HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180712Citizens Form 481.pdf... aa Frontier COMMUNICATIONS July 12,2018 Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720 RECEIVED ?OIB JUL I2 PH h: 3I SS 7979 N. Belt Line Rd Irving, Texas 75063 Phone 972-908-441 5 Email: kirnberly.a.dou glass(g-tfir.corn Cy,vR- r- B-ol Re: 2018 Annual ETC Fiting - Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho Dear Ms. Hanian: Citizens Teleconrmunications Company of Idaho ("CTC ldaho") hereby files a state affidavit and a copy of the annual report that was filed with the Universal Service Administrative Company ("USeC";' in compliance with 47 CFR $ 54.313 and 47 CFR $ 54.422. Section 54.313 applies to an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) receiving high-cost federal USF support. Section 54.422 applies to ETCs receiving low-income support. CTC Idaho requests the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to file the annual certification regarding federal high-cost support with the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) and the FCC, pursuantto 47 CFR 54.314(a). Any questions or notifications pertaining to this filing should be directed to me at 972-908-4415 or by email at ki rnberl y. a. dou el ass (d ftr. com. Respectfully submitted, /1* Kim Douglass Manager Compliance - Regulatory Affairs Enclosures cc: Carl Erhart | 6 See ETC Reporting Streamlining Order, 32 FCC Rcd at 5948-49, paras. l5- 16. ETCs receiving high-cost support are no longer required to file duplicate copies of the FCC Form 48 I with the Commission or states and Tribal governments beginning in 2018, "contirtgent upon USAC's completion of the rollout of an online portal for recipients of high cost services ;' Id. at 5948, para. 15. The Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) has completed the rollout of the online portal, so ETCs receiving high-cost support are now only required to file the FCC Form 481 with USAC. CrTw State of North Carolina County of Durham ss CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE W]TH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABIL]TY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAI. IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL H]GH.COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841 requires that Eliglble Telecommunications Carriers (ETC) certify that it ls compllant with applhable servhe quallty stiandards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the abllity lo remaln functional in emergencies. ln additlon, the Commlsslon must file an annual certfication with the USAC anp the FCC that allfederalhigh-cost support provlded to ETCs.wlthin the State of ldaho will be used only for the provlslon, malntenance, and upgrading of facillties and servlces for whlch the support ls intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1. I am an officer of Citizens TelecommunlcaUons Comoanv of ldaho. an eligible telecommunlcatlons canier for recelvlng federal unlversal servlce support under sec0on 214(e) of the Telecommunlcatlons Act of 199€ ln the state of ldaho. 2. I am famlllar $,ith the Compan/s day-today operations in the state of ldaho and wlth the State's servlce quallty standards and consumer protectlon rules as set forth ln Commlssion Order No. 29841. 3. Gilizens Telecommunlcatlons Comoanv of ldaho is complylng with appllcable servlce quallty stiandards and consumer protectlon rules of the Federal Communications Commisslon and the ldaho Publlc Utlities Commisslon. 4. I certify to the Commlssion that the Company is able to remaln funcflonal in emergencles as set forth ln Commlsslon Order No. 29841 and ln 47 C.F.R. S S4.201(aX2). 5. I also certfu that all federal universal servlce support funds recaived by Citlzens Telecommunlcatlons Comoanv of ldaho during the cunent calandar year wil! be used in a manner consistent with section 25,4(e); that ls, for the provlsion, malntenance, and upgrading of facltlties and eervices for whlch the support is lntended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2019, to be ellglble for federal unlversal seMce fund support. 