HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180716Virgin Mobile USA LP Form 481.pdfDiane Brownlng Counsel, State Regulatory t$l8 JLJL l6 AH 9: I I 6450 Sprint Parkway Overland Park, KS 66251 O:913-315-9284 d ia ne.c.browni ng@spri nt.com lr l-;,I .-LtLJLlv i,'l ll : r,.,iTlr,ilSSlCN July 9, 2018 ldaho Public Utilities Commission ATTN: Daniel Klein P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-007 4 Re: Docket No. GNR-T-I8-01 Dear Mr. Klein: Please find enclosed a copy of the Form 481 for Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. This form is also being filed with the Federal Communications Commission. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, (Diane (Browning spri n> Page 1 <010> Study Area Code 479015 Virgin Mobile USA LP <020> Program Year 2 019 <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data Ardrew M. Lancaste! <035> Contact Telephone Number:913?526107 ext Number ot the oerson identitied in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address: Email ot the person identitied in data line <030>andy - m. lancaster@sprinE . com Form Type 54 .422 Page 1 fCC form 481 OMB Control No. 305G0986/OMB Control No. 3050'0819 ,uly 2018 FCC Form 481 - Carrier Annual Reporting flata Collertion Form Page 2 5eryice Outage Reportln8 Uoice) collection Form FCC Fom il81 OMg Control No. 306Gq)85/OMB Control No. 305G0s19 ,ulv 2018 <010> Study Area Code <015> Study Area Name <020> <030> Cont.d Name Person USAC should conract regardrng this data hd!.e M. LancasEcr <035> contadTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifi€dihdataline<030> e1l?626ro7 ext' <039> ContadEmailAddress-EmailAddressofpersonrdentifiedindataline<030> andy.m LancascetosprlnL.com <210> <220> For the prior calendar year, were there any reportable voice service outages? NORS Number Outa8e Stad Date OutaS€ Stan Time out.g. Ehd Date Out.g€ End Time Numberol Custom.rs Aff€.t€d Total Number of 911 Facilities Affected Seili.e Oulale Description (Checl all that aoplv) Did This outage Atfect Multiple StudyAreas (Y.' / No) S€frice Oulage R€slution PaBe 2 2 019 <010> Study Area Code <015> Study Area Name virgitr MobiIc usA LP <020> Program Year <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line ardy n .,:-r!--r:s!.i:- -on <030> <400> <410> <420> Select from the drop-down list to indicate how you would like to report voice complaints (zero or greater) for voice telephony service in the prior calendar year for each service area in which you are designated an ETC for any facilities you own, operate, lease, or otherwise utilize. Complaints per 1000 customers for fixed voice Complaints per 1000 customers for mobile voice Page 3 fCC tun 01 Oila ffil h. 3@6a6y'OMa@td h. S6@19 (5001 Cmplhncc WirhScryic. qu.lity Standards and Consuh.r Prot€dion Ruh5 Data collectaon form fCC Fom Sl oME @nrdNo. 3O@986/OMB 6ntdNo. 3060-0a19 ,uly zou <010> Study Are. Code vilgin ilobilc usa Lr <020> Prosr.h Year <030> Co.tactN.me.PersonUSACthouldco^tact.€ga.dintlhrsd.ta Edr.'! il L.:.r=:.! <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberolpersonrdennfiedrndata|ne<o3o> 31r':r11 'x: <039> ContactEmailAddr$s-Em.lAddressotpe6onrdentfiedi.datalne<03D rdv h llr-ls:.r'3t,!i:_ -on <515> Cedifycompliancewith.pplic.bleminimum r.ruice {andardt (500) lunctionality in Emergency Situations Data Colledion Form FCC Form 481 OMB Control No. 3050-0986/oMB Control No. 306G0819 Page 5 <010> Studv ArPa Code <015> Studv Area Name <020> Proeram Y€ar <035> contad Teleohon€ Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> <039> Contad Email Address ' Email Address of person identified in data line <030>.rdy m :dc..:.i..prtf,t cm <600> Certrly.omplrance re8ardrng abrlity to fundron in emergency siluations <610> 0esrriptive document lor Fundionality in Emergency S(uations Page 6 <010> StudyArea Code 4?9015 <015> StudyArea Name <0-20> Program Year 2479 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact repardinE this data <035> ContadTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentafiedindataline<030> er17625107 exE <039> Contact Email Addr".r - E."il Ad <810> Repofting Carrier viroin M6brle usA LP <811> Holdine company <812>Operating Companv virqin Mobile usA LP <813> Affiliates Ooing Business As Company or Erand Designation Page 6 sAc red workshee OMB Cortrol No. 