HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190614Mud Lake Telephone CAF ICC.pdfRECEIVED :019 JUi{ lb il{ B: L I T (209) 955-6100 F (209) 955-6199 MOSSADAMS 3121 W. N4arch Lane Suite 20O Stockton, CA 95219 June 13,2019 li) ii-f o PuELtc:1 I l- rT' :S C0i.{MISSION Diane Hanian Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, ldaho 837 20-007 4 Cry *- r' t9-o t WC Docket No. 10-90: Administration of Connect America Fund lntercarrier Compensation Replacement S54.304(dX1 ) Moss Adams LLP respectfully files on behalf of Mud Lake Telephone Company with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in accordance with 47 C.F.R. S54.304(dX1). This filing includes projected eligibility for CAF ICC funding for July 1,2019 through June 30, 2020 for Mud Lake Telephone Company, Study Area Code 472227. This projection includes any true-ups associated with eadier filing periods. This projection has also been filed as confidential information with the Federal Communications Commission and the Universal Service Administrative Company, as the administrator of the Federal Universal Service Fund. lt is filed with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission as an information filing only and no action is required or requested. Enclosed is the original printed on yellow-colored paper stamped "Confidential" which has been placed in a sealed envelope, along with one redacted copy. The file is sent to the Commission as confidential information that is exempt from disclosure under ldaho Public Utilities Commission Rules of Procedure, Rule 67. Should you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact me. Sincerely, /,rm- Tym Rutkowski Senior Manager (509) 777-0137 tvm. rutkowski@ mossadams.com Enclosures cc: Justin Peterson (Via Email) RE: NECA Home NECA Data Collectlons Logged in User: Samantha Simatos Unit of fbmand 7t1t2019 lnteEtate Rate End Offlce Service Terminating MOU Page I of4 2019 CAF ICC Data Collection Cortact Us CAF ICC - Instructlons & Documents NECA IR - Paper Certification Tracking Logout* Home Select Company Main Page Study Area Data Input ilenu ) CAF & ARC Output ) Historic Reports ) E-€er:it:.a:ioft I Study Area: ilUD LAKE TELEPHONE COOPERATM ASSN. INC. (lDt 472227) Intrastate Revenues (FCC TRP exhlblt) Option 1: View TRP Output in Excel optlon 23 Download TRP Data in Excel Intrastate Revenues Test Year 2019-2020 Expected Maximum Intrastate *"u"nr"f Col O col E Col F Col G Col H Rate Element Oescriplion Office, Premium, per minute End Office Seruice Terminating MOUOffice, Non-Premium, access minute Entrance Facil ty, Per Terminat on Voice Grade Two Wire Entrance Facil ty, Per Terminat on Voice Grade Four Wire Entrance Facil ty, Per Terminat on High Capac ty DS1 Entrance Facil ty, Per Terminat on High Capac ty DS3 Entrance Facil ty, Per Terminat