HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180712Frontier Form 481.pdfFroniier RECEIVED ?itlii.lUL l2 Pffi h: 3l , '., t l.,l l i,ai1.,,,,,-' r ..JiLL-'t,- '' ', :' ,; ,l:-r j,ll,iltiSlCfJ COMMUNICATIONS July 12,2018 Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720 7979 N. Belt Line Rd Irving, Texas 75063 Phone 972-9084415 Email: kimberly.a.dou glass(d ftr.com (rYg,-T- t?-o I Re: 2018 Annuat ETC Filing - Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. Dear Ms. Hanian: Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. ("FC Northwest") hereby files a state affidavit and a copy of the annual report that was filed with the Universal Service Administrative Company ("USAC";' in compliance with 47 CFR $ 54.313 and47 CFR $ 54.422. Section 54.313 applies to an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) receiving high-cost federal USF support. Section 54.422 applies to ETCs receiving low-income support. FC Northwest requests the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to file the annual certification regarding federal high- cost support with the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) and the FCC, pursuant to 47 CFR 54.3r4(a). Any questions or notifications pertaining to this filing should be directed to me at 972-908-4415 or by email at kimberly.a.douelass(@,ftr.corn. Respectfully submitted/1* Kim Douglass Manager Compliance - Regulatory Affairs Enclosures cc: Carl Erhart | 6 See ETC Reporting Streamlining Order,32FCC Rcd at 5948-49, paras. l5-16. ETCs receiving high-cost support are no longer required to file duplicate copies of the FCC Form 481 with the Commission or states and Tribal goverrrments beginning in 2018. "contingent upon USAC's completion of the rollout of an online portal for recipients of high cost services ." Id. at 5948, para. 15. The Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) has completed the rollout of the online portal, so ETCs receiving high-cost support are now only required to file the FCC Form 481 with USAC. State of North Carollna County of Durham SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to me CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUN]CATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE OUAL]TY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITYTO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH.COST SUPPORT. ss AFFIDAV]T OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841 requires that Ellgible Telecommunications Caniers (EfC) certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer proteclion rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, ani upgradirij of ficlliUes and services fir which the support is inlended. Accordingly, the underslgned states and verifies under oah the followlng: 1. I am an oflicer of Fmntier Communications Northwest lnc.. an eliglble telecommunicatons canier for receiving federal universal seryice support under section 214(e) of he Telecommunicatlons Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's day-today operaUons in the state of ldaho and Mth the Stiate's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth ln Commission Order No. 29841. 3. Frontier Communications Northu,est lnc. is complying wlth applicable servlce quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communlcations Commlssion and the ldaho Publlc Utilities Commlssion. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. S 54.201(aX2). 5.lalsocertifythatallfederaluniversalservicesupportfundsrecaivedby@ Northwest lnc. during the cunent calendar year wlll be used ln a manner conslstent with sectlon 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facllltles and services for which the support is intanded. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1, 2019, through Derember 31, 2019, to be eligible for federal unfuersal service fund support. 