3060-0985./OMBControl No. Pege 7 <010> StudyArea Code <015> Study Area Name vrrdin Mdbile usa r,F <020> Progrrh Year 20r9 <030> Contact <035> contact Telephone Number - Number of person id€ntified rn data line <030> <039> Contact tmail Add.ers - Email Address of person id€ntified in data line <030>.ndy.m. lancastci6sprint. con <900> Ooes the filing entity offer tribal land services? (Y/N) <910> Tribal Land(s) on which ETC Serves <920> Tribal Government Engagement Obligation lf your company seNes Tribal lands, please select (Yes,No. NA) for each these boxes to confirm the status described on the attached PDF, on line 920, demonstrates coordination with the Tribal government pu15uant to 5 54.313(a)(5) includesl <921>Needs assessment and deployment planning with a focus on Tribal community anchor institutions. Feasibility and sustainability planning; Marketing services in a culturally sensitive manner; Compliance with Rights of way processes Compliance with Land Use permitting requirements Compliance with Facilities Siting rules Compliance with Environmental Review processes Compliance with Cultural Preseryation review processes compliance with Tribal Business and Licensing requirements. Name of Attached Document <922> <923> <924> <925> <925> <927> <928> <929> Select Yes or No or Not Applicable Page 7 4790r5 Page 8 <O1 O> Stildv Arpr a^dF , ,. <O1 S> Stildv Arpe NemF v , , v.-, r - ', .r ' " <020> Program Year 2ate <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact data hdrew U, Lancaster <035> Contact - Number of in line <030> e11762610? ext <039> Contact pe rson in line<030> andy.m.lanca6re!@sp!inr coh <1000>Voice seryices rate comparability certification <1010>Attach detailed description for voice seryices rate comparability compliance Name of Attached Document <1020>Broadband comparability certif ication < 1030>Attach detailed description for broadband comparability compliance Name of Attached Document Page 8 (10001 Voice and Broadband Seruice Rate Comparability Oata Collection Form OMB Control No. 3050-0985/OMB Control No. 3060-0819 fCC Folm 481 Julv 2018 Page 9 <010> Study Area Code 4790t5 <015> Studv Area Name <020>Year <030> Contact Name - Person USAC contact regarding this data hdr., M. Lancaster<035> contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of identified in data line <030> <1Loo> Certify whether terrestrial backhaul options exist (Y/N) .1130, P1"""" s"lect the appropriate response (Yes, No, Not Applicable) to confim the reporting carrier oflers broadband service of at least 1 Mbps downstream and 256 kbps upstream within the supported area pursuant to S 54.31 3(g). <1140>Alaska Plan rate-of-return certification (yes, no, or not applicable) of compliance with approved performance plan. Page 9 OMB Control No. 3060-0986/0MB Control No. 3060-0819 FCC Form 48r. Page 10 <010> Study Area Code 419415 <015> Study Area Name <020> Program Year <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> s1r76251!7 exr. <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> <1210> Terms&Conditionsof VoiceTelephony Lifeline Plans <!220> Link to Public Website "Please check these boxes below to confirm that the attached document(s), on line 1210, or the website listed, oh line 1220, contains the required information pursuant to I 54.422(a)(2) annual reporting for ETC5 receivint low-ihcome support, carriers must annually repoftl <L221> lnformation describing the terms and conditions of any voice telephony seruice plans offered to Lifeline subscribers, <1,222> Details on the number of minutes provided as part of the plan, <1223> Additional charges for toll calls, and rates for each such plan. Name of Attached Oocument HTTP nttp'ZZ*."ssulanc.vireIes6 com/Public/r.rmEandconditlonE.aEpx E E IE Page 10 viroin M.bil. IlsA LP tCC Form 481 OMB Control No. 3060-0986/0MB Control No. 3060-0819 Page 11 479015 <020> hd!.w M. Lanc.stcr <03$ Contad Emarl Address - Email Addrers of person <030>.h. IancasEeroaprint..om Select the appropriate responses below (Yes, No, Not Applicablel to note compliance as a recipient of frozen High Cost support, Hith Cost support to offset access charge reductions, and Connect America Phase ll support as set forth in 47 CFR 54.313(c),(d),(e). The information reported on this form and in the documents attached below is accurate. <2015> 2016 