HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180807Freemont Telcom Form 481- Redacted.pdfState of Montana County of lvlissoula SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me thi of MICHELI.E LEEOWENS NOTARY PUBLIC forthe State ol Montana SS ) ) ) (;"un-T-itui CERTIF!CATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EIVIERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. Jor{ AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841 requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers (ETC) certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. In addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1. I am an officer of Fremont Telcom Co., an eligible telecommunications canier for receiving federal universal service support under section 21a@) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2.1 am familiar with the Company's day-to-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No, 29841. 3. Fremont Telcom Co. is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. S 54.201(a)(2). 5. I also certify that all federal universal service support funds received by Fremont Telcom Co. during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1, 2019, through December 31 , 2019, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 25a@\ of the Telecommunications Act. eller, Chief Financial Officer ') Date Du-tt firy at Hamillon, MT Erplres ?f/21. pige I <010> Study Arca Code I '-r.: ] l <0.15> Study Area Nanre lt+nat1: llrlei:.rE i1lii <020> Pr0gram Year :)r., <010> Corltact Narre: Person Usnc should co11tact l:i r:Ie I Ic ::uerswithions dbout thrs data <035> Contact Telephone Nunrber; {r)i:t{l:i}r1 ex: Number ot the person identilied in data line <030> <039> Contact Enrail Address: Email ot the person identilled In data Iine <0J0> ir'rsexs biji:ki::'-- 'ian Forrn Type s4.]l) d::i 3{..r:l Page 1 fCC form aSl oMB control tio, lo6&O986/oMB Conlrol No. 5o6Go819 luty Iolt .!ro,:!bgAsid :.955oE o 6 qa^'r: q: ? s 1:E:!4.;:E;=i5< g,Ea r-o -o-.Y o!>.i !.rf;o n rE xi 6 \ o ol!'g lo 3\oo\ ag\rg " b<egboEE 9. 1 o-a6r'= ,o c =o o I oF t -o- ;Ho:o Eo9 Y,O F-o-eZ ! o@,o @.! eo 0 '6 qoo o u o oc ov3 6 hn.Ea ot .oooAcV !3 q ao p ! g ! o a E3 E to c o o ! Efz Ets o o o Ez ao ao E o d oo e ] 2 A o oo o 6o6@o dz coI6Eoo6oIo 6 6o:5 o '6 uE oaoEou63oo AJ E C ? -g5Uo o dz 60q: ECFOauu6 H6 <010> Study Area Code <015> Study Area Name <020> Prograrn Year <030> contact Name - Person USAC should contact regardrng this drta <035>Conta(t Telephone Numtrer . Number of person iderrtifierl in ditJ line <030> Contoct tmarl Addrets - t,nail Address o{ person identified in data line <030><039> <400> Sclect from the drop-down list to indicate how you would like to report voice cornplairlts (zero or greater ) for voice telephony service in th€ prior calendar year for each service area in which you are designated an ETC for aAy lacilitie, vou own, opernte, lease, or otheeise utiliu e. Complaint5 per 1000 customers for fixed voice Complaints per 1000 custo,nerJ fo. mobile voice <4 L0> <420> r \\) I rcC tom Sl 1!2!' rr.s'.:. Y{rr {ell} iu,lacrl*Qrncetosrk..torou{r,0e.54(id.ff/iadndt.r'.<030! ill\'i"i':'x' 419, Cdnta(tnaiA&r!r$.[rrili&,ai,o!rrr&nid..riljrd.d6ijrina<0:j0r :-i]'r1if:r:rrrr,r:r,r il,i!,, l4{ify i4qrri.n.* a[^ rt{ll.b]e $intr^rA t$ri(a rrr.drrjr p \{Y (5mlcomplirncwith Srrul* Q$liryshndardr ffd conlum..Prot*rion Rrl6r fcc rod 4!l &ata Collcdlon Form oM8 co.kd No. ,0s@16/oMl &nkd No. 30e.@1t <0i')) Study.licnii{ir, .()l!, Sludy;\.cn flrnr.. .010> Pro?.4!i Yea. <010> Conrrcr rtdnre . Perext UsAC {toul.i.onl.(l retr'd,nB lh,J d.l. <019) Co.rrct Tclcphone Nunrb€r . Number .f pe,eon ldenlrircd ,n drtn tr.e <030t <0J9> !06r!.rtmrildd.