6. This verification and afiidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public UtlliUes Commission to enable the IPUC to certity to the FCC lhat federal universal service support received by the eligible caniers ln the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the Telecommunications Act. Ellis / Senior ,l u,l- 4 utrDate I IL of Lot Notary Public for NOTARTPUBLIC Wake County Norfi Carollna My Cunmission Expiras Oct. 5, 201S My MU residins" d*Le (* ^/7 Page 1 <010> Study Area Code 412416 <015> StudyArea Name Flotrtier Communications Northwest, Inc <020> Program Year 2at9 <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact Cassandra Guinne6Ewithdata <035> Contact Telephone Number: Number ot the person identitied in data line <030> 585111455f ext <039> Contact Email Address: Email ol the person identitied in data line <030>cassatrdra. guinness@f cr. com Form Type 54.313 and 54.422 Page 1 FCC Form 481 OMB Control No. 3O6O{Xr65/OMB Control No. 3060{819 luly 2018 FCC Form 481 - Carrier Annual Reportint Data Collection Form d.iao5!Ehoa9ta @ 6E:o6Eo6'E& o . t = ^ rE;; sE; -IiU o5-oAc6i3r-Y d!>.=-s Hio o^'E! O=o2e# sd<> o obs!oEEfozagooF Eo Eeb< toiFzd fU o E't: ! oE6 o o !uoso o oEi: ro os6 o oo rG o@G o x E-3ye E-of dZ t E o o o o@o foo.9to o.9o I!ots oo c@o @s o o3joo oEco6 o'troot o dxN E ! eE) rl!E :lol olvl c -l olcl-l olEIFIct rl;lolII *tol.t 9lElrl<t olEI :l El <l_t.tFI rl EIol ;l6l HI o o o€ ! .a ! = ao o a o! Ez E3z otoI F co o d o !o U sl:l-l pl @l -t EI :l EI vl ll.tol :lEIel-tUI EI ^l"l F E o AoN6 ; ti 5 ; E x olEI zl-t9l :lrl ^l:lvl o @Io@o dz EcoI.0 =oo6 $oo6 dzdorttsE Eoo90roN H5= a.9oz!!tr EoCLoGoFu=GOEroE!l 'E.Yg>o33 -6E3 !o !l oo d l&) t{umbcr of compl.int. p.r l,m.u.lom.E Data Coil.dion Form rcah01oM3ffilh. ffi6/ff3hhlb. 3m19 ,dt 2oll <010> Study Area Code <015> Study Area Name <020> Program Year <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> Contact Email Address - <030> pers on tn .a'.rn&n.guhn...6f tr.con<039> <400> Select from the drop-down list to indicate how you would like to report voice complaints (zero or greater) for voice telephony service in the prior calendar year for each service area in which you are designated an ETc for any facilities you own, operate, lease, or otherwise utilize. Complaints per 1000 customers for fixed voice Complaints per 1000 customers for mobile voice <410> <420> Froh:ier cmsi.a.io.6 xorrhuear. :!. (5m) Cmpli.nc. With S.ruir. OulitySbn&r&!M Con.umcrProtcdion Rul.i hb Colledion Form luly 20U 3@e/il86ildM.3@19 <o10> rrortler cohnunl.arion. Nor.hre.t, Irc <02D Program Year :o1e <o35>@nt.dT.l.Dhon. Nuhber.Nuhber ofoerron identiied indata trne <030> <03+ Cont.dEm.ilAddr.sr.EmailAddr€ssofpe.sonid..tifi.dinditaline<O3O ca63u&a.si....Eqr:r.c.e <515> Cedifycomplianc.withapplicableminimum serylc€ *.nd.rds Data colledion Form FcC form 481 OMB Control No. 306GG)t5loMB cotrol No. ar6G0al9 ,uly 2018 <010> Sludy Ar€a Code <015> Study Area Name fr.f,:ir! c.ffLtr].a:i.as x.r:h!..:.E <020> Program Year <030> ContadName-PersonUSACshouldconladre8ardin8lhrsdrta ca.€.ndra tuire66 <o35>contadTelephoneNumber.NumtEro'personidentiIiedhdalalire<o30> <o39> Contad €mail Address _ Email Addressol person identitaed in data line <03o> ca...i&a $iDe...r:r.con <60o> cenaly compliance regarding abilrtyto{undron in emergency situations <610> Descriptive docum€nt lor tundionality in Emergency Silualions 4?2416TD510.pdf (600) Functionality in Emergency Situations @o 6o u o o)! U)YLo Boo t .9o .9pooE oo o t6o E0(J g .s 6u '6o o NG o o .g @ o 3 oz (o qaEEo ! o c o Eo .g 6oqo @ o 6!oA o do Q Eoo o co Eo .EIor @ o3 oz 6o ia eoU ! o .9 U{q Eooo& o @ Eo 9 e cd q ! oo oc 6 ! .=Eo 'uco =co oq o o!! E o!D E coU oo x oo o .=!o.F Eap co o o o! E =z o EfzocoEo -9oF coU aI Fd 66! .:!! @.s! G@o G c !ao lco ao a Ez o co oo o E oo o d 1,l 3 flo 1 d.i ,Jq ad ,l .t !,'1 EI6lzl pl ;lfl ;tslVI odooo(oo C'z5 coIo =o roc,olooIDo c;z 6YCflc Eo - (JodroNu 5i(J=: .9cGILEE8iu-c: i! t{bu ooE EE olEIol:lEI<l>tDI AI3lvl ao d N OJa0oG !+ a o 5!o o E @oo BdFas Ezo?-si =-EEo.-- O-o E,iL tXEoE€Eoo-G=ri3eE;t g!E=cO--Qot-o=o!>!--!g.o'-*E;EB€tg;ts+>E Q -EoIIFSgeEcls6ij:;m =E6aeiE; =;!o c.9 o =-!o co EoUoucu co Eco o t! 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(U tr.d d(6 mt)(d U oaoo 0,.= G oE .=Eo .F cc)p c q)o. o q) EE o EU oEE @ Eu G U o)m .lJ Xo t-- LO LN$F-r- t-- LN @ LN c)mo o .= o oE .s o) Fco =c o o CJ Efz o)-o E zoco oo,6F e 6mo u !Dotrd -rl 5U dlrdc(U ou(d U o 6t s bo .gE6bo0) oG CoI =os U l Eo 0lc o EGz Io troU o o OrrlO C\ oo Erc o!o d oNo U H l]J(n 0) B .lJ troz tn o-rl JJ6U '-1 - oU tr C)-rl rJ olr OJ E@z oa) E 6 o \orl$ C\lF.