and future Frozen Support Certification 47 CFR 5 5a.313(cXa) Price Cap Carrier Connect America ICC Support {47 CFR S 54.313(d)} <2015> Certification support used to build broadband Connect America Phase ll Reporting {47 CFR 5 54.313(e)} <20L7A> Connect America Fund Phase ll recipient? <2077 C> Total amount of Phase ll support, if any, the price cap carrier used for capital expenditures in 2017. <2018> <2019> Attach the number, names, and addresses of community anchor institutions to which the carrier newly began providing access to broadband service in the preceding calendar year - 54.313(eXfXiiXe) Recipient certifies that it bid on category one telecommunications and lnternet access services in response to all FCC Form 470 postings seeking broadband service that meets the connectivity targets for the schools and libraries universal service support program for eligible schools and libraries located within any area in a census block where the carrier is receiving Phase ll model-based support, and that such bids were at rates reasonably comparable to rates charged to eligible schools and libraries in urban areas for comparable offerings - 54.313(eX1)(iiXC) Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation Page 11 (2005) price Cap Carrier Additional Oocumentation 0alr Collection Form tn.ltdi^d pdr.-^f-pbtt',^ .drriot< ^*ili^rol ,'iti o.;?. rd^ t ^.^l Fv.hnnnc ad..ic.. FCC Fom 81 OMA Con$ol No. 3060-0986/OMB Control No. 3050"0819 July 2018 Page 12 <010> Study Area Code 47 9015 <015> Study Area Name Virgin Mobil-e USA LP <020> Program Year 20L9 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Andrew M. Lancaster <035> Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030>9L376261-07 ext <039> contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <o3o> andy . m . lancasteI.@spI: int . com CAF BLS Reporting (30084) Please indicate whether new locations were deployed during the prior calendar year. (30088)Please enter the number of new locations deployed in the prior calendar year associated with each of the following speed tiers. (3oo8B1)Number of newly built locations wlth access to broadband speeds of at least 10/1 Mbps but less than 2513 Mbps. (300882) Number of newly built locations with access to broadband speeds of 25/3 Mbps or higher (3008C) Please provide the percentage of deployment across the entire study area (Yes/No) Page 12 (30051 Rate Ot Return Carri€, Additional Oocumentation FCC fo,m 481 OMB Control No. 3060-0985/OMB Control No. 3060-0819 July 2018 Data Collection Form I <010> study Area code <015> Study Area Name Virsin Mobile USA LP <020> Program Year 20L9 <030> Contact Name - Person IJSAC should contact regarding this data Andrew M. Lancaster <035> Contact Telephone Number- Number of person identafied rn data llne <030> 9L37 626107 ex| <039> ContactEmailAddress,EmaitAddressof personidentifiedindatatine<o3o> andy'm' Lancaster@sprint ' com Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313(f)(1). Privately held carriers must ensure compliance with the financial reportingrequirementssetforthin4TCFR54.3l3(fX2). lfurthercertifythattheinformationreportedonthisformandinthedocuments attached below is accurate. (300e) (3010A) (30108) (3012A) (30128) (3013) (3014) Progress Report on 5 Year Plan Carrier certifies to 54.313(fX1)(iii) Certification of Public lnterest Obligations {47 CFR 5 s4.313(fX1)(i)) Please Provide Attachment Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation Community Anchor lnstitutions (47 CFR 5 s4.313(fx1)(ii)) Please Provide Attachment Name of Attached Document Listing Required"t"'J,"i:T O O (Yes/No) o o ls your company a Privately Held ROR Carraer (47 CFR 5 s4.313(fX2)) lf yes, does your company file the RUs annual report (301s) (3016) (3017) (3018) Please check these boxes to confirm that the attached PDF, on line 3017, contains the required information pursuant to S 54.313(f)(2) compliance req ui res: Electronic copy of their annual RUs reports (Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers) Documentls) with Balance sheet, lncome statement and Statement of cash Flows lf the response is yes on line 3014, attach your company's RUS annual report and all required documentation lf the response is no on line 3014, is your company audited? lf the response is ves on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submission