: ldaho Broadband Tax Credit for 11112018 - 1213112018 Mr. Daniel Klein ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, ldaho 83702 Dear Mr. Klein, Please find enclosed Cable One's ldaho Broadband Tax Credit application for your review and approval. The total ldaho broadband equipment investment credit we are applying for tax year 2018 is $550,943. Also, as we discussed during your review of our 2017 application, I have enclosed the detailed supports for ten of the qualifying assets. Should you need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me Respectfully Submitted, Cable One, lnc. 6/.t/ ^/ f Dafeng Zhu Tax Manager (602)-364-6253 Dafeng.zh u@ca bleone. biz 210 East Earll Drive, Phoenix, Arizona 85012-2626 602-364-6000 o f 602-364-6010 o cableone.net Companv lnformation Name of company: Location of equipment: Mailing Address: Type of company: Contact Person: Equipment Description Broadband services offered Network description. Dafeng Zhu,Tax Manager ldaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application - Tax Year 2018 Cable One, lnc. 8400 Westpark St. Boise, lD 83704 210 E. Earll Drive Phoenix, A285012 Cable Operator Dafeng Zhu Transmission Rate: Number and Percentage of ldaho: HSD. Cable One, lnc. provides high speed data service through a network that uses an MX960 router that all data traffic travels through. The network also contains several CMTSs that deliver broadband service to customers. lt's the equipment that cable modems in customer homes talk to. Netflix and Google caches store Netflix and YouTube content locally so that customer requests for content are delivered from the local caches in Boise as opposed to going allthe way to Netflix and Google data centers. The network also utilizes a Network Time Protocol server that makes sure that allthe equipment in the headend has the right "time" on it. Alcatel 9700 CDS is the equipment that delivers our commercialfiber service. The switches are just devices that some of the servers in the headend connect to for network access (Exhibit C). From 3Mb to 200Mb. Equipment list The total number of potential ldaho subscribers (homes passed) is approximately 456,379 at the end of 2018. lt is estimated 99.9% of those with access to Cable One have access to our broadband network. lt is estimated that our cable system reaches 95% of the population in the areas served by Cable One, lnc. See Attached Broadband Equipment List (Exhibit B). I hereby certify that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equipment listed herein qualifies for the tax credit under ldaho Code 63-30291. t/y|vl 6t25t2019 Cable One, lnc. 2018 ldaho Broadband Credit Backup for schedule 68 Exhibit B - Calculation of Credit Period: 1 11 1201 I -'l 2131 I 2018 $ 348,'186 Plant, Distribution and Head-end Equipment Drop Spending Equipment Total $ 100% 348,1 86 202,757 $ 550,943 BroadbandequipmentacquiredandsenttoPUCforapprovalf Credit eamed 550,943 1,363,620 136,654 264,032 1,057,145 1,419,844 6,738.868 329,405 134.333 3,020 17,865 34,346 160.231 276.253 18.781 Credit Lewiston-259G/L Account s -258 Pocatello-260 ldaho Falls-267 Boise-268 3o/" 10'1640 101642 Cable One. lnc. EIN:13-3060083 Attachment to ldaho Form 68 Application for order confirminq qualified broadband equipment P eriod: 1 I 1 12018 - 12131 12018 Orop Spending: A standard industry practice is to estimate the % of the cost to the house to be 60%; current engineering suggests the outside cost to be closer to 80% since most homes are pre-wired. For a conservative approach, Cable One is using 60% for drop material and drop labor. Since most in-house labor on Multi Dwellings is interior, 0% is estimated for the Broadband Credit. Contract drop labor (single and multi) is for burying the drops and is 100% qualified since it occurs prior to the demarcation point. Drop labor overhead is deemed 0% for Broadband Credit. Drop Spending ldaho Systems Total Spendinq Percentaqe of total Spendinq in ldaho Qualifvinq Percentaqe Exhibit B-1 Qualifvinq Amount Twin Falls System 1 01 750 101754 101755 1 01 758 Lewiston System 1 01 750 101754 1 01 755 1 01 758 Pocatello System 260 258 Drop Material - Non Project Labor - Drop - Non Project Labor-Drop-Project Labor-Drop-Overhead 259 Drop Material - Non Project Labor - Drop - Non Project Labor-Drop-Project Labor-Drop-Overhead Drop Material - Non Project Labor - Drop - Non Project Labor-Drop-Project Labor-Drop-Overhead 267 Drop Material - Non Project Labor - Drop - Non Project Labor-Drop-Project Labor-Drop-Overhead 268 Drop Material - Non Project Labor - Drop - Non Project Labor- Drop - Project Labor-Drop-Overhead 269 Drop Material - Non Project Labor - Drop - Non Project Labor-Drop-Project Labor-Drop-Overhead 482,258 52,816 0 294,504 0 116,379 109,828 256,050 0 100o/o 100% 100o/o 100o/o 65% 65% 65% 65% 100% 100% 100o/o 100% 100o/o 100% 100% 100% 100% 100o/o 10004 100% 95% 95% 95% 95% 60% 60% 60%o 0% 60% 60% 60% jYo 60% 600/0 60% lYo 69,828 65,897 153,630 0 20,598 0 114,856 0 42,295 26,505 142,365 0 1,700,542 1,575 201,172 0 257,666 892,419 373,051 0 398,013 1,839,512 458,638 0 1 01 750 101754 101755 't01758 347,319 70,491 44,175 237,275 tt ldaho Falls System 1 01 750 101754 1 01 755 1 01 758 Boise System 1 01 750 't01754 1 01 755 1 01 758 West Valley System 1 01 750 '101754 1 01 755 1 01 758 351,942 2,834,237 2,625 335,287 0 60% 60% 600/0 0% 60% 60% 60Yo 0% 60% 60% 60% jYo 3,172,149 429,444 1,487,364 621 ,751 0 2,538,559 698,269 3,227,215 804,629 U 4,730,112 11,622,339 6,758,563 3o/o ____202157_ Q:\Tax Department\Tax Returns\Federal and StateTax Files\2018\State\lD\lD Broadband Credit\Schedule B - 2018 ldaho Broadband Credit Backup for Schedule 68 1-L-18 to 12-31-18 VL Asset lD Acquisition Date Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January I , 201 8 to December 3{ , 20{ 8 Year Ending December, 2018 Asset GL Acct #: 1 01 640 System:258 153972 153974 1 53978 1 53979 1 53982 1 53983 1 53984 1 53986 1 53987 1 53989 1 53990 1 53991 1 53992 1 53993 1 53994 1 53996 1 53997 1 53998 1 53999 1 54000 154002 1 54003 1 54008 1 54009 1 5401 0 1 5401 1 1s40't2 1 5401 3 154014 1 5401 5 1 5401 6 154017 INV REC 01t15t2018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 0111512018 VZW DT Jerome 0111512018 VzW DT Jerome 0111512018 Hagerman SD o1t15t2018 Hagerman SD 0111512018 VZW DWORSHAK- DKF 0111512018 VZW DWORSHAK. DKF 0111512018 VZW DWORSHAK- DKF 01t1512018 VZW DWORSHAK. DKF 0111512018 VZW DWORSHAK. DKF 0111512018 VZW DWORSHAK- DKF 0111512018 CONDUIT ONLY 01t15t2018 CONDUIT ONLY 01115t20't8 CONDUIT ONLY 0111512018 BROADMORE SUB / JADE SUB 0111512018 BROADMORE SUB / JADE SUB 01115120'18 BROADMORE SUB / JADE SUB 0111512018 BROADMORE SUB / JADE SUB 01115120',t8 BROADMORE SUB / JADE SUB 0111512018 BENNOS POINT 2 0111512018 BENNOS POINT 2 0111512018 BY02 Node Split 0111512018 JR04 Node Split 0111512018 JR04 Node Split o1t1512018 JR04 Node Split 0111s12018 JRO4 Node Split 1t1512014 REROUTES / RELOCATES 0111512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 0111512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 0111512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 0111512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES (34s.09) MC200AHY (s34.14) MC200AHY 447.50 MC200AHY 911.16 MC200AHY 583.99 MC20oAHY 1,8s5.00 MC200AHY '100.00 MC200AHY 2,749.OA MC200AHY 12,703.06 MC200AHY 2,575.OO MC200AHY 12,832.85 MC200AHY 64,373.08 MC200AHY 295.90 MC200AHY 37,975.'15 MC200AHY 31,888.63 MC200AHY 289.79 MC200AHY 12,275.23 MC200AHY 6,A77.67 MC200AHY 9,799.80 MC200AHY 14,433.00 MC200AHY 198.27 MC200AHY 2,084.50 MC200AHY 5,363.00 MC20oAHY 57.76 MC20oAHY 2,223.71 MC200AHY s,980.00 Mo200AHY 3,s't6.00 MC200AHY 200.00 MC200AHY 204.18 MC200AHY 2,893.89 MC200AHY 233.23 MC200AHY 01t15t2018 0111512018 01115t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t'1512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t1512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t1512018 01t15t2018 o111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 (34e.0e) (s34.1 4) 447.50 91 1.16 583.99 1,855.00 100.00 2,749.08 12,703.06 2,575.00 12,832.85 64,373.08 295.90 37,975.1 5 31,888.63 289.79 12,275.23 6,877.67 9,799.80 14,433.00 198.27 2,084.50 5,363.00 57.76 2,223.71 5,980.00 3,516.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TWIN FALLS Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1 , 201 I to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date Acquisition Cost 4,233.86 4,175.00 533.00 847.75 100.00 65.04 5,022.91 1,522.40 565.78 20,828.77 353.75 19,61 5.99 3,575.00 16,66'1.16 3,389.00 10,899.27 (8,984.08) 1,744.45 5,500.80 543.75 1,055.80 323.1 3 200.04 2,037.18 1,928.00 541.00 125.67 3,879.53 1,940.00 41.05 549.58 773.86 288.32 80.25 Depr Meth/Conv MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY Placed ln Service 011151201A 0111512018 01t1512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t1512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 o111512018 01t1512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 04t15t2018 04115t2018 04t15t2018 04115t2018 0411512018 0411512018 041151201A 041151201A 04t1512018 0411512018 0411512018 04l15l2UA 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04115t2018 04t1512018 04t1512018 Book Cost 1 5401 8 1 5401 9 154020 154021 154022 154023 154024 154025 154026 154027 154028 154029 1 54030 1 54031 1 90384 1 90385 1 90390 1 90391 1 90393 1 90394 1 90395 1 90396 1 90397 1 90398 1 90399 1 90400 '190401 190402 190407 1 90408 1 90409 1 9041 0 190411 190412 o1t15t2018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 0111512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 01t1512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 0111512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS o1115t2018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0111512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 01115t2018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0111512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0111512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0111512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 01t15t2018 CAELE REPLACEMENTS 0111512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0111512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS o1t15t2018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0111512018 INV REC 04t15t2018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 04t15t2018 Syringa - Dept of Game and Fish 0411512018 Syringa - Dept of Game and Fish o4t15t2018 DOMINOS JEROME 04t15t2018 DOMINOS JEROME 0411512018 DOMINOS JEROME 0411512018 DOMINOS JEROME 0411512018 DOMINOS JEROME 04t1512018 DOMINOS JEROME 0411512018 TWIN FALLS BLANKET BUSINESS EXTENSIONS 0411512018 TWIN FALLS BLANKET BUSINESS EXTENSIONS 0411512018 TWIN FALLS BLANKET BUSINESS EXTENSIONS 0411512018 TWIN FALLS BLANKET BUSINESS EXTENSIONS 0411512018 Washington St - Twin Falls Spec Build 0411512018 Washington St - Twin Falls Spec Build 04t15t2018 Washington St - Twin Falls Spec Build 04t15t2018 Washington St - Twin Falls Spec Build 04t15t2018 Washington St - Twin Falls Spec Build 04t15t2018 Washington St - Twin Falls Spec Build 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,899.27 (8,984.08) 1,744.45 s,500.80 543.75 1,055.80 323.13 200.04 2,O37.18 1,928.00 541.00 125.67 3,879.53 1,940.00 41.05 549.58 773.86 288.32 80.25 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January 1,2018to December 31,2018 Asset ID Acquisition Date 04t15t2018 Washington St - Twin Falls Spec Build 0411512018 CONDUIT ONLY o411512018 CONDUIT ONLY o411512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 0411512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES o411512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 0411512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES o411512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 041151201A CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0411512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0411512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0411512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0411512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0411512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0411512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0411512018 WestAve I 4-PLEXES 0411512018 West Ave I 4-PLEXES 0411512018 WestAve I 4-PLEXES 0411512018 West Ave I 4-PLEXES 0411512018 WestAve I 4-PLEXES 0411512018 West Ave I 4-PLEXES 0411512018 WestAve I 4-PLEXES 0411512018 EASTWOOD SUB #5 0411512018 EASTWOOD SUB #5 041151201A EASTWOOD SUB #5 0411512018 EASTWOOD SUB #5 0411512018 EASTWOOD SUB #5 0411512018 EASTWOOD SUB #5 o411s12018 Depr Meth/Conv MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC20OAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY TF06 Node Split TF06 Node Split TF06 Node Split TF06 Node Split TF06 Node Split TF06 Node Split 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 Acquisition Cost 5,153.32 1,966.70 3,671.98 3,696.55 588.1 0 6,625.55 515.00 24,486.20 673.60 1,288.82 37.96 815.44 1,880.70 9,494.92 (447.32) 1,433.50 11.72 1 ,518.89 361.07 182.77 80.25 952.94 7,181 .00 132.16 1,497.14 671.56 558.62 1,696.31 2,594.11 3,560.00 234.50 8,425.60 1,130.95 2,021.25 Placed ln Service 04t15t2018 0411512018 04115t2018 04t1512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04115t2018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04/15/2018 0411512018 04115/2018 04t15t2018 04l15l2UA 0411512018 04t1512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04l15l2UA 04l15l2UA 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04115t2018 Book Cost 5,1 53.32 1,966.70 3,671.98 3,696.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.72 1 ,518.89 361.07 182.77 80.25 952.94 7,'181.00 132.16 1,497.14 671.56 558.62 1,696.31 2,594.11 3,560.00 234.50 8,425.60 1,1 30_95 2,021.25 1 9041 3 190414 1904'15 1 9041 9 190420 190421 190422 190425 190426 190427 190428 190429 1 90430 1 90431 190432 190437 1 90438 1 90439 190440 190441 190442 190443 190444 190445 1 90446 190447 190448 190449 1 90453 1 90455 '190456 190457 1 90459 1 90460 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 201 8 to December 31, 2018 Asset lD TF06 Node Split TF06 Node Split TF21 Node Split TF21 Node Split TF21 Node Split TF21 Node Split TF21 Node Split TF26 node split TF26 node split TF26 node split TF26 node split TF36 node split TF36 node split TF36 node split TF36 node split JR01 Node Split JR03 Node Split Acquisition Date 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 o411512018 04t1512018 o4115t2018 0411512018 o4t15t2018 Acquisition Cost 686.30 908.80 20,017.OO 800.00 289.50 47.16 1,271.23 700.00 4,626.00 1 97.1 0 30,771.30 1,270.80 3,1 33.00 144.94 32,937.61 1,739.65 32,588.79 43,229.40 8,364.00 981.70 4,369.82 363.94 4,564.81 253.00 3,903.80 84.00 5,081.9s 927.78 80.25 9,897.54 1,195.00 22,739.33 (1 1,5s9.25) 1,254.25 Depr Meth/Conv MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY Placed ln Service 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t1512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t1512018 0411512018 04t't5t20't8 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t1512018 04t15t2018 04t1512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t1512018 04115t2018 0411512018 04t1512018 0411512018 0411512014 0411512018 0411512018 04t1512018 0411512018 04t1512018 04t15t2018 0711512018 0711s12018 0711512018 Book Gost 686.30 908.80 20,017.00 800.00 289.50 47.16 1,271.23 700.00 4,626.00 197.10 30,771.30 1,270.80 3,1 33.00 144.94 32,937.61 1,739.65 32,588.79 43,229.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,739.33 (1 1,5s9.2s) 1,254.25 1 9046 1 '190462 1 90464 1 90466 1 90467 '190468 190470 190471 190472 190473 190474 190476 190477 1 90478 190479 190482 1 90483 1 9048s 1 90486 1 90487 1 90488 1 90489 1 90490 1 90491 '190494 1 90495 1 90496 1 90497 1 90498 1 90499 1 95980 1 95981 1 95982 1 95983 0411512018 04115120',t8 REROUTES / RELOCATES 04115t2018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 0411512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 0411512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 04t15t2018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 0411512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES o4t15t2018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 04t15t2018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 041151201A CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0411512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0411512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0411512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0411512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 04115t20't8 INV REC 07t1512018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 0711512018 T-Mobile Towers Twin Falls 0711512018 T-Mobile Towers Twin Falls 1 95984 1 95985 1 95986 1 95987 1 95988 I 95989 1 95990 19599'l 1 95992 '195993 1 95994 1 95995 I 95996 1 95997 1 95998 '195999 1 96000 1 96001 '196002 1 96003 1 96004 '196005 1 96006 1 96007 1 96008 1 96009 1 9601 0 1 9601 1 1 9601 2 1960'l 3 1 9601 4 1 9601 5 1 9601 6 't 96017 Asset lD Book Cost 11,895.00 4,873.57 5,787.96 3,496.00 58,889.50 894.00 447.00 582.50 50.00 362.97 4,095.54 2,924.O0 1,099.00 17,546.52 447.00 1 t,308.80 2,314.23 400.00 1,067.63 1,84s.53 444.93 8,013.51 129.44 2,878.24 2,677.35 1,503.55 401.23 5,413.73 5,1 35.1 6 292.62 5,494.52 37.96 1,155.43 2,769.80 Acquisition Date 07t1512018 T-Mobile Towers Twin Falls 0711512018 T-Mobile Towers Twin Falls 07115120',t8 T-Mobile Towers Twin Falls 0711512018 T-Mobile Towers Twin Falls 0711512018 Level 3-ClifBar 07t15t2018 VZW DT Jerome 0711512018 Tek-Hut Twin Falls 07t15t2018 Tek-Hut Twin Falls 0711512018 Tek-Hut Twin Falls 07115t2018 Tek-Hut Twin Falls 0711512018 Tek-Hut Twin Falls 0711512018 Tek-Hut Twin Falls 07t15t2018 Tek-Hut Twin Falls 7t15t2018 Twin Falls Highway District Shop 0711512018 NEWBUILD DESIGN AND MAPPING 07t15t2018 NEWBUILD DESIGN AND MAPPING 0711512018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTIONS 0711512018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTIONS 07115t2018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTIONS 0711512018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTIONS 07115t2018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTIONS 07t1512018 RIVERWALK SUBDIVISION 0711512018 RIVERWALK SUBDIVISION 07t15t2018 RIVERWALK SUBDIVISION 0711512018 RIVERWALK SUBDIVISION 0711512018 RIVERWALK SUBDIVISION 0711512018 RIVERWALK SUBDIVISION 0711s12018 RIVERWALK SUBDIVISION 0711512018 CANYON TR. 7 / GOLDEAGLE 6 / SUNTERRA 4 0711512018 CANYON TR, 7 / GOLDEAGLE 6 / SUNTERRA 4 07t15t2018 CANYON TR. 7 / GOLDEAGLE 6 / SUNTERRA 4 07115t2018 CANYON TR. 7 / GOLDEAGLE 6 / SUNTERRA 4 0711512018 CANYON TR. 7 / GOLDEAGLE 6 i SUNTERRA 4 07t15t2018 CANYON TR. 7 / GOLDEAGLE 6 / SUNTERRA 4 Acquisition Cost 11 ,895.00 4,873.57 5,787.96 3,496.00 58,889.50 894.00 447.00 582.50 50.00 362.97 4,095.54 2,924.OO 1,099.00 17,546.52 447.00 1 1,308.80 2,314.23 400.00 1,067.63 1,845.s3 444.93 8,013.51 129.44 2,878.24 2,677.35 1,503.55 401.23 5,413.73 5,1 35.1 6 292.62 5,494.52 37.96 1 ,155.43 2,769.80 Depr Meth/Conv MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY Placed ln Service 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t1512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07115t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t1512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t1512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07t't5t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date 0711512018 CANYON TR. 7 / GOLDEAGLE 6 / SUNTERRA 4 0711512018 MORNING SUN 8 PH2.MORNING SUN 9 0711512018 MORNING SUN 8 PH2-MORNING SUN 9 0711512018 MORNING SUN 8 PH2-MORNING SUN 9 0711512018 MORNING SUN 8 PH2.MORNING SUN 9 0711512018 MORNING SUN 8 PH2-IVORNING SUN 9 0711512018 MORNING SUN 8 PH2.MORNING SUN 9 0711512018 MORNING SUN 8 PH2-MORNING SUN 9 07t1512018 HOMETOWN 3.SETTLERS RIDGE 2 PH2 0711512018 HOMETOWN 3-SETTLERS RIDGE 2 PH2 07t15t2018 HOMETOWN 3.SETTLERS RIDGE 2 PH2 07t15t2018 HOMETOWN 3.SETTLERS RIDGE 2 PH2 0711512018 HOMETOWN 3-SETTLERS RIDGE 2 PH2 07t15t2018 HOMETOWN 3.SETTLERS RIDGE 2 PH2 0711512018 HOMETOWN 3.SETTLERS RIDGE 2 PH2 0711512018 HOMETOWN 3.SETTLERS RIDGE 2 PH2 07115t2018 GLACIER PK 4-CLAY HANDY SUB-HILAND HGT-3 0711512018 GLACIER PK 4.CLAY HANDY SUB.HILAND HGT.3 07t1512018 GLACIER PK4.CLAY HANDY SUB.HILAND HGT.3 07t1512018 GLACIER PK4-CLAY HANDY SUB-HILAND HGT-3 0711512018 GLACIER PK4-CLAY HANDY SUB-HILAND HGT-3 0711512018 GLACIER PK4-CLAY HANDY SUB-HILAND HGT-3 07l15l2UA GLACIER PK4.CLAY HANDY SUB-HILAND HGT-3 07t15t2018 My Place Hotel ADD 0711512018 My Place Hotel ADD 07l'1s12018 My Place Hotel ADD 0711512018 My Place Hotel ADD 0711512018 My Place Hotel ADD 0711512018 My Place Hotel ADD 0711512018 NEWBUILD DESIGN AND MAPPING 0711512018 CONDUIT ONLY 0711512018 CONDUIT ONLY 07t15t2018 BROADMORE SUB / JADE SUB 0711512018 CEDAR CR.3 / HERRET FARM / IVITN VISTA 3 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv 6,935.18 MC200AHY 3,090.00 Mc200AHY 200.76 MC200AHY 1,694.78 MC200AHY '1,483.36 MC20oAHY 1,758.20 MC200AHY 160.50 MC20oAHY 1,659.37 MC20oAHY 2,113.52 MC20oAHY 410.8'l Mo200AHY 4,900.2s MC20oAHY 2,838.36 MC20oAHY 1,059.32 MC200AHY 80.2s MC200AHY 2,64A.31 MC200AHY 3,829.00 MC200AHY 450.00 MC200AHY 240.28 MC200AHY 3,732.27 MC200AHY 12.66 MC200AHY 970.43 MC200AHY 320.98 MC200AHY 3,614.67 MC200AHY 7,365.74 IVIC2ooAHY 17.59 MC200AHY 755.06 MC200AHY 323.13 MC200AHY 140.'13 MC200AHY 80.25 MC200AHY 1,627.59 MC200AHY 35,006.00 Mc2004HY 1,038.76 MC200AHY 4,546.75 MC200AHY 3,190.90 MC200AHY Placed ln Service 07t1st2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07115t2018 07115t2018 07t1512018 0711512018 071151201A 07l15t2UA 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07115t2018 07t15t2018 07l15l2UA 07115/201A 0711512018 07115t2018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t1st2018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t1st2018 0711512018 Book Cost 6,935.18 3,090.00 200.76 1,694.78 1,483.36 1,758.20 160.50 'l,659.37 2,113.52 410.81 4,900.25 2,838.36 1,059.32 80.25 2,648.31 3,829.00 450.00 240.28 3,732.27 12.66 970.43 320.98 3,6't4.97 7,369.74 17.59 755.06 323.13 1 40.1 3 80.25 1,627.59 35,006.00 1,038.76 4,546.75 3,1 90.90 1960'l 8 1 9601 9 1 96020 1 96021 196022 1 96023 196024 1 96025 1 96026 196027 1 96028 1 96029 1 96030 19603'l 1 96032 1 96033 1 96034 1 96035 1 96036 1 96037 1 96038 1 96039 1 96040 1 96041 196042 1 96043 1 96044 '196045 196046 196047 1 96048 196049 I 96050 1 96051 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 201B to December 31,2018 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January I , 201 8 to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date 07115t2018 CEDAR CR.3 i HERRET FARM / MTN VISTA 3 0711512018 CEDAR CR.3 / HERRET FARM / MTN VISTA 3 0711512018 CEDAR CR.3 / HERRET FARM / MTN VISTA 3 0711512018 CEDAR CR.3 / HERRET FARM / MTN VISTA 3 07t15t2018 CEDAR CR.3 / HERRET FARM / MTN VISTA 3 07t15t2018 EMERALD SUB 2 / CONNESTOGA SUB 2 0711512018 EMERALD SUB 2 / CONNESTOGA SUB 2 0711512018 EMERALD SUB 2 / CONNESTOGA SUB 2 07t1512018 EMERALD SUB 2 / CONNESTOGA SUB 2 0711512018 EMERALD SUB 2 / CONNESTOGA SUB 2 0711512018 EMERALD SUB 2 / CONNESTOGA SUB 2 07t15t2018 BY02 Node Split 0711512018 BY02 Node Split 0711512018 BY02 Node Split 07t15t2018 BY02 Node Split 0711512018 JR04 Node Split 07 t15t2018 JR04 Node Split 0711512018 JR04 Node Split 0711512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 07t15t2018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0711512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 07t1512018 Burley OTN Building 0711512018 Burley OTN Building 0711512018 T-Mobile Grandview CBH 0711512018 EASTWOOD SUB #5 07t15t2018 HOMETOWN 4 0711512018 HOMETOWN 4 0711512018 HOMETOWN 4 0711512018 HOMETOWN 4 0711512018 HOMETOWN 4 0711512018 HOMETOWN 4 07t15t2018 SUMMIT DEVELOPEMENT APARTMENTS 07t15t2018 SUMMIT DEVELOPEMENT APARTMENTS 0711512018 SUMMIT DEVELOPEIVIENT APARTMENTS Acquisition Cost 93.33 2,077.09 1,806.49 1,420.05 3,621.88 4,830.30 47.44 2,'105.05 646.26 1,145.10 4,924.99 5,1 70.53 83.38 75.90 250.42 402.43 141.40 136.30 256.65 447.00 3,755.75 16,414.92 25,000.00 643.75 1,595.00 4.40 51.21 1 ,293.81 50.60 285.42 3,012.01 4,1 36.1 0 92.88 2,573.54 Depr Meth/Conv MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY IVIC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY I\iIC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY IMC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY Placed ln Service Book Cost 1 96052 1 96053 1 96054 '196055 1 96056 1 96057 '196058 1 96059 1 96060 1 96061 1 96062 1 96063 1 96064 I 96065 1 96066 '196067 1 96068 1 96069 1 96070 1 96071 196072 1 96073 196074 1 96075 1 96076 196077 1 96078 1 96079 1 96080 '19608'l 1 96082 1 96083 1 96084 '196085 07t15t2018 0711512018 07 t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07l't5t2018 07 t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t1512018 0711512018 07t1512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07 t1st2018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 93.33 2,077.09 1,806.49 1,420.05 3,621.88 4,830.30 47.44 2,105.05 646.26 1,145.10 4,924.99 5,1 70.53 83.38 75.90 250.42 402.43 141.40 136.30 256.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 643.75 1,595.00 4.40 51.21 1,293.8'l 50.60 285.42 3,012.01 4,1 36.1 0 92.88 2,573.54 Asset lD Acquisition Date 0711512018 SUMMIT DEVELOPEMENT APARTMENTS 07t15t2018 SUMMIT DEVELOPEMENT APARTMENTS 07t15t2018 BENNOS POINT 3 0711512018 BENNOS POINT 3 0711512018 BENNOS POINT 3 07t15t2018 GRANDVIEW ESTATES 2 07t15t2018 GRANDVIEW ESTATES 2 07115t2018 Rack relocation Head End 0711512018 TF06 Node Split 0711512018 TF06 Node Split 07115t2018 TF06 Node Split 0711512018 TF06 Node Split 0711s12018 TF06 Node Split 07t15t2018 TF06 Node Split 0711512018 TF06 Node Split 07115t2018 TF06 Node Split 0711512018 TF21 Node Split 0711512018 TF21 Node Split 07t15120'18 TF21 Node Split 0711512018 TF21 Node Split 07115120',t8 TF21 Node Split 07t1512018 TF21 Node Split 0711512018 TF21 Node Split 07t15t2018 TF26 node split 07t15t2018 TF26 node split 0711512018 TF26 node split 0711512018 TF26 node split 0711512018 TF26 node split 0711512018 TF26 node split 0711512018 TF36 node split 0711512018 TF36 node split 0711512018 TF36 node split 0711512018 TF36 node split 07t1512018 TF36 node split Acquisition Cost 1 ,781 .17 570.20 3,165.25 147.96 8,647.75 13,504.60 36.00 5,446.10 1 .41 1,181.67 6,063.'10 535.83 2,518.02 722.21 5,553.70 2,801.20 20,326.00 12,701.OO 2,634.95 9,615.70 58.96 2,214.32 1,360.00 9,205.00 1,623.22 6,095.20 88.44 40.54 9,464.32 17,935.25 1 ,018.29 1 0,840.1 9 106.56 316.95 Depr Meth/Conv MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY Placed ln Service 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t't5t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07 t15t2018 07 t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 Book Cost 1,781.17 570.20 3,1 65.25 147.96 8,647.75 13,504.60 36.00 5,446.10 0.00 1,18'1.67 6,063.10 535.83 2,518.O2 722.21 5,553.70 2,801.20 20,326.00 't2,701.00 2,634.95 9,615.70 58.96 2,214.32 1,360.00 9,205.00 1,623.22 6,095.20 88.44 40.54 9,464.32 17,935.25 1,018.29 '| 0,840.'19 106.56 316.95 1 96086 1 96087 1 96088 1 96089 1 96090 1 96091 1 96092 1 96093 1 96094 1 96095 1 96096 1 96097 '196098 1 96099 1 961 00 1 961 01 I 961 02 1 961 03 1 961 04 '196'l 05 1 961 06 1 961 07 1 961 08 1 961 09 1961 I0 196111 1961't2 196113 196114 196115 196116 196117 196118 19611I Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One Inc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January 1, 2018 to December 31,20'18 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period JanuaryI , 201 8 to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07 t1st2018 07 115t2018 Acquisition Gost 1,736.25 12,679.92 728.25 4,924.40 2,214.06 1 3,1 82.39 1 0,783.30 1,823.67 13,398.67 oE2 t2 7,367.25 9,763.39 2,482.24 603.38 5,332.18 994.67 478.19 11,274.95 2,321.40 16.12 '9,017.15 373.73 683.74 2,801.51 7,542.70 6,188.50 1,065.24 (1 8,1 83.31 ) 1,665.00 602.50 46.82 273.87 25.30 720.18 Depr Meth/conv MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY Placed ln Service 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07l15l2UA 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07l15l2UA 07l15l2UA 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t1512018 07t15t2018 071151201A 07t15t2018 07t1512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 071151201A 07t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 Book Cost 1,736.25 12,679.92 728.25 4,924.40 2,2',t4.06 13,182.39 10,783.30 1,423.67 13,398.67 953.23 7,367.25 9,763.39 2,482.