HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190612Filer Mutual Telephone CAF ICC - Redacted.pdfffii FILEPMUTUAL Telephone Company RECEIVED :Clg JUH l2 Pll 2: I 7 iNT.i.iIJ FUBLIC ; lt-'rt ii:j CCTMMISSI0N Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W Washington Boise, ID 83720-0074 RE: GNR-T-19-01- 2019 ETC - LIFELINE - CAF ICC REPORTS -ACCESS RATES Filer Mutual Telephone Company hereby files with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in accordance with 47 C.F.R $54.304(dxl). This filing includes projected eligibility for CAF ICC funding for July l, 2Ol9 through June 30, 2O2O for Filer Mutual Telephone Company, Study Area Code 472220. This projection includes any true-ups associated with earlier filings periods. This projection has also been filed as confidential information with the Universal Service Administrative Company, as the administrator of the Federal Universal Service Fund. It is filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as an information filing only and no action is required or requested. Enclosed is the original printed on yellow-colored paper stamped "Confidential" which has been placed in a sealed envelope, along with one redacted copy. The filed is sent to the Commission as confidential information that is exempt from discloser under Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rules of Procedure, Rule 67. Should you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact me directly Robert Kraut General Manager /COO (208)326-4330 bkraut(@truleap.net Enclosures /-U lPrint this pagelN{cP Study Area: FILER MUTUALTEL. COMPANY-ID dba TRULEAP TECH (lDl. 472220) COl{NECT AMERICA FUND lData to be provided to USAC/FCC in June 2019 for CAF ICC Purposesl Settlemcnt Types Cost Test Period 711119-6130/20 Post True-up (Filing) View Rate-of-Return Carrier Revenue 1 2011 Interstate Switched Access Revenue Requirement 2 FY 2011 IntrastateTerminating Switched Access Revenues 3 FY 2011 Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues 4 20ll ROR CarrierBase Period Revenue (Line 1 + Line 2 + Line 5 ROR Carrier Baseline Adjustment Factor (0.95 ^ 8) 6 ROR Carrier Revenue Requirement (Line 4 x Line 5) 7 Pool Administration Expenses 8 Total ROR Carrier Revenue irement 6 + Line 7) Revenues from Reformed Intercarrler Compensatlon (ICC) Rates 9 Interstate Switched Access Revenues 10 Interstate Allocated Switched Access Revenues# 11 Transitional Intrastate Access Service Revenues L2 NetTransitional Compensation Revenues 13 Total ICC Revenue (Line 10 + Line 11 + Line 12) Eligible Recovery 14 TRS Increment 15 Regulatory Fees Increment 16 NANPA Increment t7 Interstate Local Switching Support for Price Cap Affiliates or Estimated Duplicate LSS Costs in CAF II 18 Adjustment for Double Recovery or Corrections 19 Test Period 17l18 Trueup - Net Impact on Total Eligible Recovery Eligible Recovery (Line 8 - Line 13) + (Line 14 + Line 15 + Line 16 + Line 18 + Line 19) - (Line 17) Reyenues from Access Recovery Charges (ARC) 2t Residential ARC Revenues 22 Single Line Business ARC Revenues 23 Multi-Line Business ARC Revenues 24 Total ARC Revenues (Line 21 + Line 22 + Line 23) Connect Americ Fund rcc 25 ConnectAmerica Fund (CAF) ICC Support (Line 20 - Line 24) 20 Reylsed CAF ICC Support wlth Imputed ARC Revenues for Broadband-Only Loops R E D A C T E D ARC Revenue Adjustment following "Second Order on Reconsideration & Clarification" FCC 18-13 Adjusted Test Period 2O19-2O2O CAFICC Support (Line 25 - Line 26) NOTES: #Per FCC Destgnation Order, calculated as (Sum of Lane 9 for all TS pool participants) * (Line 1/ Sum of Llne 1 for all TS pool partlclpants)**NECA estlmate provlded for lnformatlonal purposes only - actual to be calculated by USAC. 26 27 4128120'.t9 2019 ICC CAF Data Collection 2019 CAf ICC Data Collcction NECA Home NECA Data Collections Contact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documenti NECA 1R - paper Certitrcation Trecking Logged In User: Bob Kraut t|!89 selectcomo.nv lrii0ligg S.lllltrJlll3-Ift:lr-IDDld.Irs!.lr) CAEg38C.]0.