HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190114Boomerang Wireless Form 555.pdfnA 6nTouch rl::iC:lVIi) i;i, J;iii ib f;Fl g, 38 WIRELESS ;- I ,t r.^1- ^ LI(r,;,1.ii,{lssloN January 2,2079 G,ua-T- tq-ol Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 RE: Docket GNR-T-18-01-REVISED FCC Form 555 Filed on behalf of Boomerang Wireless,LLCdlbla enTouch Wireless Dear Ms. Hanian, Boomerang Wireless, LLC dlb/a enTouch Wireless was designated a Lifeline Broadband Provider by the FCC on December L,2OL6. Pursuant to FCC requirements under 47 C.F.R. 5 54.422, enclosed please find a copy of the REVISED FCC Form 555 that was filed with USAC . We are also required to provide a copy to you. lf you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact me at (319) 294-6080 or regulatorv@entouchwireless.com Respectful ly subm itted, ls/ Julia Redman Carter Julia Redman Carter Regulatory & Compliance Officer Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/bla enTouch Wireless Annual Lifelinc Eligiblc Tcleconrmunications Carrier Certification l?ornr All carrierc musl contpletc all ol poltions of all sections Fonn rnust be submltled to USAC arrd llled rvith thc l.'cdcral Communications Conunission IMPORTANT: PLEASE RBAD INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Deodline: Juuutq, 3k (Annurlly) Does the reportlng company havc aftiliatecl [TCs? yes El No EII l'rotide o llst aJoll ETCI thot are afiiltotad i,ith thc repotiltg ETC, asingpage I and addilioual shccts lf necesmty. $filiation sholl be c.t?.R. s 76,t20a. Affiliated ETC's SAC Affiliated ETC's Name 4lqoLs*143036595 Study Area Code (SAC) Servicc Provider Identification Nurrrber (SPIN) 20t7 fb Boomerang Wireless LLC Recertification Year enTouch Wireless State ETC Name DBA, Marketing, or Olher Branding Nanre ({sone as lilC uante, list "NLl" Do 1191ko,re htot*) Holding Cornpany Narne (fsauc us lilC ranrc, list "N/A" Do trol leo*: blank) 1 ETCs Subjcct to the Non-Usage Rcquiretncnts subscr i bers d e-c nro I I otl' bt nn n th.' Is the ETC subject to tlrc non-uscgc requircmcnts? Yes Hl No EJI [yes, reconl the tnonl:er o/substlbers dc-cnrotladlu'nur-usagc h1, utouth h Bloc* Q belor. P a Montlr Subsoibers Dc-Enrolled for Non-Usage January b February .xa March az April t5 Mav tct June il July t+ August q September {o October I Novernber * December trl 'Iotal Subscribers ,5e For purposes of this filing, an of icer is an occuparrt of a position listed in tlre article of incorporation, articles of forrnation, or other sirnilar legal docurnent. An officer is a person who occupies a position specified in the corporate by-lals (or partnership agreetnent), and would typically be ptesident, vice prcsident for operntions, vice president for financc, comptroller; treasurcr, or a comparable position. If the filcr is a solc proprietorship, tlre owner must sign the cerlification, Initial Ccrtificntiofi ill E?cs nurst cotnplatc thls scctton I certiS that the conlpany listed above has certification procedures in place to: A) Rcvierv income and prograrn-bascd eligibility docunrenlation prior to enrolling a consumer in the Lifeline program, and that, to thc best of my knorvledge, the company was presented rvith documentation of each eonsumer's lrousehold incomc and/or prograrn-based e ligibility prior to his or her enrollment in Lifeline; and/or B) Confim consutner eligibility by relying upon access to ir stote database and/or notice of etigibility from the statc Lifeline administrator prior to enrolling a cotlsulner in the Lifcline progmnl. t am an officer of the company named above. I arn authorized to make this certification for the Study Area Code listed above. rnttiat l{4 L Minimurn Scrvicc Level !i?6,p.' that thc company listed above is irr conrpliance rvith the minimum service lcvels sct forth in the 47 CFR Section I am an officer of the compauy named above. I am authotized to make this certification for llte SACs listed above, 1n;1;n1 I{-4L Annual Reccrtification Do not leave enrptl'blocks. Itan ETC hos nothing to reporl in o block, eiltcr o 7ero. lleport thc nunrbcr ofLihlinc subscribcrs due for n:cer(ilicnlion by rnonth (Janua4.Dcccnrbcr) A. Subscribcrs cligiblc for rcccrtilication by nnnivcrsory ntontltB. Subscribcrs dc.enrollcd prior to reccrlilicotion nttctttptsC. 