HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180712Oregon-Idaho Utilities Form 481 - Redacted.pdfOregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. 1023 N. Horton St. P.O. Box 1880 Nampa, 1D.83653 RECTIVED iill8 JUL l2 &H B;39 July 11, 2018 Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 427 W. Washington Boise, ld.83720-0074 diane.hania n(@ puc.idaho.gov l r., t,l [,:,i1!lQQlni\jri, ilUr- lVr r kl't A,-- T* | ?-ol RE: Commission Order No. 29841 Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Annual Reporting to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. Dear Ms. Hanian, Enclosed, please find three copies of the Oregon-ldaho Utilities FCC form 481 submission for SAC 532390 for program year 201,9 along with a completed "AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER". This Form 48L has been filed with USAC as directed by the FCC. ln accordance with IPUC Rules of Procedure Rule 67, the financial and audit information contained in the FCC Form 481 for Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. is confidential and is protected by law from public inspection, examination or copying under Title 9, Chapter 3, Section 9-340D (1)(a) and (b). lndependent economic value is derived from this information not being readily ascertainable by proper means by other persons who could obtain economic value from its disclosure or use and Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. makes reasonable efforts to maintain the secrecy of this information. This protected information has been separated from the information not protected from public inspection and is being submitted to the PUC via mail as specified in the directions issued by the IPUC for ETC Annual Reporting Requirements. lf you have any questions or need additional information concerning this submission, please contact me at (208) 46L -7802 or via e-mail at dous.mussrave@oiutelecom.net. Sincerely, Douglas N. Musgrave Manager enclosures State of lAu\o I County "t Canysrq ) ) tcATtoNS cnnnrin-"'." r. " - ."; OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EME.RGENCIES,.: . , : , ,-.;I ANDUSEOFFEDERALHIGH-COSTSUPPORT .*'.. Ii' , -.*U tu>^%Pt' oz/u lzoB AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER ] ] The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841 requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers (ETC) Certify that it is compliant with the applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1. I am an officer of Oreoon-ldaho Utilities. lnc. , an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214 (e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's dayto-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules set forth in Commission Order No.29841. 3. Oreqon-ldaho Utilities. lnc. is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841and in 47 C.F.R S 54.201 (aX2). 5. I also certify that all federal universal service support funds received by Oreqon-ldaho Utilities,lnc. during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254 (e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1 , 2019 , through December 31, -!pl!-, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that the federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254 (e) of the Telecommunications Act. Name/Title blic for Notary Public Cathy M.Gitford State of ldaho SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN tO My Co me this +J resid gat Date 'i" .f'.; .. J d, j ,r,. r:.,: :., .,) t:lt. rt'"' 4 .+- 4../.