HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180713Project Mutual Tel Form 481- Redacted.pdf@ Vantage Po i nf*, o E,v E D An Employee Owned Company :', I _i.ti.. I 3 pi'inStll6rED_ FoR puBlrc tNspEcnoN July 12,2Ot8 I C Diane Hanian Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, lD 83720-0A74 Re WC Docket No. 14-58 201"8 ETC Annual Report Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 5 54.313 and 54.422 2018 ETC Annual Report of Project Mutual Tel, Study Area Code 472231, Dear Secretary, On behalf of Project Mutual Tel, we have attached for filing confidential and redacted versions of the FCC Form 481 ETC annual reporting information pursuant to 47 CFR 54.31.3 and 47 CFR54.422 of the Commission's rules. Project Mutual Tel seeks confidential treatment under the Commission's existing confidentiality rules at 47 CFR 0.457 and 47 CFR 0.459 for the information filed pursuant to Section 54.313(a)(1") and Section 54.313(f)(2) of the Commission's regulationsl. Sincerely, ls/ Leoh Richter Senior Telecommu nications Analyst Phone: (605) 995-L793 Fax: (505) 995-7778 Lea h. Richter@Va ntagepnt.com Enclosure(s) cc: Rick Harder, CFO & Treasurer, Project MutualTel I Connect America Fund et al.,WC Docket No. l0-90 et al.,Protective Order,27 FCC Rcd 14231 Comp. Bur. 2012) (Protective Order). State of ldaho ) )ss County of Minidoka) CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOM M U N ICATIONS CARRI E R OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALIW AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITYTO REMAIN FUNCTIONAT IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH.COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high-cost support provided to ETCS within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: L. I am an officer of Proiect MutualTel, an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's day-to-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 2984L.3. Proiect Mutual Tel is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer prote,etion rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission.4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841and in 47 C.F.R. $ 5a.201(aX2).5. I also certify that allfederal universalservice support funds received by Proiect MutualTel during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 25a(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2019, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 2 Telecomm ns Act. Rick Harder. CFO & Treasurer Namefl'itle 06/2812018 Date SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 28th day oflC-Eg. 201& Notary Public for residing My Commission $s q at fZ-'.A-rt Page 1 <010> Studv Area Code al 223 7 <015>Studv Area Name PROJECT MUTUAL I'EL <020> Prosram Yea r 2079 <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data Leah Richler <035> Contact Number:6059951793 ext Number ot oe rso n identitied in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address: Email ot the person identitied in data line <030>Leah. Rlchterivantagepltt . com Form Type REDAC'TED - FOR PUBLIC INSPEC'|ION Page 1 FCC Form 481 - Carrier Annual Reportint Data Collection Form FCC Form 4E1 oM8 Contrcl No. 306(XX,86/OMB Cof,trol No. 306S0819 luly 2ott 9-.=o deia c.9 6 o oo.9Io d=6 a2-:E:,YO E E :;:g;-i5< $E;jieor-aoEGglEiE.Y o<>.