$ o!o(-) G0) -of o o gr aooIDo dz E coI co =o roe(n(> oioe6 CJz oo: E 5T:(JoicoNu5iH6e tso Eru E goo oc .9 !E .9 oIEc P'i 6.9oti;sEEiiuo!q !1 d d Page 13 (mS) Ratc Of Rdurn GEicr Addhlonrl Do.um.ntilion tCC Form 481 OMB Control No. 30€O-Gr85/oMs htrd No. 3m{819 July 2018 <010> Study Area Code a1)L1 A <015> study Area Name Frontier Communications Northwestr, Inc <020> Program Y€ar 20L9 <030> ContactName-PersonUSACshouldcontaclregardingthisdata CaSSandfa GUinneSS <035> Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identilied in data ljne <030> 5857 7 7 4557 ex:- , <039> contact Email Address - EmailAddress of person identified in data tine <030> ca s sandra ' gu inne s s@f t r ' com trB-+ ts. Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313(fX1). Privately held carriers must ensure compliance with the financial reporting requirements set forth in 47 CFR 54.313(f)(2). I further certify that the information reported on this form and in the documents attached below is accurate. Progress Report on 5 Year Plan carrier certif ies to 54.313(f x1)(iii)(300e) (3010A) (30108) (3012A) (30128) (3013) (3014) (301s) (3016) (3017) (3018) (301e) (3020) (3021) Certification of Public lnterest Obligations {47 CFR 5 s4.313(fX1)(i)) Please Provide Attachment Community Anchor lnstitutions {47 CFR 5 s4.313(fxlxii)) Please Provide Attachment ls your company a Privately Held RoR carrier {47 CFR 5 s4.313(fX2)) It yes, does your company file the RUS annual report Please check these boxes to confirm that the attached PDF, on line 3017, contains the required information pursuant to E 54.313(fX2) compliance requires: Electronic copy of their annual RUS reports (Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers) Document(s) with Balance Sheet, lncome Statement and statement of Cash Flows lf the response is yes on line 3014, attach your company's RUS annual report and all required documentation lf the respons€ is no on line 3014, is your company audited? lf the response is yes on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submission on line 3026 pursuant to 6 54.313(f)(2), contains: Either a copy of their audited financial statement; or (2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUs Operating Report for Telecommunications Eorrowers Oocument(s) for Ealance Sheet, lncome statement and statement of cash Flows Management letter and/or audit opinion issued by the independent certified public accountant that performed the company's financial audit. lf the response is no on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submission on line 3026 pursuant to 5 54.313(fX2), contains: copy of their financial statcment which has been subject to review by an independent certified public accountant; or 2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUs operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers Underlying information subjected to a review by an independent certified public accountant Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation (Yes/No) (Yes/No) C oo Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation (Yes/No) O O o (3022) (302 3) (3024)Underlying information subjected to an officer certification. (302 s)Document(s) with Balance Sheet, lncome Statement and statement of Cash Flows (3026) Attach the worksheet listing required information P.te 13 E E E E E E Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation o d 9 E e! E I E o Ez oct-oI't ooootr CPocoor.Iode>q-^E@ie?:oco!!4E=t EEeE'sE?9 E;s*EEEPEE8?pEEFE ol..cO9lOdNmsf'6NN!!m6mmmcooYoooooqmm::lm6mmm iI a@ o .a o o o2 o co oEo Ioo d2 ro: ! Fco o oo o IEc o.9otE.scEAe o/i Pate 15 <010>Study Area Code <015>Study Area Name rron.l€r cffiht.r:ton. f,.lrhr.ft . inc. <020>Program Year<030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contad regarding this data ca...f,dia cLiri.rs <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> 40OS Rural Broadband Experiment Authorized Rural Broadband Experiment (RBE) recipients must address the certification for public interest obligations and provide a list of newly served community anchor institutions. Public lnterest Obligations - FCC 14-98 (paratraphs 25-29, 78) Please address Line 4001 regarding compliance with the Commission's public interest obligations. All RBE participants must provide a response to Line 4001. 