on Synchronous Opt cal Channel OC3 Entrance Facil ty, Per Terminat on Synchronous Opt cal Channel OC12 Entrance Facil ty, Per Terminaton ESALT 2 t4bps Entrance Facil ty, Per Terminat on ESALT 10 Mbps Entrance Facil ty, Per Terminat on ESALT 50 Mbps Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ I4ile Vo ce Grade - Two Wire & Four Wire Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile High Capacity DS1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile High Capacity DS3 Dirst Trunked Transport Fa€ility/ Mile Synchronous Opt cal Channel OC3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile Synchronous Opt cal Channel OC12 Dirtrt Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 2 Mbps DTF-E1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 2 Mbps DTF-E2 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 2 Mbps DTF.E3 Dire€t Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 2 Mbps DTF.E4 $0.00070000 $0.00213300 $0.00070000 $0.00213300 $82.70 $83.07 $132.93 $4O4.99 $3,697.83 $3,770.68 $4,02s.87 $7t7.3L $773.72 $1,001.63 $5.91 $27.7s $247.7L $732.34 $3,681. $3,7s3. $4,007.9 $774. $997 7t'1t2019 Rate $403.1 $4,007 $714.1 $997 $2s8.$257 $81 $80. $13s. Test Yea. 2018.2019 Curent lntEstate Rate $3, Circuit Circuit Circuit Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile $27$27 $257 $323.31 $324. $81Miles Miles Miles $80. 1.4 iles $81 $135 Col I FY 2011 lntrastate Units Tominating for Non06di€ted or Originating and Teminating for Dedicated Elements Col J H.l proposed intaslate lntastatePrice{ut with 7r1l2019 rale and FY20t 1 Demand Col K T6rminating forNon-Dedicated FY 2018 lnlrastate Unit3 and total for Dedicated Elements Col L Test Year 2019- 2020 Forecasted lntEstate Units 112t21l-1) '100 Col M t{UKT lntBstate Units Grewth Rate % Col N HTL TY 2019-20 Forecasted lntEstate Revenu€ https ://www.necainfo. org/lC C_CAF/source/lntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 6/U2019 2019ICC CAF Data Collection 2019ICC CAF Data Collection rD|rcd Tmkcd Trasgo.t rFmlity/ ilih ESALT 10 xbF DTf-E1 rDirad Tmtcd Trmsptrt F*ilrvi/ ilrlc ESALT 10 tlbpc DTF.E2 l , Drrcd TMtcd Trasportf*jliv/ irilc ESAIT ro HbF .DTF-E3 ioirea rmkcd Tmspct :Fxility/ r,lib ESALT ro xb9s ,oTF-B , Oircd Tnnkcd Tmsport ;Enility/ Xib ESALT 50 Hbfs :DTFEI jOr.A r-nf.a f-.p-t iF*ility/ llilc ESALT 50 r4bF DTFE2 ! iOirca tmkcd rosoort iF.dity/ t{ilc ESALT 50 xbF lorF-E3 IlDrcd Tnm&cd TEspdt iF.cility/ l{ih EsaLT 50 ttrbF iDTF-E{ lDircd Tmkcd Tmspdt'F.ciityfiGmiBt on vd€ lGradc - Tm Wirc i Forlw;. IDirEct TMkcd Taspo.tF.crity/fmiBtm Hiqh icapxg Osr Oircd TMk(d Trils0stFmilitv/tmiot o HiohCap*ty DS3 M Trunkad TrusportF.cilityffmiBt mSynchlwG Opt @l Ch.nnclocl Di.GCt Trunkad TrmsptrtFaeilityfrmiEtmSyndrllmc Opt @l Channclocr2 DirEct Truntcd TrasportF.cilityrrmimt m ESALT 2 tabos Dirud TMkcd Trusport Fccitity/rmimt m ESA!