6. Thls verlfication and afridavit ls provided to be the ldaho Rrblic Utilitles Commission to enable the IPUC to certfi to lhe FCC that federal universal service support received by the eliglble caniers in the state wlll be used ln a manner conslstent with Section 294(e) of the Telecommunlcatiorus AcL Alllson M./ Senior Vice President Date SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to me this /4 or f,-l^Zolt , Notary Public for tr/c resldins ", t)"CU G"^9, My Com NOTARTPUBUC Wsk6Co$ty Norh Garollna Ml, Commisslon G.5,2019 Page 1 <010> Study Area Code 41 4421 <015> Study Area Name C1TIZENS FRONTIER ID 2479<020> Program Year <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data Cassandra Guinness <035> Contact Telephone Number: Number ot the person identitied in data line <030> 5857174557 exL <039> Contact Email Address: Email ol the person identitied in data line <030>cassatrdra, guinness@f tr. com Form Type s4.313 and s4.422 Page 1 FCC Form 481 oMB Control No. 3060{986/OM8 Conrrol No.305&0819 ,uly 2018 FCC Form 481 - Carrier Annual Reporting Data Colle.tion F6rm o Epof!!Ega9ta o dc:.95Eo6'Ep o $*. o ^ E E i*FIE.,qJ;sg-i5< $Ee.i:i I q =-aoEoc'Et.Y a!t'r-;3.a o^E! O GO.--rtstid<> o obe!oEE=oztgooF !ote;E!9EOz6 I !uo @cEE o !teuoE6 o to OF@.=6F fo tG o:P3 o p os:t =dZ o oxMY6' = @.; o UE o!Gto^O,Ao^ coaoE 3 oo c^,:-o't .I EV oL Eot e c ? ! oo .5 Ecp co o o !E E E! E o oo o o .E ! .=Eo 'Fcp c o o ! E,z oo E-zocoE F U oI o ao ! O ! .9E ,E! ts6 o oE fco d o E z E o ao o F E@9l "tolNlotvl Fzo z F o E z ! o 6 @?o@o dz E coIo =oooo?o@o dzd6€iE Eo o90roNus >85= o.9o 60 EoqoaoFuiooEro5!l 'E.Yg>ooo -6x3 o U D oo No L Page 3 I4ml flumb.rof Cohd.lB pc. 1,000 cu*om.rc hb colldlon Form rcC fom {1 OMB @d Xo. S6ME6/OMShbd b. ffi19lu[ml <010> Study Area Code <015> Study Area Name <020> Program Year <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data casBandra 6ulinc.6 <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> <400> Select from the drop-down list to indicate how you would like to report voice complaints (zero or greater) for voice telephony service in the prior calendar year for each service area in which you are designated an ETC for any facilities you own, operate, lease, or otherwise utili2e. Complaints per 1000 customers for fixed voice Complaints per 1000 customers for mobile voice <410> <420> (S) ComplLnc. With S.wle Qulity Sbnd.rd..M Conlum8 Prct.dion Rulcs DaE Coll.dion Fom rcC tom 01ilt@tu|&. rue/il8ffih. rus luly Xlt <010> <015> 5tldyAre. Name <020r PrograT Year <O3D ContadNlhe-Pe6onUSACihould.ontadr.t.rdiqthBd.t. cab.andra cLrn.eBB <035> Cont.dTeleDhone Numb* - Number ol D.Bon identified in dat. line <O3O> <O39> ContadEm.llAddress-EmailAddre$olpe6o.identifi.dindataline<030> .asEandra.gulnn.Er{f:r con <515> cedifv(ompliaice with applicable minimum service standards (500) Functionality in Emergenq Situatlons FCC Form fil OMB Control No. 3050-0986/OMB Control No. il&ulgData Collectlon Form <010>Studv Area Code <015> Study Area Name <020> this data <035>Contad Number - <039> ContadEmailAddress_EmailAddressofpersonidentifiedind.taline<030>.a..a5&a.$if,r.r.6r:r.coR <60D cefrafy complaan(e reSarding abrlaty to fundion in emergenc, situations <610> Oescriptive d@ument for Fundionalny in Emergency Situations 4744271D61O.pdt I oq) ,Ca.:zLo =oo @a @d co 6 .gD oo EEo 6 o troo Eo(J oE f.oU '6o N6 o .g6 € o t o d AEoU co d) Eoo oF o U coo E U@.a @ooo 6 o o o o d EoU Eo! coo Eo @.s!o- a o ! o oEo o eEo F d U o U .EtoooE o @ Eo ; e 6 b;!dE6 6 "o oVo o tc to 'E at oroo o.l E]!l!l<l EIUI.t-tol EIEI<t_t FIUIrl6lEIol()l AI olvl o o!! ac 6 E E!aE ot o od 3oot: =:lol!lct zl slol dlol0lFI6l EIol(Jl ^lol olvl 0 o U o z'- @-o@o c t I U l CoIod;lEIdl7l*I P]cl ;lol olVI ool F E@o ^lol olVI a Fzo z F U oEoz 6E ! : o o6oo(oo c;z E coulo =o 10@oiooroo c;z @Y E E3:(J0IcoNu 5iu=5 .!!goCLEE8E99c.