HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190315Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSION RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM: DANIEL KLEIN DATE: MARCH 14,2Ol9 RE:2OI8 IDAHO TELEPHONE SERVICE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT; CASE NO. GNR-T-19-04. BACKGROUND Each year the Administrator of the Idaho Telecommunications Service Assistance Program (ITSAP) files a report detailing the activities and status of the program during the previous year and submits a recommended budget for the next year. ITSAP provides eligible recipients with a reduction in the cost of residential basic local exchange telephone service. Funds for the program are raised through a surcharge on all end-user business, residential, and wireless access service lines not receiving the ITSAP credit. The Commission determines the uniform statewide monthly surcharge and the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare administers the program and grants limited federal "lifeline" contributions to Idaho's low- income customers. Idaho Code $ 56-901(l). Idaho telephone companies provide assistance in the form of a monthly discount of $2.50 to eligible subscribers. Idaho Code $ 56-902(l). To be eligible for the ITSAP assistance, the applicant must be the head of a household and meet narrowly targeted eligibility criteria based solely on income or factors established by the Department of Health and Welfare. Idaho Code $ 56-903(l). To be eligible to receive reimbursement for providing low-income benefits (ITSAP and the federal Lifeline assistance), a company must be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) by a state commission. 47 C.F.R. $ 54.201(a)(l). DECISION MEMORANDUM I MARCH I4,2OI9 THE 2OI8 ANNUAL REPORT In the annual report filed on March 6,2019, the ITSAP Administrator, Alyson Anderson, reported a decrease in wireline access lines (14%), a decrease in wireless lines (6A%), and a significant decrease in the number of ITSAP recipients (30%) from the previous year. The number of wireless access lines has declined slightly in years past, but the administrator feels the 2018 drop is an aberration in reporting. When the surcharge rate was suspended in May 2017, many companies began reporting zero access lines, or did not report at all. The gross surcharge revenue for the year was reported at$,32 with $25 (78%) assessed on wireline services and $7 (22%) assessed on wireless services. The Administrator explains that ETCs remit net surcharge revenue, which is gross surcharge revenue less any assistance credits provided to eligible recipients and the ETC's administrative costs. Thus, net surcharge revenue collected and deposited into the fund in 2018 totaled $1. The average number of wireline access lines per month reported to the Administrator was 244,988 compared to 285,773 in20l7, and the average number of wireless access lines per month was 3 10,248 compared to 766,587 in 2017. Overall, there was a decrease of approximately 497,124 in the total number of average monthly lines subject to the ITSAP surcharge (555,236Iines per month compared to 1,052,360 in 2017). These numbers are inflated due to a lack of wireless providers reporting line counts due to the surcharge suspension. The average number of reported ITSAP recipients per month in 201 8 ( 1 ,787) decreased by 30% from 2017 (2,555). Telecommunications companies received $56,822 in disbursements for ITSAP credits paid to eligible recipients compared to $82,805 in 2017. Disbursements for company administrative costs were $12,635, a decrease from 2017 ($17,129). The Administrator's fees and expenses were $18,815 forthe year, which included $9100 for the tri-annual audit. The fund's cash balance at the end of the year was reported at $1,229,046. 2OI9 BUDGET AND TRENDS The ITSAP Administrator projects the funding requirements for 2019 will continue to decrease. The Administrator estimates ITSAP reimbursements to the companies at approximately $46,740. The ITSAP Administrator expenses are projected to be $11,500. DECISION MEMORANDUM -2-MARCH 14,2019 To establish the 2019 budget, the Administrator estimates that the number of access lines subject to the surcharge will be approximately 420,170 per month and the average number of ITSAP recipients will deuease to approximately 2,077 per month. Based on this data, Ms. Anderson projects the funding requirement for 2019 will be approximately $69,820, and the end-of-year balance is expected to be about $1,159,226. ADMINISTRATOR'S 2019 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS Ms. Anderson states that there was another significant drop in credit recipients during 2018. The Administrator recommends that the surcharge rate continue to be suspended for an additional year, but that all companies must report access lines to her during this period. The Administrator affinns that the fund balance will be more than sufficient to reimburse companies for assistance credits provided, as well as maintain an adequate balance for unexpected occurrences. The estimated balance for the end-of-year 2019 is projected to be $1 ,159,226. STAFF ANALYSIS AND FUNDING RECOMMENDATION Staff has reviewed the 2018 annual report, the proposed20lg budget, and the funding recommendation. Staff agrees with the Administrator's assessment and supports the Administrator's recommendation to continue suspending the surcharge rates for all wireline and wireless access lines for another year. Staff believes the fund balance will be sufficient to meet the 2019 expenses as well as provide for any unforeseen changes to the number of ITSAP recipients. Thus, Staff recommends that the Commission approve the Administrator's 2019 budget and approve the recommendation to suspend the surcharge rates for calendar year 2419. Staff also recommends the Commission direct all companies to report access line counts to the administrator while the surcharge is suspended. DECISION MEMORANDUM -3-MARCH 14,2OI9 COMMISSION DECISION L Does the Commission wish to accept the 2018 annual report and adopt the Administrator's 20 I 9 budget? 2. Does the Commission wish to adopt the Administrator's recommendation to continue suspending the ITSAP assessments for an additional year? 3. Does the Commission wish to direct all companies to report access line counts to the administrator while the surcharge is suspended? Daniel Klein Udmemos/2O18 ITSAP Annual Reporl dec memo DECISION MEMORANDUM -4 MARCH I4,2OI9