\ '- i THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION'S ELIGIBIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER (ETC) ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Frr,rNc Dnaor,rNrs Service Administrative Company (USAC) must file with the IPUC, FCC Form 481 (47 C.F.R. $$ 54.313 & 54.422) along with a Signed Affidavit (see note). IPUC Filing methods: Electronic Filings-Email To: Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary at diane.hanian@puc.idaho. gov Paper Filings (One copv)-Mail To: Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washinglon Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 481 and affidavit (minus item 5) with the Commission Secretary. This satisfied the PUC annual report requirement for ETCs. ,See Order No. 29841. Notes:o Whenfiling Form 481 with the FCC, clearly reference WC Docket Nos. l0-90 and 1l-42 (as appropriate).o The FCC does not require the signed ffidavit. (47 C.F.R. $ 54.314) to USAC and the FCC on behalf of Idaho ETCs who receive federal high- cost support. Fonnr 481 Reports Summary: (200) Service Outage Reporting (High-Cost and Lifeline Support) (800) Operating Companies and Affiliates (High-Cost and Lifeline Support) (900) Tribal Lands Reporting (High-Cost Support) (l 100) Terrestrial Backhaul Reporting (High-Cost Support) (1200) Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers (Lifeline Support) (2005) Price Cap Carrier Additional Documentation (Connect America Support) (3005) Rate-of-Return Carrier Additional Documentation (High-Cost Support) Certification - Reporting Carrier Certifi cation - Agent/Carrier Form 481 Templates and lnstructions: http://www.usac.org/ res/documents/hc/pdf/forms/FCC-Form-481-Instructions.pdf Fon QuusrroNs RE: THE SrATE FILING CoNracr: Daniel Klein, IPUC Utilities Analyst 208.3 34.03 52 or daniel.klein(@puc. idaho. gov [If your Company does not receive federal high cost support, omit item 2] Doug From: Sent: To: Subject: I Form481 @usac.org Wednesday, july 1 1, 2018 10:53 AM doug.musg rave@oiutelecom.net Form 481 Certification Confirmation d ittl!, universat service ! 5r r Administrative Co.fir*. Form 481 Ceftification Confirmation Congratulations. Your filing has been successfully certified. Filing Number: I Ceftification Date and Time: Wed Jul Ll 1-2:52t46 EDT 2018 Filing Created By: doug.musgrave@oiutelecom.net SAC:53239O 498 ID: 143002631 Carrier: OREGON-IDAHO UTIL. Program Year: 2O19 This is a system generated email. Please do not respond to this message G-) 1997-2018, Universal Service Administrative Company, All Rights Reserved USAC I 700 12th Street NW I Suite 900 | Washington, DC 20005 L 7t't1t2018 Online Certification System - E-File - USAC.org '#11t, universar service!!rr Administraliveco.ris E-File USAC Home High Cost Program Search Tools Fom 481 CONFIRMATION Congratulations. Your filing has been successfully certified, A confirmation email will be sent to the email address on record for your user ID. Please email USAC at HCCERTS@USAC.ORG if you do not receive this email within 24 hours. Please take this quick survey and give us your thoughts! Your feedback will help improve the filing process. Tair.e S..r|vey'l lCetum io +ai senrch Confirmation @ 1997-2O18, Universal Seruice Administrative Company, All Rights Reseryed.Website & Privacy Policies https ://hcli. universalservice.org/ocs/cerUconfi rmation jsf 1l'l Filing 1 was successfully certified on Wed 11 Jul 18 11:43:15 AM EDT by doug.musgrave@oiutelecom.net . SAC: 532390 498 ID : 143002631 Carrier Name : OREGON-IDAHO UTIL. Program Year :2019 Page 1 <010> StudyArea Code srz:go <015> StudyArea Name oREGoN-rDAHo mrl. <020> Program Year 2019 <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data Doug Husgrave <035> Contact Number Telephone Number: ot the person identitied in data line <030> 20846L1842 ext <039> Contact EmaiI Address: Email oi the person identified in data line <030>doug . frusgrave@oiutelecom. net Form Type s4 .313 and s4 .422 Page 1 FCC Fqm i[81 July 2018 Pa8e5 .: 010> Study Area Code <015> StudyArea Name <020> Program Year <030> Contad Name - Person USAC should contad reBarding this dala p""s tr".e..". <035> ContadTelephone Number - Numb€r of person identified In data lne <O3O> <039> ContadEmailAddress-EmailAddressofpersnidentifiedind.taline<030> d6uE.N6E!.v.