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,065.24 (1 8,1 83.31) 1,665.00 602.50 46.82 273.87 25.30 720.18 1 961 20 196121 196122 196123 196124 1 961 25 1 961 26 196127 'l 96128 196129 1 961 30 1 961 31 1 961 32 1 961 33 1 961 34 1 961 3s 1 961 36 196137 1 961 38 1 961 39 1 96140 1 961 41 196142 196'143 196144 205200 205202 205206 205208 205210 205211 205212 205213 205214 TF36 node split TF36 node split JR01 Node Split JR01 Node Split JR01 Node Split JR01 Node Split JRo1 Node Split JR03 Node Split JR03 Node Split JR03 Node Split JR03 Node Split JR03 Node Split 07 11512018 07 t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 07t15t2018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 07t15t2018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 0711512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 07t15t2018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 0711512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 0711512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0711512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0711512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0711512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0711512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0711512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0711s1201e CABLE REPLACEMENTS 0711512018 INV REC 1011512018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 't011512018 CONDUIT ONLY 1011512018 VZW DT Jerome 1011512018 Twin Falls Blanket Extensions 1011512018 Twin Falls Blanket Extensions 10115t2018 Twin Falls Blanket Extensions 1011512018 Twin Falls Blanket Exensions 1011512018 Twin Falls Blanket Extensions Acquisition Date 1011512018 Twin Falls Blanket Extensions 10t1512018 Twin Falls Blanket Extensions 1011512018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTIONS 10t15t2018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTIONS 10t15t2018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTIONS 1011512018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTIONS 10t15t2018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTIONS 1011512018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTIONS 1011512018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTIONS 'l0l15l2ua SINGLE HOME EXTENTIONS 10t15t2018 KIIVIBERLEY IVIEADOWS 5 & 6 10t15t2018 KIMBERLEY IVIEADOWS 5 & 6 101151201A KIMBERLEY IVIEADOWS 5 & 6 10t15t2018 KIMBERLEYMEADOWS5&6 1011512018 KIMBERLEYMEADOWS5&6 1011512018 KIMBERLEY IVIEADOWS 5 & 6 10t15t2018 CANYON VILLAGE SUB 1011512018 CANYON VILLAGE SUB 1011512018 CANYON VILLAGE SUB 10t15t2018 CANYON VILLAGE SUB 10115t2018 CANYON VILLAGE SUB 10115t2018 CANYON VILLAGE SUB 1011512018 JR04 Node Split 1011512018 JR04 Node Split 10t1512018 JR04 Node Split 1011512018 T-Mobile Grandview CBH 1011512018 Mountain View Christian Center SMB 10t1512018 Mountain View Christian Center SMB 1011512018 Mountain View Christian Center SMB 1011512018 Mountain View Christian Center SMB 101151201A Riverhawk Commercial Spec Build 10t15t2018 Riverhawk Commercial Spec Build 10t15t2018 Riverhawk Commercial Spec Build 10t15t2018 Riverhawk Commercial Spec Build Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv 697.09 MC200AHY 1,384.50 MC200AHY 9,122.00 MC200AHY 3,253.00 MC200AHY 17.59 MC200AHY 206.80 MC200AHY 1,557 .72 MC200AHY 203.95 MC200AHY 160.50 MC200AHY 3,421.60 MC200AHY 7,627.34 MC200AHY 121.26 MC200AHY 1,359.31 MC200AHY 1,483.36 MC200AHY 994.10 MC20oAHY 3,632.36 MC20oAHY 3,557.82 MC200AHY 61.68 MC200AHY 2,929.34 MC200AHY 1,432.76 MC200AHY 938.45 MC200AHY 2,823.07 MC200AHY 5,766.76 MC200AHY 49.31 MC200AHY 380.33 MC200AHY 80.2s MC200AHY 5,185.00 MC200AHY 17.75 MC200AHY 1,09'1.25 MC200AHY 220.67 MC200AHY 9,394.00 MC200AHY 38.03 MC20oAHY 53s.64 MC200AHY 326.07 MC200AHY Placed ln Service 1011512018 1011512018 10t'15t2018 1011512018 101't512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t1512018 10t1512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011s12018 1011512018 10t1512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 '10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t20't8 1011512018 Book Cost 697.09 1,384.50 9,122.00 3,253.00 17.59 206.80 1,557.72 203.95 160.50 3,421.60 7,627.34 121.26 1,359.31 1,483.36 994.1 0 3,632.36 3,557.82 61.68 2,929.34 1,432.76 938.45 2,823.07 5,766.76 49.31 380.33 80.25 s,185.00 17.75 1,091 .25 220.67 9,394.00 38.03 535.64 326.07 205215 205216 205217 205218 205219 205220 205221 205222 205223 205224 205226 205227 205228 205229 205230 205231 205232 lvczSJ 205234 205235 205236 205237 205239 205240 205241 205248 205249 205250 205251 205252 2052s3 205254 205255 205256 Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1 , 201 I to December 31 , 201 8 Asset lD Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Gable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 201 I to December 3'l , 201 I Asset lD Acquisition Date 1011512018 Riverhawk Commercial Spec Build 1011512018 Riverhawk Commercial Spec Build 1011512018 CONDUIT ONLY 10t15t2018 CONDUIT ONLY 10t15t2018 PIONEER ESTATES #2 10t15t2018 PIONEER ESTATES #2 1011512018 PIONEER ESTATES #2 10t15t2018 PIONEER ESTATES #2 10t1512018 PIONEER ESTATES #2 10115t2018 PIONEER ESTATES #2 1011512018 EASTWOOD SUB #5 1011512018 SUNTERRA 4 PH 5 10t1512018 SUNTERRA 4 PH 5 10t15t2018 SUNTERRA 4 PH 5 1011512018 SUNTERRA 4 PH 5 10t15t2018 SUNTERRA 4 PH 5 1011512018 SUNTERRA 4 PH 5 10t15t2018 SUMMIT DEVELOPEMENT APARTMENTS 10l15l2UA SUMMIT DEVELOPEMENT APARTMENTS 1011512018 ELKHORN2/MARIPOSA2 1011512018 ELKHORN2/MARIPOSA2 10t15t2018 ELKHORN2/MARIPOSA2 1011s12018 ELKHORN2/MARIPOSA2 10t15t2018 BENNOS POINT 3 10t15t2018 BROADMORE2 I JAOE2 10l15l2UA BROADMORE 2 I JADE2 101151201A GRANDVIEW ESTATES 2 1011512018 ELIZABETH ESTATES 1011512018 ELIZABETH ESTATES 1011512018 ELIZABETH ESTATES 101151201A ELIZABETH ESTATES 10t15t2018 ELIZABETH ESTATES 1011512018 ELIZABETH ESTATES 10t15t2018 TF06 Node Split Acquisition Cost 169.76 1,296.13 2,736.52 37,596.97 31,689.80 132.',t6 1,142.52 348.43 492.87 1,529.94 4, t 18.15 957.70 92.88 2,164.60 1,134.93 841.60 5,172.42 5,333.50 93.12 1,265.00 147.96 12,881.26 12,075.70 14,625.00 622.OO 7,404.81 14,863.80 8,322.75 378.99 1,052.70 1 ,019.97 707.12 1,574.24 2,427.49 Depr Meth/Conv IV]C2OOAHY IVIC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY IvIC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY IV,IC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY I\i]C2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY IMC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY I\i]C2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY IvIC2OOAHY IVIC2OOAHY IVlC2OOAHY Placed ln Service 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t20't8 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10115t2018 10115t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10115120',t8 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10115t2018 10115t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10115120'18 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t1512018 10t1512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 Book Cost 169.76 1,296.13 2,736.52 37,596.97 31,689.80 132.16 1,142.52 348.43 492.87 1,529.94 4,1 18.15 957.70 92.88 2,164.60 1,134.93 841.60 5,172.42 5,333.50 93.12 1,265.00 147.96 12,881.26 12,075.70 14,625.00 622.OO 7,404.81 14,863.80 8,322.75 378.99 1,O52.70 1,019.97 707.12 1,574.24 2,427.49 205257 205258 205259 205260 205261 205262 205263 205264 205265 205266 205267 205268 205269 205270 205271 205272 205273 205274 205275 205277 205278 205280 205281 205282 205284 205286 205287 205288 205289 205290 205291 205292 205293 205303 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January { , 201 8 to December 31 , 201 8 Asset lD Acquisition Date Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv 7,075.00 MC200AHY 2,604.00 MC200AHY 12,820.00 MC200AHY 5,865.00 MC200AHY 8,537.80 MC200AHY 202.60 MC200AHY 7,691.50 MC200AHY 1,121.06 MC200AHY 2,503.68 MC200AHY 1,056.00 MC200AHY 't,757 .52 MC200AHY 234.85 MC200AHY 6,136.14 MC200AHY 379.72 MC200AHY 240.73 MC200AHY 1,209.80 MC200AHY 400.00 MC200AHY 't,992.25 MC200AHY 831.80 MC200AHY 1,355.00 MC200AHY 3,536.65 MC200AHY 832.61 MC200AHY 522.50 MC200AHY 2,698.74 MC200AHY 7,081.92 MC200AHY 1,915.05 MC200AHY 844.11 MC200AHY 12,935.52 MC200AHY 21,751.80 MC200AHY 841.50 MC200AHY 18,047.44 MC200AHY 822.3s MC200AHY Placed ln Service 10115t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10115t2018 10115t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t1512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 101151201A 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t1512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t1512018 Book Cost 7,075.00 2,604.00 12,820.00 5,865.00 8,537.80 202.60 7,69'1.50 1,121.06 2,503.68 1,056.00 1,757.52 234.85 6,1 36.1 4 379.72 240.73 1,209.80 400.00 1,992.25 83'1.80 1,355.00 3,536.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10t15t2018 205305 205307 205308 205309 20531 0 205311 205312 20531 3 205314 20531 6 205317 20531 8 20531 I 205320 205321 205322 205323 205325 205326 205327 205329 205330 20533'l 205332 205334 205335 205336 205337 205338 205339 205340 TF21 Node Split TF21 Node Split TF21 Node Split TF26 node split TF26 node split TF26 node split TF36 node split TF36 node split TF36 node split JR01 Node Split JR01 Node Split JR01 Node Split JR01 Node Split JR01 Node Split JR01 Node Split JR01 Node Split JR01 Node Split JR03 Node Split JR03 Node Split JR03 Node Split 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10l15l2UA 10t15t2018 10115t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 10t1512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 10t15t2018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 10t1512018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 10t15t2018 REROUTES / RELOCATES 10t15t2018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 1011512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 101151201A CABLE REPLACEMENTS 1011512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 10t1512018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 10t15t2018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 10t15t2018 CABLE REPLACEMENTS 10t15t2014 $1,672,641.30 $1,363,619.71 System: 259 1 54039 REC 01t15t2018 1,975.80 lVC200AHY 01t1512018 1,975.80 TWN FALLS 258 Name: LEWSTON Asset lD Acquisition Date CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 0111512018 SMALL EXTENSIONS 0111512018 SMALL EXTENSIONS 0111512018 POLE RELOCATION 0111512018 POLE RELOCATION o111512018 BLANKET MAPPING AND DESIGN o1t15t2018 SOUTHWAY BRIDGE 0111512018 INV REC 04115t2018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 0411512018 Clarkston Albertsons Spec Build 04115t2018 Clarkston Albertsons Spec Build 0411512018 Clarkston Albertsons Spec Build 04t15t20't8 Clarkston Albertsons Spec Build 0411512018 Lewiston Blanket Fiber Extensions 0411512018 Lewiston Blanket Fiber bdensions 04115t2018 Headend combine cards 0411512018 POLE TRANSFERS 04115120',t8 POLE TRANSFERS 0411512018 POLE TRANSFERS 0411512018 POLE TRANSFERS 0411512018 NODE SEGMENTATION 04115t2018 NODE SEGMENTATION 0411512018 s-1 5 0411512018 s-1 5 0411512018 s-1s 0411512018 s11 & s12 0411512018 s11 & 512 0411512018 INV REC 0711512018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 0711512018 Lewiston Blanket Fiber Extensions 07t15t2018 POLE TRANSFERS 0711512018 POLE TRANSFERS 0711512018 POLE TRANSFERS 07t1512018 POLE TRANSFERS 07 11512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 1 54040 154047 154048 1 54050 '154051 1 54055 154057 1 90505 1 90506 1 9051 1 1 9051 2 1 9051 3 1 9051 4 1 9051 8 1 9051 I 1 90523 190524 1 90525 1 90526 190527 '190530 1 90531 'r 90533 1 90534 1 90535 1 90538 1 90539 196'145 1 961 46 196147 1 961 48 1 961 49 1 961 50 '196'151 o111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 011151201A 01t1512018 011151201A 0411512018 04t15t2018 041151201A 04t15t2018 041151201A 0411512018 04t1512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 041151201A 0411512018 04115t2018 04115t2018 0411512018 o411512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07115t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 (1,239.84) 2,760.00 125.23 0.00 0.00 96.00 0.00 1,970.87 1,234.29 13'l .10 10.46 127.87 3,650.90 477.00 4,810.80 11,287.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,157.81 7,639.83 10,6s0.20 5,600.00 600.00 8,218.69 3,302.00 522.30 (2,487.4s) 298.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,239.84) MC200AHY 2,760.00 MC200AHY 125.23 MC200AHY 93.92 MC200AHY 750.00 Mc2004HY 96.00 MC2004HY 3,995.25 MC200AHY 1,970.87 MC200AHY 1,234.29 MC200AHY 131.10 MC200AHY 10.46 MC200AHY 127.87 MC200AHY 3,650.90 MC200AHY 477.00 MC200AHY 4,810.80 MC200AHY 11,287.06 MC200AHY 550.00 Mc200AHY 361.46 MC200AHY 12.10 MC200AHY 26.88 MC200AHY 24,1s7.81 MC200AHY 7,639.83 MC200AHY '10,650.20 MC200AHY 5,600.00 MC200AHY 600.00 MC200AHY 8,218.69 MC200AHY 3,302.00 MC200AHY 522.30 MC200AHY (2,487.49) MC2ooAHY 298.00 MC200AHY (500.00) Mc200AHY 2,100.15 MC200AHY 118.95 MC200AHY 21'1.20 MC200AHY Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 20{ 8 to December 31, 2018 Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1 , 201 8 to December 3{ , 201 I Asset lD Acquisition Date NODE SEGMENTATION 07t't5t20't8 s-1 5 0711512018 s-1s 0711512018 s11 &s12 07t1512018 INV REC 10t1512018 CONTROLLABLE I NVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 1011512018 EASTVIEW CT 10t1512018 EASTVIEW CT 10t15120't8 EASTVIEW CT 10t1512018 EASTVIEW CT 10t15120',t8 Computer Doctors 10115120'18 Computer Doclors 1011512018 Syringa- Regence 1011512018 Syringa- Regence 10115120'.t8 Jimmy Johns 2756 SMB 1011512018 Jimmy Johns 2756 SMB 1011512018 Charter Thain Rd EPL 1011512018 Charter Thain Rd EPL 1011512018 Charter Thain Rd EPL 10t1512018 Charter 3rd Ave N EPL 1011512018 Charter 3rd Ave N EPL 10t1512018 Charter 3rd Ave N EPL 1011512018 Lewiston Blanket Fiber Extensiong 1011512018 CONDUIT NEW 1011512018 POLE TRANSFERS 1011512018 s-15 10t15t2018 s-1 5 1011512018 s-1 5 1011512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 196152 1 961 53 1 961 54 1 961 55 205345 205346 205351 205352 205353 2053s4 205355 205356 205358 205360 205362 205363 205365 205366 205367 205370 205371 205373 205375 205376 205378 205382 205383 205384 28.50 MC200AHY 1,572.86 MC20oAHY 840.00 Mc20oAHY 16,141.35 MC200AHY 4,366.48 MC200AHY (1,114.09) MC200AHY 't,086.53 MC200AHY 179.20 MC200AHY 671.00 MC200AHY 552.34 MC200AHY 210.00 MC200AHY 3,204.53 MC200AHY 26.22 MC200AHY 3,000.00 Mc200AHY 8.92 MC200AHY 4,380.00 MC200AHY 1,401.00 Mo200AHY s00.00 MC200AHY 170.00 MC200AHY 7'15.00 MC200AHY 670.00 MC200AHY '1,208.00 MC200AHY (477.00) Mo200AHY 8,392.63 MC200AHY 21.63 MC200AHY 1,932.00 MC200AHY 830.00 Mc200AHY 239.44 MC20oAHY 0711512018 071151201A 07t15t2018 071151201A 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011s12018 10t15t20'18 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10115t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 28.60 1,572.86 840.00 16,141.35 4,366.48 (1,1 14.09) 1,086.53 179.20 671.00 552.34 210.00 3,204.53 26.22 3,000.00 8.92 4,380.00 1,401.00 500.00 170.00 7 t 5.00 670.00 1,208.00 (477.0o) 8,392.63 0.00 1,932.00 830.00 239.44 $144,395.43 $1 36,653.89 System:260 1 54066 154067 154071 154072 154073 lnventory Reconciliation 0111512018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 01t15t2018 Clarion lnn Pocatello Video 011151201A Clarion lnn Pocatello Video 01t15t2018 Clarion lnn Pocatello Video (1,832.73) MC200AHY (3,78s.75) MC20oAHY 399.69 MC200AHY 144.49 MC200AHY 0111512018 01t15t2018 o'U1512018 01t15t2018 (1,832.73) (3,785.75) 399.69 144.49 LEWSTON 259 Name: Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January 1, 2018 to December 31,2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date Placed ln Service 01t151201A 01115t2018 o111512018 011151201A 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t20't8 0111512018 0111512018 01115t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 o'115t2018 0111512018 01t1512018 01t1512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 o1t1512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 o411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t1512018 04t15t2018 04115t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 Book Cost 416.95 131.76 328.93 5,167.50 7,786.86 27.84 32.34 255.08 1,084.33 401.36 413.16 21,515.10 155.52 1,728.00 1,678.00 35.18 1,358.07 37.96 1 10.88 0.00 42.64 969.77 22,700.11 1,282.00 1,767.19 (3,536.09) 44.25 627.22 162.14 3,338.62 21,099.80 161.16 18,110.30 54.54 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv 416.95 MC200AHY '131.76 MC200AHY 328.93 MC20oAHY 5,167.50 MC20oAHY 7,786.86 MC200AHY 27.84 MC200AHY 32.34 MC200AHY 255.08 MC200AHY 'r,084.33 MC200AHY 401.36 MC200AHY 413.16 MC200AHY 21,515.10 MC200AHY 155,52 MC200AHY 1,728.00 MC200AHY 1,678.00 MC200AHY 35.18 MC200AHY 1,358.07 MC200AHY 37.96 MC200AHY 110.88 MC200AHY 7,720.00 MC200AHY 42.64 MC200AHY 969.77 MC200AHY 22,700.11 MC200AHY 1,282.OO MC200AHY 1,767.19 MC200AHY (3,s36.09) MC2ooAHY 44.25 MC200AHY 627.22 MC200AHY 162.14 MC200AHY 3,338.62 MC200AHY 21,099.80 MC200AHY 161.16 MC200AHY 18,110.30 MC200AHY 54.54 MC200AHY 154074 154075 154077 154078 154079 1 54083 154084 1 54085 1 54086 154087 1 54088 1 54091 154092 1 54093 154094 1 54095 1 54096 1 54097 1 541 00 154101 154102 1 541 03 1 56459 1 90546 1 90547 1 9055 1 1 90552 1 90553 1 90554 1 90556 1 90558 1 90560 1 90563 1 90564 0111512018 Clarion lnn Pocatello Video 0111512018 Clarion lnn Pocatello Video 0111512018 Clarion lnn Pocatello Video 0111512018 Clarion lnn Pocatello Video 01t15t2018 Clarion lnn Pocatello DltuPRl 0111512018 Pocatello Blanket E)densions 01t15t2018 Pocatello Blanket Extensions 01t15t2018 Pocatello Blanket Extensions 0111512018 Pocatello Blanket Extensions 01t1512018 Pocatello Blanket Extensions o1t15t2018 Pocatello Blanket Extensions 0111512018 Pocatello Extentions 2 01t15t2018 Pocatello E)(entions 2 0111512018 Pocatello Extensions 3 01t15t2018 Pocatello Extensions 3 0111512018 Pocatello Extensions 3 0111512018 Pocatello Extensions 3 0111512018 Pocatello Extensions 3 01t15t2018 AGC Replacement 0111512018 Pocatello Extentions 0111512018 Pocatello Extentions 0111512018 Pocatello Extentions 0111512018 Ednetics American Falls Demarc Move 01t15t2018 lnventory Reconciliation 04t15t2018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS o4t15t2018 VZW Walmart Chubbuck- DKF 0411512018 VZW Walmart Chubbuck- DKF 0411512018 VzW Walmart Chubbuck- DKF 04t1512018 VZW Walmart Chubbuck- DKF 0411512018 VZW Walmart Chubbuck- DKF 04t1512018 VzW lD6 Oak to IDO Center Dark Fiber 0411512018 VzW lD6 Oak to lDo Center Dark Fiber 0411512018 Pocatello Extentions 0411512018 Pocatello Extentions Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date Pocatello bdentions Pocatello Extentions 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 lnventory Reconciliation 07t15t2018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 0711512018 VZW IDO Turner Hall - IDO Portneuf Medic 0711512018 VZW IDO Turner Hall - IDO Portneuf Medic 07t15t2018 Pocatello Extensions 3 0711512018 POCATELLO BUILD DESIGN 07 t15t2018 POCATELLO JOINT TRENCH 07l15l2UA POCATELLO JOINT TRENCH 07l15l2UA Pocatello Extentions 0711512018 Pocatello E)dentions 07l15l2UA Pocatello Extentions 07t1st2018 Pocatello Extensions 2 0711512018 Pocatello E)densions 2 07l15l2UA Pocatello Bdensions 2 07t15t2018 Pocatello Extensions 2 07t15t2018 Pocatello E)densions 2 0711512018 Pocatello Extensions 2 07t1512018 lnventory Reconciliation 1011512018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 1011512018 Pocatello Extentions 2 1011512018 Pocatello Extentions 2 1011512018 Syringa TMO Trail Creek CBH 10l15l2UA Syringa TMO Trail Creek CBH 1011512018 Syringa TMO Trail Creek CBH 1011s12018 Nuvek DIA 10t15t2018 Pocatello Blanket SMB EXensions 1011512018 VzW lD6 Oak to lD6 Center Dark Fiber 10t15t2018 POCATELLO BUILD DESIGN 10t15t2018 POCATELLO JOINT TRENCH 1011512018 Pocatello Extensions 2 10115t2018 Pocatello Exensions 2 1011512018 Pocatello Extensions 2 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv 2,',t60.37 MC200AHY 150.10 MC200AHY 1,242.07 MC200AHY 5,624.98 MC200AHY (5,s29.35) MC2ooAHY 455.42 t\rC200AHY 17,976.82 MC200AHY 4,523.86 MC200AHY 12,518.00 MC200AHY 3,855.26 MC20oAHY 9,180.60 MC200AHY 384.80 MC20oAHY 373.73 MC20oAHY 451.84 MC20oAHY 175.34 MC200AHY 14,880.37 MC20oAHY 3,628.34 MC200AHY '1,669.90 MC200AHY 4,023.23 MC200AHY 8,454.70 MC200AHY 6,469.80 MC200AHY (7,47O.16) MC200AHY 195.09 MC200AHY 30.18 MC200AHY 1,343.00 MC200AHY 649.12 MC200AHY 4,894.00 MC200AHY 1,500.00 MC200AHY 12,809.62 MC20oAHY 630.00 MC200AHY 2,602.00 MC200AHY 875.40 MC200AHY 32.34 MC200AHY 2,021.73 MC200AHY Placed ln Service 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0711512018 07 t15t2018 07115t2018 07 11512018 07t15t2018 07/1512018 0711512018 07l15l2UA 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 071151201A 07l15l2UA 07l15l2UA 07t15t2018 07l15l2UA 10115t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10l15l2UA 101151201A 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011s12018 Book Cost 2,160.37 150.10 1,242.07 5,624.98 (5,529.3s) 455.42 17,976.82 4,523.86 12,51 8.00 3,855.26 9,180.60 384.80 373.73 451.84 175.34 14,880.37 3,628.34 '1,669.90 4,O23.23 8,454.70 6,469.80 (7,470.16) 195.09 30.1 I 1,343.00 649.12 4,894.00 1,500.00 12,809.62 630.00 2,602.0O 875.40 32.34 2,021.73 1 90565 1 90566 1 961 56 1 961 57 1 961 58 1 961 59 1 961 60 1 961 61 196162 196163 196164 1 961 65 1 96166 196167 1 961 68 1 961 69 1 96170 1 961 71 196172 205392 205393 205397 205398 205399 205401 205402 205405 205407 205408 205409 205410 205411 205412 205413 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January 1,2018 to December 31,2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date 10t15t2018 Pocatello Extensions 3 10t15t2018 Pocatello Extensions 3 10t15t20'18 Pocatello Extensions 3 10t15t2018 Pocatello Extensions 3 1011512018 Pocatello Extensions 3 10t15t2018 Pocatello Extensions 3 1011512018 Pocatello Joint Trench 2 10t15t2018 American Falls Node 2 Cable Replacement 10t15t2018 American Falls Node 2 Cable Replacement 1011512018 American Falls Node 2 Cable Replacement 1011512018 American Falls Node 2 Cable Replacement 10l15l2UA American Falls Node 2 Cable Replacement 1011512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv 266.80 6,793.01 14,181.07 323.13 128.32 4,555.77 1 1 ,176.53 9,410.70 1,952.06 15,791 .54 5,915.03 4,428.60 23,945.03 MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY Placed ln Service 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 'tot't5120't8 Book Cost 266.80 6,793.01 14,181.07 323.1 3 128.32 4,555.77 11,176.53 9,410.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 205414 205415 205416 205417 205418 205419 205420 205423 205424 205425 205426 205427 $264,032.00 1 541 08 1 541 09 154113 1541 18 154119 154120 154123 154124 154125 154126 154127 '154130 154131 154132 1 541 33 154134 1 541 35 1 541 36 154137 154138 01115120',18 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 0111512018 Syringa Blackfoot Judicial CBH 01t15t2018 ldaho Falls Blanket Extensions 0111512018 ldaho Falls Blanket Extensions 01t1512018 ldaho Falls Blanket Extensions o1t15t2018 Kingswood Spec Build 0111512018 Kingswood Spec Build 0111512018 Kingswood Spec Build 01t15t2018 Kingswood Spec Build 01l15l2UA Kingswood Spec Bulld 0111512018 NEWBUILD DESIGN 01t15t2018 20,I7 SINGLE HOME EXTENTION 01l1st2ua 20,I7 SINGLE HOME EXTENTION 01t15t2018 2017 SINGLE HOME EXTENTION 01t15t2018 2017 SINGLE HOME EXTENTION 01t15t2018 2017 SINGLE HOME EXTENTION 0111512018 2017 SINGLE HOME EXTENTION 0111512018 2017 SINGLE HOME EXTENTION 01t15t2018 2017 SINGLE HOME EXTENTION 01l15l2UA 1,798.51 (2,978.82) 9,042.70 36.31 8,041.68 '1,93'1.00 40.03 246.54 25.30 421.81 72',t.50 43,050.00 164.86 1,991.56 63.70 385.84 1,627.59 809.1 0 27,034.59 1 5,024.50 MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY 0111512018 0111s12018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 011151201A 0111512018 0111512018 011151201A 01115t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t1512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 1,798.51 (2,s78.82) I,042.70 36.31 8,041.68 1 ,93 t.00 40.03 246.54 25.30 421.81 721.50 43,050.00 164.86 1,991.56 63.70 385.84 1,627.59 809.1 0 27,034.59 15,024.50 Name: 267 Asset lD Acquisition Date IDAHO FALLS JOINT TRENCH 0111512018 IDAHO FALLS JOINT TRENCH 0111512018 IDAHO FALLS JOINT TRENCH 01t15t2018 IDAHO FALLS JOINT TRENCH o1t1512018 BONNEVIILLE/AMMON/GRANITE CREEKl 0111512018 BONNEVILLE/I DAHO FALLS/YORKSI DE3 01t1512018 BONN EVILLE/I DAHO FALLS/YORKSI DE3 0111512018 BONNEVILLE/I DAHO FALLSA/ORKSI DE3 01t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/AMMON/MOUNTAIN BEND EST 0111512018 BONNEVILLE/AMMON/MOUNTAIN BEND EST 01t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/AMMON/MOUNTAIN BEND EST 01t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BERKLEY PARKl-2 o111512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BERKLEY PARK1.2 01t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BERKLEY PARKl -2 0111512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BERKLEY PARKl-2 0111512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BERKLEY PARK1.2 01t1512018 MADISON/REXBURG/SUMMERFIED 3 01t15t2018 I\iIADISON/REXBU RG/SUMMERFIED 3 0111512018 I\iIADISON/REXBU RG/SUMMERFI ED 3 0111512018 MADISONiREXBURG/SUMMERFIED 3 0111512018 MADISON/REXBURG/SUMMERFIED 3 01t1512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/SILVERLEAF#1 01t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSiSILVERLEAF#1 0111512018 BON NEVI LLE/I DAHO FALLS/SI LVERLEAF#1 01t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/SILVERLEAF#1 01115t2018 BON NEVI LLE/I DAHO FALLS/SI LVERLEAF#1 01115t2018 BON N EVILLE/I DAHO FALLS/SI LVERLEAF#,I 01t15t2018 BON NEVI LLE/I DAHO FALLS/SI LVERLEAF#,I 0111512018 BON NEVILLE/I DAHO FALLS/SI LVERLEAF#1 0111512018 BON N EVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/SI LVERLEAF#1 0111512018 2017 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 0111512018 2017 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 011151201A 2017 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 01115/2018 2017 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 01t15t2018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 1 541 39 154140 154141 154142 154143 154148 154149 1 541 51 154152 1 541 53 154154 1 541 56 154157 154158 1 541 59 '1 54'16'l 'l 54163 154164 1 541 65 154167 154168 154170 154171 154172 154173 154174 154176 154177 154178 154179 1 541 80 1 541 81 154182 154183 4,263.09 MC20oAHY 1,562.80 MC20oAHY 5,857.20 MC200AHY 500.00 Mc20oAHY 2,58'1.06 MC200AHY 5,445.76 MC200AHY 5,859.60 MC200AHY 2,665.75 MC200AHY 63.97 MC200AHY 735.00 MC200AHY 600.00 MC200AHY 543.57 MC2004HY 250.43 MC200AHY 37.42 MC200AHY 2,144.56 MC200AHY 1,335.00 MC2004HY 39.71 MC200AHY 1,352.47 MC200AHY 858.90 Mc200AHY 7,756.27 MC200AHY 3,600.00 MC200AHY 327.60 MC200AHY 3,115.06 MC200AHY 1j22.29 MC200AHY 2,079.51 MC200AHY 7,229.91 MC200AHY 412.80 MC200AHY 470.00 MC200AHY 6,3'15.30 MC200AHY 2,298.00 MC200AHY 767.92 MC200AHY 297.37 MC2004HY 646.26 MC200AHY 346.62 MC200AHY 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t1512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t1512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01115t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01115t2018 01t15t2018 01115t2018 01t15t2018 o1t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 o1t15t2018 0111512018 4,263.09 1,562.80 5,857.20 500.00 2,s81.06 5,445.76 5,859.60 2,665.75 63.97 735.00 600.00 543.57 250.43 37.42 2,144.56 1,335.00 39.71 1,352.47 858.90 7,7s6.27 3,600.00 327.60 3,1 15.06 1,122.29 2,O79.51 7,229.91 412.80 470.00 6,315.30 2,298.