=+;8"6 o^'.:!o eg riH<> o ie!oEEfoz*^ !!uoF !oIbgb< EOaFzd Ei: Uo = o 6 ocro o o .Ets o@6,o tG o 6 o o :'sE4Z t ! o b o vo NN oUo foo.9 ao o.9o 3,oot oo c@ a @s o o3 rc 6 co6 ,9 oT ou Eo 1 ia o I e. ,l oo c E .s a Ecop o oo o Et E ! E co 6 o o A ! .g! .F a ;o o o o! Ez D E,z ao o F co o o ! ,9! E! o o =oc lco o @ Ez co o o 6 E o c No J ! n 5FDE F O Ez E3 a a 6e68 dz E Eo .AEoooB6t dzg"+! E.E3oeoB6Nus>E6E o.co 60 .EEoELo CAotrUEootsr ^Cvoq'E-Ys>oE3 oo o E o o z F rq lfrU)z (J Fle O. I l-lslF rrl& RI.]DAC'I]]D _ FOR PUBI,IC INSPI,]C'TION Ktum01 DaE Colldion Fom OMDCoohl h. tw6/fl!tuft1 No. t@1s Iuh 2r[ <010> Study Area Code <015> Study Area Name <020> Program Year <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address o{ person identified in data line <030> <400> <410> <420> Select from the drop-down list to indicate how you would like to report voice complaints (zero or greater) for voice telephony service in the prior calendar year for each service area in which you are designated an ETC for any facilities you own, operate, lease, or otherwise utilize. Complaints per 1000 customers for fixed voice Complaints per 1000 customers for mobile voice RIll)A(11'lrI) - IrOR PURLI(l INSPF()l'lON (SO0) CmplL@ Wlth SGftlca q.liv Sbrd.rd6 .rd Cffiurur p.obdi6 FulB Dcu Colldtlon fom oM8 6frd h. ru!6/6E6ord b. ffi19 <01O 5t!dyArea Code <015> StudvArcaName tRorE.r flun'Al rEL <O2O Protr.mYear role <03b Cont.d N.m.' P.r$n UsAashould cont.dreg.rding SBdata <o3s> iort..tTcr.phon.Nunber:l{r!!!!r9!!!MAi4!!!!! "'-'"":a: <039> Cont.dEm.ilAddrlts-tm.ilAddr.stofF6onid.niilidindatalh€<036 Lrnh r:.n iri'nn_ae:pn_ :.n <515> Ccditycoftpli.ncewith appliGbl. ftinimuB service sl!ndardr REDA(]'IND - IIOR PUBLIC INSPEC'|ION <01.0>code <015> study Area ilrme <020> Program Year <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contad regardtng this data L.rn ni.hrer <035> Contact Telepho.e Number - Numberof pels!!l!!!11!!!lljl <039> contad Edail Addresr - €mail Address of person identilied in data line <030> <600> Cenily complian.€ re8arding abihylo fundion in emerSencl situ.lions <510> Descriptive document for Fuodionality in Imergen.y Situations (5001 Fundionallty ir Emrrgency Sltuations Data collection Form FCC Fm /U1 oMa contol No. 3060-09t6/oM3 cdrd llo. :to60.0a19 @o@ U c .9oc .go ooEcG 6 o E6 EoU a.; =6u '5o @o € Z coo EoU @.q oooo m ! o e coo EoU .E!o- 6 d ooo oIq oF a aE o o o(.) c ooe o o EoI uc o i d. J o oc G G! .g!o.Ecop coeoq o o! Eu a !! G EU 6 coU oo o o! .E!.9 aop co oo o a! Ez oo EfzoaosoooF 6coU o 6E.9t ,EE Uo co !)oc co od o E z co o E @o c oNo oE 2 6o !3 o or 6oo(oo dz6 go(J ao =o ro6ctooroo c;z =o E E9:90liroNus;Lr=:, .ucGeEE8EE..=o$!E3 EE aooU a D3 o o @ o z F,J (4z -.1caD I rrlF rq ro@oe co Ef o !oE G oo Eoz oz o e6o9*Z-dIbooo ".i6>z El) F 6yOC:0,n Ete Hg6 :_ 6 o =E 8 H UET;qE*ois F g gaH'E E f X,cC,.aq9*Oo(5?O9>i-a uEfrior.6'5E E3E!:EEES. ;;3EE-bg9,9d:6'6E-c*,9cL=>i:a::o;.=gE:={o;Ed3;E*::5sEEeE.-g= s:-E=;EE -'-:Y6.=66glaEX i;odJuu(JF9-E?.9cssEEEtro-'P::!=2!4 EE g 3 ; 3 3 3 BHa9Pggg9ss---ccO == .: o o o 6 o o iiE:vaoooaoqEH E E E E E E E28e>838388 NOl o o ooE < Goo o^'eas Ez9?o=azc-uio tso..- o =H EvLtrXEoE€ a,oo- c=6-q::roYF;i 9 cO- !t!.8 i€'rc:H.9'-IEuO - C n,tr JE YgEEi =t;3.EFtfl*EE;; =cXmOHE+>:6n =;E6 C.9 @g !o (l, Eo@obocU co EC o o ?o'rF No o o (-)FUc.9c3co co 6 .T F o 01 z o),9 o !co E!'I o o: Eos = os G)oo oo6l nA n nnnNm<trl(OF-COOrNNNNNNNNor ol ol ol or o) o) Cl)VVVVVVVV E o d o o i F ,l 5t tsUtrDo @Ez E5 o !o t ao No L z i" (/)z p a< :Jr I -(, cE] tw ('r ooo6c, dz o co(., to =o ro(xt Oto(froo dz Eco roEo E oB .9 o oU oooU@& o EfUoo Eq I6 Eo EGz Ec6 T'rco 93 '=.eg6OFE6 !9o> =96=fi5 to9o6Ct3 o c to Eoo _E!oo Eo 3CooE o co N !lo o E aoo'6os G oa EoZ o @ o.9 eo OJ.9o o E.oo E =.sU= OFE5!9o>=, o:Ei:<o9oGEi3 oo a c) E .9 rc E OJI E5o 6a E ooo o,9I0l 0l.Uo oOo E ,j E tr E: [i !If "o6o oc a 6! 