on line 3025 pursuant to 5 54.313(fX2), contains: Either a copy of their audated financial statement; or (2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUS Operating Repon for Telecommunications Borrowers Document(s) for Balance sheet, lncome statement and statement of cash Flows Management letter and/or audit opinion issued by the independent certified public accountant that performed the company's financial audit. lf the response is no on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submission on line 3025 pursuant to 5 54.313(f)(2), contains: Copy of their financial statement which has been subject to review by an independent certified public accountant; or 2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUS Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers Underlving information sub.jected to a review bv an independent certified public accountant Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation (Yes/No)oo (301e) (3020) (3021) (302 2) (3023) (3024)Underlying information subjected to an officer certification. (302s)Document(s) with Balance sheet, lncome Statement and statement of cash Flows Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation (3026) Attach the worksheet listing required information Pat.13 {3m5)net.OtRdurn G?d.rAddilion.l Do.um.ntation Data Colldbn Form fCC Form 481 OMB Control No. 3060-0986/OM8 Conlol No. 3O5O-O819 47qn1q E E E E E Page 14 <nrn> (iiidL a,., rnd. 4 /90 r , <015> StudyAre.Name vlrgrn ilobile oSA LP "nrn> rrn,,rEv.r 2Cl9 .nrn) rn.rrrrNap'.p'r\.nrr\ar sh.'ildi4nrrdr.drri'ndrhadrra kdrFU M Lan.asL.r <ol5> cont..tTelephoneNumber Nunbe,olp.^onid.ntriedrndat.lin.<o3o> 913?626107 ext. <otq) conirr Fnril Add,a\ Fhril idd,a\ ol ber.n'd.nril'ed,n d.rr tne <OlD Financial D.t. summary (3027) Revenue (3028) Operating Expenses (3029) Net Incoma (3030) Telephone Plant ln Service(TPls) (3031) Total Assets (3032) Total Debt (3033) Total Equity (3034) Dividends Page 14 PaEe 15 <0 10>study Area Code <0 15>Study Area Name virgir fiobile usa rP <020>Program Year <0 30>Contact Name - Person USAC should contact this data <035> <0 39> Contact Contact Email Address of person identifled in data line <030> 1:dy n rar-ns-.r,sil,1: ^!h 4005 Rural Broadband Experiment Authorized Rural Broadband Experiment (RBE) recipients must address the certification for public anterest obligations and provide a list of newly served community anchor institutions. Public lnterest Obligations - FCC 14-98 (paratraphs 26-29, 78) Please address Line 4001 regarding compliance with the Commission's public interest obligations. All RBE participants must provide a response to Line 4001. 4001. Recipient certifles that it is offering broadband meeting the requisite public interest obligation5 consistent with the category for which they were selected, including broadband speed, latency, usage capacity, and rates that are reasonably comparable to rates for comparable offerings in urban areas. Community Anchor lnstitutions - FCC 14-98 (paragraph 79) 4003a. RBE participants must provide the number, names, and addresses of community anchor institutions to whichtheynewlvdeployedbroadbandserviceintheprecedingcalendaryear. Onthisline,pleaserespond (yes - attach new community anchors, no - no new anchors) to indicate whether this list will be provided. lf yes to 4003A, please provide a response fo] 40038. 4003b. Provide the number, names and addresses of community anchor institutions to which the recipient newly began providing access to broadband service in the preceding calendar year. Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation Pate 15 OM8 Control No. 3o60"0985/OMB Control No. (/[r05) Rural Broadband Experiment Additional Documentation Data Collection Form Page 15 <010>Study Area Code <015> <020> Area Name Program Year vtrgti uobile usa LP <030>Contact Name - Person USAC should contact this data <035>identified in data line <030> <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address of person <030> ."ay m ri.cis..r .!ritri com 5005 Alaska Plan (5010) oo you participate in the Alaska plan? Please indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previous calendar year in areas previously served exclusively by performance-limiting satellite backhaul. (s012) lf the filing carrier identified in its