4001. Recipient certifies that it is offering broadband meeting the requisite public interest obligations consistent with the category for which they were selected, including broadband speed, latency, usage capacity, and rates that are reasonably comparable to rates for comparable offerings in urban areas. Community Anchor lnstitutions - FCC 14-98 (paragraph 79) 4003a. RBE participants must provide the number, names, and addresses of community anchor institutions to which they newly deployed broadband service in the preceding calendar year. on this line, please respond (yes - attach new community anchors, no - no new anchors) to indicate whether this list will be provided. lf yes to 4003A, please provlde a response for 40038. 4003b. Provide the number, names and addresses of community anchor institutions to which the recipient newly began providing access to broadband service in the preceding calendar year. Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation Pate 15 (/t005) Rural B.oadband Expeilment Addltlonal Documentation Oata Collcction Form OMB Cont.ol No. 305G0986/OMB Contiol No. Pat€ 15 (5005) Alaska Plan Particlpanlr Additional Documentation FCC Fo.m 481 Data Collection form OMB Control No. ,060.0986/OM8 Control No. 3060-{1819 tuly 2018 <010>Study Area Code <0 15>Study Area Name Frotr:i€r coEut.lrlon. xortlf.,t, I.c <020>Program Year <030>Contact Name - Person USAC should contact this data <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> 5005 Alaska Plan (5010) Do you participate in the Alaska plan?(Yes/No) (s011) Please indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previous calendar year in areas previously served exclusively by performance-limiting satellite backhaul. (Yes/No) (s012 ) lf the filing carrier identified in its approved perfomance plans that it relies exclusively on satellite backhaul for a certain poriton ofthe population in its service area, indicate whether any terrestrial backhaul or other satellite backhaul became commercially available in the previoius calendar year in areas that were previoiusly served exclusively by satellite backhaul. (Yes/No) <5013> hs.riplion of a.ckh.ul TGchnobay il€wlyS.ru.d Lootionr or Popuhtion Page 15 PaSe 17 Certification - Reportint Carrier FCC Form 481 OMB Control No. 3060{986/OMB Control No. 3(f0{819 July 2018 Data Collection Form <010> Study Area code 47 2475 <015> StudyArea Name Fronti,er CommunicaEions Northwest Inc <020> Program Year 20L9 <030> contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Cassandra cuinness <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> s8s77745s7 ext <039> contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030>cas6andra. guinoess@ft! . com TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FILING ANNUAL REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Certification of Officer as to the Accuracy ol the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Recipients I certify that I am an oflicer of the reportint carrier; my responsibilities include €nsuring the accuracy of the annual reponing requirements for universal seruice support recipients; and, to the best of my knowledge, the information reported on this torm and in any attachments is accurate. Nameof ReportinsCarrier' Flontier ComunicaEions NorEhwest' rnc sisnature of Authorized officer: CERTTFTED oNLTNE Date o7 /tt/201a Printed name of Authorized officer: Arlison Elris Title or position of Authorized officer: vP Reguratorv Telephone number of Authorized officer ' 24035341 02 exx Studv Area Code of Reoortine Carrier: 4124\6 Filing Due Date for thisform: a1 /02/zota undcrTitle l8ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C.5 1O01. Page 17 Page 18 FCC Form {81 oMB control No. 3060{Xr86/OMB Conrol No. 3060-0819Collection Form - Agent 2018 472476<010> Study Area Code <015> Study Area Name Frootier Comunlcacions Northwest, rnc <020> Pro8ram Year 20t9 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact this data <035>Contact Te lephone N umber - N umbe r of person identified in data li ne <O3O> s Cassand!a Guinness f114557 exl <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <O3O> cassandra guinness@ftr ' com TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FII-ING ANNUAI REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier I certify that (Name of is aulhorized to submit the information reported on behalf of the reporting carrier. I agenti and, to th6 b6st of my knowledge, the reports and data provided to the authorized agent is accurate. Name of Authorized Aeentl Name of Reportihe Carrier: Signature of Authorized Officer:Date: Printed name of Authorized Officeri Title or position of Authorized