€ir lnilrddrclrolperson,dcnlilled'nd.rilrne<0lO> i 4oo> C.rtiy compftrnre re8rr.nnB .bd(l lo tun.rrm rn enrf,rgcnq 5i!,Jlron! .,f,IOtr Oei.npr,es do(unrent krr run.|$trrLly,. tner8oncy 1(trrl,oor 1500) funcllonalit, in fmergcn.y 5h!ationt oata Collcctlon to.fi fCCfo.m {tl OUa Control No. 306G09&/Aillcuoolflo, .@tl9 lub rOf, A) 0) -CaILo B '1C, le co o .xo oo coo o ooq oI g j @ '6 c) q et3 i I a a E g ! 6 o 6?l ! 4 'c (l s\ A ; n ac ac .q !o ,F Uo ^; Ed*lo o t <l E] :l I o1 a ;rl l ^]ol cl./l E o o o ? a! olFI61zlrlgl<l>lol5l ;t 5lvl Do a o & lltt I tlI !l u I?l I.l- I rlil t"t EI;I ilil i|il iltlzl Fl6l 5lUI UIttAI AI Bl ul N @o o E z ob€o.9t'Z-d*iea ii6>z 9E oFE8e-oeooc3 0 e gE.E.:E : b E " g 3adg = 2 y UaEz-e! ; P E g=tsoja-c.:6o.=d".E H iuU 3Es:RE g sf f eugA;Xo&c.:;gE> E -leE3#96 ilE* 5,".Eitco;hnT5E EEg*JiiEiE*!'.. u f;= u O ! 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'Uu [)0(,tr oI C) D) a0c()ri li !p0 0trlloo.dgD O!c0AOE.doUU'co.d c, lr C)ak '3o0)ol>! c(, E o os oo E6z+o o o NNN r 6?o c d oNNNr o 0) !c-6o o oo'a9.9; uf!6!90> -^nisc6UOotr <U .o 6 E o ED6 o E ECo-E@oo o o o.9 0 o,9o o coo '= .Eya@Evo EU3.> ut <69q <U c ,9 o; o !56 @o Eo o o,9 o @'o ooNoc) ? j il!lil ,l ol o1vlotcl-I 6lrlcl ol@lEI clulEl clol 3l:l-tdl DlEI<t_tolEIul;l ol -lolsl6l EI -t6l clolUI ^lotmtotvl 4 oC=ao ;o ,F c0!co @ o o, E z 0, E zococoo oF ocoU <) J!c E 6 oE ,9E u ,sE uo co !:os U fco oC o Eoz 6 coU C) ool>l E @ i"] noN V i1 t c olEI6l7l.lot<l>t!lal 'l olo oa, Uoo ! aoo@ c o@64 o o o-o.9E-oo oc o dLc-'tuoo)o \lo Qo -! =>o! q:ooN y.5_o> cO Oo rqUE:;<U qoov @9R!EcCE(oqtr Xd6EYo^co; ftE! 3ao= oda- --o2a6a3az= o6-ooa,-8a o.< =aC:.cosooogE:olEEXENtrq6-! gO-i ooo-.6tsyov- o,q =oOE--c6H=p ooqO-Yr z 'i(, ,9 3o! o E g o o3 0 3:ts OJU ood oo i t). I i om o @ @! ;@ =co! o oa o ql 13 @ EU 0JE1) =o Eu o ct)U o I o o .= o o! .c!o 'ag {Jp = o o Efz o E:zoCoEo-ooF 6 coU o c I o 6! .9s u ! 6@o 6 Co ! loj (J f E U& o Eoz o coU olol>itrlo Mlo d nON V E z ao -o f ola1ol(-) lol9l E1 :O OV oilF O ouod co E ooo o oo z7 EcI c a1I: a dFF 0:-u3 .9 !lq o : oNN CoCo .g 0:) cos o Fo .Uo o co =!coU od E 0F o 'a -. E H coa Us o oo oto! oo UJ E o, E)coT co{o! NN Cg c) c 6o c o 6 Ec ! o o oU 6c 6c 'v !o 0.uo E!^ o= c6o- Po u6 cJ6^ Frio cO ucco;a'io;.9o> c6o> oo9r:ooo NN o olC^; CPLoq.q ;:U d oil.o ool -ioq.-Yts!eo :di@.: ]oloro- qo;*=o Eou o!F P^-OaN -^ON:a-oq! o-:io o:!.o o;c!=o- ar-! :sx;SglE!-nc1b-E *,. 0 , o uc & ! c oG cop co o o E 4 =o Eu oE @E oqaU Ot o Eooo ,c oE co =o oo Eaz o! 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M13HgEI >-6 E EgE L!c o.r 9{,o =;o- E:ouEE o,9@ !i o,=o-ocutr B;rooCP6o 3-o .9o u :.i _66,=6 4C: o o 0l,= I 6I c)I'r o_ (J j (sEn o- FrO.dfo =caJ- oqj s=OY?e.lxeoC oO-!6O r)F UNFlOa! :0,Im H c,?o+Xt/1G.Ot- =0J:Lr.os;Ev_ 9ooor ?vs6:a-* Ee aG,i 90r.9Z6::UEE !-3.UuL-o-tro- () (o(JniudocriNC<V 8R V i$ drnq1 &L(,,, |.\rf oo.o. ttluI fi,U.I a, E (,o oU o'I l! o(J q., Lo- o\FloN cO N o a ! t o DE E E! o o , !]tr l-: ! -z c a ; Eg ! 'a P o d o 5 E z o E3 o eg o o E o p lo ) o E z co o o : J q A o f tl @l 2l <lvllt'lnl ov o !, oo a o U H U 6u o oZ 0l uoc Eooo ) 6 I U E O ? _t-)ooq-] U6-{ @ U] (J,'o-L o o l) .E 6 E .g! C) 9go =co oo o 0Ero E a Eo 6 Eu coU O dc, -ol qJ 'F o CJ-c o 6 C OJ E o OJ-o o 00 (, CJo" OJ .; o o- 0l oq o- UcoO cn o-c .s9T o-o m rnN o :o OJoo- -oc6 o u -c!- 3 .9 6Uo !.; .o ->3oC o (, EfZ Ncor,Uorn 6;G o 'o Q CJo c zo -o 0lUU6 !3 .q 0 -93.;; ,o"-nJ< 0l a4Lui !N LCqP :J6za) cocoOOrfl c0 u .9 a OJ o C dJo .9 a(] o o; co.F Io 0) OJ -C o' "tr o .U-o .g AJ 0, 6- 1. l. -. \*'t .C E E-U ,J .9 C-o6't oJ6O. oon 3'too ooo tvc-c )mc(JsUP!