approved perfomance plans that it relies exclusively on satellite backhaul for a certain poriton of the population in its service area, indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previoius calendar year in areas that were previoiusly served exclusively by satellite backhaul. (s011) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) N.wlyS.d.d tocrtionr o, Population <5013> O.s.ription Of 8.Gkh.ul T..hnoloty P.ge 16 fCC form 481 OMB Control No. 3050.09t6/OMB Control No. 3050{819 lulv rOlA (5005) Alaska Plan Participants Additional Documentation oata Collection Form Page 17 <010> Study Area Code 479015 <015> StudyArea Name Virgin Mobile UsA LP <020> Program Year 2At9 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data hdrew M. Lancaster <035> Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> 913752510? ext <039> Contact Ema i I Address - Ema i I Address of pe rso n identified in data I i ne <030> andy . m . I ancasEe r@sp ri nE . c om TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FILING ANNUAL REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHATF: Certification o, Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Recipients I certify that I am an officer of the reporting carrier; my responsibilities include ensuring the accuracy of the annual reportint requirements ,o, universal seryice support reciplents; and, to the best of my knowledte, the information reported on this torm and in any attachments is accurate. Name of Reporting carrier: Vitgit Mobire usA LP siEnatureof Authorizedofficer: CERTIFTED oNLTNE Date 07 /05/2078 Printed nameof Authorized officer: Jay Franklin Title or position of Authorized officer: Assislanc controller Telephone numberof Authorized officer' 9t31 62s981 ext Studv Area code of Reporting carrier: 479015 Filing Due Date forthislorm of /76 / 2ot9 under Title 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. Page 17 OMB Control No. 3060-0986/OMB Control No. 3060-0819 FCC Form 481 Page 18 Certif ication - Agenl I Caniet Data Collection Form FCC Form 481 OMB Control No. 3060{985/OMB Control No. 3060-0819 July 2018 <010> Study Area Code 479015 <015> Study Area Name Virgin Mobj.le USA LP <020> Program Year 2019 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Andrew M- Lancaster <035> contactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<o3o> 913762510? ext <039> ContactEmailAddress-EmailAddressofpersonidentifiedindataline<O3O> andy m.Iancaster@sprint.com TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FILING ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or U Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier lcertifythat(Nameo'Agent)isautho]izodtosubmitthginformationreportedonbehalfofthergportingcarrigr ag€nt; and, to the best of my knowlodge, the reports and data provided to tho authorizEd agent is accurato. Name of Authorized Atent: Name of Reporting Carraer: Signature of Authorized Officer:Date: Printed name of Autho.ized Officerl Title or position of Authorized Officer: Telephone number of Authorized officer: Study Area Code of Reporting Carrier:Filing Due Date for this form: under Tatle 18 ofthe united States code, 18 u.s.c. I 1001. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier the data reponed herein based on data provided by the reportint carrier; and, to the best of my knowledge, the information reported h€rein is accurate, Name of Reporting Carrier: Name of Authorized Agent Firm: Sienature of Authorized Agent or Emplovee of AEentl Date: Name of Authorized Agent Employee: Title or position of Authorized Agent or Employee of Agent Telephone number of Authorized Agent or Employee of Agent: Studv Area Code of Reportin€ Carrierl Filins Due Date for this forml 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 6 1001. Page 18 <010> Study Area Code <015> StudyArea Name <020> Program Year 2At9 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC shoutd contact regarding this data Andrew M Lancasrer <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> eLl?626r07 ex! <039> ContactEmailAddress-EmailAddressofpersonidentafiedjndataline<030> andy.h.lancas.er3sprlnr.com <810> Repoftinp Carrier virgin Mobrle usa LP <811> Holding Company <812> OperatingCompany vlrsin Mobire usa Lp <813> Afiiliates Doing Business As Company o, B.and Derignation Assurance re S sac