Officer: Telephone number of Authorized Officerl Study Area Code of Reporting Carrier:Filing Due Date for this form: Persons willfully making fal* statements on this forf can be punished by fine or forfeiture under the Communications Ad of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 55 502, 503(b), or fine or imprisonment under Title 18 ofthe United States Code. 18 U.S.C. q 1001 TO BE COMPLETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier the data reported herein based on data provided by the reporting carrier; and, to the best of my knowledge, the informatlon r€ported herein is accurate. Name of Reporting Carrier: Name of Authorized AEent Firm: Signature of Authorized Agent or Emplovee of Agent:Date: Name of Authorized Agent Employee: Iitle or position of Authorized Aqent or Emplovee of Asent Ielephone number of Authorized Agent or Emplovee of Agentl Study Area Code of Reporting Carrierl FilinB Due Date for this form: 18 ofthe united states code, 18 u.s.c. 5 1001. Page 18 Row 610 - Description of Functionality in Emergency Situations lnDecember2013,theFCCadoptednewrulestopromote9ll resiliency,includingrequesting initial certification of substantial progress towards meeting these new requirements by October 15,2015. See lmproving 911 Reliability; Reliability and Continuity of Communications Networks, lncluding Broadband Technologies, 28 FCC Rcd 17476 (2013); see a/so Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau Announces Effective Dafes of 911 Reliability Ceftification and PSAP Outage Notification Requiremenfs, Public Notice,29 FCC Rcd 13900 (2014). Frontierthisyear again filed its certification that it is meeting the FCC's substantial progress goals. Specifically, Frontier met and certified to all of the requirements related to back-up power, circuit auditing, and network monitoring practices. Additionally, Frontier's network is engineered to provide maximum capacity in order to handle excess traffic in the event of traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. o (r) o .lJ 16o I -E oU !o-rl ]J otlrr U o H U H tro.-l U F] F] Hrt ts: F: rd U F] F] rd o (doH U ErU o-rto .-l r-lr-lH tt-{o (a U.ri .lJ rdr).-l F o oN.-1 l-,.-t tro.-1 ! 6 t.]t& U H +J(ao3 ]Jtro2 t/) o.-1 .lJ (6 U.-1 tr C).-t! }rt& U(/) I o .-l ]J rdo.-l tseoU !o,rl JJ otrf& d3oH r+-lo (n o.-l .lJ rd U.-l - EoU $lo.-1 JJ trtr ooo r.l-.1 (n o.-l .tJdU.-l - oU tl (.).-l JJ ot{f{ (,J EoU !o.-t JJ otrt! o.rt U .-t -trJH FU td Ero IoH U H .lJoq) B p troz o tl(J 'Fl]J og trr --1 h(.).-t ]J otrt! UFl F; JJ-1o(, o .tJ tl..t o o 'Fl JJfd U 'Fl I oU il c).-t JJ ot{F{ (d.-t trnq{.-t -.]16U tr-.]o o o-rl {J(dt).Ft t oU tr(].H ]J ol] Fr{ U H .lJ(rl()3 .lJ oa (.) .lJ q-.1 o o o'rlD(do.Fi t tl C).-1 ]J lrt& !oo3 rJ oU) (j ]J q-.1 o : oU t{o.Ft ! oirfi d o oU qo d 3EEoU H ]J(r)()3 ! oa o .tJ +lo (r) o'rl JJ rd U-rt Ic oU tro.r1 JJ otrtrr r-l(d tr-d oo-.1 .lJ.,1 .-t"rt.lJD (rj C)N-rt!-rtU tr 0.)._t ]J ot{trr rioo3 IJ oa o ]J ttlo EoU !().A ! ot] -'1rdt{ d oo.-l ]J-rl -l'rl JJ o oN-.1 .lJ.-t U m 'rl 16rJ oE o)rJ'rl B (] ! q-.1 o a o-rt !6o-rt I EoU tr 0)'r1 .lJ otltri (.) F]Fl U F]Fl ]J o(, o ]J q-l o o o--i JJ(d U-rt e EoU tro-r1 ]J otrtrl U F] F] ! o(n o JJ q-.1 o (,1 o'.1IJ(d U-.1 d oU llo.t, rJ oIrtrl JJao(/) 0l ! t+r o m o--l JJ6U .9 6 .go ooE o 6 o goe EoI oE o @ oo U F] F] ]J oan o JJ l+lo EoU lrqJ--i! olrf& U F] F] p ocr) o D llfo J EoU g cl--l JJ ol{ U F] F] ! oco o .lJ t!o : EoU $l C)--l ]J o$lrl o .cG o 6-lo--1E I o o--i JJdU--i EoU ! 0)--i .l-.) ol]trl 6 (d -.]d'rlE I: oU g().-l JJ otrtl (6.-l hUq-l.-l -lrsU q-.i o rd.-1 q-.1 --1 -.] t+r!o qo!6 -rt g 0.).A ! olrEr o.i 6 ) EoO o 2 !o ao! tl C).-1 o!fr ]J rn rsoU JJa c) r+-.1 .-1 -.] (D .-1 --l B N6 -toIJ oU I4U rl (.)! oU IN U H U H U H q-lo !o'ri JJ o!r. U F] F] 6-rt 0)U q-lo o lr OJ'r{ JJ o!ftr (dE.-t trorlf{ I .q!Ioa o .lJ (+l o !(.)-rl .lJ otrfl --l(6 -t(d .qor+o (d.-l tloq-{.-l -l 16U IUEi() U HU H ! oa tsi (d.-t hoq-l.-trl6U U ErU .lJ(rl (Jor-loo r0'-l troq-l.-l -.]rdU U Er() (s-rl troq-.1-rl -lrdU UFU rd oN--l tr I e oU o rd fd (d @ d 3 oz o EoU o coo Eo(,)u.E oooo N @ do !oq!oU o d)EeoU do c@o EoU .E!o- 6 A 3I oz o oU o o UUC'u o od o @ Eo ? @ cd)I t o oEo G .= o 'uco =co oo o a!! 6 Eu o!! EU coU o o o E GE .a !o .Fco;o oo o o! Efz o, Elzocoto -9oF ocoU o o d F ! .g d ,gE{o o o ! =oE U ao od oEoz co o @ E uo d ONo q jooB !oz o 6 )EEo o! o E z o ol o cl 6oo(oo dz E toU.oEo t.oooqrootoon! dz E6 E t3:90iaNu5irJ== E orgo o E(J G Go .gcGcl EoIb!c o oCIo oo6 oEoU6o !l O U GFU IU U H o 16 -.]otrrsU 0)d rl F] F] (, (6 .