=oE! oo36eEE a!oUoo E :o oV @o d II ro@od coE =oo!ot o ooEGz ob€o.9tzdXLoEA:>z Eo FtrOEoctoo 3'e Hg6 :- 6 o =5 g E UEB.=truiaLq) E F glP.=:=9.06E .i"F .dEo!o9>lUa uEfri..6'=,coXCr>.9Ob =iFE:PEEt.-E€=E:,;Es9.9d:6b.;E3gcL:>;>o::oL.-E;EEi:IEt*(ue=.=-*E6;=!*'-19a.=a6EfEEE;3iiEfrEE4 EE I 3 ; 3 3 3 B I - O -: O O O O O O?€zP3:PEE:o =n.: 6 6 o @ 6 6 #E€ioooE-aaqE3 6 E E E E E E.:300sooooooZ,OL-UUUUUU o o!oo t ooo o^'Pas 5zo?o=xZc:gsg sdEXEo =o>3€goo- 6=-39E ";t g cO- !tP.8 i€trtr'-96;EB€tgH5;>fi I - i o o-+f,EqgE;;; =c:moXtrr>:d6 =;Eo c .F @ .9PEo c0) Eo@@@cr co Ec q) (, E3 F oNo o o L.'FUs.9s3co coJ-63 F o Ot 2 o Eo Eco -6 ! o o z co bD .E os ooo o NANAAAANmsf,6(OF-6O!NNNNNNNNol or ol ot or or o) o)VVVVVVVV No o oq @ oc b; d oo E oE;o acp o o o E! 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Jcou U EoU trlJq{ G)o U] C)d}{.r{ 5 ? dllUd(d U)(/l 6 U orno o =6 o-o .EE OJ .F c OJp co o o OJ-o-o o EU OJ E! =o EU oco(J Olcoo .lJ Xo t-- LO LO$t-'r-t-- LN @ LO omo o ,g G 6 ; OJ ,F co =co 0)q o 0)l) Efz (u! E =zoco ooF Uocot) 6coo LDu OJc E-.{)U (d!o Hd(/l U)6U o GE ho .g! oboo 6c I E s (J l c ald o Eoz 0o coU o Or r-lON Go Eo o!oc oNo nH IdrlHFzodf{ I(n2trlNH ErHU 0, Ercz Go) !f rn o t-- C\l$\F t--$ o!oU o OJ ! = oo d o @c,ol.oo dz E coC' co o(o 00(,iooroo c;z SE<tPE 53:90ricoNu52(J=f E .9 oco E oo 6E .9':t! o 6tJE- 6.9 o.9otHocEG.eoO r1 d l3m5) R.t. Of Rdurn Gra.r Addfrbn.l Docomcntation Data ollcdion Form FCC Fom il81 Oill8 Contiol No. 3060.0986/oMB enrd No. 3m{819 lulv 2018 <010> Study Area Code 47 4427 <01 5>study Area Name C I TI ZENS - FRONTI ER- ID <020> Program Year 2019 <030> contact Name - Person UsAc should contact re8arding this data Cassandra Guinness <035> ContactTelephoneNumber Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 5857774557 ext <039> Conract Emait Address - Emait Address of person identilied an dara line <030> ca s sandra ' gu inne s s@ f t r ' c om Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313(f)(1). Privately held carriers must ensure compliance with the financial reportingrequirementssetforthin4TCFR54.3l3(f)(2). lfurthercertifythattheinformationreportedonthisformandinthedocuments attached below is accurate. (300s) (3010A) (30108) (3012A) (3012 B) (3013) (3014) Progress Report on 5 Year Plan carrier certifies to 54.313(f xlxiii) Please check these boxes to confirm that the attached PDF, on line 3017, contains the required information pursuant to 5 54.313(f)(2) compliance requires: Electronic copy of their annual RUS reports (operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers) Document(s) with Balance Sheet, lncome statement and statement of C!sh Flows lf the response is yes on line 3014, attach your company's RUS annual report and all required documentation lf the response is no on line 3014, is your company audited? lf the response is yes on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submission on line 3025 pursuant to 5 54.313(fX2), contains: Either a copy of their audited financial statement; or (2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUS Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers Document(s) for Ealance Sheet, lncome statement and Statement of cash Flows Management letter and/or audit opinion issued by the independent certified public accountant that performed the company's financial audit. lf the response is no on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submission on line 3025 pursuant to 5 54.313(f)(2), contains: Copy of their financial statement which has been subject to review by an independent certified public accountant; or 2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUS OperatinB Report for Telecommunications Borrowers Underlying information subjected to a review by an independent certified public accountant certification of Public lnterest obliSations {47 CFR 5 s4.313(f)(1)(i)) Please Provide Attachment community Anchor lnstitutions (47 CFR 5 s4.313(fxlxii)) Please Provide Attachment ls your company a Privately Held ROR Carrier {47 CFR 5 