@oht.1!c6hnlr <600> Certify compliahc€ reSardin8 ability to fundion in emergedq gtuations Yes <610> Descriptive d*ument for Fundionality in Emergenq Stuatioos 532390ORID6l 0. pdf PT€ 5 (600) Fundbnality in tmcr8€rEy Situations Data Cdlection Fm FCC tm s1 oa,t8 conrol No. 3060{19861018 cotrd llo :D60{a19lia mil Page 6 <010> Study Aree Code 532390 <015> Study Area Name <020> P.ogram Year 2 019 <030> Contad Name - Person USAC should contad rqarding this data <035> ConbdTelephonef{qmbe(:ilumbejolpelsmidentifiedindataline<O3O> 20e461?602.xt <039> Contad Email Address - Email Address of frson identified in data line <o3D douq.rus-o.avecor!retecoi, ner <810> RlpodinS Carrier or.gon-I&ho utiliEi.!, Inc <811> Holding Company Robin6on comuicaElons ccryolation <812> Operating Compaly N/A <813> Atfiliates sAc led workshee Doirts B6iEs A5 €mpany or Brand oesitdion Page 6 luly 2018 PaBe 7 <o10>Study Area Code 532390 <O15> Study Arla N.me <o2b 2a\9 <O1O> a..rrdNrh.-D.r(^nllqAa<h^"Id.^.t:dr.c:rd,ncsi(d..r Douq luaqr.v. <039 contadTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersnidentifiedindateline<o3o> 204461"02 'x' indata doug.mu.gr.veuoiu!elec6n, neE <goo> D@s the filing entity offertribal land services? (Y/N) <910> Tribal Land(s) on which ETCS€rves <920> Tribal Govemment Engagement Obligation Name of Attached D*ument lf your company seiles Tnbal lands, please select (Yes,No, NA) foreach these boxes to @nfirm the status described on the attached PDF, on line 920, demonstEtes c@rdination with the Tribal govemment pursuant to $ 54.313(aXS) includes: <921> Needs asssment and deployment planning with a f@s on Tribsl Seled Yos ot No or Nd Appl€ble [N <922> <923> <924> <925> <926> <927> <928> <929> Feasibllity and sustalnability planning; Markcting services in a culturally sensitive manner; Compliance with Rights of way prcesses Compliance with Land Use permitting rcquirements Compliance with Facilities Siting rules Compliance with Environmental Review processes Compliance with CultuEl Preseryation review pr$esses Compliance with Tribal Business and Licen5ing requirements. PaEe 7 Page 8 <O1O> St'rdv Arre adF .,.'"" <O1 5> Strdv ArF: N,mF ^:'.nN--^r". ,,r. <020> <035> Year 2 019 <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of identified in data line <030> <1000>Voice seruices rate compaEbility certification <1010>Attach detailed desription for voice services Gte comparability compliance <1020>Broadband compaGbility certification <1030>Attach detailed description for broadband comparability compliance Yes Name oI Attached Document Yes - Pricing is no more than the noaE recent appLicable benchnark amouced bythe lrireline Conpetilion Bureau 5 323 90oRID103 0 . pdf Name of Attached Docurent Page 8 Page 9 <010> Study Area Code 5f23 90 <015> Study Area Name <020>Year <030> Contact Name -USAC should contact <035> Contact Telephone Number -of person tn <030> 2oa46r7ao2 .xi. <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of identified in data line <030> <110O> Certify whether terrestrial backhaul options exist (Y/N) <113O> Plea* $lect the appropriate respons (Yes, No, Not Applicble) to @ntim the reportjng €rier offec brcadband sryie of at least 1 Mbps doMstream and 256 kbps upstream within the $pported area puEuantto S 54.313(g). <1140>Alaska Plan rated-retum certifiotion (yes, no, or not appli6ble)of complianc€ with approved perftrmnce plan.NoE ApplicabLe Page 9 OMB Conrol t{o. 306&O986/OMB Cmtrol tlo. !}0,6G{1819 FCC Fom /tE1 Page 10 Area Code Area Name <020> ProgBm Year 532790 <O3O> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regardlng this data <035> Contact Telephone Number - Number of p€rson identified in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identificd in data line <030> <1210> Terms & Conditions ofvoice Telephony Lifeline PIans <!22O> Link to Public Website "Please chak thes boxes below to @fim that th€ attached d6urent(s), on line 1210, orthe webJite listed, on line 1220, contains the required information pu6unt to 5 54.422(aX2) annual reportint for ETCS reeiving low-in@me supporl, @riers must ann@lh repon: <L227> lnformation describing the terms and conditions of any voice telephony service plans offered to Lifeline subscribers, <1222> Details on the number of minutes provided as part of the plan, <1223> Additional charges for toll calls, and rates for each such plan. 532390OR1210 .Pdf HTTP oiu!.].con.D.E E Page 10 OMB Control No. :rc6G0985/OMB Cdtrol t{o. 3060S19 FCC Fom 481 P.tE 13 <010> Study Area C.de si2i90 <015> Study Area Name OREGON-IDAHO UTIL. <020> Program Year 2019 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC sholld contact reearding this data Doug Musgrave <035> ContadTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersnidentifiedindataline<030> 20846L7802 exL <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <o3o> doug ' musgrave@o iutel e com ' ne t Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313(0(1). Privately held carriers must ensure compliance with the financial reporting requirements set forth in 47 CFR 54.313(0{2}. I further certify that the information reported on this form and in the documents attached below is accurate. (3ooe) (3010A) (30108) (3012A) (30128) (3013) (3014) Progress Report on 5 Year Plan Carrier certifies to 54.313(fXlXiii) Yes - Ailach cer!ifica!lon Certification of Public lnterest Obligations (47 CFR 5 s4.313(f)(1)(i)) Please Provide Attachment s323 9oORID3010B. pd! community Anchor lnstitutions (47 cFR 5 s4.313(fXlXii)) Please Provide Attachment Name of Attached Document Listing Requi.ed lnformation No - No Ner Commuily 'Uchols Name of Attached Document Listing Required ls your @mpany a Privately Held ROR Carrier {47 CFR s s4.313(fX2)) lf yes, des your company file the RUS annual report lnformation (Yes/No)oo oo(Yes/No) (301s) (3015) (3017) (3018) Please check ther boxes to confirm that the attached PDF, on line 3017, contains the required information pursuant to 5 54.313(f)(2) compliance requires: Elestronic copy oftheir annual RUs reports (Operating Report for Telecommuni@tions Borrowers) Do€ument(s) with Balan@ Sheet, ln@me Statement and statement of cash Flows lf the responE is yes on line 3014, aftach your company's RUS annual report and all required documentation lf the respons is no on line 3014, is your company audited? lf the respons is yes on line 3018, plea* check the boxes below to confirm your submi$ion on line 3026 pursuant to S 54.313(fX2), contains: Either a copy of their audited financial statement; or (2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUS Operating Report for Telecommunietions Borowers Dcument(s) for Balance Sheet, lncome Statement and Statement of Cash Flows Management letter and/or audit opinion isued by the iDdependent certified public acountant that performed the ompany's financial audit. lf the responr is no on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submission on line 3025 pursuant to 5 54.313(f)(2), contains: Copy of their financial statement which has been subject to rryiew by an independent cenified public accountant; gr 2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUS Operating Report for Telecommu ni6tions Borrcwers Underlying information subjected to a review by an independent certifi ed public a@ountant 5323900R3 017 pdt Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation (Yes/No)oo (301e) (3020) (3021) |t3022l, (3023) (30241 Underlying information subjected to an officer certification. (302s)Document(s) with Balance 5heet, lncome statement and Statement of Cash Flows (3025) Attach the worksheet listing required information Name of Anached Document Listing Required lnformation P.t. 13 {3m5) Ratc of iem grier A&iional tucumdtatbn D.u &lldbn Fom FCC Fom A1 OMB ConBol No. :tO5O-(xr85/oMB fttrd No. 3060{619 E E REDACTED FROM PUBLIC INSPECTION PrBn 1i Flr&irl bE So/rn*y (3O27) Reven* (3028) Op.ault Ee.et (3029)Ndltw (3030) T.hphm Plant ln S.dtcffP6) (3031) Total Asetr (3032) Toul Ocbt (3033) ToEl Eqrity (3034) Dividendr Pr8e 14 RIDACTID i:RON4 PUi]LIC INSPi CTIONi <015> <030> <035> <039> Area Codc Area Contact Name - Person USAC @ntact Email Addresi - Email person ln c& q{r.Y.r.!ut.l.c6 n.: 5005 Alaska Plan (5010) Do you participate in the Alaska plan? Please indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the prcvious calendar year in areas previously served exclusively by performancelimiting satellite backhaul. (s012) lf the fllint