-1 r-lotr(6U o .lJ q-l o (/) o--l .lJdU U F] F] (U rJoo 0) --lE r.l-.to o o.-l JJ(0 U--l (n 0)N.-1 .lJ-rlU tl c).-l .lJ o ${ tr{ 0) A C)o q-l o o-rl .lJ rs U.-1 - oU !(.),rt ]..) otrtri FIFl (/l (d --1 r-lotr(uU C) .lJ q-l a o-rt JJdo.-l o tr 0)-rl +J otr trr U H U FI F] .-l U H 16 ]Jotl 0lcc--i E q-.1 o o o'.1IJ rdo.-t t oU lro,rl J-.) olitrl U H E Er F]n BorJ !o Er q-.1 o U) o.-l +J(u U U F] F] d (s--i6 H q-.1 o r0 o.-i !(d U'.1- EoU $l C)--l JJ o!trl U H JJtr z tro-rt JJ otlttl U H UdH UtrH 'rltr U H o--l l{o tt-lo o o.-l .|JdU--l 6 tlo.-i ]J otrfl ,.1 (r) rd-l Al !E tr-.Io (/l o.-1 rJ(d U-.1 e o(-) tl 0)--1 ]J olr --ll{ t+{ o : oU ! c).-1 .lJ otrfi q-l o o o--l .lJ 16 U.-l - -e U lr(J--l JJ otrfl 16 6JJ o =q-l o (/) o-rt!(6 o.-t oU tro-.1 rJ trfr{ U H UIoJJ6 JJ UIo-rl = l"l 0l.-t trr .-t E tlJ o (, o,-t rJ6U--i or) lro.-i D oIr trr U H JJ $loz g o.-l .lJ olr trr -rto(n.-loo--l =q-l o a o--1 rJ r0 U.ri oU lr 0)-rl JJ o t"{ U H .lJ!o tr 0.)--1 .lJ otrrr H t-.)tloz !o--l .lJco! trr I o o-rl JJ6U--i I U g o.-l .lJ otl o--i!.-i 6!or q-.1 o : oU ! 0.)--t +J o!trr (0 C) rd F] q-.1 o c0co--l ,IJ(d U--t )c oU tr c)--1! o!fl .9 6trU oo! oo o oo EoIJ o fou oo N $r --t .lJ otrrr r-l c)! oU IUz U H o rd ..t -{olr rdU 0.) ri q-] o ; EoU lr().-t .lJ Eolrf! 6 (d! oE UErU .-t --lu(n--loo--1E r+-lo ; EoU ! G).-l .lJ ol] trr U H --l G)JJ --l--l I Ht U H H U H U H o .9 r-lo]J-lrl I2H -l() .lJ oU InH U H !!oz !(] .,J' ]J o!Fr .lJ troz g 0l--i ]J o!fl o-A c)u I E oU $r (.)--l ]J o $rt& ;o}J r-1rl I F]5 UtrH ,i(6 -rl -lotr6U c) ! ql o EoU tr(,) 'rl ]J olrt! U H U H --t o rsrl Ol tJE l+-.1 o oU tr C)--! ]J otr (d ]Jor0(u --tE +1o oU tr().rt ]J o! F. ]J o cr) I6]Joo c) .-l E UEiU I(d ]Jo(0() --lE U FrU F]FU IH = UcH +Jtro2 U H U H trl ErU I2H t!Elo I F]H U H () .-l U)o rd F] tt-.t o oU tlo t-J otltr IDo.lJ 16 ]J U).d .-l E !0l-11 .lJ otrf! -rl = '.Ho - =oU !(J-rl .l-J o!rr ]J!o2 Sl C)'ri .l-.) olrt& [Do JJ6JJ U) --l =lro,-l ! otlf& q-.t o oU tr G).r1 ]J otrtrr 6 @ Fr 3 oz o Eo !o o Ed E3 @c oo n V o oa oU o EeoU o co coq EoUuc a ;H 6V 3 o o caE oU co ,9 U @.E oot o 6 Eo 9 e ( a? d oo oc o ! .E!oEco =co oo o @ !! 6 E o!E E 6 oU 6 x o oc o E .=!o Ecap co oo o a! EJz o! Efzocoso 6F oU o d o d U !,9 @ .E! @a co =oE U =co od o Ez coU o o 6a E o d oNo ". 3 !o o Eo o o o Ez a !f ord6oo(oo ctz E co(, 4 =o ro6gloo€o dz 6YSrE 53:()0rii co NLrSiu=3 E orco o E(, o Go .E GA EoI no E6 oeo oo@ q!oU 6o !f o U U F]Ff (d.-l rs rl tr -rl U F]lf o! rdrl tl-.]o o o-r1 ]J(d U-rl I F oU tr 0)--l .lJ otlfr UFlFl d 3oNool{ cq q-l o (rl o.H ]J(d U-rt U lr(J--l! olrtrr --1 U tl C,) ]J o l.rtrl .i H ]Jl]o2 tr(]--t .lJ ot{trr o H lro JJ U) C) Uod Lll o o o -.]oFl ! CJ--l t-.) otrrl U H Erd troU I rd C) o(n q-l o (,) o-rl JJ rdU-.1 EoU tr 0)--l rJ otrtrr UcH r-l o H lro 3oz q{ o m U-.i JJ rdo-.1 F oU tro--l! olrfi Ir --t U H JJ(n (J 3 .lJIo c/) C) JJ q-l o o o-ri ]JdU-rt e EoU tr 0)--l .lJ otrtrl dod ()z tl-l o (/) o-rt JJ(6 U-.t oU ! 0)]J otrtrl (d d 0.)z t{-{ o (n o-rt JJ rdo-.t EoU !() .lJ o$rfl (dj1o(d$.qq)z q-l o a o.Fl ! fdU-r{ 4 EEoU tr(J'r{! ol{ftr o G E oo!g G CO o g Go EoU o ou oo e6aEoU o o o 5EEoU o d 6z !o oH @io 6o aa EoU o 6 6z !o (o! .-1 d ]Js(do3cI eoU oEo IJ6U-.tdd oU !o.d!dotrfl o H JJ TDoB .lJ troz o o-.1 ]J(6 .-1 l1o.-lu o l.r t& or q-l o o o.-l .lJ dU.rt d orl l"{ 0.)-rt ]J ol]trr q-] .-1 .tJdU otlfr 16.-1 (d r.] o 0)or qlo oU lr C)-.t .lJ o Sl f& tr() .rt & 163 !Do ql o ; EoU tl C)--1 r-.)trolr trr U H o]J dU t{-l o EEoU tl 0).-1 D otrt! rrl oo BoNo c)!m tllo U tr CJ.-t JJ otrfr or q-.r o rJ-t(d c)3 o oU o H o q-.{ $ro B C) q-.ro U]co'rl]Jf6 U--tc oU ! cl.-t ]J olrtrl (, OJ.-l JJ oU tr 0)]JooB I z q-{ o UEiU }1tro 3o2 li-.io U) o--l .lJ(d U.A or) $(].; .lJ o$l tr1 tro tsoz q-.r o tl o-rl (d U-rt or) l]o-rt .lJ osrtrr 6 rd--l !tr N@ rlErU Ido .lJ m c) B ]J $loz o.-1 o I U H 6 --1 .-t E q-.t o tr(J.-t ]J o 11 El rlFlo I :co U H JJtroz tr G).ri ]J otr tq Ir G) JJ U)()IUoH q-.r o -l() Er ! 0).-l JJ otrfr d.qtroo dTIo C)(/l I oU tro.-l JJ otrr. o}1 rs F] 6 -l r!o oU tro.-i .lJ otlfl l]o 3(J2 qlo oU tr C).-l JJ oti ftr f(J ]JcoU I UtrH ,,(/)o3 !5oa o JJ ql o oU lr 0.)'.1! o $rt! .q JJ)oa I (dod oz q-.1 o UEiU .q JJ!o2 I fd,15 f6 o qf o UErU oo'-lx c)E 3oz I or) o rd 6z o .e o ]J(6 .lJ(/) z q-.ro Ut-lU ooE o 0)d I z q-.ro UFU z UFrU tr -.1 a 3E o o ,EEoU o coa Eo u ,-g o ooo @ 6o !oA oU do eoo o! cGo Eo(-) .