54.313(f)(2)) lf yes, does your company file the RUS annual report Name ol Attached Document Listing Required lnformation Name oI Attached Document Listing Required^',?'JJji O O (Yes/No) O O (301s) (3016) (3017) (3018) (301s) (3020) (3021) (302 2 ) (3023) l3o24l Underlying information subiected to an officer certification. (302 s)Document(s) with Balance Sheet, lncome Statement and Statement of cash Flows Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation {Yes/No) O O Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation (3026) Attach the worksheet listing required information P.8e 13 Pa8.13 E E E E fl o @d q Ctsoo.E o6qOEo-Cyoco@a,IoE!4>EuEq6f,= 5= E Ei & d,! E EioE E iEEEE-6NoO9:OdNmst'ONNC!6m600coo!?oooooP6m:116m6mmiI ou d ! c o o E o6 E o ! .c 6o o.9otE-9EE o=!1.i E o o: PaSe l5 <010>Study Area Code <015> <020> <030> Area Name Year Contact Name - Person USAC contad ca..and. GuIn.€33 <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> <039>contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> 4005 Rural Broadband Experiment Authorized Rural Eroadband Experiment (RBE) recipients must address the certification for public interest obligations and provide a list of newly served community anchor institutions. Public lnterest Obligations - FCC 14-98 (paragraphs 26-29,78) Please address Line 4001 regarding compliance with the Commission's public interest obligations. All RBE participants must provide a response to Line 4001. 4001. Recipient certifies that it is offering broadband meeting the requisite public interest obligations consistent with the category for which they were selected, including broadband speed, latency, usage capacity, and rates that are reasonably comparable to rates for comparable offerings in urban areas Community Anchor lnstitutions - FCC 14-98 (paratraph 79) 4003a. RBE participants must provide the number, names, and addresses of community anchor institutions to whichtheynewlydeployedbroadbandserviceintheprecedingcalendaryear. Onthisline,pleaserespond (yes - attach new community anchors, no - no new anchors) to indicate whether this list will be provided. lf yes to 40034, please provide a response for 40038. 4003b. Provide the number, names and addresses of community anchor institutions to which the recipient newly began providing access to broadband service in the preceding calendar year. Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation Page 15 (4005) Rulal Broadband Experiment Additlonal Documentatlon Data Collectlon Form FCC form 481 OMB Control No. 3060-0986/OMB Control No. 3060-081! .luly 2019 .!.ran&a.$isea.nf rr .or Pate 16 (5(xr5) Alaska Plan Participantr Additional Documentation FCC Form rl81 oM8 Control No. 3050-0985/OMB Control No. 3060-0819 Iulv 2018 Data Collection Foim <010>Study Area Code <015>Study Area Name <020>Program Year <030>Contact Name - Person USAC should contact this data <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> ca.6ardra GuiFer. <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> 5005 Ala5ka Plan (5010) Do you participate in the Alaska plan? Please indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previous calendar year in areas previously served exclusively by performance-limiting satellite backhaul. (s012) lf the filing carrier identified in its approved perfomance plans that it relies exclusively on satellite backhaul for a certain poriton of the population in its service area, indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previoius calendar year in areas that were previoiusly served exclusively by satellite backhaul. (s011) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) <5013><c> D.scription of B.ckh.ul l.chnoloSy Pa6e 16 N.wly5.ru.d Loc.tion. or Popul.tion Page 17 OMB control No. 3604985/OMB Control No. 306GO819 July 2018 FCC Form Collection Form - Reporting <010> Study Area Code 41 4421 <015> Study Area Name CITIZENS. FRONTlER' ID <020> Program Year 2 019 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data