carrier ldentlfied ln its approved perfomance plans that it relies exclusively on satellite backhaul for a cenaln porlton ofthe population ln its service area, indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previoius calendar year in areas that were previoiusly serued exclusively by satellite backhaul. (s011) {Yes/No} NO (Yes/No) (Yes/No) <5013> berF.bn ol !.clh.ul l.Ghbe P.BG 15 (t{ff5l Al.J€ Fls PlludErtrts Addltldd Do.uhrnrithn oata cofr(ttae fom FCC torfi tltl OLB Control tJc JOSllSSdoME @nrrol t{o. $6G{ttl9 .l{$r 20ra i.ely hMd batb6 o.hPhbn Page 17 <010> Studv Are. Codc <015>OREGON.IDSO UIL <O2O) P,oSram Ytar 2 019 <030> Cqnt.ct Namc - Perron USAC should contact regardinS this data Doug llusgr.ve <035> ContactTelcphoncNumbar.NumbcrofPcrsonidcnliticdindatalin.<o3O> 208{617802 cxl <039> contact Email Address - Email Address of person identifled in data llnc <030>da\rd au-qdr.w.o6intel..6d n.t TO BE COMPLETED 8Y THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS III,ING ANNUAI REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Certificatlon of Officer rs to thc Accuracy od the Data R€ported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Recipients I c€rtlfy that I am an offcer otthe reponlng cinler; my r*pon3lbllltlG locludc rnrurlnt the acruracy ofthe aonual reptrtlnl r€qulram€nts for unlvcrEl sewlce tuppon reclpl"n$; and, t0 tha b6t ol my knowledt., the lnb(matlon repo.ted on thls tom and ltr any attadrmantt B accu6te. Namc of Rcoortlnr carrl€r' oREGoN-lDNo urrl' sisnaturc of authoriaed otficc.: CERTTFTED oNLINE Datc o7 lLtl2ols Printed namc of Authorizcd officer: Doug Musgrav' ritlc or position of Authorizcd Office.: x'na9'r rchohonr numberof AdhoriEd officrr: 2084517s02 exl study Area code of Reporti ng carrier: 5 3 2 3 9 0 Filing Due oste for this form' 0?/15/20r8 P.rsonr willlully hakinl fal$ it.temehls on thir form cen bc FhlshEd by fin. or torflitur. und.r tho Communiotbni Ad of 1934, 47 U 5.C. 55 502, 503(b), or finc or imprisonm€nt undarTitle 18 ottha Uon.d Stata! Code, 18 U.S.C ! 1001. ?age 17 Page 18 5323 90<010> Study Ar.a Code <015> Sludy Area Namc OREGON-IDNIO UTII <020> Protram Year 2 019 <030> Cont.at Namr - P.rsd USAC rhould ontact rc8.rdln8 thls d.t Doug Musgrave <035> contlctTehphoneNumb€r-Numberofpgrlgliqlltifiedhd!!ilLr!!<o3o> 208{51;s02 exL' <039> ContsctEmtilAddress-€mailAddtcssofpetssidentifiedindataline<O3O> doug musgr've3oiule]ecd'no! TO BE COMPI.EIEO BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IT Afl AGENT IS FIUT{G ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER's EEHAU: C.rtiflcatlon of Offlccr to Authorlze an Agent to Filc Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Reclplents on Behrlf of Reportlnt C.rri€r lceftifyth.t(Nl6ro'Agentir.uthorlrcdto5ubmttthGlnfom!tionrpoicdonb.h!ro'th€Gportin!c.rrl.r'| rls @rlify thlt I .m m omer ot the cporting qrirr; my Bagonslblll06 include .nsrlng thq rccuncy of lhs.nnual drlr Eportirg nquimmt! providcd lo th3.utho.lrad lgent; and, to th€ be6t of my knowLdgp, lhe Eportt and d.tr prcvldsd to rha ruthorl.ed lgerd i! accurlto. Name of Rcrcrtinr Carricr: gignaturc of Aethfii.ed Office,:Date: Printed name ofAuthdized Offkeri Title or porition ofAuthoriaed OFficer: Telephqne numb€r of Authdired of{icer: StudyArea Code of Feportin! C.rrier:tiling Dw Date to, this form: Perrona willfully mrkint t 13. st.t.m.nb on thlr lorm c.n bc puniih.d by lioc or forr.itur. undcr thaCommuni.adon! k ot 1934 47 U.s.C- 96 902, 903(b], trfm ( imprlrohfiant ondlr Tatle 18 ofrh. Unit.d Stet6 Cod!, 18 U.S.C. I 100!. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE AUTHORIZED A6ENT: Certification of Agent Authorized to Flle Annual Rcports for CAt or Ll Recipients on Eehalf of n.portlng Carrier l, rs agent to. ths raponlng csrrier, cc.tify thtt I am authdired to rubmit thi rnnu.l reports tfi utrlvergl siice 5uppon Elplmtr i bGhalf ot thc ,eportln! orrler; t i.v€ prNided the d.to .cponcd h.reln bilcd on data paovlded by the rcportlnt crrlcr;.nd, to th. brn of my tnill€dtc, t le idmrtion rGportod her€ln h.ccurats. Name of neporting Carrier: N.me otAuthorired Agent Firm: Signatur. of Authorized Ageot o. Employe. of Agent:Oate: nile or Dosltion olAuthsi:Gd Accnt or Emplovcr ofAgcnt Telephona numbar of Authorized Atent or EmDlowc of Atent: Stsdy Atca Codc ol Rcponint C!,ricr:FilinS Duc Oat. ld thir torm: 18 0f rh. unit.d sr.b. codi 18 u.s.c. ! 