=!o- @ o3 oz o o eo o .g O @.E oaoe o @ Eo9 @ 7 P !Ed6 d o oc o 6! .=!o.F ca ;o oa o aE! 6 E o !! o EU coU o r oo o ._c D .= !.q=co;o ao o a! Ez oo Efza o oo @F 6 oU o o ! 6 U G! .9s{,E! @o co E =oc U fco od o Ez co oo o E uoo Oo J .; 3I oz co daEeoa o o E z o !l o ol 6oooo dz E co(., .o =o rooorooroo dz $EtlPE 53:90ricaNusiu=5 .gqoCLEE8iu-.=o iEflbd ooE gE o!oU o !f Oo rl B 0)z tl c) ]J o(/l o F d H (d -rlc.-1 .-1 ]J(n 0)B tr 0)-.1! ot{ri U H (d.-i .a rJooB tro.-t r-.) otrfl 6--l --l ,IJo 0)B q-.r o m o--l ]J(6 U--i 2 tsoU Ir C) -F{ ! otr trr [D (d E ]J(/l I (6-rt .-1 !oq)B UErU (6 --1 --1 --1 .lJ Ul()B q-.1 o a o--1 .lJ rs U--1 e oU tr (.)-.1! olr trr ]J(n '.1(d .tJ oE I 6--l --1 .lJ U) 0)B U FlU rd--t --t .rt ]Jo(.)B q-.1 o u o--t JJ6U--l oU l.{o.rl .lJ otlfr or-l C)--i q-.r o --l EA I (d -.1 --i JJ U)oB U FrU U F] F] .-l rn U Uu.-l B q-l o (n o-rt .lJ do U F] F] .-l r0 oU(D.-1 B r.ll o o o-.1 JJ(6 U--l FoU ! 0)-rt .lJ otr fl rl F] F] -rto oU U]--i B qr o oU tro--l l-.) otrrr --t Er U ts] ts] .-l o oU TD--t B ql o oU lr(u -_t .lJ otrE] F]lf, 'ri TD tl (a.-t E q-l o (rl o-rt !do--t I Eort l{o-rl .lJ olr trr U F] F] -.1 (,) U UI.-t B r.l-1o cc oU ho--t JJ ol-rtrr U H .lJ $ro ! 0)-"1 .lJ o!trl rl Ero I HB U H JJ!oz tr 0)--i JJ o!trr F] F] '-lo oU(/l.-1 B q-.1 o o o-.1 ]J6U--l E oU !()-rl .lJ og trr U F] F] -.1 D o o.-1 B q-lo -E oU $l C)--l ]J o$r -rl --1 B tr C)..1 t-.)cotrr{ U F] F] .-l (D oUo.-l B q-l o (n o-rt .lJ (do-rtdd ort lr(.)_rl .lJ otr Eq U F] F1 -rlu oU U)-rl B q-.t o oU tr CJ-Ft .tJ z m o-t, tr 0)--t ot{fr rlFU I B U H rJoo3 rJtroz -c oU il()-rt .lJ o$lfr o H JJu 0)3 JJtroz m o--l JJ(6 U--t oU ! (.)'rl]J otrtrl -lo .lJ otlfr d6oEoa co 6o 7EEoU o o d2 !o o! o 6 1 oU o 6 !o doh d]Jt I oU o (6 6z rd JJD t+-l o o o-rt .lJ (0o--lt orl ! c)-ri ]J otrtrl (d JJD UFU (J C)a 0)()g () Er q-.r o (n o-rt ]J 16 U--i oU !o-ri ! o $r fl F] 0)oo U) OJ 0)F t!o ciU (n o-rt tJrdU'rl E ooor-toF oE(.) N'rl!-rtU ooooo 0)Ei tl-{ o u o--t!6r)-rt oU tro.-l .lJ trfl (,)ootl 0) oF q-.1o oU o o'rl]J 16 U.11 2e oUo -toF a oN.-t!'rlU r-1 tr rdrl o .lJ t{-.1o U) o.-l ]J(dtl.-1 o tro.-1 ! otrfl E] ErU IU cr) U H (/) (6 --l -lot{6U (J .lJ tr-lo ; oU }ro.-l ]J otlfl U F] F] o(d .-t r+otrd o ]J li-l o o.ri ]J(do.-1 - or) tro.-l JJ otrr, ; c)! oU IU 3 U H m rd --l -tolrdU o +J +{o E;EoU lr()-rl {Jtrolii! U F] F] doo3(] dn q-.to (r) o .lJ (6o oU tr .l-.) olrrl U H IJoo ts EoU ! .lJ o!trl o oEu oo ! Go o coo Eo(J 0 ou '6o oo= NG 6 o 3 oz o o qaE oU ! o .l6lol EIolUI clrl olol :lNI 6l o oq oU o eoU o do .l6l EIol(J I slEIol :l ;l 3 z o Eeoo co al UIMI-l EIdlol AIHl VI e " e dq ) ; ( ^]o otvl0lcl oolEiCI EI cl@lp1clolplol *tol-t EIEIrl1l6l EIul;l ol rlEI1lolEI EI CIsl ^l6l olvl x Ii :o ovl ., € rlop E;lol3loldl*ioi ol3iEI-l :lolnl EI =l olcl PIolololFI EI EIol()l ^lolVI c o !E U 6o E @cE @o o- o olU!<1 flclol 1lol EIol rl EI 3l ol olVI o E to@ Ao oV dd ".o3 !oz o d Eo o o E z 6o !f o oU o El o (n 0oo(foo d2 o Eo(,6 =o @cx,otooroo C;z OYc!E 53:90dcaN(J5ilJ=3 E or o Io6Io Go .gcorL Eo(,UE GoCLo oo6 .lJ 16rl .11 EE UU ho ]J olr trr U (d oU o o U (n rdx(.) Fr q-.i o (,) o.r1 +JdU--1 oU $l(u --1 D o t.r f& o6 oF q-lo (r) o.-t .lJdU.-t o l]o.rt JJdoh E! o o.-i !(6 TI.-t oU }](.)-.1 JJ olr trr o o.-i JJ(d U--l oU h 0.)-rt! ol] trr rdo--1 tro-.] F& q-.1o o o--1 IJ(6 U--lc oU tr 0)-.t .tJ otr trr U H m o rd .lJ -l -i E .9 oE .go 0o ! G co o coo Eo(J o,a ou.soo U H aF oU .lJ o! trr tH U U] o .lJdU orl l.r 0) .lJ o!frr o G= (d .]c C)]J rs $l o(-) H .lJ(rlo3 ]J o cr) tl C)--1 ]J olrtrl o 0)]J(d tr oU H ]J (r)q) 3 ]J)oc/l trqJ-rt ]Jcol]fq U H (s-rt trtro q-.1 --l r--l fdU tl0.-l .lJco 5l o H (6 -.1 lr l+{.-l r-1(6U tr q.),rt .lJ Utr rl Fl F1 (s6.-1 lror-l Er H a)-rt .lJ ogf{ o O 3! oz Fo 6 eEoU to cE EoUuc Gooo N 6 o 6!oA oU co qae oU o coo E U{ .q!o- a o o3E !oz (o daEeoU do .9 oU c EoooE O @ o 9 @ c ? ! oo oE ! .= !o.F cop co oo o o D EU o!! E ocoU o o xo oo oc o! .