> s00!:oo3 ;ro oro cocoeo cO ^lJX() r{rnri LOr{ <tr u]\oo o O oC=@ 6 ;oE c0p Co uo. o 0l, Eaz 0.o Eazogosoo5F oU o CD H() 3o OJrtA 0l r) -dx o 6E .9s u.g-o &o!0l G co 3foT U ?co 0A- ([, Eo2. ocoQ o C) ('l r{ (\ a Ea b,o & o o E(o& Or) (J r-l 0) F{ +J-oE(.)lr tr{ o Eoza0 f, c) a') 14 c.) rnr- <fl 0EoU 0 !5 (f o kl. <010> Slirdy Araa Code i?1111 <olt) studyArerNr"'{ Frenlon[ TeleCOm - ROR <010> P.o8rrrnYoir 2019 <010> {nnld(l Nrme- ferron U5AL: thoskl {onto(l 'rg.rdlo$ thrr data MicheIIe Owens <0:t9> tontd( l tror,tAdJrdir . tirnit Aridre' ot De*on lden(rfred n dar. tioe <0-tg> moh'en sf)b f ack f oo E ' com Select fronr the drop down meou or check the boxes below to note compliance with 5a.313(f)(f). Privately held carriers must ensure compliance with the financial reportint requirements set forth in 47 CFR 54.313{f)(2). I further certify that the informatioo reported on this form and in the documents attached below is accurate. (3009) (.1010A) (30108) (301 2 A) (30128) (301 3) (301 4) Progress Report on 5 Year Plan Ca.rier certifies to 54 311(ll{1}{iii) Name of Attached Document Li5trng Required Name of Attached Do@ment Li!(ing Sequired (Yes/No) Ii)!, itiriih a(iririi,:,rri.rii! (J02u) Arracir tne worisireet iistrnB requrreo rniorrnatron Certificatron of Public lnterest Obfigatron5 {47 CFR 5 54.r13(fX1Xi)) Please Provide Attachme.t Communitv Anchor lnsrirurions {47 CFR I s4 3t3lt)(l){iiu Pleasc Provide Attachmenl l! your company a Prvately Held ROR Ca.ner (47 CFR $ 54.311(f)(2)) li yes, does your company file the RUS annull reporl Plea5e check the5e boxes to confirm that lhe attached POF, on line 10.17, containt the required ioformation pu.suant to $ 54-313(f)(2) compliance €lectronic copy of their annual RUS .eporls (cperatrng Repoat for Telecommun(atrons Borrorvers ) Document(s) lvith galance Sheet, lncome Sta(emenr end statement of cash Flows lf rhe respoose is ves on line 3014, attach your company's RUS annual report and all required documenlalion lf the response i5 no on line 301.1, is vour company .!dited? lf the response is ye5 on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submission on line 3026 pu.su.nt to 0 54.113(f)12), contains: Either r copy of thcir auditcd finaoc,al 5tatement; gt (2) a frnancial repo.t rn a format.omparable to RUS Operating Repoat for Telecommunrcations Borrowers Document(J) to, Ealance 5heet, lncome statement ahC Statement of Ca!h Flows Management letter aod/or audit opr^ion issucd by the ndependent certrfied p!blic accountrnt that perlormed the company's fioanciel audit. li the response is no on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm you. tubmi5sion on Iine 3026 pursu.nt to I 54.313(f)(2), conta'ns: Copy ol their tinancial statement which has beeo subrect to .eview by an independent certified public accouotant; or 2) a financial .eport in a format comoarable to RUS Operating Repott for Teleaommunications Eorrowe15 Underlying intormitaon subiccted to a review by an indepeodent certified public accountant Doc!ment{s) with Balance Sheel, lncome Statem€nt nnd Statement ol Cash tlows lnlormation )s I-. Ie! as'i,rr):r1.'., Lr(l:o:s lnformation (Yes/No)ocoo (30rs) { 3016) (3017) {3018} (3019) {3020) (302 1 | Name of Altached Document Lrst ng Required lnformation lYes/No)oo (302 2 ) (302 3) (302 4)Underlying information sublected to an offi.e. aertilicatron. (102 5) r\ame oi A!!acne,j uocument LlstrnB hequrreo lnlorhation tctfom4tl <O35> (odt.LlTelephoneNumber-Numberofpertonidenlilc{lrndatrline<010> 4065415131 eXt. n t:] E E o q ! a zco(oroosf,ON coroo)Not.-N @N@@F-$N oo C\lO)r O)N r.f c{)$(o t Nf.-(ooe!@sf, a'ELou o 0c CPoco.o-,Iod!4>EspE96.6-ztEP*EiiEs;,:Ltv=:9b:1 q*ein63EgSi=EEE; dr@9lOdNms'uNN,j!66mO6coovoooooomm6m60a-i!