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January l, 2018 to December 31,2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date 2017 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 0111512018 2017 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR o1t15t2018 Node split design 2017 0111512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 01t15t2018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0111512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 01t15t2018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0111512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0111512018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 0111512018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 01t'15t2018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 01t1512018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 0111512018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 0111512018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 01t15t2018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 0111512018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 0111512018 2017 Cable Replacement 0111512018 2017 Cable Replacement 0111512018 2017 Cable Replacement 0111512018 2017 Cable Replacement 0111512018 2017 Cable Replacement 0111512018 2017 Cable Replacement 01t1512018 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 01115120't8 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 0111512018 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 0111512018 Node split 2018 01t1512018 Node split 2018 01t15t2018 Node split 2018 01t1512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 011151201a IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0111512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0111s12018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 01t15t2018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 0111512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT o'U't5t2018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 154184 1 54'185 154187 1 541 88 1 541 89 1 541 90 1 541 91 154192 1 541 93 154194 1 541 95 1 541 96 154197 1 541 98 1 541 99 154200 154201 154202 154203 154204 154205 154206 154209 154210 154211 154213 154214 154216 154217 154218 154220 154221 154222 154223 2,382.42 MC200AHY 1,633.70 MC2004HY 2,902.00 MC200AHY 6,942.00 MC200AHY 93.49 MC200AHY 199.20 MC20oAHY 9s1.89 MC200AHY 225.00 MC200AHY 11,910.00 MC200AHY 521.37 MC200AHY 3,403.49 MC200AHY 646.26 MC200AHY 449.68 MC200AHY 5,930.35 MC200AHY 1,345.00 MC200AHY 7,482.84 MC200AHY 307.78 MC200AHY 2,298.09 MC200AHY 310.14 MC200AHY 1,037.35 MC200AHY 11,842.31 MC200AHY 40,210.24 MC200AHY 2,408.81 MC200AHY 493.46 MC200AHY 1 1,884.60 MC200AHY 921.92 MC200AHY 1,242.',10 MC200AHY 7,592.4A MC200AHY 5,295.00 MC200AHY 4,277.74 MC200AHY 111.75 MC200AHY 492.45 MC200AHY 322.46 MC20oAHY 323.13 MC200AHY 01t1512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t1512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t1512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111s12018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01115t2018 01t15t2018 011151201A o111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0.00 0.00 2,902.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 921.92 1,242.10 7,552.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January I , 201 8 to Decomber 31, 2018 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January 1,2018 to December 31,2018 Asset ID Acquisition Date 201 8 CABLE REPLACEMENT o1t15t2018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 0111512018 201 8 CABLE REPLACEMENT 01t1512018 Blackfoot amplifier upgrade 2nd half 0111512018 Blackfoot amplifier upgrade 2nd half 0111512018 Blackfoot amplifler upgrade 2nd half 0111512018 Blackfoot amplifier upgrade 2nd half 0111512018 T-Mobile Towers ldaho Falls 01115t2018 T-Mobile Towers ldaho Falls 01115t20't8 T-Mobile Towers ldaho Falls 0111512018 T-Mobile Towers ldaho Falls 0111512018 INV REC o411512018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS o4t1st2018 Verizon - Dark Fiber o411512018 Verizon - Dark Fiber 04t1512018 Verizon - Dark Fiber 04t15t2018 Verizon - Dark Fiber o411512018 Verizon - Dark Fiber 04t15t2018 Jacbos o4t15t2018 2016 CABLE REPLACEMENT 0411512018 20,I 6 CABLE REPLACEMENT 04t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSA/ORKSIDE3 0411512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSA/ORKSIDE3 0411512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSI/ORKSIDE3 04t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSA/ORKSIDE3 04t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/AMMON/MOUNTAIN BEND EST 0411512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BERKLEY PARK,I.2 0411512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BERKLEY PARK,I-2 04t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/GREEN VALLEY 5 &6 0411512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/GREEN VALLEY 5 &6 0411512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/GREEN VALLEY 5 &6 04t1512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/GREEN VALLEY 5 &6 0411512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/GREEN VALLEY 5 &6 04115t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSA/ALENCIA TOWNHOME 0411512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 154224 154225 154226 154227 154228 154229 154230 1 56460 1 5646 1 1 56462 1 56463 1 90570 1 90571 190577 1 90578 1 90580 1 90581 1 90582 '190584 1 90587 1 90588 '190592 1 90593 1 90594 1 90595 1 90596 1 90598 1 90599 1 9060 1 1 90602 1 90603 1 90604 '190505 1 90607 745.52 MC200AHY 1,380.23 MC200AHY 4,253.63 MC200AHY 524.97 MC200AHY 70,886.84 MC200AHY 6,925.38 MC200AHY 5,720.00 MC200AHY 98.00 MC200AHY 7,018.07 MC200AHY '1,978.50 MC200AHY 28,623.10 MC200AHY (5e7.e3) rvlC200AHY (19,911.40) MC2ooAHY 1,375.59 MC200AHY 441.89 MC200AHY 1,008.75 MC200AHY 3,725.50 MC200AHY 4,340.75 MC200AHY 4,502.10 MC20oAHY 57.79 MC200AHY 108.19 MC200AHY 255.61 MC200AHY 827.01 MC200AHY 107.80 MC200AHY 1,304.50 MC200AHY 603.25 MC200AHY 1,476.20 MC200AHY 500.00 MC2004HY 446.69 MC200AHY 6,396.01 MC200AHY 1,595.94 MC200AHY 11,743.76 MC200AHY 4,445.93 l\ilC200AHY 786.64 MC200AHY 0111512018 01t15t2018 o1115t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t1512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0411512018 0411512018 o411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 041151201A 0411512018 04115t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t1512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 o4t15t2018 0.00 0.00 0.00 524.97 70,886.84 6,925.38 5,720.00 98.00 7,O18.07 1,978.50 28,623.10 (5e7.93) (19,91 1 .40) 1,375.59 441.89 1,008.75 3,725.50 4,340.75 4,502.10 0.00 0.00 255.61 827.01 107.80 1,304.50 603.25 1,476.20 500.00 446.69 6,396.01 1,595.94 11,743.76 4,445.93 786.64 Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1 , 201 8 to December 31 , 201 8 Asset lD Acquisition Date BON NEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSA/ALENCIA TOWN HOME 0411512018 BON NEVI LLE/IDAHO FALLSA/ALENCIA TOWN HOME 04l15l2UA BON NEVI LLE/I DAHO FALLSA/ALENCIA TOWN HOME 0411512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSA/ALENCIA TOWNHOME 04t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/I DAHO FALLSA/ALENCIA TOWNHOME 0411512018 BONN EVILLE/IDAHO FALLSA/ALENCIA TOWNHOME 04t15t2018 BONN EVILLE/IDAHO FALLSA/ALENCIA TOWNHOME 0411512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSA/ALENCIA TOWNHOME 0411512018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 0411512018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 0411512018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 04t15t2018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 0411512018 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 0411512018 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 04t15t2018 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 041151201A 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 0411512018 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 0411512018 Node split 2018 04t1512018 Node split 2018 04115t2018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0411512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0411512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 04t15t2018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES o411512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0411512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 04t15t2018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 04t15t2018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 04t15t2018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 04115t2018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0411512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 0411512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 0411512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 0411512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 041151201A 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 04t15t2018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost I 90608 '190609 190610 19061 1 1 9061 2 '190613 1 9061 4 1 9061 5 1 90621 190622 '190623 190624 1 90631 1 90632 1 90633 1 90634 1 90635 1 90638 1 90639 1 90641 190642 1 90643 1 90644 '190645 1 90646 '190647 1 90648 1 90649 1 90650 1 90652 1 90653 1 90654 1 90655 1 906s6 3,514.16 MC20oAHY 126.50 MC200AHY '1,169.23 MC200AHY 1,470.70 MC200AHY 2,786.88 lvlc200AHY 2,022.75 MC200AHY 9,903.23 MC200AHY 618.00 MC200AHY 228.38 MC200AHY 4,269.63 MC200AHY 2,250.39 MC20oAHY 1,77A.39 MC20oAHY 3,433.41 MC200AHY 2,545.40 Mc200AHY 2,O71.93 MC200AHY 16,581.57 MC200AHY 7,972.91 MC200AHY 3,740.00 MC200AHY 936.92 MC200AHY 12,630.00 MC200AHY 296.17 MC200AHY 9,791.'18 MC200AHY 335.79 MC200AHY 216.65 MC200AHY 5,882.80 MC200AHY 2,571.05 MC200AHY 4,814.05 MC200AHY 7,732.66 MC200AHY 10,972.50 MC20oAHY 3s3.50 MC200AHY 62.61 MC200AHY 303.78 MC200AHY 4,851.08 MC200AHY 11,553.98 MC200AHY 04t15t2018 0411s12018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 o4t15t2018 0411512018 041151201A 04t1512018 041151201A 04t1s/2018 04t15t20't8 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t1512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 041151201A 04t1512018 3,514.16 '126.50 1,169,23 1,470.70 2,786.88 2,022.75 9,903.23 618.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,740.00 936.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Asset lD Acquisition Date 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 0411512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 0411512018 Blackfoot amplifier upgrade 2nd half 0411512018 Blackfoot amplifier upgrade 2nd half 04t1512018 INV REC 0711512018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 0711512018 VZW Groveland-DKF 0711512018 VZW Groveland-DKF 07115t2018 VZW Groveland-DKF 0711512018 VZW Groveland-DKF 0711512018 VZW Groveland-DKF 07t1512018 VZW Groveland-DKF 07t1512018 ldaho Falls Fiber Blanket Extension 0711512018 SMB Woodland Enterprises 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BERKLEY PARK1.2 07t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/ALL STAR TOWNHOME 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/ALL STAR TOWNHOME 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/GREEN VALLEY 5 &6 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSA/ALENCIA TOWNHOME 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/I DAHO FALLSA/ALENCIA TOWN HOME 0711512018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 07 t15t2018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 0711512018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 0711512018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 0711512018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 0711512018 Bonneville SD 93 DItuEPL Upgrade 07t1512018 BINGHAM/SHELLEY/SU NSET VISTA 0711512018 BINGHAM/SHELLEY/SU NSET VISTA 0711512018 BINGHAM/SHELLEY/SU NSET VISTA 0711512018 BINGHAM/SHELLEY/SU NSET VISTA 0711512018 BINGHAM/SHELLEY/SU NSET VISTA 07t15t2018 BINGHAM/SHELLEY/SU NSET VISTA 0711512018 BINGHAM/SHELLEY/SU NSET VISTA 07t15t2018 BINGHAM/SHELLEY/SU NSET VISTA 0711512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 1 90657 1 90658 1 90661 1 90662 1 961 73 196174 1 961 75 196'176 196177 1 961 78 1 961 79 1 961 80 '196181 196182 '196183 196184 1 961 85 1 961 86 1 961 87 1 961 88 1 961 89 1961 90 19619'1 196192 '196193 196'194 1 961 95 1 961 96 1 961 97 1 961 98 1 961 99 1 96200 196201 196202 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 0711s12018 0711512018 07/1512018 07115t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t20't8 07 t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t1512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07115t201A 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0.00 0.00 8,7s2.96 7,280.00 7,862.65 (1 3,248.56) 2,940.00 43.60 3,866.97 2,630.25 3,445.50 1,736.25 1,300.00 6,044.10 820.00 3,583.82 715.00 490.00 805.1 5 3,567.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 981.34 2,942.63 969.37 1,169.46 1,470.70 8,994.71 516.78 2,023.50 '1,162.00 MC200AHY 22,907.75 MC200AHY 8,752.96 MC200AHY 7,280.00 MC200AHY 7,862.65 MC200AHY (13,248.56) MC2ooAHY 2,940.00 MC200AHY 43.60 MC200AHY 3,866.97 MC200AHY 2,630.25 MC200AHY 3,445.50 MC200AHY 1,736.25 MC200AHY 1,300.00 MC200AHY 6,044.10 MC20oAHY 820.00 Mc200AHY 3,583.82 MC200AHY 715.00 MC200AHY 490.00 MC200AHY 805.15 MC200AHY 3,567.60 MC200AHY 321.82 MC200AHY 5,812.67 tvlC200AHY 52.21 |VIC2ooAHY 2,000.16 MC200AHY 13,796.08 MC200AHY 60.00 Mc20oAHY 981.34 MC200AHY 2,942.63 MC200AHY 969.37 MC200AHY 1,169.46 MC200AHY 1,470.70 MC200AHY 8,994.71 MC200AHY 516.78 MC200AHY 2,O23.50 MC200AHY Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One Inc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January l, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date BINGHAM/SH ELLEY/SUNSET VISTA 0711512018 BINGHAM/SH ELLEY/SUNSET VISTA 07t15t2018 MADISON/SUGAR CITY/OLD FARM#2 0711512018 MADISON/SUGAR CIry/OLD FARM#2 07 t15t2018 MADISON/SUGAR CITY/OLD FARM#2 0711512018 MADISON/SUGAR CIry/OLD FARM#2 0711512018 MADISON/SUGAR CITY/OLD FARM#2 07t15t2018 MADISON/SUGAR CITY/OLD FARM#2 0711512018 MADISON/SUGAR CITY/OLD FARM#2 0711512018 MADISON/SUGAR CITY/OLD FARM#2 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/LINDEN TRAILS #1 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/LINDEN TRAILS #1 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/LINDEN TRAILS #1 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/LINDEN TRAILS #1 07115t2018 BONNEVILLEiIDAHO FALLS/LINDEN TRAILS #1 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/LINDEN TRAILS #1 07t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/LINDEN TRAILS #1 07t15t2018 BONNEVILLETIDAHO FALLS/LINDEN TRAILS #1 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/FAIRWAY EST 21 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/FAIRWAY EST 21 07115t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/FAIRWAY EST 21 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/FAIRWAY EST 21 07 t15/2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/FAIRWAY EST 2.I 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/FAIRWAY EST 21 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/FAIRWAY EST 22 0711512018 BONN EVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/FAIRWAY EST 22 0711512018 BONNEVILLENDAHO FALLS/FAIRWAY EST 22 0711512018 BON NEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/FAIRWAY EST 22 0711512018 BONNEVILLENDAHO FALLS/FAIRWAY EST 22 07t15t2018 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 07l15l2UA 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 07 11512018 201 8 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 07t't5t2018 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 0711512018 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 07t15t2018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 1 96203 196204 1 96205 1 96206 196207 1 96208 '196209 196210 19621 1 196212 1 9621 3 196214 1 96215 1 9621 6 196217 1 9621 8 1 9621 I 196220 196221 196222 196223 196224 't96225 196226 '196227 196228 196229 1 96230 196231 196232 1 96233 196234 1 96235 1 96236 4,996.46 MC20oAHY 561.75 MC200AHY 755.49 MC20oAHY 2,055.54 MC200AHY 2,',|96.97 MC200AHY 1,448.29 MC200AHY 5,288.30 MC200AHY 1,266.75 MC200AHY 1,705.00 MC200AHY 3,035.25 MC200AHY 601.65 MC200AHY 11,041.78 MC200AHY 1,O88.72 MC200AHY 3,107.O4 MC200AHY 14,746.76 MC200AHY 289.50 MC200AHY 18,030.41 MC200AHY 1,795.00 MC200AHY 69.34 MC20oAHY 4,969.86 MC20oAHY 50.60 MC20oAHY 1,339.05 MC200AHY 3,698.18 MC200AHY 1,817.00 MC200AHY 309.15 MC200AHY 6,2s3.89 MC200AHY 1,371.O5 MC200AHY 4,'170.99 MC200AHY 1,291.50 MC200AHY 818.47 MC200AHY 1,627.38 MC200AHY 762.29 MC200AHY 2,743.22 MC200AHY 31,156.16 MC200AHY 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t1512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07 11512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2014 07t1512018 07l15l2UA 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07115t2018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07115t2018 07 t15t2018 07 11512018 4,996.46 561.75 755.49 2,055.54 2,196.97 1,448.29 5,288.30 1,266.75 1,705.00 3,035.25 601.65 11,O41.78 1,088.72 3,107.04 14,746.76 289.50 18,030.41 1,795.00 69.34 4,969.86 50.60 1,339.05 3,698.18 1,817.00 309.1 5 6,253.89 1,371.05 4,170.99 1,291.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January l, 20'18 to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 0711512018 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 07t15t2018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0711512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 07/1512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 07t15t2018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0711512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0711512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0711512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0711512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0711512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0711512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0711512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 0711512018 201 8 CABLE REPLACEIVIENT 0711512018 20,1 8 CABLE REPLACEMENT 0711512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 0711512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 07115t2018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 0711512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 07t1512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 0711512018 INV REC 10t15t2018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 1011512018 Verizon - Dark Fiber 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/SANDPOINTE 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/SANDPOINTE 10t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/SANDPOINTE 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/SANDPOINTE 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/SANDPOINTE 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/ALL STAR TOWNHOME 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/ALL STAR TOWNHOME 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/ALL STAR TOWNHOME 10t1512018 IDAHO POWER RELOCATES 1011512018 ldaho Falls Blanket SMB Enensions 1011512018 ldaho Falls Blanket SMB Extensions 1011512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 196237 1 96238 1 96239 196240 196241 196242 tYo/45 196244 196245 196246 196247 196248 196249 '196250 196251 196252 '196253 196254 1 96255 1 96256 205435 205436 205440 205443 205444 205445 205447 205448 205449 205450 205451 205452 205455 205456 3,'194.50 958.75 9,928.00 4,209.88 4,065.63 1,566.43 1 ,357. 16 6,573.34 9,8A4.21 18,384.00 27,670.14 22,608.10 2,578.91 192.42 389.89 510.81 11,001.92 14,612.24 1 ,154.00 14,162.26 11,814.11 4,758.s8 193.17 1,006.06 4,324.40 1,470.70 500.00 9,273.50 23.46 '1,573.08 430.54 5,655.00 2,752.OO 97.71 MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY 07t1512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t1512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t1512018 1011512018 1011512018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10115t2018 1011512018 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 14,162.26 11,814.11 4,75A.5A 193.17 1,006.06 4,324.40 1,470.70 ,500.00 9,273.50 23.46 1,573.08 430.54 0.00 2,752.00 97.71 Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 'l, 2018 to December 31 , 201 I Asset lD Acquisition Date ldaho Falls Blanket SMB Extensions 1011512018 ldaho Falls Blanket SMB Extensions 10t15t2018 ldaho Falls Blanket SMB b(ensions 1011512018 ldaho Falls Blanket SMB Extensions 10115t2018 ldaho Falls Blanket SMB Extensions 10t15t2018 ldaho Falls Blanket SMB Extensions 1011512018 NEW BUILD DESIGN 10t1512018 2018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTION 1011512018 2018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTION 10t1512018 2018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTION 10115t2018 2018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTION 10115t2018 2018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTION 10t15t2018 2018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTION 1011512018 2018 SINGLE HOME EXTENTION 10t15t2018 IDAHO FALLS JOINT TRENCH 1011512018 IDAHO FALLS JOINT TRENCH 1011512018 IDAHO FALLS JOINT TRENCH 1011512018 BINGHAM/SHELLEY/SUNSET VISTA 101151201A MADISON/SUGAR CITY/OLD FARM#2 1011512018 MADISON/SUGAR CITY/OLD FARM#2 10t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/LINDEN TRAILS #1 1011512018 BONNEVILLEiAMMON/OLSEN PARK # 1 10t1512018 BONNEVILLE/AMMON/OLSEN PARK # 1 1011512018 BONNEVILLEiAMMON/OLSEN PARK # 1 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/AMMON/OLSEN PARK # 1 1011512018 BONNEVILLAAMMON/OLSEN PARK # 1 10t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/AMMON/OLSEN PARK # 1 10t15t2018 BONNEVILLUIDAHO FALLS/BELMONT EST2 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BELMONT EST2 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BELMONT EST2 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BELMONT EST2 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BELMONT EST2 1011512018 BONN EVILLUIDAHO FALLS/BELMONT EST2 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BELMONT EST2 10t15t2018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 205457 205458 205459 205460 205461 205462 205467 205468 205469 205470 205471 205472 205473 205474 205475 205476 205477 205478 205479 205480 205481 205483 205484 205486 205487 205488 205489 205491 205492 205493 205494 205495 205497 205498 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t't5t2018 10115120',18 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10/1512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10115t2018 10l15l2UA 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 101151201A 10115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1,170.65 270.14 727.22 305.07 41,129.11 1,899.00 37,008.00 63.43 3,128.39 674.24 302.1 9 4,112.58 21,019.54 1 3,125.50 31,439.79 2,795.80 3,593.00 917.00 237.16 170.40 3,22A.4A 1,922.22 15,8'10.50 1,537.80 s,108.00 500.00 7,732.00 1'10.39 15,795.78 75.90 2,422.50 1,995.86 14,689.86 2,743.50 1,170.65 MC200AHY 270.14 MC200AHY 727.22 MC200AHY 305.07 MC20oAHY 41,129.11 MC200AHY 1,899.00 MC20oAHY 37,008.00 Mc20oAHY 63.43 MC20oAHY 3,128.39 MC200AHY 674.24 MC200AHY 302.19 MC200AHY 4,112.58 MC20oAHY 21,019.54 MC200AHY 13,125.50 MC200AHY 31,439.79 MC200AHY 2,795.80 MC20oAHY 3,593.00 MC200AHY 917_00 MC200AHY 237.16 MC20oAHY 170_40 Mc20oAHY 3,228.48 MC200AHY 1,922.22 MC200AHY 15,810.50 MC200AHY 1,537.80 MC20oAHY 3,108.00 MC200AHY 500.00 MC20oAHY 7,732.00 MC200AHY 110.39 MC200AHY 15,79s.78 MC200AHY 7s.90 MC200AHY 2,422.50 MC200AHY 1,99s.86 MC200AHY 14,689.86 MC200AHY 2,743.50 MC20oAHY Asset ID Acquisition Date BON NEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSA/VOLF CREEK 10t1512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSA/VOLF CREEK 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSMOLF CREEK 10t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/VVOLF CREEK 101151201A BON NEVI LLE/IDAHO FALLSAIUOLF CREEK 10t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/CARRIAGE GATE 6 10115t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/CARRIAGE GATE 6 10115t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/CARRIAGE GATE 6 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/CARRIAGE GATE 6 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/CARRIAGE GATE 6 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/FAIRWAY EST 21 101151201A BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/FAIRWAY EST 2,1 10t1512018 BON NEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BRIDGEWATER 7 1011st2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BRIDGEWATER 7 10t15t2018 BON NEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BRIDGEWATER 7 101151201A BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BRIDGEWATER 7 10t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BRIDGEWATER 7 10t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BRIDGEWATER 7 10l15l2UA BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BRIDGEWATER 7 10l15l2UA BINGHAM/BLACKFOOTMILDFLOWER MEADOWS 1011512018 BINGHAM/BLACKFOOT /VILDFLOWER MEADOWS 10115t2018 BINGHAM/BLACKFOOT/IVILDFLOWER MEADOWS 1011512018 BINGHAM/BLACKFOOT/vVILDFLOWER MEADOWS 10t15t2018 BINGHAM/BLACKFOOT/vVILDFLOWER MEADOWS 10t1512018 BINGHAM/BLACKFOOTAIUILDFLOWER MEADOWS 1011512018 BINGHAM/BLACKFOOT/I/VILDFLOWER MEADOWS 1011512018 JEFFERSON/RIGBY/CEDAR MEDOWS 2 1011512018 JEFFERSON/RIGBY/CEDAR MEDOWS 2 10t15t2018 JEFFERSON/RIGBY/CEDAR MEDOWS 2 10t1512018 JEFFERSON/RIGBY/CEDAR MEDOWS 2 1011512018 JEFFERSON/RIGBY/CEDAR MEDOWS 2 1011512018 JEFFERSON/RIGBY/CEDAR MEDOWS 2 1011512018 JEFFERSON/RIGBY/MONARCH SPRINGS 1011512018 JEFFERSON/RIGBY/MONARCH SPRINGS 10t15t2018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 205500 205501 205502 205504 205505 205507 205508 205509 20551 0 20551 1 20551 3 205514 2055'16 205517 20551 I 20551 I 205520 205522 205523 205525 205526 205527 205528 205529 205530 205531 205532 205533 205534 205535 205536 205537 205s38 205539 449.29 tvlC200AHY 6,753.76 lvlC200AHY 207.97 t\itc200AHY 1,550.00 MC200AHY 5,842.02 MC2004HY 266.08 MC200AHY 3,776.04 MC2004HY 608.04 MC200AHY 3,713.38 MC2004HY 1,273.OO MC2004HY 2,092..16 MC2004HY 1,772.50 MC200AHY 117.28 l\rC200AHY 9,496.80 MC2004HY 151.80 MC200AHY 2,584.81 l\ilC2004HY 9,280.32 MC200AHY 6,660.64 MC2004HY 2,125.50 MC200AHY 898.92 lvlC200AHY 4,476.21 MC200AHY 58.96 MC200AHY s22.42 MC200AHY 2,130.93 MC200AHY 3,069.75 MC200AHY 2,674.48 MC200AHY 103.52 MC200AHY 4,167.23 MC200AHY 126.s0 MC200AHY 950.30 MC200AHY 3,471.89 MC200AHY 11,772.73 MC200AHY 160.89 MC200AHY 4,O49.81 MC200AHY 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 101151?018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t1st2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15120'.18 10t15t2018 10115t2018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 449.29 6,753.76 207.97 1,550.00 5,842.02 266.08 3,776.04 608.04 3,713.38 1,273.O0 2,092.16 1,772.50 117 .28 9,496.80 151.80 2,584.81 9,280.32 6,660.64 2,125.50 898.92 4,476.21 58.96 522.42 2,1 30.93 3,069.75 2,674.48 103.52 4,167.23 126.50 9s0.30 3,471.89 11 ,772.73 160.89 4,049.81 Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One Inc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January { , 201 8 to December 31, 201 I Asset lD Acquisition Date JEFFERSONiRIGBY/MONARCH SPRINGS 10t1512018 JEFFERSON/RIGBY/MONARCH SPRINGS 1011512018 JEFFERSON/RIGBY/MONARCH SPRINGS 10t1512018 JEFFERSON/RIGBY/MONARCH SPRINGS 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BROOKSIDE # 5 10t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BROOKSIDE # 5 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BROOKSIDE # 5 10t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BROOKSIDE # 5 10t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BROOKSIDE # 5 1011512018 2018 Headend 10l15l2UA 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 1011s12018 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 10t15t2018 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 1011512018 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 1011512018 2018 IDAHO FALLS POWER RECONDUCTOR 10t15t2018 Node split 2018 1011512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 1011512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 1011512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 1011512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 10t15t2018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 1011512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 1011512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 10115t2018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 1011512018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 1011512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 1011512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 1011512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 1011512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 10t15t2018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 10t15t2018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 1011512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 10t15t2018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 1011512018 2018 CABLE REPLACEMENT 10115t2018 Acquisition cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 205540 205541 205542 205543 205545 205546 205547 205548 205549 205553 205555 205556 205557 205558 205559 205565 205567 205569 205570 205571 205572 205574 20s575 205576 205577 205579 205580 205581 205582 205583 205584 205585 205586 205587 1,328.80 MC200AHY 639.63 MC200AHY 3,676.83 MC200AHY 2,733.00 MC200AHY 115.24 MC200AHY 9,241.16 MC200AHY 1,006.12 MC200AHY 9,352.11 MC200AHY 3,9s2.50 MC20oAHY 106,080.00 MC20oAHY 274.56 MC20oAHY 2,300.46 MC200AHY 390.40 MC20oAHY 9,'108.9'l MC200AHY '1,705.00 MC200AHY 5,4't0.00 Mc200AHY s,580.00 MC200AHY 106.55 MC200AHY 3,934.50 MC200AHY 33.67 MC200AHY 786.07 MC200AHY '1,519.98 MC200AHY 337.00 MC200AHY 16,609.86 MC200AHY 1,490.75 MC200AHY 1,270.65 MC200AHY 2,918.94 MC200AHY 2,537.63 MC200AHY 2j27.26 MC200AHY 1,337.00 MC200AHY 9,070.99 MC2004HY 4,734.51 MC200AHY 5s5.00 Mc200AHY 19,101.44 MC200AHY 10t15t2018 10t1512018 1011s12018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10l15l2UA 10t1512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 10115t201A 10t15t2018 10l15l2UA 10t15t2018 10t15t2UA 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1,328.80 639.63 3,676.83 2,733.00 115.24 9,241.16 1,006.12 9,352.11 3,952.50 1 06,080.