cassandra Guinness <035> Contact Telephone Number' Number of person identified in data line <030> 5857774557 ext <039> contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030>cassandra . guinness@ftr. com TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FILING ANNUAI REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Certification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Recipients I certify that I am an officer of the reporting carrier; my responsibilities include ensuring the accuracy of the annual reponing requirements for universal seruice support recipients; and, to the best ol my knowledge, the information r€ported on this form and in any attachmcnts is accurate. \ameof ReportingCarrier CrTrzENs-FRoNTTER rD lignature of Authorizedofficer: CERTTFTED oNLTNE Date o7 /77/2018 ,rinted name of Authorired of{icer: Allison E1lis fitleor positionof Authorized officer: vP RegulaEory relephone number of Authorized oflicer: 2443534102 ext Studv Area Code of Reporting carrier: 414427 Filing Due Date for thisfotm ol /02/2ala under Title 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. E 1001. Page 17 Page 18 fCC Fom 481 OMB Cmtrol No. 306O-{D86/OMB Control No. 3060{819Collection Form - Agent 41 4421<010> Study Area Code <015> Study Area Name CITIZENS FRONTIER-ID <020> Program Year 2079 <030> Contact Name ' Person USAC should contact regarding this data Cassandra Gui,nness <035> contactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<o3o> 5851174557 exL identified in data line <O3O> cassandra.guinness@ftr. com<039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FILING ANNUAT REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHAIF: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or U Recipients on Behalf of Repofting Carrier lcertifythat(NameolAgent)isauthorizedtosubmittheinformationIeportedonbehalfofthergportingcarrier.l atsocorlifythatlam"nom.",ofth"ffisincludeensuringlheaccuracyoftheannuaIdatareportingrequirementsProvidedlotheauthoriz9d agent; and, to the best of my knowledge, lhe reports and data provided to tho authorized agent is accurate. Name of Authorized Agent: Name oI Reportinp Carrier: Signature of Authorized Officer:Date: Printed name of Authorized Officer: fitle or position ofAuthorized Officer Ielephone number of Authorized Officer: Study Area Code of Reporting Carrierl Filing Due Date for this form: under Title 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001- TO BE COMPTETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or l-l Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carriet the data reported herein based on data provided by the reporting carrier; and, to the best of my knowledge, the informatlon reported herein is accurate. Name of Reporting Carrier: Name of Authorized Agent Firm: Signature of Authorized Agent or Emplovee of Agent:Date: Name of Authorized Agent Employee: Iitle or position of Authorized Agent or Employee ot Agent Ielephone number of Authorized Agent or Emplovee of Agentl Study Area Code of ReportinE Carrier:Filing Due Date for this form 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C. I 1001. Page 18 Row 610 - Description of Functionality in Emergency Situations ln December 2013, the FCC adopted new rules to promote 911 resiliency, including requesting initial certification of substantial progress towards meeting these new requirements by October 15,2015. See lmproving 911 Reliability; Reliability and Continuity of Communications Networks, lncluding Broadband Technologies, 28 FCC Rcd 17476 (2013); see a/so Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau Announces Effective Dafes of 911 Reliability Ceftification and PSAP Outage Notification Requirements, Public Notice,29 FCC Rcd 13900 (2014) Frontierthisyear again filed its certification that it is meeting the FCC's substantial progress goals. Specifically, Frontier met and certified to all of the requirements related to back-up power, circuit auditing, and network monitoring practices. Additionally, Frontier's network is engineered to provide maximum capacity in order to handle excess traffic in the event of traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. tsoU lr 0)-r{ +J otrtrl U o H i0 o-rto .A -l-lH q-lo o o-.1 ]J (U U.