- o !t;l ;l il;l;I : =3 e d E o Eo ? E {0 10}Strid! Area Code <0 15>Study Area Name <020> <010> <015) Yea r Conl.ct Nam. - Person UsAC slrould contact thrt Co^tact Contact Imar] Addres5 " emarl Address of perron ilentified rn data line 40)0> 4005 Rural Broadband Experinrent Authonzed Rural Eroadband Experiment {RB[).eopients nlust nddre5t the ce^ification tor public lrrt of newly served cgmmunrty an(hor !nstitutions. obligaten5 and p.ovid€ a Putllic loterest Obllgations - FCC 14-98 (paragraphs 26-29, 78i Plea5e addres: Lif,e 4001 regarding compliance with the Commrssion'5 public interett respon5e to Line 4001. All RBE partrcrpantr must orovide a 4001. Reciprent cert(ie! that rt is offering broadband,neeting obligatioos consistent with the cate8ory for whrch thcy were selected, inaluding broadband tpeed, (onrparable offerrngs in u.ban area5, rater that are.ea5qoably comparalrle to rates for Comorunity Ao(hor lnstitution5 - FCC 14-98 {paragraph 79) 4003a. RBE participants must provide the number, naile3, aod of community anchor instrtutrons fo which they newly deploved broadband seeice in the year. On thir line, please respond (yes - attach new communrty anchors, no - no new indacate whether thir list will be provided. 4003b. Provide the number, names and addre5ses Name of Attached Document Llsting Required lnformation of communlty anchor institution! to which the recipient newly began provrdang access to broadband service in tlre preceding calendar OMo Contro, No.306G0986/OMg Control No. lf yes to 4003A, please provide a response for 40038. I <0 10>Studv Aren Code <c15>Studv Area Name 1910. -- ""-"-l'lcl1r_Iet_<)30> conta(t Namc . peron uslc sircure;;"t.t;;;ns fii;;i. -'- ,; , - - .9.r. :,_<039> Contact [mail Addres! - fmail Address of person identified in data line <030> 5005 Alaska Plan (5010) Do you participate in the Alaska plan?(Yes/No) Please indicate w,rether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul{5011} contrnercially available in the previous calendar y€ar in ar€as previouslv sefved lYes/No) exclusively by perfo[rar]ce-iiiliting satellite backhaul. lf the filing carrier identified in its approved perfomance plans *at it {5012) satellite backhaul for a certain poriton of the population in its rervice exclusively on indicate whether (Yes/No) any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became available in the previoius calerdar year in areas that were by satellite backhaul <5013> O.rciptbn Ol g.clb.ul Tr(hnqbgy il.kly S.rv.d 14.lioa! or Popul.taonD.r. 8..lh.ul Av.il.Dl. (5005) r,Ur5la Plan Parti(ipant, Addltionll DOru6ettation oata colleation form tCC forn 481 OMg Control No. 1060{986/0MB Control No. 3060{rg19 lulv r0la P.Be I 7 .:010> 5tudy Area Code <015> Study Arei Name !':eko). I'4)ecortr lis <020> Progrnm Year 2019 <030> Conta(t Name - ?erson USAC rhould contact regi.dang this data slcrel Ie cwe:r3 <0:l5t Conla(tlelephoneNumber'Numberoipertcn'dcntliiedindataline<030> liiri${}51}1 4x! <039> Co^t3ct Email Add.ess - Emarl Address of person identilied in data line <030> {cEers,rhLa.'k!<)r: . cirri TO BE COMPIETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORIIN6 CARRIER 15 FILING ANNUAL REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Certification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAf or Ll Recipients certity that I am .n otti(er of the repo.tint caraier; my responsibalities i.clude en5uring the accuracy of the anrual repo,ting requirements for universal service suppotl "ecipieots; .nd, to the best of my knowledge, the into.mallon reported on this [o.m and in any attachments is accurate. \ame of Reportlng Carrier: F'-'$J:lir l''1econ 13:1 Srghature ol Authorired Cfficet: f:::l'i l!'IlD