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,410.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Exhibit B - 20{S ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1 , 2018 to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book cost $1 $1 ,057,1 44.59 System: 268 154237 154239 154243 154244 154245 154246 154247 154248 154249 154251 154252 154253 154254 154255 154256 154257 154260 154261 154262 154263 154264 154266 154267 154268 154270 154271 154272 154274 154275 154276 154277 154278 154279 0111s12018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 01t15t2018 Verizon Wireless- Dark Fiber 0111512018 Verizon Wireless- Dark Fiber 0111512018 Boise 2016 Rebuild Projects 01t15t2018 Boise 2016 Rebuild Projects 01/1512018 Boise 2016 Rebuild Projects 01t15t2018 Boise 2016 Rebuild Projects 0111512018 Boise 20'16 Rebuild Projects 0111512018 Boise 2016 Rebuild Projects 0111512018 Boise 2016 Rebuild Projects 01115t2018 Design node splits 3rd quarter 2016 0111512018 Node split equipment 0111512018 Node split equipment 0111512018 Node split equipment 01t15t2018 Node split equipment o1t15t2018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 0111512018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 01t15t2018 Power Co. Forced Relocate o1t15t2018 ACHD Fairview & Cole lntersection Wideni 01l15l2UA ACHD Fairview & Cole lntersection Wideni 0111512018 Verizon Wireless- Sporto DKF o1t15t2018 Verizon Wireless- Sporto DKF 0111512018 Verizon Wireless- Sporto DKF 0111512018 Verizon Wireless- Sporto DKF 01t15t2018 Verizon Wireless- Sporto DKF 01t15t2018 Verizon Wireless- Fred Myer DF 01t1512018 Verizon Wireless- Fred Myer DF 01t15t2018 Verizon Wireless- Fred Myer DF 01l15l2UA HomeTown Animal Clinic SMB 0111512018 HomeTown Animal CIinic SMB 01t15t2018 HomeTown Animal Clinic SMB 0111s12018 HomeTown Animal Clinic SMB 3,943.05 MC200AHY (12,284.41) MC20oAHY 3,280.00 MC200AHY 251.13 MC200AHY 281.17 MC200AHY 921.25 MC200AHY 2,946.90 MC200AHY 751.84 MC200AHY 275.25 MC200AHY 1,915.00 MC200AHY 2,849.OO MC200AHY 18,816.00 MC200AHY 33.0s MC20oAHY 3,128.79 MC200AHY 1,060.31 MC200AHY 3,920.40 MC200AHY 535.67 MC200AHY 2,289.10 MC200AHY 3,040.00 Mc200AHY 36.08 MC200AHY 1,913.02 MC200AHY 607.73 MC200AHY 527.s6 MC200AHY 10,967.41 MC200AHY 6,608.27 MC200AHY 42,921.77 MC200AHY 3't4.80 MC200AHY 3,808.93 MC200AHY 13,310.18 MC200AHY 170.67 MC200AHY 390.09 MC200AHY 61.15 MC200AHY 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01115t2018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t1s12018 0111512018 0111512018 01/1512018 0111512018 01115t2018 01115t2018 0111512018 0111512018 o111512018 0111512018 0111512018 o1t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01115t2018 0111512018 01t1512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 3,943.05 (12,284.41) 3,280.00 251.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,816.00 33.05 3,128.79 1,060.31 3,920.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 607.73 527.56 10,967.41 6,608.27 42,921.77 314.80 3,808.93 13,310.18 170.67 390.09 61.15 Name: BOISE ID Acquisition Date 0111s12018 HomeTown Animal Clinic SMB 0111512018 Design & Engineering 0111512018 New Extension Conduit lnstallation 0111512018 Multiple Projects A 0111512018 Multiple Projects A 01t15t2018 Multiple Projects A 01t1512018 Multiple Projects A 01115t2018 Multiple Projects A 0111512018 Multiple Projects A 01l15lzyA Multiple Projects A 0111512018 Bonneville Pointe 'l 01t1512018 Bonneville Pointe 1 01t15t2018 Bonneville Pointe 1 0111512018 Bonneville Pointe 1 0111s12018 Bonneville Pointe 1 01115t2018 Bonneville Pointe 1 01t15t2018 Bonneville Pointe 1 0111512018 Bonneville Pointe 1 01115/2018 Arboretum Apts 01t15t2018 Boise Fiber Augmentation Projects 01115t2018 Boise Fiber Augmentation Proje6ts 0111512018 Boise Fiber Augmentation Projects 01l15l2UA Boise Fiber Augmentation Pro.lects 0111512018 Boise Fiber Augmentation Projects 0111512018 Boise Fiber Augmentation Projects 0111512018 Boise Fiber Augmentation Proiects 01t1512018 Rebuild & Replace 01t15t2018 Rebuild & Replace 01115t2018 Rebuild & Replace 01t15t2018 Rebuild & Replace 01t15t2018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 0111512018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects o1t15t2018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 0111512018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects Acquisition Cost 248.23 4,335.16 64,512.00 21 ,610.69 230.17 1,309.17 1,504.23 1,035.56 1,392.O4 2,605.10 10,440.70 541.00 902.82 2,A13.34 16,372.82 3,785.95 3,259.60 a,727.80 9,466.97 1,125.94 4,499.40 1,493.49 41,075.11 379.76 42,171.49 22,949.42 135,655.58 1,382.16 2,969.73 27,146.56 26,107.96 95,387.50 54.71 325.97 Depr Meth/Conv MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY Placed ln Service 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01l15l2UA 0111512018 01t15t2018 01l15l2UA 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t1512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15l2UA 0111512018 01t1512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 Book Cost 154280 154284 154285 154286 154287 154288 154289 154290 154291 154292 154293 154295 154296 154297 154298 154299 '154301 154302 154304 '154306 154307 1 54308 1 54309 '154310 154312 1 5431 3 1 5431 5 1 5431 6 154317 1 5431 I 154319 154320 154321 154322 248.23 4,335.16 64,512.00 21 ,610.69 230.17 1,309.17 1,504.23 1,035.56 1,392.04 2,60s.10 10,440.70 54'1.00 902.82 2,813.34 16,372.82 3,785.95 3,259.60 8,727.80 9,466.97 1,125.94 4,499.40 1,493.49 41,O75.11 379.76 42,171.49 22,949.42 135,655.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 lo December 31 , 2018 Exhibit B - 20'lS ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 to December 31,2018 154323 154324 '154330 1 54333 154334 1 54335 1 54336 154337 1 54338 1 54339 154340 154341 1 54343 154344 1 54345 154346 154347 1 54348 1 54349 1 54350 1 54351 154352 1 54353 154354 1 54355 1 54356 154357 1 54358 154362 1 s4364 1 54366 154367 1 54368 1 54369 Asset lD Acquisition Cost 390.09 87.53 63.53 9,576.00 166.44 1,916.89 699.60 348.84 1,588.21 646.40 1,522.40 682.82 4,848.86 1,060.00 870.1 5 523.60 1,237.79 618.50 1,658.80 2,352.O1 24,167.22 (2,993.64) 6,7s0.00 1,201.67 4,589.14 2,597.10 1,655.36 1,658.80 5,908.72 25,957.30 3,780.00 20,652.96 278.42 3,1 50.1 6 Book Cost 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,576.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,780.00 20,652.96 0.00 0.00 Acquisition Date 01t15t2018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 01l15l2UA Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 0111s12018 2018 Node split design 0111512018 ACHD Cloverdale - Fairview Ave To Ustick 01t15t2018 ACHD Cloverdale - Fairview Ave To Ustick 01t15t2018 ACHD Cloverdale - Fairview Ave To Ustick 0111512018 ACHD Cloverdale - Fairview Ave To Ustick o1t1512018 ACHD Cloverdale - Fairview Ave To Ustick 0111512018 ACHD Emerald - Orchard St. To Americana o1t15t2018 ACHD Emerald - Orchard St. To Americana 0111512018 ACHD Emerald - Orchard St. To Americana 0111512018 ACHD Emerald - Orchard St. To Americana 01l15lzyA ACHD Emerald - Orchard St. To Americana 0111512018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 01t15t2018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 01l15l2UA Power Co. Forced Relocate 0111512018 Power Co. Forced Relocate o1t15t2018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 01t15t2018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 01t1512018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 0111512018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 01t15t2018 ACHD New Lake Hazel Rd. Bridge @ Cole Rd 0111512018 ACHD Veterans Memorial PKW Y& State St. 0111512018 ACHD Veterans Memorial PKW Y& State St. 0111512018 ACHD Veterans Memorial PKW Y& State St. 0111512018 ACHD Veterans Memorial PKW Y& State St. 0111512018 ACHD Veterans lvlemorial PKW Y& State St. 0111512018 ACHD Veterans l\ilemorial PKW Y& State St. 0111512018 AMP REPLACEMENTS 0111512018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 0111512018 QAM ADU's change out 01t15tzyA Rebuild & Replace 2018 01t15t2018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 01t15t2018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 Depr Meth/Conv MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY Placed ln Service 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t1512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111s12018 01t1512018 0111512018 0111512018 011151201A 0111512018 011151201A 011151201A 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1 , 201 8 to December 31 , 201 8 Asset lD Acquisition Date Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 1 1,609.02 MC200AHY 01t15t2018 0.00 46,81 1.93 MC200AHY 01t1512018 0.00 235.55 MC200AHY 0111512018 235.55 1 ,567 .29 MC200AHY O1t15t2018 1,567.29 2,885.97 MC200AHY 01t15t2018 2,885.97 994.42 MC200AHY 01t15t2018 994.42 s,230.10 MC200AHY 01115t2018 5,230.10 8,757.00 MC200AHY O1t15t2018 8,757.00 124.77 MC200AHY 01t15t2018 124.77 806.28 MC200AHY 01t15t2018 806.28 1,466.99 MC200AHY O1115t2018 'l ,466.99 649.79 MC200AHY 01115t2018 649.79 1 ,490.37 MC200AHY 0111512018 1,490.37 3,061 .80 MC200AHY 01t15t2018 3,061.80 75.16 MC200AHY 01t15t2019 75.16 836.26 MC200AHY 0111512018 836.26 824.99 MC200AHY 01t15t2018 824.99 318.68 MC200AHY 0111512018 318.68 1 54370 1 56467 1 56468 1 56469 1 56470 156471 156472 156473 156474 156475 156476 156477 156478 1 56479 1 56480 1 56481 156482 't56483 1 56484 1 90670 1 90671 1 90677 1 90678 1 90679 1 90681 1 90684 1 9068s 1 90686 '190687 '190688 1 90689 1 90690 1 90691 0111512018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 0111512018 Highlands Cove 0111512018 Highlands Cove 01t1s12018 Highlands Cove 01115t2018 Highlands Cove 0111512018 Highlands Cove 0111512018 Highlands Cove o1115t2018 Havenwood Apts 01t1512018 Havenwood Apts 0111512018 Havenwood Apts 01t15t2018 Havenwood Apts 0111512018 Havenwood Apts 0111512018 Havenwood Apts 01/1512018 Millwell Place 2 0111512018 Millwell Place 2 0111512018 Millwell PLace 2 0111512018 Millwell Place 2 01t1512018 Millwell Place 2 0111512018 Millwell Place 2 o1t15t2018 INV REC 04t15t2018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS o411512018 Ada-Boise-Sherman Hollow o411512018 Syringa - Saint Alphonsus 04l15t2UA Verizon Wireless- Dark Fiber 0411512018 401 W. Front St Spec Build 04t1512018 77OO W STATE ST SPEC BUILD 04t1512018 77OO W STATE ST SPEC BUILD 0411512018 77OO W STATE ST SPEC BUILD 0411512018 77OO W STATE ST SPEC BUILD 0411512018 77OO W STATE ST SPEC BUILD 04t15t2018 ADA, BOISE Dallas Harris Est # '14 04115t2018 ADA, BOISE Dallas Harris Est # 14 04t't5t2018 ADA, BOISE Dallas Harris Est # '14 1,278.19 5,012.20 14,880.84 (1 s,146.43) 2,510.80 1,085.00 447.00 s41.00 541.00 709.68 974.44 83.90 3,571.50 76.85 776.65 MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY IVC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY 0111512018 01t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t1512018 0411512018 04115t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04l15l2UA 04t15t2018 0411512018 1,278.19 5,012.20 14,880.84 (1s,146.43) 2,5'10.80 1,085.00 447.00 541.00 541.00 709.68 974.44 83.90 3,57'1.50 76.85 776.65 Asset lD Acquisition Date 04115t2018 ADA, BOISE Dallas Harris Est # 14 0411512018 ADA, BOISE Dallas Hanis Est # 14 0411s12018 ADA, BOISE Dallas Harris Est # 14 04t15t2018 Ada, Boise, East Valley #3 0411512018 South Creek 3 0411512018 Diamante 0411512018 Dallas Harris Est 15 04115t2018 Dallas Harris Est 15 04115t2018 Boise 2016 Rebuild Projects 0411512018 ACHD/IPCo - Lake Hazel Road 0411512018 ACHD Fairview & Cole lntersection Wideni 04t15t2018 ACHD Fairview & Cole lntersection Wideni 0411512018 Verizon Wireless- Fred Myer DF 0411512018 New Extension Conduit lnstallation 04t15t2018 Dallas Harris 16 0411512018 Dallas Harris 16 0411512018 Dallas Harris 16 0411s12018 Dallas Harris 16 o411512018 Dallas Harris 16 o411512018 Dallas Harris 16 o4115t2018 Dallas Harris 16 0411512018 Dallas Harris '16 0411512018 Hazelwood Village 15 04t15t2018 Hazelwood Village 15 o4t15t2018 Hazelwood Village '15 0411512018 Hazelwood Village 15 04115t2018 Hazelwood Village 15 o4115t2018 Hazelwood Village 15 o4115t2018 Hazelwood Village 15 o411512018 Hazelwood Village 15 04t15t2018 Hazelwood Village 15 o4115t2018 Bridge Town Homes 0411512018 Bridge Town Homes 0411512018 Bridge Town Homes Acquisition Cost 355.70 327.06 972.62 2,121.15 5,335.80 1,561.36 6,070.54 4,632.32 3,913.60 894.00 195.09 2,873.OO 195.09 447.00 1,990.78 983.1 1 3,785.28 9,160.96 6,1 33.90 3,705.46 4,997.77 1,853.44 6,595.95 378.66 796.87 2,096.10 20,o12.34 7,489.93 3,705.46 1,841.46 3,565.04 7 ,721.80 49.53 7 16.80 Depr Meth/Conv MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MCzOOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY Placed ln Service 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t1512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 o4t't5t2018 0411512018 04115120',t8 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t20't8 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 Book Cost 355.70 327.06 972.62 2,121.15 s,335.80 1,561.36 6,070.54 4,632.32 3,913.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 447.00 1,990.78 983.1 1 3,785.28 9,160.96 6,'133.90 3,705.46 4,997.77 1,853.44 6,595.95 378.66 796.87 2,096.10 20,012.34 7,489.93 3,705.46 1,841.46 3,565.04 7,721.80 49.53 716.80 1 90692 1 90693 I 90694 1 90695 I 90697 1 90698 1 90700 19070'r 1 90703 1 90708 1 9071 0 190711 1 9071 5 190717 190720 190721 190722 190723 190724 190725 190727 190728 1 90730 '190731 190732 1 90733 190734 1 90735 1 90736 1 90738 1 90739 190741 190742 190743 Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 to December 3'l , 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date 0411512018 Bridge Town Homes 0411512018 Bridge Town Homes 04t15t2018 Bridge Town Homes 04l15l2UA Rebuild & Replace 04t15t2018 Rebuild & Replace 04t15t2018 Rebuild & Replace 0411512018 Rebuild & Replace 04t15t2018 Rebuild & Replace 0411512018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 04t15t2018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 0411512018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 0411512018 ACHD Cloverdale - FaiNiew Ave To Ustick 0411512018 ACHD Cloverdale - Fairview Ave To Ustick 0411512018 ACHD Emerald - Orchard St. To Americana 0411512018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 04115t2018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 0411512018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 04t15t20't8 Power Co. Forced Relocate 0411512018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 04115120',18 Power Co. Forced Relocate 0411512018 ACHD New Lake Hazel Rd. Bridge @ Cole Rd 04t1512018 ACHD New Lake Hazel Rd. Bridge @ Cole Rd 0411512018 ACHD Veterans Memorial PKW Y& State St. 04115t2018 ACHD Veterans Memorial PKW Y& State St. 04115t2018 El Ada SMB 0411512018 El Ada SMB 0411512018 El Ada SMB 0411512018 El Ada SMB o411512018 El Ada SMB 0411512018 El Ada SMB 04t15t2018 South Creek 4 0411512018 South Creek 4 0411512018 South Creek 4 04t1512018 South Creek 4 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv 58.95 261.28 752.18 (3,499.19) 166.96 307.09 29.92 1,658.80 124.71 5,760.00 1,325.00 1,756.00 (43,272.52) 38,527.42 7,606.46 647.48 526.99 53.02 206.26 26,684.56 (7,109.48) JJU.UU 1,904.50 1 08.53 91,779.98 117.43 452.92 81 1.5'l 95.02 594.56 9,322.83 202.46 1,140.55 814.59 MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY Placed ln Service 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04115t2018 04t15t2018 04t't5t2018 0411512018 04115t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t20't8 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 Book Cost 58.95 261.28 752.18 (3,499.19) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 117.43 452.92 811.51 95.02 594.56 9,322.83 202.46 1,'140.55 814.59 190744 190745 I 90746 190748 190749 1 90750 1 90751 190752 190754 '190755 1 907s6 1 90760 1 90761 190762 1 90763 190764 1 90765 1 90766 190767 1 90768 190770 190771 190772 190774 190779 '190780 1 90781 190782 1 90783 1 90784 1 90786 190787 1 90788 1 90789 Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January 1,2018 to December 31,2018 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1 , 201 I to December 31, 201 I 1 90790 1 90791 190792 190797 1 90799 1 90800 1 90802 1 90803 1 90804 1 90805 1 90809 190810 19081 1 1 9081 2 1 9081 3 '190814 '19081 5 1 90816 1 9081 7 1 9081 8 1908'l 9 196257 1 96258 1 96259 1 96260 1 9626 1 196262 1 96263 1 96264 1 96265 1 96266 196267 1 96268 1 96269 Asset lD Acquisition Cost 700.32 1,658.80 2,O79.28 5,805.40 6'1,070.14 4,400.12 9,051.00 642.65 761.14 93.76 3,653.76 3,227.40 528.74 403.68 12.66 217.30 4,976.40 993.76 24,093.88 25.06 145.66 33,996.02 5,260.s4 (21,573.85) 580.90 1,420.00 1,961.80 137.50 453.79 390.09 1 18.33 461.57 1,A72.30 62.47 Book Cost 700.32 1,658.80 2,079.28 5,805.40 0.00 4,400.12 9,051.00 642.65 761.14 93.76 3,653.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,093.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,260.54 (21,573.85) 580.90 1,420.00 1 ,961.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Acquisition Date 0411512018 South Creek 4 0411512018 South Creek 4 0411512018 South Creek 4 0411512018 AMP REPLACEMENTS 04115t2018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 0411512018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 0411512018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 04115t2018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 0411512018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS o4t1512018 20'18 -Boise NODE SPLITS 0411512018 ACHD Targee St - Owyhee St to Shoshone S 0411512018 ACHD - Cole - Mountain View to Kittering o4t15t2018 ACHD - Cole - Mountain View to Kittering 04l15l2UA ACHD - Cole - Mountain View to Kittering 0411512018 ACHD - Cole - Mountain View to Kittering 04t15t2018 ACHD - Cole - Mountain View to Kittering 0411512018 ACHD - Cole - Mountain View to Kittering 0411512018 QAM ADU'S change out o4t15t2018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 0411512018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 04t15t2018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 04t15t2018 INV REC 0711512018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 07 t15t2018 New Extension Conduit lnstallatron 07t15t2018 Arboretum Apts 07l'151201a Bridge Town Homes 071151201A Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 0711512018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 0711512018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 0711512018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 07/1512018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 07t1512018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 0711512018 ACHD Emerald - Orchard St. To Americana 07t15t2018 ACHD Emerald - Orchard St. To Americana Depr Meth/Conv MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY IVlC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY t\ilc200AHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY IVIC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY Placed ln Service 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t1st2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2014 04t15t2018 o4t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04115t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04l15l2UA 04l15l2UA o411512018 04t1512018 041151201A 0411512018 04t1512018 04l15l2UA 04t1512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t1512018 07115t2018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 071151201A 07t15t2018 0711512018 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 to December 31,2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 196270 196271 196272 196273 196274 196275 196276 196277 196278 196279 1 96280 1 96281 196282 1 96283 196284 '196285 1 96286 196287 1 96288 1 96289 1 96290 '196291 196292 1 96293 196294 1 96295 1 96296 196297 1 96298 1 96299 1 96300 1 96301 1 96302 1 96303 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07t't5t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07 11512018 0711512018 07 t15t20't8 111.71 3,682.80 1,900.31 243.17 1,029.03 91.02 497.26 31,45A.62 2,100.46 7,167.67 116.57 3,274.74 3,3'l 1.50 13.89 70'1.89 4,146.00 746.12 1 ,195.00 76.79 310.63 10.02 58.54 211.42 3,429.65 49.81 259.15 45.27 145.24 3,921.22 87.34 705.46 1,248.58 556.63 1,994.96 MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY 07 t15t2018 07 11512018 07t1512018 07 t15t2018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07 11512018 07t15t2018 07115t2018 07 t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07 11512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t1512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07115t2018 0711512018 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 13.89 701.89 4,146.00 746.12 1 ,195.00 76.79 310.63 10.02 58.54 211.42 3,429.65 49.81 259.1 5 45.27 145.24 3,921.22 87.34 705.46 1,248.58 556.63 1,994.96 071151201A ACHD Emerald - Orchard St. To Americana 07t1512018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 0711512018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 0711512018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 0711512018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 0711512018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 07t15t2018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 0711512018 ACHD New Lake Hazel Rd. Bridge @ Cole Rd 07t1512018 ACHD New Lake Hazel Rd. Bridge @ Cole Rd 0711512018 ACHD Veterans Memorial PKW Y& State St. 0711512018 ACHD Veterans Memorial PKW Y& State St. 07115t2018 ACHD Veterans Memorial PKW Y& State St. 0711512018 Sloan Security Group DlA,/PRl 0711512018 Sloan Security Group DlA./PRl 07115t2018 Sloan Security Group DIAJPRI 0711512018 El Ada SMB Starbucks S13571 Starbucks S13571 Starbucks S1357'l Starbucks S13571 Starbucks S1357'1 Starbucks S1 3571 Starbucks S1 3571 Big Daddy's BBQ Big Daddy's BBQ Big Daddy's BBQ Big Daddy's BBQ Big Daddy's BBQ Antler Ridge #4 Antler Ridge #4 Antler Ridge #4 Antler Ridge #4 Antler Ridge #4 Antler Ridge #4 07t1512018 Level 3 SMB 0711512018 Level 3 SMB 0711512018 Level 3 SMB 071151201A Level 3 SMB 07t15t2018 Level 3 SMB 071151201A Level 3 SMB 07t1st2018 Level 3 SMB 0711512018 0711512018 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1 , 201 I to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date 0711512018 Antler Ridge #4 0711512018 Multiple Projects A 0711512018 Multiple Projects A 07 11512018 [/ultiple Projects A 07 t15t2018 Multiple Proiects A 0711512018 Multiple Projects A 0711512018 Multiple Projects A 0711512018 Multiple Projects A 0711512018 South Creek 4 0711512018 Hazelwood Village # 16 0711512018 Hazelwood Village # 16 0711512018 Hazelwood Village # 16 0711512018 Hazelwood Village # 16 0711512018 Hazelwood Village # 16 07t1st2018 Hazelwood Village # 16 Multiple Projects B Multiple Projects B Multiple Projects B Multiple Projects B Multiple Projects B Multiple Projects B Multiple Projects B AMP REPLACEMENTS 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07115t2018 07115t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 20'18 -Boise NODE SPLITS 071151201A 20'18 -Boise NODE SPLITS 07t15t2018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 07t15t2018 ACHD - Cole - Mountain View to Kittering 0711512018 ACHD Overland - Columbus to Federal Way 07 t15t2018 ACHD Overland - Columbus to Federal Way 07t15t2018 ACHD Overland - Columbus to Federal Way 0711512018 ACHDIIPCO Victory -FiveMile to MapleGrov 0711512018 ACHDIIPCO Victory -FiveMile to MapleGrov 07t15t2018 ACHDIIPCO Victory -FiveMile to MapleGrov 0711512018 ACHDIIPCO Victory -FiveMile to MapleGrov Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv 987.86 MC200AHY 3,406.00 MC200AHY 279.25 MC200AHY 1,692.5s MC200AHY 2,007.32 MC200AHY 1,117.49 MC200AHY 1,A71.22 MC200AHY 4,809.46 MC20oAHY 7,613.00 MC200AHY 1,434.50 MC20oAHY 164.65 MC200AHY 1,823.79 MC200AHY 1,667.09 MC20oAHY 762.43 MC20oAHY 2,556.38 MC20oAHY 10,246.20 MC200AHY 310.29 MC200AHY 3,503.65 MC200AHY 1,348.73 MC2004HY 904.98 MC200AHY 1,451.83 MC200AHY 711.90 MC200AHY 3,077.50 MC200AHY 24,682.47 MC200AHY '164.68 MC200AHY 853.20 MC200AHY 4,730.00 MC20oAHY 4,492.3A MC20oAHY 2s8.08 MC200AHY 576.83 MC20oAHY 7,587.03 MC200AHY 576.70 MC200AHY 183.77 MC200AHY 290.14 MC200AHY Placed ln Service 0711512018 07t1st2018 0711512018 0711512018 07l15l2UA 07t15t2018 07115t2018 07t15t2018 07115/2018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t1512018 0711512018 07t1512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07115t2018 07 t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07115t2018 0711512018 07115t2018 0711512018 07115t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t1512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 Book Cost 987.86 3,406.00 279.25 1,692.55 2,007.32 1,117.49 1,871.22 4,809.46 7,613.00 1,434.50 154.65 1,423.79 't,667.09 762.43 2,556.38 10,246.20 310.29 3,503.65 1,348.73 904.98 1,451.83 711.90 3,077.50 0.00 164.68 853.20 4,730.