-l oU r/] () N.-! .lJ.-i U tr()-rl .lJ olr H rJ a)3 ]Jtroz (, o-rl t-)(do.-t c oU t{o"A]J otrfr U) I ta o-Fl !(d U.rt or) h(J-rt JJ olrt& o 0)o q-.1 o o o..1 .lJ6o.-t UU l] C).11 ! ogfl U H tror-l Ua I o tl(J.rt ]J olr trr o-rto .-! -lrlH UEiU F] Fro IoH UcH .lJ TDo3 .l-.)Iro ; oU lr 0),-l ,IJ o! r) F] F] H ]J(no3 ]J oa o ]J q-l o o U.rt JJdU.rl EEoU o.-i JJ o!fl -lJo {uB ]J o(/l () ! q-{o: EoU lro--i +J otrh 6aEoU do 5 EoU o U H !o 0) B IJ oa o JJ tt-.Io (rl o.-t!(d U--t oU tr().-t ]J otrtrr -l6trad (r) 0)--i .l-.)--i -l--t ]J o c.) N--l .l-)'-lU ! c).-l o!trr o --1(s rJ oE o]J.Fl B C.' JJ tt-lo o o.rt .tJ rdo.-l oU tro.-l .lJ o!f{ -i(6 trad (n C)-ft .lJ--i --l--1 ]J TD 0) N--i .lJ.-lU o .-1 6.lJ o =(.) JJ.-t B U ErU U F] F] U F] F] JJ o(/) o ! q-r o o.rl!do.-t oU !().-t ]J otrfr U F] F] .lJ (/) o .tJ r+-.1 o .lJ(6 U U H U H l.ior-l U F] F] al Fl F: (d-rl at F] F] (d-rt o HU H U F]a rd--1 o r0oH UEiU JJ oa (6.-l holr-.t.rl r+d q-l o o o.rt .lJ rd .-t EEU t{(.).-t JJ otr d.-l tlott-l.A r-l(d(.) q-l o (r) .-i ! rdo ! (/l c.) JJ q-l o o o-rt .lJ(s .-l 4 EoU t{ 0).-l JJ otrf{ g .9oc.p oo! oo o oo Eo(J g .5 Cou '6o c (d -.]o .,J' E I TD o-_t JJfsU-.t ) oU lr 0).-{ .lJ olrtrl o (d --ld.-1 E I oU lro-.1 o! E{ (d 3oH tr-.Io o o..1 ]J(6 U.-l orl tr C).-l .lJ olr Er (d3oH qlo oU g q.)-rt +J olrt! q-.1 '-l q!q-.1 o (n o.-1 .lJ rdU.-1 -1 oU tio.-1 .lJ !fl --i o! o d 6 trtltr C)--1.-1 ! otrfr{ N6 ;ori oU I U ; 0)rJ oU INs H {J TDo3 IJ ot, 0) ! 't-.to ; oU tro--l .tJ ol] U H U F] F] rs--t ql o EoU tl C)--1 t-.)cotrrr dd.rltlo-ltt{ I ]J oa 0) ]J q-l o $r 0)-.1 ]J otr tr, o--l-.](d --lf6.ao--lU (d.A troqr.-t -l6U IUFU I o(/l C) !J o : oIt lr(J-rt ! otlf! U F] F] .lJ oU) o D tr-.i : l]ql-rt! oh trr U F] F] .lJ 7o(4 OJ J-.) qlo =oU lro.-l !colr JJq C)c-loU (d.-1 tloql-ft -l(d U Ut-lU rd'-l troq-l--l r-l6U U ErU (d oN.-1 lr I oU o o .9 ql tl oq-.1 --1 --l(dU UElU (6 rdz € eo9 I o i q E a o oc o! ;o .Eco =co oo! o 6 E aE o EU co o xo r oo o o! .= !.9=cop co oo o o! E z o! Efzoco- -9oF co o ao t U G .2s u.=! oUo co ! loE fco oo o E62 co o 6o Eo{o& oNo o F o ts U o Eoz o !: (,r aoo(oo dz E toI ro =o roo(,1ooroo dz!E CeE 53xlrotioNu5>u=3 .EcG CLEEo!(., ;U.,=oiE:bd ooE gE o!oU o !f o !(J-rt +) o$l -/, rd (J U F] F] o rd -rl -iotr6U 0) ]J q-.1 o U] o--t ]Jfs U.-i oU tro-rt .l_) otrrl r) F] F: -.1 (d!oc0o .-1 E l+-l o u o--1 .lJ rd U.-l E oU U) c)N.-l ]J-.1U g o-rl .lJ C) '-lE q-l o a o.-t ]J 16U.-l -1 oU tl o N--1 .]J-.1U tro.-i iJ o $r fl FIFl o(d .-1 -lotr(6U o .tJ t+] o o .-l .lJ 16 .-i EE U f{o-rt ! otr f& U H C)--i!.-i rs!A a o-_t ]J6U--i - eoU tlo-t, .lJ otl Er U H JJtroz tlo--i rJ otlrl U H ]Jl{o2 $r C)--l JJ o$l (,o rg F] q-{ o a o o tr ! oIr trr l() +J.-l-t I F]5 U H .D ru --t-totl rdU 0.) IJ (+l o ; oU lro.-t +J Eotr Fr H -rttl.-i (6 trA q-l o oU lro.-l JJ otrfr U H U H (d JJoo c) .,J' E q-.r o (r) o-rl +J6U--i oU tl 0)-rl JJ otl tr, U HU H U H U H 0).d (d .-l E r+-1 o U) .-l .l-J rd '.t t EEoU tro.-i .lJ o!fr o H .lJ $loz ! C).-l JJ otr U H U)o .lJ U Ff, F] 3op tr Er q-.1 o a o.-l .lJ 16 U.-1 EFoU tr C).-l JJ otrfl .-l !6U.-i oU tr C).-i JJ otrfr .-l tro q-{ o UI o.A .lJ (do--l rl tro-rt .lJ olr fit '.1 UI rd-l A JJE +{o (rl o-.1 .lJ (d U--i oU lro'rl.lJ olrtrl (6 6! oE r+..1 o (a o-rt .lJ rd U.-l oU tr cl-rt ! olr f& .-l c0o--l o U)'rlE +-]o U] o--t JJ 16 U--tc oU ! 0.)-/ ,IJ otl Er (rlo-.1oo--1E q-.r o oU tro.rl ]J o!fr trl H a() .lJ rd.tJod'-lE g (.).-t ]J trfl o- or 0)n l+-.1 o U] o--1!do.-1 a_ oU tlo--l .tJ otlrl o-Aoo I EoU t{o.-l ! o l-r Er c.9og .9 oo! oo o troo EoU o.; o @ '6o o H trl Ero I U H m6 --l r-1otl rdU OJ ]J q-.1 o .-to JJ oU IU U H t) 16g.-t -lolr rsU 0.) IJ ql o ; oU lro-rt IJ otr Er U H U H r-{ OJJJr-lr-l IH = U H ]J(d (_) H rd .-i E Ll-lo U tlo-.1 .tJ otrrr L-.]U H I H U HUcHU H o-r{ l.