100r. P.g. 18 {rm. 6, Ar,rh^.ir.d Ar.^r' ,lame ot Authorized Atent EmDlove.l <010)StodvAr.a Codr <020> <030>lff<hdld.dtrd r..rrdi^, lhk d:t: <03s>tuntrd T.l.oho^. Nudb!' - Number of Nr.on id€nuri.d 'n d:t. lln. <010> <039>Co6t.d tmell Addr.tr - [mril Address ofocrrm dentificd in d.ta lhe <030> o!.lon-Id.ho !rrlltr... irc- (811r Holdih:Company Po!:n.o.c.r.st..rio:-..rPct.cro, <8t)> oEr.tin. c.hdnv tr'^ <813> Affll.t..oolna 861n6 Ar Cmplarv 6 lrand Ocd3mtldsac Line 610 Functionality in Emergenry Situations Description Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. has engineered our communications network to remain functional ln emergency situations as required by applicable state and federal regulations. Main Central office sites have emergency power Benerators that run automati,cally in the event of a commercial power loss. tn addition, these sites have battery backup which wlll allow them to remain functional in the event of a loss of generator power. Second tier remote switch sltes and remote concentrator sites have battery backup to continue operation in the event of a commercial power loss and the company has an inventory of portable generators which can be manually deployed to remain operationalduring extended commercial power loss events. Our class 5 switch and second tier remote sites have emergency stand alone capabilities to continue operation during an isolation event. All main switch, second tier remote switch, and remote concentffitor sites have redundant transport paths allowing them to re-route traffic in the event of an emergency. All switching, concentrator and transport equipment have redundant critical systems to continue operation during an internal card failure. We maintain a Rural Utilities Service recommended standard set of spare cards and parts in house for all mission critical systems. Routine maintenance is conducted on all mission critical systems. OIU also has an automated alarm monitor rystem in place that alerts company personnel of system malfunctions 24 hours a day,7 days per week, 355 days per year. Our network was engineered to exceed generally accepted traffic handling standards within the industry to assure continued operation during traffic spikes and during busy hour and busy day events. Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc 1023 N. Horton St. P.O. Box 1880 Nampa, lD. 83651 (208) 461-7802 May 01, 2018 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch Secretary Federal Communications Commission 9300 East Hampton Drive Capitol Heights, MD. 20743 Re: WC Docket No. 14-58, 2015 Annual Report, Form 481for High-Cost Recipient 54.3 13(a)( 12) " Broadband Rate Comparability Milestone Certifi cation" Dear Ms. Dortch, ln compliance with the filing requirements associated with, and attached to Form 481, we wish to advise the Commission that Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. has at least one broadband plan offered to customers that does not exceed the federal benchmark price for broadband service as ofthe date ofthis certification. Current Compliant Plan: 10 Mbps downstream / 1 Mbps upstream, no usage limit, at a 575.00 per month, that price covers the data component of our Voice/Data plan rate. The FCC Broadband Benchmark Rate announced November 08,20L7 for July 01, 2018 FCC F481 filings was: 10Mbps/1Mbps service, no usage limit, S88.13 per month. lf you have any questions, I may be contacted at (208) 46L-78O2 during normal office hours. Sincerely, Douglas N. Musgrave Manager Assista nt Corporate Secretary Line (1210) - Terms & Conditions of Voice Telephony Lifeline Plans Oregon-ldaho Utilities does not have any service offerings specificto low income subscribers. Discounts to local service rates are available to