-T rO r,tbps Dircd Trunlcd Traspo.tFrcility/rmimt0 EsAtT 50 rbps tlultiplcxing. Pc(Arilgmat DS3 to DSI Huhirlexiog, FcrArallgffit D6l to Vo c Custm l{odc Pcr tlodc OC3 155.52 l.lbps Custffi ilodc Pcr t{odc oc1:5:2.08 Xbpc Crrstffi Prmb€ Folt, Pcr Pqt OC3 155.52 iabpc Crrstffi kmL€ Port PsPdt STS-1 51.84 !,lbpt Custffi Prmis Port" PlrPqt DS3 {4.736 r,|bp. C€tffiPrmB€Port, PqPo.t DSf t.s.l. r,tbps Add/Oop iluhiplcxingC6k lOafie Pqt, Pd M DSl 1.54a ilbpc Add,/Drcp l.lultiplcxing Cmtr.l Oafie Pqt. P6 Port O(:t 155.52 l,ibp3 Add./Drcp ilultiplcxirEC6tr.l Offioi Ptrt, Ps PortD$ 44.736 rabp6 tactwork Blocting, Pcr Blorkcd Ca[ l.ctwork8lo{fi.!g, Fer Blod(cd Call, Applics to FGD only ESALT Rc.l limc CoS/QoS, Pcr ESALT DTF-81 feility ESALT 2 tlbp3 ESALT Ral Tim. CoS/QoS, Pcr ESALT DTF-EI Feility ESALT rO t'lbpe s:06.30 lr:3.80 l:03.33 t1t7.o5 1s77.65 138s.1: $664.07 $r,183.48 f59.:O 1la3.3: i920.3: t9s8.:4 12,o85.38 ir89.85 3232.10 1283.67 s839.68 1324.20 *7r.6 12,5r8.r5 s285.Or $343./o *3a3.ll{} 188.O3 17o.42 +286.0r $r75.08 10.01660000 $1s.s3 J77.69 ESALT Real Timc CoS/QoS, l:07.:: $1:4.35 t:04.:4 $418.9: 3s80.:4 3385.85 i567.04 11,18a.78 359.47 $143.96 l9:4.44 196:.s3 t2,09s.73 lr90.70 4233.1.4 l28a.9a t8a3..l. s32s.6s la7s.57 12,s29.a3 42A7.29 134.91 *32L.94 t8a.a2 f7o.71 ,2Ar.29 tr76.87 io,0l670ooo i1s.6o 378.04 https : //rvww.Deca info. org[CC_CAf /souce/IntrastateTRPOutput. aspx 6lu20t9 It89 4232 $283 1839 1324 l87r Page 2 of4 12,s18.1s 1286.O1 l3a3.4r' 13.:1.lo l8E.03 *7O.12 3286.0r t176.08 Ci@rt Malcg Crrart Hilca Ci@rt Miles Ci@rt Mil.s Ci@fi t{ilcs Crr@t Mrles Cir@it Mrles or@it ttrhs fcmination Temination Temimtion Tcmination Termlnahon CicitHB CiEittrrc ciE tErro tcmhdim fmiEtbo Port Port Port Fort Port Fort Pon Port Fort crll Frcility r*iliV 2019ICC CAF Data Collection Page 3 of4 Pa ESALT DTF-EI Filility ESALT 50 lrlbF ESALT Eotr.n€ F.dlityPrct ctio., Ps ESALTEnkar Feil ty ESALT 2 Xbps ESAI-T EntraG Faility Prctc€lion, Pcr ESALTEntrar Feil ty ESALT ,.0 Hbpt ESALT Eotrac Faility Prctediotr, P6 ESALTEt*r.c Fril ty ESALT 50 l,lbpg Comm Chanrcl Sfunalingilctjrqk Cooocd m Sbnaling tililcage Feil,ity, Pcr l,lih Cmllu Channel Sbnaltp tl€trvork Con.cd m Sbmlinq Milaaqc Tamin ton. PerTminltion Cmllm Chanrel Sbn.linq fictYrork Connd mSbmli0g EnEarc Fac, ty, Fc. Fxility Comm Chamel SignalirptlrtY.o* Co.ncd m St? Port, Pa Pqt TcmiEtioqTildo S, tdEd TENgortTminatingTddm Sw dtcd TraEport Facility TmiEtin0 Tandm Sw tdtcd TnEportTcmiBting TandmSf, tdEd Tmioation TmiBting Tarldm Sw tdrcd T@pstTminating Tar}dcm Sw tdring t{on@rinq Charg€ v(*r cradc Trc WiG tloor@oinq ClBrg€ Vot? GGda Four wirc ilonttgri.B Ch.r96 tlighC.pacty DSt ,tont@ring Ch.rg€ High C.p.cty OS3 t{ooturint Ch.rgB Syochrmur Opt Bl Channcl oc3 t{onl@fiinq ch.rq€Syrclrm6 Opt al Channad oc12 