{o q-.r o : oU lr(u --1 r-J otrt! --l (n rd-ta Or !)E q-.1 o J EoU tr C)--l t-.)trotlrl f6 o c0(u -rtE r.t-.to E EoU tro.-i ]J o!f! rl ErU IHE t4 ts{U I H 3o]-) tlo Ei q-] o : o (6 6.-i 15 H r.l{o coU !o-rl! otrfl InH ElFlo I F]H U H oo'rla C) (s F] tlJo : oU lro--l rJ otl o .g u() (d F] I rs JJoo c) .-tE U Errl (d d!doE UFU .lJtroz tlo--l JJ olrtr{ .-1 E lro--l ! otlrr o HH o H o H JJl{oz !o-n rJ oIrtrr JJtroz lro-rt .lJ o$l !lro2 tro.-1 JJ o!trl .lJl]oz tr OJ-ri JJ o!t! 6 f& JJ o ! o q6oEo o o aEEo o F E U c o EoUec Gooo N @ o o oU o eeoU o! coaEoU .= =oI @ o dt o aEoo o 6o aEeo o F ,g U c Eooad o @ Eo 9 @ q aq oE oo oc o! .g!@Eco =co oo o o!! o E o!! EU coU o x oo o.E o! .=!o .F co.; o oo o o! E5z o!Efz @co q -9oF coU E ao !d o! .9t @.E! o !ao U lco aG o Ez co o oa E @oc oNo o hzo z F o E zoa !l o o 6oooo dz E coU @ o rooCroo(oo dz$EqPE E3:()OdcaNss:rJ=f .EtrGTLEE8iu-E! i! +abdou6rcEE a!o o !l oo JJ o l.rfr U (d UFl F] t{o -.1& (d 3r0o r.{-lo u) o-.t rJ(6 --l t U tlo--l ! otr frr tr(.) .-l d (! o - EoU !o--l .lJco!trr rl F] F] o ]J (6U q-.ro (/l o-rl!(s U--l t oU tro--1 JJ olrfl U H o]J (6U q-.1o EoU !o--t ]Jcolrtrr Un F] dooB() N()()trm q-.{ o (,ro-rl ]J(d U--t I oU tl()--t! otrfr .d ooBoN C) C)trm q-.to oU $l CJ-rt J-.)cotlrl C.J E4 ]Ji6(.) 3As EoU o o-il ]J6U-dqI eoU lr(.)-dpqot{trl tl-.t o JJ -irdo3 oF oU U H ! !Do3 ]Jtroz TD o-rt JJ(do--l ! 0)--l .lJ fl otro r.l-l o -.1!(6 -.t c U tlo-.1 .tJ otrr. tro U ErU --t --1E q-r tr tri o.-t o U H -.t U--1E r.t-.io trq)-rt .lJ otrfl H JJtroz tro,rt .lJ ol.r t& I!(o H ]Jtlo2 ! OJ.rt ]J o!fr T) H tlq) .lJo C) N q-l o Er tlo'.1.lJ o t-l I& !(J .lJ(/) c) Uod l+lo -lo Er tr G)'rirJ otrfl U H (d lloo IdUo oa lr-.1 o .) '.1D(d .A ort !o-.1 .lJ olrr. C (d .qtroo (d Uo 0)a I; EoU tr c).-1p o t1ttl U H --l-l6 o-l.q6(,I q{ o m -rl ]J6 -rl EF U tr()-rt .tJ otr trr rl-.]6 o -.] Eq (.) (dd 16 qJ o : oU l] 0l-Fl ]J o l.{f! U H tro Boz l+l o 0) o-rt JJ6r) -.1 EF U tr 0)--l .lJ otrr. -.]o Er tr 0)--l .lJ olrfrl U H U ErU oo.-1 ]J doU tr() ]Jn 0)B I >iz tr-.1 o U ErU tro 3()2 t{-{ o UI U-rt JJ(d U-rl oU !(.)-rl .lJ ot{fi C).lJ 16! I q-.1 o UFU tlo tso2 q-lo a o.11 .lJ (d U-.1 oU l.{ OJ-rl ]J ol] tr{ oo:E 6()d I z t{-{ o UEiU U H JJ(/l 0)3 .lJ oa o rJ r.t-.io o o.-1 !(do--1 - oU tro--1 .lJ otr lo! oU I 2 U H !(]] o3 ]J oa 0.q! ql o i EoU lro.i .lJ tro!t! (dd(d o2 q-.r o (n o--1 rJ(d U.-1 d E oU !o ]J otl trr ]Jt o(, I (6d(u c)z q-l o (J ErU q-.r .-l ! JJ o$l f& rJtroz I (ddru 0)z q-l o U ErU c oeoU io e oU o z !o o! go d tra EoU o 6 6z!0 o! oU'rl OJE ts0)2 I oU o rd rd2 rg m6 $l!oz tl-.1o (, o .lJ oU g o ! o! trr rdlr z Ut-iU tr .9 GE .9p ooE @ co o @o Eo(J g ,d 6u '6o o .g o @ o 6 o c aEoU o EEo F U coa Eo() @ ,E Go o N @ o !oA oU o Eoo do! c o EoU @.9!o- @ oI t o d oeo o o aeEo F o U ,9 U c Eoooe o @ 5Ik o cc ;!!c6 o Aoo oc o!C ! oE];lo3 @1oirl EI tl<1 EI ?l alE] <l Eiul EIol"l ^l6lmlot oo oE ,EEo .=co =co oq o o! Efz o! Elzoco-qIoF ocoU o d ao o o o E .2t U.a! @o co ! =ot =Co oL o Ez Co oo 6lol>lcl Pi@lol&l AINIol o tszo N F o ol 5l.tEI<l !l .;l ^l!l?l a!oU o !f oo ordaooo@o d2 o toQ @ Eo roao\ooloo C;z .oYqPE E3:(J0dcoNu5ErJ=3 E orco Ig oUo oo .gto CL Eo(,) b! Eo oCLooo6 U D-1 U-.1 rJUo oU tr-.io o o.-1 rdo-.1 oU trc).rt JJ o!trl o o r-l c)Er d dr-l tsoz t-l 0) +) oU] 0) Er H --i B ! --i H --t --i tr f6.-i .-1 'rl .lJ TD 0)B r]]o U] o.-i ! fdU .,J' c oU !(] .,J' ]J o!trr ]J(/l I (0-rt .A --l !(/) (JB U ErU rd.-l .-l --l JJ U)oB q-.1o U) o.ri ! rd U'rl -e EoU tr C)'-1.lJ otrfr ';cr) 'rl(d ]J aoE I (d'-l -rl --1 ]J [DoB UFU (6.-i .-i --t ]J TD 0lB ql o Ul o"-i!(d U-11 ) oU ! G)--i ]J otrtrr or-l c).-i tt-.to -.]m I (d-.t -rt --t !o 0)E UFU --i U r) lfFl .-l o oUo.r1 B q-l (n o.ri ! rdo--l F oU tro.rt .lJ otlfl U F]n .-1 a oUo.-1B tl-.]o oU tro.rl .lJ otrfl U F] F] --1 U) oUo.-1 B q-.1 o (/) o.ri !(d U'.1 EoU tro--1 otrfr U F]n .-1 o oUo.-1B tl-.]o c oU tr C).-1 ]J o! Etl o H JJtroz tr 0)-.1 .lJ ogfr E]Fo I HB U H .lJtlo !o.-i JJ o! Eq Uil}f .-1 (D oU U).-1 B q-.ro rn o.r1 !(d U'r1 oU tr() --1! otrtrl U F] F] .