or:ir:Oate otlL'i2xla Prnled name of aurhorized oafiaer: ia::rr *_ei:s3r Title o. positron of Authoriaed officer: v? Geaeral ccuso' I Ieleohone numberof Authorizedcfticeri {065{r5556 ex! StudvAreaCodeofReoortrnsCerner: lrll:l Filins Due Date ior this ford 0l"l;;2'18 undnr Titlc 18 oa the United Sr.tet Code, 18 U-s,C. I 1001. Page I l lat. :.3 a <010> Stvdy Area Code I i t.: J:; <015> StudY Area N.m€C:c(oii Tel4car :lJl <020> Protaam Year .t-1:i <030> Contad Name . pe6on USAC should contact .ega,din8 this data <035> ContactTelephon.Number.Numbe.otpersonident;fiedirdatalin.<030> nl6tn:5Il: +x: <039> coDta(t Email Address - Email Address of perron deotified rn.la!a lire <030> n:xe:rs rirli;k:]:,: . .):r 10 BE COMPTETED BY THE RTPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT 15 FILING ANNUAL REPORIS ON THE CARRIER's BEHATF: TO BE COMPLETTD BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Officer to .Aulhorize an Agent to tile Annual Reports for C,qF or ,l'{ecipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier certily that I am .n officer ot th€ reporting carrie,; my respoosibilities include ensuring the accuracy of and, to lho best of my k.owlodgo, the roports and dat, provided to ths authorized ag6nt is cr.tify that {Namo o,is aulhorired to lho inlormation reported oo b6hall o, the repoding ca.rier. I annual dala reporting requirements provided to the authorized 0ate d lor this formr Pa.&ns *illfully malin3 falre {alcnrenti on thi, forfi ain be fnirhed by under td€ l8 cy'nder rhe Comrnurrrations Act o, 1934, 4i U.5-C- li 502, S03{b). or lme or rdpnronment y't.ter Cde, 18 U S C. ! I00l *f o^^*,Certifi(ation of Agent Authorized Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of R€porting Carrier l, as atent for the r€portiog car.ier, certify thrt I afi authori:ed to the data reported herein based on data provided by the reponilg iubmit carder; the annlal rcporti for universal reruice s{pport reclpients on behalf of the reporting carrieri I have provided and, to the best ol my lnowledge, the informatlon .eponed herein Is aacurate. Name of Reportrog Caarie. Name of Althorized AEent Firmi Signature of Authorired Agent or Emplovee cf Agent:Date: Name of Autho.ired Agent Eoployee: Iitle or position of Authorized Asent or Emolovee of AEent I felephone number of Authoized Atent or Emoloyee of lgeg{' itudv Aaea Code oa Reporting Carrier:Filirg Due Dat€ for this fo.m le.rcns w'f{utty -af ing fofr. ,,o"*n,, on ,f,o for2{I canbepunirhedbyfineorforfe*u(eundertheCo'nmun(ation5ActolI93,{,47U5.C09502.503ibl,ortineo.rmp.rsonmentrode.Trtle 18 of the Unitcd Sratet Codr, l8 U 5.i. t l0ol. P3ge 16 \:he 6I A,rrh6rir.d Arant' \sma of Raoortin€ Car.ier: iien:turp of Aurhorirpd Cffi.pr' fitle or positron cf Authonzed Officer: leleohon. numbar of Autlbnzed Oflicar: I Functionality in Emergency Situations Program Year 2019 - 2018 Submission ol 2017 JB Ray Network lnfrastructure Manager Blackfoot This document provides a high level description of the measures in place to provide functionality in Emergency situations in the 482235, 483308 and 472222 study areas. Central Offices in all 3 study areas (with the limited exceptions of the Drummond Alberton) are equipped with backup generators in the event of commercial AC power failures. Fuel supplies for these generators are adequate for 24-36 hours of operation and back up batteries located in each central office provide an additional 6-8 hours of backup power. ln the event of a power outage affecting the Drummond or Alberlon central offices, Blackfoot will deploy a portable generator to the site after 4 to 5 hours of no power. All remote subscriber carrier locations are equipped with backup