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OJ o co fc or a EGz @ co(J o oo E@ bo c ONo l]: l i o Eoz qJ ! o oEoQoo ! o o oo0Gd z F. *(az H' B.tc I HFU or€?oroc, Ciz6 cot, r0Eo roq, oroerOo aY! dz 60l'ic ccoF Odx (,C'E coNe s->|J== g 0, Eo 5 0,c o J o c.9ZroEeeb :riEETbgle8;<=6ileEg= o EE o rE E ;:otooG.=c o; '- u:I SEoEEH € .Hi + r g ?E e;:€€*I o.lJ H 95 tsOE \ !4 6 ru::!X E : $aE ; ; =* S gTEEB6 -(J.=o-o-=ro0J(J>*.^'OUd frI E pgiI"[ ;*iaEtE*p -ud>.q-0r-occ^,c+o-o:--iUlt:eoi!>.:E=(!c.!2-c hr o! o +e;{;iF:9l Uoa:A>H- 6 c f, iJ --= oE u.g r u.HE h EEEEEEEg Cl) F{C)N ooc.F = (u E)Uoco.9sE-ctroL6O s -IJoo) tr6rEOJZE. g o ;-: c o)o)6 l.l ;; : Lo"t = cslE pTtr)g5 9tro o.5. -6og? b!'oH 3EI >ii ! 6P E LrO:.98'" F oJa sE-E or96 -c+cP---Lq).YoJn-Cutr 3t3 obCP6o Po .S2 o-E !3U IE(o.=6 @FlOc\, o o OJ.T (ooo(!o OJU'.o qJ j (o =+t oo- r.-O-dfo =co-rU(u b!Zo =o5Tc-:E (!oPOOuF (.)l'r F{c)N EgProTE9<t=ln^.;q,E =G.9?l!o-!u.69Np 9uoor:.sB P8. E: =oL;' c' ,i 6.9o9E Es S.EELCq,Ctroau ro9AF{(udotrriNC;VO;9x V -,(n (n +rJ)a E,III <t o CLCL =lh(\)I .!(J Lo E (Jo co(\) o L G(J o.t!I 0,, Lo. $ I (or{e<frn tD1 tL(J t\$ .9 (!I F o)U ooo5 c OJN u c) =!c(q rO or! inr{Oc! o.cOYcLc506-l:E6r|J0-o- .-go g Ic -'.9O(gCLtre=30 ;.5o(Ut) -trL .99 -:.rl, orEo.iLL, oF{ -dlcrc.E t/lOG'Eu (!<' (E,=osU'P .EeEthr^o6(JlD o.)lJEA-cLO= o--o0,8E ocL4o<e^i ir O, rEZE=.d u:dH.'P'egEe rvEeP! o,|!:!;i 0,,;(!6.=.P =iJ(! =tt vPEEs sEi!:6'cxo$::*Ef(!UC9:;EiucyJ4 6 ooE E e,E I EoI ; I oo ! ,E !oE c =co o o a !! E @ EE E o q o o a ,g oto ? p co o o 5 E z ! E =z co oI F o a E .9E a o 9,oc U :)co d Ez co o o o o ,l H tDF- F a o Ez o , o !o , o o o 6Iooo dz Egot, aoEo @o6IoI dz60<t!E E!ebu5BoN HEg .9 6QoG qj G SUe!i.9 :i 6- 9iEx=doo iihc-oP EI!o<ULC.9\!EFuo+ aC?uoao+i6-9Eqa-oEfret9E!x3E d z F A(uz U J H I l-!rI]F ! oz o) (oo(t -o OJ 1:c CJ OJc ou(! 0) E o o- CJ-o o qJb!(o c L) C, cl (J., oLo_ OJ (o 4) d (J @ooro qJc .goE. o o--o ro LnN o ! CJqJo (u!E(oo -oo 0)ou(o .t = .9 (ouo 5f-o E CJ o L O) E z Nco00oocn ! o-_o r{ c)F.l (o G) (o o -o (uoo ! (g (!o !o (uoU(! f3 .9 roI ;'= "i!o- E> dJ cf) ErtLC0J ro-ocCo:ozu r.lcoooOQcr, (!E OJ(go o.C o.c .c o) o o_€r .g C=o6EoJ(g0- ouDc3'=ojo o ooc 3bc-cLOlrocol o=€; b9!6qr5 gH l!Lqr(oa9: co ooOOaO 60) L$roco(oU 'tr OJE bDc'-5:o :o(u =oEo q,; ;j(oIo 3qJ o,.C 0)-cB OJ (o .U! .c o) rtalo- oooOco o0.; oo-oE Jcor EoU rJc Pl C) U'l(d lJ a4 d @t{ C)]J.qU.rld 6o F] orno oc=6 6E' .g o, 'F Co, =co c,o o o G EU oE-o G EU o coU Or(f)o JJ Xo rf) Ol t--rl LO Ol Ol LOo\o oaOo OJ5oo .gE'0) .=Cqip c oo- o 0)o E z qr -o E =zoco o OJoF uocoU 6 o lr 0) JJ.qU-rid .q6 a.) FI 6 G .4 OD = Gooo G Co 'o f U :)co OJ c, EGz oo co(, orno OlrlO C\i o0i EG boo o- No Fl E] F{ FI lJ F'tDE FU E{-o&o] OJ Eozool E: r{ cnNN t--$ 6)1'oU rc6J -o l o z i-*Ur!Oi<hz (, J ca H tJi I tl<FU4 & aro(,ooo6 C;2 E gor-l lo Eo roaor(, <,tOotn dzSESPE TT:9crEro^u5!u=r g .9 o oI oo G .9E!t .9 ouEc 6.9 AOotEO!i=iiuo!! !1 d RT.]DA(]TIT,I) _ I()R PUBI,IC INSPI,Cl'ION Pale 13 <010> Study Area Code 47 2231 <015> Study Area Name PRO,JECT MUTUAL TEL <020> Program Year 20]-9 <030> contad Name - Person USAC should conta€t regardin8 this data Leah Richter <035> ContactTelephoneNuhber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 5059951293 ext <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified ih data line <o3o> Leah ' Ri c ht e r@vant agepnE ' com Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313(f)(1). Privately held carriers must ensure compliance with the financial reportingrequirementssetforthin4TcFR54.3l3(fX2). lfurthercertifythattheinformationreportedonthisformandinthedocuments attached below is accurate. (300e) (3010A) (30108) (3012A) (30128) (3013) (3014) Progress Report on 5 Year Plan carrier certi{ies to 54.313(r)(1){iii) (301s) (3016) (3017) (3018) Please