'l'ot.rl nunrtrcrof subsribcrs ETC is rcsponsiblc lor rccertilyiog (A-ll) Rccerlification Methods Stflte of fc(lcrnl dltnbnscD. .Suhscribcrs rcccrtificd through El'C access l,o $tiltc or fcdcrrtl dntabasc by nnniversnry ntontlt Ij. Nnmc olthc drtn sourcc(s) uscd to verify consutttcr cligibility: PDAP I|TC Dlrcct ContnctI:. Subscribcrs contuctcd by ETC dircctly to rcccnify (You nray nlso usc tlris scction to rcporl subscribcr irritinted rcccrtifieations), cortlclrd t0 obkiq C. Subscribcn rvho llilcd to rcccrtify through E'IC dircct outrcnclt ottcnrpt t[c ,lnn Fch I\Iar Anr Nlry Jun Jul Aug scp Oct Nov Dcc Ycnr Tolrll 0 0 0 0 0 0 @ b o 6 a U a lt.0 0 0 0 0 0 @ a a a @ @ @ C.0 0 0 0 0 0 p a @ a a @ b .lnn Iclr i\lrr r\pr i\Lry .lun Jul rlug s"P Oct Nov Dec Yelr Totol D.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jnn Feb itsr Apr i\lnl ,tun Jul ,1ug scp Oct Nov Dcc Ytnr 'l'otal I:,0 0 0 0 0 0 o b @ o o a a Ycnr TotnllllnrAprI\Iny .Irrn Jul Aug scp Oct Nov DccJrrnFclr 0 0 o o @ 6 a bO .9G.0 0 0 0 3 II. Sutrscribers rvho rcccrtificd thmugh E'l'C dircct outrcilch ilttcnlpt Thlrd Pnrtyl. Subscribcrs *'lrosc cligitrility rlns rcvicru:d h)'strte fldorirristrntor, third pnrty rdrninislrator, or USAC rhc of subscrilxrs contnctcd a Stote third or USAC for lhc ofrccertificntion, J. Nanrc ofthird party administru(or used to vcrify subscribcr cligibility: K. Subscribers dc-cnrollcd rls a rcsult ofa lhird p*rty rccertificirtion ilttcnlpt thc number ofsutrscribcrs as o rcsslt lo oulrcnch from o tl{le third L. Subscribers rvho rccertificd tlrrough n stntc atlnrinistrator, thinl pfltly rdrninisrator, or USAC's rcce(i{lcrtioil cffort ihc numbcr of subscribe(s front or USAC. Ccrtificntion; Reccrtlflcatlon Mcthod: Database I certify that the company listed above has proccdures in place to recertity consunler eligibility by relyirrg on a database. I an an officer of the conrpany named above. I attt authorizrd to make this certification for the SAC(s) listed above. lnltlal l\Iry Yclr Tolnl ,Inn liclr i\lrrr Apr ,lun ,lul Aug scp Oct Nov Dcc lt.0 d @ 6 @ o @ @ @ {d c*>0 a ,lln lch i\lrtr rlpr i\ Irtl'.lun Jul Aug scp Oct Nov Dcc I'etr 'l'otol t.0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jun Fcb l\lnr r\pr i\lrp'Jurr .lul At,g scp Oct Nov Dec Ycnr'fotrl 0 0 0K.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jrln Irclr i\lur r\pr ilIay Jun .lul Aug scp Oct Nov Dec Year Totnl 1..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Reccrtification Mcthod: ETC I cenil'y that the company listcd above has procedures in placc to recertify lhe conlinued eligibility of all of its Lifelirre subscribers, arrd that, to the bcst ofmy knorvledge, tlre company obtained signed ccrlifications frorn all subscribers attcsting to tlreir continuing eligibility for Lifcline. I am an officcr of thc company nanrcd above. I arn authorized to make this certification for the SAC(s) listed above. rnitirr t/*t- Ileccrtiflcation Mctlrod: Thlrd Party I certily lhat tlre company listed above has procedures in place to recertify consumer eligibility by relying on an adrninistrator. I anr an officer of the company narned above. I am authorized to make this certification for the SAC(s) listed above. Inltinl No Subscrlbcrs I certi$ that rny conlpany did not claim fcdcral lorv inconte suppon for any Lifbline subscritrers for the current Forrn 555 data year. I anr an officer of the cornpany named above. I arn authorized to makc this ccrtification for the SAC liste d above, Inltial Signature Bloclt By signing belorv, I ccrtift thal the company listed abovc is in cornpliance rvitlr all fedual Lifeline certification procedurcs. I am an officer ofthe cornpany nanted above. I anr authorized to make this certification for the Study Arca Codc (SAC) listed above. Signed, Kimberley Lehrman, Pres!{qrt Signnture Printcd Nmrc nnd'l'itls of Oficcr klehrman@readywireless.com Enrall Addrtxs of Ofllccr Ollvcr f. Mocller Pcrson Complc(ing'l'his Ccrtifi cntion l;ornt t2l24l20ta l)ntc 3197434641 Conlact Phonc Numbcr 5 i\I E (c+K)N - (D+l.+t)O - lU/Nr100 'l'olol nunrber of subscrlbers dc-cnrollcrl ns n rcsull of rcccr(ilicntlon 't'ol8l tlunrbcr ofsubscrlhcrs llTC ls lcspon.riLlc for rcccrlifylng Pcrccnt ofsubscrlbcrs duc for rcccrtlficnllon rvllo rvcrc dc-enrollcd 3tP @ t3,ooa/a Affiliated ETCs SAC Name 6