batteries that are capable of providing 6-10 hours of DC power in the event of a commercial AC power failure. We also maintain a pool of portable generators that are used to recharge these batteries if the AC power is not restored prior to the batteries being fully discharged. Where practical, fiber optic cable routes that provide connectivity to a remote central office back to the host central office have diverse routes to insure uninterrupted operation in the event of a cable cut or failure. lf diverse routes are not practical the remote central office is equipped with a "stand alone" function that insures uninterrupted Iocal operation within the remoter central office service area. c .9 c .9! oo!c 6 0 c q E (J a ,g 6 .Eo !ool+l (.)6-to !o qJ o6.J c0 (.) H 0) .d ! rdtr oU OJ o r4(.)F JJootrr U6i m L)ootll U f6 -l 0) JJ rdlr oU o o A 0)F. Dooql o(dr{ U H U F] F] UdH a o.d lJrdo.il()EEoU lJoou U 16a aq U H t) lio3,L)o o (/).i @ co Eo .g qo 6 NT i o a c o- € a) q I 'a C o d o 6 ;! ? a i = O o c o .5 Ea =co o o !! a pp{ E oU o *u oo oa D .9p .g,F aoIc oo o c E z ! E,z ot .g F 6 ao o ic t ! ,u! ,gE @ cc =cE c d Ez cI oc o o o a i Ia ! t , z o ,v f o @to E]<l a o Voice Services Rate Comparability Program Year 2019 - 2018 Submission of 2A17 lVichelle Owens Regulatory Specia list/Paralegal Blackfoot For the Program year 2019, the average urban rate for local service is $25.50. Per FCC Public Notice DA 17-1093 the reasonable comparability benchmark for voice services is $45.38. None of the Blackfoot rates are above the reasonable comparable rate of $4s.38. Data Services Rate Comparability Program Year 2419 - 2018 Submission of 2017 It/ichelle Owens Reg ulatory Specialist/Paralegal Blackfoot Blackfoot Telephone Cooperative, lnc. (482235,483308 and Fremont Telcom Co. dba Fremont Communications (472222) have several different voice, broadband and voice/broadband bundles at different prices. To ensure compliance with the FCC's rate comparability benchmark for broadband services, Blackfoot offers a distinct set of broadband service offerings that are priced at rates that are equal to or less than the FCC's service rate comparability benchmark. These prices are revised annually as the FCC adjusts the prices, if necessary, to ensure they remain equal to or less than the rate comparability benchmark. Lifeline Terms and Conditions Program Year 2019 - 2A18 Submission of 2017 lMichelle Owens Regulatory Specialist/Paralegal Blackfoot For the Program year 2019, Lifeline consumers have the same voice and data options available to them as non-lifeline consumers. Rates can be reviewed in on Blackfoot's corporate website. The applicable terms and conditions are the same for any consumer regardless of low income determination. Local voice services are unlimited as are data services. Consumers wishing to purchase long distance services have a selection of service options to ensure the pricing meets their needs, Eligible lifeline consumers have a lifeline discount added to their account after eligibility has been determined. Additional information to include any applicable terms and conditions can be viewed by consu m ers at http ://urww. bla ckfoot. com/residenti a l/ . Broadband Reasonable Request Program Year 2019 - 2018 Submission ol 2017 Dave lMarlin Ch ief Technology Officer Blackfoot Blackfoot certifies that it has taken reasonable steps to provide upon reasonable request broadband service at actual speeds of 4 Mbps downstream/1 Mbps upstream, with latency suitable for real-time applications, including Voice over lnternet Protocol, and usage capacity that is reasonably comparable to offerings in urban areas, and that such requests for such service