check these boxes to confirm that thc attached PDF, on line 3017, contains the required information pursuant to 5 54.313(f)(2) compliance requires: Electronic copy oI their annual RUs reports (Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowersl Document(s) with Balance sheet, lncome statement and Statement of cash Flows lf the response ls yes on line 3014, attach your company's RUS annual report and all required documentation lf the response is no on line 3014, is your company audited? lf the response is yes on Iine 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submision on line 3026 pursuant to 5 54.313(fX2), contains: Either a copv of their audited financial statemcnt; or (2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUS operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers Document(s) for Salance Sheet, lncome Statement and Statement of Cash Flows Management letter and/or audit opinion issued by the independent certified public accountant that performed the company's financial audit. lf the response is no on line 3018, please .heck the boxes below to confirm your submission on Iine 3026 pursuant to 5 54.313(f)(2), contarns: Copy of their financial statement which has beeo subject to review by an independent certified public accountant; or 2) a financial report ih a format comparable to RUS Operating Repon tor Ielecommunications Borrowers Underlying information subjected to a revrew by an independent certified public accountant Name of Attachcd oocument Listing Required lnformation (Yes/Nol O O (301e) (302 o) (302 1) 13o22l (3023) (3024)Underlying information sublected to an officer certification. (302s)Document(s) with Balance sheet, lncome Statement and Statement of cash Flows Certificatioo of Public lnteren Obligations {47 CFR 5 s4.313(f)(1)(i)) Please Provide Attachment Community Anchor lnstitutions (47 CFR 5 s4.313(f)(lxii)) Please Provide Attachment ls your company a Privately Held ROR Carrier {47 CFR $ s4.313(fX2)l lf yes. does your company file the RUS annual report Yes - Arrach certifl.ation Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation No - No Neu Comfrunity hchors Name of Attached Document Listing Required'^',i'J'J:T O O {Yes/No) O O E tl tl (3026) Attach the worksheet listing required information Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation I'OSI Rd. Ot ndm onicr^ddltbml Doc{ffilon O.t @lhdbn fod FCC fom atl Olrg Cont,ol tlo. t060.0at6/orrl cdrd ir.. 30ao{tl9 t_l t_l a@c .e E s Ej E 6 E z oLFoo.; o6qoc6- ocaof,Iodq>EuE96xE-:ocOh14;!!5: E P i t d,i 6 oioiioSgg=Es6"ePePa oNoo9:c)dNmst'ONNt!6mmmocoovooooo!mil:Ll 6o6m6 ii: J = E = E E z a o z F(, U)z F-l cq I H FU g Eo o Rlit)A( t'ltil) - l:( )R PU lJl,l( I I NSl,li( l'll( )rr- P.ge 15 <010>Study Area Code <015>Area Name <020> <030>Contact Name - Person USAC contact Number - Number of identified in data line <030> <039>Contact Email Address - Email person in data <030> r.,.r ri 1,..r 'r,lr.r,!.), , tr 4005 Rural Broadband Experiment Authorized Rural Broadband Experiment (RBE) recipients must address the certification for public interest obligations and provide a list of newly served community anchor institutions Public lnterest Obligations - FCC 14-98 (paragraphs 26-29, 78) Please address Line 4001 regarding compliance with the Commission's public interest obligations. All RBE participants must provide a response to Line 4001.. 