=!o Ecop c o o o! E,z o! E =2oco o@oF 6aoU o d 6 !oE U !.9! @.s! uo co ! oE Q fco od o E z coU oo @ EG{oc oNo od o3 o tro a oU ! o o Ez o !5 o odq,oo(oo dz E coQ .o =o to@Orooroo dz =oc qo : (JolicaNusiu=3 .tPcorLEE8iU-e-L F6ggo-8 BE o!oU o !: Oo Durlng the months of August and September 2Ot7, the company contacted the respectlve tribal leader for each Trlbal Land ldentlfied on line 910 by malllng vla, U.S. Postal Servlce, Certified Mail an AnnualTribal Government Engagement letter, an example of which ls lncluded as Attachment "A". As explained thereln, Frontier representatlves are awllable to meet whh Trlbal leaders to discuss thelr ongolng communlcation goals, needs and prloritles concemlng the deployment and lmprovement of communlcatlons servlces on Tribal lands. 7979 N. Belt Line Road lrving, TX 75063 COMMUNICATIONS August 18,2017 Mr. @ryAitken Jr., Chairman Kootenai Tribal Council P.O. Box 1269 Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 Dear Chairman AiU<en: Frontier Communications is honorcd to be he telecommunications service provider on yourTribal lands. We know that priorities and plans of individual Tribal govemments are unique; therebre, I would like b extend an invihtion to meet at your convenience in order b discuss any matters you would like b disanss such as: (1) deployment planning with a focus on Tribalcommunity anchor institutions; (2) basibility and sustainability planning; (3) marketing services on Tribal hnds; (4) rights-of-uay prooesses, hnd use pemiting, faciliUes siting, environmentaland culfural preservation rcview pr,cess; and (5) Tribal business and licensing rcquircments. Please reach ort b us at any time if you want to schedule a meeting by contac'ting me at (972) 399-2403 or by email at Carl. Erhart@llr.com. In addition, we wanEd b be sure that Tribat leaderchip and members ar€ aware of a govemment assistance program known as Tribal Lifeline or Native American LiEline. fie enhanced Tribal Libline program uras implemented by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and is available though local telephone companies like Frontier Communications. Though ttis Llfeline srpported ofhring, localservice is avaihble to qualified indlviduals for as low as $1.00 per month. In addition, under the Tribal Link Up program, a qualified resident receives a 100 percent reduction, up b $100, of the cusbmary charge to install a single localtelephone service connection at the custome/s principal place of rcsidence. Only eligible consumers rnay enroll ln the program. ln orderto qualiff br Tribal Libline benefiE, an individual must be a reeident of a federally recognized tribal hnd and shorv proof that you participate in certain govemment assietance programs. The Lifuline progmm is limited to one discount per household and is nontransbrable. Customere are rcquired to certify and agree that no other member of the household ie receiving wireline or wireless Libline seMce from Fontier or another communications provider. To order Tribal Lifeline in your area, plmse call Frontier at (800) 7944741. To ltnd out more inbrmation, you may also call the Univeaal Service Administration Company (USAC) which administers Lifeline for he FCC by calling (888) 641€722 or by accessing theirwebsite at www.LihlineSupportorg. We lookfurward to a meaningfuland ongoing dialogue with yourTrlbal leaders and communfi. Sincerely, Frontier Ca"4{J,*l.|ry CarlErhart VP, RegulatoryAfiairs Line 1010 - Voice Services Rate Comparability Compliance The price of Frontier's fixed voice service for each exchange included within this Frontier study area is below the FCC's reasonable comparability benchmark for voice services of S45.3S based on the results of the 2018 Urban Rate Survey for fixed Voice and Broadband services released by the Wireline Competition Bureau on November 8,20L7 (WC Docket No. 10-90). Line 1030 - Broadband Services Rate Comparability Compliance The price of Frontier's fixed broadband services for each of the broadband services offered by Frontier within this reported Study Area, as determined by the broadband service's download and upload bandwidths and usage allowance, is below the FCC's reasonable comparability benchmarks for fixed broadband services, based on the supported service's download and upload bandwidths and usage allowance, as reflected in the results of the 2018 Urban Rate Survey for fixed Voice and Broadband Services released by the Wireline Competition Bureau on November 8,2017 (WC Docket No. 10-90). CLin o (! tl 6 oL!! ooL tn o El!z Lo.o E =z co(noosl Ec(E oN F{om oo' F{oN thotr thtro 5E ahc o IJtr .tstr =E EoI o0c EoCL OJol o og CL EoF (o ooO)o (oorn c,z E co(J co o Ft @ E oI(J(Ju r., N co < rn (o F. oo o) 3 = S P : 3 S 5 3 3 R F N R X K S N K R 3 H