-1 TD Uo U]'rlB lr-.1 o oU tr(t).-1! !fl U F] F] --l (r) o.-1 B q-.r o a o.-1 rJ(s U--1 oU !o.-i JJ o!fl U F] F] .-i (r) oU co-rtB r.H6 d oU tr 0).-1 .lJ otlfl -n U H ]Jo 0)3 .lJ Iroz r/l o.-l .lJ6U--t 7 oU !().1, ]J o! Eq F]Fo I B U H ]Jo C)3 ]J!o2 ; eoU lr(J -.J, .l-.) o!rl .1q) ]J oU I U H ]J TD() B ]Jtlo2 - oU lr OJ'rl rJ otl F] doEoU o o z_ oU o d 6z ! tro o 6o traEEoU o 6 6 !o o! (6 JJD I oU o rd fd dJJD q-l o (n o.-t .lJdU-rt =o lr 0.).-t .lJ otrr. Ird!D U ErU ooooq) 0.) Er q-.{o u) o--1 ]J6U.ri oU tlo.-l JJ otlfr 0,(uooo C) E-l q-.t o CJU o o.rt iJdU-rt oUor-t C)F oE C)N '11.lJ . r.,|U oo(n r0o C) Er Itlo U) o--i JJ rdo.-l Etr oU tr (.)--l ! o t-rfr o 0)mo 0) 0)Fr q-.1 o oU o o--l IJd U--t I oo 0).-{oFr o (.) N'-lIJ--lU U F] F] (/) rd 'rl-lo! rdU 0) .lJ q-l o U) o'.1]J6(.)--l - oU $lo--l ]J otlrr rl Errr) IU U) UcH t0(6 --1 -lotl(sU o JJ q-lo EoU ! C).-t JJ otrfl U F] F] m(6 -.t -.]otr6U c) JJ q-l o o o--1 ]J(d U--1 oU lr()--t! oIrtrr lo]JfioU IUI U EH tD6 -rt -lohdU (.) +J '.t-.1o j oU lro,-t +Jgog t! U F] F] ooo B 0)r/f6 F] q-.1 o o o--l !(0 U--lc EoU tr()-rt !colrtrr U H 6oo B C) rd F] t!o: oU tro.-l ]J og trr o ou oo! 6 6 o c@o EoI oc =co @ oo o .g o N6 6 @ o! o o d AeoU o Eo ts c o Eol) ,E6 ooo N€ o o o tro e o o c6o EoOU .E!oI @ oI F o Eq oU o o F O .9 oU c oooe o @ Eo 9 I d I !! o @E6 .E o.,co =co oo o o!E o Eu o ! EU co o o o oc G E .g!.9=cap o ao o ooE z o! Elzoco aooF coU d a0 ! U o E.9{ .E!{o co E =os U lco d o Ez caU oo o E oA oNO o F o z F aEz 6o !l apoQ o !f o Or6oo(oo Giz o EoL, !0 =o ro@oroorDC) dz ots E 5E:()0ricoNus:IJ=J .gcF(LEE8i@-.=oiB*bE ooEioo--eod .ri (J u rd o) Er tr-.]o o .-l ]Jdo-.1 oU lr(J.rl JJ tr E{ 6or.)(d tr oU H t-.)oo3 ]J o(, tr(.)--l JJ o$lf! o(dxot{ q-lo U) o.-l JJ(6 U-rt F EoU t"to.-l ]J otr trr 6 c)JJ rdl]o oU H ]Jo 0.)3 .lJ o(, tlo.-l JJ !r. o o.-l ]J (Uo-rt Eo tio.-l JJ U t-t (d.-t iroq-j -rt -i6U !o.-i JJ o! t& .lJ(6 -rt F EoU t{().-t JJ otrfr o H (d.-t troq-{ --t -lrdU t{o.-t JJ tlr. d6--ttror-l trr q-lo o o--t JJ6 -rl F EoU ${ a).-t D otrfl U F] F] rdo-rttio-l tr C).-l JJ otrr. U H d.-l --l t+-l o (D o--l JJ 16U'rl e oU tl() --1 t-J o!fl U H (d--l -rl .-l q-.{ o U) o--l JJ(d U-r{ oU tro ! otlt! E .9oc .!.0ooEEo .0 o Eoo EoU o.; ou '6o o @= 6 No 6 € o ! o 6 EoU o 6 o F cGo EoU @.s ooo @ co oo oU ao zEoa o c6a EoU .s =o- 6 o t o EoU o 6 a zo o ots o .g U @,E oqaE o @ o 9 g aE aI F 6 oo oc 6 o! .=!o !Co =co oo o o!! EU oE! EU coU oo x oo oc ! .=Eo Eco ;o oo o o! E =z o! EfzocoEo -goF coU o c o ! U 6 E .9s U.g! @o co !, E fao od o Eoz coU o O o@ E @o d oNo o Fzo z F U o Eoz o !f o o!oU o !l O ot6oo@o dz o cot, @ =o ro@o)oo10o C;z 6Y c Eco:()0rYaNrJSiu=f .9coILEE8Eu-.:o$t6-9 oo36rcEE Line 1010 - Voice Services Rate Comparability Compliance The price of Frontier's fixed voice service for each exchange included within this Frontier study area is below the FCC's reasonable comparability benchmark for voice services of S45.38 based on the results of the 2018 Urban Rate Survey for fixed Voice and Broadband services released by the Wireline Competition Bureau on November 8,2017 (WC Docket No. 10-90). Line 1030 - Broadband Services Rate Comparability Compliance The price of Frontier's fixed broadband services for each of the broadband services offered by Frontier within this reported Study Area, as determined by the broadband service's download and upload bandwidths and usage allowance, is below the FCC's reasonable comparability benchmarks for fixed broadband services, based on the supported service's download and upload bandwidths and usage allowance, as reflected in the results of the 2018 Urban Rate Survey for fixed Voice and Broadband Services released by the Wireline Competition Bureau on November 8,20t7 (WC Docket No. 10-90). eN o l! vl oL!,!, OJo ttl o(noosf !,tr|! oNr{ofo @r{oN lhotr ltlc .9 =.ts thE o rJtr .=tr J E EoI botr D oa.oG, o og CL Eo (o 00O)oo(oocn ctz o co(J co o -i@sf E oI(J()L o E(!z olt E Jz F, c{ co $ rn (o r.. oo o, 3 = : 3 : 3 S 5 5 3 R R N R N K R N K R 3 H