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 '196304 1 96305 '196306 1 96307 1 96308 1 96309 196310 19631 '1 '196312 1 963'13 1 96314 '196315 1 9631 6 1963'17 1 96318 1 9631 9 1 96320 1 96321 196322 1 96323 1 96324 1 96325 1 96326 196327 1 96328 1 96329 1 96330 1 96331 1 96332 '196333 1 96334 1 96335 '196336 1 96337 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January 1, 2018 to December 31,2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date 07t15t2018 ACHDIIPCO Victory -FiveMile to Maplecrov 0711512018 ACHDiCCDC - GSI Alley way projects 07t'15t2018 ACHD/CCDC - GSI Alley way projects 0711512018 ACHD/CCDC - GSI Alley way pro.iects 07115t2018 ACHD/CCDC - GSI Alley way projects 07l'1512018 ACHD/CCDC - GSI Alley way projects 07t15t2018 QAM ADU'schangeout 0711512018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 07t15t2018 Rebuild & Replace 20't I 0711512018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 0711512018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 07t15t2018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 0711512018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 0711512018 INV REC 101'1512018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 1011512018 Ada, Boise, Palisades Apts Acquisition Cost 2,283.87 2,360.50 56.08 4,1 1 6.1 s 1,588.21 (1 0,416.48) 5,210.93 7,943.97 539.2'1 4,248.22 1,537.99 '1,535.60 11,281.60 s5,097.s9 21,001.06 (8,81 9.09) 54'1.00 541.00 19.76 177.27 31.25 95.29 541.00 165.26 507.07 1,062.06 455.30 2,625.21 (s00.00) 84,80 2,179.39 8,659.75 80.78 630.59 Ilepr Meth/Conv MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY Placed ln Service 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07115t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t1512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 10115120't8 10t1512018 1011512018 10115t2018 10t1512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 Book Cost 1 96338 1 96339 1 96340 1 96341 196342 1 96343 1 96344 1 96345 1 96346 1 96347 1 96348 1 96349 1 96350 205596 205597 205601 205602 205603 205604 205605 205606 205607 205608 205609 20561 0 20561 1 205612 20561 3 205614 20561 5 20561 6 20561 I 2056'19 205621 1011512018 10t15t2018 Ada, Boise, Chaucer Ada, Boise, Towne Point 1011512018 Ada, Boise, Towne Point 1011512018 Ada, Boise, Towne Point 10t15t2018 Ada, Boise, Towne Point 1011512018 Ada, Boise, Single Home Extensions 10115t2018 Ada, Boise, Single Home Extensions 1011512018 Ada, Boise, Single Home Extensions 1011512018 Ada, Boise, Single Home Extensions 10t15t2018 Ada, Boise, Single Home Extensions 1011s12018 Ada, Boise, Single Home Extensions 10t1512018 Ada, Boise, Single Home E)densions 1011512018 Ada, Boise, Single Home Enensions 10t15t2018 Ada, Boise, Single Home E)densions 10t15t2018 Ada, Boise, Single Home Extensions 1011512018 T-Mobile Towers Boise 10t1512018 T-Mobile Towers Boise 1011512018 T-Mobile Towers Boise 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,943.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 21,001.06 (8,81s.09) 541.00 541.00 19.76 177.27 31.25 95.29 541.00 165.26 507.07 1,062.06 455.30 2,625.21 (s00.00) 84.80 2,179.39 8,659.75 80.78 630.59 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January I , 201 8 to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date T-Mobile Towers Boise 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 Foot Dynamics Spec Build 10t15t2018 Foot Dynamics Spec Build 10t1512018 Foot Dynamics Spec Build 10l15lzyA Foot Dynamics Spec Build 1011512018 Foot Dynamics Spec Build 1011512018 Foot Dynamics Spec Build 1011512018 Ada, Boise River Heights 7 10115t2018 Ada, Boise River Heights 7 1011512018 North Hill '1011512018 North Hill 10115t2018 North Hill 1011512018 North Hill 1011512018 North Hill 10t15t2018 North Hill 101'1512018 North Hill 1011512018 North Hill 10t15t2018 Multiple Projects B 1011512018 Multiple Projecls B 10t15t2018 Multiple Projects B 10t15t2018 Multiple Projects B 1011512018 Multiple Projects B 10t15t2018 Multiple Projects B 1011512018 Multiple Projects B 1011512018 Multiple Projects B 10t15t2018 Perry Commercial 10t15t2018 Perry Commercial 10t15t2018 Perry Commercial 10t15t2018 Perry Commercial 10t15t2018 Perry Commercial 1011512018 Perry Commercial 1011512018 Shooters Bench Huntwood Faiwiew 1011512018 Shooters Bench Huntwood Fairview 1011512018 Shooters Bench Huntwood Fairview Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv 5,290.04 MC200AHY 1,850.19 MC200AHY 49.07 MC200AHY 453.67 MC200AHY 683.66 MC200AHY 216.18 MC200AHY 349.40 MC20oAHY 9,785.40 MC20oAHY 120.87 MC200AHY 6,539.00 MC20oAHY 541.00 MC200AHY 37.35 MC20oAHY 328.67 MC200AHY 1,057.84 MC200AHY 230.82 MC200AHY 623.42 MC200AHY 855.00 MC200AHY 2,141.34 MC200AHY '1,623.00 MC200AHY 251.99 lvlC200AHY 1,O92.28 MC200AHY 1,410.62 MC200AHY 89s.64 MC200AHY 1,479.O2 tvlC200AHY 1,752.40 MC2004HY 3,597.90 MC200AHY 134.00 MC200AHY 1,266.34 MC200AHY 14,765.26 MC200AHY 29.92 MC200AHY 381.18 MC200AHY 18,495.76 MC200AHY 40.s4 MC200AHY 292.79 MC200AHY Placed ln Service 10t1512018 101't512018 'lol1sl2018 't0t15t2018 1011s12018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t1512018 10t1512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t1512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t't5t2018 10t't512018 10t15t2018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 't011512018 Book Gost 5,2S0.04 't ,850.19 49.07 453.67 683.66 216.18 349.40 9,785.40 120.87 6,539.00 541.00 37.35 328.67 1,057.84 230.82 823.42 855.00 2,141.34 '1,623.00 251.99 1,092.28 1,410.62 895.64 1,479.02 1,752.40 3,597.90 't 34.00 1,266.34 14,765.26 29.92 381 .1 8 18,495.76 40.54 292.79 205622 205625 205626 205627 205628 205629 205630 205631 205632 205633 205634 205635 205636 205637 205638 205639 205640 205641 205642 205643 205644 205645 205646 205647 205648 2056s'l 205652 205653 205654 205655 205657 205659 205660 20566'l Exhibit B - 20l8ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1 , 201 8 to December 31 , 201 I Asset lD Acquisition Date 1011512018 Shooters Bench Huntwood Fairview 1011512018 Shooters Bench Huntwood Fairview 1011512018 Nampa lD FM Group Fve Mile 10t15t2018 Nampa ID FM Group Fve Mile 't0t15t2018 W Garverdale CT Spec Build 10t15t2018 W Garverdale CT Spec Build 1011512018 W Garverdale CT Spec Build 10t15t2018 W Garverdale CT Spec Build 1011512018 W Garverdale CT Spec Build 1011512018 W Garverdale CT Spec Build 10t1512018 Dead on Archery/Boise LLC SMB 1011512018 Dead on Archery/Boise LLC SMB 10t15t2018 Dead on Archery/Boise LLC SMB 1011512018 Dead on Archery/Boise LLC SMB 10t15t2018 Dead on Archery/Boise LLC SMB 10t1512018 Dead on Archery/Boise LLC SMB 1011512018 Boise Blanket Extensions 1011512018 Boise Blanket Extensions 10t15t2018 Boise Blanket Extensions 10/1512018 Boise Blanket Extensions 10t1512018 Boise Blanket Extensions 10t15t2018 Boise Blanket Extensions 1011512018 Boise Blanket Extensions 10t1512018 Boise Blanket Extensions 10t15t2018 FixitPro Overland Spec Build 1011512018 FixitPro Overland Spec Build 1011s12018 FixitPro Overland Spec Build 1011512018 FixitPro Overland Spec Build 10115/2018 FixitPro Overland Spec Build 1011512018 FixitPro Overland Spec Build Boise EPON Boise EPON Boise EPON Boise EPON 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 10115t2018 Acquisition Cost 32.56 203.29 4,086.00 60.91 2,852.10 '13.89 398.1 0 349.80 189.22 238.23 3,718.70 41.59 353.76 390.09 1 39.96 1 65.1 8 2,408.00 (2,800.00) 229.94 927.67 2,531.79 736.20 1,383.54 2,975.44 5,849.22 36.80 234.67 362.46 60.69 269.99 6,075.20 11,564.24 9,994.87 353.38 Book Cost 32.56 203.29 4,086.00 60.91 2,852.10 13.89 398.1 0 349.80 189.22 238.23 3,718.70 41.59 353.76 390.09 139.96 1 65.1 8 2,408.00 (2,800.00) 229.94 927.67 2,531.79 736.20 1,383.54 2,975.44 5,849.22 36,80 234.67 362,46 60.69 269.99 6,075.20 11,564.24 9,994.87 353.38 Depr Meth/Conv MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY Placed ln Service 10t15t2018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t't5t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t1512018 1011512018 1011512018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 '1o11512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 205662 205663 205664 205665 205666 205667 205668 205669 205670 205671 205672 205673 205674 205675 205676 205677 205678 205680 205681 205682 205683 205684 205685 205686 205687 205688 205689 205690 205691 205692 205693 205694 205695 205696 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January I , 201 8 to December 31, 201 8 Asset lD Acquisition Date 10t15t20'18 Boise EPON 1011512018 Antler Ridge 2 1011512018 Antler Ridge 2 10t15t2018 Antler Ridge 2 1011s12018 Antler Ridge 2 101151?018 Antler Ridge 2 10115t2018 Antler Ridge 2 1011512018 Millwel Place 1 1011512018 Millwel Place 1 10115t2018 Millwel Place 1 10t15t2018 Millwel Place 1 1011512018 Millwel Place 1 10t15t2018 Millwel Place 1 1011512018 Millwel Place 1 101't512018 Antler Ridge #3 101't512018 Antler Ridge #3 1011512018 Antler Ridge #3 1011512018 Antler Ridge #3 10t15t2018 Antler Ridge #3 1011512018 Antler Ridge #3 1011512018 Hazelwood Village 14 1011512018 Hazelwood Village 14 10t15t2018 Hazelwood Village 14 1011s12018 Hazelwood Village '14 10l15lzyA Hazelwood Village 14 1011512018 Hazelwood Village 14 10t1512018 Hackberry 5 & Hackberry North 10t15t2018 Hackberry 5 & Hackberry North 10115t2018 Hackberry 5 & Hackberry North 10t1512018 Hackberry 5 & Hackberry North 1011512018 Hackberry 5 & Hackberry North 1011512018 Hackberry 5 & Hackberry North Chesler Park Chesler Park 1011512018 10t1512018 Placed ln Service 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t1512018 10115120'18 10t't512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 't0t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 10115120'18 10t1512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 10t1512018 10115120',t8 10t1512018 't0t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 Book Cost 'l,938.54 82,921.42 199.09 1,292.86 736.92 706.43 1,375.39 3,655.70 111 .14 534.64 737.04 535.04 1,407.11 287.35 5,931.05 98.78 734.27 373.30 378.44 1,363.96 3,834.20 69.47 537.46 370.39 352.71 986.60 3,'131.80 100.95 1 ,196.03 792.84 393.58 1,445.84 12,915.05 69.29 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv 1,938.54 MC200AHY 82,921.42 MC200AHY 199.09 MC200AHY 1,292.86 MC200AHY 736.92 MC20oAHY 706.43 MC200AHY 1,375.39 MC200AHY 3,655.70 MC200AHY 111.14 MC200AHY 534.64 MC200AHY 737.04 MC200AHY 535.04 MC200AHY 1,407.11 MC200AHY 287.35 MC200AHY 5,931.05 MC200AHY 98.78 MC200AHY 734.27 MC200AHY 373.30 MC200AHY 378.44 MC200AHY 't,363.96 MC200AHY 3,834.20 MC200AHY 69.47 MC200AHY 537.46 MC200AHY 370.39 MC200AHY 3s2.71 MC200AHY 986.60 MC200AHY 3,131.80 MC200AHY 100.95 MC200AHY 1,196.03 MC200AHY 792.84 MC200AHY 393.58 MC200AHY 1,445.U MC200AHY 12,915.05 MC200AHY 69.29 MC200AHY 205698 205703 205704 205705 205706 205707 205708 205709 205710 205711 205712 205713 205714 205715 205716 205717 205718 205719 205720 205721 205722 205723 205724 205725 205726 205727 205728 205729 205730 205731 205732 205733 205734 205735 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date 10t15t2018 10l15l2UA 1011512018 10t15t2018 101151201A 10t15t2018 10115t2018 1011512018 10t1512018 1011512018 10115t2018 10/1512018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t1512018 10l15lzUA 1011512018 10l15l2UA Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv 449.18 MC200AHY 737.04 MC20oAHY 153.5'1 MC200AHY 491.71 MC200AHY 570.20 MC200AHY 3,026.60 MC200AHY 177.94 MC200AHY 822.92 MC200AHY 733.99 MC200AHY 766.71 MC200AHY 2,s09.72 MC200AHY 4,613.70 MC20oAHY 342.85 MC200AHY 2,154.48 MC20oAHY 4,218.25 MC20oAHY 2,419.97 MC200AHY 3,289.93 lVtC200AHY 2,248.24 MC200AHY 9,3s9.20 MC200AHY 115.04 MC200AHY 1,405,50 MC200AHY 723.'10 MC200AHY 464.93 MC200AHY 825.23 MC20oAHY 3,162.12 MC200AHY 17'1.28 MC200AHY 1,385.59 MC200AHY 1,115.18 MC200AHY 802.74 MC200AHY 3,336.13 IVIC2ooAHY 8,057.20 MC200AHY 55.40 MC200AHY 178.40 MC200AHY 731.88 MC200AHY Placed ln Service 1011512018 '1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t1512018 10l15l2UA 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 101151201A 10t15t2018 1011512018 10115t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 101151201A 101151201A 1011512018 10115t2018 1011512018 10t1512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 Book Cost 205736 205737 205738 205739 205740 205741 205742 205743 205744 205745 205746 205747 205748 205749 205750 205751 205752 205753 205754 205755 205756 205757 2057s8 205759 205760 205761 205762 205763 205764 205765 205766 205767 205768 205769 Chesler Park Chesler Park Chesler Park Chesler Park Chesler Park Diamante Diamante Diamante Diamante Diamante Diamante Multiple Projects B Multiple Projects B Multiple Projects B l\ilultiple Projects B Multiple Pro.iects B It/lultiple Projects B Multiple Pro.,ects B Fork South Fork South Fork South Fork South Fork South Fork South Marena Marena Marena Marena Barber Valley Town Homes 4 1011512018 Barber Valley Town Homes 4 1011512018 Barber Valley Town Homes 4 1011512018 Barber Valley Town Homes 4 1011512018 Barber Valley Town Homes 4 10/1512018 Barber Valley Town Homes 4 10t1512018 10l15l2UA 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t1512018 1011512018 10t1512018 10/1512018 449.18 737.O4 153.51 491.71 570.20 3,026.60 177.94 822.92 733.99 766.71 2,509.72 4,613.70 342.85 2,154.48 4,218.25 2,419.97 3,289.93 2,248.24 9,359.20 'l'15.04 '1,405.50 723.10 464.93 825.23 3,162.12 171.28 1,385.59 'l ,'l 15.18 802.74 3,336.13 8,057.20 55.40 178.40 73'1.88 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 205770 205771 205772 205773 205774 205775 205776 205777 205778 205779 205780 205781 205782 205783 205784 205785 205786 205787 205788 205789 205790 205791 205792 205793 205794 20579s 205796 205797 205798 205799 205800 205801 205802 205803 Asset lD Acquisition Date 101151201A 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10115t2018 1011512018 10115t2018 1011512018 1011512018 101't5t2018 10l1sl2ua 10l15t2UA 10t1512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10115t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 Marena Marena Marena Belmar Estates 2 Belmar Estates 2 Belmar Estates 2 Belmar Estates 2 Belmar Estates 2 Belmar Estates 2 Belmar Estates 2 Painted Ridge #4 Painted Ridge #4 Painted Ridge #4 Painted Ridge #4 Painted Ridge #4 Painted Ridge r,4 Cimarron Apts Cimarron Apts Cimarron Apts Cimarron Apts Cimarron Apts Cimarron Apts Cimarron Apts Youngs Meadows Youngs Meadows Youngs Meadows Youngs Meadows Youngs Meadows Youngs Meadows Easton Apts. Easton Apts. Easton Apts. Easton Apts. Easton Apts. Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv 241.79 MC200AHY 540.62 MC200AHY 2'16.60 MC200AHY 1,950.40 MC200AHY 136.98 MC200AHY 691.70 MC200AHY 415.84 MC200AHY 362.36 MC20oAHY 1,'123.8'l MC200AHY 1,352.15 MC200AHY 3,205.00 MC200AHY 146.49 MC200AHY 792.73 MC200AHY 744.79 MC200AHY 842.20 MC200AHY 3,374.08 MC200AHY 6,219.70 MC200AHY 136.97 MC200AHY 877.08 MC200AHY 1,543.55 MC200AHY 654.03 MC200AHY 1,308.05 MC200AHY 807.30 MC20oAHY 3,4'10.70 MC200AHY 113.05 MC200AHY 1,1'19.01 MC200AHY 365.55 MC200AHY 527.79 MC200AHY 960.55 MC200AHY 2,839.80 MC20oAHY 447.00 MC200AHY 188.75 MC200AHY 865.75 MC200AHY 1,594.25 MC200AHY Placed ln Service 10l15t2UA 10t15t2018 10115t201A 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10115/2018 10115t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10115t2018 10l15l2UA 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 'tol15l201a 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2UA 10l15l2UA 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t't512018 1011512018 10115120't8 10t15t2018 101151201A 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 Book Cost 241.79 540.62 2't6.60 '1,950.40 136.98 691.70 415.84 362.36 1,123.81 1,352.15 3,205.00 146.49 792.73 744.79 842.20 3,374.08 6,2'19.70 136.97 877.08 1,543.55 654.03 1,308.05 807.30 3,410.70 1 13.05 1 , t 19.01 365.55 527.79 960.55 2,839.80 447.00 188.75 865.75 1,554.25 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January 1,2O18to December 31,2018 205804 205805 205806 205807 205808 205809 2058 1 0 20581 1 205812 2058 1 3 205A14 2058'15 2058'16 205817 20581 8 20581 I 205820 205821 205822 205823 205824 205825 205826 205827 205828 205829 205830 205831 205832 205834 205835 205836 205837 205838 Asset lD Acquisition Date 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 Book Cost 675.32 3,653.76 233.35 1,367.02 7,330.20 7'1.36 369.66 789.86 213.40 914.80 452.40 5,695.00 51.24 257.87 326.96 1,220.55 2,459.00 1 06.82 580.80 368.46 378.39 600.35 2,521.10 151.22 1 ,910.56 1,232.74 769.63 2,039.20 395.00 4,984.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Easton Apts. Easton Apts. Easton Apts. Easton Apts. . 10t15t2018 BCI Sub. 1011512018 BCI Sub. 1011512018 BCI Sub. 10t15t2018 BCI Sub. 1011512018 BCI Sub. 10t15t2018 BCI Sub. 10t15t2018 BCI Sub. 1011512018 Silver Cloud Town Homes 1011512018 Silver Cloud Town Homes 1011s12018 Silver Cloud Town Homes 1011512018 Silver Cloud Town Homes 1011512018 Silver Cloud Town Homes 1011512018 Colson PL. Town Homes 10t15t2018 Colson PL. Town Homes 1011512018 Colson PL. Town Homes 1011512018 Colson PL. Town Homes 1011512018 Colson PL. Town Homes 10t15t2018 Colson PL. Town Homes 1011512018 Roe St. Town Homes 1011512018 Roe St. Town Homes 1011512018 Roe St. Town Homes 1011512018 Roe St. Town Homes 1011512018 Roe St. Town Homes 1011512018 Roe St. Town Homes 1011512018 Roe St. Town Homes 1011512018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 10t15t2018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 10t1512018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 1011512018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects 10t1512018 Boise 2017 Rebuild Projects Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv 675.32 MC200AHY 3,653.76 MC200AHY 233.35 MC200AHY 1,367.02 MC200AHY 7,330.20 MC20oAHY 71.36 MC200AHY 369.66 MC200AHY 789.86 MC200AHY 213.40 MC200AHY 914.80 MC200AHY 452.40 MC2004HY 5,695.00 MC200AHY 51.24 MC200AHY 257.87 MC200AHY 326.96 MC200AHY 1,220.55 MC200AHY 2,459.00 MC200AHY 106.82 MC200AHY 580.80 MC200AHY 368.46 MC200AHY 378.39 MC200AHY 600.35 MC200AHY 2,521.10 MC200AHY 151.22 MC200AHY 1,910.56 MC200AHY 1,232.74 MC200AHY 769.63 MC200AHY 2,039.20 MC200AHY 395.00 MC200AHY 4,984.30 MC200AHY 27.70 MC200AHY 253.88 MC200AHY 31.25 MC200AHY 63.53 MC200AHY Placed ln Service 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10/1512018 10t15t2018 10t1st2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10l15l2UA 10t1512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10115t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 to December 31,2018 Asset ID Acquisition Date 1011512018 ACHD Cloverdale - Fairview Ave To Ustick 10l15l2UA Power Co. Forced Relocate 10t15t2018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 10l15l2UA Power Co. Forced Relocate 101'1512018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 1011s12018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 10t15t2018 Power Co. Forced Relocate 10l15l2UA Power Co. Forced Relocate 1011s12018 ACHD Veterans Memorlal PKW Y& State St. 10l15l2UA Ocean Network Express DIA 1011sl2018 Group One DIA 1011512018 Group One DIA 1011512018 Group One DIA 10t15t2018 Group One DIA 101151201A Group One DIA 10t15t2018 Group One DIA 10t15t2018 ldaho Central Credit Union Fairview SMB 101151201A ldaho Central Credit Union Fairview SMB 10t15t2018 ldaho Central Credit Union Fairview SMB 1011512018 ldaho Central Credit Union Fairview SMB 1011512018 ldaho Central Credit Union Fairview SMB 10t15t2018 ldaho Central Credit Union Fairview SMB 1011s12018 Emerald PON 10115t2018 Emerald PON 10115t2018 Emerald PON 1011512018 300 W Main St Boise EPON Spec Build 1011512018 300 W Main St Boise EPON Spec Build 1011512018 Boise EPON Blanket Design 1011512018 New Extension Conduit Installation 10t1512018 Multiple Projects B 10t15t2018 Multiple Projects B 10115t2018 Multiple Projects B 1011512018 Multiple Projects B 1011512018 Multiple Projects B Acquisition Cost 8,705.09 9,865.'12 1,041.91 659.1 7 '12.66 143.39 1,658.80 441.16 13,178.20 1,07'1.00 13,029.63 358.00 630.62 2,205.63 11.78 254.11 41,521.01 223.64 872.26 3,231.28 280.92 1,144.72 3,521.33 878.55 1,427.35 23,493.73 282.90 3,732.00 13,321.75 135,129.32 64.80 393.06 410.68 339.66 Depr Meth/Gonv MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY IVIC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY Placed ln Service 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t't5t2018 10t15t2018 1011s12018 10t15t2018 't0t15t2018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 '10t15t2018 101151201A 1011512018 101151201A 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10l15l2UA 1011512018 1011512018 10l15l2UA 1011512018 10t1512018 10t15t2018 1011s12018 10t15t2018 Book Cost 205840 205841 205842 205843 205844 205845 205846 205847 205850 205855 205857 205858 205859 205860 205861 205863 205865 205866 205867 205868 205869 205870 205A71 205872 205874 205876 205878 205879 205880 205882 205883 205884 20588s 205886 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 '13,029.63 358.00 oJU.OZ 2,20s.63 11.78 254.11 41,521.01 223.64 872.26 3,231.28 280.92 1J44.72 3,521.33 878.55 1,427.35 23,493.73 282.90 3,732.00 13,321.75 135,129.32 64.80 393.06 410.68 339.66 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Gable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1 , 201 8 to December 3'l, 2018 Asset lD Acqu Multiple Projects B Multiple Projects B AMP REPLACEI\iIENTS 10t15t2018 1011512018 10115t2018 10115t2018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 1011512018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 10t15t2018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 1011512018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 10t15t2018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 10t1512018 Rebuild & Replace 2018 1011512018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 10t15t2018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 1011512018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 1011512018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 1011512018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 10t15t2018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 10t1512018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 10t15t2018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 1011512018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 10t15t2018 ACHD - Cole - Mountain View to Kittering 10t15t2018 ACHD/CCDC - GSI Alley way projects 10l15l2UA ACHD/CCDC - GSI Alley way projects 10t15t2018 ACHD/CCDC - GSI Alley way projects 10l15l2UA ACHD/CCDC - GSI Alley way projects 1011512018 ACHD/CCDC - GSI Alley way projects 1011512018 ACHD Collister Rd. & State St. 1011512018 ACHD Collister Rd. & State St. 10l15l?UA ACHD Collister Rd. & State St. 10t1512018 ACHD Collister Rd. & State St. 1011512018 ACHD Collister Rd. & State St. 1011512018 ACHD - Cole and Franklin Widening 10t1512018 ACHD - Cole and Franklin Widening 10t1512018 ACHD - Cole and Franklin Widening 1011512018 ACHD - Cole and Franklin Widening 10115t2018 ACHD - Cole and Franklin Widening Service Book Cost 205887 205888 205892 205894 205895 205896 205897 205898 205899 205907 205908 2059 1 0 20591 1 205912 20591 3 205914 20591 5 205917 2059 1 9 205920 205921 205922 205923 205924 205927 205928 205929 205930 205931 205932 205933 205934 205935 205936 512.05 157.60 4,124.50 206,891.17 898.26 11,524.74 1,744.00 1,535.60 27,620.93 228,001.81 3,570.00 3,276.00 1,698.72 248.33 15,050.98 2,678.53 4,793.80 12,495.17 15,067.56 6,373.03 477.96 1,879.84 814.15 1 13.53 194.83 1,121.83 55.12 12.66 639.79 4,021.75 1,362.49 1,1 16.10 12.66 760.89 MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 10115t2018 10115t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011s12018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t20'18 10t15t2018 10t1512018 10t1512018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t1512018 1011512018 512.05 157.60 4,124.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,570.00 3,276.00 1,698.72 248.33 15,050.98 2,678.53 4,793.80 12,495.17 15,067.