are met within a reasonable amount of time. MOSSADAMS Report of Independent Auditors Board of Trustees Blackfoot Telephone Cooperative, lnc Rcport on the .F'inancial Statenrcnt.s We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Blackfoot Telephone Cooperative, lnc. (Cooperative) and its subsidiaries, which comprise the consolidated balance sheets as of Decemb er 31 ,2017 and 2016, and the related corrsolidated statements of income, cornprehensive income, members' equity, and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the consolidated financial statements. fu [ a na g e rne nf 's Respons i b i li ty fit r t h e I' inanci crl Sf ei te rnen ts Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepled in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presenlation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, A uditor,'s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstaternent. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, ln making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures thal are appropriate for the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also irrcludes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by nranagement, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolldated financial statements We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit oplnion. 1 ( )p in irrn ln or-rr opinion, the consoiidated flnarrcial statements referred to above presentfairly, in all malerial respects, the financial posjtir:rr of Blackfoot Telephone Cooperative, lrrc. and its subsidiaries as of Decenrber 31, 201 7 and 2016, and the results of their operations ancl their cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accountino principles generally accepted in the United States of America. t'Ayr) hdnm,r lrl,f Spokane, Washington February 28,2018 2 Michelle Owens From: Sent: To: Subject: Aaron Neilson Friday, July 13, 2018 10:23 AM Michelle Owens FW: Form 481 Bulk Certification Confirmation Aaron M. Neilson Blackfooll Vice Presideni - General Counsel 1221 North Russell Street, [zlissoula. i\,'lT 59808 .106-54 1 - 5556 I a ne i I so n @!lgSLlaQ!_A9m I uir,vr,v b I aqk foot, conr LEGAL NOTICEI This e-rnail and any attachments may be confidential, subject to attorney-client privilege, and/or protected by the work-product doctrine. The unauthorized use or disclosure of this e-rnail or any attachment is prohibited. lf you received this e-mail in error, please notify me and delete the e-mail immediately. From : Fo rm48 1 @ usac.org Ima ilto : Form48L@ usac.org] Sent: Friday, July 13,201810:21AM To: Aaron Neilson <ANeilson@ blackfoot.com> Subject: Form 481 Bulk Certification Confirmation Form 481 Bulk Certification Confirmation 3 Study Area Code (SACs) out of 3 selected were certified, Certification Date and Time: A7/L3/2Ot8 12:21 PM Filings Certified Byr aneilson@blackfoot.com Program Year: 2O19 Your certification results are listed belowl This is a syil*m ginrl aled emJ1i, Please do nii respond to thi! nlcs:iart ,t) 1997-,101S, {Jrrivr:lrsal Servicq Adminislrdliv* Cr:rnp,:ny, All Riqhts Ri:5;ivr,'s4 tiSAC i 700 l.2lh Slrett i\.lW i Suta 9C0 | Ulashrnqion, DC 20005 il Study Area Code 494 ID Carrier Name Results 473333 1430025 1 5 Frenront Telecom - RoR Certification Successful 482235 1 430025 3 1 BLACKFOOT TEL - BTC Certification Successfu I 483308 r4300253 I BLACKFOOT TEL. CFT CertiFication Successful t Certilication of Offi cer to Authorize an Agent to l.'ile Data on Behalf of Re;lorting Carrier I certiti, that (Name of Agent) John Staumlakis. Inc. (JSl) is authorized to subnrit infornrntion reportctl on behnlfofthc reporting carrier. I also certify that I anr an ofticcr