4001. Recipient certifies that it is offering broadband meeting the requisite public interest obligations consistent with the category for which they were selected, including broadband speed, latency, usage capacity, and rates that are reasonably comparable to rates for comparable offerinEs in urban areas. Community Anchor lnstitutions - FCC 14-98 (paragraph 79) 4003a. RBE participants must provlde the number, names, and addresses of community anchor in5titutions to whichtheynewlydeployedbroadbandserviceintheprecedingcalendaryear. Onthisline,pleaserespond (yes - attach new community anchors, no - no new anchors) to indicate whether this list will be provided. It y€s to 40034, please provide a response for 40038. 4003b. Provide the number, names and addresses of community a nchor institutions to which the recipient newly began providing access to broadband service in the preceding calendar year. Name of Attached Document Listing Requir€d lnformation Pa8e 1 5 FCC form 481 OMB Control No. lO6G(xr86/OMB Control No.D.ta Collectlon Fo,m RI.]DA(IT}]D _ IIOR PUBt,IC INSPIl(]'I'I()N <0 10>Study Area Code Page 16 <015> Study Area Name <020>Program Year<030> Contact Na me - Person USAC shou ld contact rega rdi ng th is data L.rh i i.h. r ! <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> 5005 Alaska Plan (5010) Do you participate in the Alaska plan?{Yes/No) (s011) Please indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previous calendar year in areas previously served exclusively by performance-limiting satellite backhaul. (Yes/No) (5012) lfthe filint carrier identified in its approved perfomance plans that it relies exclusively on satellite backhaul for a certain poriton of the population in its service area, indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previoius calendar year in areas that were previoiusly served exclusively by satellite backhaul (Yes/No) <5013> Dcr.ripti!n Of B..thaul l..hnolosy Pate 16 (50051 Alrslr Pl.n P.rtlcjp.nts Addltlooal Domenbtlon D.t. Cdhdbn fom FCC Form 481 OMB Control No. 3060{985/OM8 Controt No. 3060.{1819 lulv 2O1t <c> Ncwlys.tu.d lo..tiom o. Popul.tion REDACTED _ FOR PUBI,IC INSPECT'ION Page 17 <010> Study Area Code 4',/ 2237 <015> Study Area Name PROJECT MUI'UAI TEL <020> Program Year 2079 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data teah Richrer <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 6059951793 exl <039> Contact Ema i I Address - Ema il Address of person identified in data line <030> Le ah . Ri cht e.r.ivant asepn! . com TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FILING ANNUAL REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Certification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Recipients certify that I am an ofticer ol the reporting carier; my tesponsibilities include €nsuring the accuracy of the annual reponing requirements lor universal s€rvice support .ecipients; and, to the best of my knowledge, the information reported on this torm and in any attachments is ac€urate. \ame of Reoortinq carrier: PRUECT mruAl TEL ;isnature of Authorizedofficer: CERTTFTED oNLTNE Date 01/13/2O7A ,rinted name of Authori:ed officer: Rick Harder fitleor position of Authorized officer: cFo r!easurer lelephone number of Authorized Officer: ttudy Area code of Reporting Carrieri 412231 Filing Due oateforthisform' 07'l16/2018 underTitle 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S,€. I 1001, Page 17 FCC form 481 OMB Control No, 3060-{,986/OMB Control No. 306GO819 fCC Form tt81 OMB Control No. 3060O986/OMB Cootrol No. 3060-0819 - Agent Carrier Colleclion Form Page 18 REDAC'TEI) - I,OR PUI]I,I(I INSPECTION <010> Study Area Code 4f223t <015> Study Area Name PROJECT MUTUAL TEL <020> Program Year <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Leah Richter <035> contactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 