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January I , 201 8 to December 31, 201 I Asset lD Acquisition Date 1011512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv 3,317.60 MC200AHY 3,981.57 MC200AHY (837.13) MC200AHY (7,219.44) MC200AHY (1,677.61) MC200AHY (1,s3s.60) MC200AHY (22,890.62J MC200AHY Placed ln Service 101151201A 10t15t2018 10t15t20'18 10t1512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 Book Cost 0.00 0.00 (837.1 3) (7,21e.44) (1 ,677.61) (1,53s.60) (22,890.62) (1 35,905.54) 205937 205938 205939 205940 205941 205942 205943 ACHD - Cole and Franklin Widening 1011512018 Not approved spending 10t15t2018 Not approved spending 1011s12018 Not approved spending 1011512018 Not approved spending 1011512018 Not approved spending 10t1512018 Not approved spending 1011512018 MC2OOAHY $1,419,844.43 System: 269 154377 154379 154382 1 54383 '154384 1 5438s 1 54386 154387 1 54388 1 54390 1 54391 154392 1 54396 154397 1 54398 1 54399 1 54400 154401 154402 154404 1 54405 1 54406 1 54408 154409 154410 INV REC 01115120',t8 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS o1t15t2018 T-Mobile Towers West Valley 0111s12018 Best Western Nampa 0111s12018 Best Western Nampa 01t15t2018 Best Western Nampa o11151201A Best Western Nampa 01t15t2018 Best Western Nampa o1t15t2018 Best Western Nampa 0111512018 Best Western Nampa 01115t2018 Best Western Nampa o1t1512018 Best Western Nampa 0111512018 Cedar Field Sub 1 01t15t2018 Red Hawk Ridge Sub 2 0111512018 Pine Ridge Place Sub 01115t2018 Copper River Basin Sub 5 01t15t2018 Shelbourne Sub 1 01t15t2018 Snoqualmie Falls Sub 6-8 01t15t2018 Reflection Ridge Sub 5-6 01t15t2018 Sagewood Sub 0111512018 Sagewood Sub 0111512018 Jump Creek Sub 1 0111512018 Jump Creek Sub 1 0111512018 Jump Creek Sub'l 0111512018 Jump Creek Sub 1 01t15t2018 (370.88) (58,220.68) 956.04 2,765.00 1,639.18 518.69 384.23 1 07.30 1,673.88 14,885.70 2,338.34 4,344.90 41 1.66 532.80 84.12 372.96 1,019.68 (1 3.54) 873.1 8 416.88 4,366.20 11,374.97 (4,267.10) 1,603.56 25.65 MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY 01t1512018 0111512018 01115120',t8 01115t2018 01115t2018 0111512018 o'U't5t2018 0111512018 01t1512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 o'111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 o1t1512018 o1t15t2018 01l15l2UA 01t15t2018 01l15l2UA 01t15t2018 (370.88) (58,220.68) 956.04 2,765.00 1,639.18 518.69 384.23 107.30 1,673.88 14,885.70 2,338.34 4,344.90 41 1.66 532.80 84.12 372.96 1 ,019.68 (1 3.54) 873.1 8 416.88 4,366.20 11,374.97 (4,267.10) 1,603.56 25.65 BOTSE 268 Name:VALLEY Exhibit B - 20{8ldaho Qualified Additions Gable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1 , 201 8 to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 154411 154412 't54413 154417 154418 154422 154423 154424 15442s 154426 154427 154428 154429 154430 154434 154435 1 54436 154438 154442 154443 154445 154448 154449 154450 154452 154453 154455 154457 154458 154459 1 54460 154461 154462 't54463 Jump Creek Sub 'l Jump Creek Sub 1 Jump Creek Sub 1 Falcon Valley Sub 3 Falcon Valley Sub 3 Springhouse Sub 2016 1st Q node splits 2016 1st Q node splits 2016 1st Q node splits 2016 1st Q node splits 2016 1st Q node splits New NW Meridian OTN New NW Meridian OTN New NW Meridian OTN St. Alphonsus St. Alphonsus St. Alphonsus St. Alphonsus 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01l15l2UA 01115t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01115t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t1512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t1512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t1512018 Verizon Wireless- Plummer DKF 0111512018 Verizon Wireless- Plummer DKF 0111512018 Verizon Wireless- Plummer DKF o1t1512018 Ednetics - ldaho Arts Charter 0111512018 Ednetics - ldaho Arts Charter 0111s12018 Ednetics - ldaho Arts Charter 01t15t2018 Ednetics - ldaho Arts Charter 01t15t2018 Ednetics - ldaho Arts Charter 01l15l2UA West Vallley Fiber Business Extension 01t15t2018 Snake River Produce Co LLC SMB 01115t2018 Snake River Produce Co LLC SMB 01115t2018 Snake River Produce Co LLC SMB 01t15t2018 Snake River Produce Co LLC SMB 0111512018 Snake River Produce Co LLC Sl\rB 0111512018 Snake River Produce Co LLC Sl\ilB 0111512018 Snake River Produce Co LLC SIVIB 01t15t2018 671.35 MC200AHY 127.63 MC200AHY 40,821.75 MC200AHY 57.80 MC20oAHY 3,529.90-MC2oOAHY 26s.86 MC20oAHY 609.89 MC20oAHY 667.17 MC200AHY 5,095.50 MC20oAHY 326.40 MC20oAHY 6,340.12 MC200AHY 2,000.00 MC200AHY 845.82 MC200AHY 4,069.70 MC2004HY 438.06 MC200AHY 1,152.68 MC200AHY 906.86 MC2004HY 2,429.80 MC200AHY 1,697.76 MC200AHY 5,166.88 MC200AHY 48,606.60 MC200AHY 2,645.00 MC2004HY 670.16 MC200AHY 965.84 MC200AHY 2,005.00 Mc200AHY 17,962.40 MC200AHY 1,893.00 MC2004HY 89.87 MC200AHY 317.07 MC200AHY 12.77 MC200AHY 241.56 MC200AHY 384.64 MC200AHY 399.60 MC200AHY 5,122.07 MC200AHY 011151201A 0111512018 01l15l2UA 01t1512018 01l15l2UA 011151201A 01115t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111s12018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 o1t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 o1t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t1512018 671.35 127.63 40,821.75 57.80 3,529.90 265.86 609.89 667.17 5,095.50 326.40 6,340.12 2,000.00 845.82 4,069.70 438.06 1 ,152.68 906.86 2,429.80 '1,697.76 5,1 66.88 48,606.60 2,64s.00 670.1 6 965.84 2,00s.00 17,962.40 1,893.00 89.87 317.07 12.77 241.56 384.64 399.60 5,122.07 Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 201 8 to December 31, 2018 Asset ID Acquisition Date Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 154470 154471 154472 154473 154474 154475 154476 154477 154479 154480 154482 154483 154484 1 54486 154487 1 54489 1 54490 154492 1 54493 154494 1 54495 1 54496 1 54498 154499 1 54500 1 54503 1 54505 1 54506 154507 1 54508 1 5451 0 1 5451 1 154512 1545'l 5 142,438.25 177,981.21 1,082.00 315.79 1,277.23 1,888.70 1,123.'t7 2,344.82 2,531 .15 15,464.75 3,237.80 6,387.81 37,960.03 784.08 1 ,1 00.16 699.84 7,351.64 2,261.76 9,047.50 30.28 1,848.37 25.65 3,983.90 4,592.50 35,723.95 2,191 .53 613.85 1,562.36 42.26 1,486.51 2,265.90 13,624.71 6,524.60 363.60 I\iIC2OOAHY IVC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY l\ilC200AHY MC2OOAHY I\i]C2OOAHY IVC2OOAHY I\ilC200AHY IV]C2OOAHY l\ilC200AHY IvIC2OOAHY IVC2OOAHY l\ilC200AHY l\ilC200AHY l\ilC200AHY l\ilC200AHY MC2OOAHY IVIC2OOAHY I\i]C2OOAHY IV]C2OOAHY IVIC2OOAHY IVC2OOAHY I\i]C2OOAHY l\ilC200AHY IVIC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY IMC2OOAHY IV]C2OOAHY IVC2OOAHY IVC2OOAHY l\ilC200AHY MC2OOAHY IV]C2OOAHY IVC2OOAHY 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 o111512018 01t15t2018 011151201A 01t1512018 01t15t2018 o1115t2018 01l15l2UA 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01115t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t1512018 o1t15t2018 01/1512018 142,434.25 177,981.21 1,082.00 315.79 1,277.23 1,888.70 1,123.17 2,344.82 2,531.15 15,464.75 3,237.80 6,387.81 37,960.03 784.08 1 ,100.16 699.84 7,351 .64 2,261.76 9,047.50 30.28 1,848.37 25.65 3,983.90 4,592.50 35,723.95 2,191.53 613.85 1,562.36 42.26 1,486.51 2,265.90 13,624.71 6,524.60 363.60 West Valley Design and Engineering 0111512018 West Valley Joint Trench 0111512018 West Valley Single Home Extensions 0111512018 West Valley Single Home Extensions 01115t2018 West Valley Single Home Extensions 0111512018 West Valley Single Home Extensions o111512018 West Valley Single Home Extensions 0111512018 West Valley Single Home Extensions 0111512018 West Valley Single Home Enensions 0111512018 West Valley Single Home Extensions o1t15t2018 West Valley Headend Fiber Transport 0111512018 West Valley Headend Fiber Transport 0111512018 West Valley Headend Fiber Transport lsola Creek Sub 4 Creekstone Sub Woodburn West Sub 2 0111512018 01t15t20'18 0111512018 0111512018 Carriage Hill North Sub 3-4 0111512018 Carriage Hill North Sub 3-4 01t1512018 Carriage Hill North Sub 3-4 0111512018 Carriage Hill North Sub 3-4 0111512018 Carriage Hill North Sub 3-4 0111512018 Carriage Hill North Sub 3-4 01t15t2018 Carriage Hill North Sub 3-4 01t15t2018 Carriage Hill North Sub 3-4 01t1512018 Carriage Hill North Sub 3-4 01t15t2018 Bainbridge Sub 3 01t1512018 Bainbridge Sub 3 0111512018 Bainbridge Sub 3 0111512018 Bainbridge Sub 3 0111512018 Bainbridge Sub 3 0111512018 Bainbridge Sub 3 0111512018 Bainbridge Sub 3 0111512018 Bainbridge Sub 3 0111512018 Creason Creek Sub 0111512018 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period Januay| , 201I to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date Veraso Village Sub 2 0111512018 Veraso Village Sub 2 01l15l2UA Veraso Village Sub 2 01t15t2018 Veraso Village Sub 2 0111512018 Veraso Village Sub 2 01115t2018 Veraso Village Sub 2 0111512018 Veraso Village Sub 2 o1t15t2018 Baraya Sub 1 01l15l2UA Baraya Sub 1 01t1st2018 Baraya Sub 1 0111512018 Baraya Sub 1 0111512018 Baraya Sub '1 0111512018 Baraya Sub 1 0111512018 Baraya Sub'l 0111512018 Journeys End Sub'l 01t15t2018 Shallow Creek Sub 0111512018 Brookdale Estates Sub 4 01115t2018 Brookdale Estates Sub 4 0111512018 Avimor Sub 5 0111512018 Shady Grove Place Sub 2 0111512018 Third Street Square Apts 0111512018 Third Street Square Apts 01t15t2018 Third Street Square Apts 01t1sl2ua Third Street Square Apts 01t15t2018 Third Street Square Apts 01t15t2018 Third Street Square Apts 0111512018 Third Street Square Apts 01115t2018 Third Street Square Apts 0111512018 Paisley Meadows Sub 1 Renovare Sub 2 Parkstone Sub 8-10 Parkstone Sub 8-10 Parkstone Sub 8-1 0 Parkstone Sub 8-1 0 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 154516 154517 1 54518 1 5451 9 154520 154521 154522 154523 154525 154526 154527 154529 1 54530 1 54531 1 s4534 1 54535 1 54s36 154537 1 54538 1 54540 154541 1 54543 154544 154545 1 54546 154547 154548 154549 1 5455 1 154552 1 s4s53 '154554 1 54555 1 54556 27.00 MC200AHY 654.41 MC200AHY 689.38 MC20oAHY 390.32 MC20oAHY 816.07 MC200AHY 3,573.00 MC20oAHY 691.38 MC200AHY 3,160.81 MC200AHY 191.81 MC200AHY 4,974.13 MC20oAHY 174.49 MC200AHY 6,733.90 MC20oAHY 4,200.00 Mc200AHY 27,O54.10 MC2004HY (17.76) MC2ooAHY 1,368.00 MC200AHY 13'1.54 MC200AHY 1,497.24 MC200AHY 22.20 MC200AHY 684.72 MC200AHY 2,010.30 MC200AHY 69.97 lvlC200AHY 284.29 MC200AHY 363.76 MC200AHY 333.92 MC20oAHY 755.76 MC20oAHY 2,004.00 Mc20oAHY 2,607.64 MC20oAHY 540.00 MC200AHY 861.12 MC200AHY 5,579.60 MC200AHY 1,915.00 MC200AHY (2,64e.46) MC20oAHY 101.16 MC200AHY 0111512018 0111512018 o111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01l15l2UA 01t1512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t1512018 o111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01115t20',18 01t15t2018 01l15l2UA 01t15t2018 o11151201A 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 01115t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 27.00 654.41 689.38 390.32 816.07 3,573.00 691.38 3,160.81 19'l .81 4,974.13 174.49 6,733.90 4,200.00 27,054.10 (17.76) 1,368.00 131.54 1,497.24 22.20 684.72 2,010.30 69.97 284.29 363.76 333.92 755.76 2,004.00 2,607.64 540.00 0.00 5,579.60 1,915.00 (2,649.46) 10'1.16 Asset lD Acquisition Date Parkstone Sub 8-1 0 0111512018 Parkstone Sub 8-1 0 01t15t2018 Parkstone Sub 8-10 01t15t2018 Southern Highlands Sub 3 01l15l2UA Delaware Park 2 unit 4 01t15t2018 Delaware Park 2 unit 4 0111512018 Delaware Park 2 unit 4 01t15t2018 Delaware Park 2 unit 4 0111512018 Delaware Park 2 unit 4 o1t15t2018 Delaware Park 2 unit 4 0111512018 Delaware Park 2 unit 4 01t1512018 Delaware Park 2 unit 4 0111512018 Delaware Park 2 unit 4 01t15t2018 Bainbridge Park Subl 0111512018 Bainbridge Park Subl 0111512018 Bainbridge Park Subl 0111512018 Knightsbridge Sub 0111512018 Knightsbridge Sub 0111512018 Knightsbridge Sub 0111512018 Knightsbridge Sub 01t1st2018 Knightsbridge Sub 01t15t2018 Knightsbridge Sub 0111512018 Bainbridge Sub 4 0111512018 Bainbridge Sub 4 0111512018 Bainbridge Sub 4 01t1512018 Chesterfield Sub 4 0111512018 The Lakes Sub 2 0111512018 Pennsylvania Park Sub 1 0111512018 Pennsylvania Park Sub 1 01t15t2018 Pennsylvania Park Sub 1 01t1st2018 Pennsylvania Park Sub 1 01t15t2018 Pennsylvania Park Sub 1 0111512018 Pennsylvania Park Sub 1 01t1512018 Pennsylvania Park Sub 1 0111512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 154557 1 54559 '154560 1 54563 1 54565 1 s4566 1 54567 1 54568 1 54569 1 54570 154572 1 54573 154574 154577 154578 1 54580 154582 1 54583 154584 1 54585 1 54586 1 54587 1 54589 1 54590 154592 1 54595 '154596 1 54598 1 54599 1 54600 15460't 1 54603 1 54604 1 54605 62.'t7 MC200AHY 284.00 MC200AHY 37,815.30 MC200AHY 875.88 MC200AHY 720.54 MC200AHY 1,771.52 MC200AHY 1,830.02 MC200AHY 2,076.98 MC2004HY 2,039.74 MC200AHY 4,169.55 MC200AHY 2,801.00 MC200AHY 80.92 MC200AHY 11,595.00 MC200AHY 1,444.45 MC200AHY 3,619.58 MC200AHY 17,882.00 MC200AHY 38.80 MC200AHY 769.69 MC200AHY 373.75 MC200AHY 27s.58 MC200AHY 1,025.69 MC200AHY 9,446.26 MC200AHY 313.23 MC200AHY '1,596.17 MC200AHY 9,768.60 MC200AHY 654.30 MC2004HY 469.80 MC200AHY 4,376.77 MC200AHY 13,626.95 MC200AHY 52.57 MC200AHY 3,503.88 MC200AHY 1,904.90 MC200AHY 1,025.00 MC200AHY 5,906.00 MC200AHY 0111512018 01t1512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01115/2018 0111512018 0111512018 o111512018 01t1512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01l15l2UA 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t1512018 0111512018 62.17 284.00 37,815.30 875.88 720.54 1 ,771.52 '1,830.02 2,076.98 2,O39.74 4,169.55 2,801.00 80.92 't 1,595.00 1,444.45 3,619.58 17,882.00 38.80 769.69 373.75 275.58 1,025.69 9,446.26 313.23 1,596.17 9,768.60 654.30 469.80 4,376.77 13,626.95 s2.57 3,503.88 1,904.90 1,025.00 5,906.00 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period Januay|, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Exhibit B - 20{8ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One Inc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date Howry Lane 1 0111512018 Howry Lane 1 0111512018 Howry Lane'l 0111512018 Howry Lane 1 o111512018 Howry Lane 1 0111512018 Howry Lane 1 0111512018 GREYHAWK 6 o1t15t2018 GREYHAWK 6 01115t2018 GREYHAWK 6 01l15l2UA THE PRESERVE 6 01t15t2018 THE PRESERVE 6 0111512018 THE PRESERVE 6 01l15t2UA VERASO VILLAGE 3 0111512018 VERASO VILLAGE 3 0111512018 VERASO VILLAGE 3 01t15t2018 VERASO VILLAGE 3 0111512018 VERASO VILLAGE 3 01t1512018 VERASO VILLAGE 3 01t15t2018 WINDSOR SAGE ESTATES 0111512018 WINDSOR SAGE ESTATES 01t15t2018 WINDSOR SAGE ESTATES 0111512018 WINDSOR SAGE ESTATES 0111512018 WINDSOR SAGE ESTATES 01t15t2018 WINDSOR SAGE ESTATES 0111512018 NC ADU Pathtrak 0111512018 Bad Cables, Violations, Emergency 0111512018 Bad Cables, Violations, Emergency 0111512018 Bad Cables, Violations, Emergency 01115t2018 Bad Cables, Violations, Emergency 0111512018 Bad Cables, Violations, Emergency 01t15t2018 Bad Cables, Violations, Emergency 0111512018 Bad Cables, Violations, Emergency 0111512018 Bad Cables, Violations, Emergency o111512018 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 0111512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 1 54609 1 5461 0 1 5461 1 154612 1s4614 1 54615 1 5461 I 1546'19 154621 154623 154624 154626 154628 154629 '154630 1 54631 154632 1 54633 1 54635 '154636 154637 1 54638 1 54639 1 54640 154644 '154648 1 54649 1 54650 1 54651 154652 1 54653 1 54655 1 54656 1 54666 1,240.94 4,008.46 'l'1.88 1,830.00 1,121.75 25,305.25 608.28 1,706.46 7,748.O0 596.48 1,675.71 9,368.00 65.72 654.41 633. 1 0 289.55 641.06 2,536.24 302.14 2,593.57 2,274.99 1,624.14 8,1 30.68 1 3,384.90 8,'13'1.86 960.00 2,511.4s 7,427.52 63.83 2,825.89 18,902.47 48,061.06 45,734.52 2,342.57 MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t1512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t1512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t1512018 01t1512018 01l15l2UA o1t1512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 o1115t2018 0111512018 01t1512018 o1t1512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 o1t15t2018 01l15l2UA 0111512018 011151201A 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 1,240.94 4,008.46 1 1.88 1,830.00 1,121 .75 25,305.25 608.28 1,706.46 7,748.00 596.48 1,675.71 9,368.00 65.72 654.41 633.1 0 289.55 641.06 2,536.24 302.14 2,593.s7 2,274.99 1,624.14 8,'130.68 13,384.90 8,131 .86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,342.57 Asset lD Acquisition Date 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 0111512018 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 01115t2018 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 0111512018 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 0111512018 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 0111512018 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 0111512018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 0111512018 20'17 Node Hard Split Blanket 0111512018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 01t15t2018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 0111s12018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket o1t15t2018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 0111512018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 01t15t2018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 01l15l2UA Relocates, JUTN, Road Projects 01l15l2UA Relocates, JUTN, Road Projects 01t15t2018 Relocates, JUTN, Road Projects 01l15l2UA Relocates, JUTN, Road Projects 01t15t2018 Relocates, JUTN, Road Projects 0111512018 Relocates, JUTN, Road Projects 0111512018 Relocates, JUTN, Road Projects 0111512018 Relocates, JUTN, Road Projects 01t1512018 Relocates, JUTN, Road Projects 0111512018 Nampa to Meridian Upgrade REBUILD REBUILD REBUILD REBUILD REBUILD REBUILD REBUILD REBUILD REBUILD Rebuild o1t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 01t1s12018 01l't51201a 01l15l2UA 01t15t2018 Acquisition Cost Depr Methiconv Placed ln Service Book Cost 154667 1 54668 1 54669 154670 154672 154673 1 54675 154677 154678 154679 1 54681 154682 1 54683 154684 1 54686 154687 1 54688 1 54689 1 54690 1 54691 154692 1 54693 '154694 1 54696 1 54698 1 54699 154700 154701 154702 154703 154704 154705 154706 154707 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 o1t1512018 0111512018 0111512018 011151201A 0111512018 01l15l2UA 01t1512018 01115t2018 011151201A 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t1512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 5,262.27 985.1 3 761.53 1,506.03 34,049.36 1 8,358.16 10,859.00 701.38 412.48 55.50 17,277.60 3,908.91 17,294.85 68,936.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 168,747.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,262.27 MC200AHY 985.'13 MC200AHY 761.s3 MC200AHY 1,506.03 MC200AHY 34,049.36 MC20oAHY 18,358.'16 MC200AHY '10,859.00 MC200AHY 701.38 MC200AHY 412.48 MC200AHY 55.50 MC200AHY 17 ,277.60 MC200AHY 3,908.91 MC200AHY 17,294.85 MC200AHY 68,936.98 MC200AHY 2,0O1.46 MC200AHY 2,106.13 MC200AHY 2,564.10 MC20oAHY 1,332.91 MC20oAHY 1,673.88 MC20oAHY 14,320.07 MC200AHY 33,307.30 MC20oAHY 26,542.22 MC200AHY 26,724.76 MC20oAHY 168,747.70 MC200AHY 911.10 MC200AHY 6,242.16 MC20oAHY 352.98 MC20oAHY 2,442.92 MC20oAHY 18,955.04 MC200AHY 9,793.90 MC20oAHY 5,634.10 MC200AHY 21,811.89 MC200AHY 374.10 MC200AHY 5,316.60 MC200AHY Exhibit B - 20{8ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January 1,2018to December 31,2018 Asset ID Acquisition Date 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t't5t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01l15l2UA 0111512018 2018 Digitial ADU"s project End of Life Min-LEs o1t15t2018 0111512018 \li/V- Fiber to Hospitals & Comm Bulk 0111512018 M and W Market Nyssa 0111512018 M and W Market Nyssa 0111512018 M and W Market Nyssa 0111512018 Beef Northwest Feeders LLC 0111512018 Beef Northwest Feeders LLC 0111512018 Beef Northwest Feeders LLC 01t15t2018 Beef Northwest Feeders LLC 0111512018 Beef Northwest Feeders LLC 0111512018 Beef Northwest Feeders LLC 01t15t2018 SMB Barnyard Kitchen and Varsity Pub 0111512018 SMB Barnyard Kitchen and Varsity Pub 0111s12018 SMB Barnyard Kitchen and Varsity Pub o111512018 SMB Barnyard Kitchen and Varsity Pub 0111512018 SMB Barnyard Kitchen and Varsity Pub 0111512018 INV REC 0411512018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 0411512018 EF: Holiday Inn Express Meridian DIA 0411512018 EF: Holiday lnn Express Meridian DIA 0411512018 SMB: lnterFrame/Western Freightliner 0411512018 Sl\ilB: lnterFrameMestern Freightliner 0411512018 SMB: lnterFrameMestern Freightliner 04t15t2018 SMB: D & B SupplyWest Valley 0411512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 154710 1547 I 1 154712 154713 154714 154715 154716 154717 154718 154719 154720 1 56485 1 56487 1 56488 1 56489 15649'l 156492 1 56493 1 56494 1 56495 1 56496 1 56498 1 56499 1 56500 1 56501 '156502 190827 1 90828 1 90837 1 90839 I 90841 190A42 1 90843 1 90844 RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE 2,891.00 MC200AHY 2,644.88 MC200AHY 4,060.91 MC200AHY 1,970.26 MC200AHY 1,400.29 MC200AHY 3,347.76 MC200AHY 11,844.15 MC20oAHY 6,679.14 MC200AHY 19,076.98 MC20oAHY 5,300.99 MC20oAHY 36,741.74 MC200AHY 2,442.00 MC200AHY 47.20 MC200AHY 233.97 MC200AHY 4,005.30 MC2004HY 79.86 MC2004HY 423.86 MC200AHY 619.38 MC200AHY 153.30 MC200AHY 849.60 MC200AHY 11,078.90 MC200AHY 27.48 MC20oAHY 466.06 MC200AHY 12.77 MC200AHY 109.25 MC200AHY 518.0s MC200AHY 32,167.34 MC200AHY (64,238.79) MC2ooAHY 93.38 MC2004HY 945.50 MC200AHY 28.04 MC200AHY 2,165.08 MC200AHY 3,247.93 MC200AHY 217.06 MC200AHY 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01115t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0111s12018 01t't5t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 011151201A 01t15t2018 0111512018 01l15l2UA 01t15t2018 0111512018 01/1512018 01t1512018 01115t2018 04t1st2018 04t1512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 041151201A 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,300.99 36,741.74 2,442.O0 47.20 233.97 4,005.30 79.86 423.86 6't9.38 153.30 849.60 1 1,078.90 27.48 466.06 12.77 109.25 5'18.05 32,167.34 (64,238.79) 93.38 945.50 28.04 2,1 65.08 3,247.93 217.06 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January l, 2018 to December 31, 20't8 Asset lD Acquisition Date SMB: D & B Supply WestValley 0411512018 SMB Veranda Paramount LLC 04115t2018 SMB Veranda Paramount LLC 0411512018 SMB Veranda Paramount LLC 0411512018 18101187211944 S EAGLE RD 0411512018 181011872t1944 S EAGLE RD 04t15t2018 18101187211944 S EAGLE RD 0411512018 18101187211944 S EAGLE RD 0411512018 1810t187211944 S EAGLE RD 0411512018 1810t187211944 S EAGLE RD 04t15t2018 Timbergrove Sub 1 0411512018 Timbergrove Sub'1 0411512018 Timbergrove Sub 1 0411512018 Pine Ridge Place Sub 04t15t2018 Delaware Park 2 Unit 3 o411512018 2016 1st Q node splits 0411512018 New NW Meridian OTN New NW Meridian OTN o4t15t2018 o411512018 New NW Meridian OTN 0411512018 Ednetics - ldaho Arts Charter 0411512018 West Valley Headend Fiber Transport o4t15t2018 West Valley Headend Fiber Transport o411512018 0411512018 o4t1512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t1512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t1512018 0411512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 1 90845 190847 '190848 1 90849 1 90850 1 90851 1 90852 1 90853 1 90854 1 90855 '190861 1 90862 1 90863 1 90866 1 90867 1 9087 1 190874 1 90875 1 90876 1 90880 1 90883 1 90884 1 90886 1 90889 '190890 19089'l 1 90892 1 90894 1 90895 1 90896 1 90898 1 90899 1 90900 1 90902 Patagonia Sub Lanewood Sub 'l-2 Journeys End Sub 1 Avimor Sub 5 Avimor Sub 5 Moon Valley Apts Moon Valley Apts Moon Valley Apts Renovare Sub 2 Decatur Estates Sub 2 Decatur Estates Sub 2 Brinegar Sub 1 3,853.70 MC200AHY 619.38 MC200AHY 5'18.06 MC200AHY 2,735.70 MC200AHY 14.02 MC200AHY 1,384.82 MC200AHY 661.80 MC200AHY 165.00 MC200AHY 1,489.78 MC200AHY 4,170.40 MC200AHY 4,63s.00 MC200AHY 11,277 .64 MC200AHY 918.49 MC200AHY 700.00 Mc200AHY 294.66 MC200AHY 3,257.46 MC200AHY 400.00 Mc2004HY 3,748.00 MC2004HY 29,217.50 MC200AHY 3,395.00 MC200AHY 9,2A7.80 MC200AHY 35,127.60 MC200AHY 12.50 MC200AHY 8,998.05 MC200AHY 368.30 MC200AHY 2,750.00 MC200AHY 6,430.00 MC200AHY 2,039.74 MC200AHY 2,140.68 MC200AHY 20,799.90 MC200AHY 1,199.70 MC200AHY 4,963.28 MC200AHY 6,105.20 MC200AHY 695. 15 |V1C2ooAHY 04t15t2018 04115t2018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t1512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04l15l2UA 04t15t2018 o4t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t1512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04115t2018 041151201A 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 3,853.70 619.38 518.06 2,735.70 14.02 1,384.82 661.80 165.00 1,489.78 4,170.40 4,635.00 11,277 .64 918.49 700.00 294.66 3,257.46 400.00 3,748.00 29,217.50 3,395.00 9,287.80 35,127.60 12.50 8,998.05 368.30 2,750.00 6,430.00 2,039.74 2,140.68 20,799.90 1 ,199.70 4,963.28 6,105.20 695.1 5 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 lo December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date Brinegar Sub 1 Brinegar Sub 'l Brinegar Sub 'l Brinegar Sub 1 Brinegar Sub I Brinegar Sub 'l Brinegar Sub 1 Delaware Park 2 unit 4 Hills Century Farm 4-5 Hills Century Farm 4-5 Hills Century Farm 4-5 Hills Century Farm 4-5 Hills Century Farm 4-5 04t15t2018 0411512018 04l1sl2ua 04t15t2018 04l15l2UA 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t1512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 Pennsylvania Park Sub 1 o4l15l2UA Pennsylvania Park Sub 1 04t15t2018 Pennsylvania Park Sub 1 0411512018 Howry Lane 1 0411512018 Howry Lane 1 0411512018 Howry Lane 1 04t15t2018 GREYHAWK 6 04t15t2018 NW FEATHERGLEN CREEK 0411512018 NW FEATHERGLEN CREEK 04t15t2018 NW FEATHERGLEN CREEK 04t15t2018 NW FEATHERGLEN CREEK o411512018 NW FEATHERGLEN CREEK 04t15t2018 NW FEATHERGLEN CREEK 0411512018 SILVEROAKS2&3 04t1512018 SILVEROAKS2&3 o411512018 SILVEROAKS2&3 04t15t2018 SILVEROAKS2&3 0411512018 SILVEROAKS2&3 0411512018 SILVEROAKS2&3 04115t2018 SILVEROAKS2&3 0411512018 SILVEROAKS2&3 o411512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 1 90903 1 90904 1 90905 1 90906 1 90908 1 90909 1 9091 0 1 9091 3 '190915 1 9091 6 190917 1 9091 9 1 90920 190924 1 90925 1 90926 1 90928 1 90929 1 90931 1 90932 1 90933 1 90934 1 90935 1 90936 1 90937 1 90938 1 90940 1 90941 190942 1 90943 1 90944 '190945 '190947 '190948 04115t2018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04115t2018 04t15t2018 0411s12018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04115t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04115t2018 04t1512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t1512014 0411512018 041151201A 041151201A 04l1sl2ua 0411512018 0411512018 04115t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04115t2018 1,805.23 12.77 954.54 3,292.70 5,008.35 5,184.12 808.95 865.34 1,795.77 4,897.05 189.85 21.00 '10,595.80 569.60 2,151 .00 24,917.'tO 158.79 64.11 15,395.25 574.20 81.20 827.50 397.30 816.01 3,007.92 1'l,634.80 1,300.24 2,240.O3 213.79 2,433.70 1,673.88 6,986.59 13,984.68 4,963.60 1,805.23 MC200AHY 12.77 MC200AHY 954.54 MC200AHY 3,292.70 MC200AHY 5,008.35 MC200AHY 5ja4t2 MC200AHY 808.95 MC200AHY 866.34 MC200AHY 1,795.77 MC200AHY 4,897.05 MC200AHY 189.85 MC200AHY 21.00 MC200AHY 10,595.80 MC200AHY 569.60 MC200AHY 2,151.00 MC200AHY 24,917.10 MC200AHY 158.79 MC200AHY 64.11 MC200AHY 15,395.25 MC200AHY 574.20 MC200AHY 81.20 MC200AHY 827.50 MC200AHY 397.30 MC200AHY 816.01 MC200AHY 3,007.92 MC200AHY 11,634.80 MC200AHY 1,300.24 MC200AHY 2,240.03 MC200AHY 213.79 MC200AHY 2,433.70 MC200AHY 1,673.88 MC200AHY 6,986.59 MC200AHY 13,984.68 MC200AHY 4,963.60 MC200AHY Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January { , 201 8 to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date FOXGLOVE ESTATES 2 0411512018 FOXGLOVE ESTATES 2 04t15t2018 FOXGLOVE ESTATES 2 04t15t2018 FOXGLOVE ESTATES 2 0411512018 FOXGLOVE ESTATES 2 0411512018 FOXGLOVE ESTATES 2 0411512018 PARAI\i]OU NT LAVA SPRINGS 0411512018 PARAMOUNT LAVA SPRINGS 0411512018 PARAIVIOUNT LAVA SPRINGS 04t15t2018 PARAMOUNT LAVA SPRINGS 0411512018 PARAMOUNT LAVA SPRINGS 0411512018 PARAMOUNT LAVA SPRINGS 04t15t2018 SENORA ORCHARD 3 04t15t2018 SENORA ORCHARD 3 0411512018 SENORA ORCHARD 3 0411512018 SENORA ORCHARD 3 04t15t2018 SENORA ORCHARD 3 04t15t2018 SENORA ORCHARD 3 0411512018 SENORA ORCHARD 3 0411s12018 HH PARK RIDGE 2 0411512018 HH PARK RIDGE 2 04t15t2018 HH PARK RIDGE 2 0411512018 HH PARK RIDGE 2 0411512018 HH PARK RIDGE 2 0411512018 HH PARK RIDGE 2 0411512018 CRAFTSMAN ESTATES 2 04t15l2UA CRAFTSMAN ESTATES 2 0411512018 CRAFTSMAN ESTATES 2 o4t15t2018 NORTHVIEW RANCH 5 0411s12018 NORTHVIEW RANCH 5 04t15t2018 NORTHVIEW RANCH 5 0411512018 NORTHVIEW RANCH 5 04t15t2018 NORTHVIEW RANCH 5 0411512018 NORTHVIEW RANCH 5 0411512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost '190951 1 90952 1 90953 '190954 '190955 1 90956 1 90958 1 90959 1 90960 1 90961 1 90962 1 90963 1 90965 1 90966 I 90967 1 90968 1 90969 I 90970 1 90971 1 90973 190974 1 90975 1 90976 190977 1 90978 1 90980 1 90981 1 90983 1 90985 1 90986 1 90987 1 90988 1 90989 1 90990 49.88 MC200AHY 751.99 MC200AHY 643.09 MC200AHY 487.73 MC200AHY 1,968.61 MC200AHY 4,333.18 MC200AHY 109.48 MC200AHY 283.17 MC200AHY 12.77 MC200AHY 1,148.70 MC200AHY 3,107.60 MC200AHY 7,181.58 MC200AHY 266.91 MC200AHY 1,385.63 MC200AHY 760.27 MC200AHY 860.21 MC200AHY 1,819.21 MC200AHY 493.40 MC200AHY 9,040.20 MC200AHY 51.37 MC200AHY 345.0s MC200AHY 373.75 MC200AHY 771.55 MC200AHY 2,565.84 MC200AHY 6,126.82 MC200AHY 2,046.90 MC200AHY 3,029.01 MC200AHY 24,814.75 MC200AHY 46.60 MC200AHY 768.06 MC200AHY 750.43 MC200AHY 582.09 MC200AHY 1,346.22 MC200AHY 5,207.52 MC200AHY 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t1512018 0411512018 04t1512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04115t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t1st2018 04t15t2018 04t1512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 49.88 751.99 643.09 487.73 1,968.61 4,333.18 '109.48 283.17 12.77 1,148.70 3,1 07.60 7,181.58 266.91 'I,385.63 760.27 860.21 1 ,819.21 493.40 9,040.20 51.37 345.05 373.75 771.55 2,565.84 6,126.82 2,046.90 3,029.01 24,814.75 46.60 768.06 750.43 582.09 1,346.22 5,207.52 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January 1, 2018 to December 31,2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date WINDSOR SAGE ESTATES o41151201A CASTLE PEAK 4 04t15t2018 CASTLE PEAK 4 0411512018 CASTLE PEAK 4 04115t2018 NC ADU Pathtrak 0411512018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 0411512018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 0411512018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 04t15t2018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 04l15l2UA 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 0411512018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 04t15t2018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 0411512018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 0411st2018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 04t15t20't8 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 04t15t2018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket o4l15l2UA Relocates, JUTN, Road Projects 041151201A Relocates, JUTN, Road Projects 0411512018 Relocates, JUTN, Road Projects 04t15t2018 Nampa to Meridian Upgrade 0411512018 Nampa to Meridian Upgrade 0411512018 Meridian OTN Relocate 0411512018 Syringa VZW lD4 Panther Parma CBH 0411512018 Syringa VZW lD4 Panther Parma CBH 04t15120'la Syringa VZW lD4 Panther Parma CBH 04115t2018 Syringa Dept of Labor EPL 04t1512018 Syringa Dept of Labor EPL 04l'1512018 Syringa Dept of Labor EPL o411512018 Syringa Dept of Labor EPL 0411512018 Syringa Dept of Labor EPL 0411512018 Nampa-Lewiston 1x'l 00G 04115/2018 Verado 1 & 2 0411512018 Verado 1 & 2 0411512018 Verado 1 & 2 0411512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 1 90992 I 90993 1 90994 '190996 1 91 000 1 91 008 1 91 009 19'1010 191011 191012 191013 191014 191015 19'10'17 't91018 191019 191022 1 91 023 191024 1 91 026 191027 1 91 031 1 91 033 19'1034 '191036 1 91 038 1 91 039 1 91 040 191041 191042 191046 1 91 049 '191050 'l 91051 5,965.06 MC20oAHY 'r,188.52 MC200AHY 1,387 .73 MC200AHY '13,234.00 MC200AHY 46.62 MC200AHY 2,490.01 MC200AHY 9,424.00 MC200AHY 2,779.06 MC2004HY 5,598.63 MC200AHY 1,238.76 MC200AHY 1,s30.29 MC200AHY 2,039.74 MC20oAHY 7,417.40 MC200AHY 13,053.48 MC20oAHY '13,908.88 MC200AHY 11,729.72 MC200AHY 220.06 MC200AHY 26.42 MC200AHY 496.18 MC200AHY 62,500.00 lvc200AHY 53,440.15 MC20oAHY 265.04 MC20oAHY 1,460.52 MC20oAHY 5,447.17 MC200AHY 31,824.00 MC200AHY 894.82 MC20oAHY 2,77A.49 MC20oAHY 12.77 MC200AHY 337.56 MC200AHY 1,282.11 MC200AHY 806.01 MC200AHY 2,999.22 MC200AHY 5,565.90 MC200AHY 33.81 MC200AHY 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 041151201A 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 041't512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t1512018 0411512018 04115t2018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 o411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 5,965.06 'l ,'188.52 1,387.73 13,234.OO 46.62 2,490.01 9,424.00 2,779.06 5,598.63 1,238.76 1,530.29 2,039.74 7,417.40 13,0s3.48 13,908.88 11 ,729.