ofthc rcporting carrier; my responsibilities include cnsuring the accurRcy of the data provided to thc Authorizcd Agent; and, to the best of nrl' knorvledge, the actual data providctl to thc Authorized Agent are accurate. Nanre of Authorized Agent Jolur Staurulakis, Inc. (JSI) Name of Reporting Carrier Fremont'l'elcom Co. S ignature ol' Authorized Ollicer Date Printed naure of Authorized Title or position of Authorized Ollicer 0 cL( Telephone number or Authorized Ollicer, Study Area Code of Reporting Carrier 472222 Filing Due Date for this fornr (rnrn/dd/yyyy)06/r8/2018 Persotts rvilltirlly nraking thlse statenrents ort this form can bc' punishcd by line or lbrlbiture urrder tlre Conrrnunications Act ol' 1934,47 [J.S.C. Nns 502, 503(b), or fioe or imprisonment under'fitle l8 ol'the United States Code, l8 U.S.C. 5s 1991. L( Certification of Officer as to the Accuracl' of thc CAF ICC Data Reported I certify that I anr an officcr of thc reporting carrierl rn1, resportsibilities include ensuring the accuracy of the actual data reported; and, to thc best of my knon'lcdge, the information reported on this fornr is accurate. Name of Reporting Carrier Fremont Tclcom Co.-/) Signature ol' Authorized Ort"rfl)Datc L 1 l8 Printecl name of Authorized "l'itle or position of Authorized Oltcer ( Teleplrcne nunrber or Authorized Otficer.rlbLt 6qI5!?Y "x, ---- \-/v lr' I - Filing Due Date for this tbnn (rnnr/dd/yyyy)472222 06/l 81201 8Study Area Code of Rep<lrting Carrier Persons willfully making f'alse statenrents on this forur can be punishcd by fine or tbrf'eiture under the Communications Act of 1934,47 U.S.C. $s\ 502,503(b), or fine or imprisonnrent under'I'itle l8 of the United States Code, l8 U.S.C. 51 1991. J Ccrtilication of Olficer lbr llate-ot'-l{eturn Cnrrier liligibilitv for C'AI.-/lCC llccoverl' I certit.1, tlrat I aru an officer of the reporting carrier rnrl that, to thc best of m1' knorvledge, the reporting carricr on this lbrnr certilics thnt it ltas complied u'ith Eligible llecovery $51.917(d) and Access Recovery Charge $51.917(c) nnd is eligiblc to rcccive the CAI ICC support rerluested pursuant to $51.917(t). Narnc of lleporting Carrier ,a !"^ont'l'elcom Co. l)ate Printed naure <lf Authorized O Title or position of Authorized Olljcer 'l'elephone nunrber or Authorized Otlicer.dDb6_'!L 2y34 "*r. Study Area Code of Reporting Canier 472222 Filing Due Date lbr this form (mm/ddyyyy)06/r8/2018 Persons willfully making lalse statements on this form can be punished by tine or tbrfbiture under the Conrmunications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. .sN 502, 503(b), or t'ine or imprisonment under f itle I8 of the United States Code, l8 U.S.C. rs 1gg 1 . Signature of Aurhorized om"fu Ccrtification of Ofliccr tbr llatc-ol'-lleturn Carrier Not Seeking l)uplicative ltecovery, I certit.r' thnt I anr nn officer of the reporting carrier and that, to the bcst of nry knorvlcdge, the reporting carrier is not seeking duplicativc rccover)' in the statc jurisdiction for any Eligible Recovcrl' subjcct to the recoverl, mechanisnr as pcr $51.917(tl)(vii). Nanre of Reportirrg Carrier i'remont Telcom Co.-G, Signature of Authorizcd Officer Dale 7 tg Prinled nante of Authorized t Title or position of Authorizecl Ofllccr rl I t Telephone number or Aulhorized Officer.Qob 5!1 5{aq".r ____ Sludy Area Code of Reporting Carrier 472222 Filing Due Date for this fonn (mn/ddlyyyy)06/r8/20r8 Persons willtitlly making talse statements on this fomr cau be punished by line or tbrlbiture under the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. NS 502, 503(b), or line or irnprisonnrent under Title l8 of the United States Code. l8 U.S.C. $ l00l .