6059951793 ext <039> contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <o3o> Leah. Richter6'vaDtagepnt . com TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FILING ANNUAT REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALF: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier lc6rtilythal(Nam9o'Agent)isaulhorizedtosUbmitthginlormationreportedonbehal'ofthereportingcarrier.l alsocertifythatlam"no$i"".ofth"ffi5includeensuringlheaccuracyoftheannualdatareportingrequirementsprovidedtolheauthorized agent; and, to the best ot my knowledge, the reports and data provided to the authorized agent is accurate. Name of Authorized Apent: Name of Reporting C.rrieri Signature of Authorized Officer:Dater Printed name of Authorized Officer Iitle or position of Authorized offlcer: Telephone humber of Authorized Officer: Studv Area Code of ReoortinE Carrier FilinE Due Date for this form: P.rsoni willfully making fal* rtat.runts on this form .an be punlih.d by fine or forfeituro und.r the Communi(ations act ot 1934, 47 u.s.C. 55 502, 503(b), or tine or impri$nmnt und.r Title 18 ofthe Uniled States Code, 18 U.s.c. 6 1001. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Agent Authorired to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier the data repo.ted h€rein based on data provided by the reporting carrier; and, to the best of my knowledge, the inlormation reported herein is accurat€. Name of Reportins Carrier: Name of Authorized Agent Firm Signature of Authorized Atent or Employee of Agent Date: Name of Authonred Asent Emplovee Title or position of Authorized Agent or Emplovee ol Aqent Telephone number of Authoriaed Agent or Employee of Agent Study Area Code of Reportrng Carrieri Filing Due Date for this formr 18 of the United States Code, 18 U S.C. 5 1001. PaBe 18 REDACTED - FOR PUBI,IC INSPECI'ION Attachments REDACTED _ ITOR PUBI,IC INSPE(]TION Attachment 6L0 CERTIFICATION OF PROJECT MUTUAL TEL Reporting Period January 1 - December 31,2O17 Sec. 54.313(aX6) Ability to Function in an Emergency Situation Pursuant to S 54.313(a)(6)for High-cost Recipients, Carrier hereby certifies that it is able to function in emergency situations as set forth in I 54.202(a)(2). Carrier is able to remain functional in an emergency situation through the use of back-up power to ensure functionality without an external power source. Carrier is able to provide service for a reasonable period of time if external power is lost. All locations requiring commercial power are equipped with an 8 hour battery backup and/or emergency generators. The connection to the fiber electronics in the homes and businesses is also designed for eight (8) hour battery backup. All electronic cabinets and remote electronic sites are equipped with the necessary wiring and power supplies (rectifiers) to sustain operation beyond the eight (8) hours of battery backup with the use of portable or fixed generators. Battery backup is tested yearly by a designated employee. The designated employee tests the batteries and replaces batteries that do not meet Carrier's specifications (8 hour backup) and cleans & replaces all necessary connections. All batteries are on a replacement rotation, so are replaced regardless of how they test, to ensure backup is secure. Emergency generators are tested annually by an outside contractor. Carrier's network is engineered to handle reasonable excess traffic in the event of traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. Carrier's fiber ring technology protects well from loss of toll trunking. Carrier has redundancy in its network for use in re-rerouting traffic when facilities