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 62,500.00 53,440.15 0.00 1,460.52 5,447.17 31,824.00 894.82 2,778.49 12.77 337.56 1,282.11 806.01 2,999.22 5,565.90 33.81 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 201 8 to December 31, 201 I Asset lD Verado 1 & 2 Verado 1 & 2 Verado 1 & 2 Verado 1 & 2 Verado 1 & 2 Verado 1 & 2 Starfall Creek 3 Starfall Creek 3 Starfall Creek 3 Starfall Creek 3 Starfall Creek 3 Starfall Creek 3 Heritage Meadows 2 Heritage Meadows 2 Heritage Meadows 2 Heritage Meadows 2 Heritage Meadows 2 Heritage Meadows 2 Patagonia 2 Patagonia 2 Patagonia 2 REBUILD REBUILD REBUILD REBUILD REBUILD REBUILD REBUILD Rebuild Rebuild Rebuild Rebuild Rebuild Rebuild Acquisition Date 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04115t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t1512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 o411512018 o411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed In Service Book Cost 19'1052 1 91 053 '191054 1 91 056 191057 1 91 058 1 91 061 1 91 062 1 91 063 19'1064 1 91 066 191067 19'1070 191071 191072 191073 19107 4 1 91 075 191077 1 91 078 1 91 080 1 91 083 1 91 084 19'1085 1 91 086 191087 1 91 088 191089 191090 19109 1 191 092 1 91 093 1 91 094 191095 421.23 2,021.53 1,554.17 4,439.20 4,990.15 22,667.02 1,742.30 3,055.72 82.34 1,848.37 120.42 17,563.05 131.76 2,537.13 710.16 1,707.O4 4,351.65 5,032.08 1,221.00 3,482.49 25,894.1 0 535.66 3,629.99 3,202.35 1 ,405.18 12,045.85 3,570.00 368.88 1,341.52 7,147.08 1,261.63 2,449.98 12,442.72 68,694.74 MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 o4115t2018 04115/2018 0411512018 0411512018 04115t2018 041151201A 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 041151201A 0411512018 041151201A 041151201A 04l15l2UA 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t1512018 0411512018 041151201A 0411512018 04l15l2UA 04115t2018 04t15t2018 04t1512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04t15l2UA 04t15t2018 421.23 2,021.53 1,554.17 4,439.20 4,990.15 22,667.02 1,742.30 3,055.72 82.34 1,848.37 120.42 17,563.05 131.76 2,537.13 710.16 1,707.04 4,351.65 6,032.08 1,221.00 3,482.49 26,894.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Asset lD Acquisition Date Rebuild Rebuild 0411512018 04115t2018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 0411512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 04t15t2018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 0411512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 0411st2018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 04t15t2018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket o4l15l2UA 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 04t15t2018 201 8 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 0411512018 201 8 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 04t15t2018 2018 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 0411512018 2018 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 0411512018 2018 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 0411512018 2018 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET o4t15t2018 2018 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 0411512018 RELOCATE 04t15t2018 RELOCATE o411512018 RELOCATE 0411512018 RELOCATE 0411512018 RELOCATE 0411512018 RELOCATE 04t15t2018 RELOCATE 0411512018 RELOCATE 0411512018 RELOCATE 04t15t2018 RELOCATE 04t15t2018 RELOCATE 0411512018 RELOCATE o411512018 RELOCATE o411512018 RELOCATE 0411512018 RELOCATE o411512018 2018 Digitial ADU"s project 04t15t2018 End of Life Min-LEs 0411512018 INV REC 07t15t2018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 19'1096 1 91 097 1 91 099 1 9'l 101 191102 1 9'l 103 '191 104 '191 105 191107 191111 19'l 'l '13 191 1 14 191 1 15 191 1 16 191 1 18 191 1 19 191122 191123 191124 191125 191126 191128 191129 191131 191132 191133 191134 191135 191137 191138 191139 191142 191144 1 96351 6,429.05 MC20oAHY 113,371.97 MC200AHY 3,953.00 MC200AHY 6,821.18 MC200AHY 12,859.75 MC200AHY 1,689.54 MC200AHY 1,193.73 l\ilC2ooAHY 7,048.41 MC200AHY 950.50 MC200AHY 2,778.00 MC20oAHY 903.97 MC20oAHY 1,104.72 MC20oAHY 335.45 MC20oAHY 2,099.19 MC200AHY 9,587.0'l MC200AHY 1,963.00 MC200AHY 1,918.51 MC200AHY 4,430.43 MC200AHY 255.30 MC200AHY 220.31 MC200AHY 1,793.76 MC200AHY 1,281.00 MC200AHY 11,703.20 MC200AHY 13,921.15 MC200AHY '18,158.12 MC200AHY 7,075.70 MC200AHY 2,666.25 MC200AHY 27,170.61 MC200AHY 49,482.04 MC200AHY 15,809.95 MC200AHY 94,301.83 MC200AHY 19,073.22 MC200AHY 248,638.1 5 MC200AHY 39,624.05 MC200AHY 0411512018 04t1512018 0411s12018 0411512018 04t1512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 041151201A 04115t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t1512018 0411512018 04115t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04115t2018 04t15t20't8 04t15t2018 04115t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 041151201A 0411512018 04t15t2018 07115t2018 0.00 0.00 3,953.00 6,82114 12,859.75 1,689.54 1,193.73 7,048.41 950.50 2,778.00 903.97 1,104.72 335.45 2,099.19 9,587.01 '1,963.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,O73.22 248,638.'15 39,624.05 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1 , 201 8 to December 31, 2018 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January l, 201 I to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS 07 11512018 Reflection Ridge Sub 5-6 Springhouse Sub 07t15t2018 071151201A 07l15l2UA New NW Meridian OTN West Valley Joint Trench 07 11512018 West Valley Headend Fiber Transport 0711512018 Patagonia Sub 07t15t2018 Eagle Storage Condos 0711512018 lrvine Sub 2 07t15t2018 lrvine Sub 2 0711512018 lrvine Sub 2 07t15t2018 lrvine Sub 2 0711512018 lrvine Sub 2 07t15t2018 lrvine Sub 2 07 t15t2018 lrvine Sub 2 0711512018 lrvine Sub 2 0711512018 Creason Creek Sub 07/1512018 Creason Creek Sub 07t1512018 Journeys End Sub 1 07115t2018 Third Street Square Apts 0711512018 Renovare Sub 2 0711512018 Hills Century Fatm 4-5 07115t2018 SILVEROAKS2&3 0711512018 SILVEROAKS2&3 0711512018 SILVEROAKS2&3 07t15t2018 MCCALL RV RESORT 2 07t15t2018 MCCALL RV RESORT 2 071151201A MCCALL RV RESORT 2 0711512018 MCCALL RV RESORT 2 071151201A MCCALL RV RESORT 2 0711512018 MCCALL RV RESORT 2 0711512018 DESERTHAWK RIVERSIDE 07115t2018 DESERTHAWK RIVERSIDE 0711512018 DESERTHAWK RIVERSIDE 07115t2018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 1 96352 1 96353 1 96354 1 96355 1 96356 1 96357 1 96358 1 96359 1 96360 1 96361 1 96362 1 96363 1 96364 1 96365 1 96366 1 96367 1 96368 1 96369 1 96370 1 96371 196372 1 96373 196374 1 96375 1 96376 196377 1 96378 1 96379 1 96380 1 96381 1 96382 1 96383 1 96384 1 96385 (41,078.12) MC20oAHY 447.00 MC20oAHY 447.00 MC20oAHY 2,719.91 MC200AHY 447.00 MC20oAHY 1,341.00 MC200AHY 447.00 MC200AHY 447.00 MC200AHY 60.52 MC2004HY 1,512.3'l MC200AHY 1,031.23 MC200AHY 1,223.41 MC200AHY 't,673.88 MC200AHY 3,004.72 MC200AHY s,17s.50 MC200AHY 1,014.41 MC200AHY 1,488.60 MC200AHY 1,531.00 MC200AHY 447.00 MC200AHY 447.00 MC200AHY 447.00 MC200AHY 17,813.40 MC2004HY 73.83 MC200AHY 554.53 MC200AHY 725.27 MC200AHY 143.27 MC200AHY 4,860.81 |VIC2ooAHY 2,374.48 MC200AHY 1,078.17 MC200AHY 1,602.65 MC200AHY 4,882.30 MC200AHY 122.55 MC200AHY 2,617.31 MC200AHY 1,864.63 MC200AHY 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07 11512018 07 t15t2018 07 t15t2018 0711512018 07 t1512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07115t2018 07t15t2018 07t1512018 07 t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t1512018 0711512018 07115t2018 071151201A 07t1512018 0711512018 07t1512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07115t2018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 (41,078.12) 447.O0 447.00 2,719.91 447.0O 1,341.00 447.00 447.00 60.52 1,512.31 1 ,031.23 1,223.41 1,673.88 3,004.72 5,1 75.50 1,014.41 1,488.60 1,531.00 447.00 447.00 447.00 17,813.40 73.83 554.53 725.27 143.27 4,860.81 2,374.48 1,O78.17 1,602.65 4,882.30 122.55 2,617.31 1,864.63 Asset lD Acquisition Date DESERTHAWK RIVERSIDE 0711512018 DESERTHAWK RIVERSIDE 07t15t2018 DESERTHAWK RIVERSIDE 0711512018 ASPEN 5 0711512018 ASPEN 5 0711512018 ASPEN 5 071151201A ASPEN 5 0711512018 ASPEN 5 0711512018 ASPEN 5 07t15t7UA ASPEN 5 07115t2018 EAGLE STREAIVI 1 0711512018 EAGLE STREAM 1 07l15l2UA EAGLE STREAIV1 1 07 t15t2018 EAGLE STREAIV 1 0711512018 EAGLE STREAM 1 07l15t2UA EAGLE STREAM 1 0711512018 SIENNA HILLS 6 0711512018 SIENNA HILLS 6 07 t1st2018 SIENNA HILLS 6 0711512018 SIENNA HILLS 6 0711512018 SIENNA HILLS 6 0711512018 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 071151201A 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 07 t15t2018 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 07 t15t2018 20'17 Node Soft Split Blanket 07 t15t2018 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 0711512018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 0711512018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 0711512018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 0711512018 Meridian OTN Relocate 07t15t2018 Meridian OTN Relocate 0711512018 Syringa Dept of Labor EPL 0711512018 Syringa Dept of Labor EPL 07t15t2018 Syringa Dept of Labor EPL 0711512018 Acquis:tion Cost Oepr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 1 96386 't 96387 1 96388 1 96389 1 96390 1 96391 1 96392 1 96393 '196394 1 9639s 1 96396 1 96397 1 96398 1 96399 1 96400 1 96401 196402 1 96403 '196404 1 96405 1 96406 1 96407 1 96408 1 96409 1 9641 0 19641 'l 196412 1 9641 3 196414 1 9641 5 1 9641 6 196417 1 9641 8 1 9641 9 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07 11512018 07l'tst2018 07t15t2018 07 t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07115t2018 07 t1512018 07115t2018 07 t15t2018 07 t15t2018 07t15t2018 07 t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t1512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2014 946.33 3,114.90 9,368.62 1,634.59 4,983.78 42.46 '160.26 2,084.65 818.00 32,613.40 1,744.82 2,678.20 35.23 1,848.37 65.14 26,331.25 993.90 1,927.35 81.79 32.05 23,321.10 67,208.75 2,682.00 414.04 4,O71.71 3,953.00 487.80 2,725.60 21,818.93 93.77 7,440.00 1 '19.00 4,029.00 10,358.40 946.33 MC20oAHY 3,114.90 MC200AHY 9,368.62 MC200AHY 1,634.59 MC200AHY 4,983.78 MC20oAHY 42.46 MC20oAHY 160.26 MC20oAHY 2,084.65 MC20oAHY 818.00 MC20oAHY 32,613.40 MC200AHY 1,744.82 MC200AHY 2,678.20 MC200AHY 35.23 MC200AHY 1,84A.37 MC200AHY 65.14 MC200AHY 26,331.25 MC200AHY 993.90 MC200AHY 1,927.35 MC200AHY 81.79 MC200AHY 32.05 MC200AHY 23,321.10 MC200AHY 67,208.75 MC200AHY 2,682.00 MC200AHY 414.04 MC200AHY 4,071.71 MC200AHY 3,953.00 MC200AHY 487.80 MC20oAHY 2,725.60 MC20oAHY 21,818.93 MC200AHY 93.77 MC200AHY 7,440.OO MC200AHY 119.00 MC200AHY 4,029.00 MC200AHY 10,358.40 MC200AHY Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January 1,2018to December 31,2018 Exhibit B - 201S ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 201 8 to December 31, 201 8 Acquisition Date Clarion lnn Ontario DIA 07t1512018 Group One DIA 07115t2018 Group One DIA 07t15t2018 Group One DIA 07t1512018 Group One DIA 711s12018 PRG User lnterface Solutions SMB 0711512018 WV DESIGN & ENGINEERING 0711512018 Ardell Estatesl &2 07t15t2018 Ardell Estatesl &2 07t15t2018 Ardell Estatesl &2 07t1512018 Ardell Estatesl &2 07t15t2018 Ardell Estatesl&2 07t1512018 Ardell Estates 'l & 2 07t15t2018 Ardell Estatesl&2 0711512018 Ardell Estatesl&2 0711512018 Starfall Creek 3 07t15t2018 Kentucky Villas 07115t2018 Kentucky Villas 0711512018 Kentucky Villas 07115t2018 Kentucky Villas 0711512018 Kentucky Villas 0711512018 Kentucky Villas 07115t2018 Kentucky Villas 0711512018 Red Hawk Ridge 3 0711512018 Red Hawk Ridge 3 07t1512018 Red Hawk Ridge 3 07t15t2018 Red Hawk Ridge 3 07t15t2018 Red Hawk Ridge 3 07t15t2018 Red Hawk Ridge 3 07t15t2018 Red Hawk Ridge 3 071151201A Canyon Crossing 1A 0711512018 Canyon Crossing 1A 07t15t2018 Canyon Crossing 1A 0711512018 Canyon Crossing 1A 07t15t2018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed In Service Book Cost 196420 196421 196422 196423 196424 196425 1 96426 196427 '196428 196429 1 96430 19643'l 196432 1 96433 196434 196435 1 96436 196437 1 96438 1 96439 1 96440 1 96441 196442 1 96443 196444 1 96445 1 96446 196447 1 96448 1 96449 1 96450 196451 196452 1 96453 07t1512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t1512018 0711512018 0711512018 07115t2018 07 t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07115t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t1512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t20't8 07t15t20't8 07t15t2018 07t1512018 071151201A 071151201A 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 3,453.50 119.00 350.90 530.83 5,012.30 10,349.58 446,345.65 881.80 2,927.82 2,678.16 1,873.53 3,713.62 5,784.02 1,775.00 20,749.73 9,442.40 114.26 205.06 381.52 238.73 1,469.92 1,762.86 3,641.75 127.15 2,530.86 1,314.22 1,249.35 3,713.62 3,605.96 9,448.80 2,013.68 4,068.54 336.52 3,713.62 3,453.50 MC200AHY 119.00 MC200AHY 350.90 MC200AHY 530.83 MC20oAHY 5,012.30 MC200AHY 10,349.58 MC200AHY 446,345.65 MC200AHY 881.80 MC200AHY 2,927.82 MC200AHY 2,678.16 MC200AHY 1,873.53 MC200AHY 3,713.62 MC200AHY 5,784.02 MC200AHY 1,775.00 MC200AHY 20,749.73 MC200AHY 9,442.40 MC200AHY 114.26 MC200AHY 205.06 MC200AHY 381.52 MC200AHY 238.73 MC200AHY 1,469.92 MC200AHY 1,762.A6 MC200AHY 3,641.75 MC200AHY 't27.'t5 MC200AHY 2,530.86 MC200AHY 1,3't4.22 MC200AHY 1,249.35 MC200AHY 3,713.62 MC200AHY 3,605.96 MC200AHY 9,448.80 MC200AHY 2,013.68 MC200AHY 4,068.54 MC20oAHY 336.52 MC200AHY 3,713.62 MC200AHY Asset lD Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1 , 201 I to December 31 , 201 8 Asset lD Acquisition Date Canyon Crossing 'lA 0711512018 Canyon Crossing 1A 07t15t2018 Canyon Crossing 1A 0711512018 Canyon Crossing 1A 07l'1512018 Overton Sub 0711s12018 Overton Sub 07t1512018 Overton Sub 0711512018 Overton Sub 07t15t2018 Overton Sub 0711512018 Overton Sub 0711512018 Overton Sub 07 t1512018 Pinewood Lakes 1 0711512018 Pinewood Lakes'l 07t15t2018 Pinewood Lakes 1 0711512018 Pinewood Lakes 1 07t151201A Pinewood Lakes 1 07t15t2018 Pinewood Lakes 1 0711512018 Pinewood Lakes 1 0711512018 Kodiac 1 07t15120't8 Kodiac 1 0711512018 Kodiac 1 07t1512018 Kodiac 1 07t1512018 Kodiac 1 0711512018 Kodiac 1 0711512018 Kodiac 1 07t15t2018 Cl Sub 07t15t2018 C1 Sub 07t15t2018 C1 Sub 07t15t2018 C1 Sub 0711512018 C1 Sub 0711512018 Lilac Springs 2 0711512018 Lilac Springs 2 0711512018 Lilac Springs 2 0711512018 Hill Century Farm 6 07t1512018 512.84 MC200AHY 4,574.13 MC20oAHY 1,403.30 MC20oAHY 21,535.00 MC200AHY 't46.53 MC200AHY 16'1.29 MC200AHY 363.76 MC200AHY 184.82 MC200AHY 992.97 MC200AHY 3,57A.75 MC200AHY 1,910.64 MC200AHY 98.50 MC200AHY 922.84 MC20oAHY 1,0'14.01 MC200AHY 350.71 MC200AHY 648.53 MC20oAHY '1,146.95 MC200AHY 2,743.80 MC200AHY 250.62 MC200AHY 160.72 MC200AHY 366.70 MC200AHY 170.92 MC200AHY 720.09 MC200AHY 1,922.50 MC200AHY 1,735.94 MC200AHY 21.08 MC200AHY 296.75 MC200AHY 321.80 MC200AHY 641.06 MC200AHY 3,021.46 MC200AHY 619.80 MC200AHY 1,912.63 MC200AHY 13,640.90 MC200AHY 1,109.32 MC200AHY Acquisition Cost Depr MethiConv Placed ln Service Book Cost 1 964s4 1 954s5 1 96456 1 96457 1 96458 1 96459 1 96460 I 96461 196462 '196463 1 96464 1 96465 1 96466 1 96467 1 96468 1 96469 196470 196471 196472 1 96473 196474 '196475 1 96476 196477 1 96478 196479 1 96480 1 96481 196482 1 96483 1 96484 1 96485 1 96486 1 96487 07t1512018 0711512018 07t1512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t1512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07 11512018 07t't5t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711s12018 07t1512018 0711512018 071151201A 07115t2018 071151201A 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t1512018 07115t2018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07115t2018 07t1512018 512.84 4,574.13 1,403.30 21,535.00 146.53 161.29 363.76 1U.82 992.97 3,578.75 1 ,910.64 98.50 922.84 1,014.01 350.71 648.53 1,146.95 2,743.80 250.62 160.72 366.70 170.92 720.09 1,922.50 1,735.94 21.08 296.75 321.80 641.06 3,021.46 619.80 1 ,912.63 13,640.90 1.109.32 l Exhibit B - 20'18 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1 , 201 I to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date Hill Century Farm 6 07t1512018 Hill Century Farm 6 0711512018 Hill Century Farm 7 07t1512018 Hill Century Farm 7 07t15t2018 Hill Century Farm 7 0711512018 Tools and Test 0711512018 Nampa HUB Rack CMTS lnstall 07t15t2018 Rebuild 0711512018 Rebuild 0711512018 Rebuild 0711512018 Rebuild 0711512018 Rebuild 07t1512018 Rebuild 0711512018 Rebuild 0711512018 Rebuild 07t15t2018 Rebuild 0711512018 Rebuild 07t15t2018 Rebuild 07t15t2018 Reliability-Rebuild 0711512018 Reliability-Rebuild 0711512018 Reliability-Rebuild 07115t2018 Reliability-Rebuild 0711512018 Reliability-Rebuild 0711512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 0711512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 07t1512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 0711512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 0711512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 0711512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 0711512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 0711512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 07t1512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 0711512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 0711512018 2018 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 07t15t2018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost '196488 '196489 1 96490 1 96491 196492 1 96493 1 96494 1 96495 1 96496 1 96497 1 96498 1 96499 1 96500 1 96501 1 96502 1 96503 1 96504 1 9650s 1 96506 1 96507 1 96508 I 96509 1 9651 0 1 9651 1 196512 1 9651 3 1 9651 4 1 9651 5 1 9651 6 196517 1 9651 8 1 9651 I 1 96520 1 96521 2,160.88 17,08s.00 319.90 1,702.21 11 ,182.00 1,148.74 6,250.00 447.O0 2,441.03 7,178.12 2,771.34 2,406.45 2,549.18 22,284.68 527.01 29,775.16 40,694.88 72,770.91 160.82 143.51 11.88 120.52 370.00 3,380.00 4,888.75 2,151.18 12.77 354.24 2,713.27 6,090.20 12,025.00 169.60 4,472.0O 344.05 MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC20OAHY t\rc200AHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY IvlC200AHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t1512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07115t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t1512018 0711512018 07115t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07115t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07 11512018 07 11512018 07 t15t2018 0711512018 07 11512018 2,1 60.88 17,085.00 319.90 1,702.21 11j82.00 1,148.74 6,250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,380.00 4,888.75 2,151.18 12.77 354.24 2,713.27 6,090.20 12,O25.00 169.60 4,472.00 344.05 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 to December 31,2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date ln Service Book Cost 196522 '196s23 1 96524 1 96525 '196526 196527 1 96528 1 96529 1 96530 1 96531 1 96532 1 96533 1 96534 1 96535 1 96536 1 95537 1 96538 1 96539 1 96540 1 96541 196542 1 96543 1 96544 1 96545 1 96546 205951 205952 205956 205962 205964 205965 205966 205967 205969 2018 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 0711s12018 2018 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 07t15t2018 201 8 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 071151201A 201 8 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 07 t15t2018 201 8 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 0711512018 201 8 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 0711512018 RELOCATE 07t15t2018 RELOCATE 0711512018 RELOCATE 0711512018 RELOCATE 0711512018 RELOCATE 0711512018 RELOCATE 07t15t2018 RELOCATE 07115t2018 RELOCATE 0711512018 RELOCATE 07t15t2018 RELOCATE 0711512018 RELOCATE 0711512018 RELOCATE 0711512018 RELOCATE 07t15t2018 Reroute 0711512018 Reroute 07t15t2018 Reroute 0711512018 Reroute 07t15t2018 2018 Digitial ADU"S project 07 t15t2018 End of Life Min-LEs 07t15t2018 INV REC 10t15t2018 CONTROLLABLE INVENTORY ADJ USTMENTS 10l15l2UA Lone Star and Midland Relocate 10t15t2018 Ednetics - ldaho Arts Charter 1011512018 ENA- 3 sites 101't51201a ENA- 3 sites 1011512018 ENA- 3 sites 1011512018 ENA- 3 sites 1011512018 ENA- 3 sites 10t15t2018 916.86 MC200AHY 112.14 MC200AHY 4,714.01 MC200AHY 14,372.75 MC20oAHY 1,'t15.00 MC200AHY 2,337.s0 MC200AHY 367.22 MC200AHY 368.66 MC200AHY 23,828.31 MC200AHY 3,502.43 MC200AHY 10,216.51 MC200AHY 1,955.30 MC200AHY 1,322.41 MC200AHY 1,847.04 MC200AHY 4,301.29 MC200AHY 52,058.45 MC200AHY 19,6'14.40 MC200AHY 13'1,360.56 MC200AHY 1,062.s0 MC200AHY 26.66 MC20oAHY 929.59 MC20oAHY 161.14 MC200AHY 55s.22 MC20oAHY 1,728.41 MC200AHY 63,385.97 MC200AHY 14,738.83 MC200AHY (35,865.44) MC2ooAHY 341.64 MC200AHY 11,594.30 MC200AHY 1,136.39 MC200AHY 1,504.98 MC200AHY 79.24 MC200AHY 472.46 MC200AHY 4,425.92 MC200AHY 07l15l2UA 07l15l2UA 07115t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07 t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07 t1512018 07t1512018 07115t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07115t2018 07t15t2018 07115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10l15l2UA 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10115t2018 916.86 112.14 4,714.01 14,372.75 1,1 15.00 2,337.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,728.41 63,385.97 14,738.83 (35,86s.44) 0.00 1 1,594.30 1,136.39 1,504.98 79.24 472.46 4,425.92 Asset lD Acquisition Date ENA- 3 sites ENA- 3 sites ENA- 3 sites 10t1512018 10115120',18 1011512018 SMB Barnyard Kitchen and Varsity Pub 10t1512018 West Valley Blanket Extensions 1011512018 West Valley Blanket Extensions 1011512018 West Valley Blanket Extensions 10t15t2018 West Valley Blanket btensions 1011512018 West Valley Blanket Extensions 1011512018 West Valley Blanket Extensions 10t15t2018 West Valley Blanket Extensions 10t1512018 Creason Creek Sub 1011512018 FALLBROOK SUB 1 1011512018 FALLBROOK SUB 1 10t15l2UA FALLBROOK SUB ,I 10t15t2018 SILVEROAKS2&3 1011512018 SILVEROAKS2&3 101151201A SILVEROAKS2&3 1011512018 SILVEROAKS2&3 10t15t2018 SENORA ORCHARD 3 1011512018 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 1011512018 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 10t15t2018 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 1011512018 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 1011512018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 1011s12018 20 17 Node Hard Split Blanket 10t1st2018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 1011512018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 1011512018 Syringa VZWT-Mobile New Meadows CBH 1011512018 Syringa VZWT-Mobile New Meadows CBH 10l15l2UA Syringa VZWT-Mobile New Meadows CBH 1011512018 T-l\Iobile VW Towers CBH 1011512018 T-Mobile VW Towers CBH 1011512018 T-Mobile VW Towers CBH 1011512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 205970 205971 205972 205974 205975 205976 205977 205978 205979 205981 205982 205987 205989 205990 205992 20599s 205996 205997 205998 206000 206002 206003 206004 206005 206007 206008 206009 20601 0 206017 2060'18 206020 tuouzt 206023 206024 6,693.67 MC200AHY 2,653.37 MC200AHY 9,032.50 MC2004HY 11,288.39 MC200AHY 695.31 MC200AHY 4,694.91 |V]C2ooAHY 1,715.04 MC200AHY '1,339.46 MC200AHY 4,042.08 MC20oAHY 1,997.30 MC20oAHY 73,291.88 MC200AHY 544.88 MC200AHY 1,333.45 MC200AHY 1,913.24 MC2004HY 9,930.45 MC200AHY 45.79 MC200AHY 232.72 MC200AHY 310.83 MC200AHY 7,160.46 MC200AHY 675.36 MC20oAHY 82,791.25 MC20oAHY 2,444.74 MC200AHY 511.20 MC200AHY 3,825.72 MC200AHY 12,540.00 Mc200AHY 13,966.44 MC200AHY 260.00 MC200AHY 3,357.01 MC200AHY 449.61 MC200AHY 4,138.89 MC200AHY 45,855.44 MC200AHY 3,547.00 MC200AHY 1,720.73 MC200AHY s,223.57 MC200AHY 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 101151201A 101151201A 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10115t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 6,693.67 2,653.37 9,032.50 11,288.39 695.31 4,694.91 1,715.04 '1,339.46 4,O42.O8 1,997.30 73,291.88 544.88 1,333.45 1,913.24 9,930.45 45.79 232.72 310.83 7,160.46 b / J-5b 82,791.25 2,444.74 511.20 3,825.72 12,540.OO 13,966.44 260.00 3,357.01 449.61 4,138.89 45,855.44 3,547.00 1,720.73 9,223.57 Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Gable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January 1,20'18 to December 31,2018 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January '1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Asset ID Acquisition Date T-Mobile VW Towers CBH 10115t2018 Project lmpact Stem DIA 1011512018 Project lmpact Stem DIA 10t15t2018 Project lmpact Stem DIA 1011512018 Project lmpact Stem DIA 10t15t2018 Group One DIA 10t15t2018 Syringa Medical Clinic New Meadows EPL 1011512018 Syringa Medical Clinic New Meadows EPL 1011512018 Syringa Medical Clinic New Meadows EPL 1011512018 Syringa Medical Clinic New Meadows EPL 10115t2018 Perty lnvestments LLC 1011512018 Perty lnvestments LLC 1011512018 PerV lnvestments LLC 10t15t2018 PRG User lnterface Solutions SMB 1011512018 JLC 9 lnc SMB 10t15t2018 JLC I Inc SMB 10t15t2018 JLC 9 lnc SMB 1011512018 JLC I lnc SMB 1011512018 JLC 9 lnc SMB 1011512018 JLC 9 lnc SMB 1011512018 West Valley Blanket SMB Extensions 1011512018 West Valley Blanket SMB Extensions 1011512018 West Valley Blanket SMB Enensions 1011512018 West Valley Blanket SMB Extensions 1011512018 West Valley Blanket SMB Extensions 10115t2018 West Valley Blanket SMB Extensions 1011512018 West Valley Blanket SMB Extensions 1011512018 WV DESIGN & ENGINEERING 10/1512018 WEST VALLEY JOINT TRENCH 10l1sl2ua WEST VALLEY JOINT TRENCH 1011512018 WEST VALLEY JOINT TRENCH 1011512018 WEST VALLEY JOINT TRENCH 10t1512018 WV HEADEND FIBER TRANSPORT 10t15t2018 WV HEADEND FIBER TRANSPORT 10t15t2018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed In Service Book Cost 206026 206030 206031 206032 206034 206036 206037 206038 206039 206041 206043 206044 206046 206048 206049 206050 206051 206052 206053 206054 