$trrl) littsi!-Ee!9rlrt E-certification| Study ATea! FILER MUTUAL TEL. COMPANY-ID dba TRULEAP TECH (IDI 472220) lntrastate Revenu6 (FCC TRP exhlblt) Optlon 1: View TRP Output in Excel Optlon 2r Download TRP Data in Excel Lo oo ut 6i Test Year 2019-2020 Expected Maximum Intrastate Revenue: $993.60 Coi D Col E ":]Col G Co H Col Col Col K Col (ux)^(12i21)-1ricc H'L Rate Elemenl Description 7t1t2A19 2018-2019 Current 7 t112019 Rate FY 2011 Units: Terminating lo! Non'Dedicated orOriginating Terminating for Elements 7t112019 Fv2011 Demand FY 2016 Units: Dedicaled oedicat€d Elements 2019-2020 Units TY 2019,20 Terminating End Office Terminating End Olfice, Premium, per access Terminating End Office Terminating End Office, Non-Premlum, per Entrance Facility, Per MOU f40u Irmination fermination Termination Terminatlon Cr.uit urcuI urcuI MilE Mlle Mile Mile I Entrance F.cility, Per iTermlnation Voice Grade Entran€e Facility, Per Termination High Capacity DS1 Entrance Facility, PerTerminatlon High Capacity DS3 Entrance Facility, Per Termination Synchronous Optical Channel OC3 Entrance Facility, Per Termination Synchronous Optical Channel OC12 Entrance Facllity, Per Termanation ESALT 2 14 bps Entrance Facility, Per Terminatlon ESALT 10 Mbps Entrance Facility, Per Termination ESALT 50 Mbps Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile Voice Grade - Two Wire Direct Trunked Transpoft Facility/ Mile High Capacity DS1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile High Capacity DS3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Male Synchronous Optical Channel OC3 REDACTED httrs://ww.nsainfo.oro/lCC CAF/source/lntrastateTRPOutout.asox 114 col M 42412019 2019 ICC CAF Data Cdletim Direct Trunked Transport F.clllty/ Mlle Synchronous Optlc.l Chann.l OC12 Dlrect Trunked Transpofr Facllfty/ illle ESALT 2 Mbps DTF-E1 Dkect Trunked Transpon F.cllhy/ Mlle €SALT 2 Mbps DTF-E2 Transpo* Facllfty/ Mlle ESALT 2 Mbps DTF.E3 Transpon Facllty/ Mlle ESALT 2 fibps DTF-E4 Transport Facllity/ Mlle ESALT 10 ffbps DTF-E1 Transpon Faclllty/ Mlle ESALT 10 Mbps DTF-E2 Dtect Trunk.d Transpon Faclllty/ Mlle ESALT 10 Mbps DTF-E3 Transpon Faclllty/ Mile ESALT 10 Mbps DTF-E4 Tr.nspon Faclllty/ illle ESALT 50 Mbps DTF-E1 Dtre.t Trunked Transpofr Facllity/ Mlle ESALT 50 Mbps Dr-E2 Dlr€ct Trunked Transport Faclllty/ i'llle ESALT 50 MbPS DTF-E3 DIrect Trunked lTranspofr Facfllty/ Mlle ESALT 50 Mbps DTF-E4 I Dlrect Trunked iTranspon I Faclllty/Termln.tlon iVolce Grade - Two Wire & Four Wlre I Dlrect Trunked It "nroon I Facilfty/Termlnatlon I Hlqh Capaclty DS1 I oirect truntea lr."n.notFacilfty/Terminatlon I Hiqh Capaclty DS3 I oirect trunrea llranspot I Facllity/Termlnatlon I Synchronous Optlcal lChannel OC3 I oirect rrunrea jTranspon I Facllity/TermlnatlonrSyn(hronous Optlcal lchann.l ocr2 i orrect rrunrea ir.un"pot I Faclllty/Termlnatlon I EsAl-r 2 Mbps I Direct Trunked Transpod J Facility/Termination ESALT 10 ilbps ] Direct rrunked Transpod Facility/Termination ESALT 50 ilbps MultiDlexino, Per Arrangement DS3 to DSI Multiolexlnq, P€r Arrangement DS1 to Volce Customer Node Per Nod€ OC3 155.52 https./Ailw nearnfo.oro/lCC CAF/source/lntraslaleTRPOutout asox REDACTED 2t4 4D812019 customer Node Per ilode OC12 622.Oa Mbps custom€r Pr€mises Pod, Per Port OCf 155.52 Mbps customer P.emlses Pot, Per Pot STS-1 51.84 Mbps Customer Preml<.9tud, Per Pod DS3 44.736 Mbps Customer Port, Per Port DS1 M bps Central Per Port DS1 1.544 Mbps Central Office Port OC3 155.52 MbDs Add/Drop Multlplexing Centnl Offl(e Port, PerPot DS3 44.736 Mbps Network Elocklng, Per Slocked Call Networkglockin0, Per