qualified low income subscribers through the lifeline assistance program. Oregon-ldaho Utilities offers flat rate local service that includes unlimited calling within the defined local calling area, with access to 911 service, operator services, directory assistance, and lnterexchange carriers. Oregon-ldaho Utilities does not offer toll service to our subscribers. The below media ads were printed on a quarterly basis in The Argus Observer and The Owyhee Avalanche during 2017 informing the public, including those eligible for Lifeline, the availability of Oregon-ldaho Utilities telephone service. Wishes lo inlorm the public ol the ovoilobility ol its telephone rervkeiwhi<h sre otlered in rurol porlions ol HorneY (ounty, ltlulheur Counly,' Oregon ond Owyhee tountY, ldoho. Oreoon'ldoho's locot tervice ores indudes the Origon exchonges ol Jordon Volley (prelix 541 /5851, Adrion l54l /724) ond Ridgeview $41/3391ond the Soulh llltountuin {208/583} erhunoe in lddro. Monthh servire roles wilhin lhese oieos vory, dependiig or servire lotolion, ond ronge from: Slt.65 to S2O05 olus56.50 federol end user' thorge lor reiidentisl servire, oud 523.35 lo 534.85 plus,56.50 lederol end user thorge lot single line trisiness servke. Iharc roler indude unlimited tol[rg wilhin lhe defined locol lreos, [t(ess lo 9l I servires, ottesr to opototor servfujs ond firectory'ossislonce, ond' inlererchongc corrier orcess. low intone individuols eli$ble lor lhe lileline ond Unk-up ossislonte progrorni noy te aligible for- f,ucounls lrom lhese bosic servia roles lbrough lhe 0regon ond ldoho tclcphone ossislonce progrorns ond muy ofso reeivi toll coll blocking xrvite wilhout thorge For inlormolion on our terviccr, including lifeline cfigibifity,or lo phre on order {or'rervke, oolstt lhr Oregon-ldoho Ufilitics, lnc, bucinsss ollice st , (s001 624-00s2 Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. 1023 N. Horton St. P.O. Box 1880 Nampa, 1D.83651 (208) 461-7802 May 01, 2018 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch Secretary Federal Communications commission 9300 East Hampton Drive Capitol Heights, MD. 20743 Re: WC Docket No. 14-58, 2015 Annual Report, Form 481 for High-Cost Recipient 54.313(0(1) "Milestone Certifi cation" Dear Ms. Dortch, ln compliance with the filing requirements associated with, and attached to Form 481, we wish to advise the Commission that Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc.: Has taken reasonable steps to provide upon reasonable request broadband service at actual speeds of 10 Mbps downstream and 1 Mbps upstream; provides latency suitable for real-time applications including VolP and usage capacity which is reasonably comparable to those in urban areas and; that reasonable requests for service are met within a reasonable timeframe. lf you have any questions, I may be contacted at (208) 46t-7802 during normaloffice hours. Sincerely, Douglas N. Musgrave Manager Assista nt Co rporate Secreta ry Line (3017) - Note regarding the attached 2017 RUS Operating Report & Management Letter The attached2OtT RUS Operating Report is prepared on a consolidated basis consisting of Oregon-ldaho Utilities (SAC 532390) and Humboldt Telephone Company (SAC 553304). REDACTED FROM PUBLIC INSPECTION USDA/RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNTCATIONS BORROWERS PAGE 1OF 3 i'l [: ]AC i i. 3 lrito l\1 I i"i 3 i-: C i N Si,i:C il C N REDACTED FROIVI PUBLIC INSPICTION USDA/RUS OPERATTNG REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNTCATTONS BORROWERS pAGE 2 OF 3 R t DACTI. iJ FitC ivl i) i..i i3 i iC I l,i5ir t: C'l iON REDACTED FROM PUBLIC INSPECTION USDA/RUS OPERATTNG REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNTCATTONS BORROWERS pAGE 3 OF 3 it r )ACTI; ) FiiOlui'PU 3lla i il;Spi: CI:ON REDACTED FRON/ PUBLIC INSPECTION INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT PAGE 1 OF 2 i.l i: i),tcTtl D : ilC L'l P ti ili.,C I N S P I Cl'iC N REDACTED FROIVl PUBLIC INSPECTION INDEPENDENTAUDITOR'S REPORT PAGE 2 OF 2 it E )AC f i:r) t'On ;','1 ;;il LlL.:C I NSP I:i.l iON