206055 206056 206057 206058 206059 206060 206061 206068 206070 206071 206072 206073 206076 206077 108,021.10 MC200AHY 149.00 MC200AHY 499.47 MC200AHY 1,627 .40 MC200AHY 'r8,079.60 MC20oAHY 1,311.15 MC200AHY 477.00 MC200AHY 984.15 MC200AHY 2,786.26 MC200AHY 17,113.40 MC200AHY 79.44 MC200AHY 307.97 MC200AHY 6,647.00 MC200AHY 44.96 MC200AHY 27.48 MC200AHY 671.5'l MC200AHY 12.77 MC200AHY 132.73 MC200AHY 747.03 MC200AHY 5,172.00 MC200AHY 369.79 MC200AHY 1,706.03 MC200AHY 843.16 MC200AHY 698.58 MC200AHY 1,256.94 MC200AHY 6,416.88 MC200AHY 65,973.01 MC200AHY 43,645.60 MC200AHY 158.89 MC200AHY 5,177.98 MC200AHY 22.32 MC200AHY '1,363,686.26 MC200AHY 6,4s0.40 MC200AHY 290.00 Mc200AHY 1011512018 10t1st2018 1011512018 10t1512018 10115t2018 1011512018 10t15t2014 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 108,021.10 149.00 499.47 1,627.40 18,079.60 1,31 1 .15 477.OO 984.1 5 2,786.26 17,113.40 79.44 307.97 6,647.00 44.96 27.48 671.51 12.77 132.73 747.03 5,172.00 369.79 1,706.03 843.1 6 698.58 1,256.94 6,416.88 65,973.01 43,645.60 158.89 5,177.98 22.32 1,363,686.26 6,450.40 290.00 Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 201 8 to December 31, 2018 Asset ID Acquisition Date WV HEADEND FIBER TRANSPORT 10t15t2018 WV HEADEND FIBER TRANSPORT 101151201A WV HEADEND FIBER TRANSPORT 1011512018 WV HEADEND FIBER TRANSPORT 10115t2018 WV HEADEND FIBER TRANSPORT 1011512018 WV HEADEND FIBER TRANSPORT 1011512018 WV HEADEND FIBER TRANSPORT 10t15t2018 TheOaks5&6 10t15t2018 TheOaks5&6 10l15l2UA TheOaks5&6 1011512018 TheOaks5&6 10t15t2018 TheOaks5&6 10l15lzyA TheOaks5&6 1011512018 Linder Road Apartments 10t15t2018 Linder Road Apartments 10t15t2018 Linder Road Apartments 1011512018 Linder Road Apartments 1011512018 Linder Road Apartments 10t15t2018 Linder Road Apartments 1011512018 Linder Road Apartments 1011512018 Linder Road Apartments 1011512018 GatedGardensl &2 1011512018 GatedGardensl &2 1011512018 GatedGardensl&2 10l15lzyA GatedGardensl&2 10t15t2018 GatedGardensl&2 10l15lzxA catedGardensl&2 1011512018 GatedGardensl&2 1011512018 GatedGardensl&2 1011512018 Kentucky Villas 1011512018 Red Hawk Ridge 3 1011512018 Crimson Point 8 1011512018 Crimson Point I 10115t2018 Crimson Point 8 1011512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 206078 206080 206081 206082 206084 206085 206086 206091 206092 206093 206094 206095 206097 206'101 206102 2061 03 206104 2061 05 2061 07 2061 08 2061 09 206112 206113 206114 2061 1 5 2061 1 6 2061 1 I 2061 19 206120 206123 206124 206126 206127 206128 894.00 MC200AHY 9,408.13 MC200AHY 69,462.17 MC200AHY 1,040.25 MC200AHY 74,456.31 MC200AHY 1,506.00 MC200AHY 172,071.45 MC200AHY 1,356.42 MC200AHY 4,635.87 MC200AHY 51.00 MC200AHY 1,848.37 MC200AHY 64.11 MC200AHY 32,087.50 MC200AHY 539.13 MC200AHY 1,472.53 MC200AHY 652.50 MC200AHY 2,039.74 MC200AHY 2,072.21 MC200AHY 3,377.50 MC200AHY 11,322.61 MC200AHY 546.78 MC200AHY 714.42 MC200AHY 2,5s5.s6 MC200AHY 1,675.27 MC200AHY 't,673.88 MC200AHY 5,180.54 MC200AHY 4,103.75 MC200AHY 8,661.93 MC200AHY 4,418.00 MC200AHY 633.24 MC200AHY 2,251.62 MC200AHY 1,427.95 MC200AHY 4,487.95 MC200AHY 181.29 MC200AHY 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 10t1512018 10t1512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 101151201A 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 894.00 9,408.'13 69,462.17 1,040.25 74,456.31 '1,506.00 172,071.45 1,356.42 4,635.87 51.00 1,848.37 64.11 32,087.50 539.1 3 1,472.53 652.50 2,039.74 2,O72.21 3,377.50 11,322.61 546.78 714.42 2,555.56 1,675.27 1,673.88 5,1 80.54 4,103.75 8,661.93 4,418.00 633.24 2,251.62 1,427.95 4,487.95 181.29 Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January'1,20181o December 31, 2018 Asset lD Crimson Point 8 Crimson Point I Crimson Point 8 Crimson Point 8 Crimson Point I Paramounl Directors 1 Paramount Directors 1 Paramount Directors 1 Paramount Directors 1 Paramount Directors 1 Paramount Directors 1 Paramount Directors 1 Tannenbaum 3 & 4 Tannenbaum 3 & 4 Tannenbaum 3 & 4 Tannenbaum 3 & 4 Tannenbaum 3 & 4 Tannenbaum 3 & 4 Carriage Hill North 5 Carriage Hill North 5 Carriage Hill North 5 Canyon Crossing 1A Canyon Crossing 1A Franklin Village 2 Franklin Village 2 Franklin Village 2 Howry Lane 2 Howry Lane 2 Howry Lane 2 Howry Lane 3 Howry Lane 3 Howry Lane 3 McKinley Meadows McKinley Meadows Acquisition Date 1011512018 1011512018 10t1512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 101'tst2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t1512018 10t1512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10115t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 10t15t2018 10l15l2UA 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10115t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 10t1512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 10t15t2018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10115t2018 1011512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 206129 2061 30 206132 2061 33 2061 34 2061 38 206'139 206140 206141 206142 206144 206145 206149 2061 50 2061 51 206152 206154 206'155 2061 s8 2061 59 206'161 2061 63 2061 64 2061 65 2061 66 2061 68 206170 206171 206173 206175 2061 76 206178 2061 80 2061 81 1,848.37 530.35 8,248.10 1,829.45 13,230.30 1,683.67 7,939.72 12.77 91.31 725.27 4,800.'10 40,691.00 1 ,108.83 3,690.55 398.04 1,036.1 1 1,950.00 24,827.95 311.O2 'l,438.58 10,382.60 485.35 2,905.00 1,003.83 2,279.06 1 0,1 57.60 311.02 1,183.25 11,689.20 619.80 1,912.63 10,842.00 355.92 299.99 1,848.37 MC200AHY 530.35 MC20oAHY 8,248.10 MC200AHY 1,829.45 t\ilC2ooAHY 13,230.30 Mc200AHY 1,683.67 MC200AHY 7,939.72 MC20oAHY 12.77 MC200AHY 91.31 MC200AHY 725.27 MC200AHY 4,800.10 Mc200AHY 40,691.00 I\ilc2ooAHY 1,108.83 MC200AHY 3,690.55 MC200AHY 398.04 MC200AHY 1,036.11 MC200AHY 1,950.00 MC200AHY 24,827.95 MC200AHY 311.02 MC200AHY 1,438.58 MC200AHY 10,382.60 MC200AHY 485.35 MC200AHY 2,905.00 MC200AHY 1,003.83 MC200AHY 2,279.06 MC200AHY 10,157.60 MC200AHY 311.02 |V1C2ooAHY 1,183.25 MC200AHY 1't,689.20 MC200AHY 619.80 MC200AHY '1,912.63 MC200AHY 10,842.00 MC200AHY 355.92 MC200AHY 299.99 MC200AHY Exhibit B - 20l8ldaho Qualified Additions Gable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January 1,20'18to December 31,2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date McKinley Meadows 10t15t2018 McKinley Meadows 1011512018 McKinley Meadows 1011512018 McKinley Meadows 10t15t2018 McKinley Meadows 1011512018 Red Hawk Ridge 4 1011512018 Red Hawk Ridge 4 10t15t2018 Red Hawk Ridge 4 10t15t2018 Red Hawk Ridge 4 1011512018 Red Hawk Ridge 4 1011512018 Red Hawk Ridge 4 10115t2018 Red Hawk Ridge 4 10t1512018 1108 - 1118 E lowa Duplexes 1011512018 1108 - 1118 E lowa Duplexes 1011512018 '1108- 11'18 E lowa Duplexes 10l15lzyA 1 'l 08 - 1 1 18 E lowa Duplexes 1011512018 1108- 1118 E lowa Duplexes 1011512018 1108- 1118 E lowa Duplexes 1011512018 'l 108- 1118 E lowa Duplexes 10t15t2018 Colorado Greens 10t15t2018 Colorado Greens 1011512018 Colorado Greens 10115t2018 Colorado Greens 10t15t2018 Colorado Greens 10t1512018 Colorado Greens 1011512018 Colorado Greens 1011512018 Brookdale Estates Sub 5 10t1512018 Brookdale Estates Sub 5 10t15t2018 Brookdale Estates Sub 5 1011512018 Brookdale Estates Sub 5 10t1512018 Brookdale Estates Sub 5 1011512018 Brookdale Estates Sub 5 10t15t2018 SAILOR SHORES / VINE ESTATES 1011512018 SAILOR SHORES / VINE ESTATES 1011512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 206182 2061 83 206184 2061 85 206'186 206187 2061 88 206'189 2061 90 20619'l 206192 2061 93 206194 206'l9s 2061 96 206197 206 1 98 2061 99 206200 206201 206202 206203 206204 206205 206206 206207 206208 206209 206210 206211 206212 206213 206214 206215 1011512018 1011s12018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10l15l2UA 1011512018 10t1512018 10t15t2018 10115120',18 1011512018 10t1512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t151201A 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 1011512018 10115t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 373.75 323.04 1,697.92 5,585.0'l 3,554.32 612.80 2,179.47 1,s0s.63 1,336.56 3,904.83 3,1 35.30 13,678.12 29.34 416.01 6't 9.38 69.30 198.72 499.06 5,786.40 140.48 1,483.03 1 ,100.93 1 ,215.86 1,923.18 325.1 0 3,283.10 111.02 1,717.77 619.38 1,145.28 4,144.43 6,673.60 165.15 947.14 373.75 MC200AHY 323.04 MC2004HY 1,697 .92 MC200AHY 5,585.01 MC200AHY 3,554.32 MC20oAHY 612.80 MC200AHY 2,179.47 MC200AHY 1,s05.63 MC200AHY 1,336.56 MC200AHY 3,904.83 MC20oAHY 3,135.30 MC20oAHY 13,678.12 MC200AHY 29.34 MC200AHY 416.01 MC200AHY 619.38 MC200AHY 69.30 MC200AHY 198.72 MC200AHY 499.06 MC200AHY s,786.40 MC20oAHY 140.48 MC20oAHY 1,483.03 MC200AHY 1,100.93 MC200AHY 1,215.88 MC200AHY 1,923.'t8 MC200AHY 325.10 MC200AHY 3,283.10 MC200AHY '111.02 MC200AHY 1,717.77 MC200AHY 619.38 MC200AHY 1,145.28 MC20oAHY 4,144.43 MC20oAHY 6,673.60 MC20oAHY 16s.1s MC200AHY 947.18 MC200AHY Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Gable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 'l , 201 I to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date SAILOR SHORES / VINE ESTATES 10t15t2018 SAILOR SHORES / VINE ESTATES 10l15l2UA SAILOR SHORES / VINE ESTATES 10t15t2018 SAILOR SHORES / VINE ESTATES 101151201A SAILOR SHORES / VINE ESTATES 10t15t2018 SAILOR SHORES / VINE ESTATES 10t1512018 Nampa HUB Rack CMTS lnstall 10t1512018 Linder Fiber Shortage 1011512018 Linder Fiber Shortage 10t1512018 Linder Fiber Shortage 1011512018 Linder Fiber Shortage 10115/2018 Linder Fiber Shortage 10t15t2018 Linder Fiber Shortage 1011512018 Rebuild 10l15l2UA Rebuild 1011512018 Rebuild 1011512018 Rebuild 1011512018 Rebuild 1011512018 Rebuild 1011512018 Rebuild 10t15t2018 Rebuild 10t15t2018 Reliability-Rebuild 1011512018 Reliability-Rebuild 1011512018 Reliability-Rebuild 10t15t2018 Reliability-Rebuild 1011512018 Reliability-Rebuild 10115t2018 Reliability-Rebuild 1011512018 Reliability-Rebuild 1011512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 10t15t2018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 10t15t2018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 1011512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 1011s12018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 1011512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 1011512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 206216 206217 206218 206219 206220 206221 206224 206228 206229 206230 206231 206233 206234 206240 206241 206242 206243 206244 206245 206246 206247 206249 206250 206251 206252 206253 206254 206255 206265 206267 206268 206269 206270 206271 705.96 MC200AHY 296.19 MC200AHY 2,846.23 MC200AHY 1,475.75 MC200AHY 297.60 MC20oAHY 4,363.'15 MC200AHY (6,250.00) Mc2ooAHY 7,575.05 MC200AHY 'r9,170.19 MC200AHY 348.04 MC2004HY 51.80 MC200AHY 4,319.80 MC200AHY 234,O42.82 MC200AHY 1,015.07 MC200AHY 714.16 MC200AHY 25.53 MC200AHY 809.47 MC20oAHY 2,397.38 MC200AHY 43,242.75 MC200AHY 10,596.70 MC200AHY 19,O75.23 MC200AHY 1,265.32 MC200AHY 2,382.78 MC200AHY 496.00 MC20oAHY 5,541.78 MC20oAHY 41,796.77 MC200AHY 1'1,929.60 MC200AHY 26,388.5'l MC200AHY 61,852.90 MC200AHY 2,619.62 MC200AHY 811.89 MC200AHY 12.77 MC200AHY 1,O81.82 MC200AHY 2,482.96 MC200AHY 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t1512018 10t'15t2018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 70s.96 296.1 I 2,846.23 1,475.75 297.60 4,363.15 (6,250.00) 7,575.05 1 9,1 70.1 9 348.04 51.80 4,319.80 234,042.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61,852.90 2,619.62 81 1.89 12.77 1,OA1.82 2,482.96 Asset lD Acquisition Date Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 206273 206274 206275 206276 206280 206282 206283 206284 206286 206287 206288 206289 206290 206291 206292 206293 206295 206296 206297 206294 206299 206300 206301 206302 206303 206305 206307 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 10t15t2018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 10l15l2UA 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 1011512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 1011512018 2018 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 1011s120't8 2018 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 1011512018 2018 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 10t15t2018 2018 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 10t15t2018 RELOCATE 1011512018 RELOCATE 10t15t2018 RELOCATE 10t1512018 RELOCATE 1011512018 RELOCATE 1011512018 RELOCATE 'tot't512018 RELOCATE 10115t2018 RELOCATE 1011512018 Reroute 10t1512018 Reroute 10t15t2018 Reroute 101151201A Reroute 101151201A Reroute 10t1512018 Reroute 10t15t2018 Reroute 10t15t2018 Reroute 10t15t2UA Reroute 10t15t2018 2018 Digitial ADU"s project 10t15t2018 End of Life Min-LEs 1011512018 36,315.57 MC200AHY 57,O76.12 MC200AHY 3,212.76 MC200AHY 10,6'12.50 MC200AHY 29.25 MC200AHY 1,191.94 MC200AHY 7,764.60 MC200AHY 233.46 MC200AHY 423.66 MC200AHY 650.61 MC200AHY 25.53 MC200AHY 61.73 MC200AHY 779.88 MC200AHY 2,160.00 MC200AHY 30,385.14 MC200AHY 12,760.49 MC200AHY 1,688.88 MC200AHY 2,774.26 MC200AHY 632.'15 MC200AHY 493.85 MC200AHY 7,485.87 MC200AHY 59,511.86 MC200AHY 68,783.20 MC200AHY 72,246.60 MC200AHY 5,475.60 MC200AHY 30,611.59 MC200AHY 90,493.00 MC200AHY 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 10115t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 101't512018 1011512018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 10115t2018 101151201A 10t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10115t2018 10t1512018 10t1512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 36,315.57 57,076.12 3,212.76 10,612.50 29.25 1,191.94 7,764.60 233.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,611.59 90,493.00 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 2018 lo December 31 , 201 8 $6,738,867.52 Syslemj 568 197302 INV REC 04t15t2018 0711512018 8'l 1.78 MC200AHY 3.96 MC200AHY 04t15t2018 071151201A 811.78 3.96 5.74 $ 1 4,930,887.93 $81 5.74 $1 1 ,428,931.14Subtotal: 101 640 (2,432) Asset GL Acct #: 1 01 642 1 53988 vzw WEST VALLEY 269 258 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January I , 201 8 to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date 01t15t2018 TF06 Node Split 0411s12018 TF21 Node Split 0411512018 TF26 node split 41151201A TF36 node split 04t15t2018 T-Mobile Towers Twin Falls 07 11512018 Tek-Hut Twin Falls 07 11512018 HOIVETOWN 3-SETTLERS RIDGE 2 PH2 0711512018 BENNOS POINT 3 07 11512018 GRANDVIEW ESTATES 2 07 t1512018 TF06 Node Split 07 t15t2018 TF21 Node Split 07 t15t2018 TF26 node split 07 11512018 TF36 node split 0711512018 JR01 Node Split 07 11512018 JR03 Node Split 07t15t2018 ELKHORN2/MARIPOSA2 1011512018 BROADMORE 2 I JADE2 10t15t2018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv 13,166.80 MC200AHY 5,4'18.01 MC200AHY 8,694.97 MC200AHY 3,965.98 MC200AHY 3,558.35 MC200AHY 22,396.22 IVtC200AHY 1,556.22 tvtC200AHY 241.39 l\ilczooAHY 11,474.42 MC200AHY 7,932.50 MC200AHY 243.59 MC200AHY 726.39 MC200AHY 967.78 MC200AHY 5,628.80 MC200AHY 8,172.17 MC200AHY 11,914.95 MC200AHY 20,733.68 tvlC200AHY 7,541.03 l\ilC200AHY Placed ln Service Book Cost 1 90458 1 90469 1 90475 1 90480 197491 197492 197493 197494 197495 197496 197497 197498 197499 1 97500 1 97501 205279 205285 01t15t20'18 0411512018 0411512018 041151201A o4t15t2018 0711512018 07t1512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1 3,166.80 5,418.01 8,694.97 3,965.98 3,558.35 22,396.22 1,556.22 241,39 1',t,474.42 7,932.50 243.59 726.39 967.78 5,628.80 8,172.17 1 1 ,914.95 20,733.68 7,541.03 $1 34,333.25 $134,333.25 System:259 1 90540 205359 205372 s11 &512 Syringa- Regence Charter 3rd Ave N EPL 0411512018 1011s12018 10t15t2018 2,106.00 MC200AHY 574.64 MC200AHY 338.97 MC200AHY 0411512018 1011512018 10t1st2018 2,106.00 574.64 338.97 9.61 $3,019.61 System:260 154076 1 54080 '190555 1 90559 197502 Clarion lnn Pocatello Video 0111512018 Clarion lnn Pocatello DlA,/PRl 0111512018 VZW Walmart Chubbuck- DKF 04t15t2018 VzW lD6 Oak to lD6 Center Dark Fiber 04t15t2018 VZW lD6 Turner Hall - lDo Portneuf Medic 07t15t2018 1,855.65 47.76 4J20.13 3,579.52 8,261.76 MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY 0111512018 01t15t2018 04115t2018 o4t't5t2018 07t15t2018 1,855.65 47.76 4,120.13 3,579.52 8,261.76 $17,864.82 System: 267 154116 '154150 1 54'160 1 54'166 vzw A TWR 01t15t2018 BON NEVI LLE/I DAHO FALLS/YORKSIDE3 0111512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BERKLEY PARKl -2 0111512018 MADISON/REXBURG/SUMMERFIED 3 01t15t2018 1,835.89 MC200AHY 1,203.24 MC200AHY 2,790.01 MC200AHY (11,98s.57) MC200AHY 0111512018 01t15t2018 0111512018 01t1512018 1,835.89 1,203.24 2,790.01 (1 1,985.57) TWN FALLS 258 Name: LEWSTON LEWSTON 259 Asset lD Acquisition Date BON NEVILLE/I DAHO FALLS/SILVERLEAF#1 0111512018 Node split 20'18 o1t15t2018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0111512018 Verizon - Dark Fiber 04t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/AMMON/MOUNTAIN BEND EST 0411512018 VZW Groveland-DKF 07115/2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BERKLEY PARKl-2 07t15t2018 BINGHAM/SHELLEY/SUNSET VISTA 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSiLINDEN TRAILS #1 0711512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/FAIRWAY EST 21 07t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/FAIRWAY EST 22 071151201A IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 0711512018 BON NEVILLUI DAHO FALLS/SANDPOINTE 1011s12018 BONNEVILLE/AMMON/OLSEN PARK # 1 10t15t2018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSiBELMONT EST2 1011512018 BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLSMOLF CREEK 10l15l2UA BONNEVILLE/IDAHO FALLS/BRIDGEWATER 7 10t15t2018 IDAHO FALLS RELOCATES 10l15l2UA Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 154175 154215 154219 1 90579 1 90597 1 97503 1 97504 1 97505 '197506 197507 1 97508 1 97509 205446 20548s 205496 205503 205521 205573 23.10 MC200AHY 98.68 MC200AHY 3,264.58 MC200AHY 1,353.25 MC200AHY 4,091.63 MC200AHY 1,317.88 MC200AHY 338.43 MC20oAHY '197.34 MC200AHY 766.00 MC200AHY 577.50 MC200AHY 6,170.O2 MC200AHY 17,932.63 MC20oAHY 15,329.70 MC200AHY 7,370.62 MC200AHY 1,881.12 MC200AHY 427.98 MC200AHY 559.02 MC200AHY 01l15l2UA 0111512018 011151201A 0411s12018 04t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07115/2018 0711512018 071151201A 07t15t2018 07t15t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 1011s12018 23.10 98.68 0.00 1,353.25 4,091.63 1,317.88 338.43 197.34 766.00 577.50 6,170.O2 0.00 15,329.70 7,370.62 1 ,881.12 427.98 5s9.02 0.00 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 20'18 to December 31,2018 IVC2OOAHY $34,345.84 System:268 154250 154269 154273 1 54300 't5431 1 154342 1 543s9 1 90699 190726 190737 190773 1 90806 1 9751 0 '197511 197512 Projects 01t1512018 Verizon Wireless- Sporto DKF 0111512018 Verizon Wireless- Fred Myer DF Bonneville Pointe'l 0111512018 01t15t2018 Boise Fiber Augmentation Projects 0111512018 ACHD Emerald - Orchard St. To Americana 01l15l2UA ACHD Veterans Memorial PKW Y& State St. 01l15l2UA Dallas Harris Est 15 o411512018 Dallas Hanis 16 0411512018 Hazelwood Village 15 04t15t2018 ACHD Veterans Memorial PKW Y& State St. 04115t2018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 04t15t2018 ACHD Veterans Memorial PKW Y& State St. 0711512018 Sloan Security Group DlA./PRl 07t15t2018 Multiple Projects B 1,121.78 14,742.16 23.10 419.10 46.20 95.52 't 91 .04 2,434.27 1,014.04 289.1 5 69.30 1,689.77 4,916.20 1,459.37 MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC20OAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY IVIC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY 01t15t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 011151201A 011151201A 011151201A o4115120',18 04115t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0711512018 07t15t2018 0.00 14,742.16 23.10 419.1 0 46.20 0.00 0.00 2,434.27 1,014.04 289.1 5 0.00 1,689.77 0.00 1,459.37 IDAHO Name: BOISE Asset lD Acquisition Date 07115t20't8 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 071151201A ACHD/CCDC - GSI Alley way projects 07t15t2018 T-Mobile Towers Boise 1011512018 Perry Commercial 1011512018 Boise EPON 10t15t2018 ACHD Veterans Memorial PKW Y& State St. 10t15t2018 Group One DIA 1011512018 Emerald PON 10115t2018 300 W Main St Boise EPON Spec Build 1011512018 2018 -Boise NODE SPLITS 10l15l2UA ACHDiCCDC - GSI Alley way projects 10t15t2018 Acquisitlon Cost Depr Meth/Conv 792.00 MC200AHY 884.00 MC200AHY 602.73 MC200AHY 310.98 MC200AHY 18,689.14 MC200AHY 97,249.74 MC200AHY 4,775.67 MC200AHY 23.31 MC200AHY 14,560.48 MC200AHY 4,543.05 MC200AHY 1,061.12 MC200AHY 1,240.53 MC200AHY Placed ln Service 0711512018 07t15t2018 0711512018 101't5t2018 10t1512018 1011s12018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 Book Cost 792.OO 884.00 0.00 310.98 18,689.14 97,249.74 0.00 23.31 14,560.48 4,543.05 1 ,061 .12 0.00 1 9751 3 197514 205620 205656 205697 205849 20s862 205873 205877 20591 6 205925 Exhibit B - 2018ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1, 201 8 to December 31, 201 I 73,243.75 $16ol3O-98 System:269 1 54389 1544',t6 154421 154431 154437 154444 154451 154478 154497 1 54509 154528 1 54539 1 54558 154571 1 54579 1 54591 154602 1 5461 3 154620 154625 1 54645 Falcon Valley Sub 3 Springhouse Sub 0111512018 0111512018 0111512018 New NW Meridian OTN 0111512018 St. Alphonsus o1l15t2UA Verizon Wireless- Plummer DKF 01t15t2018 Ednetics - ldaho Arts Charter 0111512018 West Valley Single Home Extensions 0111512018 Carriage Hill North Sub 3-4 01t1st2018 Bainbridge Sub 3 01t15t2018 Baraya Sub 'l o111512018 Avimor Sub 5 01115t2018 Parkstone Sub 8-1 0 01t15t2018 Delaware Park 2 unit 4 011151201A Bainbridge Park Subl 0111512018 Bainbridge Sub 4 0111512018 Pennsylvania Park Sub 1 0111512018 Howry Lane 1 o1t15t2018 GREYHAWK 6 01t15t2018 THE PRESERVE 6 0111s12018 NC ADU Pathtrak 01115t2018 56.06 MC20oAHY 1,893.97 MC200AHY 650.20 MC2004HY 655.35 MC20oAHY 266.90 MC20oAHY 6,261.09 MC200AHY 7,023.05 MC200AHY 15,579.86 MC200AHY 14,097.98 MC200AHY 7 ,947.O2 MC200AHY 4,911.81 MC200AHY 475.86 MC2004HY 12,405.1a MC200AHY 243.59 MC200AHY 5,698.40 MC200AHY 4,154.93 MC200AHY 10,391.00 MC200AHY 3,194.78 MC200AHY 2,083.67 MC200AHY 2,988.17 MC200AHY 255.57 MC200AHY 01t15t2018 01t15t201e 0111512018 o1115t2018 01t1512018 0111512018 01t1512018 01t15t2018 011151201A 0111512018 011151201A 01t15t2418 01l15l2UA 0111512018 011151201A 0111512018 0111512018 01115t2018 0111512018 0111512018 01t15t2018 56.06 't,893.97 650.20 655.35 266.90 6,261.09 7,023.05 1s,579.86 14,097.98 7,947.02 4,91 1.81 475.86 12,405.18 243.s9 5,698.40 4,154.93 1 0,391 .00 3,194.78 2,083.67 2,988.1 7 255.57 BOTSE 268 Name: WEST VALLEY Exhibit B - 2018 ldaho Qualified Additions Gable One lnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax For the Period January 1 , 201 8 to December 31, 2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date Bad Cables, Violations, Emergenry 01t15t2018 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 0111512018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 0111512018 T-Mobile Towers West Valley 0411512018 EF: Holiday lnn Express Meridian DIA o4115t2018 Patagonia Sub 0411512018 Brinegar Sub 1 0411512018 Hills Century Farm 4-5 04t15t2018 Pennsylvania Park Sub 1 0411512018 Howry Lane 1 0411512018 SILVEROAKS2&3 04t15t2018 CRAFTSMAN ESTATES 2 o4l15l2UA CASTLE PEAK 4 0411512018 2017 Node Hard Split Blanket 0411512018 Meridian OTN Relocate o4t15t2018 Syringa VZW lD4 Panther Parma CBH 04l15lzyA Syringa Dept of Labor EPL 0411512018 Verado'l & 2 0411512018 Starfall Creek 3 04t15t2018 Patagonia 2 041151201A 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket o4l15l2UA 2018 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 0411512018 RELOCATE 04t15t2018 RELOCATE 0411512018 ASPEN 5 07t15t2018 EAGLE STREAM 1 0711512018 SIENNA HILLS 6 07115t2018 2017 Node Soft Split Blanket 0711512018 Group One DIA 07t15t2018 Ardell Estates 1 &2 07l15l2UA Starfall Creek 3 0711512018 Canyon Crossing 1A 07t15t2018 Lilac Springs 2 07l15l2UA Hill Century Farm 6 0711512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 1 54654 154671 1 54680 '190835 1 90838 1 90887 1 90907 1 9091 8 1 90923 1 90930 1 90946 1 90982 1 90995 'l 91016 't91032 1 91 035 1 91 043 1 91 055 1 91 065 1 91 079 191106 191117 191127 191136 1 9751 5 1 9751 6 197517 197518 197519 197520 197521 197522 197523 197524 2,269.40 3,530.64 1,554.80 2,612.14 23.31 1 ,1 09.1 I 1,229.98 7,962.34 407.42 494.84 2,059.24 5,292.05 773.40 10,209.93 'l 16.55 5,1 13.56 857.37 4,479.36 4,100.62 2,535.99 28,173.44 717.99 142.08 32,831.27 3,887.54 1,592.9s 1 ,132.69 35.52 1,316.67 243.59 341.51 2,995.60 1,749.71 2,1 96.94 MC2OOAHY IvIC2OOAHY l\ilC200AHY I\ilC200AHY MC20OAHY IV]C2OOAHY IVC2OOAHY l\ilC200AHY l\ilC200AHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY IVIC2OOAHY IVIC2OOAHY l\ilC200AHY l\ilC200AHY MC2OOAHY t\rc200AHY MC2OOAHY IVIC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY MC2OOAHY IvIC2OOAHY IVlC2OOAHY IVIC2OOAHY IVC2OOAHY IV]C2OOAHY MC2OOAHY IVC2OOAHY 0111512018 01t15t2018 01t15t2018 0411512018 04115t2018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 04115t2018 04t15t2018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0411512018 04t15t2018 0411512018 0711512018 0711512018 0711512018 07l15t2UA 07115t2018 07t1512018 07115t2018 0711512018 07t1512018 0711512018 0.00 3,530.64 1,554.80 2,612.14 23.31 1 ,109.18 1,229.98 7,962.34 407.42 494.84 2,059.24 5,292.05 773.40 10,209.93 0.00 5,1 1 3.56 857.37 4,479.36 4,100.62 2,535.99 28,173.44 717.99 0.00 0.00 3,887.54 1,592.95 1,132.69 35.52 'l ,316.67 243.59 341.51 2,995.60 1,749.71 2,196.94 Exhibit B - 20'18 ldaho Qualified Additions Cable One tnc Asset Acquisition Federal Tax Forthe Period January 1,2018to December 31,2018 Asset lD Acquisition Date Hill Century Farm 7 Rebuild 07t15t2018 0711512018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 07115t2018 2018 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 0711512018 RELOCATE 0711512018 ENA- 3 sites 1011512018 West Valley Blanket Extensions 10115/2018 FALLBROOK SUB 1 10t15t2018 Syringa VZWT-Mobile New Meadows CBH 10l15l2UA T-Mobile VW Towers CBH 10t15t2018 Project Impact Stem DIA 1011512018 Syringa Medical Clinic New Meadows EPL 1011512018 Perty lnvestments LLC 10115t2018 WV HEADEND FIBER TRANSPORT 1011512018 TheOaks5&6 1011512018 Linder Road Apartments 1011512018 GatedGardensl &2 1011s12018 Crimson Point I 10t15t2018 Paramount Directors 1 10t15t2018 Tannenbaum 3 & 4 1011512018 Carriage Hill North 5 1011512018 Franklin Village 2 101'1512018 Howry Lane 2 10t151201A Howry Lane 3 1011512018 Linder Fiber Shortage 10t15t2018 2018 Node Hard Split Blanket 10t15t2018 201 8 NODE SOFT SPLIT BLANKET 1011512018 Acquisition Cost Depr Meth/Conv Placed ln Service Book Cost 197525 197526 197527 197528 1 97529 205968 205980 205991 20601 I 206025 206033 206040 206045 206083 206096 2061 06 206117 2061 31 206143 2061 53 2061 60 206167 206172 206177 206232 206272 206281 1,968.60 MC200AHY 116.55 MC200AHY 2,037.O1 MC200AHY 1,637.54 MC200AHY 2,269.40 MC200AHY 1,749.94 MC200AHY 1,238.54 MC200AHY 6,966.60 MC200AHY 1,387.11 MC200AHY 4,847.79 MC200AHY 1,028.20 MC200AHY 462.37 MC200AHY 983.52 MC20oAHY 6,389.82 MC200AHY 3,998.82 MC200AHY 695.2s MC200AHY 1,476.58 MC200AHY 3,566.07 MC200AHY 5,686.91 MC20oAHY 3,489.40 MC20oAHY 1,215.99 MC200AHY 1,810.s1 MC200AHY 1,877.74 MC200AHY 1,693.23 MC200AHY 19,917.65 MC200AHY 116.55 MC200AHY 46.62 MC20oAHY 07 t15t2018 0711512018 0711512018 07t1512018 07115t2018 1011512018 10t1512018 10t15t2018 10t1512018 1011512018 1011512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t1512018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10115t2018 10t15t2018 1011512018 10t15t20't8 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 1011512018 10115t2018 10t't5t2018 1011512018 1,968.60 0.00 2,037.01 1,637.54 0.00 1,749.94 1,238.54 6,966.60 1,387.11 4,847.79 1,028.20 462.37 983.52 6,389.82 3,998.82 695.23 1,476.58 3,566.07 s,686.91 3,489.40 1 ,215.99 1 ,810.51 1,877.74 1,693.23 19,917.65 116.55 46.62 $276,253.10 Subtotal:101642 ,613.30 $626,1 64.1 5 WEST VALLEY 269