Elocked Call, Applies to FGD only ESALT Real fime CoS/QoS, Per ESALT OTF-EI Facillty ESALT Mbps ESALT Real nme CoS/QoS, kr ESALT DTF-EI Facility ESALT 10 Mbps ESALT Re.l nme CoS/QoS, Per ESALT DTF-EI Facllty ESALT 50 Mbps ESALT Entrance Facility Protection. Per ESALT Entrance Facillty ESALT 2 Mbps ESALT Entrance FacilityProtection, Per ESALT Entrance Faclllty ESALT 10 Mbps ESALT Entrance Facillty Protection, Per ESALT Entrance Faclllty ESALT 50 Mbps Common Channel Signallng Network Connectlon Slgnallng Mileage Facility, Per Common Channel Slgnallng Network Connedaon Signallng Mlleage Termlnatlon, Termination Common Chann€l Signalin9 Network Connedion Signaling Entrance Facility, Per Facilfty Common Channel Signalin9 Network Connection sTP Pod, Per Pofr Terminating Tandem Switched Transport Termanating Tandem SwitchedTransport Facility Temlnatinq Tandem Switched TransportTeminating Tandem Switched Termination Teminating Tandem Switched TransDodTerminatino Tandem Swltching REDACTED https.//w nsainfo oro/lCC CAF/source/lntrastateTRPOutput.asox 314 4t24t2019 2019 ICC CAF Data Collrctim Grade Two Wlre Grade Four Wire charges h Capacaty DS1 h Cap.clty DS3 Charges Optlcal oc3 Charges ronous optical oc12 Charges NXX Translation, Order I Nonrecurrlng Charges iFGC and FGDlconverslon of i Hultlfrequenry Address lsignaling to SS7 lSign.llng or SS7 iSlgnallnO to I Mukifrequenry Address lSignaling, per24 fraction per order Charqes Trunk Adivation, per 24 trunks adivated or fradion thereof on a Nonrecurring Charges Flexible Automatic (flex ANI), per End Office, per CIC NonrecuringCharges ESALT 2 Mbps flonrecurinO Charges ESALT 10 Mbps ilonrecurlng Charges ESAIT 50 Mbps ilonrecurln9 Charges ESALT Direct TrunkedTemination, peTESALT Direct Trunked Termination insblled Nonrecurring Charges ESALT Entrance Facility Protedion, per ESALT Entrance Facility REDACTED https:/ !w.neainto.oro/lCC CAF/source/lntrastateTRPOutput.asox 414 4t2812019 2019 ICC CAF Data Collstion 2019 CAr ICC Data Collection NECA Hom€ NECA Data Collectiong Contact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documents NECA IR ' paper Certification Tracking Logged In Userj 8ob Kraut Home Select Comoanv ilain Paoe Studv Area Data Inout Menu t SAE338l-ggECl ) Uiflg.Eig-E9.pel]l! ) E-Certification ) Study Area; FILER MUTUAL TEL, COMPANY-ID dba TRULEAP TECH (lDt 472220) access Recovery Charges Test Penod 2019-20 Pre-True-up View Test Pend 2019-20 PoslTrue-Up (Filing) view Test Period 2019-2020 Post True-Up (Flling) Vlew !.g.g-qut ,i, Exchange/Zone Name Residential ARC Residential Lines excluding Lifelines Lines ARC SLB ARC Revenue LB Lines ARC MLB ARC Revenue Total ARC Revenu€ARC Revenue REDACTED httos://w.nrcainfo.oro/lCC CAF/source/ARCChanaes.asox 1t'l TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER. C6rtification of Ofiicer as to the Accuracy of the CAF ICC Data Reported I cenfy that I am an oflicor ot the reportlng carrier; my Bsponsibilities include ensuring the accu6cy olthe actual data reportod; and,to the best of my knowlcdge,the lnromation rcponed on this tom is accuGte. Name of Reoortino Carier:FILER MUTUAL TEL. COMPANY-ID dba TRULEAP TECH Bob Kraut Drotany llgmd by EoD Knu DN cn:Bob Krautahail=bkraulotrulcap nct.O=frler mUual tcl comp.ny-id db. trulclp tcch l=Fil6. lO 83328-0089. o.r.5/1M019Siqnature of Authorized Offictr: oate: 511812019 Printed name of Authtriz€d Otfics:Bob Kraut Tatle or positim of Authorized Officerl General Manager/COO Teleohone number of AuihonTed Officer 208-326-4330 Study Arm Coda of Reporting Carier 472220 Filing Due Date for this ftrm (mm/dd/yyyy)6t17 t2019 PeEons wllltully m.king tals statem€nts on thls fom can be punished bytln€ or lortellurc undorthg Communication! Act ot '1931, it7U.S.C.S€502,503{b),ortineorimprisonmentunderTitlelSofthcUnitcdStatosCod€,18U.S.C,S 1001. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FILING DATA ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALF: Certilication of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Oata Reported on Behalf of Reponing Carrier National Exchange CarriersAssociation, lnc. I cenfythat (Name of aulhorladto submllthe lnfomatlon Gponed on behal, ot the rcponlng csrlor. I also certltythal I am an officer of the cporting carier; my EsponElbllltlgs lnclude onsurlng the eccuEcyof th6 dalq prcvldedto tho AuthoilzedAgenli and, to lhe best of my knwoledgg, the actual data povlded to thc Althorlrod Name of Authorized Agent National Exchange Carriers Associalion, lnc. Name of Rsorlino Camsl FILER MUTUAL TEL. COMPANY-lD dba TRULEAP TECH Bob Kraut qoEfly lrgBd by E6 K6ul DN cniBob KEd,sdlrblEd@lrulcap n.l.Hl.r mulsl tol comFnyld db. t!l6p t..$,i-Fild lo 8332&0089. Det.rt1M019Sionature of Authorized Offlcerl Dare: 511812019 Print€d name of Authtriz€d Offictr:Bob Kraut Title or oositim of Authorized Offics:General Manaoer/COO Teleohone numbs c,f authorized offics:208-326-4330 Study Ar€ Code of Reptrting Canier 4722?0 Filing Due Date for this fom (mm/dd/yyyy)6t17 t2019 PeEons wllltully makinO tal* gtatemGnts on this fom can be punish€d by tinc or torfellue under the Communlcallons A6t of '1934, 47u.S,C.55502,503{b},orfineorimprhonmentunderTitlelEoftheUnit€dstatescodc,'l8U.S.C.S 1001. TO BE COMPLETED BY AN OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER Certification of Ofricer for Rate{f-Return Carisr Eligibility for CAF/ICC Recovery I cartlly that I rm an ottlcer ot the repoillng carrier and th8t, lo lhe best of my knowledge, the Epgrling carler on thl! tom cerillletthat lt ha! complledwlth Ellglblc Recovery55l,9lT(d)and Access RecoveryChargeSst.9lT(s)and lE ellglbleto Ecelvethe CAF ICC Euppon cquGstod puEuant to S51.917(l). Name of Reoortino Carriff FILER MUTUAL TEL. COMPANY-ID dba TRULEAP TECH Bob Kraut Ugiblly iign6d by Bob Kraut DN cn=Bob Krad omdl:bkEq@ruleap net,Gfrler mdu.l tel comFnyld dh tul.ap lech,l=Fi16r lO 83328-m89 Dtt. tl 81201 ISignature of Authtrized Officer or employee:oate: 511812019 Printed name of Authorized Otfictr s mDlovee:Bob Kraut Title or position of Authorized Officer or employee:General Manaqer/COO Telephone numbor ol Authorized Officer tr employee;208-326-4330 Study Ar€ Cod6 of Reporting Caris 472220 Filing Due Date ftr this fm (mm/dd/yyyy)6t17 t2019 PgEon5 wllltully maklng fals rtalements on thls tom can be punished by llne or forfeiture undcrlhe Communication3Act of 1934, i17U.S.C,54502,503(b),ortineorimprisonmentunderTitlelSofthcunitcdStalsECode,l6U.S,C.S 1001. TO BE COMPLETED BY AN OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER Certilication of Ofricer for Rate-of-Return Carier Not Seeking Duplicative Reqovery I cedifylhat I am an otticer of the rcpodi.g carier and lhal, to lhe best of my knowlodgo, the rcpodlng carier 15 not Eqeklng duplicative Ecovery in the statelurisdiction for any Ellglble Recovery subrecl to the Ecovory mschanlEm ar per S51.917{dXvll}. Name of Reoortina Carier:FILER MUTUAL TEL. COMPANY-IO dba TRULEAP TECH Bob Kraut Ullblly alled by Bob Kraul DN cn=Bob K[d,emilr*Ed@lrul..p n.l,O-iile, mutuel Ll omprnyld dE f!1.3p t.ch,l!Fil.r lD 83328-m89, o.t.:5/1812019Siqnature of Authtrized Offis or employee:D8l€: 511812019 Printed name of Authorized Otficer or employee:Bob Kraut Title or positim of Authorized Offictr tr employee:General Manager/COO Teleohone number df Authorized C)fficer tr emolovee:208-326-4330 Study Ara Code of Reporting Caritr 472220 Filing Due Date ftr this form (mm/dd/yyyy)6t17 t2019 PeEons wiltfully making fal* stE(emenls on this tom can bc punished by tinG or forfoftuE under the CommunlcdlonEApt of 1934, it7U.s.c.SS502,50qb),orfincorlmpri$nmentunderTitlelEottheUnlteds-tate6codc,l8U,s,c.S 1001.