Noor@fiing Charg6 tntcrim NXX T6BLtim, Pcr Ord6 Non@ring Charg6 FGCa.d FGD C@vsi$ of l.lultiftrqcncy AddlB signaling b SS7 sbElir|q s SS7 SbEling bl.luhiftqmcyAddrc Sbmling. pe. 24 bunksqYcrtcd q fradon tfumfm a per qds basis ilonrorirlg Char96 Tru.k Activat 6, ps 2a trunks adivated tr fradon thcmf m a pcr uda bais Nonmring Charga Flqiblc Automat c [umbctIdentifGtn (Fls At{l), pc. End OffE, p.rCIC ilon@ring Cfiar96 ESALT 2 tlbps tlonrB.rinO Cfi arg€ ESALT lO Mbps ,{oororing Cfi arg6 ESALT 50 itbps t{on@ring OlarqB ESALTDirct Trunked Tcmination, pcr ESAIT Dircd Trunkcd Tcmioat oo instalH tlonr@ring Ch.rg€ ESALTEr*6rc Feilty PrcEdm, pcr ESALT Ent-ane Fxil ty Frilaty Feility l,linutas / raib lo.oo0437oo l,linut6 lo.0o::670o l:41 l:4r.75 $:88.40 $:8A.40 $:88.4O i:8e $:8a.40 t:88.40 i:89 $:8a-40 $7.e4 37.98 t79.59 J80.05 t79.59 lls:.64 3153.3:$1s:.64 !7A6.y $790 $786.sir t0-0057raoo lO.OOOrl3TOO $0.(x)2:67O0 30,00571800lrirut6 Feility FxiliV F*ility reility feility Feility 3laa-r7 t4,,8,.r7 t3s8.ol *4{,.7.75 3a90 t90 33s9 3a8a 3392 3448.17 $a88,r7 1358.01 ?aa2.7s fx,o.s4 l39O.sa 3578. 1578. 3s78. $38r. 3:38. 1479-49 $,r81.64 t479.49 1497-93 i500.16 End Offe i0.00000000 JO-OOOOOOO0 lo.oooo0000 $39r).54 tf3a,57 3392.29 ]239.71 157a.57 $578.57 *r7a.57 fxility f*iliV Frility 1581.15 $581.1 1581.16 f381. r8 t381.89 Facility $5e4.82 t5a7 A4 t584.8: https : //www.rec a info. org[CC_CAf /soruce/Iutra stateTRPoutput. a spx 6lU?0t9 2019ICC CAF Data Collection lBrtelretE,oa19 Eq Page 4 of4 https : /hvwrv. uec a iufo. orgilcC_CAF lsoruce/IutrastateTRPOutput. aspx 6ly20t9 CAF ICC Data Collection - USAC Form Page I of2 IPrint this page] NECA Study Area: MUD LAKE TELEPHONE COOPERATM ASSN. INC. (ID: 472227) CONNECT AMERICA FUND IData to be provided to USAC/FCC in June 2019 for CAF ICC Purposes] Settlement Type: Average Schedule Test Period 711119-Gl3Ol2O Post True-up (Filing) View Rate-of-Return (ROR) Carrier Revenue Requarement I 20tl Interstate Switched Access Revenue Requirement 2 FY 2011 Intrastate Terminating Switched Access Revenues 3 FY 2011 Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues 4 2OlL ROR Carrier Base Period Revenue (Line 1 + Line 2 + Line 3) 5 ROR Carrier Baseline Adjustment Factor 0.95 ^ 8) 6 ROR Carrier Revenue Requirement (Line 4 x Line 5) 7 Pool Administration Expenses 8 Total ROR Carrier Revenue Requirement (Line 6 + Line 7) Revenues from Reformed Intercarrier Compensation Rates 9 Interstate Switched Access Revenues 10 Interstate Allocated Switched Access Revenues# 11 Transitional Intrastate Access Service Revenues L2 Net Transitional Reciprocal Compensation Revenues 13 Total ICC Revenue (Line 10 + Line 11 + Line 12) Eligible Recovery t4 TRS Increment 15 Regulatory Fees Increment 16 NANPA Increment \7 Interstate Local Switching Support for Price Cap Affiliates or