HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190614Farmers Mutual Telephone CAF ICC.pdfTO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER,Q**,-T- rt-o 1 Certlflcatlon of Offlcer as to the Accur.cy of ths CAF ICG Data Reported I certlty that I am an ofrler ot the eportlng ca.rle.; my caponsibllltlGs lnclude ensurlng tho .ccumcy ot lhe aclual data Gported; and, lo the bert o, my knowledge, the lnlormatlon rcported on thl. ,om i. accuEh, Name of Reporting Carrier:FARMERS MUTUAL TEL CO LTD. . ID Daniel Greig Oiqitsllysignod by Daniel Greig ON:co=Oa.iel Orelg,email.dan@lmlc.com,O=f armeE mulual tel @ ltd. - id.l=Ftuiuand lD Bs19. Dete:5t17no1g Signature of Authorized Officer: Date: 51171?019 Printed name oI Authorized Officer:Daniel Greig Tille or position of Authorized Offlcer:General Manager TelephonenumberofAuthorizedOfficer: 208-452-3100 Study Area Code of Reporting Carier 472221 Filing Due Date for this form (mm/dd/yyyy)6t17t2019 PeGons wlllfully mallng t lso 3tatomnl! on thlg lotm can bg punlshod by flng or forlolture undor tho Communlcstion! Act ot 1934, 47 U.S.C. SS 502, 503(b), ar tln! or lmprlsonmcnt undor Tltle l E of the Unltrd Stat r Codo, 18 U.S.C. ! 1 001. {.i3 \J,9F!#rn;E =ili..D (,a C,I .-"! za -- -L.rl-i'rU?6, Q-u ,-rE :*r-tuU'()Z TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FILING DATA ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALF: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Data Rcported on Behalf ot Reporting Carrier I ccdlry th.l (Name otAgent)National Exchange Carriers Association,lnc.is authorlzed to submit the information repoiled on behal, o, lhe .eponlng carrier. I also cerlify lhat I am an ofticer of the rcporting ca.rier; my r*ponsibllilies lnclude ensu.ing lhe accuracy oflhe data provlded to lhe Authorl.ed Agent; and, to the best of my knwolBdge, ths actual data provided to tho Authorized Name ol Authorized Agent : National Exchange Carriers Association, lnc. Name of Reporting Carrier:FARMERS MUTUAL TEL CO LTD. - ID Daniel Greig Oigilelly signed by Deniel Greig ON:cn=Daniel Greig,omail=dan@lmlc com,O=lamec mulual tol co lld. id,l:Frui{and t0 83619. D6re:5/1 7/2019 Signature of Authorized Officer:Date: 511712019 Printed name of Authorized Officer:Daniel Greig Title or position of Authorized Officer:General Manager Telephone number of authorized officer:208-452-3100 Study Area Code oI Reporting Carrier 472221 L_l Filing Due Date for this form (mm/dd/yyyy)6t17t2019 P.Eons wlllfully making talso 3tatements on this torm can be punished by flns or forfrrituro undor tho Communications Acl of 1934, 47 U.S.C. SS 502, 503(b), or tlne or imprlsonment undsr ?itle lE ot the United Statss Code, 'tA U.S.C. S 100i. TO BE COMPLETED BY AN OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER Certlllcatlon of Offlcar for Rats.f-Return Carrier Eligiblllty for CAF/ICC RGcovery I certify that I am an offle. ot the Eponlng carrie. and that, to thc bcst of my knowledge, the .eportlng carrier on lhis form ccrlitic. thal lt has complled wlth Ellglble Recovery S51.917(d) and Acce3. Recovery Charge S51.9'17(e) and ls ellglble to recelve the CAF ICC suppon equ.lt d puEuent to S5'1.917(f). Name of Reporting Carrier:FARMERS MUTUAL TEL CO LTD. - ID Oaniel Greig Digilally signod by Daniel Greig ON:cn=Daniel G.eig,email:dan@fmlc.com,O=l.merc mutual telco ltd. id,l--Fruitlend lD 8361S, Oab:5117 i2019 Signature of Authorized Officer or employee:oate: 511712019 Printed name of Authorized Oflicer or employee:Daniel Greig Title or position of Authorized Officer or employee:General Manager Telephone number of Authorized Officer or employee:208-452-3100 Study Area Code of Repoilng Carier 472221 Filing Due Date for this form (mm/dd/yyyy)6t17t2019 PcEons wllltully making falso statemont3 on this lorm can be punl.hed by tine or forteiture undo, lho Communications Act ot '1934, 47 U.S.C, SS 502, 503(b), or flne or lmprlsonment under Tltle 1E ol the Unltod Steles Code, 18 U.S,C. S 1001. I TO BE COIVPLETED BY AN OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER Certlflcation of Ofticer for Rate{f-Return Carrier Not Seeking Dupllcatlve Recovery I cartlfy that I am an offlce. ol the eportlng ca.rier and that, to the best of my knowledge, the repo.ting carrlar Ir not seeklng dupllcatlre recovcry ln lhe rtaE.lurl.diction lor any Ellglble Recovery subJect to the recovery mecheniam a3 per S51.917(dxvil). Name ol Reporting Carrier:FARMERS MUTUAL TEL CO LTD. . ID Daniel Greig O'gileny signd Dy Oanid Greig DN:cn:Danael Greig,omail=dan@lmlc.@m.O=farmere mutual lel co ltd.' id,l--Fruitund lO 83619. Daro:5/1 7/2019 Signature of Authorized Officer or employee:Date: 511712019 Printed name of Authorized Officer or employee:Daniel Greig Title or position of Authorized Officer or employee:General Manager Telephone number of Authorized Officer or employee:208-452-31 00 Study Area Code of Reporting Carrier 472221 Filing Due Date Ior this form (mm/dd/yyyy)6l't7t2019 PgEons willfully making talso st.tEments on this forh can bo punishod by fine or forfeitu16 undar the Communicatlons Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. SS 502, 503{b}, or flne o. imprisonment under Tltle '18 of thE Uniled States Code, I I U.S.C. S 1001. Certification of Officer as to lhe Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Rate Floor Data I ccrtlly that I am an orflcor of the reporting carderi my responslbllltics lncludc cnsuring lhe accuracy ol the actual rate floor data reponed and, to tho best ot my knowledge, the lntomation reponed on thls rom ls accurate. Nameof Reportinscarrier: pg;.1.pefS MUtUal TelephOne COmpany oare: 0512912019 Printed name of Authorizod Officer: Daniel E. Gfeig Title orposition of Authorized Officer Qgpgfal Managef Terephone number of Authorized otticer 20A-452-2000 Study Area Code of Reporting Catrier 472221 L]Filing Due Date for this fonn (mm/dd/yyyy) 0710112019 I certify that our company receives or is proiected to receive High Cost Loop Suppori (or Frozen High Cost Support that is based on HCLS or High Cost Model Support) during the period July 2019 through June 2020, but has no monthly residential rates (plus charges as delined) less than $18.00. x '''^"'"'"N;""b- *$*+