are damaged. I verify that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on lune L0, 201-8. /s/ Rick Horder Rick Harder, CFO & Treasurer Project MutualTel SAC:472231 REDACTED _ FOR PUBT,IC INSPEC'|ION Attachment 1010 CERTIFICATION OF PROJECT MUTUAL TEL Reporting Period January 1 - December 3t,2OL7 47 CFR 54.313(a)(10) - Voice Services Rate Comparability Pursuant to 47 CFR 54.313(aX10)for High-cost Recipients, Carrier hereby certifies that the pricing of Carrier's voice services is no more than two standard deviations above the applicable national average urban rate for voice service, as specified in the most recent public notice issued by the Wireline Competition Bureau and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. The WCB announced that the average local end-user rate plus state regulated fees of the surveyed incumbent LECs in urban areas is 545.38. This was published in the FCC's Public Notice, WC Docket No. 10-90, DA 17-1-093, released November 8, 2A17. Carrier's voice service rates are less than two standard deviations in relation to the applicable 20L8 nationalaverage urban rate as established by the WCB. I verify that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on June 10, 2018. tq/ Rick Harder Rick Harder, CFO & Treasurer Project MutualTel SAC:47223L REDACT'ED _ ITOR PUBI,IC INSPE,CTION Attachment 1030 CERTIFICATION OF PROJECT MUTUAL TEL Reporting Period January 1 - Decemb er 3t,20t7 47 CFR 54.313(g)- Broadband Services Rate Comparability Pursuant to 47 CFR 5a.313(g) for High-cost Recipients, Carrier hereby certifies that the pricing of Carrier's broadband services is no more than two standard deviations above the applicable national average urban rates for broadband service, as specified in the most recent public notice issued by the Wireline Competition Bureau and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. The following table was published in the FCC's Public Notice, WC Docket No. L0-90, DA 17-1093, released November 8,2017. The table provides the 2018 benchmark for a number of different broadband service offerings. Download Speed (Mbps) Upload Speed (Mbps)Capacity Allowance (GB)2018 us 20t8 AK 4 I 170 stt5.54 s t 09.tt9 4 I Unlimitcd s86.00 sl t0.34 l0 I 170 s87.6ti sr r0.94 l0 I 250 sn7.83 st It.0n t0 I Unlimitcd s8tt. t 3 st I t.39 25 J 250 s94.01 st t4.70 25 3 Unlimitcd s94.32 sl 15.0r 25 5 250 s94.36 sl 15.66 I verify that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on June 1O 2018, '</ Rick Horder Rick Harder, CFO & Treasurer Project MutualTel SAC:472231. RI]DAC'I'ED _ FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION Attachment 301-0 CERTIFICATION OF PROJECT MUTUAL TEL Reporting Period January 1- December31-,20L7 Sec. 54.313(fX1Xi) Milestone Certification Pursuant to 5 54.313 fXlXi) for Rate-of-Return Carriers, Carrier hereby certifies it is taking reasonable steps to provide upon reasonable request broadband service at actual speeds of at least 10 Mbps downstream/l Mbps upstream, with latency suitable for real-time applications, including Voice over lnternet Protocol, and usage capacity that is reasonably comparable to comparable offerings in urban areas as determined in an annual survey, and that requests for such service are met within a reasonable amount of time. I verify that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on June l-0, 2018. /s/ Rick Harder Rick Harder, CFO & Treasurer Project MutualTel SAC:472231, REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION PROJECT MUTUAL TEL (SAC 47223t1 ATTACHMENT LINE 3025 Financial Reports Pursuant to 47 C.F.R S 54.313(fX2) ATTACHMENT REDACTED IN ENTIRETY