Estimated Duplicate LSS Costs in CAF II 18 Adjustment for Double or Corrections 19 Test Period 17118 Trueup - Net I on Total El ible Recove 20 Eligible Recovery (Line 8 - Line 13) + (Line 14 + Line 15 + Line 16 + Line 18 + Line 19) - (Line 17) Revenues from Access Recovery Charges (ARC) 2l Residential ARC Revenues 22 Single Line Business ARC Revenues 23 Multi-Line Business ARC Revenues 24 Total ARC Revenues (Line 21 + Line 22 + Line Connect America Fund (CAF) ICC Support*x 25 Connect America Fund (CAF) ICC Support (Line 20 - Line 24) Revised CAF ICC Support with Imputed ARC Revenues for Broadband-Onl https://www.necainfo.orgllCC_CAF/source/PrinterFriendlyUSACForm.aspx 6lr/2019 Page 2 of2 ARC Revenue Adjustment following "Second Order on Reconsideration & Clarification" FCC 18-13 Adjusted Test Period 2OL9-2O2O CAFICC Support (Line 25 - Line 26) NOTES: *Per rcc Designation order, calcrlated as (sum of Line 9 for all TS pool participants) ' (Line l/ sum of Line I for all Ts pool participants) "NECA estimate provided for informational purposes only - a€tual to be calculated by USAC. 25 27 https : //www.necainfo. org[Cc_CAF/sotucelPrinterFriendlyUSACFonu. aspx 6lU20t9 CAF ICC Data Collection - USAC Fomr 2019ICC CAF Data Collection t{ECA Honle NECA Data Colle(tions 2Ol9 CAF ICC Data Collection €octaat Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Docunrents Honr€ Sele(t Conrpany l.lain Page Study Area Data ltrput llenu ) CAF & ARC Output ) Historir Reports ) Study Ar€a: rUD LAKE TELEPHOT{E COOPERATM ASSa{. lNC. (lDi 472227, Access Recovery Charges Td p6iod 201*20 hrTtlfug V@ T.* F..*rd 2Ot92O H-TturUp (Flrrg) yld Test Period 2AI9-2O2O Post True-Up (Filing) Yiew oArlBiffidelhqu, Page I of 1 Logout,J ) Resid€ntial Lineg excluding I ifalina< Residertial ARf Residertial ARC Revenue SLB Lines sLB ARC sLB ARC Revetlu€ !tl-B Lines MLB ARC MLB ARC Revenue Total ARc Reventle Ex(hange/Zone I{anre DUBOIS HAilER' KILGORE I{ONTEVIEW TERRETOI{ StudI AE sltmmary https : //rvww.uecainfo.org/Icc_CAFlsoruce/ARCChanges.aspx 6lU20t9 5o oclo 6 6t, 6:o6o o oB oo6o o .E a.dEGo:o;iEE3Eo6 6!.!g o Eo9'=ovccooa-6AEE>gEo .98 EGoEED!cJiE.Eo..rL:EEooiEEDflE EToootEIo>EE6EFO 66-o!o9o Eo ot,otr -G Eo ocod G (Eoo9lr oo o oo =o(, ql o aOG q,(,, o oc.9 oo ELoo oz 2aa LU F ttU(LooO uJzo:trL TUJuJt- UJY 5ol L:d) G()oCE o CJt o E(Ez o)oN o)N rO (, 6o coo q) oo- .E af- iic)oEo E'o)N o f o 0)E TECEC)c o_ (l)o)(,cG (s oc(.)oo I.JJo Uoo (J EoN ! f o Co '6 o o =F o.n. rOIsF-(r)I@oN i-ooEo E'o).N c l o o-oE c o)CoE,o.0)oF +oo o o 9-.ErE;:qE UI, EfO€o-f.ii36o:s=t =utEEo! bc9lEo 3.=r9o=EFOL'=o =Eoi3:c!9GFoEEOts_9€E.9E Eooog,EtrLooE.3gSezoi;o-ONE3aacq:.jFan =Ni*='= o oeo0- o*o -d9?; F6! iiort9 d-oo: c! o-Vo -Gll bE,EE(8);o=a E9o \Q On i'6gE85.s,6oS =HES,P b'o iri 3E 6 E rd.) 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